#' Helper functions for using DT in Shiny
#' These two functions are like most \code{fooOutput()} and \code{renderFoo()}
#' functions in the \pkg{shiny} package. The former is used to create a
#' container for table, and the latter is used in the server logic to render the
#' table.
#' @param outputId output variable to read the table from
#' @param width the width of the table container
#' @param height the height of the table container
#' @param fill passed to \code{htmlwidgets::\link{shinyWidgetOutput}()}, see
#' there for explanation (requires \pkg{htmlwidgets} > v1.5.4).
#' @references \url{}
#' @export
#' @examples # !formatR
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library(shiny)
#' library(DT)
#' shinyApp(
#' ui = fluidPage(fluidRow(column(12, DTOutput('tbl')))),
#' server = function(input, output) {
#' output$tbl = renderDT(
#' iris, options = list(lengthChange = FALSE)
#' )
#' }
#' )
#' }
dataTableOutput = function(outputId, width = '100%', height = 'auto', fill = TRUE) {
args = list(outputId, 'datatables', width, height, package = 'DT')
if ("fill" %in% names(formals(htmlwidgets::shinyWidgetOutput)))
args$fill = fill
htmltools::attachDependencies(, args),
append = TRUE
#' @export
#' @rdname dataTableOutput
DTOutput = dataTableOutput
#' @export
#' @rdname dataTableOutput
#' @param expr an expression to create a table widget (normally via
#' \code{\link{datatable}()}), or a data object to be passed to
#' \code{datatable()} to create a table widget
#' @param server whether to use server-side processing. If \code{TRUE}, then the
#' data is kept on the server and the browser requests a page at a time; if
#' \code{FALSE}, then the entire data frame is sent to the browser at once.
#' Highly recommended for medium to large data frames, which can cause
#' browsers to slow down or crash. Note that if you want to use
#' \code{renderDataTable} with \code{shiny::bindCache()}, this must be
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param env The parent environment for the reactive expression. By default,
#' this is the calling environment, the same as when defining an ordinary
#' non-reactive expression. If \code{expr} is a quosure and \code{quoted} is
#' \code{TRUE}, then \code{env} is ignored.
#' @param quoted If it is \code{TRUE}, then the \code{\link{quote}()}ed value of
#' \code{expr} will be used when \code{expr} is evaluated. If \code{expr} is a
#' quosure and you would like to use its expression as a value for
#' \code{expr}, then you must set \code{quoted} to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param funcFilter (for expert use only) passed to the \code{filter} argument
#' of \code{\link{dataTableAjax}()}
#' @param future whether the server-side filter function should be executed as a
#' future or as a standard synchronous function. If true, the future will be
#' evaluated according to the session's \link[future]{plan}.
#' @param outputArgs A list of arguments to be passed through to the implicit
#' call to \code{\link{dataTableOutput}()} when
#' \code{\link{renderDataTable}()} is used in an interactive R Markdown
#' document.
#' @param ... ignored when \code{expr} returns a table widget, and passed as
#' additional arguments to \code{\link{datatable}()} when \code{expr} returns
#' a data object
renderDataTable = function(
expr, server = TRUE, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE,
funcFilter = dataTablesFilter, future = FALSE,
outputArgs = list(), ...
) {
if (!quoted) expr = substitute(expr)
# TODO: this can be simplified after this htmlwidgets PR is merged
outputInfoEnv = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
outputInfoEnv[["outputName"]] = NULL
# jcheng 2018-12-17:
# It's important to save the session, not just the outputName. It turns
# out that if the datatable is defined in a module, the outputName is
# the fully qualified name, and session is the top-level session (that
# is, the outputName and session that is passed to the render function).
# That's a fine combination, or alternatively it'd be fine if the name
# was unqualified and the session was module-specific. But during my
# commit to add async support, I broke this pairing, and used the (fully
# qualified) outputName from the render function, and the session from
# getDefaultReactiveDomain() (which is module specific), and this combo
# is no good--you end up with the module prefix included twice in the
# ajax URL. See issue #626 for the repro.
outputInfoEnv[["session"]] = NULL
exprFunc = shiny::exprToFunction(expr, env, quoted = TRUE)
argFunc = shiny::exprToFunction(list(..., server = server), parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE)
widgetFunc = function() {
opts = options(DT.datatable.shiny = TRUE); on.exit(options(opts), add = TRUE)
instance = exprFunc()
if (promises::is.promising(instance)) {
promises::then(instance, processWidget)
} else {
processWidget = function(instance) {
args = argFunc()
server = args$server; args$server = NULL # the last element is `server`
# which is only used in `renderDT()` not `datatable()`, the reason
# of having it in `argFunc()` is we want `server` to be reactive
if (!all(c('datatables', 'htmlwidget') %in% class(instance))) {
instance =, c(list(instance), args))
} else if (length(args) != 0) {
warning("renderDataTable ignores ... arguments when expr yields a datatable object; see ?renderDataTable")
# in the server mode, we should not store the full data in JSON
if (server && !is.null(instance[['x']])) {
if (!is.null(instance$x$crosstalkOptions$group)) {
stop("Crosstalk only works with DT client mode: DT::renderDataTable({...}, server=FALSE)")
origData = instance[['x']][['data']]
instance$x$data = NULL
# register the data object in a shiny session
options = instance[['x']][['options']]
# autoHideNavigation won't work in the server mode
if (isTRUE(instance[['x']][['autoHideNavigation']]))
warning("`autoHideNavigation` only works with DT client mode and it will be ignored",
immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
# Normalize "ajax" argument; if we leave it a string then we have several
# code paths that need to account for both string and list representations
if (is.character(options[['ajax']])) {
options$ajax = list(url = options$ajax)
if (is.null(options[['ajax']][['url']])) {
url = sessionDataURL(outputInfoEnv[["session"]], origData, outputInfoEnv[["outputName"]], funcFilter, future)
options$ajax$url = url
instance$x$options = fixServerOptions(options)
# We need to warn the use of "Select" extension in the server-side processing
# mode since right now there's no good way of supporting the server mode.
# More specifically, the Select ext can't remember the cross-page selections
# because the javascript implementation doesn't take the server mode into account.
# Until that gets changed, we are not able to integrate the Select ext with DT's
# own implementations.
if ('Select' %in% as.character(instance$x$extensions)) warning(
"The Select extension is not able to work with the server-side ",
"processing mode properly. It's recommended to use the Select extension ",
"only in the client-side processing mode (by setting `server = FALSE` ",
"in `DT::renderDT()`) or use DT's own selection implementations (",
"see the `selection` argument in ?DT::datatable).",
immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE
renderFunc = htmlwidgets::shinyRenderWidget(
widgetFunc(), dataTableOutput, environment(), FALSE
# The cacheHint arg is not present in Shiny < 1.6.0. Once that version is
# very widely used, we can remove this if() statement.
func = if ("cacheHint" %in% names(formals(shiny::markRenderFunction))) {
# Can't cache with server-side processing
cacheHint = if (server) FALSE else list(label = "renderDataTable", userExpr = expr)
uiFunc = dataTableOutput,
renderFunc = function(shinysession, name, ...) {
domain = tempVarsPromiseDomain(outputInfoEnv, outputName = name, session = shinysession)
removeTimestampFromSnapshot(name, shinysession)
promises::with_promise_domain(domain, renderFunc())
outputArgs = outputArgs,
cacheHint = cacheHint
} else {
uiFunc = dataTableOutput,
renderFunc = function(shinysession, name, ...) {
domain = tempVarsPromiseDomain(outputInfoEnv, outputName = name, session = shinysession)
promises::with_promise_domain(domain, renderFunc())
outputArgs = outputArgs
func = shiny::snapshotPreprocessOutput(func, function(value) {
# Looks for a string like this in the JSON:
# "url":"session/2a2b834d90637a7559f3ebaba460ad10/dataobj/table?w=&nonce=aea032f33aedfd0e",
# and removes it, so that the value isn't saved in test snapshots.
gsub('"ajax"\\s*:\\s*\\{\\s*"url"\\s*:\\s*"[^"]*"\\s*,?', '"ajax":{', value)
shiny::registerInputHandler('DT.cellInfo', function(val, ...) {
opts = options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE); on.exit(options(opts), add = TRUE)
val = lapply(val,, val)
}, TRUE)
#' @export
#' @rdname dataTableOutput
renderDT = renderDataTable
getAll = function(x, env) {
as.list(mget(x, env, ifnotfound = rep(list(NULL), times = length(x))))
setAll = function(lst, env) {
mapply(names(lst), lst, FUN = function(name, val) {
assign(name, val, env)
removeTimestampFromSnapshot = function(name, session) {
shiny::snapshotPreprocessInput(paste0(name, "_state"), function(value) {
value$time <- NULL
}, session)
# This promise domain is needed to set/unset temporary variables in
# a specific environment anytime a promise handler is invoked in the
# domain. This is used to pass the Shiny output name from where we
# know it (in the function(shinysession, name, ...) {...}) to where
# we don't know it, but need it (processWidget).
tempVarsPromiseDomain = function(env, ...) {
vars = list(...)
wrapOnFulfilled = function(onFulfilled) {
# force(onFulfilled)
function(...) {
old = getAll(names(vars), env)
setAll(vars, env)
setAll(old, env)
}, add = TRUE)
wrapOnRejected = function(onRejected) {
# force(onRejected)
function(...) {
old = getAll(names(vars), env)
setAll(vars, env)
setAll(old, env)
}, add = TRUE)
wrapSync = function(expr) {
old = getAll(names(vars), env)
setAll(vars, env)
setAll(old, env)
}, add = TRUE)
#' Manipulate an existing DataTables instance in a Shiny app
#' The function \code{dataTableProxy()} creates a proxy object that can be used
#' to manipulate an existing DataTables instance in a Shiny app, e.g. select
#' rows/columns, or add rows.
#' @param outputId the id of the table to be manipulated (the same id as the one
#' you used in \code{\link{dataTableOutput}()})
#' @param session the Shiny session object (from the server function of the
#' Shiny app)
#' @param deferUntilFlush whether an action should be carried out right away, or
#' should be held until after the next time all of the outputs are updated
#' @note \code{addRow()} only works for client-side tables. If you want to use
#' it in a Shiny app, make sure to use \code{renderDataTable(..., server =
#' FALSE)}. Also note that the column filters (if used) of the table will not
#' be automatically updated when a new row is added, e.g., the range of the
#' slider of a column will stay the same even if you have added a value
#' outside the range of the original data column.
#' @references \url{}
#' @rdname proxy
#' @export
dataTableProxy = function(
outputId, session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain(), deferUntilFlush = TRUE
) {
if (is.null(session))
stop('dataTableProxy() must be called from the server function of a Shiny app')
id = session$ns(outputId), rawId = outputId, session = session,
deferUntilFlush = deferUntilFlush
), class = 'dataTableProxy')
#' @param proxy a proxy object returned by \code{dataTableProxy()}
#' @param selected an integer vector of row/column indices, or a matrix of two
#' columns (row and column indices, respectively) for cell indices; you may
#' use \code{NULL} to clear existing selections
#' @param ignore.selectable when \code{FALSE} (the default), the "non-selectable"
#' range specified by \code{selection = list(selectable= )} is respected, i.e.,
#' you can't select "non-selectable" range. Otherwise, it is ignored.
#' @rdname proxy
#' @export
selectRows = function(proxy, selected, ignore.selectable = FALSE) {
proxy, 'selectRows',
list(I_null(as.integer(selected)), ignore.selectable)
#' @rdname proxy
#' @export
selectColumns = function(proxy, selected, ignore.selectable = FALSE) {
proxy, 'selectColumns',
list(I_null(as.integer(selected)), ignore.selectable)
I_null = function(x) if (is.null(x)) list() else x
#' @rdname proxy
#' @export
selectCells = function(proxy, selected, ignore.selectable = FALSE) {
proxy, 'selectCells',
list(selected, ignore.selectable)
#' @param data a single row of data to be added to the table; it can be a matrix
#' or data frame of one row, or a vector or list of row data (in the latter
#' case, please be cautious about the row name: if your table contains row
#' names, here \code{data} must also contain the row name as the first
#' element)
#' @rdname proxy
#' @export
addRow = function(proxy, data, resetPaging = TRUE) {
if ((is.matrix(data) || && nrow(data) != 1)
stop("'data' must be of only one row")
rn <- rownames(data); if (!is.null(rn)) rn <- I(rn)
# must apply unname() after as.list() because a data.table object
# can't be really unnamed. The names() attributes will be
# preserved but with empty strings (see #760).
invokeRemote(proxy, 'addRow', list(unname(as.list(data)), rn, resetPaging))
#' @rdname proxy
#' @export
clearSearch = function(proxy) {
updateSearch(proxy, list(global = '', columns = ''))
#' @param page a number indicating the page to select
#' @rdname proxy
#' @export
selectPage = function(proxy, page) {
invokeRemote(proxy, 'selectPage', list(page))
#' @param caption a new table caption (see the \code{caption} argument of
#' \code{\link{datatable}()})
#' @rdname proxy
#' @export
updateCaption = function(proxy, caption) {
invokeRemote(proxy, 'updateCaption', list(captionString(caption)))
#' @param keywords a list of two components: \code{global} is the global search
#' keyword of a single character string (ignored if \code{NULL});
#' \code{columns} is a character vector of the search keywords for all columns
#' (when the table has one column for the row names, this vector of keywords
#' should contain one keyword for the row names as well)
#' @rdname proxy
#' @export
updateSearch = function(proxy, keywords = list(global = NULL, columns = NULL)) {
global = keywords$global
if (is.null(global)) {
keywords['global'] = list(NULL)
} else {
if (!is.character(global) || length(global) != 1)
stop('keywords$global must be a character string')
columns = keywords$columns
if (is.null(columns)) {
keywords['columns'] = list(NULL)
} else {
if (is.character(columns)) {
if (length(columns) == 0) stop(
'The length of keywords$columns must be greater than zero if it is a character vector'
} else if (is.list(columns)) {
if (any(sapply(columns, length) > 1)) stop(
'keywords$columns should be a list of NULL or character strings'
} else stop('keywords$columns must be either a character vector or a list')
invokeRemote(proxy, 'updateSearch', list(keywords))
#' @param show a vector of column positions to show (the indexing starts at
#' 0, but if row.names are visible, they are the first column).
#' @rdname proxy
#' @export
showCols = function(proxy, show, reset = FALSE) {
invokeRemote(proxy, 'showCols', list(show, reset))
#' @param hide a vector of column positions to hide
#' @param reset if \code{TRUE}, will only show/hide the columns indicated.
#' @rdname proxy
#' @export
hideCols = function(proxy, hide, reset = FALSE) {
invokeRemote(proxy, 'hideCols', list(hide, reset))
#' @param order A numeric vector of column positions, starting from 0, and including
#' the row.names as a column, if they are include. Must contain a value
#' for all columns, regardless of whether they are visible or not. Also for
#' column reordering to work, the datatable must have extension 'ColReorder'
#' set as well as option 'colReordoer' set to TRUE).
#' @param origOrder Whether column reordering should be relative to the original
#' order (the default is to compare to current order)
#' @rdname proxy
#' @export
colReorder = function(proxy, order, origOrder = FALSE) {
invokeRemote(proxy, 'colReorder', list(order, origOrder))
#' @param resetPaging whether to reset the paging position
#' @param clearSelection which existing selections to clear: it can be any
#' combinations of \code{row}, \code{column}, and \code{cell}, or \code{all}
#' for all three, or \code{none} to keep current selections (by default, all
#' selections are cleared after the data is reloaded)
#' @note \code{reloadData()} only works for tables in the server-side processing
#' mode, e.g. tables rendered with \code{renderDataTable(server = TRUE)}. The
#' data to be reloaded (i.e. the one you pass to \code{dataTableAjax()}) must
#' have exactly the same number of columns as the previous data object in the
#' table.
#' @rdname proxy
#' @export
reloadData = function(
proxy, resetPaging = TRUE, clearSelection = c('all', 'none', 'row', 'column', 'cell')
) {
if ('all' %in% clearSelection) clearSelection = c('row', 'column', 'cell')
invokeRemote(proxy, 'reloadData', list(resetPaging, clearSelection))
#' Replace data in an existing table
#' Replace the data object of a table output and avoid regenerating the full
#' table, in which case the state of the current table will be preserved
#' (sorting, filtering, and pagination) and applied to the table with new data.
#' @param proxy a proxy object created by \code{dataTableProxy()}
#' @param data the new data object to be loaded in the table
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed to \code{\link{dataTableAjax}()}
#' @param resetPaging,clearSelection passed to \code{\link{reloadData}()}
#' @note When you replace the data in an existing table, please make sure the
#' new data has the same number of columns as the current data. When you have
#' enabled column filters, you should also make sure the attributes of every
#' column remain the same, e.g. factor columns should have the same or fewer
#' levels, and numeric columns should have the same or smaller range,
#' otherwise the filters may never be able to reach certain rows in the data,
#' unless you explicitly update the filters with \code{updateFilters()}.
#' If the \code{ColReorder} extension is used, the new \code{data} must have
#' column names that match the original data column names exactly.
#' @export
replaceData = function(proxy, data, ..., resetPaging = TRUE, clearSelection = 'all') {
dataTableAjax(proxy$session, data, ..., outputId = proxy$rawId)
reloadData(proxy, resetPaging, clearSelection)
#' @rdname replaceData
#' @export
updateFilters = function(proxy, data) {
# make sure JS gets an array, not an object
filters = unname(columnFilters(data))
invokeRemote(proxy, 'updateFilters', list(filters))
invokeRemote = function(proxy, method, args = list()) {
if (!inherits(proxy, 'dataTableProxy'))
stop('Invalid proxy argument; table proxy object was expected')
msg = list(id = proxy$id, call = list(method = method, args = args))
sess = proxy$session
if (proxy$deferUntilFlush) {
sess$onFlushed(function() {
sess$sendCustomMessage('datatable-calls', msg)
}, once = TRUE)
} else {
sess$sendCustomMessage('datatable-calls', msg)
shinyFun = function(name) getFromNamespace(name, 'shiny')
# Works around the fact that session$getCurrentOutputInfo() in Shiny through
# version 1.4 signals an error if there is no active output (the private field
# ShinySession$currentOutputName is NULL). Consider removing in the future
# sometime after is released.
getCurrentOutputName = function(session) {
tryCatch(session$getCurrentOutputInfo()[["name"]], error = function(e) NULL)
#' Register a data object in a shiny session for DataTables
#' This function stores a data object in a shiny session and returns a URL that
#' returns JSON data based on DataTables Ajax requests. The URL can be used as
#' the \code{url} option inside the \code{ajax} option of the table. It is
#' basically an implementation of server-side processing of DataTables in R.
#' Filtering, sorting, and pagination are processed through R instead of
#' JavaScript (client-side processing).
#' Normally you should not need to call this function directly. It is called
#' internally when a table widget is rendered in a Shiny app to configure the
#' table option \code{ajax} automatically. If you are familiar with
#' \pkg{DataTables}' server-side processing, and want to use a custom filter
#' function, you may call this function to get an Ajax URL.
#' @inheritParams renderDataTable
#' @param session the \code{session} object in the shiny server function
#' (\code{function(input, output, session)})
#' @param data a data object (will be coerced to a data frame internally)
#' @param rownames see \code{\link{datatable}()}; it must be consistent with
#' what you use in \code{datatable()}, e.g. if the widget is generated by
#' \code{datatable(rownames = FALSE)}, you must also use
#' \code{dataTableAjax(rownames = FALSE)} here
#' @param filter (for expert use only) a function with two arguments \code{data}
#' and \code{params} (Ajax parameters, a list of the form \code{list(search =
#' list(value = 'FOO', regex = 'false'), length = 10, ...)}) that return the
#' filtered table result according to the DataTables Ajax request
#' @param outputId the output ID of the table (the same ID passed to
#' \code{dataTableOutput()}; if missing, an attempt to infer it from
#' \code{session} is made. If it can't be inferred, a random id is
#' generated.)
#' @references \url{}
#' @return A character string (an Ajax URL that can be queried by DataTables).
#' @example inst/examples/ajax-shiny.R
#' @export
dataTableAjax = function(
session, data, rownames, filter = dataTablesFilter, outputId, future = FALSE
) {
oop = options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE); on.exit(options(oop), add = TRUE)
if (missing(outputId)) outputId = getCurrentOutputName(session)
# abuse tempfile() to obtain a random id unique to this R session
if (is.null(outputId)) outputId = basename(tempfile(''))
# deal with row names: rownames = TRUE or missing, use rownames(data)
rn = if (missing(rownames) || isTRUE(rownames)) base::rownames(data) else {
if (is.character(rownames)) rownames # use custom row names
data = # think dplyr
if (length(rn)) data = cbind(' ' = rn, data)
sessionDataURL(session, data, outputId, filter, future)
sessionDataURL = function(session, data, id, filter, future) {
toJSON = shinyFun('toJSON')
httpResponse = shinyFun('httpResponse')
filterFun = function(data, req) {
# DataTables requests were sent via POST
params = rawToChar(req$rook.input$read())
# I don't think the browser would send out nonASCII strings, but keep it as it is
Encoding(params) = 'UTF-8'
# shiny::parseQueryString() calls httpuv::decodeURIComponent() internally and will handle encoding correctly
params = shiny::parseQueryString(params, nested = TRUE)
res = tryCatch(filter(data, params), error = function(e) {
list(error = as.character(e))
jsonArgs = c(list(x = res, dataframe = 'rows'),
getOption('DT.TOJSON_ARGS', getOption('htmlwidgets.TOJSON_ARGS')))
httpResponse(200, 'application/json', enc2utf8(, jsonArgs)))
filterFunExecute = function(data, req) {
if (future) {
promises::future_promise(seed = TRUE, { filterFun(data, req) })
} else filterFun(data, req)
session$registerDataObj(id, data, filterFunExecute)
# filter a data frame according to the DataTables request parameters
dataTablesFilter = function(data, params) {
n = nrow(data)
q = params
# users may be updating the table too frequently
if (length(q$columns) != ncol(data)) return(list(
draw = as.integer(q$draw),
recordsTotal = n,
recordsFiltered = 0,
data = list(),
DT_rows_all = seq_len(n),
DT_rows_current = list()
# map DataTables's column index in the query (`i` here) to the actual column
# index in data via its name because the two indices won't match when columns
# are reordered via the colReorder extension
imap = unlist(lapply(q$columns, function(col) {
# if data doesn't have column names (e.g., #1108), assume it's not reordered
# (which may not be true)
if (is.null(names(data))) return(0L)
k = col[['name']]
if (!is.character(k) || k == '') return(0L)
i = match(k, names(data))
if ( stop("The column name '", k, "' is not found in data.")
if (all(imap == 0)) imap[] = seq_len(ncol(data))
# which columns are searchable?
searchable = logical(ncol(data))
for (j in names(q$columns)) {
if (q$columns[[j]][['searchable']] == 'true') searchable[imap[j]] = TRUE
# global searching options (column search shares caseInsensitive)
# for some reason, q$search might be NULL, leading to error `if (logical(0))`
global_opts = list(
smart = !identical(q$search[['smart']], 'false'),
regex = q$search[['regex']] != 'false',
caseInsensitive = q$search[['caseInsensitive']] == 'true'
# start searching with all rows
i = seq_len(n)
# apply SearchBuilder query if present
if (!is.null(s <- q$searchBuilder)) {
r = sbEvaluateSearch(s, data)
if (!is.null(r)) i = which(r)
# search by columns
if (length(i)) for (j in names(q$columns)) {
col = q$columns[[j]]
j = imap[j]
# if the j-th column is not searchable or the search string is "", skip it
if (!searchable[j]) next
if ((k <- col[['search']][['value']]) == '') next
k = httpuv::decodeURIComponent(k)
column_opts = list(
regex = col[['search']][['regex']] != 'false',
caseInsensitive = global_opts$caseInsensitive
dj = data[i, j]
i = i[doColumnSearch(dj, k, options = column_opts)]
if (length(i) == 0) break
# global searching
if (length(i) && any((k <- q$search[['value']]) != '')) {
dg = data[i, searchable, drop = FALSE]
k = httpuv::decodeURIComponent(k)
i = i[doGlobalSearch(dg, k, options = global_opts)]
if (length(i) != n) data = data[i, , drop = FALSE]
iAll = i # row indices of filtered data
# sorting
oList = list()
for (ord in q$order) {
k = ord[['column']] # which column to sort
d = ord[['dir']] # direction asc/desc
if (q$columns[[k]][['orderable']] != 'true') next
col = data[, imap[k]]
oList[[length(oList) + 1]] = (if (d == 'asc') identity else `-`)(
if (is.numeric(col)) col else xtfrm(col)
if (length(oList)) {
i =, oList)
data = data[i, , drop = FALSE]
iAll = iAll[i]
# paging
if (q$length != '-1') {
len = as.integer(q$length)
# I don't know why this can happen, but see
if ( {
warning("The DataTables parameter 'length' is '", q$length, "' (invalid).")
len = 0
i = seq(as.integer(q$start) + 1L, length.out = len)
i = i[i <= nrow(data)]
fdata = data[i, , drop = FALSE] # filtered data
iCurrent = iAll[i]
} else {
fdata = data
iCurrent = iAll
if (q$escape != 'false') {
k = seq_len(ncol(fdata))
if (q$escape != 'true') {
# q$escape might be negative indices, e.g. c(-1, -5)
k = k[as.integer(strsplit(q$escape, ',')[[1]])]
for (j in k) if (maybe_character(fdata[, j])) fdata[, j] = htmlEscape(fdata[, j])
# TODO: if iAll is just 1:n, is it necessary to pass this vector to JSON, then
# to R? When n is large, it may not be very efficient
draw = as.integer(q$draw),
recordsTotal = n,
recordsFiltered = nrow(data),
data = cleanDataFrame(fdata),
DT_rows_all = iAll,
DT_rows_current = iCurrent
#' Server-side searching
#' \code{doGlobalSearch()} can be used to search a data frame given the search
#' string typed by the user into the global search box of a
#' \code{\link{datatable}}. \code{doColumnSearch()} does the same for a vector
#' given the search string typed into a column filter. These functions are used
#' internally by the default \code{filter} function passed to
#' \code{\link{dataTableAjax}()}, allowing you to replicate the search results
#' that server-side processing returns.
#' @param x a vector, the type of which determines the expected
#' \code{search_string} format
#' @param search_string a string that determines what to search for. The format
#' depends on the type of input, matching what a user would type in the
#' associated filter control.
#' @param options a list of options used to control how searching character
#' values works. Supported options are \code{regex}, \code{caseInsensitive}
#' and (for global search)
#' \href{}{\code{smart}}.
#' @param data a data frame
#' @return An integer vector of filtered row indices
#' @seealso The column filters section online for search string formats:
#' \url{}
#' @seealso Accessing the search strings typed by a user in a Shiny app:
#' \url{}
#' @examples
#' doGlobalSearch(iris, 'versi')
#' doGlobalSearch(iris, "v.r.i", options = list(regex = TRUE))
#' doColumnSearch(iris$Species, '["versicolor"]')
#' doColumnSearch(iris$Sepal.Length, '4 ... 5')
#' @export
doColumnSearch = function(x, search_string, options = list()) {
if (length(search_string) == 0 || search_string == '') return(seq_along(x))
if (is.numeric(x) || is.Date(x)) {
which(filterRange(x, search_string))
} else if (is.factor(x)) {
which(x %in% fromJSON(search_string))
} else if (is.logical(x)) {
which(x %in% as.logical(fromJSON(search_string)))
} else {
search_string, as.character(x),
fixed = !(options$regex %||% FALSE), = options$caseInsensitive %||% TRUE
#' @rdname doColumnSearch
#' @export
doGlobalSearch = function(data, search_string, options = list()) {
n = nrow(data)
if (length(v <- search_string) > 0) {
if (options$smart %||% TRUE) {
v = unlist(strsplit(gsub('^\\s+|\\s+$', '', v), '\\s+'))
if (length(v) == 0) v = ''
m = if ((nv <- length(v)) > 1) array(FALSE, c(dim(data), nv)) else logical(n)
# TODO: this searching method may not be efficient and need optimization
if (!identical(v, '')) {
for (j in seq_len(ncol(data))) {
for (k in seq_len(nv)) {
i0 = grep2(
v[k], as.character(data[, j, drop = TRUE]),
fixed = !(options$regex %||% FALSE), = options$caseInsensitive %||% TRUE
if (nv > 1) m[i0, j, k] = TRUE else m[i0] = TRUE
which(if (nv > 1) apply(m, 1, function(z) all(colSums(z) > 0)) else m)
} else seq_len(n)
# when both and fixed are TRUE, we use grep( = FALSE,
# fixed = TRUE) to do lower-case matching of pattern on x; assume value = FALSE
grep2 = function(pattern, x, = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, ...) {
if (fixed && {
pattern = tolower(pattern)
x = tolower(x) = FALSE
# when the user types in the search box, the regular expression may not be
# complete before it is sent to the server, in which case we do not search
if (!fixed && inherits(try(grep(pattern, '', perl = TRUE), silent = TRUE), 'try-error'))
# #749 if both fixed and perl are TRUE, the latter will be ignored by R with
# an annoyed warning
grep(pattern, x, =, fixed = fixed, perl = !fixed, ...)
# filter a numeric/date/time vector using the search string "lower ... upper"
filterRange = function(d, string) {
if (!grepl('[.]{3}', string) || length(r <- strsplit(string, '[.]{3}')[[1]]) > 2)
stop('The range of a numeric / date / time column must be of length 2')
if (length(r) == 1) r = c(r, '') # lower,
r = gsub('^\\s+|\\s+$', '', r)
r1 = r[1]; r2 = r[2]
if (is.numeric(d)) {
r1 = as.numeric(r1); r2 = as.numeric(r2)
} else if (inherits(d, 'Date')) {
if (r1 != '') r1 = as.Date(r1)
if (r2 != '') r2 = as.Date(r2)
} else {
if (r1 != '') r1 = as.POSIXct(r1, tz = 'GMT', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
if (r2 != '') r2 = as.POSIXct(r2, tz = 'GMT', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
if (r[1] == '') return(d <= r2)
if (r[2] == '') return(d >= r1)
d >= r1 & d <= r2
# treat factors as characters
maybe_character = function(x) {
is.character(x) || is.factor(x)
# make sure we have a tidy data frame (no unusual structures in it)
cleanDataFrame = function(x) {
x = unname(x) # remove column names
if (! return(x)
for (j in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
xj = x[, j]
xj = unname(xj) # remove names
dim(xj) = NULL # drop dimensions
if (is.table(xj)) xj = c(xj) # drop the table class
x[[j]] = xj
fixServerOptions = function(options) {
options$serverSide = TRUE
if (is.null(options$processing)) options$processing = TRUE
# if you generated the Ajax URL from dataTableAjax(), I'll configure type:
# 'POST' and a few other options automatically
if (!inShiny()) return(options)
if (length(grep('^session/[a-z0-9]+/dataobj/', options$ajax$url)) == 0)
if (is.null(options$ajax$type)) options$ajax$type = 'POST'
if (is.null(options$ajax$data)) options$ajax$data = JS(
'function(d) {',
' = %s;',
' = %s;',
sprintf('d.escape = %s;', attr(options, 'escapeIdx', exact = TRUE)),
'var encodeAmp = function(x) { x.value = x.value.replace(/&/g, "%26"); }',
'$.each(d.columns, function(i, v) {encodeAmp(;});',
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.