
Defines functions dbVariance rareVar m2v EE.list EE Sab.listmat Sab.list Sa.list Sa Sab ek permSummary updateAlpha

Documented in dbVariance

## Updates alpha (the potens of the ps) which is used by Sa
updateAlpha <- function(a) {
  aa <- replicate(length(a) - 1, a[-length(a)], simplify = FALSE)
  for (i in 1:length(aa)) aa[[i]][i] <- aa[[i]][i] + a[length(a)]

## counts how many copies there is of each alpha-vector and returns the unique vectors
## together with their counts
permSummary <- function(x) {
  y <- unlist(lapply(x, function(z) paste(sort(z), collapse = "")))
  y <- table(y)
  z <- lapply(strsplit(names(y), ""), as.numeric)
  list(type = z, terms = as.numeric(y))

## generates a vector of length x with a 1 in the k'th position
ek <- function(x, k) (0 + (seq(along = x) == k))

## computes the sum over sum[] P(AAAAA) including theta correction
Sab <- function(a = rep(0, length(b)), b, t, p) {
  if (all(t == 0)) 
    return(Sa(a + b, p = p))
  if (length(b) == 0) {
    ## cat(paste('Sa(a=c(',paste(a,collapse=','),'),p=p)*(1/(1-t))\n\n',sep=''))
    return(Sa(a, p) * (1/(1 - t)))
  } else if (any(b == 0)) 
    return(Sab(a, b[b != 0], t, p)) else {
    if (b[length(b)] == 1) {
      ## cat(paste('(1-',t,')*Sab(a=c(',paste(a+ek(a,length(b)),collapse=','),'),b=c(',paste(b[-length(b)],collapse=','),'),t=',t,',p=dkfreq[[1]]):\n',sep=''))
      return((1 - t) * Sab(a + ek(a, length(b)), b[-length(b)], t, p))  #return((1-t)*Sab(a+ek(a,length(b)),b-ek(b,length(b)),t,p))
    } else {
      ## cat(paste((b[length(b)]-1),'*',t,'*Sab(a=c(',paste(a,collapse=','),'),b=c(',paste(b-ek(b,length(b)),collapse=','),'),t=',t,'p=dkfreq[[1]])
      ## +
      ## (1-',t,')*Sab(a=c(',paste(a+ek(a,length(b)),collapse=','),'),b=c(',paste(b-ek(b,length(b)),collapse=','),'),t=',t,',p=dkfreq[[1]]):\n',sep=''))
      return((b[length(b)] - 1) * t * Sab(a, b - ek(b, length(b)), t, p) + (1 - t) * Sab(a + 
        ek(a, length(b)), b - ek(b, length(b)), t, p))

## computes sum[i,...,j]^{different} P(A[i]...A[j])
Sa <- function(a, p) {
  if (length(a) == 1) 
    return(sum((p^a))) else {
    perm <- permSummary(updateAlpha(a))
    return(Sa(a[length(a)], p = p) * Sa(a[-length(a)], p = p) - sum(perm$terms * unlist(lapply(perm$type, 
      Sa, p = p))))

## computes sum[i,...,j]^{different} P(A[i]...A[j])
Sa.list <- function(a, p) {
  if (length(a) == 1) 
    return(unlist(lapply(p, function(x, y) sum(x^y), y = a))) else {
    perm <- permSummary(updateAlpha(a))
    perm.mat <- do.call("rbind", perm$type)
    return(Sa.list(a[length(a)], p = p) * Sa.list(a[-length(a)], p = p) - rowSums(apply(perm.mat, 
      1, Sa.list, p = p) * rep(perm$terms, each = length(p))))

## computes the sum over sum[] P(AAAAA) including theta correction
Sab.list <- function(a = rep(0, length(b)), b, t, p) {
  if (all(t == 0)) 
    return(Sa.list(a + b, p = p))
  if (length(b) == 0) 
    return(Sa.list(a, p) * (1/(1 - t))) else if (any(b == 0)) 
    return(Sab.list(a, b[b != 0], t, p)) else {
    if (b[length(b)] == 1) 
      return((1 - t) * Sab.list(a + ek(a, length(b)), b[-length(b)], t, p))  #return((1-t)*Sab(a+ek(a,length(b)),b-ek(b,length(b)),t,p))
 else return((b[length(b)] - 1) * t * Sab.list(a, b - ek(b, length(b)), t, p) + (1 - 
      t) * Sab.list(a + ek(a, length(b)), b - ek(b, length(b)), t, p))

Sab.listmat <- function(a = rep(0, length(b)), b, t, p) {
  if (all(t == 0)) 
    return(matrix(Sa.list(a + b, p = p), length(t), length(p), byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(theta = t, 
      locus = names(p))))
  if (length(b) == 0) 
    return(matrix(Sa.list(a, p), length(t), length(p), byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(theta = t, 
      locus = names(p))) * (1/(1 - t))) else if (any(b == 0)) 
    return(matrix(Sab.listmat(a, b[b != 0], t, p), length(t), length(p), byrow = FALSE, 
      dimnames = list(theta = t, locus = names(p)))) else {
    if (b[length(b)] == 1) 
      return(matrix(Sab.listmat(a + ek(a, length(b)), b[-length(b)], t, p), length(t), 
        length(p), byrow = FALSE, dimnames = list(theta = t, locus = names(p))) * (1 - 
        t)) else return((b[length(b)] - 1) * matrix(Sab.listmat(a, b - ek(b, length(b)), t, p), 
      length(t), length(p), byrow = FALSE, dimnames = list(theta = t, locus = names(p))) * 
      t + matrix(Sab.listmat(a + ek(a, length(b)), b - ek(b, length(b)), t, p), length(t), 
      length(p), byrow = FALSE, dimnames = list(theta = t, locus = names(p))) * (1 - t))

EE <- function(p, t) {
  ## computes both PsVar3 and PsVar4
  d <- unlist(lapply(t, function(x) prod(1 + 1:4 * x)))
  D <- unlist(lapply(t, function(x) prod(1 + 1:6 * x)))
  ### PsVar3
  pp <- list(`111111` = Sab(b = rep(1, 6), t = t, p = p), `11112` = Sab(b = c(rep(1, 4), 2), 
    t = t, p = p), `1113` = Sab(b = c(1, 1, 1, 3), t = t, p = p), `1122` = Sab(b = c(1, 
    1, 2, 2), t = t, p = p), `114` = Sab(b = c(1, 1, 4), t = t, p = p), `123` = Sab(b = c(1, 
    2, 3), t = t, p = p), `33` = Sab(b = c(3, 3), t = t, p = p), `15` = Sab(b = c(1, 5), 
    t = t, p = p), `222` = Sab(b = c(2, 2, 2), t = t, p = p), `24` = Sab(b = c(2, 4), t = t, 
    p = p), `6` = Sab(b = 6, t = t, p = p))
  ### PsVar4
  PP <- list(`11111111` = Sab(b = rep(1, 8), t = t, p = p), `1111112` = Sab(b = c(rep(1, 6), 
    2), t = t, p = p), `111113` = Sab(b = c(rep(1, 5), 3), t = t, p = p), `111122` = Sab(b = c(rep(1, 
    4), 2, 2), t = t, p = p), `11114` = Sab(b = c(rep(1, 4), 4), t = t, p = p), `1115` = Sab(b = c(rep(1, 
    3), 5), t = t, p = p), `116` = Sab(b = c(rep(1, 2), 6), t = t, p = p), `17` = Sab(b = c(1, 
    7), t = t, p = p), `11123` = Sab(b = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 3), t = t, p = p), `11222` = Sab(b = c(1, 
    1, 2, 2, 2), t = t, p = p), `1124` = Sab(b = c(1, 1, 2, 4), t = t, p = p), `1133` = Sab(b = c(1, 
    1, 3, 3), t = t, p = p), `125` = Sab(b = c(1, 2, 5), t = t, p = p), `1223` = Sab(b = c(1, 
    2, 2, 3), t = t, p = p), `134` = Sab(b = c(1, 3, 4), t = t, p = p), `2222` = Sab(b = rep(2, 
    4), t = t, p = p), `224` = Sab(b = c(2, 2, 4), t = t, p = p), `233` = Sab(b = c(2, 3, 
    3), t = t, p = p), `26` = Sab(b = c(2, 6), t = t, p = p), `35` = Sab(b = c(3, 5), t = t, 
    p = p), `44` = Sab(b = c(4, 4), t = t, p = p), `8` = Sab(b = 8, t = t, p = p))
  ### PsVar3 P_{0/0,0/0} = P_{0,0}:
  p11 <- pp$"111111" + 7 * pp$"11112" + 4 * pp$"1113" + 9 * pp$"1122" + pp$"114" + 4 * pp$"123" + 
    3 * pp$"222" + pp$"24"
  ## P_{0/1,0/0} = P_{1,0}:
  p21 <- 4 * pp$"11112" + 4 * pp$"1113" + 12 * pp$"1122" + 12 * pp$"123" + 2 * pp$"33"
  ## P_{1/0,0/0} = P_{2,0}:
  p31 <- 2 * pp$"1122" + pp$"114" + 2 * pp$"222" + pp$"24"
  ## P_{0/0,0/1} = P_{0,1}: = P_{1,0} due to symmetry
  p12 <- p21
  ## P_{0/0,1/0} = P_{0,2}: = P_{2,0} due to symmetry
  p13 <- p31
  ## P_{0/1,0/1} = P_{1,1}:
  p22 <- 8 * pp$"1113" + 8 * pp$"1122" + 12 * pp$"114" + 16 * pp$"123" + 2 * pp$"15" + 8 * 
    pp$"222" + 4 * pp$"24" + 2 * pp$"33"
  ## P_{1/0,0/1} = P_{2,1}:
  p32 <- 8 * pp$"123" + 2 * pp$"15" + 4 * pp$"24"
  ## P_{0/1,1/0} = P_{1,2}: = P_{2,1} due to symmetry
  p23 <- p32
  ## P_{1/0,1/0} = P_{2,2}:
  p33 <- 4 * pp$"33" + pp$"6"
  ### PsVar4 P_{0/0,0/0} = P_{0,0}:
  P11 <- PP$"11111111" + 20 * PP$"1111112" + 16 * PP$"111113" + 110 * PP$"111122" + 4 * PP$"11114" + 
    128 * PP$"11123" + 164 * PP$"11222" + 24 * PP$"1124" + 40 * PP$"1133" + 144 * PP$"1223" + 
    16 * PP$"134" + 33 * PP$"2222" + 12 * PP$"224" + 24 * PP$"233" + 2 * PP$"44"
  # P_{0/1,0/0} = P_{1,0}:
  P21 <- 4 * PP$"1111112" + 20 * PP$"111113" + 40 * PP$"111122" + 24 * PP$"11114" + 152 * 
    PP$"11123" + 8 * PP$"1115" + 84 * PP$"11222" + 104 * PP$"1124" + 40 * PP$"1133" + 196 * 
    PP$"1223" + 24 * PP$"125" + 32 * PP$"134" + 16 * PP$"2222" + 32 * PP$"224" + 48 * PP$"233" + 
    8 * PP$"35"
  # P_{1/0,0/0} = P_{2,0}:
  P31 <- 2 * PP$"111122" + PP$"11114" + 16 * PP$"11123" + 4 * PP$"1115" + 4 * PP$"11222" + 
    10 * PP$"1124" + 24 * PP$"1133" + 2 * PP$"116" + 16 * PP$"1223" + 4 * PP$"125" + 16 * 
    PP$"134" + 2 * PP$"2222" + 9 * PP$"224" + 8 * PP$"233" + 2 * PP$"26" + 4 * PP$"44"
  # P_{0/0,0/1} = P_{0,1}: = P_{1,0} due to symmetry
  P12 <- P21
  # P_{0/0,1/0} = P_{0,2}: = P_{2,0} due to symmetry
  P13 <- P31
  # P_{0/1,0/1} = P_{1,1}:
  P22 <- 16 * PP$"111122" + 16 * PP$"11114" + 96 * PP$"11123" + 32 * PP$"1115" + 64 * PP$"11222" + 
    128 * PP$"1124" + 112 * PP$"1133" + 16 * PP$"116" + 192 * PP$"1223" + 64 * PP$"125" + 
    96 * PP$"134" + 32 * PP$"2222" + 96 * PP$"224" + 80 * PP$"233" + 16 * PP$"26" + 16 * 
  # P_{1/0,0/1} = P_{2,1}:
  P32 <- 8 * PP$"11222" + 20 * PP$"1124" + 4 * PP$"116" + 40 * PP$"1223" + 24 * PP$"125" + 
    36 * PP$"134" + 4 * PP$"17" + 32 * PP$"233" + 20 * PP$"35"
  # P_{0/1,1/0} = P_{1,2}: = P_{2,1} DUE TO SYMMETRY
  P23 <- P32
  # P_{1/0,1/0} = P_{2,2}:
  P33 <- 4 * PP$"2222" + 20 * PP$"224" + 8 * PP$"26" + 9 * PP$"44" + PP$"8"
  Pij <- as.list(rep(0, length(t)))
  if (length(t) > 1) {
    for (i in 1:length(t)) {
      Pij[[i]] <- list(E3 = matrix(c(p11[i], p12[i], p13[i], p21[i], p22[i], p23[i], p31[i], 
        p32[i], p33[i]), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)/d[i], E4 = matrix(c(P11[i], P12[i], P13[i], 
        P21[i], P22[i], P23[i], P31[i], P32[i], P33[i]), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)/D[i])
  } else Pij <- list(E3 = matrix(c(p11, p12, p13, p21, p22, p23, p31, p32, p33), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)/d, 
    E4 = matrix(c(P11, P12, P13, P21, P22, P23, P31, P32, P33), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)/D)

EE.list <- function(p, t) {
  ## computes both PsVar3 and PsVar4
  d <- unlist(lapply(t, function(x) prod(1 + 1:4 * x)))
  D <- unlist(lapply(t, function(x) prod(1 + 1:6 * x)))
  ### PsVar3
  pp <- list(`111111` = Sab.listmat(b = rep(1, 6), t = t, p = p), `11112` = Sab.listmat(b = c(rep(1, 
    4), 2), t = t, p = p), `1113` = Sab.listmat(b = c(1, 1, 1, 3), t = t, p = p), `1122` = Sab.listmat(b = c(1, 
    1, 2, 2), t = t, p = p), `114` = Sab.listmat(b = c(1, 1, 4), t = t, p = p), `123` = Sab.listmat(b = c(1, 
    2, 3), t = t, p = p), `33` = Sab.listmat(b = c(3, 3), t = t, p = p), `15` = Sab.listmat(b = c(1, 
    5), t = t, p = p), `222` = Sab.listmat(b = c(2, 2, 2), t = t, p = p), `24` = Sab.listmat(b = c(2, 
    4), t = t, p = p), `6` = Sab.listmat(b = 6, t = t, p = p))
  ### PsVar4
  PP <- list(`11111111` = Sab.listmat(b = rep(1, 8), t = t, p = p), `1111112` = Sab.listmat(b = c(rep(1, 
    6), 2), t = t, p = p), `111113` = Sab.listmat(b = c(rep(1, 5), 3), t = t, p = p), `111122` = Sab.listmat(b = c(rep(1, 
    4), 2, 2), t = t, p = p), `11114` = Sab.listmat(b = c(rep(1, 4), 4), t = t, p = p), 
    `1115` = Sab.listmat(b = c(rep(1, 3), 5), t = t, p = p), `116` = Sab.listmat(b = c(rep(1, 
      2), 6), t = t, p = p), `17` = Sab.listmat(b = c(1, 7), t = t, p = p), `11123` = Sab.listmat(b = c(1, 
      1, 1, 2, 3), t = t, p = p), `11222` = Sab.listmat(b = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2), t = t, p = p), 
    `1124` = Sab.listmat(b = c(1, 1, 2, 4), t = t, p = p), `1133` = Sab.listmat(b = c(1, 
      1, 3, 3), t = t, p = p), `125` = Sab.listmat(b = c(1, 2, 5), t = t, p = p), `1223` = Sab.listmat(b = c(1, 
      2, 2, 3), t = t, p = p), `134` = Sab.listmat(b = c(1, 3, 4), t = t, p = p), `2222` = Sab.listmat(b = rep(2, 
      4), t = t, p = p), `224` = Sab.listmat(b = c(2, 2, 4), t = t, p = p), `233` = Sab.listmat(b = c(2, 
      3, 3), t = t, p = p), `26` = Sab.listmat(b = c(2, 6), t = t, p = p), `35` = Sab.listmat(b = c(3, 
      5), t = t, p = p), `44` = Sab.listmat(b = c(4, 4), t = t, p = p), `8` = Sab.listmat(b = 8, 
      t = t, p = p))
  ### PsVar3 P_{0/0,0/0} = P_{0,0}:
  p11 <- pp$"111111" + 7 * pp$"11112" + 4 * pp$"1113" + 9 * pp$"1122" + pp$"114" + 4 * pp$"123" + 
    3 * pp$"222" + pp$"24"
  ## P_{0/1,0/0} = P_{1,0}:
  p21 <- 4 * pp$"11112" + 4 * pp$"1113" + 12 * pp$"1122" + 12 * pp$"123" + 2 * pp$"33"
  ## P_{1/0,0/0} = P_{2,0}:
  p31 <- 2 * pp$"1122" + pp$"114" + 2 * pp$"222" + pp$"24"
  ## P_{0/0,0/1} = P_{0,1}: = P_{1,0} due to symmetry
  p12 <- p21
  ## P_{0/0,1/0} = P_{0,2}: = P_{2,0} due to symmetry
  p13 <- p31
  ## P_{0/1,0/1} = P_{1,1}:
  p22 <- 8 * pp$"1113" + 8 * pp$"1122" + 12 * pp$"114" + 16 * pp$"123" + 2 * pp$"15" + 8 * 
    pp$"222" + 4 * pp$"24" + 2 * pp$"33"
  ## P_{1/0,0/1} = P_{2,1}:
  p32 <- 8 * pp$"123" + 2 * pp$"15" + 4 * pp$"24"
  ## P_{0/1,1/0} = P_{1,2}: = P_{2,1} due to symmetry
  p23 <- p32
  ## P_{1/0,1/0} = P_{2,2}:
  p33 <- 4 * pp$"33" + pp$"6"
  ### PsVar4 P_{0/0,0/0} = P_{0,0}:
  P11 <- PP$"11111111" + 20 * PP$"1111112" + 16 * PP$"111113" + 110 * PP$"111122" + 4 * PP$"11114" + 
    128 * PP$"11123" + 164 * PP$"11222" + 24 * PP$"1124" + 40 * PP$"1133" + 144 * PP$"1223" + 
    16 * PP$"134" + 33 * PP$"2222" + 12 * PP$"224" + 24 * PP$"233" + 2 * PP$"44"
  # P_{0/1,0/0} = P_{1,0}:
  P21 <- 4 * PP$"1111112" + 20 * PP$"111113" + 40 * PP$"111122" + 24 * PP$"11114" + 152 * 
    PP$"11123" + 8 * PP$"1115" + 84 * PP$"11222" + 104 * PP$"1124" + 40 * PP$"1133" + 196 * 
    PP$"1223" + 24 * PP$"125" + 32 * PP$"134" + 16 * PP$"2222" + 32 * PP$"224" + 48 * PP$"233" + 
    8 * PP$"35"
  # P_{1/0,0/0} = P_{2,0}:
  P31 <- 2 * PP$"111122" + PP$"11114" + 16 * PP$"11123" + 4 * PP$"1115" + 4 * PP$"11222" + 
    10 * PP$"1124" + 24 * PP$"1133" + 2 * PP$"116" + 16 * PP$"1223" + 4 * PP$"125" + 16 * 
    PP$"134" + 2 * PP$"2222" + 9 * PP$"224" + 8 * PP$"233" + 2 * PP$"26" + 4 * PP$"44"
  # P_{0/0,0/1} = P_{0,1}: = P_{1,0} due to symmetry
  P12 <- P21
  # P_{0/0,1/0} = P_{0,2}: = P_{2,0} due to symmetry
  P13 <- P31
  # P_{0/1,0/1} = P_{1,1}:
  P22 <- 16 * PP$"111122" + 16 * PP$"11114" + 96 * PP$"11123" + 32 * PP$"1115" + 64 * PP$"11222" + 
    128 * PP$"1124" + 112 * PP$"1133" + 16 * PP$"116" + 192 * PP$"1223" + 64 * PP$"125" + 
    96 * PP$"134" + 32 * PP$"2222" + 96 * PP$"224" + 80 * PP$"233" + 16 * PP$"26" + 16 * 
  # P_{1/0,0/1} = P_{2,1}:
  P32 <- 8 * PP$"11222" + 20 * PP$"1124" + 4 * PP$"116" + 40 * PP$"1223" + 24 * PP$"125" + 
    36 * PP$"134" + 4 * PP$"17" + 32 * PP$"233" + 20 * PP$"35"
  # P_{0/1,1/0} = P_{1,2}: = P_{2,1} DUE TO SYMMETRY
  P23 <- P32
  # P_{1/0,1/0} = P_{2,2}:
  P33 <- 4 * PP$"2222" + 20 * PP$"224" + 8 * PP$"26" + 9 * PP$"44" + PP$"8"
  if (length(t) > 1) {
    Pij <- replicate(length(t), as.list(rep(0, length(p))), simplify = FALSE)
    for (i in 1:length(t)) {
      for (j in 1:length(p)) Pij[[i]][[j]] <- list(E3 = matrix(c(p11[i, j], p12[i, j], 
        p13[i, j], p21[i, j], p22[i, j], p23[i, j], p31[i, j], p32[i, j], p33[i, j]), 
        3, 3, byrow = TRUE)/d[i], E4 = matrix(c(P11[i, j], P12[i, j], P13[i, j], P21[i, 
        j], P22[i, j], P23[i, j], P31[i, j], P32[i, j], P33[i, j]), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)/D[i])
      names(Pij[[i]]) <- names(p)
    names(Pij) <- paste(t)
  } else {
    Pij <- as.list(rep(0, length(p)))
    for (j in 1:length(p)) Pij[[j]] <- list(E3 = matrix(c(p11[j], p12[j], p13[j], p21[j], 
      p22[j], p23[j], p31[j], p32[j], p33[j]), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)/d, E4 = matrix(c(P11[j], 
      P12[j], P13[j], P21[j], P22[j], P23[j], P31[j], P32[j], P33[j]), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)/D)
    names(Pij) <- names(p)

## maps from M-matrix to vector
m2v <- function(i, j, L) ((i - 1) * (L + 1) - (i - 1) * (i - 2)/2 + j)  ## minus one from each index (i,j) because input format is i+1 and j+1

## Makes the recursion over loci. I.e. builds up the expected values by adding one locus at
## the time (q,u){
rareVar <- function(qu) {
  q <- lapply(qu, function(z) z[[1]])
  u <- lapply(qu, function(z) z[[2]])
  S <- length(q)
  M <- replicate(S, matrix(0, (S + 1) * (S + 2)/2, (S + 1) * (S + 2)/2), simplify = FALSE)
  N <- replicate(S, matrix(0, (S + 1) * (S + 2)/2, (S + 1) * (S + 2)/2), simplify = FALSE)
  locus1a <- m2v(rep(c(1, 1, 2), 3), rep(c(1, 2, 1), 3), S)
  locus1b <- m2v(rep(c(1, 2), c(6, 3)), rep(c(1, 2, 1), each = 3), S)
  q1 <- as.numeric(q[[1]])
  u1 <- as.numeric(u[[1]])
  for (i in 1:9) {
    ## 1:9 comes from the length of locus1a/b
    M[[1]][locus1a[i], locus1b[i]] <- q1[i]
    N[[1]][locus1a[i], locus1b[i]] <- u1[i]
  for (s in 2:S) {
    for (m in 1:(s + 1)) {
      for (mm in 1:(s + 1)) {
        for (p in 1:(s - m + 2)) {
          for (pp in 1:(s - mm + 2)) {
          if ((m == 1 & p == 1) & (mm == 1 & pp == 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)]
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)]
          } else if ((m == 1 & p == 1) & (mm == 1 & pp > 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][1, 2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, 
            pp - 1, S)])
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][1, 2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, 
            pp - 1, S)])
          } else if ((m == 1 & p == 1) & (mm > 1 & pp == 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][1, 3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 
            1, pp, S)])
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][1, 3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 
            1, pp, S)])
          } else if ((m == 1 & p == 1) & (mm > 1 & pp > 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][1, 2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, 
            pp - 1, S)] + q[[s]][1, 3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, 
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][1, 2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, 
            pp - 1, S)] + u[[s]][1, 3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, 
          } else if ((m == 1 & p > 1) & (mm == 1 & pp == 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][2, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)])
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][2, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)])
          } else if ((m == 1 & p > 1) & (mm == 1 & pp > 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][2, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][1, 2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 
            1, S)] + q[[s]][2, 2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, 
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][2, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][1, 2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 
            1, S)] + u[[s]][2, 2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, 
          } else if ((m == 1 & p > 1) & (mm > 1 & pp == 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][1, 3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 
            1, pp, S)] + q[[s]][2, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm, pp, 
            S)] + q[[s]][2, 3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)])
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][1, 3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 
            1, pp, S)] + u[[s]][2, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm, pp, 
            S)] + u[[s]][2, 3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)])
          } else if ((m == 1 & p > 1) & (mm > 1 & pp > 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][2, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][1, 2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 
            1, S)] + q[[s]][1, 3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)] + 
            q[[s]][2, 2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + q[[s]][2, 
            3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)])
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][2, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][1, 2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 
            1, S)] + u[[s]][1, 3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)] + 
            u[[s]][2, 2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + u[[s]][2, 
            3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)])
          } else if ((m > 1 & p == 1) & (mm == 1 & pp == 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][3, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)])
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][3, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)])
          } else if ((m > 1 & p == 1) & (mm == 1 & pp > 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][3, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][1, 2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 
            1, S)] + q[[s]][3, 2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, 
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][3, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][1, 2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 
            1, S)] + u[[s]][3, 2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, 
          } else if ((m > 1 & p == 1) & (mm > 1 & pp == 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][3, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][1, 3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, 
            pp, S)] + q[[s]][3, 3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, 
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][3, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][1, 3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, 
            pp, S)] + u[[s]][3, 3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, 
          } else if ((m > 1 & p == 1) & (mm > 1 & pp > 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][3, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][1, 2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 
            1, S)] + q[[s]][1, 3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)] + 
            q[[s]][3, 2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + q[[s]][3, 
            3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)])
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][3, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][1, 2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 
            1, S)] + u[[s]][1, 3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)] + 
            u[[s]][3, 2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + u[[s]][3, 
            3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)])
          } else if ((m > 1 & p > 1) & (mm == 1 & pp == 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][2, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][3, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, 
            pp, S)])
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][2, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][3, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, 
            pp, S)])
          } else if ((m > 1 & p > 1) & (mm == 1 & pp > 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][2, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][3, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, 
            pp, S)] + q[[s]][1, 2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + 
            q[[s]][2, 2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + q[[s]][3, 
            2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)])
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][2, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][3, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, 
            pp, S)] + u[[s]][1, 2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + 
            u[[s]][2, 2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + u[[s]][3, 
            2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)])
          } else if ((m > 1 & p > 1) & (mm > 1 & pp == 1)) {
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][2, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][3, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, 
            pp, S)] + q[[s]][1, 3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)] + 
            q[[s]][2, 3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)] + q[[s]][3, 
            3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)])
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][2, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][3, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, 
            pp, S)] + u[[s]][1, 3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)] + 
            u[[s]][2, 3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)] + u[[s]][3, 
            3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)])
          } else {
            # if((m>1 & p>1) & (mm>1 & pp>1)){} ... SAME AS ELSE:
            M[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (q[[s]][1, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][2, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + q[[s]][3, 1] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, 
            pp, S)] + q[[s]][1, 2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + 
            q[[s]][1, 3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)] + q[[s]][2, 
            2] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + q[[s]][3, 2] * 
            M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + q[[s]][2, 3] * M[[s - 
            1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)] + q[[s]][3, 3] * M[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 
            1, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)])
            N[[s]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] <- (u[[s]][1, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, 
            p, S), m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][2, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), 
            m2v(mm, pp, S)] + u[[s]][3, 1] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, 
            pp, S)] + u[[s]][1, 2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + 
            u[[s]][1, 3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)] + u[[s]][2, 
            2] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + u[[s]][3, 2] * 
            N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 1, p, S), m2v(mm, pp - 1, S)] + u[[s]][2, 3] * N[[s - 
            1]][m2v(m, p - 1, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)] + u[[s]][3, 3] * N[[s - 1]][m2v(m - 
            1, p, S), m2v(mm - 1, pp, S)])
  x <- M[[S]]
  y <- N[[S]]
  dimnames(x) <- dimnames(y) <- list(dbCats(S, vector = TRUE), dbCats(S, vector = TRUE))
  list(E3 = x, E4 = y)

#' Covariance matrix of cell counts in DNA database comparison
#' Computes the covariance matrix for the cell counts when comparing DNA
#' profiles in a DNA database. For every pair of DNA profiles in a database the
#' number of matching and partial matching loci is recorded. A match is
#' declared if the two DNA profiles coincide for both alleles in a locus and a
#' partial-match is recorded if only one allele is shared between the profiles.
#' With a total of L loci the number of matching loci is 0,...,L and partial
#' number of matches is 0,...,L-m, where m is the number of matching loci. The
#' expression is given by: \deqn{latex}{% Var(M) =
#' {n\choose2}Var[M(G_{i_1},G_{i_2})] +
#' 6*{n\choose3}Cov[M(G_{i_1},G_{i_2}),M(G_{i_1},G_{i_3})] +
#' 6*{n\choose4}Cov[M(G_{i_1},G_{i_2}),M(G_{i_3},G_{i_4})] }
#' Computes the covariance matrix of the cell counts using a recursion formula.
#' See Tvedebrink et al (2011) for details.
#' @param probs List of vectors with allele probabilities for each locus
#' @param theta The coancestery coefficient. If a vector of different theta
#' values are supplied a list of covariance matrices is returned. Note it is
#' faster to give a vector of theta values as argument than calculating each
#' matrix at the time.
#' @param n Number of DNA profiles in the database. If n=1 is supplied a list
#' of the components for computing the variance is returned. That is, the
#' variance and two covariances on the right hand side of the equation above.
#' @param collapse Logical, default FALSE. If TRUE the covariance matrix is
#' collapsed such that it relates to (2*m+p)-vectors of total number of
#' matching alleles rather than (m,p)-matrix.
#' @return Returns a covariance matrix for the cell counts.
#' @author James Curran and Torben Tvedebrink
#' @references T Tvedebrink, PS Eriksen, J Curran, HS Mogensen, N Morling.
#' 'Analysis of matches and partial-matches in Danish DNA reference profile
#' database'. Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2011.
#' @examples
#'   \dontrun{
#'   ## Simulate some allele frequencies:
#'   freqs <-  replicate(10, { g = rgamma(n=10,scale=4,shape=3); g/sum(g)}, simplify=FALSE)
#'   ## List of elements needed to compute the covariance matrix.
#'   ## Useful option when the covariance needs to be computed for varying
#'   ## database sizes but for identical theta-value.
#'   comps <- dbVariance(freqs,theta=0,n=1)
#'   ## Covariance for a DB with 1000 DNA profiles
#'   cov1000 <- dbVariance(freqs,theta=0,n=1000)
#'   ## The result is the same as:
#'   comps1000 <- choose(1000,2)*comps$V1 + 6*choose(1000,3)*comps$V2 + 6*choose(1000,4)*comps$V3
#'   }
#' @export dbVariance
dbVariance <- function(probs, theta = 0, n = 1, collapse = FALSE) {
  EEs <- EE.list(probs, t = theta)
  ## Es <- rareVar(q=lapply(q,PsVar3,t=theta),u=lapply(q,PsVar4,t=theta))
  if (length(theta) > 1) {
    V <- as.list(rep(0, length(theta)))
    for (t in 1:length(theta)) {
      E <- dbExpect(probs, theta = theta[t], vector = TRUE)
      Es <- rareVar(EEs[[t]])
      V1 <- diag(E) - E %*% t(E)
      V2 <- Es$E3 - E %*% t(E)
      V3 <- Es$E4 - E %*% t(E)
      if (n == 1) 
        V[[t]] <- list(V1 = V1, V2 = V2, V3 = V3) else V[[t]] <- choose(n, 2) * V1 + 6 * choose(n, 3) * V2 + 6 * choose(n, 4) * V3
      if (collapse) 
        V[[t]] <- varCollapse(V[[t]], nl = length(probs))
    names(V) <- paste(theta)
  } else {
    E <- dbExpect(probs, theta = theta, vector = TRUE)
    Es <- rareVar(EEs)
    V1 <- diag(E) - E %*% t(E)
    V2 <- Es$E3 - E %*% t(E)
    V3 <- Es$E4 - E %*% t(E)
    if (n == 1) 
      V <- list(V1 = V1, V2 = V2, V3 = V3) else V <- choose(n, 2) * V1 + 6 * choose(n, 3) * V2 + 6 * choose(n, 4) * V3
    if (collapse) 
      V <- varCollapse(V, nl = length(probs))

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DNAtools documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:01 p.m.