
Defines functions PlotDynamicDistribution

Documented in PlotDynamicDistribution

PlotDynamicDistribution <- function(curves,
                                    timestamps = NULL,
                                    quantile.step = .01,
                                    xlim = NULL,
                                    xlab = "Time",
                                    ylim = range(curves, na.rm = TRUE),
                                    ylab = "distribution",
                                    add = FALSE,
                                    axes = TRUE,
                                    ...) {
  ## Plots pointwise probability distributions as they evolve over
  ## the range of 'x'.
  ## Args:
  ##   curves: a matrix where each row represents a curve (e.g. a
  ##     simulation of a time series from a posterior distribution)
  ##     and columns represent different time points.
  ##   timestamps: An optional vector of "time stamps" that 'curves'
  ##     will be plotted against.  The length of 'x' must match the
  ##     number of columns in 'curves'.  If x is NULL then the
  ##     function attempts to extract time stamps from the colnames
  ##     of curves.  If no appropriate time stamps can be found then
  ##     the positive integers will be used as time stamps.
  ##   quantile.step: Manages the number of polygons used to create
  ##     the plot.  Smaller values lead to more polygons, which is a
  ##     smoother visual effect, but more polygons take more time to
  ##     plot.
  ##   xlim: the x limits (x1, x2) of the plot.  Note that ‘x1 > x2’
  ##     is allowed and leads to a ‘reversed axis’.
  ##   xlab: Label for the horizontal axis.
  ##   ylim: the y limits (y1, y2) of the plot.  Note that ‘y1 > y2’
  ##     is allowed and leads to a ‘reversed axis’.
  ##   ylab: Label for the vertical axis.
  ##   add: Logical.  If true then add the plot to the current
  ##     plot.  Otherwise a fresh plot will be created.
  ##   ...:  Extra arguments to be passed to 'plot'.
  ## Returns:
  ##   There is no return value from this function.  It produces a
  ##     plot on the current graphics device.
  stopifnot(ncol(curves) >= 1)
  .FilledPlot <- function(timestamps,
                          add = FALSE,
                          ...) {
    ## This is a driver function to draw one of the nested polygons
    ## for PlotDynamicDistribution
    ylo <- quantile.matrix[, 1]
    yhi <- quantile.matrix[, 2]

    stopifnot(length(timestamps) == nrow(quantile.matrix))

    if (any(yhi < ylo, na.rm = TRUE)) {
      warning("second column of quantile.matrix must be >= the first")

    if (!add) {
      if (!all(is.finite(ylim))) {
        ylim <- range(quantile.matrix, na.rm = TRUE)
           xlim = xlim,
           ylim = ylim,
           xlab = xlab,
           ylab = ylab,
           type = "n",

    ## Create X and Y values of polygon points, then draw the
    ## polygon.
    observed.values <- !(is.na(ylo) | is.na(yhi))
    observed.rle <- rle(observed.values)  ## rle is "run length encoding"
    number.of.contiguous.regions <- length(observed.rle$lengths)
    for (i in 1:number.of.contiguous.regions) {
      if (observed.rle$values[i]) {
        if (i == 1) {
          start <- 1
        } else {
          start <- sum(observed.rle$lengths[1:(i - 1)])
        finish <- start + observed.rle$lengths[i] - 1
        index <- seq(start, finish)
        X <- c(timestamps[index],
        Y <- c(ylo[index],
        polygon(X, Y, border = NA, col = poly.color)
  qtl <- seq(0, 1, by = quantile.step)
  ## quantile.matrix is the actual matrix of quantiles that are used
  ## to draw the curve polygons
  quantile.matrix <- t(apply(curves, 2, quantile, probs = qtl, na.rm = TRUE))

  nc <- ncol(quantile.matrix)
  number.of.quantile.steps <- (nc + 1) / 2
  if (number.of.quantile.steps < 3) {
    stop("'quantile.step' is too large in PlotDynamicDistribution")

  lower.quantile <- quantile.matrix[, 1]
  upper.quantile <- quantile.matrix[, nc]
  if (is.null(timestamps)) {
    if (!is.null(colnames(curves))) {
      ## Try converting the colnames of 'curves' to a POSIX time
      ## object.  Signal failure by returning NULL.
      timestamps <- tryCatch(
        error = function(e) {return(NULL)}
    ## If the conversion failed, then just use the natural numbers
    ## 1, 2, ... as timestamps.
    if (is.null(timestamps) || length(timestamps) == 0) {
      timestamps <- 1:ncol(curves)
  if (is.null(xlim)) {
    xlim <- range(timestamps, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (inherits(xlim, "POSIXt")) {
    xlim <- as.POSIXct(xlim)

              cbind(lower.quantile, upper.quantile),
              poly.color = gray(1 - 1/number.of.quantile.steps),
              axes = FALSE,
              add = add,
              xlim = xlim,
              xlab = xlab,
              ylim = ylim,
              ylab = ylab,
  if (axes) {
    if (inherits(timestamps, "Date")) {
      axis.Date(1, timestamps, xpd = NA)
    } else if (inherits(timestamps, "POSIXt")) {
      axis.POSIXct(1, as.POSIXct(timestamps), xpd = NA)
    } else {
      axis(1, xpd = NA)
    axis(2, xpd = NA)
  for (i in 2:(number.of.quantile.steps - 1)) {
    lower.quantile <- quantile.matrix[, i]
    upper.quantile <- quantile.matrix[, nc + 1 - i]
                cbind(lower.quantile, upper.quantile),
                add = TRUE,
                poly.color = gray((1 - i / number.of.quantile.steps)))

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