
Defines functions FilterSmooth LBSPR_MLL LBSPR optimize_TMB LBSPR_ LtargetE1 LstepCE1 ItargetE1 Itargeteff_ ITe10 ITe5 EtargetLopt DTe50 DTe40 DDe75 DDes DDe curE75 curE MRnoreal MRreal slotlim minlenLopt1 matlenlim2 matlenlim

Documented in curE curE75 DDe DDe75 DDes DTe40 DTe50 EtargetLopt FilterSmooth ItargetE1 Itargeteff_ ITe10 ITe5 LBSPR LBSPR_ LBSPR_MLL LstepCE1 LtargetE1 matlenlim matlenlim2 minlenLopt1 MRnoreal MRreal slotlim

## Size limit MPs ####

#' Size limit management procedures
#' A set of size-selectivity MPs that adjust the retention curve of the fishery.
#' The the `LF5` and `LFR` slots in the `Rec` object are modified to change the
#' retention curve (length at 5 per cent and smallest length at full retention
#' respectively). A upper harvest slot limit can be set using the `Rec@HS` slot.
#' The underlying selectivity pattern of the fishing gear does
#' not change, and therefore the performance of these methods depends on the
#' degree of discard mortality on fish that are selected by the gear but not
#' retained by the fishery (`Stock@Fdisc`).
#' The level of discard mortality can be  modified using the `Rec@Fdisc` slot
#' which over-rides the discard mortality set in the operating model.
#' The selectivity pattern can be adjusted by creating MPs that modify the selection
#' parameters (`Rec@L5`, `Rec@LFS` and `Rec@Vmaxlen`).
#' @templateVar mp matlenlim
#' @template MPtemplate
#' @template MPuses
#' @author T. Carruthers & A. Hordyk
#' @describeIn matlenlim Fishing retention-at-length is set equivalent to the maturity curve.
#' @examples
#' matlenlim(1, MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
#' @export
matlenlim <- function(x, Data, reps, plot=FALSE) {
  # Knife-edge vulnerability at estimated length-at-maturity
  rec <- new("Rec") # create recommendation object
  rec@LFR <- Data@L50[x] # new length at full retention
  rec@LR5  <- rec@LFR * 0.95 # new length at 5% retention
  if(plot) size_lim_plot(x, Data, rec)
  # other slots aren't specified so remain unchanged
class(matlenlim) <- "MP"

#' @describeIn matlenlim Fishing retention-at-length is set slightly higher (110\%)
#' than the length-at-maturity
#' @templateVar mp matlenlim2
#' @template MPuses
#' @export
#' @examples
#' matlenlim2(1, MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
matlenlim2 <- function(x, Data, reps, plot=FALSE) {
  # Knife-edge vulnerability slightly higher than length at maturity
  dependencies = "Data@L50"

  rec <- new("Rec") # create recommendation object
  rec@LFR <-  1.1 * Data@L50[x]  # new length at full retention
  rec@LR5 <-  0.95 * rec@LFR # new length at 5% retention
  # other slots aren't specified so remain unchanged
  if(plot) size_lim_plot(x, Data, rec)
class(matlenlim2) <- "MP"

#' @templateVar mp minlenLopt1
#' @template MPuses
#' @param buffer Parameter controlling the fraction of Lopt to set the minimum
#' length of fish caught: minlen=Lopt*(0.7+buffer).
#' @describeIn matlenlim The minimum length of retention is set to a fraction of
#' the length that maximises the biomass, Lopt. The aim
#' of this simple MP is restrict the catch of small fish to rebuild
#' the stock biomass towards the optimal length, Lopt, expressed in terms of
#' the growth parameters Lopt=b/(M/k+b) (Hordyk et al. 2015)
#' @author HF Geromont
#' @export
#' @references
#' Hordyk, A., Ono, K., Sainsbury, K., Loneragan, N., and J.
#' Prince. 2015. Some explorations of the life history ratios to describe
#' length composition, spawning-per-recruit, and the spawning potential ratio
#' ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst235.
#' @examples
#' minlenLopt1(1, MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
minlenLopt1 <- function(x, Data, reps, plot=FALSE, buffer = 0.1) {

  # Minimum length MPs: Fix length-at-full-selectivity to 0.8*Lopt and
  # set length-at-first-capture 10% below LFs

  dependencies = "Data@vbLinf, Data@wlb, Data@Mort, Data@vbK"
  Lopt <- Data@vbLinf[x] * Data@wlb[x]/((Data@Mort[x]/Data@vbK[x]) +  Data@wlb[x])

  rec <- new("Rec") # create recommendation object
  rec@LFR <- Lopt * (0.7 + buffer) # Lopt too precautionary, so set it to % below
  rec@LR5 <- rec@LFR * 0.9
  if(plot) size_lim_plot(x, Data, rec)

class(minlenLopt1) <- "MP"

#' @templateVar mp slotlim
#' @template MPuses
#' @describeIn matlenlim Retention-at-length is set using a upper harvest slot limit;
#' that is, a minimum and maximum legal length. The maximum limit is set here,
#' completely arbitrarily, as the 75th percentile between the new minimum legal
#' length and the estimated asymptotic length Linf. This MP has been included
#' to demonstrate an upper harvest slot limit.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' slotlim(1, MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
slotlim <- function(x, Data, reps, plot=FALSE) {
  # Example of slot limit between 0.95 and 1.25 * L50
  dependencies = "Data@L50, Data@vbLinf"

  rec <- new("Rec") # create recommendation object
  rec@LFR <- 1.1 * Data@L50[x]
  rec@LR5 <- 0.95 * rec@LFR
  rec@HS <- as.numeric(quantile(c(rec@LFR , Data@vbLinf[x]), 0.75))
  if(plot) size_lim_plot(x, Data, rec)
class(slotlim) <- "MP"

# --- Spatial Closure MPs ----

#' Spatial closure and allocation management procedures
#' Management procedures that close Area 1 to fishing and reallocate
#' fishing effort spatially.
#' @describeIn MRreal A spatial control that prevents fishing in area 1 and reallocates this
#' fishing effort to area 2 (or over other areas).
#' @templateVar mp MRreal
#' @template MPtemplate
#' @template MPuses
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @export
#' @examples
#' MRreal(1, MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
MRreal <- function(x, Data, reps, plot=FALSE) {
  # A Marine reserve in area 1 with spatial reallocation of effort

  rec <- new("Rec") # create recommendation object
  rec@Allocate <- 1
  rec@Spatial <- c(0, rep(1, Data@nareas-1))

  if (plot)  barplot(rec@Spatial, xlab="Area", ylab="Fraction Open", ylim=c(0,1),
class(MRreal) <- "MP"

#' @templateVar mp MRnoreal
#' @template MPuses
#' @describeIn MRreal A spatial control that prevents fishing in area 1
#' and does not reallocate this fishing effort to area 2.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' MRnoreal(1, MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
MRnoreal <- function(x, Data, reps, plot=FALSE) {
  # A Marine reserve in area 1 with no spatial reallocation of effort

  rec <- new("Rec") # create recommendation object
  rec@Allocate <- 0
  rec@Spatial <- c(0, rep(1, Data@nareas-1))

  if (plot)   barplot(rec@Spatial, xlab="Area", ylab="Fraction Open", ylim=c(0,1),
class(MRnoreal) <- "MP"

# --- Effort Control MPs ----

#' Fishing at current effort levels
#' Constant fishing effort set at final year of historical simulations subject
#' to changes in catchability determined by `OM@qinc` and interannual variability
#' in catchability determined by `OM@qcv`. This MP is intended to represent a
#' 'status quo' management approach.
#' @templateVar mp curE
#' @template MPtemplate
#' @template MPuses
#' @author T. Carruthers.
#' @describeIn curE Set effort to 100\% of that in final year of historical simulations.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' curE(1, MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
curE <- function(x, Data, reps, plot=FALSE) {
  # current effort
  rec <- new("Rec") # create recommendation object
  rec@Effort <- 1 #* Data@MPeff[x]
  if (plot) curE_plot(x, rec, Data)
class(curE) <- "MP"

#' @templateVar mp curE75
#' @template MPuses
#' @describeIn curE Set effort to 75\% of that in final year.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' curE75(1, MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
curE75 <- function(x, Data, reps, plot=FALSE) {
  # 75% current effort
  rec <- new("Rec") # create recommendation object
  rec@Effort <- 0.75 #* Data@MPeff[x]
  if (plot) curE_plot(x, rec, Data)
class(curE75) <- "MP"

#### Delay-Difference Effort MPs ####

#' Effort-based Delay - Difference Stock Assessment
#' A simple delay-difference assessment with UMSY and MSY as leading parameters
#' that estimates \eqn{E_{\textrm{MSY}}} using a
#' time-series of catches and a relative abundance index.
#' This DD model is observation error only and has does not estimate
#' process error (recruitment deviations). Assumption is that knife-edge
#' selectivity occurs at the age of 50% maturity. Similar to many other assessment
#' models it depends on a whole host of dubious assumptions such as temporally
#' stationary productivity and proportionality between the abundance index and
#' real abundance. Unsurprisingly the extent to which these assumptions are
#' violated tends to be the biggest driver of performance for this method.
#' The method is conditioned on effort and estimates catch. The effort is calculated
#' as the ratio of catch and index. Thus, to get a complete effort time series, a full
#' time series of catch and index is also needed. Missing values are linearly interpolated.
#' A detailed description of the delay-difference model can be found in Chapter 9 of Hilborn
#' and Walters (1992).
#' @templateVar mp DDe
#' @template MPtemplate
#' @template MPuses
#' @describeIn DDe Effort-control version. The recommended effort is EMSY.
#' @family Delay-Difference MPs
#' @examples
#' DDe(1, Data=MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
#' @export
DDe <- function(x, Data, reps = 100, plot=FALSE) {

  runDD <- DD_(x, Data, reps)
  Eff <- runDD$eff
  rec <- new("Rec")
  rec@Effort <- max(0.01, Data@MPeff[x] * Eff)

  if (plot) DD_plot(x, runDD, Data, Eff=rec@Effort)
class(DDe) <- "MP"

#' @param LB The lowest permitted factor of previous fishing effort
#' @param UB The highest permitted factor of previous fishing effort
#' @describeIn DDe Variant of `DDe` that limits the maximum change in effort to 10 percent.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' DDes(1, Data=MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
DDes <- function(x, Data, reps = 100, plot=FALSE, LB = 0.9, UB = 1.1) {
  runDD <- DD_(x, Data, reps)
  Eff <- runDD$eff
  if (Eff < LB) Eff <- LB
  if (Eff > UB) Eff <- UB

  rec <- new("Rec")
  rec@Effort <- max(0.01, Data@MPeff[x] * Eff)
  if (plot) DD_plot(x, runDD, Data, Eff=rec@Effort)

class(DDes) <- "MP"

#' @describeIn DDe Variant of `DDe` where the recommended effort is 75\% EMSY.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' DDe75(1, Data=MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
DDe75 <- function(x, Data, reps = 100, plot=FALSE) {
  runDD <- DD_(x, Data, reps)
  Eff <- runDD$eff * 0.75
  rec <- new("Rec")
  rec@Effort <- max(0.01, Data@MPeff[x] * Eff)
  if (plot) DD_plot(x, runDD, Data, Eff=rec@Effort)
class(DDe75) <- "MP"

#' Effort searching MP aiming for a fixed stock depletion
#' Effort is adjusted using a simple rule that aims for a specified level of depletion.
#' The TAE is calculated as:
#' \deqn{\textrm{TAE}_y = \frac{D}{\alpha} \textrm{TAE}_{y-1}}
#' where \eqn{D} is estimated current level of depletion and \eqn{\alpha} is argument
#' `alpha` specifying the target level of depletion.
#' The maximum fractional change in TAE is specified with arguments `LB` and `UB`
#' @templateVar mp DTe40
#' @template MPtemplate
#' @template MPuses
#' @param alpha The target level of depletion
#' @param LB The lowest permitted factor of previous fishing effort
#' @param UB The highest permitted factor of previous fishing effort
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @export
#' @examples
#' DTe40(1, MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
#' @describeIn DTe40 Effort is adjusted to reach 40 percent stock depletion
DTe40 <- function(x, Data, reps = 100, plot=FALSE, alpha = 0.4, LB = 0.9, UB = 1.1) {

  fac <- Data@Dep[x]/alpha

  if (fac < LB) fac <- LB
  if (fac > UB) fac <- UB

  rec <- new("Rec")
  rec@Effort <- max(0.01, Data@MPeff[x] * fac)
  if (plot) curE_plot(x, rec, Data)

class(DTe40) <- "MP"

#' @describeIn DTe40 Effort is adjusted to reach 50 percent stock depletion
#' @export
DTe50 <- function(x, Data, reps = 100, plot=FALSE, alpha = 0.5, LB = 0.9, UB = 1.1) {

  fac <- Data@Dep[x]/alpha
  if (fac < LB) fac <- LB
  if (fac > UB) fac <- UB

  rec <- new("Rec")
  rec@Effort <- max(0.01, Data@MPeff[x] * fac)
  if (plot) curE_plot(x, rec, Data)

class(DTe50) <- "MP"

#' Effort Target Optimum Length
#' This MP adjusts effort limit based on the ratio of recent mean length (over
#' last `yrsmth` years) and a target length defined as \eqn{L_{\textrm{opt}}}.
#' Effort MP: adjust effort up/down if mean length above/below Ltarget
#' The TAE is calculated as:
#' \deqn{\textrm{TAE}_y = \textrm{TAE}_{y-1} \left((1-\textrm{buffer}) (w + (1-w)r) \right)}
#' where \eqn{\textrm{buffer}} is specified in argument `buffer`, \eqn{w} is fixed at 0.5, and:
#' \deqn{r = \frac{L_{\textrm{recent}}}{L_{\textrm{opt}}}}
#' where \eqn{L_{\textrm{recent}}}is mean
#' length over last `yrmsth` years, and:
#' \deqn{L_{\textrm{opt}} = \frac{L_\infty W_b}{\frac{M}{K} + W_b }}
#' where \eqn{L_\infty} is von Bertalanffy asymptotic length, \eqn{W_b} is
#' exponent of the length-weight relationship, \eqn{M} is natural mortality, and
#' \eqn{K} is von Bertalanffy growth coefficient.#'
#' @templateVar mp EtargetLopt
#' @template MPtemplate
#' @template MPuses
#' @param yrsmth Number of years to calculate average length
#' @param buffer Parameter controlling the fraction of calculated effor - acts as a precautionary buffer
#' @author HF Geromont
#' @export
#' @examples
#' EtargetLopt(1, MSEtool::SimulatedData, plot=TRUE)
EtargetLopt <- function(x, Data, reps = 100, plot=FALSE, yrsmth = 3, buffer = 0.1) {

  # Effort MP: adjust effort up/down if mean length above/below Ltarget

  ind <- (length(Data@Year) - (yrsmth - 1)):length(Data@Year)  # recent 3 years
  Lrecent <- mean(Data@ML[ind])
  Lopt <- Data@vbLinf[x] * Data@wlb[x]/((Data@Mort[x]/Data@vbK[x]) + Data@wlb[x])
  ratio <- Lrecent/Lopt

  rec <- new("Rec")
  w <- 0.5
  eff <- (1 - buffer) * (w + (1 - w) * ratio)
  rec@Effort <-  max(0.01, Data@MPeff[x] * eff)
  if (plot) EtargetLopt_plot(x, rec, Data, ind, Lopt)
class(EtargetLopt) <- "MP"

#' Index Target Effort-Based
#' An index target MP where the Effort is modified according to current index
#' levels (mean index over last 5 years) relative to a target level.
#' The TAE is calculated as:
#' \deqn{\textrm{TAE}_y = \textrm{TAE}_{y-1} \delta}
#' where \eqn{\delta} is \eqn{\frac{I} {I_{\textrm{ref}}}} averaged over last
#' `yrsmth` years. \eqn{I_{\textrm{ref}}} is the index target (`Data@Iref`).
#' The maximum fractional change in TAE is specified in `mc`.
#' @templateVar mp ITe5
#' @template MPtemplate
#' @template MPuses
#' @param yrsmth The number of historical years over which to average the index
#' @param mc The maximum fractional change in the effort among years.
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @describeIn ITe5  Maximum annual changes are 5 per cent.
#' @examples
#' ITe5(1, MSEtool::SimulatedData, plot=TRUE)
#' @export ITe5
ITe5 <- function(x, Data, reps = 100, plot=FALSE, yrsmth = 5, mc = 0.05) {
  ind <- max(1, (length(Data@Year) - yrsmth + 1)):length(Data@Year)
  deltaI <- mean(Data@Ind[x, ind])/Data@Iref[x]
  if (deltaI < (1 - mc)) deltaI <- 1 - mc
  if (deltaI > (1 + mc)) deltaI <- 1 + mc

  Effort <- Data@MPeff[x] * deltaI * MSEtool::trlnorm(reps, 1, Data@CV_Ind[x,1])
  if (reps == 1)  Effort <- Data@MPeff[x] * deltaI
  Effort[Effort < 0.01] <- 0.01  # for simulations in case Effort goes negative
  rec <- new("Rec")
  rec@Effort <- mean(Effort)

  if (plot) ITe_plot(x, Data, rec, yrsmth)
class(ITe5) <- "MP"

#' Index Target Effort-Based
#' @templateVar mp ITe10
#' @template MPuses
#' @describeIn ITe5  Maximum annual changes are 10 per cent.
#' @examples
#' ITe10(1, MSEtool::SimulatedData, plot=TRUE)
#' @export
ITe10 <- function(x, Data, reps = 100, plot=FALSE, yrsmth = 5, mc = 0.1) {

  ind <- max(1, (length(Data@Year) - yrsmth + 1)):length(Data@Year)

  deltaI <- mean(Data@Ind[x, ind])/Data@Iref[x]
  if (deltaI < (1 - mc)) deltaI <- 1 - mc
  if (deltaI > (1 + mc)) deltaI <- 1 + mc

  Effort <- Data@MPeff[x] * deltaI * MSEtool::trlnorm(reps, 1, Data@CV_Ind[x,1])
  if (reps == 1)
    Effort <- Data@MPeff[x] * deltaI
  Allocate <- 1
  Effort[Effort < 0.01] <- 0.01  # for simulations in case Effort goes negative
  rec <- new("Rec")
  rec@Effort <- mean(Effort)
  if (plot) ITe_plot(x, Data, rec, yrsmth)
class(ITe10) <- "MP"

#' Incremental Index Target MP Internal Function - Effort MP
#' @param x Iteration number
#' @param Data An object of class `Data`
#' @param reps Number of replicates
#' @param plot Logical. Show the plot?
#' @param yrsmth Years over which to calculate index
#' @param Imulti Parameter controlling how much larger target CPUE / index is
#' compared with recent levels.
#' @return A named list with Effort recommendations
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
Itargeteff_ <- function(x, Data, reps, plot, yrsmth, Imulti) {
  ind <- (length(Data@Year) - (yrsmth - 1)):length(Data@Year)  # recent 5 years
  ylast <- (Data@LHYear[1] - Data@Year[1]) + 1  #last historical year
  ind2 <- ((ylast - (yrsmth - 1)):ylast)  # historical 5 pre-projection years
  ind3 <- ((ylast - (yrsmth * 2 - 1)):ylast)  # historical 10 pre-projection years

  Irecent <- mean(Data@Ind[x, ind])
  Iave <- mean(Data@Ind[x, ind3])
  Itarget <- Iave * Imulti
  I0 <- 0.8 * Iave
  if (Irecent > I0) {
    Effort <- 0.5 * Data@MPeff[x] * (1 + ((Irecent - I0)/(Itarget - I0)))
  } else {
    Effort <- 0.5 * Data@MPeff[x] * (Irecent/I0)^2

  Step <- (Effort/Data@MPeff[x])  # step change in effort
  Step[Step < 0.85] <- 0.85
  Step[Step > 1.15] <- 1.15
  Allocate <- 1
  Effort <- Step * Data@MPeff[x]
  Effort[Effort < 0.01] <- 0.01  # for simulations in case Effort goes negative

  if (plot) {
    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

    ylim <- range(c(Data@Ind[x, ], Itarget, I0))
    plot(Data@Year, Data@Ind[x, ], type="l", lwd=2, bty="l",
         xlab="Year", ylab="Index", ylim=ylim)
    points(max(Data@Year), mean(Data@Ind[x, ind]), cex=2, pch=16,col='blue')
    text(max(Data@Year), mean(Data@Ind[x, ind]), cex=1, 'Irecent', pos=3, col='blue', xpd=NA)

    lines(Data@Year[ind3], rep(mean(Data@Ind[x, ind3]), length(ind3)), lty=2, col="orange")
    text(mean(Data@Year[ind3]), mean(Data@Ind[x, ind3]), "Iave", col="orange", pos=1)

    points(max(Data@Year), Itarget, cex=2, pch=16,col='green')
    text(max(Data@Year), Itarget, cex=1, 'Itarget', pos=3, col='green', xpd=NA)

    points(max(Data@Year), I0, cex=2, pch=16,col='red')
    text(max(Data@Year), I0, cex=1, 'I0', pos=3, col='red', xpd=NA)


  list(Effort=Effort )

#' Incremental Index Target MP - Effort-Based
#' A management procedure that incrementally adjusts the fishing effort
#' to reach a target CPUE / relative abundance index
#' Four index/CPUE target MPs proposed by Geromont and Butterworth 2014.
#' The TAE is calculated as:
#' If  \eqn{I_\textrm{recent} \geq I_0}:
#' \deqn{\textrm{TAE}_y = 0.5 \textrm{TAE}_{y-1}  \left[1+ \left( \frac{I_{\textrm{recent}} - I_0}{I_{\textrm{target}} - I_0} \right)\right]}
#' else:
#' \deqn{\textrm{TAE}_y= 0.5 \textrm{TAE}_{y-1} \left( \frac{I_{\textrm{recent}}}{I_0}^2 \right)}
#' where \eqn{I_0} is \eqn{0.8 I_{\textrm{ave}}} (the average index over the 2 x `yrsmth` years prior to the projection period),
#' \eqn{I_\textrm{recent}} is the average index over the past `yrsmth` years, and
#' \eqn{I_\textrm{target}} is `Imulti` times \eqn{I_{\textrm{ave}}}.
#' @templateVar mp ItargetE1
#' @template MPtemplate
#' @template MPuses
#' @param yrsmth Years over which the average index is calculated.
#' @param Imulti Parameter controlling how much larger target CPUE / index is
#' compared with recent levels.

#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @references Carruthers et al. 2015. Performance evaluation of simple
#' management procedures. ICES J. Mar Sci. 73, 464-482.
#' Geromont, H.F., Butterworth, D.S. 2014. Generic management procedures for
#' data-poor fisheries; forecasting with few data. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72, 251-261.
#' doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst232
#' @describeIn ItargetE1 The less precautionary TAE-based MP
#' @family Index methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ItargetE1(1, MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
ItargetE1 <- function(x, Data, reps = 100, plot=FALSE, yrsmth = 5, Imulti = 1.5) {

  runItargetE <- Itargeteff_(x, Data, reps, plot, yrsmth, Imulti)

  rec <- new("Rec")
  rec@Effort <- mean(runItargetE$Effort)
class(ItargetE1) <- "MP"

#' @describeIn ItargetE1 Increasing biologically precautionary TAE-based MP
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ItargetE2(1, MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
ItargetE2 <- ItargetE1
formals(ItargetE2)$Imulti <- 2
class(ItargetE2) <- "MP"

#' @describeIn ItargetE1 Increasing biologically precautionary TAE-based MP
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ItargetE3(1, MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
ItargetE3 <- ItargetE1
formals(ItargetE3)$Imulti <- 2.5
class(ItargetE3) <- "MP"

#' @describeIn ItargetE1 The most biologically precautionary TAE-based MP
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ItargetE4(1, MSEtool::Atlantic_mackerel, plot=TRUE)
ItargetE4 <- ItargetE1
formals(ItargetE4)$Imulti <- 2.5
class(ItargetE4) <- "MP"

#' Step-wise Constant Effort
#' A management procedure that incrementally adjusts the total allowable
#' effort (TAE) according to the mean length of recent catches.
#' The TAE is calculated as:
#'   \deqn{\textrm{TAE} =
#'              \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
#'              \textrm{TAE}^* - 2 S\textrm{TAE}^* & \textrm{if } r < 0.96  \\
#'              \textrm{TAE}^* - S \textrm{TAE}^* & \textrm{if } r < 0.98 \\
#'              \textrm{TAE}^* & \textrm{if } > 1.058 \\
#'              \end{array}\right.
#'            }
#' where \eqn{\textrm{TAE}^*} is effort in the previous year, \eqn{S} is
#' step-size determined by `stepsz`,
#' and \eqn{r} is the ratio of \eqn{L_\textrm{recent}} and \eqn{L_\textrm{ave}}
#' which are mean length over the most recent `yrsmth`  years and 2 x `yrsmth` historical
#' years respectively.
#' The conditions are specified in the `llim` argument to the function.
#' @templateVar mp LstepCE1
#' @template MPtemplate
#' @template MPuses
#' @param yrsmth Years over which to calculate trend in mean length.
#' @param stepsz Parameter controlling the size of update increment in effort.
#' @param llim A vector of length reference points that determine the
#' conditions for increasing, maintaining or reducing the effort.
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @references Carruthers et al. 2015. Performance evaluation of simple
#' management procedures. ICES J. Mar Sci. 73, 464-482.
#' Geromont, H.F., Butterworth, D.S. 2014. Generic management procedures for
#' data-poor fisheries; forecasting with few data. ICES J. Mar. Sci.
#' doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst232
#' @export
#' @examples
#' LstepCE1(1, Data=MSEtool::SimulatedData, plot=TRUE)
#' @seealso LstepCC1
#' @describeIn LstepCE1 The least biologically precautionary effort-based MP.
LstepCE1 <- function(x, Data, reps = 100, plot=FALSE, yrsmth = 5, stepsz = 0.05,
                     llim = c(0.96, 0.98, 1.05)) {
  ind <- (length(Data@Year) - (yrsmth - 1)):length(Data@Year)  # recent 5 years
  ylast <- (Data@LHYear[1] - Data@Year[1]) + 1  #last historical year
  # ind2<-((ylast-(yrsmth-1)):ylast) # historical 5 pre-projection years
  ind3 <- ((ylast - (yrsmth * 2 - 1)):ylast)  # historical 10 pre-projection years

  Lrecent <- mean(Data@ML[ind])
  Lave <- mean(Data@ML[ind3])
  rat <- Lrecent/Lave

  step <- stepsz

  if (rat < llim[1]) {
    Effort <- Data@MPeff[x] - 2 * (step * Data@MPeff[x])
  } else if (rat < llim[2]) {
    Effort <- Data@MPeff[x] - (step * Data@MPeff[x])
  } else if (rat > llim[3]) {
    Effort <- Data@MPeff[x] + (step * Data@MPeff[x])
  } else {
    Effort <- Data@MPeff[x]

  Allocate <- 1
  Effort[Effort < 0.01] <- 0.01  # for simulations in case Effort goes negative
  rec <- new("Rec")
  rec@Effort <- mean(Effort)

  if (plot) {
    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    ylim <- range(c(Data@ML[x,]))
    plot(Data@Year, Data@ML[x,], ylab="Mean length", xlab="Year", bty="l", lwd=2,
         type="l", ylim=ylim)
    lines(Data@Year[ind], rep(Lrecent, length(ind)), lty=2)
    text(max(Data@Year[ind]), Lrecent, "Lrecent", xpd=NA, pos=3)

    lines(Data@Year[ind3], rep(Lave, length(ind3)), lty=2, col='blue')
    text(max(Data@Year[ind3]), Lave, "Lave", xpd=NA, pos=3, col='blue')

    plot(c(max(Data@Year), max(Data@Year)+1), c(Data@MPeff[x], rec@Effort),
         type="b", xlab="Year", ylab="Effort", bty="l", lwd=2)

class(LstepCE1) <- "MP"

#' @describeIn LstepCE1 Step size is increased to 0.1
#' @examples
#' LstepCE2(1, Data=MSEtool::SimulatedData, plot=TRUE)
#' @export
LstepCE2 <- LstepCE1
formals(LstepCE2)$stepsz <- 0.1
class(LstepCE2) <- "MP"

#' Length Target TAE MP
#' A management procedure that incrementally adjusts the TAE to reach
#' a target mean length in catches.
#' Four target length MPs proposed by Geromont and Butterworth 2014.
#' Tested by Carruthers et al. 2015.
#' The TAE is calculated as:
#' If \eqn{L_\textrm{recent} \geq L_0}:
#' \deqn{\textrm{TAE} = 0.5 \textrm{TAE}^* \left[1+\left(\frac{L_\textrm{recent}-L_0}{L_\textrm{target}-L_0}\right)\right]  }
#' else:
#' \deqn{\textrm{TAE} = 0.5 \textrm{TAE}^* \left[\frac{L_\textrm{recent}}{L_0}^2\right] }
#' where \eqn{\textrm{TAE}^*} is the effort in the previous year,
#' \eqn{L_\textrm{recent}} is mean length in last `yrmsth` years, \eqn{L_0} is (except for `L95target`) 0.9 average catch in the last
#' 2 x `yrsmth` historical (pre-projection years) (\eqn{L_\textrm{ave}}), and \eqn{L_\textrm{target}} is
#' (except for `L95target`) `xL` \eqn{L_\textrm{ave}}.
#' @templateVar mp LtargetE1
#' @template MPtemplate
#' @template MPuses
#' @param yrsmth Years over which to calculate mean length
#' @param xL Parameter controlling the magnitude of the target mean length of
#' catches relative to average length in catches.
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @references Carruthers et al. 2015. Performance evaluation of simple
#' management procedures. ICES J. Mar Sci. 73, 464-482.
#' Geromont, H.F., Butterworth, D.S. 2014. Generic management procedures for
#' data-poor fisheries; forecasting with few data. ICES J. Mar. Sci.
#' doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst232
#' @describeIn LtargetE1 The least biologically precautionary TAE-based MP.
#' @family Length target MPs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' LtargetE1(1, Data=MSEtool::SimulatedData, plot=TRUE)
LtargetE1 <- function(x, Data, reps = 100, plot=FALSE, yrsmth = 5, xL = 1.05) {

  ind <- (length(Data@Year) - (yrsmth - 1)):length(Data@Year)  # recent 5 years
  ylast <- (Data@LHYear[1] - Data@Year[1]) + 1  #last historical year
  ind2 <- ((ylast - (yrsmth - 1)):ylast)  # historical 5 pre-projection years
  ind3 <- ((ylast - (yrsmth * 2 - 1)):ylast)  # historical 10 pre-projection years

  Lrecent <- mean(Data@ML[x,ind])
  Lave <- mean(Data@ML[x,ind3])
  L0 <- 0.9 * Lave
  Ltarget <- xL * Lave
  if (Lrecent > L0) {
    Effort <- 0.5 * Data@MPeff[x] * (1 + ((Lrecent - L0)/(Ltarget - L0)))
  } else {
    Effort <- 0.5 * Data@MPeff[x] * (Lrecent/L0)^2
  Step <- (Effort/Data@MPeff[x])  # step change in effort
  Step[Step < 0.85] <- 0.85
  Step[Step > 1.15] <- 1.15

  Allocate <- 1
  Effort <- Step * Data@MPeff[x]
  Effort[Effort < 0.01] <- 0.01  # for simulations in case Effort goes negative
  rec <- new("Rec")
  rec@Effort <- mean(Effort)
  if (plot) {
    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    ylim <- range(c(Data@ML[x,], Lrecent, Lave, Ltarget, L0))
    plot(Data@Year, Data@ML[x,], type="l", xlab="Year", ylab="Mean Length",
         lwd=2,  bty="l", ylim=ylim)
    lines(Data@Year[ind], rep(Lrecent, length(ind)), lty=2, col="green")
    text(quantile(Data@Year[ind],0.15),Lrecent, "Lrecent", pos=3, col='green')

    lines(Data@Year[ind3], rep(Lave, length(ind3)), lty=2, col="orange")
    text(quantile(Data@Year[ind3],0.15),Lave, "Lave", pos=3, col='orange')

    points(max(Data@Year[ind3]), Ltarget, lty=2, col="blue", pch=16)
    text(max(Data@Year[ind3]), Ltarget, "Ltarget", pos=3, col='blue', xpd=NA)

    points(max(Data@Year[ind3]), L0, lty=2, col="red", pch=16)
    text(max(Data@Year[ind3]), L0, "L0", pos=3, col='red', xpd=NA)

    plot(c(max(Data@Year), max(Data@Year)+1), c(Data@MPeff[x], rec@Effort),
         type="b", xlab="Year", ylab="Effort", bty="l", lwd=2)
class(LtargetE1) <- "MP"

#' @describeIn LtargetE1 The `xL` argument is increased to 1.15.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' LtargetE4(1, Data=MSEtool::SimulatedData, plot=TRUE)
LtargetE4 <- LtargetE1
formals(LtargetE4)$xL <- 1.15
class(LtargetE4) <- "MP"

#### Length-Based SPR ####

#' Internal Estimation Function for LBSPR MP
#' @param x Iteration number
#' @param Data An object of class `Data`
#' @param reps Number of samples. Not used in this method.
#' @param n Numeric. Number of historical years to run the model.
#' @param smoother Logical. Should estimates be smoothed over multiple years?
#' @param R variance of sampling noise
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
LBSPR_ <- function(x, Data, reps, n=5, smoother=TRUE, R=0.2) {
  if (MSEtool::NAor0(Data@L50[x])) stop("Data@L50 is NA")
  if (MSEtool::NAor0(Data@L95[x])) stop("Data@L95 is NA")
  if (MSEtool::NAor0(Data@wlb[x])) stop("Data@wlb is NA")

  LenBins <- Data@CAL_bins
  By <- LenBins[2] - LenBins[1]
  LenMids <- seq(from=By*0.5, by=By, length.out = length(LenBins)-1)
  CVLinf <- Data@LenCV[x]
  MK <- Data@Mort[x]/Data@vbK[x]
  Linf <- Data@vbLinf[x]
  L50 <- Data@L50[x]
  L95 <- Data@L95[x]
  Beta <- Data@wlb[x]

  n <- min(n, nrow(Data@CAL[x,,]))
  if (length(Data@Misc) ==0) Data@Misc[[x]] <- NA
  if (length(Data@Misc[[x]]) ==0) Data@Misc[[x]] <- NA

  nage <- 101
  P <- 0.01
  xs <- seq(0, to=1, length.out = nage)
  rLens <- 1-P^(xs/MK)
  EL <- rLens * Linf
  SDL <- EL * CVLinf
  Ml <- 1/(1+exp(-log(19.0)* (LenMids-L50)/(L95-L50)));
  nlen <- length(LenMids)

  Prob <- matrix(1E-4, nrow=nage, ncol=length(LenMids))
  for (aa in 1:nage) {
    d1 <- dnorm(LenMids, EL[aa], SDL[aa])
    t1 <- dnorm(EL[aa] + SDL[aa]*2.5, EL[aa], SDL[aa]) # truncate at 2.5 sd
    d1[d1<t1] <- 0
    if (!all(d1==0)) Prob[aa,] <- d1/sum(d1)

  if (all(is.na(Data@Misc[[x]]))) { # first time it's being run

    # run model for n most recent years
    yind <- match(Data@LHYear[1], Data@Year)
    CALdata <- Data@CAL[x, (yind-n+1):length(Data@Year),]
    if (inherits(CALdata,'numeric'))  CALdata <- matrix(CALdata, ncol=length(LenMids))
    Ests <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(CALdata), ncol=5)
    Ests_smooth <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(CALdata), ncol=4)
    Ests_smooth <- as.data.frame(Ests_smooth)
    Fit <- list()

    for (y in 1:nrow(CALdata)) {
      CAL <- CALdata[y,]
      if (any(is.na(CAL))) {
        Ests[y,] <- NA
        Fit[[y]] <- NA
      } else {
        data <- list(model='LBSPR',

        modalL <- LenMids[which.max(CAL)]
        minL <- LenMids[min(which(CAL>0))]
        sl50start <-  mean(c(modalL, minL))

        # sl50start <- LenMids[min(which(cumsum(CAL)/sum(CAL)>0.1))]

        log_sl50 <- log(sl50start/Linf)
        log_dsl50 <- log(sl50start/Linf*0.1)
        log_fm <- log(0.99)
        parameters <- list(log_sl50=log_sl50,

        obj <- TMB::MakeADFun(data=data, parameters=parameters, DLL="DLMtool_TMBExports",
                              silent=TRUE, hessian=FALSE)

        lower <- rep(-Inf, 3)
        upper <- rep(Inf, 3)
        # bounds on SL50
        min.bin <- min(which(cumsum(CAL)/sum(CAL) >=0.05))
        if (min.bin !=1) min.bin <- min.bin-1
        lower[1] <- log(LenMids[min.bin]/Linf)
        max.bin <- min(which(cumsum(CAL)/sum(CAL) >=0.5))
        upper[1] <- log(LenMids[max.bin]/Linf)

        # bounds on dsl50
        lower[2] <- log(0.05)

        starts <- obj$par
        doopt <- optimize_TMB(obj, bounds=list(lower, upper), starts=starts)

        report <- obj$report(obj$env$last.par.best)
        SL50 <- report$sl50
        SL95 <- report$sl95
        FM <- report$FM
        SPR <- report$SPR
        pred <- report$Nc_st
        NLL <- report$`-nll`
        Ests[y,] <- c(SL50, SL95, FM, SPR, NLL)
        Fit[[y]] <- pred * sum(CALdata[y,])


    if (nrow(Ests)>1) {
      Ests_smooth <- apply(Ests, 2, FilterSmooth)
    } else {
      Ests_smooth <- Ests
    Ests_smooth <- as.data.frame(Ests_smooth)
    # if (smoother && nrow(Ests) > 1) Ests <- apply(Ests, 2, FilterSmooth)

    Ests <- as.data.frame(Ests)
    names(Ests) <- c("SL50", "SL95", "FM", "SPR", "NLL")
    Ests$Year <- Data@Year[(yind - n + 1):length(Data@Year)]

    names(Ests_smooth) <- c("SL50", "SL95", "FM", "SPR", "NLL")
    Ests_smooth$Year <- Data@Year[(yind - n + 1):length(Data@Year)]

  } else {
    lastYr <- max(Data@Misc[[x]]$Ests$Year)
    curYr <- max(Data@Year)
    yrs <- (lastYr+1):curYr

    CALdata <- Data@CAL[x, (length(Data@Year)-length(yrs)+1):length(Data@Year),]
    if (inherits(CALdata,'numeric'))  CALdata <- matrix(CALdata, ncol=length(LenMids))
    Ests_smooth <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(CALdata), ncol=4)
    Ests_smooth <- as.data.frame(Ests_smooth)
    Ests <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(CALdata), ncol=5)
    Fit <- list()
    for (y in 1:nrow(CALdata)) {
      CAL <- CALdata[y,]
      if (any(is.na(CAL))) {
        Ests[y,] <- NA
        Fit[[y]] <- NA
      } else {
        data <- list(model='LBSPR',

        modalL <- LenMids[which.max(CAL)]
        minL <- LenMids[min(which(CAL>0))]
        sl50start <-  mean(c(modalL, minL))

        log_sl50 <- log(sl50start/Linf)
        log_dsl50 <- log(sl50start/Linf*0.1)
        log_fm <- log(0.99)
        parameters <- list(log_sl50=log_sl50,

        obj <- TMB::MakeADFun(data, parameters, DLL="DLMtool_TMBExports", silent=TRUE, hessian=FALSE)

        lower <- rep(-Inf, 3)
        upper <- rep(Inf, 3)
        # bounds on SL50
        min.bin <- min(which(cumsum(CAL)/sum(CAL) >=0.05))
        if (min.bin !=1) min.bin <- min.bin-1
        lower[1] <- log(LenMids[min.bin]/Linf)
        max.bin <- min(which(cumsum(CAL)/sum(CAL) >=0.5))
        upper[1] <- log(LenMids[max.bin]/Linf)

        # bounds on dsl50
        lower[2] <- log(0.05)

        starts <- obj$par
        doopt <- optimize_TMB(obj, bounds=list(lower, upper), starts=starts)

        report <- obj$report(obj$env$last.par.best)
        SL50 <- report$sl50
        SL95 <- report$sl95
        FM <- report$FM
        SPR <- report$SPR
        pred <- report$Nc_st
        NLL <- report$`-nll`
        Ests[y,] <- c(SL50, SL95, FM, SPR, NLL)
        Fit[[y]] <- pred * sum(CALdata[y,])

    # ## Plot ###
    # par(mfrow=c(2,3))
    # for (y in 1:nrow(CALdata)) {
    #   tt <- barplot(CALdata[y,], names.arg=LenMids)
    #   lines(tt, Fit[[y]], lwd=2)
    # }

    Ests <- as.data.frame(Ests)
    names(Ests) <- c("SL50", "SL95", "FM", "SPR", "NLL")
    Ests$Year <- (length(Data@Year)-length(yrs)+1):length(Data@Year)

    Ests_smooth <- as.data.frame(Ests_smooth)
    names(Ests_smooth) <- c("SL50", "SL95", "FM", "SPR")
    Ests_smooth$Year <- (length(Data@Year)-length(yrs)+1):length(Data@Year)

    Ests_smooth <- rbind(Data@Misc[[x]]$Ests, Ests)
    Ests <-rbind(Data@Misc[[x]]$Ests, Ests)

    if (smoother) {
      SmoothEsts <- apply(Ests_smooth[,1:4], 2, FilterSmooth, R=R)
      Ests_smooth[,1:4] <- SmoothEsts

  return(list(Ests=Ests, Ests_smooth=Ests_smooth, Fit=Fit))

optimize_TMB <- function(obj, bounds, starts, restart=10) {

  step.min <- 1
  step.max <- 1
  control <- list(eval.max=1e4, iter.max=1e4,
                  step.min=step.min, step.max=step.max,
                  trace=0, abs.tol=1e-20)

  opt <- suppressWarnings(nlminb(starts, obj$fn, obj$gr,
                                 lower=bounds[[1]], upper=bounds[[2]],

#' Length-Based SPR MPs
#' The spawning potential ratio (SPR) is estimated using the LBSPR method
#' and compared to a target of 0.4.
#' Effort is modified according to the harvest control rules described in
#' Hordyk et al. (2015b):
#' @templateVar mp LBSPR
#' @param x A position in the data object
#' @param Data A data object
#' @param reps The number of stochastic samples of the MP recommendation(s)
#' @param plot Logical. Show the plot?
#' @section Required Data:
#' See \code{\link[MSEtool]{Data-class}} for information on the \code{Data} object \cr
#' @return An object of class \code{\link[MSEtool]{Rec-class}} with the TAE slot populated
#' @template MPuses
#' @param SPRtarg The target SPR
#' @param theta1 Control parameter for the harvest control rule
#' @param theta2 Control parameter for the harvest control rule
#' @param maxchange Maximum change in effort
#' @param n Last number of years to run the model on.
#' @param smoother Logical. Should the SPR estimates be smoothed?
#' @param R variance of sampling noise for smoother
#' @export
#' @references
#' Hordyk, A., Ono, K., Valencia, S., Loneragan, N., and Prince J (2015a).
#' A novel length-based empirical estimation method of spawning potential ratio (SPR),
#' and tests of its performance, for small-scale, data-poor fisheries,
#' ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72 (1), 217-231
#' Hordyk, A. R., Loneragan, N. R., & Prince, J. D. (2015b). An evaluation of an
#'  iterative harvest strategy for data-poor fisheries using the length-based
#'  spawning potential ratio assessment methodology. Fisheries Research,
#'  171, 20-32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2014.12.018
#' @examples
#' LBSPR(1, Data=MSEtool::SimulatedData, plot=TRUE)
LBSPR <- function(x, Data, reps=1, plot=FALSE, SPRtarg=0.4, theta1=0.3,
                  theta2=0.05, maxchange=0.3,
                  n=5, smoother=TRUE, R=0.2) {

  runLBSPR <- LBSPR_(x, Data, reps, n, smoother, R=R)

  if (!smoother) Ests <- runLBSPR$Ests
  if (smoother) Ests <- runLBSPR$Ests_smooth

  estSPR <- Ests$SPR[length(Ests$SPR)]
  ratio <- estSPR/SPRtarg - 1

  vt <- theta1 * (ratio^3) + theta2*ratio
  vt[vt< -maxchange]  <- -maxchange
  vt[vt> maxchange]  <- maxchange

  Eff <- 1+vt

  if (plot) {

    nyr <- length(runLBSPR$Fit)

    CAL <- Data@CAL[x,,]
    nyears <- dim(CAL)[1]
    CAL <- CAL[(nyears-nyr+1):nyears,]
    LenBins <- Data@CAL_bins
    By <- LenBins[2] - LenBins[1]
    LenMids <- seq(from=By*0.5, by=By, length.out = length(LenBins)-1)

    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    nrow <- ceiling(sqrt(nyr))
    ncol <- ceiling((nyr + 1)/nrow)

    if (nyr > 1) {
      ymin <- min(unlist(apply(CAL > 0, 1, which)))
      ymax <- max(unlist(apply(CAL > 0, 1, which)))
      ind <- (ymin-1):(ymax+1)
      ylim <- c(0, max(c(CAL, unlist(lapply(runLBSPR$Fit, max)))))
      for (p in 1:nyr) {
        tt <- barplot(CAL[p,ind], xlab="Length", ylab="Count", bty="l", names=LenMids[ind], ylim=ylim)
        lines(tt, runLBSPR$Fit[[p]][ind], lwd=2)
        title(paste0("Year ", runLBSPR$Ests$Year[p]))
    } else {
        ymin <- min(which(CAL > 0))
        ymax <- max(which(CAL > 0))
        ind <- (ymin-1):(ymax+1)
        ylim <- c(0, max(c(CAL, runLBSPR$Fit[[1]])))
        tt <- barplot(CAL[ind], xlab="Length", ylab="Count", bty="l", names=LenMids[ind], ylim=ylim)
        lines(tt, runLBSPR$Fit[[1]][ind], lwd=2)
        title(paste0("Year ", runLBSPR$Ests$Year[p]))

    plot(runLBSPR$Ests$Year, runLBSPR$Ests$SPR, ylim=c(0,1), xlab="Year",
         ylab="SPR", type="b", las=1, bty="l")

  Rec <- new("Rec")
  Rec@Effort <- Data@MPeff[x] * Eff
  Rec@Misc$Ests <- runLBSPR$Ests
  Rec@Misc$Ests_smooth <- runLBSPR$Ests_smooth

class(LBSPR) <- 'MP'

#' Length-Based SPR
#' @describeIn LBSPR Fishing retention-at-length is set equivalent to slightly
#' higher than the maturity curve if SPR < 0.4
#' @export
#' @examples
#' LBSPR_MLL(1, Data=MSEtool::SimulatedData, plot=FALSE)
LBSPR_MLL <- function(x, Data, reps=1, plot=FALSE, SPRtarg=0.4, n=5, smoother=TRUE, R=0.2) {

  Rec <- new("Rec")
  if (length(Data@Misc)<=1) Data@Misc <- vector('list', x)

  if (is.null(Data@Misc[[x]]) || length(Data@Misc[[x]])<1 ||is.null(Data@Misc[[x]]$MLLset)) {
    runLBSPR <- LBSPR_(x, Data, reps, n, smoother, R=R)
    if (!smoother) Ests <- runLBSPR$Ests
    if (smoother) Ests <- runLBSPR$Ests_smooth
    estSPR <- Ests$SPR[length(Ests$SPR)]

    Rec@Misc$Ests <- runLBSPR$Ests
    Rec@Misc$Ests_smooth <- runLBSPR$Ests_smooth

    if (estSPR < SPRtarg) {
      # estimated SPR < SPRtarg --> set size limit at 1.1 L50
      Rec@LFR <- 1.1 * Data@L50[x]
      Rec@LR5 <- 0.95 * Rec@LFR
      Rec@Misc$MLLset <- TRUE
      Rec@Misc$LFR <- Rec@LFR
      Rec@Misc$LR5 <- Rec@LR5
    } else {
      Rec@LFR <- Data@OM$LFR[x]
      Rec@LR5 <- Data@OM$LR5[x]
      Rec@Misc$MLLset <- FALSE
  } else {
    if (Data@Misc[[x]]$MLLset) {
      # already set MLL - do nothing
      Rec@LFR <- Data@Misc[[x]]$LFR
      Rec@LR5 <- Data@Misc[[x]]$LR5
      Rec@Misc$LFR <- Rec@LFR
      Rec@Misc$LR5 <- Rec@LR5
      Rec@Misc$MLLset <- TRUE
    } else {
      runLBSPR <- LBSPR_(x, Data, reps, n, smoother, R=R)
      Rec@Misc$Ests <- runLBSPR$Ests
      Rec@Misc$Ests_smooth <- runLBSPR$Ests_smooth
      if (!smoother) Ests <- runLBSPR$Ests
      if (smoother) Ests <- runLBSPR$Ests_smooth
      estSPR <- Ests$SPR[length(Ests$SPR)]
      if (estSPR < SPRtarg) {
        # estimated SPR < SPRtarg --> set size limit at 1.1 L50
        Rec@LFR <- 1.1 * Data@L50[x]
        Rec@LR5 <- 0.95 * Rec@LFR
        Rec@Misc$LFR <- Rec@LFR
        Rec@Misc$LR5 <- Rec@LR5
        Rec@Misc$MLLset <- TRUE
      } else {
        # estimated SPR > SPRtarg --> don't change retention
        Rec@LFR <- Data@OM$LFR[x]
        Rec@LR5 <- Data@OM$LR5[x]
        Rec@Misc$MLLset <- FALSE

  if (plot) {

    nyr <- length(runLBSPR$Fit)

    CAL <- Data@CAL[x,,]
    nyears <- dim(CAL)[1]
    CAL <- CAL[(nyears-nyr+1):nyears,]
    LenBins <- Data@CAL_bins
    By <- LenBins[2] - LenBins[1]
    LenMids <- seq(from=By*0.5, by=By, length.out = length(LenBins)-1)

    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    nrow <- ceiling(sqrt(nyr))
    ncol <- ceiling((nyr + 1)/nrow)

    if (nyr > 1) {
      ymin <- min(unlist(apply(CAL > 0, 1, which)))
      ymax <- max(unlist(apply(CAL > 0, 1, which)))
      ind <- (ymin-1):(ymax+1)
      ylim <- c(0, max(c(CAL, unlist(lapply(runLBSPR$Fit, max)))))
      for (p in 1:nyr) {
        tt <- barplot(CAL[p,ind], xlab="Length", ylab="Count", bty="l", names=LenMids[ind], ylim=ylim)
        lines(tt, runLBSPR$Fit[[p]][ind], lwd=2)
        title(paste0("Year ", runLBSPR$Ests$Year[p]))
    } else {
      ymin <- min(which(CAL > 0))
      ymax <- max(which(CAL > 0))
      ind <- (ymin-1):(ymax+1)
      ylim <- c(0, max(c(CAL, runLBSPR$Fit[[1]])))
      tt <- barplot(CAL[ind], xlab="Length", ylab="Count", bty="l", names=LenMids[ind], ylim=ylim)
      lines(tt, runLBSPR$Fit[[1]][ind], lwd=2)
      title(paste0("Year ", runLBSPR$Ests$Year[p]))

    plot(runLBSPR$Ests$Year, runLBSPR$Ests$SPR, ylim=c(0,1), xlab="Year",
         ylab="SPR", type="b", las=1, bty="l")


class(LBSPR_MLL) <- 'MP'

#' Kalman filter and Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother
#' A function that applies a filter and smoother to estimates
#' @param RawEsts a vector of estimated values
#' @param R variance of sampling noise
#' @param Q variance of random walk increments
#' @param Int covariance of initial uncertainty
#' @return a vector of smoothed values
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
FilterSmooth <- function(RawEsts, R=0.2, Q=0.1, Int=100) {
  # Modified from \url{"http://read.pudn.com/downloads88/ebook/336360/Kalman%20Filtering%20Theory%20and%20Practice,%20Using%20MATLAB/CHAPTER4/RTSvsKF.m__.htm"}

  nNA <- sum(is.na(RawEsts))
  RawEsts2 <- RawEsts
  if (nNA>0) {
    RawEsts2 <- RawEsts[!is.na(RawEsts)]
  Ppred <-  rep(Int, length(RawEsts2))
  Pcorr <- xcorr <- xpred <- rep(0, length(RawEsts2))
  # Kalman Filter
  for (X in 1:length(Ppred)) {
    if (X !=1) {
      Ppred[X] <- Pcorr[X-1] + Q
      xpred[X] <- xcorr[X-1]
    W <- Ppred[X]/(Ppred[X] + R)
    xcorr[X] <- xpred[X] + W * (RawEsts2[X] - xpred[X]) # Kalman filter estimate
    Pcorr[X] <- Ppred[X] - W * Ppred[X]
  # Smoother
  xsmooth <- xcorr
  for (X in (length(Pcorr)-1):1) {
    A <- Pcorr[X]/Ppred[X+1]
    xsmooth[X] <- xsmooth[X] + A*(xsmooth[X+1] - xpred[X+1])
  if (nNA>0) {
    ind <- which(!is.na(RawEsts))
    out <- rep(NA, length(RawEsts))
    out[ind] <- xsmooth
    xsmooth <- out

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