## wallinga_teunis function to estimate Rc the case reproduction number ##
#' Estimation of the case reproduction number using the Wallinga and Teunis
#' method
#' \code{wallinga_teunis} estimates the case reproduction number of an epidemic,
#' given the incidence time series and the serial interval distribution.
#' @param incid One of the following
#' \itemize{
#' \item Vector (or a dataframe with
#' a column named 'incid') of non-negative integers containing an incidence
#' time series. If the dataframe contains a column \code{incid$dates}, this is
#' used for plotting. \code{incid$dates} must contains only dates in a row.
#' \item An object of class \code{\link[incidence]{incidence}}
#' }
#' @param method the method used to estimate R, one of "non_parametric_si",
#' "parametric_si", "uncertain_si", "si_from_data" or "si_from_sample"
#' @param config a list with the following elements: \itemize{ \item{t_start:
#' Vector of positive integers giving the starting times of each window over
#' which the reproduction number will be estimated. These must be in ascending
#' order, and so that for all \code{i}, \code{t_start[i]<=t_end[i]}.
#' t_start[1] should be strictly after the first day with non null incidence.}
#' \item{t_end: Vector of positive integers giving the ending times of each
#' window over which the reproduction number will be estimated. These must be
#' in ascending order, and so that for all \code{i},
#' \code{t_start[i]<=t_end[i]}.} \item{method: One of "non_parametric_si" or
#' "parametric_si" (see details).} \item{mean_si: For method "parametric_si" ;
#' positive real giving the mean serial interval.} \item{std_si: For method
#' "parametric_si" ; non negative real giving the standard deviation of the
#' serial interval.} \item{si_distr: For method "non_parametric_si" ; vector
#' of probabilities giving the discrete distribution of the serial interval,
#' starting with \code{si_distr[1]} (probability that the serial interval is
#' zero), which should be zero.} \item{n_sim: A positive integer giving the
#' number of simulated epidemic trees used for computation of the confidence
#' intervals of the case reproduction number (see details).} }
#' @return { a list with components: \itemize{ \item{R}{: a dataframe
#' containing: the times of start and end of each time window considered ; the
#' estimated mean, std, and 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles of the reproduction
#' number for each time window.} \item{si_distr}{: a vector containing the
#' discrete serial interval distribution used for estimation}
#' \item{SI.Moments}{: a vector containing the mean and std of the discrete
#' serial interval distribution(s) used for estimation} \item{I}{: the time
#' series of total incidence} \item{I_local}{: the time series of incidence of
#' local cases (so that \code{I_local + I_imported = I})} \item{I_imported}{:
#' the time series of incidence of imported cases (so that \code{I_local +
#' I_imported = I})} \item{dates}{: a vector of dates corresponding to the
#' incidence time series} } }
#' @details Estimates of the case reproduction number for an epidemic over
#' predefined time windows can be obtained, for a given discrete distribution of
#' the serial interval, as proposed by Wallinga and Teunis (AJE, 2004).
#' Confidence intervals are obtained by simulating a number (config$n_sim) of
#' possible transmission trees (only done if config$n_sim > 0).
#' The methods vary in the way the serial interval distribution is specified.
#' ----------------------- \code{method "non_parametric_si"}
#' -----------------------
#' The discrete distribution of the serial interval is directly specified in the
#' argument \code{config$si_distr}.
#' ----------------------- \code{method "parametric_si"} -----------------------
#' The mean and standard deviation of the continuous distribution of the serial
#' interval are given in the arguments \code{config$mean_si} and
#' \code{config$std_si}. The discrete distribution of the serial interval is
#' derived automatically using \code{\link{discr_si}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{discr_si}}, \code{\link{estimate_R}}
#' @author Anne Cori \email{}
#' @references { Cori, A. et al. A new framework and software to estimate
#' time-varying reproduction numbers during epidemics (AJE 2013). Wallinga, J.
#' and P. Teunis. Different epidemic curves for severe acute respiratory
#' syndrome reveal similar impacts of control measures (AJE 2004). }
#' @export
#' @import reshape2 gridExtra
#' @importFrom ggplot2 last_plot ggplot aes geom_step ggtitle geom_ribbon
#' geom_line xlab ylab xlim geom_hline ylim geom_histogram
#' @examples
#' ## load data on pandemic flu in a school in 2009
#' data("Flu2009")
#' ## estimate the case reproduction number (method "non_parametric_si")
#' res <- wallinga_teunis(Flu2009$incidence,
#' method="non_parametric_si",
#' config = list(t_start = seq(2, 26), t_end = seq(8, 32),
#' si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr,
#' n_sim = 100))
#' plot(res)
#' ## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
#' ## the estimate of the case reproduction number over the 7-day window
#' ## finishing on that day.
#' ## estimate the case reproduction number (method "parametric_si")
#' res <- wallinga_teunis(Flu2009$incidence, method="parametric_si",
#' config = list(t_start = seq(2, 26), t_end = seq(8, 32),
#' mean_si = 2.6, std_si = 1.5,
#' n_sim = 100))
#' plot(res)
#' ## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
#' ## the estimate of the case reproduction number over the 7-day window
#' ## finishing on that day.
wallinga_teunis <- function(incid,
method = c("non_parametric_si", "parametric_si"),
config) {
### Functions ###
# Draws a possile transmission tree #
draw_one_set_of_ancestries <- function() {
res <- vector()
for (t in seq_len(T))
if (length(which(Onset == t)) > 0) {
if (length(possible_ances_time[[t]]) > 0) {
prob <- config$si_distr[t - possible_ances_time[[t]] + 1] *
ot <- which(Onset == t)
if (any(prob > 0)) {
res[ot] <-
size = 1, prob = prob)
== TRUE, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1]]
} else {
res[ot] <- NA
} else {
res[which(Onset == t)] <- NA
### Error messages ###
method <- match.arg(method)
incid <- process_I(incid)
if (!is.null(incid$dates)) {
dates <- check_dates(incid)
incid <- process_I_vector(rowSums(incid[, c("local", "imported")]))
T <- length(incid)
} else {
incid <- process_I_vector(rowSums(incid[, c("local", "imported")]))
T <- length(incid)
dates <- seq_len(T)
### Adjusting t_start and t_end so that at least an incident case has been
### observed before t_start[1] ###
i <- 1
while (sum(incid[seq_len(config$t_start[i] - 1)]) == 0) {
i <- i + 1
temp <- which(config$t_start < i)
if (length(temp > 0)) {
config$t_start <- config$t_start[-temp]
config$t_end <- config$t_end[-temp]
check_times(config$t_start, config$t_end, T)
nb_time_periods <- length(config$t_start)
if (is.null(config$n_sim)) {
config$n_sim <- 10
warning("setting config$n_sim to 10 as config$n_sim was not specified. ")
if (method == "non_parametric_si") {
config$si_distr <- c(config$si_distr, 0)
if (method == "parametric_si") {
if (is.null(config$mean_si)) {
stop("method non_parametric_si requires to specify the config$mean_si
if (is.null(config$std_si)) {
stop("method non_parametric_si requires to specify the config$std_si
if (config$mean_si < 1) {
stop("method parametric_si requires a value >1 for config$mean_si.")
if (config$std_si < 0) {
stop("method parametric_si requires a >0 value for config$std_si.")
if (!is.numeric(config$n_sim)) {
stop("config$n_sim must be a positive integer.")
if (config$n_sim < 0) {
stop("config$n_sim must be a positive integer.")
### What does each method do ###
if (method == "non_parametric_si") {
parametric_si <- "N"
if (method == "parametric_si") {
parametric_si <- "Y"
if (parametric_si == "Y") {
config$si_distr <- discr_si(seq(0,T - 1), config$mean_si, config$std_si)
if (length(config$si_distr) < T + 1) {
config$si_distr[seq(length(config$si_distr) + 1, T + 1)] <- 0
final_mean_si <- sum(config$si_distr * (seq(0, length(config$si_distr) - 1)))
final_std_si <- sqrt(sum(config$si_distr *
(seq(0, length(config$si_distr) - 1))^2) -
time_periods_with_no_incidence <- vector()
for (i in seq_len(nb_time_periods))
if (sum(incid[seq(config$t_start[i],config$t_end[i])]) == 0) {
time_periods_with_no_incidence <- c(time_periods_with_no_incidence, i)
if (length(time_periods_with_no_incidence) > 0) {
config$t_start <- config$t_start[-time_periods_with_no_incidence]
config$t_end <- config$t_end[-time_periods_with_no_incidence]
nb_time_periods <- length(config$t_start)
Onset <- vector()
for (t in seq_len(T)) {
Onset <- c(Onset, rep(t, incid[t]))
NbCases <- length(Onset)
delay <- outer(seq_len(T), seq_len(T), "-")
si_delay <- apply(delay, 2, function(x)
config$si_distr[pmin(pmax(x + 1, 1), length(config$si_distr))])
sum_on_col_si_delay_tmp <- vnapply(seq_len(nrow(si_delay)), function(i)
sum(si_delay [i, ] * incid, na.rm = TRUE))
sum_on_col_si_delay <- vector()
for (t in seq_len(T)) {
sum_on_col_si_delay <- c(sum_on_col_si_delay,
rep(sum_on_col_si_delay_tmp[t], incid[t]))
mat_sum_on_col_si_delay <- matrix(rep(sum_on_col_si_delay_tmp, T),
nrow = T, ncol = T)
p <- si_delay / (mat_sum_on_col_si_delay)
p[which(] <- 0
p[which(is.infinite(p))] <- 0
mean_r_per_index_case_date <- vnapply(seq_len(ncol(p)), function(j)
sum(p[, j] * incid, na.rm = TRUE))
mean_r_per_date_wt <- vnapply(seq_len(nb_time_periods), function(i)
mean(rep(mean_r_per_index_case_date[which((seq_len(T) >=
config$t_start[i]) *
(seq_len(T) <=
config$t_end[i]) == 1)],
incid[which((seq_len(T) >= config$t_start[i]) *
(seq_len(T) <= config$t_end[i]) == 1)])))
possible_ances_time <- lapply(seq_len(T), function(t)
(t - (which(config$si_distr != 0)) +
1)[which(t - (which(config$si_distr != 0)) + 1 > 0)])
ancestries_time <- t(vapply(seq_len(config$n_sim), function(i)
draw_one_set_of_ancestries(), numeric(sum(incid))))
r_sim <- vapply(seq_len(nb_time_periods), function(i)
rowSums((ancestries_time[, ] >= config$t_start[i]) *
(ancestries_time[, ] <= config$t_end[i]), na.rm = TRUE) /
sum(incid[seq(config$t_start[i], config$t_end[i])]),
r025_wt <- apply(r_sim, 2, quantile, 0.025, na.rm = TRUE)
r025_wt <- r025_wt[which(!]
r975_wt <- apply(r_sim, 2, quantile, 0.975, na.rm = TRUE)
r975_wt <- r975_wt[which(!]
std_wt <- apply(r_sim, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
std_wt <- std_wt[which(!]
r025_wt <- rep(NA, length(mean_r_per_date_wt))
r975_wt <- rep(NA, length(mean_r_per_date_wt))
std_wt <- rep(NA, length(mean_r_per_date_wt))
results <- list(R =$t_start,
config$t_end, mean_r_per_date_wt,
std_wt, r025_wt, r975_wt)))
names(results$R) <- c("t_start", "t_end", "Mean(R)", "Std(R)",
"Quantile.0.025(R)", "Quantile.0.975(R)")
results$method <- method
results$si_distr <- config$si_distr
results$SI.Moments <-, final_std_si))
names(results$SI.Moments) <- c("Mean", "Std")
if (!is.null(dates)) {
results$dates <- dates
results$I <- incid
results$I_local <- incid
results$I_local[1] <- 0
results$I_imported <- c(incid[1], rep(0, length(incid) - 1))
class(results) <- "estimate_R"
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