#' @title Bivariate Correlation
#' @description Computes the correlation of two variables on an \code{},
#' a \code{}, or an \code{}.
#' The correlation accounts for plausible values and the survey design.
#' @param x a character variable name from the \code{data} to be correlated with \code{y}
#' @param y a character variable name from the \code{data} to be correlated with \code{x}
#' @param data an \code{}, a \code{}, or an \code{}
#' @param method a character string indicating which correlation coefficient (or covariance) is to be computed.
#' One of \code{Pearson} (default), \code{Spearman}, \code{Polychoric}, or \code{Polyserial}. For Polyserial, the continuous argument must be \code{x}.
#' @param weightVar character indicating the weight variable to use. See Details section in \code{\link{lm.sdf}}.
#' @param reorder a list of variables to reorder. Defaults to \code{NULL} (no variables are reordered). Can be set as
#' \code{reorder} \code{=} \code{list(var1} \code{=} \code{c("a","b","c"),} \code{var2} \code{=} \code{c("4", "3", "2", "1"))}. See Examples.
#' @param dropOmittedLevels a logical value. When set to the default value of \code{TRUE}, drops those levels of all factor variables that are specified
#' in an \code{}. Use \code{print} on an \code{} to see the omitted levels.
#' @param defaultConditions a logical value. When set to the default value of \code{TRUE}, uses the default conditions stored in an \code{}
#' to subset the data. Use \code{print} on an \code{} to see the default conditions.
#' @param recode a list of lists to recode variables. Defaults to \code{NULL}. Can be set as
#' \code{recode} \code{=} \code{list(var1} \code{=} \code{list(from} \code{=} \code{c("a","b","c"), to} \code{=} \code{"d"))}. See Examples.
#' @param condenseLevels a logical value. When set to the default value of
#' \code{TRUE} and either \code{x} or \code{y} is a
#' categorical variable, the function will drop all unused
#' levels and rank the levels of the variable before
#' calculating the correlation. When set to \code{FALSE},
#' the numeric levels of the variable remain the same as
#' in the codebook. See Examples.
#' @param fisherZ for standard error and mean calculations, set to \code{TRUE} to use
#' the Fisher Z-transformation (see details), or \code{FALSE}
#' to use no transformation of the data. The \code{fisherZ} argument defaults
#' to Fisher Z-transformation for Pearson and no transformation
#' for other correlation types.
#' @param jrrIMax a numeric value; when using the jackknife variance estimation method, the default estimation option, \code{jrrIMax=Inf}, uses the
#' sampling variance from all plausible values as the component for sampling variance estimation. The \code{Vjrr}
#' term (see
#' \href{}{\emph{Statistical Methods Used in EdSurvey}})
#' can be estimated with any number of plausible values, and values larger than the number of
#' plausible values on the survey (including \code{Inf}) will result in all plausible values being used.
#' Higher values of \code{jrrIMax} lead to longer computing times and more accurate variance estimates.
#' @param verbose a logical value. Set to \code{FALSE} to avoid messages about variable conversion.
#' @param omittedLevels this argument is deprecated. Use \code{dropOmittedLevels}.
#' @details
#' The \code{\link{getData}} arguments and \code{\link{recode.sdf}} may be useful. (See Examples.)
#' The correlation methods are calculated as described in the documentation for the \code{wCorr} package---see \code{browseVignettes(package="wCorr")}.
#' When \code{method} is set to \code{polyserial}, all \code{x} arguments are assumed to be continuous and all \code{y} assumed discrete. Therefore,
#' be mindful of variable selection as this may result in calculations taking a very long time to complete.
#' The Fisher Z-transformation is both a variance stabilizing and normalizing transformation
#' for the Pearson correlation coefficient (Fisher, 1915).
#' The transformation takes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the correlation coefficients and then calculates all variances and confidence intervals.
#' These are then transformed back to the correlation space (values between -1 and 1, inclusive) using the hyperbolic tangent function.
#' The Taylor series approximation (or delta method) is applied for the standard errors.
#' @return
#' An \code{edsurvey.cor} that has print and summary methods.
#' The class includes the following elements:
#' \item{correlation}{numeric estimated correlation coefficient}
#' \item{Zse}{standard error of the correlation (\code{Vimp} + \code{Vjrr}). In the case of Pearson, this is calculated in the linear atanh space and is not a standard error in the usual sense.}
#' \item{correlates}{a vector of length two showing the columns for which the correlation coefficient was calculated}
#' \item{variables}{\code{correlates} that are discrete}
#' \item{order}{a list that shows the order of each variable}
#' \item{method}{the type of correlation estimated}
#' \item{Vjrr}{the jackknife component of the variance estimate. For Pearson, in the atanh space.}
#' \item{Vimp}{the imputation component of the variance estimate. For Pearson, in the atanh space.}
#' \item{weight}{the weight variable used}
#' \item{npv}{the number of plausible values used}
#' \item{njk}{the number of the jackknife replicates used}
#' \item{n0}{the original number of observations}
#' \item{nUsed}{the number of observations used in the analysis---after any conditions and any listwise deletion of missings is applied}
#' \item{se}{the standard error of the correlation, in the correlation ([-1,1]) space}
#' \item{ZconfidenceInterval}{the confidence interval of the correlation in the transformation space}
#' \item{confidenceInterval}{the confidence interval of the correlation in the correlation ([-1,1]) space}
#' \item{transformation}{the name of the transformation used when calculating standard errors}
#' @seealso \ifelse{latex}{\code{cor}}{\code{\link[stats]{cor}}} and \ifelse{latex}{\code{weightedCorr}}{\code{\link[wCorr]{weightedCorr}}}
#' @author Paul Bailey; relies heavily on the \code{wCorr} package, written by Ahmad Emad and Paul Bailey
#' @references
#' Fisher, R. A. (1915). Frequency distribution of the values of the correlation coefficient in samples from an indefinitely large population. \emph{Biometrika}, \emph{10}(4), 507--521.
#' @example man/examples/cor.sdf.R
#' @importFrom wCorr weightedCorr
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @importFrom stats qt
#' @export
cor.sdf <- function(x,
method = c("Pearson", "Spearman", "Polychoric", "Polyserial"),
weightVar = "default",
reorder = NULL,
dropOmittedLevels = TRUE,
defaultConditions = TRUE,
recode = NULL,
condenseLevels = TRUE,
fisherZ = if (match.arg(method) %in% "Pearson") {
} else {
jrrIMax = Inf,
verbose = TRUE,
omittedLevels = deprecated()) {
call <-
method <- match.arg(method)
if (lifecycle::is_present(omittedLevels)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft("4.0.0", "cor.sdf(omittedLevels)", "cor.sdf(dropOmittedLevels)")
dropOmittedLevels <- omittedLevels
if (!is.logical(dropOmittedLevels)) stop("The ", sQuote("dropOmittedLevels"), " argument must be logical.")
if (inherits(data, c(""))) {
# use itterateESDFL to do this call to every element of the
return(itterateESDFL(, data))
# allow unquoted variables
skip <- tryCatch(inherits(x, "character"),
error = function(e) {
warning = function(w) {
if (!skip) {
x <- iparse(substitute(x), x = data)
skip <- tryCatch(inherits(y, "character"),
error = function(e) {
warning = function(w) {
if (!skip) {
y <- iparse(substitute(y), x = data)
vars <- c(x, y)
# test input
checkDataClass(data, c("", "", ""))
pvvars <- names(getAttributes(data, "pvvars", errorCheck = FALSE))
cn <- colnames(data)
if (!x %in% c(pvvars, cn)) {
stop(paste0("Could not find x column ", dQuote(x), " in data."))
if (!y %in% c(pvvars, cn)) {
stop(paste0("Could not find y column ", dQuote(y), " in data."))
if (inherits(data[[x]], "character")) {
stop(paste0("The argument ", sQuote("x"), " must be of a class numeric, factor, or lfactor."))
if (inherits(data[[y]], "character")) {
stop(paste0("The argument ", sQuote("y"), " must be of a class numeric, factor, or lfactor."))
# get method
pm <- match.arg(method)
# fix transformation
if (!inherits(fisherZ, "logical")) {
stop(paste0("The argument ", dQuote("fisherZ"), " must be TRUE or FALSE."))
if (fisherZ) {
transformation <- FisherZTrans()
} else {
transformation <- identityTrans()
if (!all(c("name", "trans", "itrans", "setrans") %in% names(transformation))) {
"The argument ", sQuote("transformation"),
" must be a list with three elements, each a function, named ",
sQuote("trans"), ",",
sQuote("itrans"), ", and ",
sQuote("setrans"), "."
if (!all(
inherits(transformation$name, "character"),
inherits(transformation$trans, "function"),
inherits(transformation$itrans, "function"),
inherits(transformation$setrans, "function")
)) {
"The argument ", sQuote("transformation"),
" must be a list with three elements, each a function, named ",
sQuote("trans"), ",",
sQuote("itrans"), ", and ",
sQuote("setrans"), "."
if (nrow(data) <= 0) {
stop(paste0(sQuote("data"), " must have more than 0 rows."))
# test if x and y are plausible value variables (multiply imputed values)
hpvx <- hasPlausibleValue(x, data)
hpvy <- hasPlausibleValue(y, data)
# get weight variable
if (is.null(weightVar)) {
wgt <- "one"
} else { # if the weights are not null
if (weightVar %in% "default") { # if weightsVar is default
wgt <- attributes(getAttributes(data, "weights"))$default
} else { # if wgt is not defaut
wgt <- weightVar
} # End of nested if statment: if wgt is defalt
} # End of if statment: if wgt is null
# setup Jack Knife replicate weight variables
if (wgt == "one") {
wgtl <- list(jkbase = "one", jksuffixes = "")
} else { # if wgt is not "one"
wgtl <- getAttributes(data, "weights")[[wgt]]
} # End of if statment: if wgt is "one"
wgts <- c(paste0(wgtl$jkbase, wgtl$jksuffixes))
if (wgt == "one") {
getV <- c(vars)
} else { # if wgt is not "one"
getV <- c(vars, wgt)
} # end of if statment: if wgt is "one"
# setup the getData call
getDataArgs <- list(
data = data,
varnames = getV,
includeNaLabel = TRUE,
addAttributes = TRUE,
returnJKreplicates = TRUE,
drop = FALSE,
dropOmittedLevels = dropOmittedLevels,
recode = recode,
dropUnusedLevels = condenseLevels
# Default conditions should be included only if the user set it. This adds the argument only if needed
if (!missing(defaultConditions)) {
getDataArgs <- c(getDataArgs, list(defaultConditions = defaultConditions))
# edf is the actual data
lsdf <-, getDataArgs)
# check for impending conversions:
if (hpvx) {
pvx <- getPlausibleValue(x, lsdf)
if (hpvy) {
pvy <- getPlausibleValue(y, lsdf)
if (verbose) {
if (length(levels(lsdf[[x]])) > 0 & method %in% c("Pearson", "Polyserial")) {
message(paste0("Converting ", dQuote(x), " to a continuous variable."))
if (length(levels(lsdf[[x]])) == 0 & method %in% c("Polychoric")) {
message(paste0("Converting ", dQuote(x), " to a discrete variable."))
xi <- ifelse(hpvx, pvx[[1]], x)
if (length(unique(lsdf[[xi]])) >= 10) {
message(" - Treating a variable with ", length(unique(lsdf[[xi]])), " levels as discrete will slow computation.")
if (length(levels(lsdf[[y]])) > 0 & method %in% c("Pearson")) {
message(paste0("Converting ", dQuote(y), " to a continuous variable."))
if (length(levels(lsdf[[y]])) == 0 & method %in% c("Polyserial", "Polychoric")) {
message(paste0("Converting ", dQuote(y), " to a discrete variable."))
yi <- ifelse(hpvy, pvy[[1]], y)
if (length(unique(lsdf[[yi]])) >= 10) {
message(" - Treating a variable with ", length(unique(lsdf[[yi]])), " levels as discrete will slow computation.")
if (length(levels(lsdf[[x]])) > 0 & length(levels(lsdf[[y]])) == 0 & method %in% "Polyserial") {
message(paste0("Consider swaping ", dQuote("x"), " and ", dQuote("y"), " variables."))
# if the weight variable is "one" then that will need to be a valid column
if (wgt == "one") {
if ("one" %in% colnames(lsdf) && any(lsdf$one != 1)) {
stop(paste0("A column named one cannot be included in the input when weights of one are implicitly used. You can rename the ", dQuote("one"), " column."))
lsdf$one <- 1
} else {
# weighted, check for negative weights
if (any(lsdf[ , wgt] <= 0)) {
lsdf <- lsdf[lsdf[ , wgt] > 0, ]
if (nrow(lsdf) == 0) {
stop("No rows with positive weights.")
warning("Removing rows with 0 weight from the analysis.")
} # end if(wgt=="one")
# do reordering of variables when the user requets a reorder
if (!is.null(reorder[[x]])) {
if (hpvx) {
stop("Reordering ", dQuote("x"), " variables with plausible values not implimented.")
llx <- unique(lsdf[ , x])
if (is.factor(lsdf[ , x])) {
llx <- levels(llx)
} # End if statment: if lsdf is a factor
if (sum(!reorder[[x]] %in% llx) > 0) {
bad <- reorder[[x]][!reorder[[x]] %in% llx]
stop(paste0("Could not find reorder level(s) ", pasteItems(sQuote(bad), final = "or"), " when reordering ", sQuote("x"), "."))
} # End if Statment: if sum(!reorder[[x]] %in% llx) > 0
lsdf[ , x] <- factor(lsdf[ , x], levels = c(reorder[[x]]))
} # End if statment: if reorder x is not null
# now reorder for y variables
if (!is.null(reorder[[y]])) {
if (hpvy) {
stop("Reordering ", dQuote("y"), " variables with plausible values not implimented.")
lly <- unique(lsdf[ , y])
if (is.factor(lsdf[ , y])) {
lly <- levels(lly)
} # End if statment: if lsdf[ ,y] is a factor
if (sum(!reorder[[y]] %in% lly) > 0) {
bad <- reorder[[y]][!reorder[[y]] %in% lly]
stop(paste0("Could not find reorder level(s) ", pasteItems(sQuote(bad), final = "or"), " when reordering ", sQuote("y"), "."))
} # End if statment sum(!reorder[[y]] %in% lly) > 0
lsdf[ , y] <- factor(lsdf[ , y], levels = c(reorder[[y]]))
} # End if statment: if reorder[[y]] is null
# Generate levels output for variables
# this output shows the user what levels were used in the correlation calculation
# when it is not obvious.
varOrder <- list()
variables <- c()
# this line tests if either is longer than zero
if (length(levels(lsdf[[x]])) || length(levels(lsdf[[y]])) > 0) {
nums <- !sapply(lsdf, is.numeric)
variables <- subset(names(nums), nums %in% TRUE)
for (i in unique(variables)) {
varn <- c()
newv <- rep(NA, nrow(lsdf))
# convert logical to factor
if (inherits(lsdf[[i]], "logical")) {
lsdf[[i]] <- factor(0 + lsdf[[i]], 0:1, c("FALSE", "TRUE"))
for (z in seq_along(levels(lsdf[[i]]))) {
# Use llevels if it's a lfactor
if (inherits(lsdf[[i]], "lfactor") && !condenseLevels) {
zi <- llevels(lsdf[[i]])[z]
} else {
zi <- z
varlev <- levels(lsdf[[i]])[z]
if (!varlev %in% unique(lsdf[[i]])) { # do not print out unused levels
varm <- paste0(zi, ". ", varlev)
varn <- c(varn, varm)
newv[lsdf[[i]] == varlev] <- zi
lsdf[[i]] <- newv
varlist <- list(c(varn))
varOrder[i] <- varlist
names(varOrder) <- c(variables)
} else { # end if(length(levels(lsdf[[x]])) || length(levels(lsdf[[y]])) > 0) {
variables <- NULL
varOrder <- NULL
# end reorder variables
# extract plausible values
linkingError <- FALSE
if(hpvx) {
xvarlsdf <- lsdf[ , unlist(pvx), drop=FALSE] #lsdf
linkingError <- detectLinkingError(data, pvx)
} else {
xvarlsdf <- lsdf[ , pvx <- x, drop = FALSE] # lsdf
if (hpvy) {
yvarlsdf <- lsdf[ , unlist(pvy), drop = FALSE] # lsdf
# check for parity in _linking variables
if (xor(
hpvx & "NAEP" %in% getAttributes(data, "survey") & any(grepl("_linking", pvy, fixed = TRUE)),
)) {
stop("When correlating two assessment scores, cannot mix _linking variables with variables not including linking error")
# this could be the only PV, so check for linking
linkingError <- detectLinkingError(data, pvy)
} else {
yvarlsdf <- lsdf[ , pvy <- y, drop = FALSE] # lsdf
# drop NAs
filter <- complete.cases(xvarlsdf) & complete.cases(yvarlsdf)
lsdf <- lsdf[filter, ]
xvarlsdf <- xvarlsdf[filter, , drop = FALSE]
yvarlsdf <- yvarlsdf[filter, , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(lsdf) == 0) {
stop("No rows with all variables to correlate.")
# number of plausible values
npv <- max(npvx <- length(xvarlsdf), npvy <- length(yvarlsdf))
# if both have PVs, use the smaller set
if (npvx > 1 & npvy > 1) {
npv <- min(npvx, npvy)
# the results, across the PVs (vector of length PV)
diagVar <- sapply(1:npv, function(i) {
weightedCorr(xvarlsdf[ , min(i, npvx)],
yvarlsdf[ , min(i, npvy)],
method = pm,
weights = lsdf[ , wgt],
fast = TRUE,
# for Pearson we will do a forward transform and inverse transform
# to keep the code simple we simply set the transofmr an intervse transform
# to the identity function for everything that is not Pearson
trans <- transformation$trans
itrans <- transformation$itrans
setrans <- transformation$setrans
# potentially (Fisher) transform estimates (ft=Fisher transform)
ft <- trans(diagVar)
# estimated correlation coefficient
mcc <- itrans(premcc <- mean(ft))
# the rest of the code estimates the variance
# for each jackknife replicate
jkwgtdf <- lsdf[ , paste0(wgtl$jkbase, wgtl$jksuffixes), drop = FALSE] # dataframe of jk replicate weights
posFilter <- jkwgtdf > 0 # dataframe of T/F
jrrIMax <- min(npv, max(1, jrrIMax))
diagVarWgt <- matrix(NA, ncol = jrrIMax, nrow = length(wgts))
# rerun with JK replicate weights
for (i in 1:jrrIMax) {
diagVarWgt[ , i] <- sapply(length(wgts):1, function(jki) {
trans(weightedCorr(xvarlsdf[posFilter[ , jki], min(i, npvx)],
yvarlsdf[posFilter[ , jki], min(i, npvy)],
method = pm,
weights = jkwgtdf[posFilter[ , jki], jki],
fast = TRUE,
)) - ft[i]
# see documentation for defintion of Vjrr, Vimp, M
# one Vjrr per plausible value (PB)
preVjrr <- getAttributes(data, "jkSumMultiplier") * apply(diagVarWgt^2, 2, sum)
Vjrr <- mean(preVjrr, na.rm = TRUE)
# then Vimp = ((M+1)/M) * [variance of main estimate (mcc) across the PVs.]
# M= number of plausible values
M <- length(diagVar)
Vimp <- ifelse(M > 1, (M + 1) / M * var(ft), 0)
# then get total variance
V <- Vimp + Vjrr
# se is root variance
Zse <- sqrt(V)
# varEstInputs - JK
veJK <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
PV = rep(1:jrrIMax, each = length(wgts)),
JKreplicate = rep(seq_along(wgts), jrrIMax),
variable = "cor",
value = as.vector(diagVarWgt)
) # as.vector stacks the columns of diagVarWgt
varEstInputs <- list(JK = veJK)
# varEstInputs - PV (only if multiple PVs)
if (length(diagVar) > 1) {
vePV <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
PV = 1:npv,
variable = rep("cor", npv),
value = diagVar - mean(diagVar)
varEstInputs[["PV"]] <- vePV
if (wgt == "one") {
cor <- list(
correlation = mcc, Zse = NA, correlates = vars, variables = variables, order = varOrder, method = method,
Vjrr = NA, Vimp = NA, weight = "unweighted", npv = M, njk = NA, se = NA, ZconfidenceInterval = NA, confidenceInterval = NA
} else { # else if wgt is not "one"
dof <- DoFCorrection(varEstInputs, varA = "cor", method = "JR")
tstat <- qt(p = 0.975, df = dof)
Zci <- premcc + c(-1, 1) * tstat * Zse
ci <- itrans(Zci)
se <- setrans(premcc, Zse)
cor <- list(
correlation = mcc, Zse = Zse, correlates = vars, variables = variables, order = varOrder, method = pm,
Vjrr = Vjrr, Vimp = Vimp, weight = wgt, npv = M, njk = length(wgtl$jksuffixes),
se = se, ZconfidenceInterval = Zci, confidenceInterval = ci
} # End of if statment: if wgt is "one"
cor <- c(cor, list(n0 =, nUsed = nrow(lsdf)))
cor <- c(cor, list(transformation = transformation$name))
class(cor) <- "edsurveyCor"
#' @method print edsurveyCor
#' @export
print.edsurveyCor <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), use_es_round=getOption("EdSurvey_round_output"), ...) {
if(use_es_round) {
x <- es_round(x)
class(x) <- "list"
cat(paste0("Method: ", x$method, "\n"))
cat(paste0("full data n: ", x$n0, "\n"))
cat(paste0("n used: ", x$nUsed, "\n"))
cat(paste0("Correlation: ", paste0(signif(x$correlation, digits = digits), collapse = ""), "\n"))
cat(paste0("Standard Error: ", paste0(signif(x$se, digits = digits), collapse = ""), "\n"))
cat(paste0("Confidence Interval: [", paste0(signif(x$confidenceInterval, digits = digits), collapse = ", "), "]\n"))
if (length(x$order) > 0) {
cat("\nCorrelation Levels:\n")
for (var in seq_along(x$order)) {
cat(paste0(" Levels for Variable '", x$variables[[var]], "' (Lowest level first):\n"))
for (i in seq_along(x$order[[var]])) {
cat(paste0(" ", x$order[[var]][i], "\n"))
} # end of i in seq_along(x$order[[var]])
} # End of for(var in seq_along(x$order))
} # End of length(x$order)>0
FisherZTrans <- function() {
name = "Fisher Z",
trans = atanh,
itrans = tanh,
setrans = function(z, Zse) {
sqrt(Zse^2 * (1 - tanh(z)^2)^2)
identityTrans <- function() {
name = "identity",
trans = identity,
itrans = identity,
setrans = function(Z, Zse) {
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