
Defines functions dm.mahalanobis

Documented in dm.mahalanobis

dm.mahalanobis <-
function(data, from = "median", p = 10, plot = FALSE, v.index = NULL, layout = NULL){
  # Effective data
  r.exclude <- which(rowSums(is.na(data)) > 0); if(length(r.exclude) < 1) r.exclude <- NULL
  if(is.null(r.exclude)) data.eff <- data else data.eff <- data[-r.exclude, ]
  # Initial checks
  if(is.na(match(from, c("mean", "median"))))  stop('"from" must be either "mean" or "median".')
  if(p > 100)                                  stop('"p" must be less than 100(%).')
  if(trunc(nrow(data.eff) * p / 100) == 0)     stop('"p" is too small (no data to be investigated).')
  if(sum(is.na(apply(data.eff, 2, from))) > 0) stop('Distance cannot be computed possibly due to nonmetric/missing data.')
  if(sum(is.na(cov(data.eff))) > 0)            stop('Covariance cannot be computed possibly due to nonmetric/missing/zero data.')
  if(!is.null(layout) && (!is.numeric(layout) || length(layout) != 2)) stop('"layout" must be a numeric vector of length 2.')
  # Parameters
  n     <- nrow(data)
  r.eff <- sum(complete.cases(data))
  if(plot && is.null(v.index)) v.index <- 1 : ncol(data.eff)
  lo <- function(r){return(c(ceiling(r / 5), ceiling(r / ceiling(r / 5))))}
  if(plot && is.null(layout)) layout <- sort(lo(length(v.index)))
  dp <- function(x){
      if(trunc(abs(x)) == abs(x)){y <- 0}
      else{y <- nchar(abs(x)) - min(which(abs(x * 10^-(1 : 10)) < 1)) - 1}
    }else{y <- 0}
    return(ifelse(y > 5, 2, y))
  digit <- apply(apply(data.eff, c(1,2), dp), 2, max)

  # DJL's favorite colors
  col <- c("#FF5A5F", "#FFB400", "#007A87", "#8CE071", "#7B0051", "#00D1C1", "#FFAA91", "#B4A76C", "#9CA299", "#565A5C",
           "#00A04B", "#E54C20", "thistle", "wheat", "turquoise", "tomato", "lightpink", "orchid", "mediumpurple",
           "lavender", "powderblue", "gold", "lawngreen", "mediumspringgreen", "palegreen", "lemonchiffon", "lightsalmon",
           "violet", "slateblue", "dodgerblue", "aquamarine")
  # Distance measure
  n       <- trunc(nrow(data.eff) * p / 100) # n of suspects
  m.dist  <- mahalanobis(data.eff, apply(data.eff, 2, from), cov(data.eff), tol = 1e-25)
  u.order <- order(m.dist, decreasing = T) # dist order in row number
  a.order <- as.numeric(rownames(data.eff)[u.order]) # dist order in row names
  u.index <- u.order[1 : n] # suspect index in row number
  a.index <- as.numeric(rownames(data.eff)[u.index]) # suspect index in row names
  # Plot
    par(mfrow = layout, mar = c(2, 3, 4, 1)) #c(bottom, left, top, right)
    for(i in v.index){
      boxplot(data.eff[, i], axes = T)
      rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col = "whitesmoke", lty = 0)
      abline(h = data.eff[u.index, i], col = "lightgray")
      boxplot(data.eff[, i], axes = T, main = colnames(data.eff)[i], col = col[i], add = T, cex.lab = 1.3)
      text(x = 0.65, y = data.eff[u.index, i], labels = paste0("S", a.index, " (", format(round(data.eff[u.index, i], digit[i]), nsmall = digit[i]), ")"), col = "red")
      text(x = 1.35, y = fivenum(data.eff[, i]), labels = format(round(fivenum(data.eff[, i]), digit[i]), nsmall = digit[i]))
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
  # Returned row numbers
  if(is.null(r.exclude)) r.u.order <- u.order else r.u.order <- c(1 : nrow(data))[-r.exclude][u.order]
  if(is.null(r.exclude)) r.u.index <- u.index else r.u.index <- c(1 : nrow(data))[-r.exclude][u.index]

  # Naming
  names(m.dist)    <- rownames(data.eff)
  names(r.u.order) <- c(1 : nrow(data.eff))
  names(r.u.index) <- c(1 : n)
  # Return results
  results <- list(dist = m.dist, excluded = r.exclude, order = r.u.order, suspect = r.u.index)

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DJL documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:05 p.m.