
Defines functions noEqualRows discretize applyDiscretization applyCalibration calibrate getCoreModel getRFsizes loadRF saveRF paramCoreIO modelEvaluationReg.Core modelEvaluationClass.Core modelEval printOrdEval plot.ordEval plotOrdEval plotInstEval ordEval rfOOB rfAttrEval attrEval plot.CoreModel display.CoreModel display predict.CoreModel CoreModel cvCoreModel destroyModels versionCore

Documented in applyCalibration applyDiscretization attrEval calibrate CoreModel cvCoreModel destroyModels discretize display display.CoreModel getCoreModel getRFsizes loadRF modelEval noEqualRows ordEval paramCoreIO plot.CoreModel plot.ordEval plotOrdEval predict.CoreModel printOrdEval rfAttrEval rfOOB saveRF versionCore

versionCore <- function()
	tmp <- .C(C_versionCore, libVersion = paste(rep(".",times=256),collapse=""))

#predict <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("predict", object)
#plot <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("plot", object)

destroyModels <-function(model=NULL)
	if (is.null(model)) {
	else {
			if ( !("CoreModel" %in% class(model)) ){
				stop("Only models of class CoreModel can be destroyed with this function. The parameter is of class ", class(model))
				return(NULL) ;
			modelID <- model$modelID
			tmp <- .C(C_destroyOneCoreModel, as.integer(modelID) )

cvCoreModel <- function(formula, data, model=c("rf","rfNear","tree","knn","knnKernel","bayes","regTree"), costMatrix=NULL,
		folds=10, stratified=TRUE, returnModel=TRUE, ...) 
	# check formula or response index or reponse name
	if (inherits(formula,"formula")) 
		className <- all.vars(formula)[1]
	else if (is.numeric(formula)) {
		if (formula == round(formula)) {# index of response variable
			classIdx <- formula
			className <- names(data)[classIdx]
		else  stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
	else if (is.character(formula)) { # name of response variable
		classIdx <- match(formula, names(data))
		if (length(classIdx) != 1 || is.na(classIdx)) 
			stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
		className <- names(data[classIdx])
	else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
	if (stratified)
		foldIdx <- cvGenStratified(data[,className], k=folds)
		foldIdx <- cvGen(nrow(data), k=folds)
	for (j in 1:folds) {
		dTrain <- data[foldIdx!=j,]
		dTest  <- data[foldIdx==j,]
		modelCore <- CoreModel(formula, dTrain, model, costMatrix, ...) 
		predCore <- predict(modelCore, dTest)
		evalCore[[j]] <- modelEval(modelCore, correctClass=dTest[[className]],predictedClass=predCore$class, predictedProb=predCore$prob ) 
	resList <- gatherFromList(evalCore)
	avgs <- sapply(resList, mean)
	stds <- sapply(resList, sd)
	if (returnModel) {
		modelCore <- CoreModel(formula, data, model, costMatrix, ...) 
	else {
		modelCore <- list()
	modelCore$avgs <- avgs
	modelCore$stds <- stds
	modelCore$evalList <- resList
CoreModel <- function(formula, data, model=c("rf","rfNear","tree","knn","knnKernel","bayes","regTree"), costMatrix=NULL, ...)
	# check formula or response index or reponse name
	if (inherits(formula,"formula")) {
		dat <- model.frame(formula, data=data, na.action=na.pass)
		trms <- attr(dat,"terms")
		attributes(trms) <- NULL
		formulaExpanded <- as.formula(trms)
	else {
		if (is.numeric(formula)) {
			if (formula == round(formula)) {# index of response variable
				classIdx <- formula
				className <- names(data)[classIdx]
			else  stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
		else if (is.character(formula)) { # name of response variable
			classIdx <- match(formula, names(data))
			if (length(classIdx) != 1 || is.na(classIdx)) 
				stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
			className <- names(data[classIdx])
		else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
		dat <- data.frame(data[, classIdx], data[, -classIdx, drop=FALSE])
		names(dat)[1] <- className
		# get formula explicitly to allow storage of all terms and their manipulation
		frml <- paste(className, "~",paste(names(dat)[-1], sep="+",collapse="+"),sep="") 
		formulaExpanded <- as.formula(frml)   
	model <- match.arg(model) ; 
	isRegression <- model == "regTree"
	if (isRegression && !is.null(costMatrix))
		warning("For regression problems parameter costMatrix is ignored.");  
	if (!isRegression && !inherits(dat[[1]],"factor")) {
		dat[[1]] <- factor(dat[[1]]);
		cat("Changing dependent variable to factor with levels:",levels(dat[[1]]),"\n");
		warning("Possibly this is an error caused by regression formula and classification model or vice versa.")
	class.lev <- levels(dat[[1]]);
	noClasses <- length(class.lev);
	if (!isRegression) {
		priorClassProb = table(dat[[1]])/nrow(dat)
		avgTrainPrediction <- 0
	else {
		priorClassProb <- 0
		avgTrainPrediction <- mean(dat[[1]])
	if (!isRegression && is.null(costMatrix)) {
		## create and fill uniform costs matrix
		costMatrix <- 1 - diag(noClasses);
	aux <- prepare.Data(dat, formulaExpanded, dependent=TRUE,numericAsOrdered=FALSE,skipNAcolumn=TRUE,skipEqualColumn=TRUE);
	discnumvalues <- aux$discnumvalues;
	discdata <- aux$discdata;
	numdata <- aux$numdata;
	discAttrNames <- dimnames(discdata)[[2]]
	discValCompressed <- aux$disccharvalues
	discValues <- aux$discValues
	numAttrNames <- dimnames(numdata)[[2]]
	skipNames <- dimnames(aux$skipmap)
	discmap <- aux$discmap;
	nummap <- aux$nummap;    
	skipmap <- aux$skipmap
	options <- prepare.Options(...);
	checkOptionsValues(options) ;
	optRemain <- checkModelOptions(model, options) ;
	if (length(optRemain) > 0) warning("Unused options:", paste(names(optRemain), collapse=", "));
	options <- convert.Options(options)
	options <- c(options, action=model)
	tmp <- .C(C_buildCoreModel,
			noInst = aux$noInst,
			noDiscrete = ncol(discdata),
			noDiscreteValues = as.integer(discnumvalues),
			discreteData = as.integer(discdata), # vector of length noInst*noDiscrete, column-wise
			noNumeric = ncol(numdata),
			numericData = as.double(numdata), # vector of length noInst*noNumeric, column-wise
			costs = as.double(costMatrix),
			discAttrNames = as.character(discAttrNames),
			discValNames = as.character(discValCompressed),
			numAttrNames = as.character(numAttrNames),
			numOptions = length(options),
			optionsName = names(options),
			optionsVal = options,
			modelID = integer(1),
			noClasses = integer(1),
	if (tmp$modelID == -1) {
	res <- list(modelID=tmp$modelID, class.lev=class.lev, model=model, formula=aux$formulaOut,
			noClasses = tmp$noClasses, priorClassProb = priorClassProb,
			avgTrainPrediction = avgTrainPrediction,
			noNumeric = tmp$noNumeric, noDiscrete=tmp$noDiscrete, discAttrNames = discAttrNames,
			discValNames = discValues, numAttrNames = numAttrNames,   
			discmap = discmap, nummap = nummap, skipmap = skipmap
	class(res) <- "CoreModel"
predict.CoreModel <- function(object, newdata, ..., costMatrix=NULL,  type=c("both","class","probability"))
	model <- object
	modelID <- model$modelID;
	isRegression <- model$noClasses == 0
	noClasses <- model$noClasses;
	class.lev <- model$class.lev;
	#terms <- delete.response(model$terms);
	allVars <- all.vars(model$formula)
	if (length(allVars)<=1) { # formula was striped to no variables probably due to equal or missing data 
		# thereofre predict with default classifier
		if (model$model == "regTree") {
			returnList <- rep(object$avgTrainPrediction, nrow(newdata))
		else {
			maxPrior <- nnet::which.is.max(object$priorClassProb)
			pred <- rep(factor(class.lev[maxPrior],levels=class.lev), nrow(newdata))
			prob <- matrix(object$priorClassProb, nrow=nrow(newdata), ncol=noClasses,dimnames=list(NULL,class.lev),byrow=TRUE);
			if (type == "both")
				returnList <- list(class=pred,probabilities=prob)
			else if (type=="class")
				returnList <- pred
			else if (type == "probability")
				returnList <- prob
	newFormula <- reformulate(allVars[-1])
	#newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
	#dat <- model.frame(model$formula, data=newdata, na.action=na.pass);
	dat <- model.frame(newFormula, data=newdata, na.action=na.pass);
	aux <- prepare.Data(dat, model$formula, dependent=FALSE,class.lev=class.lev, numericAsOrdered=FALSE,skipNAcolumn=FALSE, skipEqualColumn=FALSE);
	#aux <- prepare.Data(dat[-1], model$formula, dependent=FALSE,class.lev, skipNAcolumn=FALSE, skipEqualColumn=FALSE);
	noInst <- aux$noInst
	discnumvalues <- aux$discnumvalues;
	discdata <- aux$discdata;
	numdata <- aux$numdata;
	if (!isRegression && is.null(costMatrix)) 
		costMatrix <- 1 - diag(noClasses); ## create and fill uniform costs matrix
	options <- prepare.Options(...);
	checkOptionsValues(options) ;
	optRemain <- checkPredictOptions(model, options)
	if (length(optRemain) > 0) warning("Unused options:", paste(names(optRemain), collapse=", "));       
	tmp <- .C(C_predictWithCoreModel,
			noInst = noInst,
			discreteData = as.integer(discdata), # vector of length noInst*noDiscrete, columnwise
			numericData = as.double(numdata), # vector of length noInst*noNumeric, columnwise
			costs = as.double(costMatrix),
			predicted = integer(noInst),
			prob = double(noInst*noClasses),
			predictedReg = double(noInst),
			numOptions = length(options),
			optionsName = names(options),
			optionsVal = options,
	if (model$model == "regTree") {
		returnList <- tmp$predictedReg
	else {
		code <- tmp$predicted;
		code[code==0] <- NA;
		pred <- factor(class.lev[code],levels=class.lev);
		prob <- matrix(tmp$prob, nrow=noInst, ncol=noClasses,dimnames=list(NULL,class.lev));
		if (type == "both")
			returnList <- list(class=pred,probabilities=prob)
		else if (type=="class")
			returnList <- pred
		else if (type == "probability")
			returnList <- prob

display<- function(x, format=c("screen","dot")) UseMethod("display", x)

display.CoreModel <- function(x, format=c("screen","dot")) {
	if (x$model %in% c("tree","knn","knnKernel","bayes","regTree")){
		if (format=="screen")
			treeStr <- .Call(C_printTree2R, as.integer(x$modelID))
		else if (format == "dot")
			treeStr <- .Call(C_printTreeDot2R, as.integer(x$modelID))
	else {
		warning("The model provided is not of appropriate type for this visualization.");
		treeStr <- ""

plot.CoreModel<-function(x, trainSet, rfGraphType=c("attrEval","outliers","scaling", "prototypes","attrEvalCluster"), clustering=NULL,...) 
	# regression or decision tree
	if (x$model == "regTree" || x$model == "tree"){           
		rmodel <- getRpartModel(x, trainSet) ;
		#plot(rmodel)  # ,compress=T,branch=0.5);
		#text(rmodel) # , pretty=0);
	else if (x$model == "rf" || x$model == "rfNear"){
		if (rfGraphType == "attrEval") {
			plotRFStats(imp, plotLine=TRUE, myAxes=all.vars(x$formula)[-1]);
		else if (rfGraphType == "attrEvalCluster") {
			#importance by cluster
			impc<-rfAttrEvalClustering(x, trainSet, clustering);
			plotRFMulti(impc$imp, impc$levels, myAxes=all.vars(x$formula)[-1]);
		else if (rfGraphType == "outliers"){
			out<-rfOutliers(x, trainSet);
			plotRFStats(abs(out), cluster=as.character(trainSet[[all.vars(x$formula)[1]]]));
		else if (rfGraphType == "scaling"){
			dis<-rfProximity(x, outProximity=F);
			#get 4 most important components
			space<-spaceScale(dis, 4);
			#  display 1. in 2. component
			subDim<-c(space$points[,1], space$points[,2]);
			className <- all.vars(x$formula)[1];
			plotRFStats(subDim, t(cluster));
		else if (rfGraphType == "prototypes"){
			# 10 most typical cases for each class based on predicted class probability
			best<-classPrototypes(x, trainSet, 10);
			vnorm<-varNormalization(x, trainSet[best$prototypes,]);
			plotRFNorm(vnorm, best$cluster, best$levels, 0.15, myHoriz=TRUE, myAxes=all.vars(x$formula)[-1]);
	else {
		warning("The model provided has no visualization.");
attrEval <- function(formula, data, estimator, costMatrix = NULL, outputNumericSplits=FALSE, ...)
	## find the index of estimator
	isRegression <- FALSE ;
	estDsc <- infoCore(what="attrEval");
	estIndex <- match(estimator, estDsc, nomatch=-1);
	if (estIndex == -1) {
		estDscReg <- infoCore(what="attrEvalReg");
		estIndex <- match(estimator, estDscReg, nomatch=-1);
		if (estIndex == -1) 
			stop("Invalid estimator parameter")
			isRegression = TRUE ;
	# check formula or response index or reponse name
	if (inherits(formula,"formula")) {
		dat <- model.frame(formula, data=data, na.action=na.pass)
		trms <- attr(dat,"terms")
		attributes(trms) <- NULL
		formulaExpanded <- as.formula(trms)
	else {
		if (is.numeric(formula)) {
			if (formula == round(formula)) {# index of response variable
				classIdx <- formula
				className <- names(data)[classIdx]
			else  stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
		else if (is.character(formula)) { # name of response variable
			classIdx <- match(formula, names(data))
			if (length(classIdx) != 1 || is.na(classIdx)) 
				stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
			className <- names(data[classIdx])
		else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
		dat <- data.frame(data[, classIdx], data[, -classIdx, drop=FALSE])
		names(dat)[1] <- className
		# get formula explicitly to allow storage of all terms and their manipulation
		frml <- paste(className, "~",paste(names(dat)[-1], sep="+",collapse="+"),sep="") 
		formulaExpanded <- as.formula(frml)   
	if (!isRegression && !inherits(dat[[1]],"factor")) {
		dat[[1]] <- factor(dat[[1]]);
		cat("Changing dependent variable to factor with levels:",levels(dat[[1]]),"\n");
		warning("Possibly this is an error caused by regression formula and classification attribute estimator or vice versa.")
	if (!isRegression && is.null(costMatrix)) {
		class.lev <- levels(dat[[1]]);
		noClasses <- length(class.lev)
		# create and fill uniform costs matrix
		costMatrix <- 1 - diag(noClasses);
	aux <- prepare.Data(dat,formulaExpanded,dependent=TRUE,numericAsOrdered=FALSE,skipNAcolumn=TRUE,skipEqualColumn=FALSE);
	discnumvalues <- aux$discnumvalues;
	discdata <- aux$discdata;
	discmap <- aux$discmap;
	numdata <- aux$numdata;
	nummap <- aux$nummap;
	discAttrNames <- dimnames(discdata)[[2]]
	discValCompressed <- aux$disccharvalues
	discValues <- aux$discValues
	numAttrNames <- dimnames(numdata)[[2]]    
	options <- prepare.Options(...);
	#check solaris which cannot handle openMP code and force it to use a single thread
#  versionStr <- paste(version,sep="",collapse="")
#  if (grepl("sun",versionStr,fixed=T) || grepl("solaris",versionStr,fixed=TRUE)) {
#	  options[length(options)+1] <- as.character(1)
#	  names(options)[length(options)] <- "maxThreads"
#  }
	checkOptionsValues(options) ;
	optRemain <- checkEstimatorOptions(estimator, options, isRegression) ;
	if (length(optRemain) > 0) warning("Unused options:", paste(names(optRemain), collapse=", "));
	if (isRegression) {
		tmp <- .C(C_estimateCoreReg,
				noInst= aux$noInst,
				noDiscrete = ncol(discdata),
				noDiscreteValues = as.integer(discnumvalues),
				discreteData = as.integer(discdata), # vector of length noInst*noDiscrete, columnwise
				noNumeric = ncol(numdata),
				numericData = as.double(numdata), # vector of length noInst*noNumeric, columnwise
				discAttrNames = as.character(discAttrNames),
				discValNames = as.character(discValCompressed),
				numAttrNames = as.character(numAttrNames),
				numOptions = length(options),
				optionsName = names(options),
				optionsVal = options,
				selEst = estIndex,
				estDisc = double(ncol(discdata)),
				estNum = double(ncol(numdata)),
				splitPointNum = double(ncol(numdata)),
		# assumes length(estNum) == noNumeric, but estNum[1] for predictor is not used
		if (nummap[1] != 1) stop("no dependent variable in prepared regression data"); 
	else {
		tmp <- .C(C_estimateCore,
				noInst = aux$noInst,
				noDiscrete = ncol(discdata),
				noDiscreteValues = as.integer(discnumvalues),
				discreteData = as.integer(discdata), # vector of length noInst*noDiscrete, columnwise
				noNumeric = ncol(numdata),
				numericData = as.double(numdata), # vector of length noInst*noNumeric, columnwise
				costs = as.double(costMatrix),
				discAttrNames = as.character(discAttrNames),
				discValNames = as.character(discValCompressed),
				numAttrNames = as.character(numAttrNames),            
				numOptions = length(options),
				optionsName = names(options),
				optionsVal = options,
				selEst = estIndex,
				estDisc = double(ncol(discdata)),
				estNum = double(ncol(numdata)),
				splitPointNum = double(ncol(numdata)),
		# assumes length(estDisc) == noDiscrete, but estDist[1] for class is not used
		if (discmap[1] != 1) stop("no class in prepared data"); # for debugging only
	est <- double(length(discmap) + length(nummap)+length(skipmap));
	est[discmap] <- tmp$estDisc;
	est[nummap] <- tmp$estNum;
	names(est)[discmap] <- discAttrNames
	names(est)[nummap] <- numAttrNames   
	if (outputNumericSplits) {
		sp <- double(length(discmap) + length(nummap)+length(skipmap));
		sp[nummap] <- tmp$splitPointNum
		names(sp)[nummap] <- numAttrNames
		return( list(attrEval=est[-c(1,skipmap)], splitPointNum=sp[nummap][-1]))
	else { # output only feature evaluations
rfAttrEval <- function(model) {
	if (! model$model %in% c("rf","rfNear") ) stop("Only random forest model can evaluate attributes with this function.");
	modelID <- model$modelID
	tmp <- .C(C_rfAttrEval,
			modelID = as.integer(modelID),
			est = double(model$noDiscrete+model$noNumeric))
	est <- double(length(model$discmap) + length(model$nummap)+length(model$skipmap));
	est[model$discmap] <- tmp$est[1:length(model$discmap)];
	est[model$nummap] <- tmp$est[(length(model$discmap)+1) : (length(model$discmap) + length(model$nummap)) ];
	names(est)[model$discmap] <- model$discAttrNames
	names(est)[model$nummap] <- model$numAttrNames   

rfOOB <- function(model) {
	if (! model$model %in% c("rf","rfNear") ) 
		stop("Only random forest models can output out of bag performance estimators. Current model is of type ", model$model);
	modelID <- model$modelID
	tmp <- .C(C_rfOOB,
			modelID = as.integer(modelID),
			oobAccuracy = double(1),  
			oobMargin = double(1),
			oobCorrelation = double(1))
	res<-list(accuracy=tmp$oobAccuracy, margin=tmp$oobMargin, correlation=tmp$oobCorrelation)

ordEval <- function(formula, data, file=NULL, rndFile=NULL, variant=c("allNear","attrDist1","classDist1"), ...)
	# check formula or response index or reponse name
	if (inherits(formula,"formula")) {
		dat <- model.frame(formula, data=data, na.action=na.pass)
		trms <- attr(dat,"terms")
		attributes(trms) <- NULL
		formulaExpanded <- as.formula(trms)
	else {
		if (is.numeric(formula)) {
			if (formula == round(formula)) {# index of response variable
				classIdx <- formula
				className <- names(data)[classIdx]
			else  stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
		else if (is.character(formula)) { # name of response variable
			classIdx <- match(formula, names(data))
			if (length(classIdx) != 1 || is.na(classIdx)) 
				stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
			className <- names(data[classIdx])
		else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
		dat <- data.frame(data[, classIdx], data[, -classIdx, drop=FALSE])
		names(dat)[1] <- className
		# get formula explicitly to allow storage of all terms and their manipulation
		frml <- paste(className, "~",paste(names(dat)[-1], sep="+",collapse="+"),sep="") 
		formulaExpanded <- as.formula(frml)   
	variant <- match.arg(variant)
	if (!inherits(dat[[1]],"factor")) {
		dat[[1]] <- factor(dat[[1]]);
	class.lev <- levels(dat[[1]]);
	aux <- prepare.Data(dat, formulaExpanded,dependent=TRUE, numericAsOrdered=TRUE,skipNAcolumn=TRUE,skipEqualColumn=TRUE);
	discnumvalues <- aux$discnumvalues;
	discdata <- aux$discdata;
	discmap <- aux$discmap;
	discAttrNames <- dimnames(discdata)[[2]]
	discValNames <- aux$disccharvalues
	options <- prepare.Options(...);
	checkOptionsValues(options) ;
	optRemain <- checkOrdEvalOptions(options)   
	if (length(optRemain) > 0) warning("Unused options:", paste(names(optRemain), collapse=", "));
	noAttr <- ncol(discdata) - 1
	maxAttrValues <- max(discnumvalues[-1])+1	
	statNames<-getStatNames() ;
	noStats <- length(statNames)  ## we get 8 statistics about random normalizers
	tmp <- .C(C_ordEvalCore,
			noInst =  aux$noInst,
			noDiscrete = ncol(discdata),
			noDiscreteValues = as.integer(discnumvalues),
			discreteData = as.integer(discdata), # vector of length noInst*noDiscrete, columnwise
			discAttrNames = as.character(discAttrNames),
			discValNames = as.character(discValNames),
			numOptions = length(options),
			optionsName = names(options),
			optionsVal = options,
			reinfPos = double(noAttr * maxAttrValues),
			reinfNeg = double(noAttr * maxAttrValues),
			anchor = double(noAttr * maxAttrValues),
			rndReinfPos = double(noAttr * maxAttrValues * noStats),
			rndReinfNeg = double(noAttr * maxAttrValues * noStats),
			rndAnchor = double(noAttr * maxAttrValues * noStats),
			noAV = integer(noAttr * maxAttrValues),
			file = as.character(file),
			rndFile = as.character(rndFile),
			variant = as.integer(variantIdx),
	attrNames <- names(dat)[-1]
	attrMap <- (discmap[-1]) - 1
	attrMapLen <- length(attrMap)
	avNames <- c(1:(maxAttrValues-1),"all")
	avMap <- 1:(maxAttrValues-1)
	avMapLen <- length(avMap)
	reinfPos <- matrix(tmp$reinfPos, nrow=noAttr, ncol=maxAttrValues,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
	reinfNeg <- matrix(tmp$reinfNeg, nrow=noAttr, ncol=maxAttrValues,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
	anchor <- matrix(tmp$anchor, nrow=noAttr, ncol=maxAttrValues,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
	noAV <- matrix(tmp$noAV, nrow=noAttr, ncol=maxAttrValues,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
	rndReinfPos <- array(tmp$rndReinfPos, dim=c(noAttr, maxAttrValues,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, avNames, statNames));
	rndReinfNeg <- array(tmp$rndReinfNeg, dim=c(noAttr, maxAttrValues,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, avNames, statNames)) ;
	rndAnchor <- array(tmp$rndAnchor, dim=c(noAttr, maxAttrValues,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, avNames, statNames));
	rndReinfPosAttr=matrix(rndReinfPos[attrMap,maxAttrValues,],nrow=noAttr, ncol=noStats,dimnames=list(attrNames,statNames))
	rndReinfNegAttr=matrix(rndReinfNeg[attrMap,maxAttrValues,],nrow=noAttr, ncol=noStats,dimnames=list(attrNames,statNames))
	rndAnchorAttr=matrix(rndAnchor[attrMap,maxAttrValues,],nrow=noAttr, ncol=noStats,dimnames=list(attrNames,statNames))
	res<-list(reinfPosAV=reinfPos[attrMap,avMap, drop=FALSE], 
			reinfNegAV=reinfNeg[attrMap,avMap, drop=FALSE], 
			anchorAV=anchor[attrMap,avMap, drop=FALSE], 
			noAV = noAV[attrMap,avMap, drop=FALSE],
			reinfPosAttr=reinfPos[attrMap,maxAttrValues, drop=FALSE], 
			reinfNegAttr=reinfNeg[attrMap,maxAttrValues, drop=FALSE], 
			anchorAttr=anchor[attrMap,maxAttrValues, drop=FALSE],
			noAVattr = noAV[attrMap,maxAttrValues, drop=FALSE], 
			rndReinfPosAV=rndReinfPos[attrMap,avMap, , drop=FALSE], 
			rndReinfNegAV=rndReinfNeg[attrMap,avMap, , drop=FALSE], 
			rndAnchorAV=rndAnchor[attrMap,avMap, , drop=FALSE],
			attrNames= attrNames, 
	class(res) <- "ordEval"  
plotInstEval<-function(oeInstFile, oeInstRndFile,  noAttr, ...) {
	#noAttr <- length(ordEvalData$noAVattr)
	#ordVal <- ncol(ordEvalData$reinfPosAV)
	statNames<-getStatNames() ;
	noStats <- length(statNames)
	noInst <- nrow(inst)/(noAttr+1)
	for (i in 1:noInst) {
		className <- as.character(trimSpaces(inst[(i-1)*(noAttr+1)+1, 1]))
		classValue <- as.character(trimSpaces(inst[(i-1)*(noAttr+1)+1, 2]))
		attrName <- as.character(trimSpaces(inst[((i-1)*(noAttr+1)+2):(i*(noAttr+1)), 1]))
		valueName <- as.character(trimSpaces(inst[((i-1)*(noAttr+1)+2):(i*(noAttr+1)), 2]))
		reinfPos <- as.numeric(inst[((i-1)*(noAttr+1)+2):(i*(noAttr+1)), 3])
		reinfNeg <- as.numeric(inst[((i-1)*(noAttr+1)+2):(i*(noAttr+1)), 4])
		anchor <- as.numeric(inst[((i-1)*(noAttr+1)+2):(i*(noAttr+1)), 5])
		for (iA in 1:noAttr){
	oeInst(ord, noAttr, ...)
plotOrdEval<-function(file, rndFile=NULL, ...){
	# read data from files and transform the two tables to internal object as returned by ordEval
	if (!is.null(rndFile))
	## extract number of attributes and values from first column
	name <- ord[,1]
	dup <- duplicated(name)
	for (i in 2:length(dup))
		if (dup[i])
			break ;
	ordVal <- i-3
	noAttr <- length(unique(name)) - ordVal
	noStats <- length(statNames)  ## we get 8 statistics about random normalizers
	attrNames <- c()
	avNames <- c(1:ordVal)
	for (iA in 1:noAttr) {
		attrNames[iA] <- as.character(ord[(iA-1)*(ordVal+1)+1,1]) 
	reinfPosAV <- matrix(0, nrow=noAttr, ncol=ordVal,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
	reinfNegAV <- matrix(0, nrow=noAttr, ncol=ordVal,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
	anchorAV <- matrix(0, nrow=noAttr, ncol=ordVal,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
	noAV <- matrix(0, nrow=noAttr, ncol=ordVal,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
	reinfPosAttr <- array(0,dim=c(noAttr),dimnames=list(attrNames));
	reinfNegAttr <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr),dimnames=list(attrNames));
	anchorAttr <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr),dimnames=list(attrNames));
	noAVattr <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr),dimnames=list(attrNames));
	rndReinfPosAV <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr, ordVal,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, avNames, statNames));
	rndReinfNegAV <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr, ordVal,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, avNames, statNames)) ;
	rndAnchorAV <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr, ordVal,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, avNames, statNames));
	rndReinfPosAttr <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr, noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames,  statNames));
	rndReinfNegAttr <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr, noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames,  statNames)) ;
	rndAnchorAttr <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames,  statNames));
	for (iA in 1:noAttr) {
		#attrNames[iA] <- ord[(iA-1)*(ordVal+1)+1,1]
		valueNames[[iA]] <- as.character(ord[(2+(iA-1)*(ordVal+1)):(iA*(ordVal+1)),1])
		noAV[iA,] <- ord[(2+(iA-1)*(ordVal+1)):(iA*(ordVal+1)),5]       
		for(i in 1:ordVal) {
			reinfPosAV[iA,i]  <- ord[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 2]
			reinfNegAV[iA,i] <- ord[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 3]
			anchorAV[iA,i]   <- ord[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 4]
			if (!is.null(rndFile)) {
				rndReinfPosAV[iA,i,] <- as.numeric(ordNorm[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 2:(noStats+1)])
				rndReinfNegAV[iA,i,]  <- as.numeric(ordNorm[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, (2+noStats):(1+2*noStats)])
				rndAnchorAV[iA,i,]      <- as.numeric(ordNorm[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, (2+2*noStats):(1+3*noStats)])
		i <- 0
		noAVattr[iA] <- ord[(1+(iA-1)*(ordVal+1)),5]               
		reinfPosAttr[iA]  <- ord[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 2]
		reinfNegAttr[iA] <- ord[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 3]
		anchorAttr[iA]   <- ord[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 4]
		if (!is.null(rndFile)) {
			rndReinfPosAttr[iA,] <- as.numeric(ordNorm[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 2:(noStats+1)])
			rndReinfNegAttr[iA,]  <- as.numeric(ordNorm[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, (2+noStats):(1+2*noStats)])
			rndAnchorAttr[iA,]      <- as.numeric(ordNorm[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, (2+2*noStats):(1+3*noStats)])
	oeObj <- list(reinfPosAV=reinfPosAV, reinfNegAV=reinfNegAV, anchorAV=anchorAV, noAV = noAV,
			reinfPosAttr=reinfPosAttr, reinfNegAttr=reinfNegAttr, anchorAttr=anchorAttr, noAVattr = noAVattr,
			rndReinfPosAV=rndReinfPosAV, rndReinfNegAV=rndReinfNegAV, rndAnchorAV=rndAnchorAV,
			rndReinfPosAttr=rndReinfPosAttr, rndReinfNegAttr=rndReinfNegAttr, rndAnchorAttr=rndAnchorAttr,
			attrNames= attrNames, valueNames=valueNames, noAttr=length(attrNames),ordVal=ordVal,variant=NULL,file=file, rndFile=rndFile      
	class(oeObj) <- "ordEval"
	plot(oeObj,...)  ## call of plot.ordEval

plot.ordEval<-function(x, graphType=c("avBar", "attrBar", "avSlope"), ...) {
	if (graphType=="avSlope")
		avSlopeObject(x,  ...)
	else if (graphType=="avBar" )
		avNormBarObject(x, ...)
	else if (graphType=="attrBar")
		attrNormBarObject(x, ...)

printOrdEval<-function(x) {
	object <- x
	maxAttrChars <- max(nchar(c(object$attrNames,"Attribute")))
	maxAVChars <- max(nchar(c(unlist(object$valueNames),"Value")))
	header <- paste(sprintf("%*s %*s",maxAttrChars,"Attribute",maxAVChars,"Value"),
			sprintf("%6s %6s %6s %6s  %6s %6s %6s %6s  %6s %6s %6s %6s","Down","Down_p","Down_l","Down_h","Up","Up_p","Up_l","Up_h","Anchor","Anch_p","Anch_l","Anch_h")
			,sep=" ")
	for (a in 1:object$noAttr) {
		line <- paste(sprintf("%*s %*s",maxAttrChars,object$attrNames[a],maxAVChars,"all"),
				sprintf("%6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f  %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f  %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f", 
				sep="  ") ;
		for (v in 1:object$ordVal){
			line <- paste(sprintf("%*s %*s",maxAttrChars," ",maxAVChars,object$valueNames[[a]][v]),
					sprintf("%6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f  %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f  %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f", 
					sep="  ")

modelEval <- function(model=NULL, correctClass, predictedClass, predictedProb=NULL, costMatrix=NULL, priorClProb = NULL, avgTrainPrediction = NULL, beta=1) {
	if (is.null(predictedClass) && is.null(predictedProb)) {
		warning("Only one of the predictedClass and predictedProb parameters can be NULL")
		return(NULL) ;
	if (is.null(model)) {
		if (!is.null(avgTrainPrediction)) {
		else { 
			if (is.null(predictedClass))
				predictedClass <- levels(correctClass)[apply(predictedProb, 1, which.max)]            
	if ( !("CoreModel" %in% class(model)) ){
		warning("Only models of type CoreModel can be evaluated with this type of call. Others shall supply NULL for parameter model, and provide value of avgTrainPrediction in case of regression.")
		return(NULL) ;
	if (model$model == "regTree") {
		if (is.null(avgTrainPrediction))
			avgTrainPrediction <- model$avgTrainPrediction
	else {
		if (is.null(priorClProb))
			priorClProb <- model$priorClassProb
		if (is.null(predictedClass))
			predictedClass <- model$class.lev[apply(predictedProb, 1, which.max)]

modelEvaluationClass.Core <- function(correctClass, predictedClass, predictedProb=NULL, costMatrix=NULL, priorClassProb=NULL, beta=1) {
	# common vector of levels
	if (inherits(correctClass,"factor")) {
	} else {
	if (inherits(predictedClass,"factor")) {
	} else {
	# some data validity checks
	if (any(is.na(correctClass)))
		stop("Correct class should not contain NA values.")
	noClasses <- length(levelsBoth)
	if (any(is.na(predictedClass)))
		stop("Predicted class should not contain NA values.")
	noInst <- length(correctClass)
	if (is.null(predictedProb)){
		## create and fill the prediction matrix
		predictedProb <- matrix(0, nrow=noInst, ncol=noClasses)
		for (i in 1:noInst)
			predictedProb[i, predictedClass[i]] <- 1
	if (is.null(costMatrix)) {
		## create and fill uniform costs matrix
		costMatrix <- 1 - diag(noClasses)
	if (is.null(priorClassProb))
		priorClassProb <- table(correctClass)/noInst
	tmp <- .C(C_modelEvaluate,
			noInst = length(correctClass),
			correctClass = as.integer(correctClass),
			# predictedClass = as.integer(predictedClass), # computed from predictedProb and CostMatrix
			predictedProb = as.double(predictedProb),
			costMatrix = as.double(costMatrix),
			noClasses = as.integer(noClasses), 
			priorClassProb = as.double(priorClassProb),
			accuracy = double(1),
			avgCost = double(1),
			infScore = double(1),
			auc = double(1),
			predMatrix = integer(noClasses * noClasses),
			sensitivity = double(1),
			specificity = double(1),
			brier = double(1),
			kappa = double(1), 
			precision = double(1),
			Gmean = double(1),    
			KS = double(1),
			TPR = double(1),
			FPR = double(1),
	recall = tmp$sensitivity
	denominator <- (beta*beta * recall + tmp$precision)
	if (denominator == 0)
		Fmeasure <- 0
		Fmeasure = (1+beta*beta)*recall*tmp$precision / denominator
	predMx <- matrix(tmp$predMatrix, nrow = noClasses, ncol=noClasses, dimnames = list(levels(correctClass),levels(correctClass)))
	list(accuracy = tmp$accuracy, averageCost = tmp$avgCost, informationScore = tmp$infScore,
			AUC = tmp$auc, predictionMatrix = predMx, sensitivity = tmp$sensitivity,
			specificity = tmp$specificity, brierScore = tmp$brier, kappa = tmp$kappa,
			precision = tmp$precision, recall = tmp$sensitivity, Fmeasure = Fmeasure, 
			Gmean = tmp$Gmean, KS = tmp$KS, TPR = tmp$TPR, FPR = tmp$FPR)

modelEvaluationReg.Core <- function(correct, predicted, avgTrainPredicted) {
	noInst <- length(correct) ;
	tmp <- .C(C_modelEvaluateReg,
			noInst = length(correct),
			correct = as.double(correct),
			predicted = as.double(predicted),
			avgPredicted = as.double(avgTrainPredicted), 
			MSE = double(1),
			RMSE = double(1),
			MAE = double(1),
			RMAE = double(1),
	list(MSE = tmp$MSE, RMSE = tmp$RMSE, MAE = tmp$MAE, RMAE = tmp$RMAE)

paramCoreIO <- function(model, fileName, io=c("read","write")) {
	io = match.arg(io)
	tmp <- .C(C_optionsInOut,
			modelID = as.integer(model$modelID),

saveRF <- function(model, fileName) {
	if (model$model != "rf") stop("Only random forest model can be saved at the moment.");
	modelID <- model$modelID
	tmp <- .C(C_saveRF,
			modelID = as.integer(modelID),

loadRF <- function(fileName) {
#	model="rf"
#	# check formula or response index or reponse name
#	if (inherits(formula,"formula")) {
#		dat <- model.frame(formula, data=data, na.action=na.pass)
#		trms <- attr(dat,"terms")
#		attributes(trms) <- NULL
#		formulaExpanded <- as.formula(trms)
#	} 
#	else {
#		if (is.numeric(formula)) {
#			if (formula == round(formula)) {# index of response variable
#				classIdx <- formula
#				className <- names(data)[classIdx]
#			}
#			else  stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
#		}
#		else if (is.character(formula)) { # name of response variable
#			classIdx <- match(formula, names(data))
#			if (length(classIdx) != 1 || is.na(classIdx)) 
#				stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
#			className <- names(data[classIdx])
#		}
#		else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
#		dat <- data.frame(data[, classIdx], data[, -classIdx, drop=FALSE])
#		names(dat)[1] <- className
#		# get formula explicitly to allow storage of all terms and their manipulation
#		frml <- paste(className, "~",paste(names(dat)[-1], sep="+",collapse="+"),sep="") 
#		formulaExpanded <- as.formula(frml)   
#	}
#	if (!inherits(dat[[1]],"factor")) {
#		dat[[1]] <- factor(dat[[1]]);
#		cat("Changing dependent variable to factor with levels:",levels(dat[[1]]),"\n");
#	}
#	class.lev <- levels(dat[[1]]);
#	noClasses <- length(class.lev);
	load(file=paste(fileName,".Rda",sep="")) #loads object with name model
	tmp <- .C(C_readRF,
			modelID = integer(1))
	if (tmp$modelID == -1) {
	model$modelID <- tmp$modelID
	#res <- list(modelID=tmp$modelID, class.lev=class.lev, model=model, formula=formula,  noClasses = noClasses)
	#class(res) <- "CoreModel"

getRFsizes <- function(model, type=c("size", "sumdepth")) {
	if (model$model != "rf") stop("The model must be a random forest.");
	type <- match.arg(type)
			size=.Call(C_exportSizesRF, as.integer(model$modelID)),
			sumdepth=.Call(C_exportSumOverLeavesRF, as.integer(model$modelID)))

getCoreModel <- function(model) {
	if (model$model != "rf") stop("The model must be a random forest.");
	.Call(C_exportModel, as.integer(model$modelID))    

calibrate <- function(correctClass, predictedProb, class1=1, method = c("isoReg","binIsoReg","binning","mdlMerge"), 
		weight=NULL,noBins=10, assumeProbabilities=FALSE){
	noClasses <- length(levels(correctClass)) ;
	method <- match.arg(method)
	methodIdx = match(method, eval(formals()$method), nomatch=-1)
	if (assumeProbabilities==TRUE && any(predictedProb >1.0 | predictedProb<0))
		stop("Predicted probabilities in predictedValues are expected to be in [0,1] range.")
	noInst <- length(correctClass) ;
	if (is.null(weight)) {
	# class1 can be either class name (factor) or its index
	if (is.factor(class1))
		class1idx<-match(class1, levels(correctClass),nomatch=-1)
	else {
	# convert true class to a vector of 0 and 1
	tmp <- .C(C_calibrate,
			methodIdx = as.integer(methodIdx),
			noInst = as.integer(noInst),
			correctClass = as.integer(tc),
			predictedProb = as.double(predictedProb),
			noIntervals = integer(1),
			interval = double(noInst),
			calProb = double(noInst),
	if (assumeProbabilities == TRUE)
		tmp$interval[tmp$noIntervals] <- 1 # set sentinel for probabilities
	else tmp$interval[tmp$noIntervals] <- Inf
	list(interval = tmp$interval[1:tmp$noIntervals], calProb = tmp$calProb[1:tmp$noIntervals])

applyCalibration <- function(predictedProb, calibration) {
  if (is.null(calibration))
  calIntervals <- findInterval(predictedProb, calibration$interval) 
  calProbs  <- calibration$calProb[calIntervals+1]

applyDiscretization <- function(data, boundsList, noDecimalsInValueName=2) {
	if (is.null(boundsList))
	for (i in 1:length(boundsList)) {
		noDecimals  <- noDecimalsInValueName 
		attrName <- names(boundsList)[i]
		if (length(boundsList[[i]]) == 1 && is.na(boundsList[[i]])) {
			data[,attrName] <- factor(NA)
		else { 
			discValues <- apply( outer(data[,attrName], boundsList[[i]], ">"), 1, sum) 
			data[,attrName] <- factor(discValues, levels=0:length(boundsList[[i]]))
			repeat {
				levels(data[,attrName]) <- intervalNames(boundsList[[i]], noDecimals)
				if (length(unique(levels(data[,attrName])))==length(boundsList[[i]])+1)
					noDecimals <- noDecimals +1	

discretize <- function(formula, data, method=c("greedy", "equalFrequency", "equalWidth"), estimator=NULL, 
		discretizationLookahead=3,discretizationSample=0, maxBins=0, equalDiscBins=4, ...)

	method <- match.arg(method)
	methodIdx = match(method,as.vector(formals()$"method",mode="character")[-1],nomatch=-1)
	isRegression <- NULL
	# check formula or response index or reponse name
	if (inherits(formula,"formula")) {
		dat <- model.frame(formula, data=data, na.action=na.pass)
		trms <- attr(dat,"terms")
		attributes(trms) <- NULL
		formulaExpanded <- as.formula(trms)
	else {
		if (is.numeric(formula)) {
			if (formula == round(formula)) {# index of response variable
				classIdx <- formula
				className <- names(data)[classIdx]
			else  stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
		else if (is.character(formula)) { # name of response variable
			classIdx <- match(formula, names(data))
			if (length(classIdx) != 1 || is.na(classIdx)) 
				stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
			className <- names(data[classIdx])
		else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
		dat <- data.frame(data[, classIdx], data[, -classIdx, drop=FALSE])
		names(dat)[1] <- className
		# get formula explicitly to allow storage of all terms and their manipulation
		frml <- paste(className, "~",paste(names(dat)[-1], sep="+",collapse="+"),sep="") 
		formulaExpanded <- as.formula(frml)   
	## find the index of estimator
	if (is.null(estimator)) {
		isRegression <- ! inherits(dat[[1]], "factor")
		if (isRegression) # regression
			estimator <- "RReliefFexpRank"
			estimator <- "ReliefFexpRank"		
	estDsc <- infoCore(what="attrEval");
	estIndex <- match(estimator, estDsc, nomatch=-1);
	if (estIndex == -1) {
		estDscReg <- infoCore(what="attrEvalReg");
		estIndex <- match(estimator, estDscReg, nomatch=-1);
		if (estIndex == -1) 
			stop("Invalid estimator parameter")
		else isRegression <- TRUE
	else isRegression <- FALSE
	if (method == "greedy") {
		if (!is.numeric(maxBins))
			stop("The maximal number of bins shall be an integer or integer vector of length equal to the number of numeric attributes.")
		if (any(maxBins<0 | maxBins==1))
			stop("The maximal number of bins shall be 0 (don't care) or an integer >=2")	
	else { # if (method == "equalFrequency" || method="equalWidth" ) 
		if (!is.numeric(equalDiscBins))
			stop("The number of bins (equalDiscBins) shall be an integer or an integer vector of length equal to the number of numeric attributes.")
		if (any(equalDiscBins<2))
			stop("The number of bins (equalDiscBins) shall be an integer >=2")
	#if (is.null(isRegression)) # in case of equal width or equal frequency discretization 
	#	isRegression <- ! inherits(dat[[1]], "factor")
	if (!isRegression && !inherits(dat[[1]],"factor")) {
		dat[[1]] <- factor(dat[[1]]);
		cat("Changing dependent variable to factor with levels:", levels(dat[[1]]),"\n");
		warning("Possibly this is an error caused by regression formula and classification attribute estimator or vice versa.")
	aux <- prepare.Data(dat,formulaExpanded,dependent=TRUE,numericAsOrdered=FALSE,orderedAsNumeric=FALSE, skipNAcolumn=TRUE,skipEqualColumn=TRUE);
	discnumvalues <- aux$discnumvalues;
	discdata <- aux$discdata;
	discmap <- aux$discmap;
	numdata <- aux$numdata;
	nummap <- aux$nummap;
	if (length(skipmap) > 0)
		warning("The discretization for the following attributes was not computed due to inadequate data:", paste(names(dat)[aux$skipmap],collapse=", "))
	discAttrNames <- dimnames(discdata)[[2]]
	discValCompressed <- aux$disccharvalues
	discValues <- aux$discValues
	numAttrNames <- dimnames(numdata)[[2]]    
	bounds <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(numdata),ncol=ncol(numdata))
	options <- prepare.Options(...);
	options[[length(options)+1]] <- discretizationLookahead
	options[[length(options)+1]] <- discretizationSample
	names(options)[(length(options)-1):length(options)] <- c("discretizationLookahead","discretizationSample")
	checkOptionsValues(options) ;
	if (isRegression) {
		if (nummap[1] != 1) stop("No dependent variable in prepared regression data.");
		attr2Disc <- ncol(numdata)-1
	else {
		if (discmap[1] != 1) stop("No class in prepared data."); 
		attr2Disc <- ncol(numdata)
	if (attr2Disc==0)
	if (method == "greedy") 
		maxBins <- rep(maxBins, length.out=attr2Disc)
		maxBins <- rep(equalDiscBins, length.out
	tmp <- .C(C_discretize,
			methodIdx = as.integer(methodIdx),
			isRegression = as.integer(isRegression),
			noInst = aux$noInst,
			noDiscrete = ncol(discdata),
			noDiscreteValues = as.integer(discnumvalues),
			discreteData = as.integer(discdata), # vector of length noInst*noDiscrete, columnwise
			noNumeric = ncol(numdata),
			numericData = as.double(numdata), # vector of length noInst*noNumeric, columnwise
			discAttrNames = as.character(discAttrNames),
			discValNames = as.character(discValCompressed),
			numAttrNames = as.character(numAttrNames),            
			numOptions = length(options),
			optionsName = names(options),
			optionsVal = options,
			selEst = estIndex,
			maxBins = as.integer(maxBins),
			noBounds = integer(ncol(bounds)),
			bounds = as.double(bounds), # vector of length noInst*noNumeric, columnwise
	boundsMx <- matrix(tmp$bounds, nrow=nrow(bounds),ncol=ncol(bounds),byrow=FALSE)
	outBounds <- list()
	for (i in 1:ncol(boundsMx)) {
		if (tmp$noBounds[i]>0)
			outBounds[[i]] <-  boundsMx[1:tmp$noBounds[i], i]
			outBounds[[i]] <- NA
	names(outBounds) <- numAttrNames
	if (length(skipmap) > 0) {
		for (i in 1:length(skipmap))
		   outBounds[[length(outBounds)+1]] <- NA
		names(outBounds)[(length(outBounds)-length(skipmap)+1):length(outBounds)] <- names(dat)[aux$skipmap]
	if (isRegression)
		outBounds[[1]] <- NULL

noEqualRows <- function(data1, data2, tolerance=1e-5, countOnce=TRUE) {
	if (ncol(data1) != ncol(data2))
		stop("Only data sets with equal number of columns can be compared.")
	d1 <- data.matrix(data1)
	d2 <- data.matrix(data2)
	replaceNA <- (max(d1,d2, na.rm=TRUE)+tolerance)*1.0001 # larger value than any existing
	d1[is.na(d1)] <- replaceNA
	d2[is.na(d2)] <- replaceNA
	storage.mode(d1) <- "double"
	storage.mode(d2) <- "double" 
	.Call(C_noEqualRows, d1, d2, as.integer(nrow(d1)), as.integer(nrow(d2)), as.integer(ncol(d1)), 
			as.double(tolerance), as.integer(countOnce))

Try the CORElearn package in your browser

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CORElearn documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 5:08 p.m.