
Defines functions make.example.files remove.example.files GetData SimulDiv read.genepop.file write.detsel.file genepop.to.detsel read.data get.data.information get.simulation.parameters run.detsel draw.detsel.graphs draw.single.detsel.graph compute.p.values make.2D.histogram cumulative.distribution.of.probabilities

Documented in compute.p.values cumulative.distribution.of.probabilities draw.detsel.graphs draw.single.detsel.graph genepop.to.detsel GetData get.simulation.parameters make.2D.histogram make.example.files read.data remove.example.files run.detsel SimulDiv write.detsel.file

make.example.files <- function() {

remove.example.files <- function() {
	detsel.example.files <- c("P-values_1_2.dat","Pair_1_2_50_50.dat","data-converted.dat","data.dat","data.gen","infile.dat","out.dat","parameters.dat","plot_1_2.dat","sample_sizes.dat")
	for (file in detsel.example.files) {
		if (file.exists(file)) file.remove(file)

GetData <- function() {
	.C('GetData',PACKAGE = 'DetSel')

SimulDiv <- function(p1,p2,n1,n2) {
	PACKAGE = 'DetSel')

read.genepop.file <- function(infile) {
	if(!file.exists(infile)) {
		stop(paste('The file ',infile,' does not exist. Check the input file name...',sep = ''))
	connection <- file(infile, 'r', blocking = FALSE)
	test1 <- readLines(connection)
	connection <- file(infile, 'r', blocking = TRUE)
	test2 <- readLines(connection,warn = FALSE)
	if (length(test1) != length(test2)) {
		cat('\n', file = infile, append = TRUE)	# add an empty line to the end of the file
	data <- readLines(infile)					# read the data file (line by line)
	data <- gsub('\t',' ',data)                 # remove the tabulations
	data <- data[-1]							# remove the comments line
	data <- data[!(data == '')]					#? remove any blank line
	lpop <- grep('pop',tolower(data))			# give the positions of 'pop' items
	nbrpop <- length(lpop)						# give the number of populations
	nloci <- (min(lpop) - 1)					# give the number of loci
	last <- length(data) + 1					# give the last line of the file
	data <- data[-lpop]							# remove the 'pop' items
	data <- data[-c(1:nloci)]					# remove the list of loci in the header
	n <- (c(lpop[-1],last) - lpop) - 1			# give the sample size of each population
	o <- c(0,cumsum(n))							# give the cumulative sample sizes over all populations
	m <- matrix(nrow = sum(n),ncol = (nloci + 1)) # this is the data matrix
	cpt <- 0									# this will count the lines in the data matrix
	for (i in 1:nbrpop) {						# loop over populations
    	m[((o[i] + 1):o[i + 1]),1] <- rep(i,n[i]) # give the sub-matrix of data for the jth population 
		for (j in 1:n[i]) {						# loop over individuals within populations
			cpt <- cpt + 1						# increment the line count
			genotypes <- unlist(strsplit(data[cpt],',')) # split a line into the two parts separated by a comma
			genotypes <- genotypes[2]			# the genotypes are in the second part
			genotypes <- unlist(strsplit(genotypes,' ')) # transform the genotypes (encoded as strings) into a list
			genotypes <- genotypes[!(genotypes == '')] # remove any blank element in that list
			genotypes <- as.integer(genotypes)	# transform the genotypes into a vector of integers
			m[cpt,2:(nloci + 1)] <- genotypes	# put the genotypes into the data matrix
	}                                           # in the following, determine the format of the data (number of digits that encode genotypes)
	genotypes <- unlist(strsplit(data[1],',')) 	# split a line into the two parts separated by a comma
	genotypes <- genotypes[2]					# the genotypes are in the second part
	genotypes <- unlist(strsplit(genotypes,' ')) # transform the genotypes (encoded as strings) into a list
	genotypes <- genotypes[!(genotypes == '')]	# remove any blank element in that list
	ploidy <- length(strsplit(genotypes[1],'')[[1]])
	if ((ploidy == 2) | (ploidy == 4)) {digits <- 100} else {
		if ((ploidy == 3) | (ploidy == 6)) {digits <- 1000}
	res <- list(genotypes,format)
	res$genotypes <- m
	res$format <- digits

write.detsel.file <- function(data,outfile) {
	pop <- unique(data$genotypes[,1])
	nbrpop <- length(pop)
	nloci <- length(data$genotypes[1,]) - 1
	write(0, file = outfile)
	write(nbrpop, file = outfile,append = TRUE)
	write(nloci, file = outfile,append = TRUE)
	for (i in 1: nloci) {
		genotypes <- data$genotypes[,(i+1)]
		all1 <- floor(genotypes / data$format)
		all2 <- genotypes - (all1 * data$format)
		genes <- c(all1,all2)
		alleles <- unique(genes)
		alleles <- alleles[alleles > 0]
		ntotalleles <- (length(alleles))
		write('', file = outfile,append = TRUE)
		write(ntotalleles, file = outfile,append = TRUE)
		allelescounts <- vector('numeric',ntotalleles)
		for (j in 1:nbrpop) {
			tmp <- genes[data$genotypes[,1] == pop[j]]
			for (k in 1:ntotalleles) {
				allelescounts[k] <- length(tmp[tmp == alleles[k]])
			write(format(allelescounts,width = 5), file = outfile,ncolumns = length(allelescounts),append = TRUE) ###

genepop.to.detsel <- function(infile,outfile = 'data.dat') {
	data <- read.genepop.file(infile)

read.data <- function(infile = 'data.dat',dominance = FALSE,maf = 0.99,a = 0.25,b = 0.25) {
	parameterfile <- 'parameters.dat'
	if(!file.exists(infile)) {
		stop(paste('The file ',infile,' does not exist. Check the input file name...',sep = ''))
	write(as.character(infile), file = parameterfile)
	write(as.integer(dominance), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
	write(as.double(maf), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
	if(dominance) {
		write(as.double(a), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
		write(as.double(b), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
	if (file.exists('infile.dat')) {
	if(!file.exists('infile.dat')) {
		stop(paste('Problem reading file ',infile,'... Program stopped.',sep = ''))
	data <- get.data.information(infile)
	if (data$biallelic) {
		message(paste('The data file ',infile,' contains ',toString(data$nloci),' biallelic loci, and ',toString(data$npops),' populations',sep = ''))
	} else {
		message(paste('The data file ',infile,' contains ',toString(data$nloci),' loci, with ',min(data$alleles),'-',max(data$alleles),' alleles per locus, and ',toString(data$npops),' populations',sep = ''))
	out <- read.table('infile.dat',skip = 1)
	message('The average values of population-specific measures of differentiation are:')
	for (i in 1:dim(out)[1]) {
		message(paste(toString(out[i,2]),'-',toString(out[i,3]),'\t\t',format(out[i,4],digits = 3),'\t\t\t',format(out[i,5],digits = 3),sep = ''))
#	message('Pair\t\tF_1\t\t\tF_2\t\t')
#	for (i in 1:dim(out)[1]) {
#		message(paste(toString(out[i,2]),'-',toString(out[i,3]),'\t\t\t',format(out[i,4],digits = 3),'\t\t',format(out[i,5],digits = 3),sep = ''))
#	}

get.data.information <- function(infile) {
	raw <- scan(infile)
	pop_by_rows <- raw[1]
	number_of_alleles <- {}
	index_locus <- 4
	while (index_locus <= length(raw)) {
		tmp <- raw[index_locus]
		number_of_alleles <- append(number_of_alleles,tmp)
		index_locus <- index_locus + (tmp * raw[2]) + 1
	if (length(unique(number_of_alleles)) < 2) {
		if(unique(number_of_alleles) == 2) {
			biallelic = TRUE
	} else {
		biallelic = FALSE
	data <- list(npops = raw[2],nloci = raw[3],alleles = number_of_alleles,biallelic = biallelic)

get.simulation.parameters <- function(example) {
	parameterfile <- 'parameters.dat'
	if(!file.exists(parameterfile)) {
		stop(paste('The file ', parameterfile,' does not exist. You must run read.data() first...',sep = ''))
	datafile <- scan(file = parameterfile,what = character(0),skip = 0,n = 1,quiet = TRUE)
	dominance <- scan(file = parameterfile,what = integer(0),skip = 1,n = 1,quiet = TRUE)
	maf <- scan(file = parameterfile,what = double(0),skip = 2,n = 1,quiet = TRUE)
	if(dominance) {
		a <- scan(file = parameterfile,what = double(0),skip = 3,n = 1,quiet = TRUE)
		b <- scan(file = parameterfile,what = double(0),skip = 4,n = 1,quiet = TRUE)
	write(as.character(datafile), file = parameterfile)
	write(as.integer(dominance), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
	write(as.double(maf), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
	if(dominance) {
		write(as.double(a), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
		write(as.double(b), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
	if (!example) {
		cat('Total number of simulated points? (default: 500000)')
		n <- scan(file = '',n = 1,what = integer(0),quiet = TRUE)
		if (length(n) == 0) n <- 500000
		write(as.integer(n), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
		repeat {
			cat('Average mutation rate?')
			mu <- scan(file = '',n = 1,what = double(0),quiet = TRUE)
			if (length(mu) > 0) break
		write(as.double(mu), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
		if(!dominance) {
			repeat {
				cat('Mutation model?')
				cat(' [0 for the infinite allele model; 1 for the stepwise mutation model; any integer k > 1 for a k allele model]')
				mutmod <- scan(file = '',n = 1,what = integer(0),quiet = TRUE)
				if (length(mutmod) > 0) break
			write(as.integer(mutmod), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
		cat('Number of sets of parameters? (default: 1)')
		nsets <- scan(file = '',n = 1,what = integer(0),quiet = TRUE)
		if (length(nsets) == 0) nsets <- 1
		parameters <- matrix(nrow = nsets, ncol = 4)
		for (i in 1:nsets) {
			repeat {
				cat(paste('Parameter set ',toString(i),'? (this is a vector with 4 parameters: t,N0,t0,Ne)',sep = ''))
				sets <- scan(file = '',n = 4,what = c(as.matrix(1,4)),quiet = TRUE)
				if (length(sets) == 4) break
			parameters[i,] <- sets
		write(as.matrix(t(parameters)),ncolumns = 4,file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
	else {
		write(as.integer(10000), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
		write(as.double(0.0001), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
		write(as.integer(5), file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)
		parameters <- c(100,0,0,20000)
		write(as.matrix(t(parameters)),ncolumns = 4,file = parameterfile,append = TRUE)

run.detsel <- function(example = FALSE) {
	obs <- read.table('infile.dat',skip = 1)
	all_sample_sizes <- read.table('sample_sizes.dat',skip = 2)
	n <- dim(obs)[1]							# get the number of population pairs
	cpt <- 0									# this is to compute the total number of files that will be created
	for (i in 1:n) {							# loop over population pairs
		pop1 <- obs[i,2]
		pop2 <- obs[i,3]
		if ((obs[i,4] > 0) & (obs[i,5] > 0)) {
			sample_sizes  <- cbind(all_sample_sizes[,(pop1 + 1)],all_sample_sizes[,(pop2 + 1)])
			sample_sizes <- unique(sample_sizes)
			s <- dim(sample_sizes)[1]
			cpt <- cpt + s
	message(paste('The program will now create ',toString(cpt),' simulation files. Please wait, this can take some time...',sep = ''))
	for (i in 1:n) {							# loop over population pairs
		pop1 <- obs[i,2]
		pop2 <- obs[i,3]
		if ((obs[i,4] > 0) & (obs[i,5] > 0)) {
			sample_sizes  <- cbind(all_sample_sizes[,(pop1 + 1)],all_sample_sizes[,(pop2 + 1)])
			sample_sizes <- unique(sample_sizes)
			s <- dim(sample_sizes)[1]
			for (j in 1:s) {					# loop over sample sizes
				n1 <- sample_sizes[j,1]
				n2 <- sample_sizes[j,2]	
				message(paste('Simulating data in output file: `Pair_',toString(pop1),'_',toString(pop2),'_',toString(n1),'_',toString(n2),'.dat`...',sep = ''))
	message('All the simulations have been completed.');
	target <- read.table('infile.dat',skip = 1)
	realized <- read.table('out.dat',skip = 1)
	message('The difference between observed and simulated values of population-specific measures of differentiation are:')
	message('Pair\t\tF_1 (obs)\tF_1 (sim)\tF_2 (obs)\tF_2 (sim)')
	for (i in 1:n) {
		list <- grep(as.character(target[i,1]),as.character(realized[,1]))
		if (length(list) > 0) {
			message(paste(as.character(target[i,1]),'\t',format(target[i,4],digits = 4),'\t\t',format(mean(realized[list,2]),digits = 4),'\t\t',format(target[i,5],digits = 4),'\t\t',format(mean(realized[list,3]),digits = 4),sep = ''))

draw.detsel.graphs <- function(i,j,x.range = c(-1,1),y.range = c(-1,1),n.bins = c(100,100),m = c(2,2),alpha = 0.05,pdf = FALSE,outliers) {
	if (pdf) {
		pdf(file = 'DetSel-outputs.pdf')
	if (missing(i) | missing(j)) {
		infile <- read.table('infile.dat',skip = 1)
		for (n.pairs in 1: dim(infile)[1]) {
			pop.1 <- infile[n.pairs,2]
			pop.2 <- infile[n.pairs,3]
			if ((infile[n.pairs,4] > 0) & (infile[n.pairs,5] > 0)) {
				draw.single.detsel.graph(i = pop.1,j = pop.2,x.range = x.range,y.range = y.range,n.bins = n.bins,m = m,alpha = alpha,pdf = pdf,outliers)
			} else {
			message('multilocus estimates of differentiation in populations ',toString(pop.1),' and ',toString(pop.2),' are negative; cannot draw the graphs...',sep = '')	
	} else {
		infile <- read.table('infile.dat',skip = 1)
		list <- grep(paste('Pair_',toString(i),'_',toString(j),sep = ''),as.character(infile[,1]))
		if ((infile[list,4] > 0) & (infile[list,5] > 0)) {
			draw.single.detsel.graph(i,j,x.range = x.range,y.range = y.range,n.bins = n.bins,m = m,alpha = alpha,pdf = pdf,outliers)
		} else {
			message('multilocus estimates of differentiation in populations ',toString(i),' and ',toString(j),' are negative; cannot draw the graphs...',sep = '')	
	if (pdf) {

draw.single.detsel.graph <- function(i,j,x.range,y.range,n.bins,m,alpha,pdf,outliers) {
	a <- c(x.range[1],y.range[1])
	b <- c(x.range[2],y.range[2])
	q <- 1 - alpha
	d <- (b - a) / (n.bins - 1)
	lx <- seq(a[1], b[1], by = d[1])
	ly <- seq(a[2], b[2], by = d[2])
	pop1 <- i
	pop2 <- j	
	all_sample_sizes <- read.table('sample_sizes.dat',skip = 2)
	sample_sizes  <- cbind(all_sample_sizes[,(pop1 + 1)],all_sample_sizes[,(pop2 + 1)])
	list_sample_sizes <- unique(sample_sizes)
	s <- dim(list_sample_sizes)[1]
	message(paste('Reading simulation files for populations ',toString(pop1),' and ',toString(pop2),'. Please wait, this can take some time...',sep = ''))
	data <- {}
	for (j in 1:s) {						# loop over sample sizes
		n1 <- list_sample_sizes[j,1]
		n2 <- list_sample_sizes[j,2]
		tmp <- read.table(paste('Pair_',toString(pop1),'_',toString(pop2),'_',toString(n1),'_',toString(n2),'.dat',sep = ''))
		data <- rbind(data,tmp)
	plotfile <- read.table(paste('plot_',toString(pop1),'_',toString(pop2),'.dat',sep = ''))
	id <- plotfile[,6]
	obs <- cbind(plotfile[,1],plotfile[,2])
	pv <- read.table(paste('P-values_',toString(pop1),'_',toString(pop2),'.dat',sep = ''),skip = 1)
	all <- plotfile[,5]
	nall <- sort(unique(all))
	missing.pvalue <- pv[is.na(pv[,2]),1]
	missing.allele <- plotfile[match(missing.pvalue,plotfile[,6]),5]
	if (length(missing.allele) > 0) {
		for (i in 1:length(missing.allele)) {
			nall <- nall[!nall == missing.allele[i]]
	nbr_pages <- (length(nall) %/% 4) + (length(nall) %% 4)
	message('Plotting graphs...')
	if (!pdf) {
	if (length(nall) > 1) {
		par(mfrow = c(2,2))
	for (l in 1:length(nall)) {
		x <- cbind(data[,1][data[,5] == nall[l]],data[,2][data[,5] == nall[l]])
		h <- make.2D.histogram(x,a,b,n.bins)
		f <- ash::ash2(h,m)
		hist <- f$z / sum(f$z)
		freq <- cumulative.distribution.of.probabilities(hist)
		prob <- cbind(freq[,1],(freq[,2] <= q) * q)
		filled.contour3(lx,ly,as.matrix(((hist >=  min(prob[prob[,2] == q,1])))), nlevels = 2,xlab = expression(italic(F)[1]),ylab = expression(italic(F)[2]), main = paste('Marker loci with ',toString(nall[l]),' alleles',sep = ''),col = grey(c(1.0,0.7)))
		nobs <- plotfile[plotfile[,5] == nall[l],1:2]
		nid <- plotfile[plotfile[,5] == nall[l],6]
		pos <- match(nid,pv[,1])
		p <- cbind(nid,pv[pos,2]) #### BUG corrected 14-08-2011
		if (missing(outliers)) {
			selected <- cbind(nobs[p[,2] <= alpha,1],nobs[p[,2] <= alpha,2])
			locus.name <- p[p[,2] <= alpha,1]
			neutral <- cbind(nobs[p[,2] > alpha,1],nobs[p[,2] > alpha,2])
		} else {			
			selected <- cbind(nobs[match(outliers,p[,1]),1],nobs[match(outliers,p[,1]),2])
			locus.name <- p[match(outliers,p[,1]),1]
			neutral <- cbind(nobs[match(setdiff(p[,1],outliers),p[,1]),1],nobs[match(setdiff(p[,1],outliers),p[,1]),2])
		if (length(neutral) > 0) {
			points(neutral,col='black',pch = 16,cex = 0.5)
		if (length(selected) > 0) {
			points(selected,col='black',pch = 8,cex = 0.75)
		if (l %/% 4 == l / 4 | length(nall) == 1 | l == length(nall)) {
			title(main = paste('Populations ',toString(pop1),' and ',toString(pop2),' (page ',toString((l - 1) %/% 4 + 1),'/',toString(nbr_pages),')',sep = ''),outer = TRUE,line = -1)
			if (l < length(nall)) {
				if (!pdf) {
				if (length(nall) > 1) {
					par(mfrow = c(2,2))
compute.p.values <- function(x.range = c(-1,1),y.range = c(-1,1),n.bins = c(100,100),m = c(2,2)) {
	a <- c(x.range[1],y.range[1])
	b <- c(x.range[2],y.range[2])
	message('Computing p-values. Please wait, this can take some time...')
	pops <- read.table('infile.dat',skip = 1)
	all_sample_sizes <- read.table('sample_sizes.dat',skip = 2)
	n <- dim(pops)[1]
	for (i in 1:n) {						# loop over population pairs
		pop1 <- pops[i,2]
		pop2 <- pops[i,3]
		if ((pops[i,4] > 0) & (pops[i,5] > 0)) {
			pv <- {}
			sample_sizes  <- cbind(all_sample_sizes[,(pop1 + 1)],all_sample_sizes[,(pop2 + 1)])
			list_sample_sizes <- unique(sample_sizes)
			s <- dim(list_sample_sizes)[1]
			plotfile <- read.table(paste('plot_',toString(pop1),'_',toString(pop2),'.dat',sep = ''))
			id <- plotfile[,6]
			obs <- cbind(plotfile[,1],plotfile[,2])
			pv <- matrix(NA,dim(obs)[1],2)
			cpt <- 1
			for (j in 1:s) {					# loop over sample sizes
				n1 <- list_sample_sizes[j,1]
				n2 <- list_sample_sizes[j,2]
				data <- read.table(paste('Pair_',toString(pop1),'_',toString(pop2),'_',toString(n1),'_',toString(n2),'.dat',sep = ''))
				list_loci  <- id[sample_sizes[id,1] == n1 & sample_sizes[id,2] == n2]
				if (length(list_loci) > 0) {
					pos <- match(list_loci,id)
					all <- plotfile[pos,5]
					nall <- unique(all)
					for (l in 1:length(nall)) {
						raw <- cbind(data[,1][data[,5] == nall[l]],data[,2][data[,5] == nall[l]])
						if (nall[l] == 2) {
							hist <- unique(raw)
							list <- array(0,length(hist[,1]))
							for (k in 1:length(hist[,1])) {
								list[k] <- length(raw[,1][raw[,1] == hist[k,1] & raw[,2] == hist[k,2]])
							sub <- list / sum(list)
							list <- sort(unique(sub),decreasing = TRUE)
							pr <- array(0,length(list))
							for (k in 1:length(list)) {
								pr[k] <- list[k] * length(sub[sub == list[k]])
							freq <- cbind(list,pr)
							dist <- cbind(freq[,1],cumsum(freq[,2]))
							nobs <- cbind(plotfile[pos,1][plotfile[pos,5] == nall[l]],plotfile[pos,2][plotfile[pos,5] == nall[l]])
							nid <- plotfile[pos,6][plotfile[pos,5] == nall[l]]
							p <- array(0,length(nobs[,1]))
							for (k in 1:length(nobs[,1])) {
								r1 <- match(nobs[k,1],hist[,1])
								r2 <- match(nobs[k,2],hist[,2])
								if (!(NA %in% r1) & !(NA %in% r2)) {
									if (length(intersect(r1,r2)) > 0) {
										if (nobs[k,1] == hist[r1,1] & nobs[k,2] == hist[r2,2]) {
											lev <- sub[r1]
											x <- seq(1,length(dist[,1]))[dist[,1] == lev]
											p[k] <- dist[x,2]
										} else {
											p[k] <- 1.0
									} else {
										p[k] <- 1.0
								} else {
									p[k] <- 1.0
						} else {
							nobs <- plotfile[pos[plotfile[pos,5] == nall[l]],1:2]
							nid <- plotfile[pos[plotfile[pos,5] == nall[l]],6]
							if (dim(raw)[1] > 0) {
								h <- make.2D.histogram(raw,a,b,n.bins)
								f <- ash::ash2(h,m)
								hist <- f$z / sum(f$z)
								freq <- cumulative.distribution.of.probabilities(hist)
								d <- (b - a) / (n.bins - 1)
								v <- trunc((nobs - a) / d) + 1
								lev <- hist[as.matrix(v)]
								p <- (freq[match(as.factor(lev),as.factor(freq[,1])),2]) # need to coerce with 'as.factor'
							} else {
								message(paste('Could not compute the p-value for locus ',toString(nid),' in population pair ',toString(pop1),'-',toString(pop2),sep = ''))
								p <- NA
	 					q <- cbind(nid,(1 - p))
 	 					pv[cpt:(cpt + length(p) - 1),] <- q
 						cpt <- cpt + length(p)
  			o <- order(pv[,1])
  			loc <- cbind.data.frame('Locus' = pv[o,1])
  			pvalue <- cbind.data.frame('P-value' = as.double(format(pv[o,2],digits = 6)))
  			out <- cbind.data.frame(loc,pvalue)
  			message(paste('The p-values for each locus in population pair ',toString(pop1),'-',toString(pop2),' are:',sep = ''))
			write.table(out,file = paste('P-values_',toString(pop1),'_',toString(pop2),'.dat',sep = ''),row.names = FALSE,sep = '\t\t')
			message(paste('The above results are saved in file: P-values_',toString(pop1),'_',toString(pop2),'.dat',sep = ''))
		}  else {
			message('multilocus estimates of differentiation in populations ',toString(pop1),' and ',toString(pop2),' are negative; cannot compute the p-values...',sep = '')	

make.2D.histogram <- function(x,a,b,n.bins) { # This function returns a 2D (relative) histogram of the data, 
	d <- (b - a) / (n.bins - 1)
	h <- array(0,n.bins)
	k <- trunc((x - a) / d) + 1  
	c <- table(apply(k,1,paste,collapse = ','))
	n <- names(c)
	coordX <- strsplit(n,',')
	coordN <- lapply(coordX,as.numeric)
	pos <- t(as.data.frame(coordN,optional = TRUE))
	r <- replace(h,pos,c)
	n <- dim(x)[1]
	ab <- matrix(c(a,b),2,2)
	list(nc = r,ab = ab)

cumulative.distribution.of.probabilities <- function(x) { # This function returns a list with (1) [...], and (2) the [...] (i.e., the frequency times the count)
	list <- as.data.frame(table(x))
	c1 <- as.numeric(as.vector(list[,1]))
	c2 <- as.numeric(as.vector(list[,2]))
	o <- order(sort(c1,decreasing = TRUE))
	cbind(c1[o],cumsum(c1[o] * c2[o]))

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DetSel documentation built on Feb. 17, 2020, 5:09 p.m.