#' Model-based Gradient Boosting for Functional Response
#' Gradient boosting for optimizing arbitrary loss functions, where component-wise models
#' are utilized as base-learners in the case of functional responses.
#' Scalar responses are treated as the special case where each functional response has
#' only one observation.
#' This function is a wrapper for \code{mboost}'s \code{\link{mboost}} and its
#' siblings to fit models of the general form
#' \deqn{\xi(Y_i(t) | X_i = x_i) = \sum_{j} h_j(x_i, t), i = 1, ..., N,}
#' with a functional (but not necessarily continuous) response \eqn{Y(t)},
#' transformation function \eqn{\xi}, e.g., the expectation, the median or some quantile,
#' and partial effects \eqn{h_j(x_i, t)} depending on covariates \eqn{x_i}
#' and the current index of the response \eqn{t}. The index of the response can
#' be for example time.
#' Possible effects are, e.g., a smooth intercept \eqn{\beta_0(t)},
#' a linear functional effect \eqn{\int x_i(s)\beta(s,t)ds},
#' potentially with integration limits depending on \eqn{t},
#' smooth and linear effects of scalar covariates \eqn{f(z_i,t)} or \eqn{z_i \beta(t)}.
#' A hands-on tutorial for the package can be found at <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.i10>.
#' @param formula a symbolic description of the model to be fit.
#' Per default no intercept is added, only a smooth offset, see argument \code{offset}.
#' To add a smooth intercept, use 1, e.g., \code{y ~ 1} for a pure intercept model.
#' @param timeformula one-sided formula for the specification of the effect over the index of the response.
#' For functional response \eqn{Y_i(t)} typically use \code{~ bbs(t)} to obtain smooth
#' effects over \eqn{t}.
#' In the limiting case of \eqn{Y_i} being a scalar response,
#' use \code{~ bols(1)}, which sets up a base-learner for the scalar 1.
#' Or use \code{timeformula = NULL}, then the scalar response is treated as scalar.
#' @param id defaults to NULL which means that all response trajectories are observed
#' on a common grid allowing to represent the response as a matrix.
#' If the response is given in long format for observation-specific grids, \code{id}
#' contains the information which observations belong to the same trajectory and must
#' be supplied as a formula, \code{~ nameid}, where the variable \code{nameid} should
#' contain integers 1, 2, 3, ..., N.
#' @param numInt integration scheme for the integration of the loss function.
#' One of \code{c("equal", "Riemann")} meaning equal weights of 1 or
#' trapezoidal Riemann weights.
#' Alternatively a vector of length \code{ncol(response)} containing
#' positive weights can be specified.
#' @param data a data frame or list containing the variables in the model.
#' @param weights only for internal use to specify resampling weights;
#' per default all weights are equal to 1.
#' @param offset_control parameters for the estimation of the offset,
#' defaults to \code{o_control()}, see \code{\link{o_control}}.
#' @param offset a numeric vector to be used as offset over the index of the response (optional).
#' If no offset is specified, per default \code{offset = NULL} which means that a
#' smooth time-specific offset is computed and used before the model fit to center the data.
#' If you do not want to use a time-specific offset, set \code{offset = "scalar"} to get an overall scalar offset,
#' like in \code{mboost}.
#' @param check0 logical, for response in matrix form, i.e. response that is observed on a common grid,
#' check the fitted effects for the sum-to-zero constraint
#' \eqn{h_j(x_i)(t) = 0} for all \eqn{t} and give a warning if it is not fulfilled. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link{mboost}},
#' including, \code{family} and \code{control}.
#' @details In matrix representation of functional response and covariates each row
#' represents one functional observation, e.g., \code{Y[i,t_g]} corresponds to \eqn{Y_i(t_g)},
#' giving a <number of curves> by <number of evaluations> matrix.
#' For the model fit, the matrix of the functional
#' response evaluations \eqn{Y_i(t_g)} are stacked internally into one long vector.
#' If it is possible to represent the model as a generalized linear array model
#' (Currie et al., 2006), the array structure is used for an efficient implementation,
#' see \code{\link{mboost}}. This is only possible if the design
#' matrix can be written as the Kronecker product of two marginal design
#' matrices yielding a functional linear array model (FLAM),
#' see Brockhaus et al. (2015) for details.
#' The Kronecker product of two marginal bases is implemented in R-package mboost
#' in the function \code{\%O\%}, see \code{\link[mboost:baselearners]{\%O\%}}.
#' When \code{\%O\%} is called with a specification of \code{df} in both base-learners,
#' e.g., \code{bbs(x1, df = df1) \%O\% bbs(t, df = df2)}, the global \code{df} for the
#' Kroneckered base-learner is computed as \code{df = df1 * df2}.
#' And thus the penalty has only one smoothness parameter lambda resulting in an isotropic penalty.
#' A Kronecker product with anisotropic penalty is \code{\%A\%}, allowing for different
#' amount of smoothness in the two directions, see \code{\link{\%A\%}}.
#' If the formula contains base-learners connected by \code{\%O\%}, \code{\%A\%} or \code{\%A0\%},
#' those effects are not expanded with \code{timeformula}, allowing for model specifications
#' with different effects in time-direction.
#' If the response is observed on curve-specific grids it must be supplied
#' as a vector in long format and the argument \code{id} has
#' to be specified (as formula!) to define which observations belong to which curve.
#' In this case the base-learners are built as row tensor-products of marginal base-learners,
#' see Scheipl et al. (2015) and Brockhaus et al. (2017), for details on how to set up the effects.
#' The row tensor product of two marginal bases is implemented in R-package mboost
#' in the function \code{\%X\%}, see \code{\link[mboost:baselearners]{\%X\%}}.
#' A scalar response can be seen as special case of a functional response with only
#' one time-point, and thus it can be represented as FLAM with basis 1 in
#' time-direction, use \code{timeformula = ~bols(1)}. In this case, a penalty in the
#' time-direction is used, see Brockhaus et al. (2015) for details.
#' Alternatively, the scalar response is fitted as scalar response, like in the function
#' \code{\link{mboost}} in package mboost.
#' The advantage of using \code{FDboost} in that case
#' is that methods for the functional base-learners are available, e.g., \code{plot}.
#' The desired regression type is specified by the \code{family}-argument,
#' see the help-page of \code{\link{mboost}}. For example a mean regression model is obtained by
#' \code{family = Gaussian()} which is the default or median regression
#' by \code{family = QuantReg()};
#' see \code{\link[mboost]{Family}} for a list of implemented families.
#' With \code{FDboost} the following covariate effects can be estimated by specifying
#' the following effects in the \code{formula}
#' (similar to function \code{\link[refund]{pffr}}
#' in R-package refund.
#' The \code{timeformula} is used to expand the effects in \code{t}-direction.
#' \itemize{
#' \item Linear functional effect of scalar (numeric or factor) covariate \eqn{z} that varies
#' smoothly over \eqn{t}, i.e. \eqn{z_i \beta(t)}, specified as
#' \code{bolsc(z)}, see \code{\link{bolsc}},
#' or for a group effect with mean zero use \code{brandomc(z)}.
#' \item Nonlinear effects of a scalar covariate that vary smoothly over \eqn{t},
#' i.e. \eqn{f(z_i, t)}, specified as \code{bbsc(z)},
#' see \code{\link{bbsc}}.
#' \item (Nonlinear) effects of scalar covariates that are constant
#' over \eqn{t}, e.g., \eqn{f(z_i)}, specified as \code{c(bbs(z))},
#' or \eqn{\beta z_i}, specified as \code{c(bols(z))}.
#' \item Interaction terms between two scalar covariates, e.g., \eqn{z_i1 zi2 \beta(t)},
#' are specified as \code{bols(z1) \%Xc\% bols(z2)} and
#' an interaction \eqn{z_i1 f(zi2, t)} as \code{bols(z1) \%Xc\% bbs(z2)}, as
#' \code{\%Xc\%} applies the sum-to-zero constraint to the desgin matrix of the tensor product
#' built by \code{\%Xc\%}, see \code{\link{\%Xc\%}}.
#' \item Function-on-function regression terms of functional covariates \code{x},
#' e.g., \eqn{\int x_i(s)\beta(s,t)ds}, specified as \code{bsignal(x, s = s)},
#' using P-splines, see \code{\link{bsignal}}.
#' Terms given by \code{\link{bfpc}} provide FPC-based effects of functional
#' covariates, see \code{\link{bfpc}}.
#' \item Function-on-function regression terms of functional covariates \code{x}
#' with integration limits \eqn{[l(t), u(t)]} depending on \eqn{t},
#' e.g., \eqn{\int_[l(t), u(t)] x_i(s)\beta(s,t)ds}, specified as
#' \code{bhist(x, s = s, time = t, limits)}. The \code{limits} argument defaults to
#' \code{"s<=t"} which yields a historical effect with limits \eqn{[min(t),t]},
#' see \code{\link{bhist}}.
#' \item Concurrent effects of functional covariates \code{x}
#' measured on the same grid as the response, i.e., \eqn{x_i(s)\beta(t)},
#' are specified as \code{bconcurrent(x, s = s, time = t)},
#' see \code{\link{bconcurrent}}.
#' \item Interaction effects can be estimated as tensor product smooth, e.g.,
#' \eqn{ z \int x_i(s)\beta(s,t)ds} as \code{bsignal(x, s = s) \%X\% bolsc(z)}
#' \item For interaction effects with historical functional effects, e.g.,
#' \eqn{ z_i \int_[l(t),u(t)] x_i(s)\beta(s,t)ds} the base-learner
#' \code{bhistx} should be used instead of \code{bhist},
#' e.g., \code{bhistx(x, limits) \%X\% bolsc(z)}, see \code{\link{bhistx}}.
#' \item Generally, the \code{c()}-notation can be used to get effects that are
#' constant over the index of the functional response.
#' \item If the \code{formula} in \code{FDboost} contains base-learners connected by
#' \code{\%O\%}, \code{\%A\%} or \code{\%A0\%}, those effects are not expanded with \code{timeformula},
#' allowing for model specifications with different effects in time-direction.
#' }
#' In order to obtain a fair selection of base-learners, the same degrees of freedom (df)
#' should be specified for all baselearners. If the number of df differs among the base-learners,
#' the selection is biased towards more flexible base-learners with higher df as they are more
#' likely to yield larger improvements of the fit. It is recommended to use
#' a rather small number of df for all base-learners.
#' It is not possible to specify df larger than the rank of the design matrix.
#' For base-learners with rank-deficient penalty, it is not possible to specify df smaller than the
#' rank of the null space of the penalty (e.g., in \code{bbs} unpenalized part of P-splines).
#' The df of the base-learners in an FDboost-object can be checked using \code{extract(object, "df")},
#' see \code{\link[mboost:methods]{extract}}.
#' The most important tuning parameter of component-wise gradient boosting
#' is the number of boosting iterations. It is recommended to use the number of
#' boosting iterations as only tuning parameter,
#' fixing the step-length at a small value (e.g., nu = 0.1).
#' Note that the default number of boosting iterations is 100 which is arbitrary and in most
#' cases not adequate (the optimal number of boosting iterations can considerably exceed 100).
#' The optimal stopping iteration can be determined by resampling methods like
#' cross-validation or bootstrapping, see the function \code{\link{cvrisk.FDboost}} which searches
#' the optimal stopping iteration on a grid, which in many cases has to be extended.
#' @return An object of class \code{FDboost} that inherits from \code{mboost}.
#' Special \code{\link{predict.FDboost}}, \code{\link{coef.FDboost}} and
#' \code{\link{plot.FDboost}} methods are available.
#' The methods of \code{\link{mboost}} are available as well,
#' e.g., \code{\link[mboost:methods]{extract}}.
#' The \code{FDboost}-object is a named list containing:
#' \item{...}{all elements of an \code{mboost}-object}
#' \item{yname}{the name of the response}
#' \item{ydim}{dimension of the response matrix, if the response is represented as such}
#' \item{yind}{the observation (time-)points of the response, i.e. the evaluation points,
#' with its name as attribute}
#' \item{data}{the data that was used for the model fit}
#' \item{id}{the id variable of the response}
#' \item{predictOffset}{the function to predict the smooth offset}
#' \item{offsetFDboost}{offset as specified in call to FDboost}
#' \item{offsetMboost}{offset as given to mboost}
#' \item{call}{the call to \code{FDboost}}
#' \item{callEval}{the evaluated function call to \code{FDboost} without data}
#' \item{numInt}{value of argument \code{numInt} determining the numerical integration scheme}
#' \item{timeformula}{the time-formula}
#' \item{formulaFDboost}{the formula with which \code{FDboost} was called}
#' \item{formulaMboost}{the formula with which \code{mboost} was called within \code{FDboost}}
#' @author Sarah Brockhaus, Torsten Hothorn
#' @seealso Note that \link{FDboost} calls \code{\link{mboost}} directly.
#' See, e.g., \code{\link[FDboost]{bsignal}} and \code{\link[FDboost]{bbsc}}
#' for possible base-learners.
#' @keywords models regression nonlinear smooth
#' @references
#' Brockhaus, S., Ruegamer, D. and Greven, S. (2017):
#' Boosting Functional Regression Models with FDboost.
#' <doi:10.18637/jss.v094.i10>
#' Brockhaus, S., Scheipl, F., Hothorn, T. and Greven, S. (2015):
#' The functional linear array model. Statistical Modelling, 15(3), 279-300.
#' Brockhaus, S., Melcher, M., Leisch, F. and Greven, S. (2017):
#' Boosting flexible functional regression models with a high number of functional historical effects,
#' Statistics and Computing, 27(4), 913-926.
#' Currie, I.D., Durban, M. and Eilers P.H.C. (2006):
#' Generalized linear array models with applications to multidimensional smoothing.
#' Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B-Statistical Methodology, 68(2), 259-280.
#' Scheipl, F., Staicu, A.-M. and Greven, S. (2015):
#' Functional additive mixed models, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 24(2), 477-501.
#' @examples
#' ######## Example for function-on-scalar-regression
#' data("viscosity", package = "FDboost")
#' ## set time-interval that should be modeled
#' interval <- "101"
#' ## model time until "interval" and take log() of viscosity
#' end <- which(viscosity$timeAll == as.numeric(interval))
#' viscosity$vis <- log(viscosity$visAll[,1:end])
#' viscosity$time <- viscosity$timeAll[1:end]
#' # with(viscosity, funplot(time, vis, pch = 16, cex = 0.2))
#' ## fit median regression model with 100 boosting iterations,
#' ## step-length 0.4 and smooth time-specific offset
#' ## the factors are coded such that the effects are zero for each timepoint t
#' ## no integration weights are used!
#' mod1 <- FDboost(vis ~ 1 + bolsc(T_C, df = 2) + bolsc(T_A, df = 2),
#' timeformula = ~ bbs(time, df = 4),
#' numInt = "equal", family = QuantReg(),
#' offset = NULL, offset_control = o_control(k_min = 9),
#' data = viscosity, control=boost_control(mstop = 100, nu = 0.4))
#' \donttest{
#' #### find optimal mstop over 5-fold bootstrap, small number of folds for example
#' #### do the resampling on the level of curves
#' ## possibility 1: smooth offset and transformation matrices are refitted
#' set.seed(123)
#' appl1 <- applyFolds(mod1, folds = cv(rep(1, length(unique(mod1$id))), B = 5),
#' grid = 1:500)
#' ## plot(appl1)
#' mstop(appl1)
#' mod1[mstop(appl1)]
#' ## possibility 2: smooth offset is refitted,
#' ## computes oob-risk and the estimated coefficients on the folds
#' set.seed(123)
#' val1 <- validateFDboost(mod1, folds = cv(rep(1, length(unique(mod1$id))), B = 5),
#' grid = 1:500)
#' ## plot(val1)
#' mstop(val1)
#' mod1[mstop(val1)]
#' ## possibility 3: very efficient
#' ## using the function cvrisk; be careful to do the resampling on the level of curves
#' folds1 <- cvLong(id = mod1$id, weights = model.weights(mod1), B = 5)
#' cvm1 <- cvrisk(mod1, folds = folds1, grid = 1:500)
#' ## plot(cvm1)
#' mstop(cvm1)
#' ## look at the model
#' summary(mod1)
#' coef(mod1)
#' plot(mod1)
#' plotPredicted(mod1, lwdPred = 2)
#' }
#' ######## Example for scalar-on-function-regression
#' data("fuelSubset", package = "FDboost")
#' ## center the functional covariates per observed wavelength
#' fuelSubset$UVVIS <- scale(fuelSubset$UVVIS, scale = FALSE)
#' fuelSubset$NIR <- scale(fuelSubset$NIR, scale = FALSE)
#' ## to make mboost:::df2lambda() happy (all design matrix entries < 10)
#' ## reduce range of argvals to [0,1] to get smaller integration weights
#' fuelSubset$uvvis.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (uvvis.lambda - min(uvvis.lambda)) /
#' (max(uvvis.lambda) - min(uvvis.lambda) ))
#' fuelSubset$nir.lambda <- with(fuelSubset, (nir.lambda - min(nir.lambda)) /
#' (max(nir.lambda) - min(nir.lambda) ))
#' ## model fit with scalar response
#' ## include no intercept as all base-learners are centered around 0
#' mod2 <- FDboost(heatan ~ bsignal(UVVIS, uvvis.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE)
#' + bsignal(NIR, nir.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE),
#' timeformula = NULL, data = fuelSubset, control = boost_control(mstop = 200))
#' ## additionally include a non-linear effect of the scalar variable h2o
#' mod2s <- FDboost(heatan ~ bsignal(UVVIS, uvvis.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE)
#' + bsignal(NIR, nir.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE)
#' + bbs(h2o, df = 4),
#' timeformula = NULL, data = fuelSubset, control = boost_control(mstop = 200))
#' ## alternative model fit as FLAM model with scalar response; as timeformula = ~ bols(1)
#' ## adds a penalty over the index of the response, i.e., here a ridge penalty
#' ## thus, mod2f and mod2 have different penalties
#' mod2f <- FDboost(heatan ~ bsignal(UVVIS, uvvis.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE)
#' + bsignal(NIR, nir.lambda, knots = 40, df = 4, check.ident = FALSE),
#' timeformula = ~ bols(1), data = fuelSubset, control = boost_control(mstop = 200))
#' \donttest{
#' ## bootstrap to find optimal mstop takes some time
#' set.seed(123)
#' folds2 <- cv(weights = model.weights(mod2), B = 10)
#' cvm2 <- cvrisk(mod2, folds = folds2, grid = 1:1000)
#' mstop(cvm2) ## mod2[327]
#' summary(mod2)
#' ## plot(mod2)
#' }
#' ## Example for function-on-function-regression
#' if(require(fda)){
#' data("CanadianWeather", package = "fda")
#' CanadianWeather$l10precip <- t(log(CanadianWeather$monthlyPrecip))
#' CanadianWeather$temp <- t(CanadianWeather$monthlyTemp)
#' CanadianWeather$region <- factor(CanadianWeather$region)
#' CanadianWeather$month.s <- CanadianWeather$month.t <- 1:12
#' ## center the temperature curves per time-point
#' CanadianWeather$temp <- scale(CanadianWeather$temp, scale = FALSE)
#' rownames(CanadianWeather$temp) <- NULL ## delete row-names
#' ## fit model with cyclic splines over the year
#' mod3 <- FDboost(l10precip ~ bols(region, df = 2.5, contrasts.arg = "contr.dummy")
#' + bsignal(temp, month.s, knots = 11, cyclic = TRUE,
#' df = 2.5, boundary.knots = c(0.5,12.5), check.ident = FALSE),
#' timeformula = ~ bbs(month.t, knots = 11, cyclic = TRUE,
#' df = 3, boundary.knots = c(0.5, 12.5)),
#' offset = "scalar", offset_control = o_control(k_min = 5),
#' control = boost_control(mstop = 60),
#' data = CanadianWeather)
#' \donttest{
#' #### find the optimal mstop over 5-fold bootstrap
#' ## using the function applyFolds
#' set.seed(123)
#' folds3 <- cv(rep(1, length(unique(mod3$id))), B = 5)
#' appl3 <- applyFolds(mod3, folds = folds3, grid = 1:200)
#' ## use function cvrisk; be careful to do the resampling on the level of curves
#' set.seed(123)
#' folds3long <- cvLong(id = mod3$id, weights = model.weights(mod3), B = 5)
#' cvm3 <- cvrisk(mod3, folds = folds3long, grid = 1:200)
#' mstop(cvm3) ## mod3[64]
#' summary(mod3)
#' ## plot(mod3, pers = TRUE)
#' }
#' }
#' ######## Example for functional response observed on irregular grid
#' ######## Delete part of observations in viscosity data-set
#' data("viscosity", package = "FDboost")
#' ## set time-interval that should be modeled
#' interval <- "101"
#' ## model time until "interval" and take log() of viscosity
#' end <- which(viscosity$timeAll == as.numeric(interval))
#' viscosity$vis <- log(viscosity$visAll[,1:end])
#' viscosity$time <- viscosity$timeAll[1:end]
#' # with(viscosity, funplot(time, vis, pch = 16, cex = 0.2))
#' ## only keep one eighth of the observation points
#' set.seed(123)
#' selectObs <- sort(sample(x = 1:(64*46), size = 64*46/4, replace = FALSE))
#' dataIrregular <- with(viscosity, list(vis = c(vis)[selectObs],
#' T_A = T_A, T_C = T_C,
#' time = rep(time, each = 64)[selectObs],
#' id = rep(1:64, 46)[selectObs]))
#' ## fit median regression model with 50 boosting iterations,
#' ## step-length 0.4 and smooth time-specific offset
#' ## the factors are in effect coding -1, 1 for the levels
#' ## no integration weights are used!
#' mod4 <- FDboost(vis ~ 1 + bols(T_C, contrasts.arg = "contr.sum", intercept = FALSE)
#' + bols(T_A, contrasts.arg = "contr.sum", intercept=FALSE),
#' timeformula = ~ bbs(time, lambda = 100), id = ~id,
#' numInt = "Riemann", family = QuantReg(),
#' offset = NULL, offset_control = o_control(k_min = 9),
#' data = dataIrregular, control = boost_control(mstop = 50, nu = 0.4))
#' ## summary(mod4)
#' ## plot(mod4)
#' ## plotPredicted(mod4, lwdPred = 2)
#' \donttest{
#' ## Find optimal mstop, small grid/low B for a fast example
#' set.seed(123)
#' folds4 <- cv(rep(1, length(unique(mod4$id))), B = 3)
#' appl4 <- applyFolds(mod4, folds = folds4, grid = 1:50)
#' ## val4 <- validateFDboost(mod4, folds = folds4, grid = 1:50)
#' set.seed(123)
#' folds4long <- cvLong(id = mod4$id, weights = model.weights(mod4), B = 3)
#' cvm4 <- cvrisk(mod4, folds = folds4long, grid = 1:50)
#' mstop(cvm4)
#' }
#' ## Be careful if you want to predict newdata with irregular response,
#' ## as the argument index is not considered in the prediction of newdata.
#' ## Thus, all covariates have to be repeated according to the number of observations
#' ## in each response trajectroy.
#' ## Predict four response curves with full time-observations
#' ## for the four combinations of T_A and T_C.
#' newd <- list(T_A = factor(c(1,1,2,2), levels = 1:2,
#' labels = c("low", "high"))[rep(1:4, length(viscosity$time))],
#' T_C = factor(c(1,2,1,2), levels = 1:2,
#' labels = c("low", "high"))[rep(1:4, length(viscosity$time))],
#' time = rep(viscosity$time, 4))
#' pred <- predict(mod4, newdata = newd)
#' ## funplot(x = rep(viscosity$time, 4), y = pred, id = rep(1:4, length(viscosity$time)))
#' @export
#' @import methods Matrix mboost
#' @importFrom grDevices heat.colors rgb
#' @importFrom graphics abline barplot contour legend lines matplot par persp plot points
#' @importFrom utils relist getS3method packageDescription
#' @importFrom stats setNames approx as.formula coef complete.cases fitted formula lm median model.matrix model.weights na.omit predict quantile sd terms.formula variable.names
#' @importFrom gamboostLSS GaussianLSS GaussianMu GaussianSigma make.grid cvrisk.mboostLSS mboostLSS_fit
#' @importFrom stabs stabsel stabsel_parameters
#' @importFrom splines bs splineDesign
#' @importFrom mgcv gam s
#' @importFrom zoo na.locf
#' @importFrom MASS Null
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
FDboost <- function(formula, ### response ~ xvars
timeformula, ### time
id = NULL, ### id variable if response is in long format
numInt = "equal", ### option for approximation of integral over loss
data, ### list of response, time, xvars
weights = NULL, ### optional
offset = NULL, ### optional
offset_control = o_control(), ### optional specification of offset model
check0 = FALSE, ### check sum-to-zero-constraint of the fitted effects?
...) ### goes directly to mboost
dots <- list(...)
### save formula of FDboost before it is changed
formulaFDboost <- formula
tf <- terms.formula(formula, specials = c("c"))
trmstrings <- attr(tf, "term.labels")
equalBrackets <- NULL
if(length(trmstrings) > 0){
## insert id at end of each base-learner
trmstrings2 <- paste(substr(trmstrings, 1 , nchar(trmstrings)-1), ", index=", id[2],")", sep = "")
## check if number of opening brackets is equal to number of closing brackets
equalBrackets <- sapply(1:length(trmstrings2), function(i)
sapply(regmatches(trmstrings2[i], gregexpr("\\(", trmstrings2[i])), length) ==
sapply(regmatches(trmstrings2[i], gregexpr("\\)", trmstrings2[i])), length)
## check formulas
if(inherits(try(id), "try-error")) stop("id must either be NULL or a formula object.")
if(missing(timeformula) || inherits(try(timeformula), "try-error"))
stop("timeformula must either be NULL or a formula object.")
stopifnot(class(formula) == "formula")
if(!is.null(timeformula)) stopifnot(class(timeformula) == "formula")
## insert the id variable into the formula, to treat it like the other variables
stopifnot(class(id) == "formula")
##tf <- terms.formula(formula, specials = c("c"))
##trmstrings <- attr(tf, "term.labels")
##equalBrackets <- NULL
if(length(trmstrings) > 0){
## insert index into the other base-learners of the tensor-product as well
for(i in 1:length(trmstrings)){
if(grepl( "%X", trmstrings2[i])){
temp <- unlist(strsplit(trmstrings2[i], "%X"))
temp1 <- temp[-length(temp)]
## delete all trailing whitespace
trim.trailing <- function (x) sub("\\s+$", "", x)
temp1 <- trim.trailing(temp1)
temp1 <- paste(substr(temp1, 1 , nchar(temp1)-1), ", index=", id[2],")", sep = "")
trmstrings2[i] <- paste0(paste0(temp1, collapse = " %X"), " %X", temp[length(temp)])
## do not add index to base-learners bhistx()
if( grepl("bhistx", trmstrings[i]) ) trmstrings2[i] <- trmstrings[i]
## do not add an index if an index is already part of the formula
if( grepl("index[[:blank:]]*=", trmstrings[i]) ) trmstrings2[i] <- trmstrings[i]
## do not add an index if an index for %A%, %A0%, %O%
if( grepl("%A%", trmstrings[i]) ) trmstrings2[i] <- trmstrings[i]
if( grepl("%A0%", trmstrings[i]) ) trmstrings2[i] <- trmstrings[i]
if( grepl("%O%", trmstrings[i]) ) trmstrings2[i] <- trmstrings[i]
## do not add an index for base-learner that do not have brackets
if( i %in% which(!equalBrackets) ) trmstrings2[i] <- trmstrings[i]
trmstrings <- trmstrings2
xpart <- paste(as.vector(trmstrings), collapse = " + ")
if(xpart != ""){
if(any(substr(tf[[3]], 1, 1) == "1")) xpart <- paste0("1 + ", xpart)
xpart <- 1
formula <- as.formula(paste(tf[[2]], " ~ ", xpart))
nameid <- paste(id[2])
id <- data[[nameid]]
nameid <- NULL
### extract response; a numeric matrix or a vector
yname <- all.vars(formula)[1]
response <- data[[yname]]
if(is.null(response)) stop("The response <", yname, "> is not contained in data.")
data[[yname]] <- NULL
### for scalar response ~bols(1) or NULL
scalarResponse <- FALSE
scalarNoFLAM <- FALSE
response_factor <- NULL
if(is.null(timeformula) || timeformula == ~bols(1)){
scalarResponse <- TRUE
if(is.null(timeformula)) scalarNoFLAM <- TRUE
if(grepl("df", formula[3]) | !grepl("lambda", formula[3]) ){
timeformula <- ~bols(ONEtime, intercept = FALSE, df = 1)
timeformula <- ~bols(ONEtime, intercept = FALSE)
data$ONEtime <- 1
# if response is a matrix with one row, convert it to a vector
if(is.matrix(response) && dim(response)[2] == 1){
response <- c(response)
warning("The scalar response is coerced from a one-column matrix to a vector. ",
"Specify scalar response as vector.")
if(scalarResponse & !identical(numInt,"equal"))
stop("Integration weights numInt must be set to 'equal' for scalar response.")
## extract time(s) from timeformula
yind <- all.vars(timeformula)
if(length(yind) == 1) {
yind <- yind[[1]]
nameyind <- yind
assign(yind, data[[yind]])
time <- data[[yind]]
if(!is.numeric(time)) warning("Non-numeric time variable specified.
'plot' and other convenience functions potentially not designed for that, yet.")
data[[yind]] <- NULL
attr(time, "nameyind") <- nameyind
} else {
warning("More than one variable specified in time formula,
'plot' and other convenience functions potentially not designed for that, yet.")
nameyind <- yind
for(yind_ in yind) assign(yind_, data[[yind_]])
time <- data[yind]
### extract covariates
# data <-
allCovs <- unique(c(nameid, all.vars(formula)))
if(length(allCovs) > 1){
data <- data[allCovs[!allCovs %in% c(yname, nameyind)] ]
if( any( ) data <- data[ ! ]
data <- list(NULL) # <SB> intercept-model without covariates
### get covariates that are modeled constant over time
# code of function pffr() of package refund
terms <- sapply(trmstrings, function(trm) = trm))[[1]], simplify = FALSE)
# ugly, but getTerms(formula)[-1] does not work for terms like I(x1:x2)
frmlenv <- environment(formula)
where.c <- attr(tf, "specials")$c - 1 # indices of scalar offset terms
# transform: c(foo) --> foo
trmstrings[where.c] <- sapply(trmstrings[where.c], function(x){
sub("\\)$", "", sub("^c\\(", "", x)) #c(BLA) --> BLA
blconstant <- "bols(ONEtime, intercept = FALSE)"
assign("ONEtime", rep(1.0, length(time)))
if(scalarResponse){ ## scalar response
nr <- NROW(response)
nobs <- nr # number of observed trajectories
nc <- 1
dresponse <- response
}else{ ## functional response
### check dimensions
### response has trajectories as rows
# <SB> dataframe is list and can contain time-points of functional covariates of arbitrary length
# if (nrow(data) > 0) stopifnot(nrow(response) == nrow(data))
nr <- nrow(response)
stopifnot(ncol(response) == length(time)) else
stopifnot(all(ncol(response) == sapply(time[sapply(time, is.vector)], length)))
nc <- ncol(response)
dresponse <- as.vector(response) # column-wise stacking of response
## convert characters to factor
if(is.character(dresponse)) dresponse <- factor(dresponse)
## in case of a scalar factor response, use the original factor as response
if(!is.null(response_factor)) dresponse <- response_factor
nobs <- nr # number of observed trajectories
stopifnot(is.null(dim(response))) ## stopifnot(is.vector(response))
# check length of response and its time and index
stopifnot(all(length(response) == sapply(time, length)) & length(response) == length(id)) else
stopifnot(length(response) == length(time) & length(response) == length(id))
if(any( warning("For non-grid observations the response should not contain missing values.")
if( !all(sort(unique(id)) == 1:length(unique(id))) ) stop("id has to be integers 1, 2, 3,..., N.")
nr <- length(response) # total number of observations
nc <- length(unique(id)) # number of trajectories
dresponse <- as.vector(response) # column-wise stacking of response
nobs <- length(unique(id)) # number of observed trajectories
### save original dimensions of response
ydim <- dim(response)
### (pre-)check if length / number of rows of response and
### functional covariates match
### (only meaningful for models with no hmatrix)
if(all(!sapply(data, is.hmatrix))){
functcov <- sapply(data, NCOL) > 1
if(!scalarResponse || any(functcov))
if(any(ww <- ydim[1] != sapply(data[functcov], NROW)))
stop(paste0("The length of the response and number of observations of ",
names(ww[1]), " do not match."))
### variable to fit smooth intercept
assign("ONEx", rep(1.0, nobs))
##### compose mboost formula
## get formula over time
tfm <- paste(deparse(timeformula), collapse = "")
tfm <- strsplit(tfm, "~")[[1]]
tfm <- strsplit(tfm[2], "\\+")[[1]]
## get formula in covariates
cfm <- paste(deparse(formula), collapse = "")
cfm <- strsplit(cfm, "~")[[1]]
cfm0 <- cfm
#xfm <- strsplit(cfm[2], "\\+")[[1]]
xfm <- trmstrings
## check that the timevariable in timeformula and in the bhistx-base-learners have the same name
if(any(grepl("bhistx", trmstrings))){
for(j in 1:length(trmstrings)){
if(any(grepl("bhistx", trmstrings[j]))){
if(grepl("%X", trmstrings[j]) ){
temp <- strsplit(trmstrings[[j]], "%X.*%")[[1]]
temp <- temp[ grepl("bhistx", temp) ]
## pryr::standardise_call(quote(bhistx(X1h, df=3)))
temp_name <- all.vars(formula(paste("~", temp)))[1]
temp_name <- all.vars(formula(paste("~", trmstrings[[j]])[1]))[1]
if(getTimeLab(data[[temp_name]]) != nameyind){
stop("The timeLab of the hmatrix-object in bhistx(), '", getTimeLab(data[[temp_name]]),
"', must be euqal to the name of the time-variable in timeformula, '", nameyind, "'.")
timeLong <- time
## for response matrix: expand time accordingly
if(!is.null(ydim)) timeLong <- rep(time, each = ydim[1] )
if( any( abs(getTime(data[[temp_name]]) - timeLong) > .Machine$double.eps*10^10) ){
stop("The time of the hmatrix-object in bhistx() must match the time-variable in timeformula.")
yfm <- strsplit(cfm[1], "\\+")[[1]] ## name of response
## set up formula for effects constant in time
if(length(where.c) > 0){
# set c_df to the df/lambda in timeformula
if( grepl("lambda", tfm) ||
( grepl("bols", tfm) & !grepl("df", tfm)) ){
c_lambda <- eval(parse(text = paste(tfm, "$dpp(rep(1.0,", length(time), "))$df()", sep = "")))["lambda"]
cfm <- paste("bols(ONEtime, intercept = FALSE, lambda = ", c_lambda ,")")
} else{
c_df <- eval(parse(text=paste(tfm, "$dpp(rep(1.0,", length(time), "))$df()", sep = "")))["df"]
cfm <- paste("bols(ONEtime, intercept = FALSE, df = ", c_df ,")")
# make brackets around timeformula if more than one variable is involved
if(length(all.vars(timeformula)) > 1) tfm <- paste("(", tfm, ")")
# expand formula as Kronecker or tensor product
tmp <- outer(xfm, tfm, function(x, y) paste(x, y, sep = "%O%"))
## expand the bl according to id
# do not expand for terms without brackets, which is equal to having an unequal number of brackets
# in the generation part of trmstrings
if(is.null(equalBrackets)){ # for intercept models y ~ 1
which_equalBrackets <- 0
} else{
which_equalBrackets <- which(equalBrackets)
xfmTemp <- paste(substr(xfm[which_equalBrackets], 1 ,
nchar(xfm[which_equalBrackets]) - 1 ), ")", sep = "") # , index=id is done in the beginning
xfm[which_equalBrackets] <- xfmTemp
tmp <- outer(xfm, tfm, function(x, y) paste(x, y, sep = "%X%"))
# do not expand an effect bconcurrent() or bhist() with timeformula
if( length(c(grep("bconcurrent", tmp), grep("bhis", tmp)) ) > 0 )
tmp[c(grep("bconcurrent", tmp), grep("bhist", tmp))] <- xfm[c(grep("bconcurrent", tmp), grep("bhist", tmp))]
## do not expand effects in formula including %A% with timeformula
if( length(grep("%A%", xfm)) > 0 )
tmp[grep("%A%", xfm)] <- xfm[grep("%A%", xfm)]
## do not expand effects in formula including %A0% with timeformula
if( length(grep("%A0%", xfm)) > 0 )
tmp[grep("%A0%", xfm)] <- xfm[grep("%A0%", xfm)]
## do not expand effects in formula including %O% with timeformula
if( length(grep("%O%", xfm)) > 0 )
tmp[grep("%O%", xfm)] <- xfm[grep("%O%", xfm)]
## expand with a constant effect in t-direction
if(length(where.c) > 0){
tmp[where.c] <- outer(xfm[where.c], cfm, function(x, y) paste(x, y, sep = "%O%"))
## for scalar response without FLAM-model do not use the Kronecker product
tmp <- xfm
####### find the number of df for each base-learner
## for a fair selection of bl the df must be equal in all bl
if(is.list(time)) {
warning("For timeformulas with multiple variables dfs are not checked automatically.
Please make sure that all base-learner df are equal to ensure a fair selection.")
bl_df <- NULL
} else {
get_df <- function(bl){
split_bl <- unlist(strsplit(bl, split = "%.{1,3}%"))
all_df <- c()
for(i in 1:length(split_bl)){
parti <- parse(text = split_bl[i])[[1]]
parti <- = get(as.character(parti[[1]])), call = parti)
dfi <- parti$df # df of part i in bl
if(is.symbol(dfi) || (!is.numeric(dfi) && is.numeric(eval(dfi)))) dfi <- eval(dfi)
lambdai <- parti$lambda # if lambda is present, df is ignored
if(is.symbol(lambdai)) lambdai <- eval(lambdai)
all_df[i] <- dfi
}else{ ## for df = NULL, the value of lambda is used
if(lambdai == 0){
all_df[i] <- NCOL(extract(with(data, eval(parti)), "design"))
all_df[i] <- "" ## dont know df
if(grepl("%X.{0,3}%", bl)){ ## special behaviour of %X%
all_df[i] <- 1
if(any(all_df == "")){
ret <- NULL
ret <- prod(all_df) # global df for bl is product of all df
if( identical(ret, numeric(0)) ) ret <- NULL
#### get the specified df for each base-learner
## does not take into account base-learners that do not have brackets
if(length(tmp) == 0){
bl_df <- NULL
bl_df <- vector("list", length(tmp))
bl_df[equalBrackets] <- lapply(tmp[equalBrackets], function(x) try(get_df(x)))
bl_df <- unlist(bl_df[equalBrackets & (!sapply(bl_df, function(x) inherits(x, "try-error")))])
if( !is.null(bl_df) && any(abs(bl_df - bl_df[1]) > .Machine$double.eps * 10^10) ){
warning("The base-learners differ in the degrees of freedom.")
df_timeformula <- get_df(tfm)
df_effects <- min(bl_df)
### replace "1" with intercept base learner
formula_intercept <- FALSE
if ( any( gsub(" ", "", strsplit(cfm0[2], "\\+")[[1]]) == "1")){
formula_intercept <- TRUE
## use df or lambda as in timeformula
if( any(grepl("lambda", deparse(timeformula))) ||
any(( grepl("bols", deparse(timeformula)) & !grepl("df", deparse(timeformula)))) ){
tmp <- c("bols(ONEx, intercept = FALSE, lambda = 0)", tmp)
} else{
tmp <- c("bols(ONEx, intercept = FALSE, df = 1)", tmp)
## adjust the df in the timeformula
call_tfm <- = tfm)[[1]])
if(!is.null(bl_df)) call_tfm$df <- df_effects
tfm_df <- paste0(deparse(call_tfm), collapse = "")
## for FLAM model with %O% use anisotropic Kronecker product for not penalizing in direction of ONEx
## use %A0%, as smooth intercept has smooting parameter 0 in 1-direction
if(!scalarNoFLAM) tmp[[1]] <- paste(tmp[[1]], "%A0%", tfm_df)
}else{ ## response in long format
tmp[[1]] <- tfm_df
####### put together the model formula
xpart <- paste(as.vector(tmp), collapse = " + ")
fm <- as.formula(paste("dresponse ~ ", xpart))
## find variables that are defined in environment(formula) but not in environment(fm) or in data
fm_vars <- all.vars(fm) # all variables of fm
## for bhist() the limits argument can be a function;
## in this case those function arguments should not be included
terms_fm_bhist <- terms(formula, specials = c("bhist", "bhistx"))
if(any(! sapply(attr(terms_fm_bhist, "specials"), is.null))){ ## occurence of bhist or bhistx
places_bhist <- c(attr(terms_fm_bhist, "specials")$bhist,
attr(terms_fm_bhist, "specials")$bhistx)
vars_arg_limits_not_unique <- c()
for(pl in seq_along(places_bhist)){ ## loop over all bhist-bl
## get the limits argument
current_bl <- attr(terms_fm_bhist, "variables")[[places_bhist[pl] + 1]]
# for base-learner with interaction, find bhistx / bhist
if(any(grepl("%X", current_bl))){
#current_bl <- current_bl[ grepl("bhist", current_bl) ]
arg_limits <- eval([grepl("bhist", current_bl)])[[1]])$limits)
# limits argument of bhist / bhistx
arg_limits <- eval($limits)
## get the names of the arguments of the limits-function
vars_arg_limits <- names(formals(arg_limits))
## check whether the variables uniquely occur in the limits-function
var_occur <- table(all.vars(attr(terms_fm_bhist, "variables")[[places_bhist[pl] + 1]],
unique = FALSE))[vars_arg_limits] == 1
vars_arg_limits_not_unique <- c(vars_arg_limits_not_unique, vars_arg_limits[var_occur])
if(length(vars_arg_limits_not_unique) > 0){
delete_var <- table(all.vars(fm, unique = FALSE))[unique(vars_arg_limits_not_unique)] <=
fm_vars <- fm_vars[! fm_vars %in% names(delete_var)[delete_var]]
rm(vars_arg_limits_not_unique, places_bhist, arg_limits)
## vars_envir_formula <- fm_vars[ ! fm_vars %in% c(names(data), "dresponse" , "ONEx", "ONEtime", yind) ]
# variables that exist in environment(fm)
vars1 <- sapply(fm_vars, exists, envir = environment(fm), inherits = FALSE)
vars2 <- sapply(fm_vars, function(x){ x %in% names(data)} ) # variables that exist in data
vars2 <- FALSE
# variables that exist neither in environment(fm) nor in data...
vars_envir_formula <- fm_vars[ !(vars1 | vars2) ]
# ... take those from the environment of the formula with which FDboost was called
for(i in seq_along(vars_envir_formula)){
if(! exists(vars_envir_formula[i], envir = environment(formulaFDboost)))
stop("Variable <", vars_envir_formula[i], "> does not exist.")
tmp <- get(vars_envir_formula[i], envir = environment(formulaFDboost))
assign(x = vars_envir_formula[i], value = tmp, envir = environment(fm))
# environment(fm)
### expand weights for observations
if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1, nr)
w <- weights
if (length(w) == nr) w <- rep(w, nc) # expand weights if they are only on the columns
# check dimensions of w
if(length(w) != nc*nr) stop("Dimensions of weights do not match the dimensions of the response.")
## save the integration weights as data_weights
## per default the data_weights are all 1
data_weights <- 1
### multiply integration weights numInt to weights and w
.numInt_len_check <- if(is.list(time))
all(length(numInt) == sapply(time, length)) else
length(numInt) == length(time)
stop("Length of integration weights and time vector are not equal.")
data_weights <- numInt
if(!is.null(ydim)){ ## only blow up for array model
data_weights <- rep(data_weights, each = nr)
if(!numInt %in% c("equal", "Riemann")) warning("argument numInt is ignored as it is neither numeric nor one of (\"equal\", \"Riemann\")")
if(numInt == "Riemann"){
stop("Riemann integration weights only implemented for a single numeric time variable.")
data_weights <- as.vector(integrationWeights(X1 = response, time, id = id))
w <- w * data_weights
### set weights of missing values to 0
if(sum( > 0){
w[which(] <- 0
if(all(w == 0)) stop("All weights are zero!")
### offset == "scalar", or offset = numeric of length 1, or scalar response
### -> use one scalar/user-specified offset like in mboost
### in case of factor or multiple time variables set offset to 0 and give a warning
if(is.list(time) | !is.numeric(time)) {
.offsetwarning <- is.null(offset)
if(!.offsetwarning) {
.offsetwarning <- (offset == "scalar")
if(.offsetwarning) {
offset <- 0
warning("In case of factor or multiple time variables no default offset implemented, yet.
offset is set to 0.")
## remember the offset-specification of FDboost
offsetFDboost <- offset
if( scalarResponse || # scalar response
!is.null(offset) && length(offset) == 1 ){ # offset == "scalar" / offset = numeric of length 1
if( !is.null(offset) && !is.numeric(offset) && offset != "scalar" ){
stop("User-specified offset must be numeric or 'scalar' to get a scalar offset as in mboost.")
# use one constant offset in mboost(), as default in mboost
if(!is.null(offset) && offset == "scalar"){
offsetVec <- NULL
predictOffset <- NULL
offset <- NULL
}else{ # use user-specified offset of length 1 or offset = NULL for scalar response
offsetVec <- offset
tempOffset <- if(length(offset) == 1) offset else NULL
predictOffset <- function(time) tempOffset
### specify time-specific offset
## offset for regular and irregular data: handling of missings is different!
## per default add smooth time-specific offset
if(is.null(offset) && dim(response)[2] > 1 &&
any(colMeans(response, na.rm = TRUE) > .Machine$double.eps *10^10)){
message("Use a smooth offset.")
### check whether the use of family@offset is correct
if(! "family" %in% names(dots) ){ # get the used family
myfamily <- Gaussian()
} else myfamily <- dots$family
offsetFun <- myfamily@offset
meanY <- c()
# do a linear interpolation of the response to prevent bias because of missing values
# only use responses with less than 90% missings for the calculation of the offset
# only use response curves whose weights are not completely 0 (important for resampling methods)
meanNA <- apply(response, 1, function(x) mean(
responseInter <- t(apply(response[meanNA < 0.9 & rowSums(matrix(w, ncol = nc)) != 0 , , drop = FALSE], 1,
function(x) approx(time, x, rule = offset_control$rule, xout = time)$y))
# check whether first or last columns of the response contain solely NA
# then use the values of the next column
if(any(apply(responseInter, 2, function(x) all( ) )){
warning("Column of interpolated response contains nothing but NA.")
allNA <- apply(responseInter, 2, function(x) all( )
allNAlower <- allNAupper <- allNA
allNAupper[1:round(ncol(responseInter)/2)] <- FALSE # missing columns with low index
allNAlower[round(ncol(responseInter)/2):ncol(responseInter)] <- FALSE # missing columns with high index
responseInter[, allNAlower] <- responseInter[, max(which(allNAlower))+1]
responseInter[, allNAupper] <- responseInter[, min(which(allNAlower))-1]
for(i in 1:nc){
try(meanY[i] <- offsetFun(responseInter[,i], 1*![,i]) ), silent = TRUE)
# meanY <- sapply(1:nc, function(i) offsetFun(responseInter[,i], 1*![,i])))
if( is.null(meanY) || any( ){
warning("Mean offset cannot be computed by family@offset(). Use a weighted mean instead.")
meanY <- c()
for(i in 1:nc){
meanY[i] <- Gaussian()@offset(responseInter[,i], 1*![,i]) )
rm(responseInter, meanNA)
## additive model for smooth offset
modOffset <- try( gam(meanY ~ s(time, bs = "ad",
k = min(offset_control$k_min, round(length(time)/2)) ),
knots = offset_control$knots),
silent = offset_control$silent )
}else{ # use cyclic splines
modOffset <- try( gam(meanY ~ s(time, bs = "cc",
k = min(offset_control$k_min, round(length(time)/2)) ),
knots = offset_control$knots),
silent = offset_control$silent )
if(inherits(modOffset, "try-error")){
warning(paste("Could not fit the smooth offset by adaptive splines (default), use a simple spline expansion with 5 df instead.",
if(offset_control$cyclic) "This offset is not cyclic!"))
if(round(length(time)/2) < 8) warning("Most likely because of too few time-points.")
modOffset <- lm(meanY ~ bs(time, df = 5))
offsetVec <- modOffset$fitted.values
predictOffset <- function(time){
ret <- as.numeric(predict(modOffset, newdata = data.frame(time = time)))
names(ret) <- NULL
offset <- as.vector(matrix(offsetVec, ncol = ncol(response), nrow = nrow(response), byrow = TRUE))
### scalar response or mean-centered response -> one constant offset value is used
if(dim(response)[2] == 1 | all(colMeans(response, na.rm = TRUE) < .Machine$double.eps *10^10)){
offsetVec <- offset
predictOffset <- offset
# expand the offset to the long vector like dresponse
if(length(offset) != nc) stop("Dimensions of offset and response do not match.")
offsetVec <- offset
offset <- as.vector(matrix(offset, ncol = ncol(response), nrow = nrow(response), byrow = TRUE))
### Use a more sophisticated model to estimate the time-specific offset?
modOffset <- lm(offsetVec ~ bs(time, df = length(offsetVec)-2))
predictOffset <- function(time){
ret <- as.numeric(predict(modOffset, newdata = data.frame(time = time)))
names(ret) <- NULL
} ## end else{} for no smooth time-specific offset for regular response
# for irregular data the model for the smooth offset is computed on the available data
## compute a time-specific smooth offset for irregular data
# only use response curves whose weights are not completely 0 (important for resampling methods)
# do this by setting responses to NA whose weight is zero
responseW <- response
responseW[w == 0] <- NA
message("Use a smooth offset for irregular data.")
modOffset <- try( gam(responseW ~ s(time, bs = "ad",
k = min(offset_control$k_min, round(length(time)/10)) ),
knots = offset_control$knots),
silent = offset_control$silent )
}else{ # use cyclic splines
modOffset <- try( gam(responseW ~ s(time, bs = "cc",
k = min(offset_control$k_min, round(length(time)/10)) ),
knots = offset_control$knots),
silent = offset_control$silent )
if(inherits(modOffset, "try-error")){
warning(paste("Could not fit the smooth offset by adaptive splines (default), use a simple spline expansion with 5 df instead.",
if(offset_control$cyclic) "This offset is not cyclic!"))
if(round(length(time)/2) < 8) warning("Most likely because of too few time-points.")
modOffset <- lm(response ~ bs(time, df = 5))
offsetVec <- as.numeric(predict(modOffset, newdata = data.frame(time = time)))
predictOffset <- function(time){
ret <- as.numeric(predict(modOffset, newdata = data.frame(time = time)))
names(ret) <- NULL
offset <- offsetVec
# no time-specific offset -> constant offset is estimated within mboost()
if(dots$family@name != "Poisson Likelihood") # allow for Poisson case (survival models)
stop("User specified offset must be of length 1 for irregularly observed response.")
} # end else from if(is.null(id))
offsetMboost <- offset
if (length(data) > 0 && !(is.list(data) && length(data) == 1 && is.null(data[[1]]))) {
### mboost isn't happy with nrow(data) == 0 / list(NULL)
ret <- mboost(fm, data = data, weights = w, offset = offset, ...)
} else {
ret <- mboost(fm, weights = w, offset = offset, ...)
# check sum-to-zero constraints for the fitted effects
# for models with more than one effect and a regular response
# not for scalar response
if(check0 && length(ret$baselearner) > 1 && is.null(id) && dim(response)[2] != 1){
# do not check the smooth intercept
if(any( gsub(" ", "", strsplit(cfm[2], "\\+")[[1]]) == "1")){
effectsToCheck <- 2:length(ret$baselearner)
effectsToCheck <- 1:length(ret$baselearner)
# predict each effect separately
pred <- predict(ret, which = effectsToCheck)
# check weather each effect is zero per time-point
meanPerTime <- apply(pred, 2, function(x){
tapply(x, rep(1:nc, each = nobs), mean) # compute mean per time-point
if(!all(meanPerTime < .Machine$double.eps *10^10)){
temp <- colSums(meanPerTime > .Machine$double.eps *10^10) != 0
message("The effects ", names(temp)[temp], " do not sum to zero per time-point.")
### assign new class (e.g., for specialized predictions)
class(ret) <- c("FDboost", class(ret))
if(!is.null(id)) class(ret) <- c("FDboostLong", class(ret))
if(scalarResponse) class(ret) <- c("FDboostScalar", class(ret))
## generate an id-variable for a regular response
id <- 1:NROW(response)
id <- rep(1:ydim[1], times = ydim[2])
### reset weights for cvrisk etc., expanding works OK in bl_lin_matrix!
# ret$"(weights)" <- weights
# <SB> do not reset weights as than the integration weights are lost
ret$yname <- yname
ret$ydim <- ydim
ret$yind <- time
ret$data <- data
ret$id <- id
attr(ret$id, "nameid") <- nameid
# if the offset is just an integer the prediction gives back this integer
ret$predictOffset <- predictOffset
if(is.null(offset)) ret$predictOffset <- function(time) ret$offset
ret$offsetFDboost <- offsetFDboost # offset as specified in call to FDboost
ret$offsetMboost <- offsetMboost # offset as given to mboost
# information whether the model contains an itercept
ret$withIntercept <- formula_intercept
# save the call
ret$call <-
# save the evaluated call
ret$callEval <- ret$call
ret$callEval[-1] <- lapply(ret$call[-1], function(x){
eval(x, parent.frame(3)) # use the environment of the call to FDboost()
ret$callEval$data <- NULL # do not save data and weights in callEval to save memory
ret$callEval$weights <- NULL
## save value of numInt
ret$numInt <- numInt
# save formulas as character strings to save memory
ret$timeformula <- paste(deparse(timeformula), collapse = "")
if(scalarNoFLAM) ret$timeformula <- ""
ret$formulaFDboost <- paste(deparse(formulaFDboost), collapse = "")
ret$formulaMboost <- paste(deparse(fm), collapse = "")
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