#' WRTDS-Kalman
#' This function uses an autoregressive model to produce more accurate
#' estimates of concentration and flux
#' This function takes an existing eList
#' Including the estimated model (the surfaces object in the eList)
#' And produces the daily WRTDSKalman estimates of concentration and flux
#' These generated estimates are called genConc and genFlux
#' @rdname wrtdsK
#' @export
#' @param eList named list with the INFO, Daily, and Sample dataframes and surfaces matrix
#' @param rho numeric the lag one autocorrelation. Default is 0.9.
#' @param niter number of iterations. Default is 200.
#' @param verbose logical specifying whether or not to display progress message
#' @param seed integer value. Defaults to NA, which will not change the current seed.
#' Setting the seed to any given value can be used to create repeatable output.
#' @examples
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' eList <- WRTDSKalman(eList, niter = 10)
#' summary(eList$Daily)
#' #All flux values in AnnualResults are expressed as a rate in kg/day
#' AnnualResults <- setupYears(eList$Daily)
#' head(AnnualResults)
WRTDSKalman <- function(eList, rho = 0.90, niter = 200,
seed = NA, verbose = TRUE){
stop("Please check eList argument")
# Need these columns to be integers:
int_cols <- c("Julian", "Month", "Day", "MonthSeq", "waterYear")
int_indexs <- which(names(eList$Daily) %in% int_cols)
eList$Daily[,int_indexs] <- sapply(eList$Daily[,int_indexs], as.integer)
if(!"surfaces" %in% names(eList)){
eList$surfaces <- estSurfaces(eList)
# this part is to set up the array of runs of missing values
localEList <- cleanUp(eList, seed = seed)
localDaily <- populateDailySamp(localEList)
if(sum($trueConc)) == 0){
stop("There are known concentration values for every day in the Daily data frame.")
numDays <- length(localDaily$Date)
numDaysP <- numDays + 1
# set up DailyGen which will hold the daily generated flux values for all days and all iterations
DailyGen <- rep(0, numDays * niter)
dim(DailyGen) <- c(numDays, niter)
# x is a vector of the standardized residuals for each day
# most of the elements of x will be NA but those from sampled days will have values
x <- localDaily$stdResid
# xP is x that has been padded with a 0 at the start and a 0 at the end
# thus it is a vector that always starts and ends with non-missing values
xP <- c(0,x,0)
zz <- rle(
# zz$lengths is a vector of run lengths
# zz$values is a vector of the values: TRUE means it is a run of missings,
# FALSE means it is a run of non-missing values
nRuns <- length(zz$lengths)
zends <- cumsum(zz$lengths)
nRunsM <- nRuns - 1
zstarts <- c(0,zends[1:nRunsM])
# doGap is the indexs of the runs that are missing values (it is just the even integers)
doGap <- seq(2,nRunsM,2)
# numGap is the number of groups of missing values to be filled in
numGap <- length(doGap)
# now we are ready to do the iterations to generate the series
if (verbose) cat("% complete:\n")
printUpdate <- unique(floor(seq(1,niter,niter/100)))
endOfLine <- seq(10,100,10)
seeds <- sample(1:5000, niter)
for(iter in 1:niter){
if (iter %in% printUpdate & verbose) {
if (floor(iter*100/niter) %in% endOfLine) cat("\n")
localEList <- cleanUp(eList, seed = seeds[iter])
# this next step adds a trueConc column to Daily, and it is NA if there is no sample value
# it also adds the stdResid column to Daily
localDaily <- populateDailySamp(localEList)
x <- localDaily$stdResid
# xxP is x that has been padded with a 0 at the start and a 0 at the end
# thus it is a vector that always starts and ends with non-missing values
xxP <- c(0,x,0)
# now we are going to loop through all the gaps that need to be filled in
for(i in 1:numGap) {
iGap <- doGap[i]
startFill <- zstarts[iGap]
endFill <- zends[iGap]+1
nFill <- zz$length[iGap]+2
if(i == 1 | i == numGap) {
z <- rnorm(nFill - 2)
xfill <- c(xxP[startFill], z, xxP[endFill])
} else {
xfill <- genmissing(xxP[startFill], xxP[endFill], rho, nFill)
# now we need to strip out the padded days
xResid <- xxP[2:numDaysP]
xConc <- exp((xResid*localDaily$SE)+localDaily$yHat)
DailyGen[,iter] <- xConc * localDaily$Q * 86.4
# now we take means over all the iterations
GenMean <- rep(NA, numDays)
Daily <- eList$Daily
Daily$GenFlux <- rowMeans(DailyGen, na.rm = TRUE)
Daily$GenConc <- Daily$GenFlux / (Daily$Q * 86.4)
attr(Daily, "niter") <- niter
attr(Daily, "rho") <- rho
eList$Daily <- Daily
#' cleanUp eList
#' Takes an eList as the input. If there are duplicated dates in the Sample data frame,
#' will randomly select one value for that date. If there are censored values
#' in the data set they will be replaced by random censored values. If there are no
#' days with duplicate samples and no censored valued then the eList returned by the function will be identical to the eList that is passed to it.
#' This function is run before each iteration of generating a random sequence in the
#' \code{\link{WRTDSKalman}} function
#' @param eList named list with the INFO, Daily, and Sample dataframes and surfaces matrix.
#' @param seed integer value. Defaults to NA, which will not change the current seed.
#' Setting the seed to any given value can be used to create repeatable output.
#' @export
#' @return eList with duplicated dates in the Sample data frame randomly sampled and censored values are replaced by random values.
#' @examples
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' eList <- cleanUp(eList)
cleanUp <- function(eList, seed = NA){
Sample <- randomSubset(eList$Sample, "Julian", seed = seed)
eListClean <- as.egret(eList$INFO, eList$Daily, Sample, eList$surfaces)
eListClean <- makeAugmentedSample(eListClean)
Sample <- eListClean$Sample
Sample$Uncen <- 1
Sample$ConcLow <- Sample$rObserved
Sample$ConcHigh <- Sample$rObserved
Sample$ConcAve <- Sample$rObserved
eListClean <- as.egret(eList$INFO, eList$Daily, Sample, eList$surfaces)
#' randomSubset
#' Calculates a random subset of the data based on repeated values from
#' a specified column.
#' @export
#' @param df data frame. Must include a column named by the argument colName.
#' @param colName column name to check for duplicates
#' @param seed integer value. Defaults to NA, which will not change the current seed.
#' Setting the seed to any given value can be used to create repeatable output.
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(Julian = c(1,2,2,3,4,4,4,6),
#' y = 1:8)
#' df
#' df_random <- randomSubset(df, "Julian")
#' df_random
randomSubset <- function(df, colName, seed = NA){
dupIndex <- unique(c(which(duplicated(df[[colName]], fromLast = FALSE)),
which(duplicated(df[[colName]], fromLast = TRUE))))
if(length(dupIndex) == 0){
dupIndex <- dupIndex[order(dupIndex)]
unique_groups <- unique(df[[colName]][dupIndex])
sliceIndex <- rep(NA, length(unique_groups))
for(i in seq_along(unique_groups)){
sliceIndex[i] <- sample(which(df[[colName]] == unique_groups[i]), size = 1)
dfDuplicates <- df[sliceIndex, ]
dfNoDuplicates <- df[-dupIndex,]
subDF <- rbind(dfNoDuplicates, dfDuplicates)
subDF <- subDF[order(subDF[[colName]]),]
#' Merge concentration to Daily
#' Used for the WRTDS Kalman set of functions, this function
#' merges the ConcAve into the Daily data frame, renaming
#' it "trueConc", then calculates the "trueFlux", and "stdResid".
#' @param eList named list with the INFO, Daily, and Sample dataframes
#' and surfaces matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' Daily2 <- populateDailySamp(eList)
populateDailySamp <- function(eList) {
localSample <- eList$Sample
localDaily <- eList$Daily
localSample <- localSample[,c("Julian", "ConcAve")]
names(localSample) <- c("Julian", "trueConc")
retDaily <- merge(localDaily,
by = "Julian", all.x = TRUE)
retDaily$trueFlux <- retDaily$trueConc * retDaily$Q * 86.4
retDaily$stdResid <- (log(retDaily$trueConc)-retDaily$yHat)/retDaily$SE
#' genmissing
#' Generates a lag one auto-regressive time series, where the first and last
#' values are fixed. Marginal expected value is zero and variance is one.
#' Generated values have a normal conditional distribution.
#' @author Tim Cohn
#' @param X1 value before the gap
#' @param XN value after the gap
#' @param rho the lag one autocorrelation
#' @param N the length of the sequence including X1 and XN. It
#' is two more than the gap length
#' @keywords internal
#' @return genmissing numeric vector of length N, conditioned on the
#' first value (X1) and last value (XN) with the specified lag one autocorrelation
#' in the limit (where N is large) the values are normal with mean 0 and variance 1
genmissing <- function(X1, XN, rho, N){
# this code was done by Tim Cohn
# @param X1 the value before the gap
# @param XN value after the gap
# @param rho the lag one autocorrelation
# @param N the length of the sequence including X1 and XN
# it is two more than the gap length
C <- t(chol(rho^abs(outer(1:N,1:N, "-"))[c(1,N,2:(N-1)),c(1,N,2:(N-1))]))
(C %*% c(MASS::ginv(C[1:2,1:2]) %*%
c(X1, XN),
#' plotWRTDSKalman
#' Two plots to check the flux estimates using the WRTDS_K vs classic WRTDS.
#' The first is annual flux over time, where the two fluxes are shown in different colors.
#' The second is WRTDS vs WRTDSKalman flux estimates. The graphs can be output
#' either on top of each other, or side by side using the \code{sideBySide} argument.
#' @param eList named list with at least the Daily, Sample, and INFO dataframes. This
#' eList must be run through \code{WRTDSKalman}.
#' @param sideBySide logical. If \code{TRUE}, the two plots will be plotted
#' side by side, otherwise, one by one vertically.
#' @param fluxUnit number representing entry in pre-defined fluxUnit class array. \code{\link{printFluxUnitCheatSheet}}
#' @param usgsStyle logical option to use USGS style guidelines. Setting this option
#' to TRUE does NOT guarantee USGS compliance. It will only change automatically
#' generated labels
#' @export
#' @examples
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' eList <- WRTDSKalman(eList, niter = 10)
#' plotWRTDSKalman(eList)
#' plotWRTDSKalman(eList, sideBySide = TRUE)
plotWRTDSKalman <- function(eList, sideBySide = FALSE,
fluxUnit = 9, usgsStyle = FALSE) {
if(!all((c("GenFlux","GenConc") %in% names(eList$Daily)))){
stop("This function requires running WRTDSKalman on eList")
if(all(c("paStart","paLong") %in% names(eList$INFO))){
paLong <- eList$INFO$paLong
paStart <- eList$INFO$paStart
} else {
paLong <- 12
paStart <- 10
AnnualResults <- setupYears(eList$Daily)
if (is.numeric(fluxUnit)){
fluxUnit <- fluxConst[shortCode=fluxUnit][[1]]
} else if (is.character(fluxUnit)){
fluxUnit <- fluxConst[fluxUnit][[1]]
yLab <- fluxUnit@unitName[[1]]
} else {
yLab <- fluxUnit@shortName[[1]]
yLab <- trimws(yLab, which = "left")
unitFactorReturn <- fluxUnit@unitFactor
AnnualResults$Flux <- AnnualResults$Flux * unitFactorReturn
AnnualResults$GenFlux <- AnnualResults$GenFlux * unitFactorReturn
yMax <- 1.1 * max(AnnualResults$Flux, AnnualResults$GenFlux)
nYears <- length(AnnualResults[,1])
# first a plot of just the WRTDS estimate
xMin <- floor(AnnualResults$DecYear[1])
xMax <- ceiling(AnnualResults$DecYear[nYears])
xlim <- c(xMin,xMax)
title1 <- "Annual Flux Estimates: WRTDS in red, WRTDS-K in green"
title2 <- "Comparison of the two flux estimates"
mainTitle <- paste(eList$INFO$shortName,eList$INFO$paramShortName,"\n",
setSeasonLabelByUser(paStartInput = paStart, paLongInput = paLong))
par(mfrow=c(1,2), oma=c(0,0,2,0))
xlab <- paste0("WRTDS annual flux, in ", yLab)
ylab <- paste0("WRTDSKalman annual flux, in ", yLab)
} else {
title1 <- paste(eList$INFO$shortName,eList$INFO$paramShortName,
"\nAnnual Flux Estimates: WRTDS in red, WRTDS-K in green\n",
setSeasonLabelByUser(paStartInput = paStart, paLongInput = paLong), sep=" ")
title2 <- paste(eList$INFO$shortName,eList$INFO$paramShortName,
"\nComparison of the two flux estimates\n",
setSeasonLabelByUser(paStartInput = paStart, paLongInput = paLong),sep=" ")
xlab <- paste0("WRTDS estimate of annual flux, in ", yLab)
ylab <- paste0("WRTDSKalman estimate of annual flux, in ", yLab)
genericEGRETDotPlot(AnnualResults$DecYear, AnnualResults$Flux,
plotTitle = title1, tinyPlot = sideBySide,
xlim = xlim, xaxs = "i",
ylim = c(0, yMax), cex.main = 0.9,
xlab = "", ylab = paste0("Annual flux, in ", yLab),
col = "red", cex = 1.4)
points(AnnualResults$DecYear, AnnualResults$GenFlux,
col = "green", pch = 20, cex = 1.4)
# scatter plot
cex = 1.3, col = "red",
xlim = c(0, yMax),
ylim = c(0, yMax), tinyPlot = sideBySide,
xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab,
cex.main = 0.9,
plotTitle = title2)
abline(a = 0, b = 1)
mtext(mainTitle, line = -1, side = 3, outer = TRUE, cex= 1)
par(mfrow=c(1,1), oma=c(0,0,0,0))
#' plotTimeSlice
#' Plot of either concentration or flux over time showing both the WRTDS and WRTDSKalman estimates.
#' @export
#' @param eList named list with at least the Daily, Sample, and INFO dataframes. This
#' eList must be run through \code{WRTDSKalman}.
#' @param conc logical. If \code{TRUE}, plot concentration, otherwise plot flux.
#' @param start numeric start of DecYear for plot. If \code{NA}, plot will start at the earliest date in the record.
#' @param end numeric end of DecYear for plot. If \code{NA}, plot will end at the latest date in the record.
#' @param usgsStyle logical option to use USGS style guidelines. Setting this option
#' to TRUE does NOT guarantee USGS compliance. It will only change automatically
#' generated labels
#' @param fluxUnit number representing entry in pre-defined fluxUnit class array. \code{\link{printFluxUnitCheatSheet}}
#' @details
#' In the plot title, Ratio of means is mean of WRTDSKalman estimates to the WRTDS Classic estimates. Ratio only calculated on the data shown in the figure, not the whole series.
#' In the plot, red dots are measured values, blue dots are plotted at the reporting limit for those values that are censored.
#' @examples
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' eList <- WRTDSKalman(eList, niter = 10)
#' plotTimeSlice(eList, start = 1990, end = 1991, conc = TRUE)
#' plotTimeSlice(eList, start = 1990, end = 1991, conc = FALSE)
#' plotTimeSlice(eList, start = NA, end = 1991, conc = FALSE)
plotTimeSlice <- function(eList, start = NA, end = NA, conc = TRUE,
fluxUnit = 3, usgsStyle = FALSE){
if(!all((c("GenFlux","GenConc") %in% names(eList$Daily)))){
stop("This function requires running WRTDSKalman on eList")
eList <- makeAugmentedSample(eList)
Daily <- eList$Daily
Sample <- eList$Sample
Daily <- Daily[Daily$DecYear >= start,]
Sample <- Sample[Sample$DecYear >= start,]
} else {
start <- min(c(Daily$DecYear, Sample$DecYear))
Daily <- Daily[Daily$DecYear <= end,]
Sample <- Sample[Sample$DecYear <= end,]
} else {
end <- max(c(Daily$DecYear, Sample$DecYear))
# figure out which data symbol to use, red for uncensored, brown for censored
Sample$color <- ifelse(Sample$Uncen == 1, "red", "cyan4")
# first concentration, then flux
name <- paste(eList$INFO$shortName, eList$INFO$paramShortName)
possibleGoodUnits <- c("mg/l","mg/l as N", "mg/l as NO2", "mg/L",
"mg/l as NO3","mg/l as P","mg/l as PO3","mg/l as PO4","mg/l as CaCO3",
"mg/l as Na","mg/l as H","mg/l as S","mg/l NH4" )
allCaps <- toupper(possibleGoodUnits)
localUnits <- toupper(eList$INFO$param.units)
if(!(localUnits %in% allCaps)){
warning("Expected concentration units are mg/l, \nThe INFO dataframe indicates:",eList$INFO$param.units,
"\nFlux calculations will be wrong if units are not consistent")
ratio <- mean(Daily$GenConc) / mean(Daily$ConcDay)
fratio <- format(ratio, digits = 2)
y1 <- Daily$ConcDay
y2 <- Daily$GenConc
y3 <- Sample$rObserved
plotTitle <- paste(name,"\nConcentrations, Black is WRTDS, Green is WRTDSKalman\nData in red, (rl in blue if <), Ratio of means is", fratio)
} else {
if (is.numeric(fluxUnit)){
fluxUnit <- fluxConst[shortCode=fluxUnit][[1]]
} else if (is.character(fluxUnit)){
fluxUnit <- fluxConst[fluxUnit][[1]]
fluxFactor <- fluxUnit@unitFactor
ratio <- mean(Daily$GenFlux) / mean(Daily$FluxDay)
fratio <- format(ratio, digits = 2)
y1 <- Daily$FluxDay * fluxFactor
y2 <- Daily$GenFlux * fluxFactor
y3 <- Sample$rObserved * Sample$Q * fluxFactor *86.40
yLab <- ifelse(usgsStyle,fluxUnit@unitUSGS,fluxUnit@unitExpress)
plotTitle <- paste(name,"\nFlux, Black is WRTDS, Green is WRTDSKalman\nData in red, (rl in blue if <), Ratio of means is", fratio)
high_y <- max(y1, y2, y3, na.rm = TRUE)
low_y <- min(y1, y2, y3, na.rm = TRUE)
yInfo <- generalAxis(x = y1,
minVal = low_y,
maxVal = high_y, padPercent = 10,
units = eList$INFO$param.units,
logScale = TRUE, concentration = conc)
y1, log = "y", type = "l",
xlim = c(start, end),
ylim = c(yInfo$bottom,yInfo$top),
yTicks = yInfo$ticks,
xlab = "", cex.main = 0.9,
ylab = ifelse(conc, yInfo$label, yLab),
plotTitle = plotTitle)
lines(Daily$DecYear, y2,
col = "green")
points(Sample$DecYear, y3,
pch = 20, cex = 1.1, col = Sample$color)
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