
Defines functions halfnormal.default halfnormal orth.check null.check

Documented in halfnormal halfnormal.default null.check orth.check


## auxiliary functions

## function for checking matrix for being 0
null.check <- function(mat){
  isTRUE(all.equal(mat, 0*mat, check.attributes=FALSE))
## function for checking orthogonality and full rank
orth.check <- function(mat){
  ## TRUE, if orthogonal full column rank matrix
  cm <- crossprod(mat)
  if (nrow(cm)==1) return(TRUE)
  else {
    dd <- diag(cm)
    if (any(round(dd,8)==0)) return(FALSE)
    return(isTRUE(all.equal(diag(dd), cm, check.attributes=FALSE)))

## generic
halfnormal <- function(x, ...){

halfnormal.default <- function(x, labs=names(x), codes=NULL, pch=1, cex.text=1, alpha=0.05, 
                       xlab="absolute effects", large.omit=0, plot=TRUE, 
                       crit=NULL, ...){
  ## function returns codes of significant effects

  ## added August 15 2014
  xnam <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if (is.null(labs)) labs <- paste("b", length(x), sep="")
  effects <- abs(x)
  if (is.null(codes)) codes <- labs
  labord <- order(effects)
  effects <- effects[labord]
  n <- length(effects)
  labs <- labs[labord][1:(n-large.omit)]
  codes <- codes[labord][1:(n-large.omit)]
  effects <- effects[1:(n-large.omit)]
  n <- n - large.omit
  ## added August 11 2014
  dots <- list(...)
  cols <- dots$col
  cexs <- dots$cex
  titel <- dots$main
  if (!identical(codes, labs)){ 
    haupteff <- setdiff(1:length(labs), grep(":", labs)) 
    legende <- paste(codes[haupteff], labs[haupteff], sep="=",collapse=", ")
  else legende <- ""
  if (length(pch)>1) {
    if (length(pch)<n) stop("pch must have length 1 or length n")
    pch <- pch[labord]
  ## added August 11 2014
  if (length(cols) > 1){ 
    if (length(cols)<n) warning("col does not have length 1 or length n")
        cols <- cols[labord]
        dots$col <- cols
  ## added August 11 2014
  if (length(cexs) > 1) {
    if (length(cexs)<n) warning("cex does not have length 1 or length n")
    cexs <- cexs[labord]
    dots$cex <- cexs
  ## added August 1 5 2014, modified Oct 17 2023
  if (is.null(titel)){
     titel <- as.expression(bquote("Plot for "*.(xnam)*", "*alpha == .(alpha)))
     dots$main <- titel

  ui <- qnorm(0.5+ppoints(n, a=1/2)/2)    ## modified August 14 2013
  codes <- paste(rep("  ",n), codes, sep="")
  if (is.null(crit)) crit <- ME.Lenth(effects, alpha=alpha)$ME
  nlab <- sum(effects > crit)
  if (plot){
  ### modified so that custom colors and sizes are possible 11 August 2014
  plotfun <- function(...)
  plot(effects, ui, ylab = "Half-normal scores", xlab = xlab, sub=legende, 
     pch=pch, ...)
  do.call(plotfun, dots)
  if (nlab > 0)
  text(effects[(n - nlab + 1):n], ui[(n - nlab + 1):n], 
       codes[(n - nlab + 1):n], adj=0, xpd=NA, cex=cex.text)
  if (nlab > 0) aus <- labs[(n - nlab + 1):n] else aus <- character(0)

halfnormal.design <- function(x, response=NULL, labs=NULL, code=FALSE, pch=NULL, 
            cex.text=1, alpha=0.05, xlab="absolute coefficients", 
            large.omit = 0, plot=TRUE,
            keep.colons=!code, ME.partial=FALSE, 
            external.pe=NULL, external.center=FALSE, 
            contr.center="contr.poly", pch.set=c(1,16,8), 
            scl=NULL, method="Lenth", legend=code, 
            err.points=TRUE, err.line=TRUE, 
            linecol="darkgray", linelwd=2, ...){

 if (!"design" %in% class(x)) stop("x must be of class design")
 halfnormal(lm(x, response=response, use.center=TRUE), labs=labs,code=code, pch=pch, alpha=alpha, xlab=xlab,
    large.omit=large.omit, plot=plot, keep.colons=keep.colons, ME.partial=ME.partial,
    external.pe=external.pe, external.center=external.center,
    contr.center=contr.center, pch.set=pch.set, scl=scl, method=method, 
    legend=legend, err.points=err.points, err.line=err.line, 
    linecol=linecol, linelwd=linelwd, ...)

halfnormal.lm <- function(x, labs=NULL, code=FALSE, pch=NULL, cex.text=1, 
            alpha=0.05, xlab="absolute coefficients", 
            large.omit = 0, plot=TRUE,
            keep.colons=!code, ME.partial=FALSE, 
            external.pe=NULL, external.center=FALSE, 
            contr.center="contr.poly", pch.set=c(1,16,8), 
            scl=NULL, method="Lenth", 
            legend=code, err.points=TRUE, err.line=TRUE, 
            linecol="darkgray", linelwd=2, ...){
  ## function for plotting effects from linear model
  ## on half-normal effects plot
  ## ME.partial=FALSE (TRUE restricts to main effects and intercept)
  ## the function will orthogonally supplement missing degrees of freedom
  ## will add orthogonal pure error points from external replication sets
  ## will add external nonlinearity effect from these points, if external.center=TRUE
  ## user is responsible to only request this, when reasonable
  ## contr.center can be one of "contr.poly" or "contr.helmert"
  ## pch.set sets default point characters for experimental effects, 
  ## structural error points (incl. nonlinearity), 
  ## and pure error points
  ## large.omit allows to zoom in on smaller effects
  ## scl gives the desired squared column length (default: overall run number N)
  ## method can be "Lenth", "LW98" or "EM08"
  ## err.points indicates whether or not to draw error points
  ## err.line indicates whether or not to draw a line with slope 1/std.err.est.
  ## err.points and err.line are exclusive of each other
  ## linecol sets the color of the null line
  ## linelwd the width
  linmod <- x
  xnam <- names(linmod$model)[[1]]
  if (!"lm" %in% class(linmod)) stop("x must be a linear model object")
  if (!length(pch.set)==3) stop("pch.set must have 3 elements")
  if (!is.numeric(pch.set)) stop("pch.set must be numeric")
  if (!all(pch.set%%1==0)) stop("pch.set must be integer-valued")
  if (!is.logical(keep.colons)) stop("keep.colons must be logical")
  if (!is.logical(external.center)) stop("external.center must be logical")
  if (!is.logical(legend)) stop("legend must be logical")
  if (!is.logical(err.points)) stop("err.points must be logical")
  if (!is.logical(err.line)) stop("err.line must be logical")
  if (is.null(external.pe)) if (external.center) 
          stop("external.center must not be TRUE without external.pe specified")
  if (!contr.center %in% c("contr.poly", "contr.helmert")) stop("invalid contr.center")
  if (!is.numeric(large.omit)) stop("large.omit must be a number")
  if (!large.omit >= 0) stop("large.omit must be non-negative")
  if (!large.omit%%1==0) stop("large.omit must be an integer")
  if (!is.null(scl)){
    if (!is.numeric(scl)) stop("scl must be numeric")
    if (!length(scl)==1) stop("scl must be a single number")
    if (!scl>0) stop("scl must be positive")
  if (!method %in% c("Lenth","LW98","EM08")) stop("invalid method")

  ## initialize  
  orth.supp <- FALSE  ## are additional columns needed for saturating the array?
  p <- linmod$rank
  mm <- model.matrix(linmod)

  ## preparation for separating lack of fit and pure error effects
  pats <- apply(mm, 1, function(obj) paste(obj, collapse=":"))
  pats <- as.factor(pats)
  N <- nrow(mm)
  dfr <- linmod$df.residual
  nce <- 0 ## initialize number of external points (center or other)
  if (dfr > p) 
    warning("halfnormal not recommended for models with more residual df than model df")
  if (dfr > 0) orth.supp <- TRUE
  piv <- linmod$qr$pivot
  cols.in <- piv[1:p]  ## model matrix columns for estimated coefficients incl intercept
                       ## however, all effects have to be considered with ALL their columns
  cols.out <- numeric(0)
  if (length(piv) > p) cols.out <- piv[(p+1):length(piv)]
  mod.terms <- terms(linmod)
  mod.effs <- attr(mod.terms,"term.labels")  ## both complete in original effect order, 
  mod.orders <- attr(mod.terms,"order")      ## before pivoting, excluding intercept
  if (ME.partial) {
    mod.effs <- c("(Intercept)", mod.effs)
    mod.orders <- c(0,mod.orders)
  neffs <- length(mod.orders)                ## number of effects (including confounded ones)
  nme <- sum(mod.orders<=1)                  ## number of main effects or main effects with intercept
  resp <- linmod$model[,attr(mod.terms,"response")]  ## response data
  ## check for intercept
  if (!attr(mod.terms,"intercept")==1) stop("only applicable for models with intercept")

  asgn <- linmod$assign        ## including the 0 for the intercept 
  if (ME.partial){ 
    asgn <- asgn + 1           ## include intercept in effect numbering
    dfs <- table(asgn)         ## tabulate numbers of effects columns
    dfs <- table(asgn)[-1]       ## excluding intercept
  if (!length(dfs) == neffs) stop("something went wrong")
  ## original column order, referring to position including intercept 
  segments <- mapply(":",cumsum(c(0, dfs[-neffs])) + 1, cumsum(dfs))
  if (!ME.partial) segments <- lapply(segments, function(obj) obj+1)
  else segments <- as.list(segments)
  names(segments) <- mod.effs
  mecols <- unlist(segments[which(mod.orders<=1)]) 
        ## model matrix columns that hold main effects
        ## or main effects and intercept in case of ME.partial
  ## complete aliasing check for main effects
  if (length(piv) > p) 
    if (length(intersect(piv[(p+1):max(piv)], mecols)) > 0)
      stop("completely aliased main effect")
  ## partial aliasing check for main effects
  if (!ME.partial)
  if (!orth.check(mm[,mecols])) stop("partially aliased main effect")

  ali <- stats::alias(linmod, partial = TRUE)
  ## create list for aliased later effects
  ## initialize
  ali.effs <- vector("list", neffs)
  names(ali.effs) <- mod.effs
  ## populate
    ali <- round(crossprod(mm),8)
    ali <- ali - diag(diag(ali))  ## elminate non-zero diagonal elements
    namboth <- 1:ncol(ali)
    colnames(ali) <- rownames(ali) <- namboth
    for (i in 1 : neffs){
      cur <- segments[[i]]
      cur.in <- intersect(cols.in, cur)
      cur.out <- intersect(cols.out, cur)
      ## assuming that effects that were completely pivoted out
      ##    are behind all relevant aliased effects
      if (length(cur.in)==0) ali.effs[[i]] <- integer(0)
      else {
        ## column ids of coefficient contrasts aliased with any from cur effect
        hilf <- apply(abs(ali[, as.character(cur), drop = FALSE]), 1, max)
              ## row maxima of absolute entries
        hilf <- setdiff(namboth[which(hilf > 0)], cur)
              ## column numbers for other effects aliased with current
        hilf <- unique(setdiff(asgn[hilf],1:i))
              ## later effects aliased with this
        names(hilf) <- mod.effs[hilf]
        ali.effs[[i]] <- hilf      
  ### prerequisites are fixed now
  segnew <- segments  ## list of eventually active columns
                      ## column numbers of mm are kept unchanged during algorithm
                      ## dimension reduction done later with segnew
  prcnew <- vector("list", neffs)  ## initialized as NULL each
  names(prcnew) <- mod.effs
  for (i in 1 : neffs){
    hilfx <- mm[, segments[[i]], drop=FALSE]
      ## algorithm step 1a
      if (null.check(hilfx)) segnew[[i]] <- numeric(0)
        ## at least one df for the effect
        pick <- 1 : dfs[i]       ## allow later use of pick
                                 ## regardless of prcomp use
          ## checks unnecessary for main effects and Intercept
          ## except for partial aliasing of main effects
            nami <- paste(as.character(mod.effs[i]), pick, sep="")
        if (i > nme || ME.partial){
          if (!orth.check(hilfx)){
            ## less than full column rank, or non-orthogonal
            colnames(mm)[segments[[i]]] <- nami     ## replace column names
            hilf <- prcomp(hilfx)
            pick <- round(hilf$sdev,8) > 0
            segnew[[i]] <- segments[[i]][pick]  ## prepare later pick
            colnames(hilf$x) <- nami
            mm[, segments[[i]]] <- hilf$x                   ## replace all columns
            prcnew[[i]] <- hilf$rotation[, pick, drop=FALSE]     ## store for docu
            hilfx <- hilf$x[, pick, drop=FALSE]                ## reduce dimension
            if (i>1 && mod.effs[[i]] %in% unlist(ali.effs[1:(i-1)])) 
                prcnew[[i]] <- diag(dfs[i])   
               ## cover the situation for which no orthogonalization 
               ## or dimension reduction is needed after projecting out other effects
        ## ensure squared column length N or scl
        sql <- colSums(hilfx ^ 2)
        if (is.null(scl)) scl <- N
        if (!isTRUE(all.equal(sql, rep(scl, ncol(hilfx)), check.attributes=FALSE))){
           hilfx <- hilfx %*% diag(sqrt(scl/sql), ncol(hilfx))
           mm[,segments[[i]][pick]] <- hilfx
        ## projecting out from later effects (step 1b)
        if (length(ali.effs[[i]]) > 0){
          hilfy <- mm[,unlist(segments[ali.effs[[i]]]), drop=FALSE]
          if (ncol(hilfy) > 0)
          mm[,unlist(segments[ali.effs[[i]]])] <- 
              hilfy - hilfx%*%solve(crossprod(hilfx),crossprod(hilfx,hilfy))
  ## collate new mm
  mm <- mm[,unlist(segnew)]
  if (!ME.partial) mm <- cbind(1, mm)
  ## orthogonally supplement, if necessary
  dflof <- 0
  dfpe <- 0
  if (orth.supp){
    ## project out all potential experimental effects including lack of fit 
    mm.hilf <- model.matrix(~pats)
    dfpe <- N - ncol(mm.hilf)
    if (dfpe > 0){
     ## add pure error columns
     supp.pe <- diag(N) - mm.hilf%*%solve(crossprod(mm.hilf), t(mm.hilf))
     hilf <- prcomp(supp.pe)
     supp.pe <- hilf$x[, round(hilf$sdev,8)>0, drop=FALSE]
     supp.pe <- supp.pe %*% diag(sqrt(scl/colSums(supp.pe^2)), nrow=dfpe)
     mm.hilf <- cbind(mm, supp.pe)
    else mm.hilf <- mm
    supp <- diag(N) - mm.hilf%*%ginv(crossprod(mm.hilf))%*%t(mm.hilf)
    hilf <- prcomp(supp)
    supp <- hilf$x[, round(hilf$sdev,8)>0, drop=FALSE]
    if (!ncol(supp) == dfr - dfpe) stop("something unexpected happened")
    dflof <- dfr - dfpe
    supp <- supp %*% diag(sqrt(scl/colSums(supp^2)), nrow=dflof)

#    loftest <- round(colSums(abs(t(model.matrix(~pats))%*%supp)),4) > 0
#    dflof <- sum(loftest)
    if (dflof > 0 && dfr > dflof){
       supp <- cbind(supp, supp.pe)
       namsupp <- c(paste("lof",1:dflof,sep=""),paste("e",1:(dfr-dflof),sep=""))
       if (dflof==0) namsupp <- paste("e", 1:dfr, sep="")
       else namsupp <- paste("lof", 1:dflof, sep="")
    if (ncol(supp)==0) supp <- supp.pe
    colnames(supp) <- namsupp
    mm <- cbind(mm, supp)
  projectout <- vector("list", neffs)
  names(projectout) <- mod.effs
  for (i in 1:neffs) projectout[[i]] <- which(sapply(ali.effs, function(obj) i %in% obj))
  coeff <- solve(crossprod(mm), crossprod(mm, resp))[-1]
  if (is.null(labs) || code) 
    labs <- colnames(mm)[-1]
  ## coding
  ## replace main effect names by codes in all effects
      if (code){
            max.order <- max(mod.orders)
            no.factors <- nme
            factor.label <- attr(x$terms, "term.labels")[mod.orders == 1]
            faclet <- c(LETTERS[-9],letters[-9])
            factor.code <- faclet[1:nme]
            for (i in 1:nme) labs <- gsub(factor.label[i], factor.code[i], labs)
            ## legend preparation
            ## removed block treatment (in comparison to DanielPlot function)
            texto <- paste(factor.code[1], "=", factor.label[1])
            for (i in 2:nme) {
                texto <- paste(texto, ", ", factor.code[i], "=", 
  if (!keep.colons) labs <- sapply(sapply(labs,strsplit,":",fixed=TRUE),paste,collapse="")
  names(coeff) <- labs
  ### handle EXTERNAL pure error or center points
  if (!is.null(external.pe)){
    if (!is.numeric(external.pe)) {
      warning("external.pe must be numeric, option was ignored")
      #break  unnecessary break removed March 1 2018
      ## adjustments to dflof and dfr are made further down in the code
      nce <- length(external.pe)
      if (external.center){
        nonlinear <- (mean(external.pe) - mean(resp))*sqrt(nce/(N+nce))*sqrt(N/scl)
        coeff <- c(coeff, nonlinear)
        if (length(labs) == N - 1) labs <- c(labs, "nonlinear")
      if (contr.center=="contr.poly")
        hilf <- contr.poly(nce) * sqrt(scl) ## changed August 19 2013
        hilf <- contr.XuWu(nce) / sqrt(nce)  * sqrt(N/scl)
      extpts <- solve(crossprod(hilf),crossprod(hilf,external.pe))
      if (length(labs) %in% c(N - 1, N)) 
            labs <- c(labs, paste("pe", 1 : (nce-1), sep = ""))
      coeff <- c(coeff, extpts)
    names(coeff) <- labs

    ## prepare error point labeling and null line
    adderr <- dfr - dflof   ## pure error from the model
    addnonlin <- dflof      ## added lof from the model
    if (nce > 0) {
      adderr <- adderr + nce - 1   ## increase by external point contributions
      if (external.center) addnonlin <- addnonlin + 1  
            ## increase by external center point nonlinearity check

  ## automate error point symbol labeling
  if (is.null(pch) || length(pch)==1){
    if (is.null(pch)) pch <- pch.set[1]
    if (external.center)
      pch <- c(rep(pch, p - 1), rep(pch.set[2], addnonlin-1), rep(pch.set[3], adderr-nce+1), 
               pch.set[2], rep(pch.set[3], nce-1))   
      pch <- c(rep(pch, p - 1), rep(pch.set[2], addnonlin), rep(pch.set[3], adderr))

  crit <- NULL
  ## obtain standard error, dfe and critical value for the other methods
  ## and the error line
  if (method %in% c("LW98","EM08") || err.line || !err.points){ 
     errpos <- pch==pch.set[3]
     otherpos <- !errpos
     if (sum(errpos)==0){
        if (method %in% c("LW98","EM08")){
          warning("no pure error degrees of freedom, method choice was invalid, changed to Lenth")
          method <- "Lenth"
          err.line <- FALSE
          ## removed warning, as err.line=TRUE is the default
	        if (!adderr == sum(errpos)) {
          ## this occurs when manually coding pure error
          ## almost exclusively for expert use!
          warning("pure error points determined from pch")
          adderr <- sum(errpos)
       sterr <- sqrt(sum(coeff[errpos]^2)/adderr)
       if (method %in% c("LW98","EM08")){
         if (method=="LW98")
            crit <- CME.LW98(coeff[!errpos], sterr, adderr)
         if (method=="EM08")
            crit <- CME.EM08(coeff[!errpos], sterr, adderr)
         if (as.character(alpha) %in% names(crit$CME)) crit <- crit$CME[as.character(alpha)]
         else crit <- qt(1-alpha/2, sum(!errpos)/3 + sum(errpos))*crit$CPSE

  ## added August 1 5 2014
  ## default title
  dots <- list(...)
  titel <- dots$main
  if (is.null(titel)){
     titel <- as.expression(bquote("Plot for "*.(xnam)*", "*alpha == .(alpha)))
     dots$main <- titel

  plot.fun.errpt <- function(...) halfnormal(coeff, labs=labs, codes=labs, 
       pch=pch, cex.text=cex.text, alpha=alpha, xlab=xlab, large.omit=large.omit, plot=plot, crit=crit, 
  plot.fun.noerrpt <- function(...) halfnormal(coeff[otherpos], labs=labs[otherpos], 
       codes=labs, pch=pch[otherpos], cex.text=cex.text, alpha=alpha, 
       xlab=xlab, large.omit=large.omit, plot=plot, crit=crit, 
  if (err.points) signif <- do.call("plot.fun.errpt", dots)
  else signif <- do.call("plot.fun.noerrpt", dots) 
  ## add legend
  if (code && legend) mtext(side = 1, line = par("mar")[1]-1, texto, cex = cex.text*par("cex"))
  if (err.line) abline(a=0, b=1/sterr, col=linecol, lwd=linelwd)

  projected <- sapply(projectout, function(obj) length(obj)>0)
  projected <- names(projected)[projected]
  ali.complete <- sapply(segnew, function(obj) length(obj)==0)
  ordernote <- FALSE
  if (!all(nulls <- sapply(projectout[!ali.complete], function(obj) length(obj)==0))) 
    if (plot) mtext(side=3, line=0, "Note: Some coefficients are order dependent.", 
    ordernote <- TRUE
    for (i in which(!nulls)){
      hilf <- paste(strsplit(mod.effs[i],":",fixed=TRUE)[[1]],collapse="")
      message(paste("\nCreation of", hilf))
      message(paste("Projected out:", 
      if (!is.null(prcnew[[i]])){
        if (nrow(prcnew[[i]])>1){
           {cat("Effects columns are the following linear combinations of residuals:\n")
                  colnames(prcnew[[i]]) <- paste(hilf, 1:ncol(prcnew[[i]]), 
                    sep = "")
                  print(round(prcnew[[i]], 4))}), collapse="\n"))
  if (sum(ali.complete) > 0) {
    if (!ordernote) 
    if (plot) mtext(side=3, line=0, "Note: Some coefficients are order dependent.", 
    if (ordernote) message("\nThe following effects are completely aliased:\n")
    else message("The following effects are completely aliased:\n")
    ordernote <- TRUE
    message(paste(capture.output(print(names(ali.complete[ali.complete]), quote=FALSE)), collapse="\n"))
  if (length(signif)==0) message("no significant effects")
  else {
    if (ordernote) message("\nSignificant effects", " (alpha=", alpha, ", ", method, " method):")
    else message("Significant effects", " (alpha=", alpha, "):")
    message(paste(capture.output(print(rev(signif), quote=FALSE)),"\n", collapse="\n"))
  invisible(list(coef=coeff, mm=mm, mod.effs=mod.effs, res=projectout[projected], 
  LCs=prcnew[projected], alpha=alpha, method=method, signif=signif, pchs=pch))

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