
Defines functions arg_missing Deriv_ Deriv

Documented in Deriv

#' @name Deriv
#' @title Symbolic differentiation of an expression or function
#' @description Symbolic differentiation of an expression or function
#' @aliases Deriv drule
#' @concept symbolic differentiation
#' @param f An expression or function to be differentiated.
#'  f can be \itemize{
#'   \item a user defined function: \code{function(x) x**n}
#'   \item a string: \code{"x**n"}
#'   \item an expression: \code{expression(x**n)}
#'   \item a call: \code{call("^", quote(x), quote(n))}
#'   \item a language: \code{quote(x**n)}
#'   \item a right hand side of a formula: \code{~ x**n} or \code{y ~ x**n}
#'  }
#' @param x An optional character vector with variable name(s) with respect to which
#'  \code{f} must be differentiated. If not provided (i.e. x=NULL), x is
#'  guessed either from\ code{names(formals(f))} (if \code{f} is a function)
#'  or from all variables in f in other cases.
#'  To differentiate expressions including components of lists or vectors, i.e. by expressions like
#'  \code{p[1]}, \code{theta[["alpha"]]} or \code{theta$beta}, the vector of
#'  variables \code{x}
#'  must be a named vector. For the cited examples, \code{x} must be given
#'  as follows \code{c(p="1", theta="alpha", theta="beta")}. Note the repeated name \code{theta} which must be provided for every component of the list \code{theta} by which a
#'  differentiation is required.
#' @param env An environment where the symbols and functions are searched for.
#'  Defaults to \code{parent.frame()} for \code{f} expression and to
#'  \code{environment(f)} if \code{f} is a function. For primitive function,
#'  it is set by default to .GlobalEnv
#' @param use.D An optional logical (default FALSE), indicates if base::D()
#'  must be used for differentiation of basic expressions.
#' @param cache.exp An optional logical (default TRUE), indicates if
#'  final expression must be optimized with cached sub-expressions.
#'  If enabled, repeated calculations are made only once and their
#'  results stored in cache variables which are then reused.
#' @param nderiv An optional integer vector of derivative orders to calculate.
#'  Default NULL value correspond to one differentiation. If length(nderiv)>1,
#'  the resulting expression is a list where each component corresponds to derivative order
#'  given in nderiv. Value 0 corresponds to the original function or expression  non
#'  differentiated. All values must be non negative. If the entries in nderiv
#'  are named, their names are used as names in the returned list. Otherwise
#'  the value of nderiv component is used as a name in the resulting list.
#' @param combine An optional character scalar, it names a function to combine
#'  partial derivatives. Default value is "c" but other functions can be
#'  used, e.g. "cbind" (cf. Details, NB3), "list" or user defined ones. It must
#'  accept any number of arguments or at least the same number of arguments as
#'  there are items in \code{x}.
#' @param drule An optional environment-like containing derivative rules (cf. Details for syntax rules).
#' @return \itemize{
#'  \item a function if \code{f} is a function
#'  \item an expression if \code{f} is an expression
#'  \item a character string if \code{f} is a character string
#'  \item a language (usually a so called 'call' but may be also a symbol or just a numeric) for other types of \code{f}
#' }
#' @details
#' R already contains two differentiation functions: D and deriv. D does
#' simple univariate differentiation.  "deriv" uses D to do multivariate
#' differentiation.  The output of "D" is an expression, whereas the output of
#' "deriv" can be an executable function.
#' R's existing functions have several limitations.  They can probably be fixed,
#' but since they are written in C, this would probably require a lot of work.
#' Limitations include:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item The derivatives table can't be modified at runtime, and is only available
#' in C.
#'  \item Function cannot substitute function calls.  eg:
#'	f <- function(x, y) x + y; deriv(~f(x, x^2), "x")
#' }
#' So, here are the advantages of this implementation:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item It is entirely written in R, so would be easier to maintain.
#'  \item Can do multi-variate differentiation.
#'  \item Can differentiate function calls:
#'  \itemize{
#'	   \item if the function is in the derivative table, then the chain rule
#'	is applied.  For example, if you declared that the derivative of
#'	sin is cos, then it would figure out how to call cos correctly.
#'	   \item if the function is not in the derivative table (or it is anonymous),
#'	then the function body is substituted in.
#'	   \item these two methods can be mixed.  An entry in the derivative table
#'	need not be self-contained -- you don't need to provide an infinite
#'	chain of derivatives.
#'  }
#'  \item It's easy to add custom entries to the derivatives table, e.g.
#'   \code{drule[["cos"]] <- alist(x=-sin(x))}
#'   The chain rule will be automatically applied if needed.
#'  \item The output is an executable function, which makes it suitable
#'      for use in optimization problems.
#'  \item Compound functions (i.e. piece-wise functions based on if-else operator) can
#'      be differentiated (cf. examples section).
#'  \item in case of multiple derivatives (e.g. gradient and hessian calculation),
#'      caching can make calculation economies for both
#'  \item Starting from v4.0, some matrix calculus operations are possible (contribution of Andreas Rappold). See an example hereafter for differentiation of the inverse of 2x2 matrix and whose elements depend on variable of differentiation \code{x}.
#' }
#' Two environments \code{drule} and \code{simplifications} are
#' exported in the package's NAMESPACE.
#' As their names indicate, they contain tables of derivative and
#' simplification rules.
#' To see the list of defined rules do \code{ls(drule)}.
#' To add your own derivative rule for a function called say \code{sinpi(x)} calculating sin(pi*x), do \code{drule[["sinpi"]] <- alist(x=pi*cospi(x))}.
#' Here, "x" stands for the first and unique argument in \code{sinpi()} definition. For a function that might have more than one argument,
#' e.g. \code{log(x, base=exp(1))}, the drule entry must be a list with a named rule
#' per argument. See \code{drule$log} for an example to follow.
#' After adding \code{sinpi} you can differentiate expressions like
#' \code{Deriv(~ sinpi(x^2), "x")}. The chain rule will automatically apply.
#' Starting from v4.0, user can benefit from a syntax \code{.d_X} in the rule writing. Here \code{X} must be replaced by an argument name (cf. \code{drule[["solve"]]} for an example). A use of this syntax leads to a replacement of this place-holder by a derivative of the function (chain rule is automatically integrated) by the named argument.
#' \cr
#' Another v4.0 novelty in rule's syntax is a possible use of optional parameter \code{`_missing`} which can be set to TRUE or FALSE (default) to indicate how to treat missing arguments. By default, i.e. in absence of this parameter or set to FALSE, missing arguments were replaced by their default values. Now, if \code{`_missing`=TRUE} is specified in a rule, the missing arguments will be left missed in the derivative. Look \code{drule[["solve"]]} for an example.
#' NB. In \code{abs()} and \code{sign()} function, singularity treatment
#'     at point 0 is left to user's care.
#'     For example, if you need NA at singular points, you can define the following:
#'     \code{drule[["abs"]] <- alist(x=ifelse(x==0, NA, sign(x)))}
#'     \code{drule[["sign"]] <- alist(x=ifelse(x==0, NA, 0))}
#' NB2. In Bessel functions, derivatives are calculated only by the first argument,
#'      not by the \code{nu} argument which is supposed to be constant.
#' NB3. There is a side effect with vector length. E.g. in
#'      \code{Deriv(~a+b*x, c("a", "b"))} the result is \code{c(a = 1, b = x)}.
#'      To avoid the difference in lengths of a and b components (when x is a vector),
#'      one can use an optional parameter \code{combine}
#'      \code{Deriv(~a+b*x, c("a", "b"), combine="cbind")} which gives
#'      \code{cbind(a = 1, b = x)} producing a two column matrix which is
#'      probably the desired result here.
#'      \cr Another example illustrating a side effect is a plain linear
#'      regression case and its Hessian:
#'      \code{Deriv(~sum((a+b*x - y)**2), c("a", "b"), n=c(hessian=2)}
#'      producing just a constant \code{2} for double differentiation by \code{a}
#'      instead of expected result \code{2*length(x)}. It comes from a simplification of
#'      an expression \code{sum(2)} where the constant is not repeated as many times
#'      as length(x) would require it. Here, using the same trick
#'      with \code{combine="cbind"} would not help as all 4 derivatives are just scalars.
#'      Instead, one should modify the previous call to explicitly use a constant vector
#'      of appropriate length:
#'      \code{Deriv(~sum((rep(a, length(x))+b*x - y)**2), c("a", "b"), n=2)}
#' NB4. Differentiation of \code{*apply()} family (available starting from v4.1) is
#'      done only on the body of the \code{FUN} argument. It implies that this
#'      body must use the same variable names as in \code{x} and they must not
#'      appear in \code{FUN}s arguments (cf. GMM example).
#' NB5. Expressions are differentiated as scalar ones. However in some cases, obtained result
#'      remains valid if variable of differentiation is a vector. This is a coincidence.
#'      If you need to differentiate by vectors, you have to write your own differentiation rule.
#'      For example, derivative of \code{sum(x)} where \code{x} is a vector can be done as:
#'      \code{vsum=function(x) sum(x)}
#'      \code{drule[["vsum"]] <- alist(x=rep_len(1, length(x)))}
#'      \code{Deriv(~vsum(x), "x", drule=drule)}
#' @author Andrew Clausen (original version) and Serguei Sokol (actual version and maintainer)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{f <- function(x) x^2}
#' \dontrun{Deriv(f)}
#' # function (x)
#' # 2 * x
#' \dontrun{f <- function(x, y) sin(x) * cos(y)}
#' \dontrun{Deriv(f)}
#' # function (x, y)
#' # c(x = cos(x) * cos(y), y = -(sin(x) * sin(y)))
#' \dontrun{f_ <- Deriv(f)}
#' \dontrun{f_(3, 4)}
#' #              x         y
#' # [1,] 0.6471023 0.1068000
#' \dontrun{Deriv(~ f(x, y^2), "y")}
#' # -(2 * (y * sin(x) * sin(y^2)))
#' \dontrun{Deriv(quote(f(x, y^2)), c("x", "y"), cache.exp=FALSE)}
#' # c(x = cos(x) * cos(y^2), y = -(2 * (y * sin(x) * sin(y^2))))
#' \dontrun{Deriv(expression(sin(x^2) * y), "x")}
#' # expression(2*(x*y*cos(x^2)))
#' Deriv("sin(x^2) * y", "x") # differentiate only by x
#' "2 * (x * y * cos(x^2))"
#' Deriv("sin(x^2) * y", cache.exp=FALSE) # differentiate by all variables (here by x and y)
#' "c(x = 2 * (x * y * cos(x^2)), y = sin(x^2))"
#' # Compound function example (here abs(x) smoothed near 0)
#' fc <- function(x, h=0.1) if (abs(x) < h) 0.5*h*(x/h)**2 else abs(x)-0.5*h
#' Deriv("fc(x)", "x", cache.exp=FALSE)
#' "if (abs(x) < h) x/h else sign(x)"
#' # Example of a first argument that cannot be evaluated in the current environment:
#' \dontrun{
#'   suppressWarnings(rm("xx", "yy"))
#'   Deriv(xx^2+yy^2)
#' }
#' # c(xx = 2 * xx, yy = 2 * yy)
#' # Automatic differentiation (AD), note intermediate variable 'd' assignment
#' \dontrun{Deriv(~{d <- ((x-m)/s)^2; exp(-0.5*d)}, "x", cache.exp=FALSE)}
#' #{
#' #   d <- ((x - m)/s)^2
#' #   .d_x <- 2 * ((x - m)/s^2)
#' #   -(0.5 * (.d_x * exp(-(0.5 * d))))
#' #}
#' # Custom differentiation rule
#' \dontrun{
#'   myfun <- function(x, y=TRUE) NULL # do something useful
#'   dmyfun <- function(x, y=TRUE) NULL # myfun derivative by x.
#'   drule[["myfun"]] <- alist(x=dmyfun(x, y), y=NULL) # y is just a logical => no derivate
#'   Deriv(~myfun(z^2, FALSE), "z", drule=drule)
#'   # 2 * (z * dmyfun(z^2, FALSE))
#' }
#' # Differentiation by list components
#' \dontrun{
#'   theta <- list(m=0.1, sd=2.)
#'   x <- names(theta)
#'   names(x)=rep("theta", length(theta))
#'   Deriv(~exp(-(x-theta$m)**2/(2*theta$sd)), x, cache.exp=FALSE)
#' # c(theta_m = exp(-((x - theta$m)^2/(2 * theta$sd))) *
#' #  (x - theta$m)/theta$sd, theta_sd = 2 * (exp(-((x - theta$m)^2/
#' #  (2 * theta$sd))) * (x - theta$m)^2/(2 * theta$sd)^2))
#' }
#' # Differentiation in matrix calculus
#' \dontrun{
#'  Deriv(~solve(matrix(c(1, x, x**2, x**3), nrow=2, ncol=2)))
#' }
#' # Two component Gaussian mixture model (GMM) example
#' \dontrun{
#' # define GMM probability density function -> p(x, ...)
#' ncomp=2
#' a=runif(ncomp)
#' a=a/sum(a) # amplitude or weight of each component
#' m=rnorm(ncomp) # mean
#' s=runif(ncomp) # sd
#' # two column matrix of probabilities: one row per x value, one column per component
#' pn=function(x, a, m, s, log=FALSE) {
#'   n=length(a)
#'   structure(vapply(seq(n), function(i) a[i]*dnorm(x, m[i], s[i], log),
#'     double(length(x))), dim=c(length(x), n))
#' }
#' p=function(x, a, m, s) rowSums(pn(x, a, m, s)) # overall probability
#' dp=Deriv(p, "x")
#' # plot density and its derivative
#' xp=seq(min(m-2*s), max(m+2*s), length.out=200)
#' matplot(xp, cbind(p(xp, a, m, s), dp(xp, a, m, s)),
#'    xlab="x", ylab="p, dp/dx", type="l", main="Two component GMM")
#' }

Deriv <- function(f, x=if (is.function(f)) NULL else all.vars(if (is.character(f)) parse(text=f) else f), env=if (is.function(f)) environment(f) else parent.frame(), use.D=FALSE, cache.exp=TRUE, nderiv=NULL, combine="c", drule=Deriv::drule) {
	tf <- try(f, silent=TRUE)
	fch <- deparse(substitute(f))
	if (is.null(f))
	if (is.primitive(f)) {
		# get the true function name (may be after renaming in caller env like f=cos)
		fch=sub('^\\.Primitive\\("(.+)"\\)', "\\1", format1(f))
	if (inherits(tf, "try-error")) {
		f <- substitute(f)
	# create dsym and scache local envs (to keep clean nested calls)
	dsym <- new.env()
	dsym$l <- list()
	scache <- new.env()
	scache$l <- list()

	if (is.null(env))
		env <- .GlobalEnv
	if (is.null(x)) {
		# primitive function or function given by a list member or alike
    if (is.function(f)) {
			af <- formals(args(f))
		} else {
			af <- formals(f)
		x <- names(af)
		rule <- drule[[fch]]
		if (!is.null(rule)) {
			# exclude arguments by which we cannot not differentiate from x
			x[sapply(rule, is.null)] <- NULL
			if (length(x) == 0) {
				stop(sprintf("There is no differentiable argument in the function %s", fch))
		if (is.function(f)) {
			rmget=mget(fch, mode="function", envir=env, inherits=TRUE, ifnotfound=NA)
			if (!is.function(rmget[[fch]])) {
				# no function with name stored in fch => replace it by its body
			} else {
				fd <- as.call(c(as.symbol(fch), lapply(names(af), as.symbol)))
		pack_res <- as.call(alist(as.function, c(af, list(res)), envir=env))
	} else {
		x[] <- as.character(x)
		if (any(nchar(x) == 0)) {
			stop("Names in the second argument must not be empty")
		fd <- NULL
	# prepare fd (a call to differentiate)
	# and pack_res (a call to evaluate and return as result)
	if (!is.null(fd)) {
		; # we are already set
	} else if (is.character(f)) {
		# f is to parse
		fd <- parse(text=f)[[1]]
		pack_res <- as.call(alist(format1, res))
	} else if (is.function(f)) {
		b <- body(f)
		if ((is.call(b) && (b[[1]] == as.symbol(".Internal") || b[[1]] == as.symbol(".External") || b[[1]] == as.symbol(".Call"))) || (is.null(b) && (is.primitive(f)) || !is.null(drule[[fch]]))) {
			if (fch %in% dlin || fch %in% names(dplin) || !is.null(drule[[fch]])) {
				arg <- lapply(names(formals(args(f))), as.symbol)
				fd <- as.call(c(as.symbol(fch), arg))
				pack_res <- as.call(alist(as.function, c(formals(args(f)), list(res)), envir=env))
			} else {
				stop(sprintf("Internal or external function '%s()' is not in derivative table.", fch))
		} else {
			fd <- b
			pack_res <- as.call(alist(as.function, c(formals(f), list(res)), envir=env))
	} else if (is.expression(f)) {
		fd <- f[[1]]
		pack_res <- as.call(alist(as.expression, res))
	} else if (is.language(f)) {
		if (is.call(f) && f[[1]] == as.symbol("~")) {
			# rhs of the formula
			fd <- f[[length(f)]]
			pack_res <- quote(res)
		} else {
			# plain call derivation
			fd <- f
			pack_res <- quote(res)
	} else {
		fd <- substitute(f)
		pack_res <- quote(res)
		#stop("Invalid type of 'f' for differentiation")
	res <- Deriv_(fd, x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, combine, drule.=drule)
	if (!is.null(nderiv)) {
		# multiple derivatives
		# prepare their names
		if (any(nderiv < 0)) {
			stop("All entries in nderiv must be non negative")
		nm_deriv <- names(nderiv)
		nderiv <- as.integer(nderiv)
		if (is.null(nm_deriv))
			nm_deriv <- nderiv
		iempt <- nchar(nm_deriv)==0
		nm_deriv[iempt] <- seq_along(nderiv)[iempt]
		# prepare list of repeated derivatives
		lrep <- as.list(nderiv)
		names(lrep) <- nm_deriv
		# check if 0 is nderiv
		iz <- nderiv==0
		lrep[iz] <- list(fd)
		# set first derivative
		i <- nderiv==1
		lrep[i] <- list(res)

		maxd <- max(nderiv)
		for (ider in seq_len(maxd)) {
			if (ider < 2)
			res <- Deriv_(res, x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, combine, drule.=drule)
			i <- ider == nderiv
			lrep[i] <- list(res)
		if (length(lrep) == 1) {
			res <- lrep[[1]]
		} else {
			res <- as.call(c(quote(list), lrep))
	if (cache.exp)
		res <- Cache(Simplify(deCache(res), scache=scache))
		res <- Simplify(res, scache=scache)

# workhorse function doing the main work of differentiation
Deriv_ <- function(st, x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, combine="c", drule.=Deriv::drule) {
	if (is.null(st))
	stch <- format1(if (is.call(st)) st[[1]] else st)
	# Make x scalar and wrap results in a c() call if length(x) > 1
	iel=which("..." == x)
	if (length(iel) > 0) {
		# remove '...' from derivable arguments
	nm_x <- names(x)
	if (!is.null(nm_x))
		nm_x[is.na(nm_x)] <- ""
		nm_x <- rep("", length(x))
	if (length(x) > 1 && stch != "{") {
		# many variables => recursive call on single name
		# we exclude the case '{' as we put partial derivs inside of '{'
		# so it can be well optimized by Cache()
		res <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(ix) Deriv_(st, x[ix], env, use.D, dsym, scache, combine, drule.=drule.))
		names(res) <- if (is.null(nm_x)) x else ifelse(is.na(nm_x) | nchar(nm_x) == 0, x, paste(nm_x, x, sep="_"));
		return(as.call(c(as.symbol(combine), res)))
	# differentiate R statement 'st' (a call, or a symbol or numeric) by a name in 'x'
	get_sub_x <- !(is.null(nm_x) | nchar(nm_x) == 0 | is.na(nm_x))
	is_index_expr <- is.call(st) && any(format1(st[[1]]) == c("$", "[", "[["))
	is_sub_x <- is_index_expr &&
				format1(st[[2]]) == nm_x && format1(st[[3]]) == x
	if (is.conuloch(st)) {
	} else if (is_index_expr && !is_sub_x) {
		st[[2]] <- Deriv_(st[[2]], x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.)
		if (identical(st[[2]], 0) || identical(st[[2]], 0L)) {
		} else {
			return(Simplify(st, scache=scache))
	} else if (length(x) == 1 && (is.symbol(st) || (get_sub_x && is_index_expr))) {
		stch <- format1(st)
		if ((stch == x && !get_sub_x) || (get_sub_x && is_sub_x)) {
		} else if ((get_sub_x && is_index_expr && !is_sub_x) ||
				(if (get_sub_x) is.null(dsym$l[[nm_x]][[x]][[stch]]) else
				is.null(dsym$l[[x]][[stch]]))) {
		} else {
			return(if (get_sub_x) dsym$l[[nm_x]][[x]][[stch]] else dsym$l[[x]][[stch]])
	} else if (is.call(st)) {
		stch <- format1(st[[1]])
		args <- as.list(st)[-1]
		if (stch %in% dlin) {
			# linear case
			# differentiate all arguments then pass them to the function
			dargs <- lapply(args, Deriv_, x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.)
			return(Simplify_(as.call(c(st[[1]], dargs)), scache))
		} else if (stch %in% names(dplin)) {
			# partial linear case
			# differentiate part of arguments then pass them to the function
			stmc=match.call(args(stch), st)
			args <- as.list(stmc)[-1]
			stmc[nmd]=lapply(as.list(stmc)[nmd], Deriv_, x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.)
			return(Simplify_(stmc, scache))
		# special cases: out of rule table or args(stch) -> NULL
		if (stch == "{") {
			# AD differentiation (may be with many x)
			res <- list(st[[1]])
			# initiate dsym[[x[ix]]] or dsym[[nm_x[ix]}}[[x[ix]]]
			for (ix in seq_along(x)) {
				if (get_sub_x[ix]) {
					if (is.null(dsym$l[[nm_x[ix]]][[x[ix]]]))
						dsym$l[[nm_x[ix]]][[x[ix]]] <- list()
				} else {
					if (is.null(dsym$l[[x[ix]]]))
						dsym$l[[x[ix]]] <- list()
			# collect defined var names (to avoid re-differentiation)
			defs <- sapply(args, function(e) if (is.assign(e)) format1(e[[2]]) else "")
#			alva <- list()
			last_res <- list()
			for (iarg in seq_along(args)) {
				a <- args[[iarg]]
				if (is.assign(a)) {
					if (!is.symbol(a[[2]]))
						stop(sprintf("In AD mode, don't know how to deal with a non symbol '%s' at lhs", format1(a[[2]])))
					# put in scache the assignment
					ach <- format1(a[[2]])
					for (ix in seq_along(x)) {
						d_ach <- paste(".", ach, "_", x[ix], sep="")
						d_a <- as.symbol(d_ach)
						if (any(d_ach == defs)) {
							# already differentiated in previous calls
							if (get_sub_x[ix])
								dsym$l[[nm_x[ix]]][[x[ix]]][[ach]] <- d_a
								dsym$l[[x[ix]]][[ach]] <- d_a
						de_a <- Deriv_(a[[3]], x[ix], env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.)
						if (get_sub_x[ix])
							dsym$l[[nm_x[ix]]][[x[ix]]][[ach]] <- de_a
							dsym$l[[x[ix]]][[ach]] <- de_a
						if (is.numconst(de_a, 0)) {
							if (iarg < length(args))
						} else if (!is.call(de_a)) {
							if (iarg < length(args))
						if (get_sub_x[ix])
							dsym$l[[nm_x[ix]]][[x[ix]]][[ach]] <- d_a
							dsym$l[[x[ix]]][[ach]] <- d_a
						res <- append(res, call("<-", d_a, de_a))
#						alva <- append(alva, list(c(d_ach, all.vars(de_a))))
						# store it in scache too
						#scache$l[[format1(de_a)]] <- as.symbol(d_a)
						if (iarg == length(args))
							last_res[[ix]] <- d_a
					Simplify_(a, scache)
					res <- append(res, a)
#					alva <- append(alva, list(all.vars(a)))
					if (iarg == length(args)) {
						names(last_res) <- ifelse(get_sub_x, paste(nm_x, x, sep="_"), x)
						res <- append(res, as.call(c(as.symbol(combine), last_res)))
				} else {
					de_a <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(ix) Deriv_(a, x[ix], env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.))
					if (length(x) > 1) {
						names(de_a) <- ifelse(get_sub_x, paste(nm_x, x, sep="_"), x)
						res <- append(res, as.call(c(as.symbol(combine), de_a)))
					} else {
						res <- append(res, de_a)
#			if (length(alva) == length(res)) {
#				i <- toporder(alva[-length(alva)]) # the last expression must stay the last
#			} else {
#				i <- toporder(alva)
#			}
#			res[-c(1, length(res))] <- res[-c(1, length(res))][i]
		} else if (is.uminus(st)) {
			return(Simplify(call("-", Deriv_(st[[2]], x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.)), scache=scache))
		} else if (stch == "(") {
			return(Simplify(Deriv_(st[[2]], x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.), scache=scache))
		} else if (stch == "if") {
			return(if (nb_args == 2)
				Simplify(call("if", st[[2]], Deriv_(st[[3]], x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.)), scache=scache) else
				Simplify(call("if", st[[2]], Deriv_(st[[3]], x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.),
					Deriv_(st[[4]], x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.)), scache=scache))
		rule <- drule.[[stch]]
		if (is.null(rule)) {
			# no derivative rule for this function
			# see if its arguments depend on x. If not, just send 0
			dargs <- lapply(args, Deriv_, x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.)
			if (all(sapply(dargs, identical, 0))) {
			# otherwise try to get the body and differentiate it
			ff <- get(stch, mode="function", envir=env)
			bf <- body(ff)
			if (is.null(bf)) {
				stop(sprintf("Could not retrieve body of '%s()'", stch))
			if (is.call(bf) && (bf[[1]] == as.symbol(".External") || bf[[1]] == as.symbol(".Internal") || bf[[1]] == as.symbol(".Call"))) {
				stop(sprintf("Function '%s()' is not in derivative table", stch))
			mc <- match.call(ff, st)
			af=formals(args(ff)) # formal args
			# update af with mc to get actual arguments -> aa
			aa=modifyList(af, as.list(mc)[-1])
			st <- Simplify_(do.call("substitute", list(bf, aa)), scache)
			dst <- Deriv_(st, x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.)
			#dst <- Simplify(do.call("substitute", list(dst, aa)), scache) # missed arguments can appear from drule
                        # wrap new body in f_d_x(), add it to drule and place a call to it
		# there is a rule!
		if (use.D) {
			return(Simplify(D(st, x), scache=scache))
#if (stch == "vsum")
		# prepare replacement list
		da <- try(args(stch), silent=TRUE)
		if (inherits(da, "try-error")) {
			# last chance to get unknown function definition
			# may be it is a user defined one?
			da <- args(get(stch, mode="function", envir=env))
		mc <- as.list(match.call(definition=da, call=st, expand.dots=FALSE))[-1]
		da <- as.list(da)
		da <- da[-length(da)] # all declared arguments with default values
		if (isTRUE(rule$`_missing`)) {
			aa <- mc
			aa[setdiff(names(da), names(mc))] <- list(alist(x=)$x) # missing arguments are set missing
		} else {
			aa <- modifyList(da, mc) # all arguments with actual values
		# actualize the rule with actual arguments
		rule <- lapply(rule, function(r) do.call("substitute", list(r, aa)))
		# which arguments can be differentiated?
		iad <- which(!sapply(rule, is.null))
		rule <- rule[iad]
		lsy <- unlist(lapply(dsym$l, function(it) if (get_sub_x && is.list(it)) unlist(lapply(it, ls, all.names=TRUE)) else ls(it, all.names=TRUE)))
		if (!any(names(which(sapply(mc, function(it) {av <- all.vars(it); (if (get_sub_x) any(nm_x == av) else any(x == av)) || any(av %in% lsy)}))) %in% names(rule))) {
			#warning(sprintf("A call %s cannot be differentiated by the argument '%s'", format1(st), x))
		dargs <- lapply(names(rule), function(nm_a) if (is.null(mc[[nm_a]])) 0 else Deriv_(mc[[nm_a]], x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.))
		names(dargs) <- names(rule)
		ize <- sapply(dargs, identical, 0) | sapply(dargs, identical, matrix(0))
		dargs <- dargs[!ize]
		rule <- rule[!ize]
		if (length(rule) == 0) {
		# actualize the rule with differentiated arguments
		lrep=structure(dargs, names=paste0('.d_', names(dargs)))
		rule <- lapply(rule, methods::substituteDirect, lrep)

		# apply chain rule where needed
		if (! stch %in% c("matrix", "%*%", "det", "solve", "diag")) {
			ione <- sapply(dargs, identical, 1)
			imone <- sapply(dargs, identical, -1)
			for (i in seq_along(rule)[!(ione|imone)]) {
				rule[[i]] <- Simplify(call("*", dargs[[i]], rule[[i]]), scache=scache)
			for (i in seq_along(rule)[imone]) {
				rule[[i]] <- Simplify(call("-", rule[[i]]), scache=scache)
		return(Simplify(li2sum(rule), scache=scache))
	} else if (is.function(st)) {
		# differentiate its body if can get it
		args <- as.list(st)[-1]
		if (is.null(names(args))) {
			stop(sprintf("Could not retrieve arguments of '%s()'", stch))
		st <- do.call("substitute", list(body(ff), args))
		Deriv_(st, x, env, use.D, dsym, scache, drule.=drule.)
	} else {
		stop("Invalid type of 'st' argument. It must be constant, symbol or a call.")

arg_missing <- function(x) missing(x)
drule <- new.env()

# linear functions, i.e. d(f(x))/dx == f(d(arg)/dx)
dlin=c("+", "-", "c", "t", "sum", "cbind", "rbind", "list")

# partially linear functions, i.e. linear only on a subset of arguments
# here, function name points to a vector of argument names (or indexes in a full call) which we have to differentiate
dplin=list(apply="FUN", lapply="FUN", sapply="FUN", vapply="FUN", lapply="FUN",
	ifelse=c("yes", "no"), with="expr", "function"=3L,
	rep="x", rep.int="x", rep_len="x",
	rowSums="x", colSums="x", rowMeans="x", colMeans="x", structure=".Data"

# rule table
# arithmetic
drule[["*"]] <- alist(e1=e2, e2=e1)
drule[["^"]] <- alist(e1=e2*e1^(e2-1), e2=e1^e2*log(e1))
drule[["/"]] <- alist(e1=1/e2, e2=-e1/e2^2)
# log, exp, sqrt
drule[["sqrt"]] <- alist(x=0.5/sqrt(x))
drule[["log"]] <- alist(x=1/(x*log(base)), base=-log(x, base)/(base*log(base)))
drule[["logb"]] <- drule[["log"]]
drule[["log2"]] <- alist(x=1/(x*log(2)))
drule[["log10"]] <- alist(x=1/(x*log(10)))
drule[["log1p"]] <- alist(x=1/(x+1))
drule[["exp"]] <- alist(x=exp(x))
drule[["expm1"]] <- alist(x=exp(x))
# trigonometric
drule[["sin"]] <- alist(x=cos(x))
drule[["cos"]] <- alist(x=-sin(x))
drule[["tan"]] <- alist(x=1/cos(x)^2)
drule[["asin"]] <- alist(x=1/sqrt(1-x^2))
drule[["acos"]] <- alist(x=-1/sqrt(1-x^2))
drule[["atan"]] <- alist(x=1/(1+x^2))
drule[["atan2"]] <- alist(y=x/(x^2+y^2), x=-y/(x^2+y^2))
if (getRversion() >= "3.1.0") {
	drule[["sinpi"]] <- alist(x=pi*cospi(x))
	drule[["cospi"]] <- alist(x=-pi*sinpi(x))
	drule[["tanpi"]] <- alist(x=pi/cospi(x)^2)
# hyperbolic
drule[["sinh"]] <- alist(x=cosh(x))
drule[["cosh"]] <- alist(x=sinh(x))
drule[["tanh"]] <- alist(x=(1-tanh(x)^2))
drule[["asinh"]] <- alist(x=1/sqrt(x^2+1))
drule[["acosh"]] <- alist(x=1/sqrt(x^2-1))
drule[["atanh"]] <- alist(x=1/(1-x^2))
# sign depending functions
drule[["abs"]] <- alist(x=sign(x))
drule[["sign"]] <- alist(x=0)
#drule[["abs"]] <- alist(x=ifelse(x==0, NA, sign(x)))
#drule[["sign"]] <- alist(x=ifelse(x==0, NA, 0))
# special functions
drule[["besselI"]] <- alist(x=(if (nu == 0) besselI(x, 1, expon.scaled) else 0.5*(besselI(x, nu-1, expon.scaled) + besselI(x, nu+1, expon.scaled)))-if (expon.scaled) besselI(x, nu, TRUE) else 0, nu=NULL, expon.scaled=NULL)
drule[["besselK"]] <- alist(x=(if (nu == 0) -besselK(x, 1, expon.scaled) else -0.5*(besselK(x, nu-1, expon.scaled) + besselK(x, nu+1, expon.scaled)))+if (expon.scaled) besselK(x, nu, TRUE) else 0, nu=NULL, expon.scaled=NULL)
drule[["besselJ"]] <- alist(x=if (nu == 0) -besselJ(x, 1) else 0.5*(besselJ(x, nu-1) - besselJ(x, nu+1)), nu=NULL)
drule[["besselY"]] <- alist(x=if (nu == 0) -besselY(x, 1) else 0.5*(besselY(x, nu-1) - besselY(x, nu+1)), nu=NULL)
drule[["gamma"]] <- alist(x=gamma(x)*digamma(x))
drule[["lgamma"]] <- alist(x=digamma(x))
drule[["digamma"]] <- alist(x=trigamma(x))
drule[["trigamma"]] <- alist(x=psigamma(x, 2L))
drule[["psigamma"]] <- alist(x=psigamma(x, deriv+1L), deriv=NULL)
drule[["beta"]] <- alist(a=beta(a, b)*(digamma(a)-digamma(a+b)), b=beta(a, b)*(digamma(b)-digamma(a+b)))
drule[["lbeta"]] <- alist(a=digamma(a)-digamma(a+b), b=digamma(b)-digamma(a+b))
# probability densities
drule[["dbinom"]] <- alist(x=NULL, size=NULL, prob=if (size == 0) -x*(1-prob)^(x-1) else if (x == size) size*prob^(size-1) else (size-x*prob)*(x-size+1)*dbinom(x, size-1, prob)/(1-prob)^2/(if (log) dbinom(x, size, prob) else 1), log=NULL)
drule[["dnorm"]] <- alist(x=-(x-mean)/sd^2*(if (log) 1 else dnorm(x, mean, sd)),
	mean=(x-mean)/sd^2*(if (log) 1 else dnorm(x, mean, sd)),
	sd=(((x - mean)/sd)^2 - 1)/sd * (if (log) 1 else dnorm(x, mean, sd)),
drule[["pnorm"]] <- alist(q=dnorm(q, mean, sd)*(if (lower.tail) 1 else -1)/(if (log.p) pnorm(q, mean, sd, lower.tail) else 1), mean=dnorm(q, mean, sd)*(if (lower.tail) -1 else 1)/(if (log.p) pnorm(q, mean, sd, lower.tail) else 1), sd=dnorm(q, mean, sd)*(mean-q)/sd*(if (lower.tail) 1 else -1)/(if (log.p) pnorm(q, mean, sd, lower.tail) else 1), lower.tail=NULL, log.p=NULL)
drule[["qnorm"]] = alist(p=(if(lower.tail) 1 else -1)*(if(log.p) exp(p) else 1)/dnorm(qnorm(p, mean=mean, sd=sd, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p), mean=mean, sd=sd),
                         sd=(qnorm(p, mean=mean, sd=sd, lower.tail=lower.tail, log.p=log.p) - mean)/sd)
# data mangling
drule[["length"]] <- alist() # derivative is always 0
# matrix calculus
drule[["matrix"]] <- alist(`_missing`=TRUE, data=matrix(.d_data, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, byrow=byrow, dimnames=dimnames))
drule[["%*%"]] <- alist(x=.d_x%*%y, y=x%*%.d_y)
drule[["det"]] <- alist(x=det(x)*sum(diag(as.matrix(solve(x, .d_x)))))
drule[["solve"]] <- alist(`_missing`=TRUE, a=-solve(a)%*%.d_a%*%solve(a, b),
                         b=solve(a, .d_b))
drule[["diag"]] = alist(`_missing`=TRUE, x=(if (!is.matrix(x) && length(x) == 1 && arg_missing(nrow) && arg_missing(ncol)) matrix(0, nrow=x, ncol=x) else diag(x=.d_x, nrow, ncol, names=names)))

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Deriv documentation built on Feb. 24, 2021, 5:07 p.m.