
Defines functions ci.ratio ci.pred ci.exp ci.lin ci.dfr2 ci.dfr df2ctr VCOV.rq VCOV.gnlm VCOV.mipo COEF.mipo VCOV.MIresult COEF.MIresult VCOV.crr COEF.crr VCOV.glmerMod VCOV.lmerMod VCOV.mer VCOV.lme COEF.glmerMod COEF.lmerMod COEF.mer COEF.lme VCOV.default VCOV COEF.default COEF

Documented in ci.exp ci.lin ci.pred ci.ratio

# The coef() methods in nlme and lme4 do something different,
# other objects do not even have coef or vcov methods defined,
# so we make a workaround by specifying our own generic methods:
COEF          <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("COEF")
COEF.default  <- function(x, ...) coef(x, ...)
VCOV          <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("VCOV")
VCOV.default  <- function(x, ...) vcov(x, complete = TRUE, ...)

# Then we can get from these methods what we want from lme, mer etc.
COEF.lme      <- function(x, ...) nlme::fixed.effects(x)
COEF.mer      <- function(x, ...) lme4::fixef(x)
COEF.lmerMod  <- function(x, ...) lme4::fixef(x)
COEF.glmerMod <- function(x, ...) lme4::fixef(x)

# The vcov returns a matrix with the wrong class so we strip that:
VCOV.lme      <- function(x, ...) as.matrix(vcov(x))
VCOV.mer      <- function(x, ...) as.matrix(vcov(x))
VCOV.lmerMod  <- function(x, ...) as.matrix(vcov(x))
VCOV.glmerMod <- function(x, ...) as.matrix(vcov(x))

# For the rest of the non-conforming classes we then just need the
# methods not defined
# VCOV.coxph    <- function(x, ...)
#                  survival::vcov.coxph(x, complete=FALSE, ...)
COEF.crr      <- function(x, ...) x$coef
VCOV.crr      <- function(x, ...) x$var
COEF.MIresult <- function(x, ...) x$coefficients
VCOV.MIresult <- function(x, ...) x$variance
COEF.mipo     <- function(x, ...) x$qbar
VCOV.mipo     <- function(x, ...) x$t
VCOV.gnlm     <- function(x, ...) x$cov
VCOV.rq       <- function(x, ...) summary(x, cov=TRUE)$cov

df2ctr <-
function(obj, nd)
if (!(inherits(obj, "lm") | inherits(obj, "coxph")))
  stop("data frame facility not inplemented for ", class(obj), " objects")

# Factors in the prediction frame must have more than one level, which
# they typically do not have in the specification of a prediction
# frame, so we find the factors in the prediction frame and expand
# levels to the complete set of levels which we get from the model
# object This should secure the working of model.matrix(); note that
# the machinery differs between gam and non-gam glms

dcl <- attr(obj$terms, "dataClasses")[-1] # the first is the reponse
whf <- (dcl == "factor")
if (any(whf))
for (fn in names(dcl)[which(whf)])
    nd[,fn] <- factor(nd[,fn],
                      levels = if (inherits(obj, "gam"))
                             else        obj$xlevels    [[fn]])

# The folowing is needed to keep NA rows from the data frame supplied
org.op <- options( na.action='na.pass' )
on.exit( options( org.op ) )

# The contrast matrix from the model - differs a between (g)lm, gam and coxph
if (inherits(obj,"coxph")) MM <- model.matrix(         obj     ,    data=nd)
if (inherits(obj,"gam"  )) MM <- model.matrix(         obj     , newdata=nd)
if (inherits(obj,"lm"   )) MM <- model.matrix( formula(obj)[-2],    data=nd)
return( MM )

ci.dfr <-
function( obj, ndx, ndr,
         xvars = NULL,
          vcov = FALSE,
         alpha = 0.05,
           Exp = FALSE,
        sample = FALSE )
if( nrow(ndr)==1 ) ndr <- ndr[rep(1,nrow(ndx)),,drop=FALSE]
if(         ( nrow(ndx)  !=       nrow(ndr)) |
    any(sort(names(ndx)) != sort(names(ndr))) )
    stop("\nThe two prediction frames must have same dimensions",
         "and column names, but dimensions are (",
         paste(dim(ndx), collapse=","), ") and (",
         paste(dim(ndr), collapse=","), ")\n",
         "and the column names are:\n",
         "exp: ", paste(names(ndx), collapse=", "), "\n",
         "ref: ", paste(names(ndr), collapse=", "), "\n")
# Now supply and fix those variables that are needed in order to get
# model.matrix working:

# Supplied variable names:
 cols <- names( ndx )
# Factors in model; which are supplied; derive names of omitted
# factors (called ofacs)
 facs <- names( obj$xlevels )
ofacs <- setdiff( facs, cols )
# omitted *variables* must be supplied
ovars <- setdiff( xvars, facs )
# Construct the extra columns with bogus data (their contribution will
# be null)
xcols <- ndx[,NULL]
if( length(ofacs) > 0 ) for( fn in ofacs ) xcols[,fn] <- obj$xlevels[[fn]][1]
if( length(ovars) > 0 ) for( vn in ovars ) xcols[,vn] <- 1
if( dim(xcols)[2]>0 )
  ndx <- cbind( ndx, xcols )
  ndr <- cbind( ndr, xcols )
ci.lin( obj,
    ctr.mat = df2ctr( obj, ndx ) - df2ctr( obj, ndr ),
       vcov = vcov,
      alpha = alpha,
        Exp = Exp,
     sample = sample )

ci.dfr2 <-
function( obj, nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4,
         xvars = NULL,
          vcov = FALSE,
         alpha = 0.05,
           Exp = FALSE,
        sample = FALSE )
if( nrow(nd2)==1 ) nd2 <- nd2[rep(1,nrow(nd1)),,drop=FALSE]
if( nrow(nd3)==1 ) nd3 <- nd3[rep(1,nrow(nd1)),,drop=FALSE]
if( nrow(nd4)==1 ) nd4 <- nd4[rep(1,nrow(nd1)),,drop=FALSE]
if( ( nrow(nd2) !=  nrow(nd1)) |
    ( nrow(nd3) !=  nrow(nd1)) |
    ( nrow(nd4) !=  nrow(nd1)) |
 any(names(nd2) != names(nd1)) |
 any(names(nd3) != names(nd1)) |
 any(names(nd4) != names(nd1)) )
    stop("\nThe prediction frames must have same dimensions and column names:",
         "but dimensions are: (",
         paste( dim(nd1),collapse=","), ") and (",
         paste( dim(nd2),collapse=","), ") and (",
         paste( dim(nd3),collapse=","), ") and (",
         paste( dim(nd4),collapse=","), ")\n",
         "and column names are:\n",
         "1: ", paste( names(nd1), collapse=", " ), "\n",
         "2: ", paste( names(nd2), collapse=", " ), "\n",
         "3: ", paste( names(nd3), collapse=", " ), "\n",
         "4: ", paste( names(nd4), collapse=", " ), "\n")
# Now supply and fix those variables that are needed in order to get
# model.matrix working:
# Supplied variable names:
 cols <- names( nd1 )
# Factors in model; which are supplied; derive names of omitted
# factors (ofacs)
 facs <- names( obj$xlevels )
ofacs <- setdiff( facs, cols )
# omitted *variables* must be supplied
ovars <- setdiff( xvars, facs )
# Construct the extra columns with bogus data (their contribution will
# be null)
xcols <- nd1[,NULL]
if( length(ofacs) > 0 ) for( fn in ofacs ) xcols[,fn] <- obj$xlevels[[fn]][1]
if( length(ovars) > 0 ) for( vn in ovars ) xcols[,vn] <- 1
if( dim(xcols)[2]>0 )
  nd1 <- cbind( nd1, xcols )
  nd2 <- cbind( nd2, xcols )
  nd3 <- cbind( nd3, xcols )
  nd4 <- cbind( nd4, xcols )
ci.lin( obj,
    ctr.mat = df2ctr( obj, nd1 )
             -df2ctr( obj, nd2 )
             -df2ctr( obj, nd3 )
             +df2ctr( obj, nd4 ),
       vcov = vcov,
      alpha = alpha,
        Exp = Exp,
     sample = sample )

ci.lin <-
function( obj,
      ctr.mat = NULL,
       subset = NULL,
       subint = NULL,
        xvars = NULL,
        diffs = FALSE,
         fnam = !diffs,
         vcov = FALSE,
        alpha = 0.05,
           df = Inf,
          Exp = FALSE,
       sample = FALSE )
# If ctr.mat is a data frame, call df2ctr
if( inherits( ctr.mat, "data.frame" ) ) ctr.mat <- df2ctr( obj, ctr.mat )

# If ctr.mat is a list of two dataframes then call ci.dfr
if( inherits( ctr.mat, "list" ) )
  if( length(ctr.mat)==2 )
  if( !inherits( ctr.mat[[1]], "data.frame" ) |
      !inherits( ctr.mat[[2]], "data.frame" ) )
      stop("If ctr.mat is a list it must be a list of data frames")
  return( ci.dfr( obj, ctr.mat[[1]], ctr.mat[[2]],
                xvars = xvars,
                 vcov = vcov,
                alpha = alpha,
                  Exp = Exp,
               sample = sample ) )
# If ctr.mat is a list of two dataframes then call ci.dfr2 for 2nd
# order differences
  if( length(ctr.mat)==4 )
  if( !inherits( ctr.mat[[1]], "data.frame" ) |
      !inherits( ctr.mat[[2]], "data.frame" ) |
      !inherits( ctr.mat[[3]], "data.frame" ) |
      !inherits( ctr.mat[[4]], "data.frame" ) )
      stop("If ctr.mat is a list it must be a list of data frames")
  return( ci.dfr2( obj, ctr.mat[[1]], ctr.mat[[2]], ctr.mat[[3]], ctr.mat[[4]],
                 xvars = xvars,
                  vcov = vcov,
                 alpha = alpha,
                   Exp = Exp,
                sample = sample ) )

# First extract all the coefficients and the variance-covariance matrix
cf  <- COEF( obj )
vcv <- VCOV( obj )
# Alised parameters are set to 0
if( any( is.na(  cf ) ) )  cf[is.na(cf )] <- 0
if( any( is.na( vcv ) ) ) vcv[is.na(vcv)] <- 0

# Function for computing a contrast matrix for all possible
# differences between a set of parameters.
all.dif <-
function( cf, pre=FALSE )
nn <- length( cf )
nr <- nn * ( nn - 1 ) / 2
nam <- names( cf )

# Work out the indexes of parameter pairs to compare
xx <- numeric( 0 )
for( j in 2:nn ) xx <- c(xx, j:nn )
ctr <- cbind( rep( 1:(nn-1), (nn-1):1 ), xx )

# Now for the annotation:
# Find out how large a proportion of rownames are identical
i <- 1
while( all( substr( nam, 1, i ) == substr( nam[1], 1, i ) ) ) i <- i+1

# If a factor name is given, then use this, otherwise the identical part
# of the parameter names
if( is.character( pre ) ) {
prefix <- pre
  pre <- TRUE
} else {
prefix <- substr( nam[1], 1, i-1 )
rn <- paste( if( pre ) prefix else "",
             substring( nam[ctr[,1]], i ), "vs.",
             substring( nam[ctr[,2]], i ) )

# Finally, construct the contrast matrix and attach the rownames
cm <- matrix( 0, nr, nn )
cm[cbind(1:nr,ctr[,1])] <- 1
cm[cbind(1:nr,ctr[,2])] <- -1
rownames( cm ) <- rn
# end of the function all.dif for all differences

# Were all differences requested?
if( diffs )
  if( is.character( subset ) )
    if ( inherits( obj, "lm" ) &
         length( grep( subset, names( obj$xlevels ) ) )>0 )
       { # The case of factor level differences we find the relevant
         # subset of parameters by reconstructing names of parameters
         wf <- grep( subset, af <- names( obj$xlevels ) )
         # All factor levels
         fn <- obj$xlevels[[af[wf]]]
         # Reconstruct names of relevant parameter names
         pnam <- paste( af[wf], fn, sep="" )
         # Find them in the parameter vector
         wh <- match( pnam, names( coef( obj ) ) )
         # Get the relevant subset, and stick in 0s for NAs
         cf <- coef( obj )[wh]
         cf[is.na( cf )] <- 0
         vcv <- vcov( obj, complete=FALSE )[wh,wh]
         vcv[is.na( vcv )] <- 0
         names( cf ) <- rownames( vcv ) <- colnames( vcv ) <-
             paste( subset, ": ", fn, sep="" )
       } else {
         subset <- grep( subset, names( cf ) )
             cf <-  cf[subset]
            vcv <- vcv[subset,subset]
    } else {
     cf <-  cf[subset]
    vcv <- vcv[subset,subset]
   ctr.mat <- all.dif( cf, pre=fnam )

if( !diffs )
  if( is.character( subset ) ) {
    sb <- numeric(0)
    for( i in 1:length( subset ) ) sb <- c(sb,grep( subset[i], names( cf )  ))
    subset <- sb # unique( sb )
  if( is.character( subint ) ) {
    sb <- 1:length(cf)
    for( i in 1:length(subint) ) sb <- intersect( sb, grep(subint[i],names(cf)) )
    subset <- sb # unique( sb )
  if( is.null( subset ) & is.null( subint ) ) subset <- 1:length( cf )
  # Exclude units where aliasing has produced NAs.
  # Not needed after replacement with 0s
  # subset <- subset[!is.na( cf[subset] )]
   cf <-  cf[subset]
  vcv <- vcv[subset,subset]
  if( is.null( ctr.mat ) )
    ctr.mat <- diag( length( cf ) )
    rownames( ctr.mat ) <- names( cf )
  if( dim( ctr.mat )[2] != length(cf) )
      stop( paste("\n Dimension of ", deparse(substitute(ctr.mat)),
            ": ", paste(dim(ctr.mat), collapse = "x"),
            ", not compatible with no of parameters in ",
            deparse(substitute(obj)), ": ", length(cf), sep = ""))
# Finally, here is the actual computation
  if( sample )
    # mvrnorm() returns a vector if sample=1, otherwise a sample by
    # length(cf) matrix - hence the rbind so we always get a row
    # matrix and res then becomes an nrow(ctr.mat) by sample matrix
    res <- ctr.mat %*% t( rbind(mvrnorm( sample, cf, vcv )) )
    ct <- ctr.mat %*% cf
    vc <- ctr.mat %*% vcv %*% t( ctr.mat )
    se <- sqrt( diag( vc ) )
    ci <- cbind( ct, se ) %*% ci.mat( alpha=alpha, df=df )
    t0 <- cbind( se, ct/se, 2 * ( pnorm( -abs( ct / se ) ) ) )
    colnames(t0) <- c("StdErr", "z", "P")
    res <- cbind(ci, t0)[, c(1, 4:6, 2:3), drop=FALSE]
    if( Exp )
      res <- cbind(      res[,1:4     ,drop=FALSE],
                    exp( res[,c(1,5,6),drop=FALSE] ) )
      colnames( res )[5] <- "exp(Est.)"
  # class( res ) <- c("ci.lin","matrix")
# Return the requested structure
if( sample ) invisible( res )
if( vcov ) invisible( list( coef=ct[,1], vcov=vc ) ) else res

# print.ci.lin <-
# function( x, ..., digits=3 )
# {
# print( round( unclass(x), digits ) )
# }

# Handy wrapper
ci.exp <-
function( ..., Exp=TRUE, pval=FALSE )
res <- if( Exp )
ci.lin( ..., Exp=TRUE  )[,if(pval) c(5:7,4)   else 5:7     ,drop=FALSE]
         } else {
ci.lin( ..., Exp=FALSE )[,if(pval) c(1,5,6,4) else c(1,5,6),drop=FALSE]
# class( res ) <- c( "ci.lin", "matrix" )

# Wrapper for predict.glm to give estimates and confidence intervals
ci.pred <-
function( obj, newdata,
         Exp = NULL,
       alpha = 0.05 )
if( !inherits( obj, "lm" ) ) stop("Not usable for non-(g)lm objects")
if( !inherits( obj, "glm" ) & inherits( obj, "lm" ) )
    return( predict.lm( obj, newdata=newdata, interval="confidence" ) )
# get the prediction and se on the link scale
else {
zz <- predict( obj, newdata=newdata, se.fit=TRUE, type="link" )
# compute ci on link scale
zz <- cbind( zz$fit, zz$se.fit ) %*% ci.mat( alpha=alpha )
# transform as requested
if( missing(Exp) ) {   return( obj$family$linkinv(zz) )
} else {  if(  Exp ) { return(                exp(zz) )
   } else if( !Exp )   return(                    zz  )

# Function to calculate RR with CIs from independent rates with CIs;
# r1 and r2 are assumed to be vectors or 2 or 3-column matrices with
# rate, lower and upper confidence limits repectively.
ci.ratio <-
function( r1, r2,
         se1 = NULL, # standard error of rt1
         se2 = NULL, # standard error of rt2
      log.tr = !is.null(se1) & !is.null(se2), # is this log-rates?
       alpha = 0.05,
        pval = FALSE )
if( is.data.frame(r1) ) r1 <- as.matrix( r1 )
if( is.data.frame(r2) ) r2 <- as.matrix( r2 )
if( is.matrix(r1) & !is.null(se1) ) warning("r1 is matrix, se1 is ignored")
if( is.matrix(r2) & !is.null(se2) ) warning("r2 is matrix, se2 is ignored")

# if supplied as 1-column matrix change to vector
if( is.matrix(r1) ) if( ncol(r1)==1 ) r1 <- as.vector( r1 )
if( is.matrix(r2) ) if( ncol(r2)==1 ) r2 <- as.vector( r2 )

# move to log scale
if( !log.tr ) {
  r1 <- log( r1 )
  r2 <- log( r2 )

# how wide are the condidence intervals
if( is.matrix(r1) ) if( ncol(r1)>1 ) rg1 <- t( apply(r1,1,range) )
if( is.matrix(r2) ) if( ncol(r2)>1 ) rg2 <- t( apply(r2,1,range) )

# get the estimates on the log-scale
R1 <- if( is.matrix(r1) ) apply( rg1, 1, mean ) else r1
R2 <- if( is.matrix(r2) ) apply( rg2, 1, mean ) else r2
if( is.null(se1) ) se1 <- apply( rg1, 1, diff ) / (2*qnorm(1-alpha/2))
if( is.null(se2) ) se2 <- apply( rg2, 1, diff ) / (2*qnorm(1-alpha/2))

# compute the RR and the c.i. and optionally the p-value
 lrr <- R1 - R2
slrr <- sqrt( se1^2 + se2^2 )
  rr <- cbind(lrr,slrr) %*% ci.mat(alpha=alpha)
if( !log.tr ) rr <- exp( rr )
if( pval ) return( cbind( rr, 1-pchisq( (lrr/slrr)^2, 1 ) ) )
      else return(        rr                                )

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