versionCore <- function()
tmp <- .C(C_versionCore, libVersion = paste(rep(".",times=256),collapse=""))
#predict <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("predict", object)
#plot <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("plot", object)
destroyModels <-function(model=NULL)
if (is.null(model)) {
else {
if ( !("CoreModel" %in% class(model)) ){
stop("Only models of class CoreModel can be destroyed with this function. The parameter is of class ", class(model))
return(NULL) ;
modelID <- model$modelID
tmp <- .C(C_destroyOneCoreModel, as.integer(modelID) )
cvCoreModel <- function(formula, data, model=c("rf","rfNear","tree","knn","knnKernel","bayes","regTree"), costMatrix=NULL,
folds=10, stratified=TRUE, returnModel=TRUE, ...)
# check formula or response index or reponse name
if (inherits(formula,"formula"))
className <- all.vars(formula)[1]
else if (is.numeric(formula)) {
if (formula == round(formula)) {# index of response variable
classIdx <- formula
className <- names(data)[classIdx]
else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
else if (is.character(formula)) { # name of response variable
classIdx <- match(formula, names(data))
if (length(classIdx) != 1 ||
stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
className <- names(data[classIdx])
else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
if (stratified)
foldIdx <- cvGenStratified(data[,className], k=folds)
foldIdx <- cvGen(nrow(data), k=folds)
for (j in 1:folds) {
dTrain <- data[foldIdx!=j,]
dTest <- data[foldIdx==j,]
modelCore <- CoreModel(formula, dTrain, model, costMatrix, ...)
predCore <- predict(modelCore, dTest)
evalCore[[j]] <- modelEval(modelCore, correctClass=dTest[[className]],predictedClass=predCore$class, predictedProb=predCore$prob )
resList <- gatherFromList(evalCore)
avgs <- sapply(resList, mean)
stds <- sapply(resList, sd)
if (returnModel) {
modelCore <- CoreModel(formula, data, model, costMatrix, ...)
else {
modelCore <- list()
modelCore$avgs <- avgs
modelCore$stds <- stds
modelCore$evalList <- resList
CoreModel <- function(formula, data, model=c("rf","rfNear","tree","knn","knnKernel","bayes","regTree"), costMatrix=NULL, ...)
# check formula or response index or reponse name
if (inherits(formula,"formula")) {
dat <- model.frame(formula, data=data, na.action=na.pass)
trms <- attr(dat,"terms")
attributes(trms) <- NULL
formulaExpanded <- as.formula(trms)
else {
if (is.numeric(formula)) {
if (formula == round(formula)) {# index of response variable
classIdx <- formula
className <- names(data)[classIdx]
else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
else if (is.character(formula)) { # name of response variable
classIdx <- match(formula, names(data))
if (length(classIdx) != 1 ||
stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
className <- names(data[classIdx])
else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
dat <- data.frame(data[, classIdx], data[, -classIdx, drop=FALSE])
names(dat)[1] <- className
# get formula explicitly to allow storage of all terms and their manipulation
frml <- paste(className, "~",paste(names(dat)[-1], sep="+",collapse="+"),sep="")
formulaExpanded <- as.formula(frml)
model <- match.arg(model) ;
isRegression <- model == "regTree"
if (isRegression && !is.null(costMatrix))
warning("For regression problems parameter costMatrix is ignored.");
if (!isRegression && !inherits(dat[[1]],"factor")) {
dat[[1]] <- factor(dat[[1]]);
cat("Changing dependent variable to factor with levels:",levels(dat[[1]]),"\n");
warning("Possibly this is an error caused by regression formula and classification model or vice versa.")
class.lev <- levels(dat[[1]]);
noClasses <- length(class.lev);
if (!isRegression) {
priorClassProb = table(dat[[1]])/nrow(dat)
avgTrainPrediction <- 0
else {
priorClassProb <- 0
avgTrainPrediction <- mean(dat[[1]])
if (!isRegression && is.null(costMatrix)) {
## create and fill uniform costs matrix
costMatrix <- 1 - diag(noClasses);
aux <- prepare.Data(dat, formulaExpanded, dependent=TRUE,numericAsOrdered=FALSE,skipNAcolumn=TRUE,skipEqualColumn=TRUE);
discnumvalues <- aux$discnumvalues;
discdata <- aux$discdata;
numdata <- aux$numdata;
discAttrNames <- dimnames(discdata)[[2]]
discValCompressed <- aux$disccharvalues
discValues <- aux$discValues
numAttrNames <- dimnames(numdata)[[2]]
skipNames <- dimnames(aux$skipmap)
discmap <- aux$discmap;
nummap <- aux$nummap;
skipmap <- aux$skipmap
options <- prepare.Options(...);
checkOptionsValues(options) ;
optRemain <- checkModelOptions(model, options) ;
if (length(optRemain) > 0) warning("Unused options:", paste(names(optRemain), collapse=", "));
options <- convert.Options(options)
options <- c(options, action=model)
tmp <- .C(C_buildCoreModel,
noInst = aux$noInst,
noDiscrete = ncol(discdata),
noDiscreteValues = as.integer(discnumvalues),
discreteData = as.integer(discdata), # vector of length noInst*noDiscrete, column-wise
noNumeric = ncol(numdata),
numericData = as.double(numdata), # vector of length noInst*noNumeric, column-wise
costs = as.double(costMatrix),
discAttrNames = as.character(discAttrNames),
discValNames = as.character(discValCompressed),
numAttrNames = as.character(numAttrNames),
numOptions = length(options),
optionsName = names(options),
optionsVal = options,
modelID = integer(1),
noClasses = integer(1),
if (tmp$modelID == -1) {
res <- list(modelID=tmp$modelID, class.lev=class.lev, model=model, formula=aux$formulaOut,
noClasses = tmp$noClasses, priorClassProb = priorClassProb,
avgTrainPrediction = avgTrainPrediction,
noNumeric = tmp$noNumeric, noDiscrete=tmp$noDiscrete, discAttrNames = discAttrNames,
discValNames = discValues, numAttrNames = numAttrNames,
discmap = discmap, nummap = nummap, skipmap = skipmap
class(res) <- "CoreModel"
predict.CoreModel <- function(object, newdata, ..., costMatrix=NULL, type=c("both","class","probability"))
model <- object
modelID <- model$modelID;
isRegression <- model$noClasses == 0
noClasses <- model$noClasses;
class.lev <- model$class.lev;
#terms <- delete.response(model$terms);
allVars <- all.vars(model$formula)
if (length(allVars)<=1) { # formula was striped to no variables probably due to equal or missing data
# thereofre predict with default classifier
if (model$model == "regTree") {
returnList <- rep(object$avgTrainPrediction, nrow(newdata))
else {
maxPrior <-$priorClassProb)
pred <- rep(factor(class.lev[maxPrior],levels=class.lev), nrow(newdata))
prob <- matrix(object$priorClassProb, nrow=nrow(newdata), ncol=noClasses,dimnames=list(NULL,class.lev),byrow=TRUE);
if (type == "both")
returnList <- list(class=pred,probabilities=prob)
else if (type=="class")
returnList <- pred
else if (type == "probability")
returnList <- prob
newFormula <- reformulate(allVars[-1])
#newdata <-
#dat <- model.frame(model$formula, data=newdata, na.action=na.pass);
dat <- model.frame(newFormula, data=newdata, na.action=na.pass);
aux <- prepare.Data(dat, model$formula, dependent=FALSE,class.lev=class.lev, numericAsOrdered=FALSE,skipNAcolumn=FALSE, skipEqualColumn=FALSE);
#aux <- prepare.Data(dat[-1], model$formula, dependent=FALSE,class.lev, skipNAcolumn=FALSE, skipEqualColumn=FALSE);
noInst <- aux$noInst
discnumvalues <- aux$discnumvalues;
discdata <- aux$discdata;
numdata <- aux$numdata;
if (!isRegression && is.null(costMatrix))
costMatrix <- 1 - diag(noClasses); ## create and fill uniform costs matrix
options <- prepare.Options(...);
checkOptionsValues(options) ;
optRemain <- checkPredictOptions(model, options)
if (length(optRemain) > 0) warning("Unused options:", paste(names(optRemain), collapse=", "));
tmp <- .C(C_predictWithCoreModel,
noInst = noInst,
discreteData = as.integer(discdata), # vector of length noInst*noDiscrete, columnwise
numericData = as.double(numdata), # vector of length noInst*noNumeric, columnwise
costs = as.double(costMatrix),
predicted = integer(noInst),
prob = double(noInst*noClasses),
predictedReg = double(noInst),
numOptions = length(options),
optionsName = names(options),
optionsVal = options,
if (model$model == "regTree") {
returnList <- tmp$predictedReg
else {
code <- tmp$predicted;
code[code==0] <- NA;
pred <- factor(class.lev[code],levels=class.lev);
prob <- matrix(tmp$prob, nrow=noInst, ncol=noClasses,dimnames=list(NULL,class.lev));
if (type == "both")
returnList <- list(class=pred,probabilities=prob)
else if (type=="class")
returnList <- pred
else if (type == "probability")
returnList <- prob
display<- function(x, format=c("screen","dot")) UseMethod("display", x)
display.CoreModel <- function(x, format=c("screen","dot")) {
if (x$model %in% c("tree","knn","knnKernel","bayes","regTree")){
if (format=="screen")
treeStr <- .Call(C_printTree2R, as.integer(x$modelID))
else if (format == "dot")
treeStr <- .Call(C_printTreeDot2R, as.integer(x$modelID))
else {
warning("The model provided is not of appropriate type for this visualization.");
treeStr <- ""
plot.CoreModel<-function(x, trainSet, rfGraphType=c("attrEval","outliers","scaling", "prototypes","attrEvalCluster"), clustering=NULL,...)
# regression or decision tree
if (x$model == "regTree" || x$model == "tree"){
rmodel <- getRpartModel(x, trainSet) ;
#plot(rmodel) # ,compress=T,branch=0.5);
#text(rmodel) # , pretty=0);
else if (x$model == "rf" || x$model == "rfNear"){
if (rfGraphType == "attrEval") {
plotRFStats(imp, plotLine=TRUE, myAxes=all.vars(x$formula)[-1]);
else if (rfGraphType == "attrEvalCluster") {
#importance by cluster
impc<-rfAttrEvalClustering(x, trainSet, clustering);
plotRFMulti(impc$imp, impc$levels, myAxes=all.vars(x$formula)[-1]);
else if (rfGraphType == "outliers"){
out<-rfOutliers(x, trainSet);
plotRFStats(abs(out), cluster=as.character(trainSet[[all.vars(x$formula)[1]]]));
else if (rfGraphType == "scaling"){
dis<-rfProximity(x, outProximity=F);
#get 4 most important components
space<-spaceScale(dis, 4);
# display 1. in 2. component
subDim<-c(space$points[,1], space$points[,2]);
className <- all.vars(x$formula)[1];
plotRFStats(subDim, t(cluster));
else if (rfGraphType == "prototypes"){
# 10 most typical cases for each class based on predicted class probability
best<-classPrototypes(x, trainSet, 10);
vnorm<-varNormalization(x, trainSet[best$prototypes,]);
plotRFNorm(vnorm, best$cluster, best$levels, 0.15, myHoriz=TRUE, myAxes=all.vars(x$formula)[-1]);
else {
warning("The model provided has no visualization.");
attrEval <- function(formula, data, estimator, costMatrix = NULL, outputNumericSplits=FALSE, ...)
## find the index of estimator
isRegression <- FALSE ;
estDsc <- infoCore(what="attrEval");
estIndex <- match(estimator, estDsc, nomatch=-1);
if (estIndex == -1) {
estDscReg <- infoCore(what="attrEvalReg");
estIndex <- match(estimator, estDscReg, nomatch=-1);
if (estIndex == -1)
stop("Invalid estimator parameter")
isRegression = TRUE ;
# check formula or response index or reponse name
if (inherits(formula,"formula")) {
dat <- model.frame(formula, data=data, na.action=na.pass)
trms <- attr(dat,"terms")
attributes(trms) <- NULL
formulaExpanded <- as.formula(trms)
else {
if (is.numeric(formula)) {
if (formula == round(formula)) {# index of response variable
classIdx <- formula
className <- names(data)[classIdx]
else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
else if (is.character(formula)) { # name of response variable
classIdx <- match(formula, names(data))
if (length(classIdx) != 1 ||
stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
className <- names(data[classIdx])
else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
dat <- data.frame(data[, classIdx], data[, -classIdx, drop=FALSE])
names(dat)[1] <- className
# get formula explicitly to allow storage of all terms and their manipulation
frml <- paste(className, "~",paste(names(dat)[-1], sep="+",collapse="+"),sep="")
formulaExpanded <- as.formula(frml)
if (!isRegression && !inherits(dat[[1]],"factor")) {
dat[[1]] <- factor(dat[[1]]);
cat("Changing dependent variable to factor with levels:",levels(dat[[1]]),"\n");
warning("Possibly this is an error caused by regression formula and classification attribute estimator or vice versa.")
if (!isRegression && is.null(costMatrix)) {
class.lev <- levels(dat[[1]]);
noClasses <- length(class.lev)
# create and fill uniform costs matrix
costMatrix <- 1 - diag(noClasses);
aux <- prepare.Data(dat,formulaExpanded,dependent=TRUE,numericAsOrdered=FALSE,skipNAcolumn=TRUE,skipEqualColumn=FALSE);
discnumvalues <- aux$discnumvalues;
discdata <- aux$discdata;
discmap <- aux$discmap;
numdata <- aux$numdata;
nummap <- aux$nummap;
discAttrNames <- dimnames(discdata)[[2]]
discValCompressed <- aux$disccharvalues
discValues <- aux$discValues
numAttrNames <- dimnames(numdata)[[2]]
options <- prepare.Options(...);
#check solaris which cannot handle openMP code and force it to use a single thread
# versionStr <- paste(version,sep="",collapse="")
# if (grepl("sun",versionStr,fixed=T) || grepl("solaris",versionStr,fixed=TRUE)) {
# options[length(options)+1] <- as.character(1)
# names(options)[length(options)] <- "maxThreads"
# }
checkOptionsValues(options) ;
optRemain <- checkEstimatorOptions(estimator, options, isRegression) ;
if (length(optRemain) > 0) warning("Unused options:", paste(names(optRemain), collapse=", "));
if (isRegression) {
tmp <- .C(C_estimateCoreReg,
noInst= aux$noInst,
noDiscrete = ncol(discdata),
noDiscreteValues = as.integer(discnumvalues),
discreteData = as.integer(discdata), # vector of length noInst*noDiscrete, columnwise
noNumeric = ncol(numdata),
numericData = as.double(numdata), # vector of length noInst*noNumeric, columnwise
discAttrNames = as.character(discAttrNames),
discValNames = as.character(discValCompressed),
numAttrNames = as.character(numAttrNames),
numOptions = length(options),
optionsName = names(options),
optionsVal = options,
selEst = estIndex,
estDisc = double(ncol(discdata)),
estNum = double(ncol(numdata)),
splitPointNum = double(ncol(numdata)),
# assumes length(estNum) == noNumeric, but estNum[1] for predictor is not used
if (nummap[1] != 1) stop("no dependent variable in prepared regression data");
else {
tmp <- .C(C_estimateCore,
noInst = aux$noInst,
noDiscrete = ncol(discdata),
noDiscreteValues = as.integer(discnumvalues),
discreteData = as.integer(discdata), # vector of length noInst*noDiscrete, columnwise
noNumeric = ncol(numdata),
numericData = as.double(numdata), # vector of length noInst*noNumeric, columnwise
costs = as.double(costMatrix),
discAttrNames = as.character(discAttrNames),
discValNames = as.character(discValCompressed),
numAttrNames = as.character(numAttrNames),
numOptions = length(options),
optionsName = names(options),
optionsVal = options,
selEst = estIndex,
estDisc = double(ncol(discdata)),
estNum = double(ncol(numdata)),
splitPointNum = double(ncol(numdata)),
# assumes length(estDisc) == noDiscrete, but estDist[1] for class is not used
if (discmap[1] != 1) stop("no class in prepared data"); # for debugging only
est <- double(length(discmap) + length(nummap)+length(skipmap));
est[discmap] <- tmp$estDisc;
est[nummap] <- tmp$estNum;
names(est)[discmap] <- discAttrNames
names(est)[nummap] <- numAttrNames
if (outputNumericSplits) {
sp <- double(length(discmap) + length(nummap)+length(skipmap));
sp[nummap] <- tmp$splitPointNum
names(sp)[nummap] <- numAttrNames
return( list(attrEval=est[-c(1,skipmap)], splitPointNum=sp[nummap][-1]))
else { # output only feature evaluations
rfAttrEval <- function(model) {
if (! model$model %in% c("rf","rfNear") ) stop("Only random forest model can evaluate attributes with this function.");
modelID <- model$modelID
tmp <- .C(C_rfAttrEval,
modelID = as.integer(modelID),
est = double(model$noDiscrete+model$noNumeric))
est <- double(length(model$discmap) + length(model$nummap)+length(model$skipmap));
est[model$discmap] <- tmp$est[1:length(model$discmap)];
est[model$nummap] <- tmp$est[(length(model$discmap)+1) : (length(model$discmap) + length(model$nummap)) ];
names(est)[model$discmap] <- model$discAttrNames
names(est)[model$nummap] <- model$numAttrNames
rfOOB <- function(model) {
if (! model$model %in% c("rf","rfNear") )
stop("Only random forest models can output out of bag performance estimators. Current model is of type ", model$model);
modelID <- model$modelID
tmp <- .C(C_rfOOB,
modelID = as.integer(modelID),
oobAccuracy = double(1),
oobMargin = double(1),
oobCorrelation = double(1))
res<-list(accuracy=tmp$oobAccuracy, margin=tmp$oobMargin, correlation=tmp$oobCorrelation)
ordEval <- function(formula, data, file=NULL, rndFile=NULL, variant=c("allNear","attrDist1","classDist1"), ...)
# check formula or response index or reponse name
if (inherits(formula,"formula")) {
dat <- model.frame(formula, data=data, na.action=na.pass)
trms <- attr(dat,"terms")
attributes(trms) <- NULL
formulaExpanded <- as.formula(trms)
else {
if (is.numeric(formula)) {
if (formula == round(formula)) {# index of response variable
classIdx <- formula
className <- names(data)[classIdx]
else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
else if (is.character(formula)) { # name of response variable
classIdx <- match(formula, names(data))
if (length(classIdx) != 1 ||
stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
className <- names(data[classIdx])
else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
dat <- data.frame(data[, classIdx], data[, -classIdx, drop=FALSE])
names(dat)[1] <- className
# get formula explicitly to allow storage of all terms and their manipulation
frml <- paste(className, "~",paste(names(dat)[-1], sep="+",collapse="+"),sep="")
formulaExpanded <- as.formula(frml)
variant <- match.arg(variant)
if (!inherits(dat[[1]],"factor")) {
dat[[1]] <- factor(dat[[1]]);
class.lev <- levels(dat[[1]]);
aux <- prepare.Data(dat, formulaExpanded,dependent=TRUE, numericAsOrdered=TRUE,skipNAcolumn=TRUE,skipEqualColumn=TRUE);
discnumvalues <- aux$discnumvalues;
discdata <- aux$discdata;
discmap <- aux$discmap;
discAttrNames <- dimnames(discdata)[[2]]
discValNames <- aux$disccharvalues
options <- prepare.Options(...);
checkOptionsValues(options) ;
optRemain <- checkOrdEvalOptions(options)
if (length(optRemain) > 0) warning("Unused options:", paste(names(optRemain), collapse=", "));
noAttr <- ncol(discdata) - 1
maxAttrValues <- max(discnumvalues[-1])+1
statNames<-getStatNames() ;
noStats <- length(statNames) ## we get 8 statistics about random normalizers
tmp <- .C(C_ordEvalCore,
noInst = aux$noInst,
noDiscrete = ncol(discdata),
noDiscreteValues = as.integer(discnumvalues),
discreteData = as.integer(discdata), # vector of length noInst*noDiscrete, columnwise
discAttrNames = as.character(discAttrNames),
discValNames = as.character(discValNames),
numOptions = length(options),
optionsName = names(options),
optionsVal = options,
reinfPos = double(noAttr * maxAttrValues),
reinfNeg = double(noAttr * maxAttrValues),
anchor = double(noAttr * maxAttrValues),
rndReinfPos = double(noAttr * maxAttrValues * noStats),
rndReinfNeg = double(noAttr * maxAttrValues * noStats),
rndAnchor = double(noAttr * maxAttrValues * noStats),
noAV = integer(noAttr * maxAttrValues),
file = as.character(file),
rndFile = as.character(rndFile),
variant = as.integer(variantIdx),
attrNames <- names(dat)[-1]
attrMap <- (discmap[-1]) - 1
attrMapLen <- length(attrMap)
avNames <- c(1:(maxAttrValues-1),"all")
avMap <- 1:(maxAttrValues-1)
avMapLen <- length(avMap)
reinfPos <- matrix(tmp$reinfPos, nrow=noAttr, ncol=maxAttrValues,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
reinfNeg <- matrix(tmp$reinfNeg, nrow=noAttr, ncol=maxAttrValues,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
anchor <- matrix(tmp$anchor, nrow=noAttr, ncol=maxAttrValues,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
noAV <- matrix(tmp$noAV, nrow=noAttr, ncol=maxAttrValues,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
rndReinfPos <- array(tmp$rndReinfPos, dim=c(noAttr, maxAttrValues,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, avNames, statNames));
rndReinfNeg <- array(tmp$rndReinfNeg, dim=c(noAttr, maxAttrValues,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, avNames, statNames)) ;
rndAnchor <- array(tmp$rndAnchor, dim=c(noAttr, maxAttrValues,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, avNames, statNames));
rndReinfPosAttr=matrix(rndReinfPos[attrMap,maxAttrValues,],nrow=noAttr, ncol=noStats,dimnames=list(attrNames,statNames))
rndReinfNegAttr=matrix(rndReinfNeg[attrMap,maxAttrValues,],nrow=noAttr, ncol=noStats,dimnames=list(attrNames,statNames))
rndAnchorAttr=matrix(rndAnchor[attrMap,maxAttrValues,],nrow=noAttr, ncol=noStats,dimnames=list(attrNames,statNames))
res<-list(reinfPosAV=reinfPos[attrMap,avMap, drop=FALSE],
reinfNegAV=reinfNeg[attrMap,avMap, drop=FALSE],
anchorAV=anchor[attrMap,avMap, drop=FALSE],
noAV = noAV[attrMap,avMap, drop=FALSE],
reinfPosAttr=reinfPos[attrMap,maxAttrValues, drop=FALSE],
reinfNegAttr=reinfNeg[attrMap,maxAttrValues, drop=FALSE],
anchorAttr=anchor[attrMap,maxAttrValues, drop=FALSE],
noAVattr = noAV[attrMap,maxAttrValues, drop=FALSE],
rndReinfPosAV=rndReinfPos[attrMap,avMap, , drop=FALSE],
rndReinfNegAV=rndReinfNeg[attrMap,avMap, , drop=FALSE],
rndAnchorAV=rndAnchor[attrMap,avMap, , drop=FALSE],
attrNames= attrNames,
class(res) <- "ordEval"
plotInstEval<-function(oeInstFile, oeInstRndFile, noAttr, ...) {
#noAttr <- length(ordEvalData$noAVattr)
#ordVal <- ncol(ordEvalData$reinfPosAV)
statNames<-getStatNames() ;
noStats <- length(statNames)
noInst <- nrow(inst)/(noAttr+1)
for (i in 1:noInst) {
className <- as.character(trimSpaces(inst[(i-1)*(noAttr+1)+1, 1]))
classValue <- as.character(trimSpaces(inst[(i-1)*(noAttr+1)+1, 2]))
attrName <- as.character(trimSpaces(inst[((i-1)*(noAttr+1)+2):(i*(noAttr+1)), 1]))
valueName <- as.character(trimSpaces(inst[((i-1)*(noAttr+1)+2):(i*(noAttr+1)), 2]))
reinfPos <- as.numeric(inst[((i-1)*(noAttr+1)+2):(i*(noAttr+1)), 3])
reinfNeg <- as.numeric(inst[((i-1)*(noAttr+1)+2):(i*(noAttr+1)), 4])
anchor <- as.numeric(inst[((i-1)*(noAttr+1)+2):(i*(noAttr+1)), 5])
for (iA in 1:noAttr){
oeInst(ord, noAttr, ...)
plotOrdEval<-function(file, rndFile=NULL, ...){
# read data from files and transform the two tables to internal object as returned by ordEval
if (!is.null(rndFile))
## extract number of attributes and values from first column
name <- ord[,1]
dup <- duplicated(name)
for (i in 2:length(dup))
if (dup[i])
break ;
ordVal <- i-3
noAttr <- length(unique(name)) - ordVal
noStats <- length(statNames) ## we get 8 statistics about random normalizers
attrNames <- c()
avNames <- c(1:ordVal)
for (iA in 1:noAttr) {
attrNames[iA] <- as.character(ord[(iA-1)*(ordVal+1)+1,1])
reinfPosAV <- matrix(0, nrow=noAttr, ncol=ordVal,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
reinfNegAV <- matrix(0, nrow=noAttr, ncol=ordVal,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
anchorAV <- matrix(0, nrow=noAttr, ncol=ordVal,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
noAV <- matrix(0, nrow=noAttr, ncol=ordVal,dimnames=list(attrNames,avNames));
reinfPosAttr <- array(0,dim=c(noAttr),dimnames=list(attrNames));
reinfNegAttr <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr),dimnames=list(attrNames));
anchorAttr <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr),dimnames=list(attrNames));
noAVattr <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr),dimnames=list(attrNames));
rndReinfPosAV <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr, ordVal,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, avNames, statNames));
rndReinfNegAV <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr, ordVal,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, avNames, statNames)) ;
rndAnchorAV <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr, ordVal,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, avNames, statNames));
rndReinfPosAttr <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr, noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, statNames));
rndReinfNegAttr <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr, noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, statNames)) ;
rndAnchorAttr <- array(0, dim=c(noAttr,noStats), dimnames=list(attrNames, statNames));
for (iA in 1:noAttr) {
#attrNames[iA] <- ord[(iA-1)*(ordVal+1)+1,1]
valueNames[[iA]] <- as.character(ord[(2+(iA-1)*(ordVal+1)):(iA*(ordVal+1)),1])
noAV[iA,] <- ord[(2+(iA-1)*(ordVal+1)):(iA*(ordVal+1)),5]
for(i in 1:ordVal) {
reinfPosAV[iA,i] <- ord[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 2]
reinfNegAV[iA,i] <- ord[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 3]
anchorAV[iA,i] <- ord[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 4]
if (!is.null(rndFile)) {
rndReinfPosAV[iA,i,] <- as.numeric(ordNorm[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 2:(noStats+1)])
rndReinfNegAV[iA,i,] <- as.numeric(ordNorm[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, (2+noStats):(1+2*noStats)])
rndAnchorAV[iA,i,] <- as.numeric(ordNorm[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, (2+2*noStats):(1+3*noStats)])
i <- 0
noAVattr[iA] <- ord[(1+(iA-1)*(ordVal+1)),5]
reinfPosAttr[iA] <- ord[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 2]
reinfNegAttr[iA] <- ord[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 3]
anchorAttr[iA] <- ord[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 4]
if (!is.null(rndFile)) {
rndReinfPosAttr[iA,] <- as.numeric(ordNorm[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, 2:(noStats+1)])
rndReinfNegAttr[iA,] <- as.numeric(ordNorm[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, (2+noStats):(1+2*noStats)])
rndAnchorAttr[iA,] <- as.numeric(ordNorm[(iA - 1) * (ordVal + 1) + i + 1, (2+2*noStats):(1+3*noStats)])
oeObj <- list(reinfPosAV=reinfPosAV, reinfNegAV=reinfNegAV, anchorAV=anchorAV, noAV = noAV,
reinfPosAttr=reinfPosAttr, reinfNegAttr=reinfNegAttr, anchorAttr=anchorAttr, noAVattr = noAVattr,
rndReinfPosAV=rndReinfPosAV, rndReinfNegAV=rndReinfNegAV, rndAnchorAV=rndAnchorAV,
rndReinfPosAttr=rndReinfPosAttr, rndReinfNegAttr=rndReinfNegAttr, rndAnchorAttr=rndAnchorAttr,
attrNames= attrNames, valueNames=valueNames, noAttr=length(attrNames),ordVal=ordVal,variant=NULL,file=file, rndFile=rndFile
class(oeObj) <- "ordEval"
plot(oeObj,...) ## call of plot.ordEval
plot.ordEval<-function(x, graphType=c("avBar", "attrBar", "avSlope"), ...) {
if (graphType=="avSlope")
avSlopeObject(x, ...)
else if (graphType=="avBar" )
avNormBarObject(x, ...)
else if (graphType=="attrBar")
attrNormBarObject(x, ...)
printOrdEval<-function(x) {
object <- x
maxAttrChars <- max(nchar(c(object$attrNames,"Attribute")))
maxAVChars <- max(nchar(c(unlist(object$valueNames),"Value")))
header <- paste(sprintf("%*s %*s",maxAttrChars,"Attribute",maxAVChars,"Value"),
sprintf("%6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s","Down","Down_p","Down_l","Down_h","Up","Up_p","Up_l","Up_h","Anchor","Anch_p","Anch_l","Anch_h")
,sep=" ")
for (a in 1:object$noAttr) {
line <- paste(sprintf("%*s %*s",maxAttrChars,object$attrNames[a],maxAVChars,"all"),
sprintf("%6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f",
sep=" ") ;
for (v in 1:object$ordVal){
line <- paste(sprintf("%*s %*s",maxAttrChars," ",maxAVChars,object$valueNames[[a]][v]),
sprintf("%6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f",
sep=" ")
modelEval <- function(model=NULL, correctClass, predictedClass, predictedProb=NULL, costMatrix=NULL, priorClProb = NULL, avgTrainPrediction = NULL, beta=1) {
if (is.null(predictedClass) && is.null(predictedProb)) {
warning("Only one of the predictedClass and predictedProb parameters can be NULL")
return(NULL) ;
if (is.null(model)) {
if (!is.null(avgTrainPrediction)) {
else {
if (is.null(predictedClass))
predictedClass <- levels(correctClass)[apply(predictedProb, 1, which.max)]
if ( !("CoreModel" %in% class(model)) ){
warning("Only models of type CoreModel can be evaluated with this type of call. Others shall supply NULL for parameter model, and provide value of avgTrainPrediction in case of regression.")
return(NULL) ;
if (model$model == "regTree") {
if (is.null(avgTrainPrediction))
avgTrainPrediction <- model$avgTrainPrediction
else {
if (is.null(priorClProb))
priorClProb <- model$priorClassProb
if (is.null(predictedClass))
predictedClass <- model$class.lev[apply(predictedProb, 1, which.max)]
modelEvaluationClass.Core <- function(correctClass, predictedClass, predictedProb=NULL, costMatrix=NULL, priorClassProb=NULL, beta=1) {
# common vector of levels
if (inherits(correctClass,"factor")) {
} else {
if (inherits(predictedClass,"factor")) {
} else {
# some data validity checks
if (any(
stop("Correct class should not contain NA values.")
noClasses <- length(levelsBoth)
if (any(
stop("Predicted class should not contain NA values.")
noInst <- length(correctClass)
if (is.null(predictedProb)){
## create and fill the prediction matrix
predictedProb <- matrix(0, nrow=noInst, ncol=noClasses)
for (i in 1:noInst)
predictedProb[i, predictedClass[i]] <- 1
if (is.null(costMatrix)) {
## create and fill uniform costs matrix
costMatrix <- 1 - diag(noClasses)
if (is.null(priorClassProb))
priorClassProb <- table(correctClass)/noInst
tmp <- .C(C_modelEvaluate,
noInst = length(correctClass),
correctClass = as.integer(correctClass),
# predictedClass = as.integer(predictedClass), # computed from predictedProb and CostMatrix
predictedProb = as.double(predictedProb),
costMatrix = as.double(costMatrix),
noClasses = as.integer(noClasses),
priorClassProb = as.double(priorClassProb),
accuracy = double(1),
avgCost = double(1),
infScore = double(1),
auc = double(1),
predMatrix = integer(noClasses * noClasses),
sensitivity = double(1),
specificity = double(1),
brier = double(1),
kappa = double(1),
precision = double(1),
Gmean = double(1),
KS = double(1),
TPR = double(1),
FPR = double(1),
recall = tmp$sensitivity
denominator <- (beta*beta * recall + tmp$precision)
if (denominator == 0)
Fmeasure <- 0
Fmeasure = (1+beta*beta)*recall*tmp$precision / denominator
predMx <- matrix(tmp$predMatrix, nrow = noClasses, ncol=noClasses, dimnames = list(levels(correctClass),levels(correctClass)))
list(accuracy = tmp$accuracy, averageCost = tmp$avgCost, informationScore = tmp$infScore,
AUC = tmp$auc, predictionMatrix = predMx, sensitivity = tmp$sensitivity,
specificity = tmp$specificity, brierScore = tmp$brier, kappa = tmp$kappa,
precision = tmp$precision, recall = tmp$sensitivity, Fmeasure = Fmeasure,
Gmean = tmp$Gmean, KS = tmp$KS, TPR = tmp$TPR, FPR = tmp$FPR)
modelEvaluationReg.Core <- function(correct, predicted, avgTrainPredicted) {
noInst <- length(correct) ;
tmp <- .C(C_modelEvaluateReg,
noInst = length(correct),
correct = as.double(correct),
predicted = as.double(predicted),
avgPredicted = as.double(avgTrainPredicted),
MSE = double(1),
RMSE = double(1),
MAE = double(1),
RMAE = double(1),
list(MSE = tmp$MSE, RMSE = tmp$RMSE, MAE = tmp$MAE, RMAE = tmp$RMAE)
paramCoreIO <- function(model, fileName, io=c("read","write")) {
io = match.arg(io)
tmp <- .C(C_optionsInOut,
modelID = as.integer(model$modelID),
saveRF <- function(model, fileName) {
if (model$model != "rf") stop("Only random forest model can be saved at the moment.");
modelID <- model$modelID
tmp <- .C(C_saveRF,
modelID = as.integer(modelID),
loadRF <- function(fileName) {
# model="rf"
# # check formula or response index or reponse name
# if (inherits(formula,"formula")) {
# dat <- model.frame(formula, data=data, na.action=na.pass)
# trms <- attr(dat,"terms")
# attributes(trms) <- NULL
# formulaExpanded <- as.formula(trms)
# }
# else {
# if (is.numeric(formula)) {
# if (formula == round(formula)) {# index of response variable
# classIdx <- formula
# className <- names(data)[classIdx]
# }
# else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
# }
# else if (is.character(formula)) { # name of response variable
# classIdx <- match(formula, names(data))
# if (length(classIdx) != 1 ||
# stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
# className <- names(data[classIdx])
# }
# else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
# dat <- data.frame(data[, classIdx], data[, -classIdx, drop=FALSE])
# names(dat)[1] <- className
# # get formula explicitly to allow storage of all terms and their manipulation
# frml <- paste(className, "~",paste(names(dat)[-1], sep="+",collapse="+"),sep="")
# formulaExpanded <- as.formula(frml)
# }
# if (!inherits(dat[[1]],"factor")) {
# dat[[1]] <- factor(dat[[1]]);
# cat("Changing dependent variable to factor with levels:",levels(dat[[1]]),"\n");
# }
# class.lev <- levels(dat[[1]]);
# noClasses <- length(class.lev);
load(file=paste(fileName,".Rda",sep="")) #loads object with name model
tmp <- .C(C_readRF,
modelID = integer(1))
if (tmp$modelID == -1) {
model$modelID <- tmp$modelID
#res <- list(modelID=tmp$modelID, class.lev=class.lev, model=model, formula=formula, noClasses = noClasses)
#class(res) <- "CoreModel"
getRFsizes <- function(model, type=c("size", "sumdepth")) {
if (model$model != "rf") stop("The model must be a random forest.");
type <- match.arg(type)
size=.Call(C_exportSizesRF, as.integer(model$modelID)),
sumdepth=.Call(C_exportSumOverLeavesRF, as.integer(model$modelID)))
getCoreModel <- function(model) {
if (model$model != "rf") stop("The model must be a random forest.");
.Call(C_exportModel, as.integer(model$modelID))
calibrate <- function(correctClass, predictedProb, class1=1, method = c("isoReg","binIsoReg","binning","mdlMerge"),
weight=NULL,noBins=10, assumeProbabilities=FALSE){
noClasses <- length(levels(correctClass)) ;
method <- match.arg(method)
methodIdx = match(method, eval(formals()$method), nomatch=-1)
if (assumeProbabilities==TRUE && any(predictedProb >1.0 | predictedProb<0))
stop("Predicted probabilities in predictedValues are expected to be in [0,1] range.")
noInst <- length(correctClass) ;
if (is.null(weight)) {
# class1 can be either class name (factor) or its index
if (is.factor(class1))
class1idx<-match(class1, levels(correctClass),nomatch=-1)
else {
# convert true class to a vector of 0 and 1
tmp <- .C(C_calibrate,
methodIdx = as.integer(methodIdx),
noInst = as.integer(noInst),
correctClass = as.integer(tc),
predictedProb = as.double(predictedProb),
noIntervals = integer(1),
interval = double(noInst),
calProb = double(noInst),
if (assumeProbabilities == TRUE)
tmp$interval[tmp$noIntervals] <- 1 # set sentinel for probabilities
else tmp$interval[tmp$noIntervals] <- Inf
list(interval = tmp$interval[1:tmp$noIntervals], calProb = tmp$calProb[1:tmp$noIntervals])
applyCalibration <- function(predictedProb, calibration) {
if (is.null(calibration))
calIntervals <- findInterval(predictedProb, calibration$interval)
calProbs <- calibration$calProb[calIntervals+1]
applyDiscretization <- function(data, boundsList, noDecimalsInValueName=2) {
if (is.null(boundsList))
for (i in 1:length(boundsList)) {
noDecimals <- noDecimalsInValueName
attrName <- names(boundsList)[i]
if (length(boundsList[[i]]) == 1 &&[[i]])) {
data[,attrName] <- factor(NA)
else {
discValues <- apply( outer(data[,attrName], boundsList[[i]], ">"), 1, sum)
data[,attrName] <- factor(discValues, levels=0:length(boundsList[[i]]))
repeat {
levels(data[,attrName]) <- intervalNames(boundsList[[i]], noDecimals)
if (length(unique(levels(data[,attrName])))==length(boundsList[[i]])+1)
noDecimals <- noDecimals +1
discretize <- function(formula, data, method=c("greedy", "equalFrequency", "equalWidth"), estimator=NULL,
discretizationLookahead=3,discretizationSample=0, maxBins=0, equalDiscBins=4, ...)
method <- match.arg(method)
methodIdx = match(method,as.vector(formals()$"method",mode="character")[-1],nomatch=-1)
isRegression <- NULL
# check formula or response index or reponse name
if (inherits(formula,"formula")) {
dat <- model.frame(formula, data=data, na.action=na.pass)
trms <- attr(dat,"terms")
attributes(trms) <- NULL
formulaExpanded <- as.formula(trms)
else {
if (is.numeric(formula)) {
if (formula == round(formula)) {# index of response variable
classIdx <- formula
className <- names(data)[classIdx]
else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
else if (is.character(formula)) { # name of response variable
classIdx <- match(formula, names(data))
if (length(classIdx) != 1 ||
stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
className <- names(data[classIdx])
else stop("The first argument must be a formula or prediction column name or prediction column index.")
dat <- data.frame(data[, classIdx], data[, -classIdx, drop=FALSE])
names(dat)[1] <- className
# get formula explicitly to allow storage of all terms and their manipulation
frml <- paste(className, "~",paste(names(dat)[-1], sep="+",collapse="+"),sep="")
formulaExpanded <- as.formula(frml)
## find the index of estimator
if (is.null(estimator)) {
isRegression <- ! inherits(dat[[1]], "factor")
if (isRegression) # regression
estimator <- "RReliefFexpRank"
estimator <- "ReliefFexpRank"
estDsc <- infoCore(what="attrEval");
estIndex <- match(estimator, estDsc, nomatch=-1);
if (estIndex == -1) {
estDscReg <- infoCore(what="attrEvalReg");
estIndex <- match(estimator, estDscReg, nomatch=-1);
if (estIndex == -1)
stop("Invalid estimator parameter")
else isRegression <- TRUE
else isRegression <- FALSE
if (method == "greedy") {
if (!is.numeric(maxBins))
stop("The maximal number of bins shall be an integer or integer vector of length equal to the number of numeric attributes.")
if (any(maxBins<0 | maxBins==1))
stop("The maximal number of bins shall be 0 (don't care) or an integer >=2")
else { # if (method == "equalFrequency" || method="equalWidth" )
if (!is.numeric(equalDiscBins))
stop("The number of bins (equalDiscBins) shall be an integer or an integer vector of length equal to the number of numeric attributes.")
if (any(equalDiscBins<2))
stop("The number of bins (equalDiscBins) shall be an integer >=2")
#if (is.null(isRegression)) # in case of equal width or equal frequency discretization
# isRegression <- ! inherits(dat[[1]], "factor")
if (!isRegression && !inherits(dat[[1]],"factor")) {
dat[[1]] <- factor(dat[[1]]);
cat("Changing dependent variable to factor with levels:", levels(dat[[1]]),"\n");
warning("Possibly this is an error caused by regression formula and classification attribute estimator or vice versa.")
aux <- prepare.Data(dat,formulaExpanded,dependent=TRUE,numericAsOrdered=FALSE,orderedAsNumeric=FALSE, skipNAcolumn=TRUE,skipEqualColumn=TRUE);
discnumvalues <- aux$discnumvalues;
discdata <- aux$discdata;
discmap <- aux$discmap;
numdata <- aux$numdata;
nummap <- aux$nummap;
if (length(skipmap) > 0)
warning("The discretization for the following attributes was not computed due to inadequate data:", paste(names(dat)[aux$skipmap],collapse=", "))
discAttrNames <- dimnames(discdata)[[2]]
discValCompressed <- aux$disccharvalues
discValues <- aux$discValues
numAttrNames <- dimnames(numdata)[[2]]
bounds <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(numdata),ncol=ncol(numdata))
options <- prepare.Options(...);
options[[length(options)+1]] <- discretizationLookahead
options[[length(options)+1]] <- discretizationSample
names(options)[(length(options)-1):length(options)] <- c("discretizationLookahead","discretizationSample")
checkOptionsValues(options) ;
if (isRegression) {
if (nummap[1] != 1) stop("No dependent variable in prepared regression data.");
attr2Disc <- ncol(numdata)-1
else {
if (discmap[1] != 1) stop("No class in prepared data.");
attr2Disc <- ncol(numdata)
if (attr2Disc==0)
if (method == "greedy")
maxBins <- rep(maxBins, length.out=attr2Disc)
maxBins <- rep(equalDiscBins, length.out
tmp <- .C(C_discretize,
methodIdx = as.integer(methodIdx),
isRegression = as.integer(isRegression),
noInst = aux$noInst,
noDiscrete = ncol(discdata),
noDiscreteValues = as.integer(discnumvalues),
discreteData = as.integer(discdata), # vector of length noInst*noDiscrete, columnwise
noNumeric = ncol(numdata),
numericData = as.double(numdata), # vector of length noInst*noNumeric, columnwise
discAttrNames = as.character(discAttrNames),
discValNames = as.character(discValCompressed),
numAttrNames = as.character(numAttrNames),
numOptions = length(options),
optionsName = names(options),
optionsVal = options,
selEst = estIndex,
maxBins = as.integer(maxBins),
noBounds = integer(ncol(bounds)),
bounds = as.double(bounds), # vector of length noInst*noNumeric, columnwise
boundsMx <- matrix(tmp$bounds, nrow=nrow(bounds),ncol=ncol(bounds),byrow=FALSE)
outBounds <- list()
for (i in 1:ncol(boundsMx)) {
if (tmp$noBounds[i]>0)
outBounds[[i]] <- boundsMx[1:tmp$noBounds[i], i]
outBounds[[i]] <- NA
names(outBounds) <- numAttrNames
if (length(skipmap) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(skipmap))
outBounds[[length(outBounds)+1]] <- NA
names(outBounds)[(length(outBounds)-length(skipmap)+1):length(outBounds)] <- names(dat)[aux$skipmap]
if (isRegression)
outBounds[[1]] <- NULL
noEqualRows <- function(data1, data2, tolerance=1e-5, countOnce=TRUE) {
if (ncol(data1) != ncol(data2))
stop("Only data sets with equal number of columns can be compared.")
d1 <- data.matrix(data1)
d2 <- data.matrix(data2)
replaceNA <- (max(d1,d2, na.rm=TRUE)+tolerance)*1.0001 # larger value than any existing
d1[] <- replaceNA
d2[] <- replaceNA
storage.mode(d1) <- "double"
storage.mode(d2) <- "double"
.Call(C_noEqualRows, d1, d2, as.integer(nrow(d1)), as.integer(nrow(d2)), as.integer(ncol(d1)),
as.double(tolerance), as.integer(countOnce))
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