HCPC <- function (res, nb.clust = 0, consol = TRUE, iter.max = 10, min = 3,
max = NULL, metric = "euclidean", method = "ward", order = TRUE,
graph.scale = "inertia", nb.par = 5, graph = TRUE, proba = 0.05,cluster.CA="rows",
auto.cut.tree <- function(res, min, max, metric, method, weight=NULL,cla=NULL,...) {
if (order) {
if (is.null(res$call$row.w)) res$call$row.w <- rep(1/nrow(res$ind$coord),nrow(res$ind$coord))
if (is.null(res$call$row.w.init)) res$call$row.w.init <- res$call$row.w
sss <-$ind$coord, res$call$X, res$call$row.w, res$call$row.w.init)
if (!is.null(weight)) weight <- weight[order(sss[, 1], decreasing = FALSE)]
sss <- sss[order(sss[, 1], decreasing = FALSE), ]
res$ind$coord <- sss[, 1:ncol(res$ind$coord),drop=FALSE]
res$call$X <- sss[, (ncol(res$ind$coord) + 1):(ncol(sss)-2)]
res$call$row.w <- sss[,ncol(sss)-1]
res$call$row.w.init <- sss[,ncol(sss)]
X <-$ind$coord)
# if("flashClust"%in%rownames(installed.packages())) require(flashClust,quiet=TRUE)
do <- dist(X,method=metric)^2
if (is.null(weight)) weight <- rep(1,nrow(X))
eff <- outer(weight,weight,FUN=function(x,y,n) {x*y/n/(x+y)},n=sum(weight))
dissi <- do*eff[lower.tri(eff)]
hc <- flashClust::hclust(dissi, method = method, members = weight)
inert.gain <- rev(hc$height)
if (!is.null(cla)) inert.gain <- c(inert.gain,cla$tot.withinss/sum(cla$size))
intra <- rev(cumsum(rev(inert.gain)))
quot <- intra[min:(max)]/intra[(min - 1):(max - 1)]
nb.clust <- which.min(quot) + min -1
# changement dans calcul annule. Mis dans la version 1.34 2016/04/12 (2 lignes changees)
# quot = inert.gain[(min-1):(max-1)]/inert.gain[min:max]
# nb.clust = which.max(quot) + min - 1
return(list(res = res, tree = hc, nb.clust = nb.clust,
within = intra, inert.gain = inert.gain, quot = quot))
consolidation <- function(X, clust, iter.max = 10, ...) {
centers <- NULL
centers <- by(X, clust, colMeans)
centers <- matrix(unlist(centers), ncol = ncol(X), byrow = TRUE)
km <- kmeans(X, centers = centers, iter.max = iter.max, ...)
select <- function(Y, default.size, method, coord.centers) {
clust <- Y[1, ncol(Y)]
Y <- Y[, -ncol(Y),drop=FALSE]
Z <- rbind(Y, coord.centers)
if (nrow(Y) == 1) {
distance <- data.frame(0, row.names = "")
colnames(distance) <- rownames(Z[1, ])
else {
distance <- as.matrix(dist(Z, method = method))
distance <- distance[(nrow(Y) + 1):nrow(distance),
-((nrow(Y) + 1):ncol(distance))]
distance <- sort(distance[clust, ], decreasing = FALSE)
if (length(distance) > default.size)
distance <- distance[1:default.size]
else distance <- distance
distinctivness <- function(Y, default.size, method, coord.centers) {
clust <- as.numeric(Y[1, ncol(Y)])
Y <- Y[, -ncol(Y),drop=FALSE]
Z <- rbind(Y, coord.centers)
if (nrow(Y) == 1) {
distance <- as.matrix(dist(Z, method = method)) <- vector(length = 1, mode = "numeric") <- min(distance[-c(1, (clust + 1)), 1])
names( <- rownames(Z[1, ])
else {
distance <- as.matrix(dist(Z, method = method))
distance <- distance[(nrow(Y) + 1):nrow(distance),-((nrow(Y) + 1):ncol(distance))]
if (nrow(distance) == 2) center.min <- distance[-clust, ]
else center.min <- apply(distance[-clust, ], 2, min) <- sort(center.min, decreasing = TRUE)
if (length( > default.size) <-[1:default.size]
else <-
#### Main program
# if((method=="ward")&(!("flashClust"%in%rownames(installed.packages())))) method="ward.D" ### use of ward.D because I transform the distance to have the results obtained by ward.D2
res.sauv <- res
if ((kk!=Inf)&(consol==TRUE)){
warning("No consolidation has been done after the hierarchical clustering since kk is different from Inf (see help for more details)")
consol <- FALSE
if (is.vector(res)) {
res <-, res)
res <- PCA(res, scale.unit = FALSE, ncp = Inf, graph = FALSE)
vec <- TRUE
} else vec <- FALSE
# if(inherits(res,"CA")){
# if(cluster.CA=="rows")$row$coord)
# if(cluster.CA=="columns")$col$coord)
# }
if (is.matrix(res)) res <-
cla <- NULL
if (inherits(res, "PCA") | inherits(res, "MCA") | inherits(res,"MFA") | inherits(res, "HMFA") | inherits(res, "FAMD")) {
if (kk<nrow(res$ind$coord)){
res <-$ind$coord)
kk <- min(kk, nrow(unique(res$ind$coord)))
if (inherits(res, "CA")) {
if (cluster.CA=="rows"){
if (kk<nrow(res$row$coord)) {
res <-$row$coord,2,sqrt(res$eig[1:ncol(res$row$coord),1]),FUN="*"))
kk <- min(kk, nrow(unique(res$row$coord)))
} else {
if (kk<nrow(res$col$coord)){
res <-$col$coord,2,sqrt(res$eig[1:ncol(res$col$coord),1]),FUN="*"))
kk <- min(kk, nrow(unique(res$col$coord)))
if ({
res <- res[,unlist(lapply(res,is.numeric)),drop=FALSE]
### AJOUT K-means
if (kk<nrow(res)) kk <- min(kk,nrow(unique(res)))
if (kk <= nrow(res)){
cla <- kmeans(res, centers=kk, iter.max = 100, nstart = 4)
res <- PCA(cla$centers, row.w=cla$size, scale.unit = FALSE, ncp = Inf, graph = FALSE)
} else {
res <- PCA(res, scale.unit = FALSE, ncp = Inf, graph = FALSE)
### Fin AJOUT K-means
## res <- PCA(res, scale.unit = FALSE, ncp = Inf, graph = FALSE)
aux <- res$eig
if(cluster.CA=="rows") res <- PCA(res$row$coord, scale.unit = FALSE, ncp = Inf, graph = FALSE,row.w=res$call$marge.row*sum(res$call$X))
if(cluster.CA=="columns") res <- PCA(res$col$coord, scale.unit = FALSE, ncp = Inf, graph = FALSE,row.w=res$call$marge.col*sum(res$call$X))
res$eig <- aux
if (is.null(max)) max <- min(10, round(nrow(res$ind$coord)/2))
max <- min(max, nrow(res$ind$coord) - 1)
if (inherits(res, "PCA") | inherits(res, "MCA") | inherits(res,"MFA") | inherits(res, "HMFA") | inherits(res, "FAMD")) {
if (!is.null(res$call$ind.sup)) res$call$X <- res$call$X[-res$call$ind.sup, ]
if (is.null(res$call$row.w.init)) res$call$row.w.init <- res$call$row.w
t <- auto.cut.tree(res, min = min, max = max, metric = metric, method = method, weight = res$call$row.w.init,cla=cla,order=order,...)
else stop("res should be from data.frame, PCA, CA, MCA, FAMD, MFA, or HMFA class")
if (inherits(t$tree, "agnes")) t$tree <- as.hclust(t$tree)
if (inherits(t$tree, "hclust")) {
if (graph.scale == "inertia") {
nb.ind <- nrow(t$res$ind$coord)
inertia.height <- rep(0, nb.ind - 1)
for (i in 1:(nb.ind - 1)) inertia.height[i] <- t$inert.gain[(nb.ind - i)]
inertia.height <- sort(inertia.height, decreasing = FALSE)
t$tree$height <- inertia.height
auto.haut <- ((t$tree$height[length(t$tree$height) - t$nb.clust +
2]) + (t$tree$height[length(t$tree$height) - t$nb.clust + 1]))/2
if (graph) {
if (!nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_USER_IDENTITY")))
old.mar <- par()$mar
par(mar = c(0.5, 2, 0.75, 0))
lay <- matrix(ncol = 5, nrow = 5, c(2, 4, 4, 4, 4,
2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4,
1, 3, 3, 3, 3))
layout(lay, respect = TRUE)
barplot(t$inert.gain[1:max(15, max)], col = c(rep("black",
t$nb.clust - 1), rep("grey", max(max, 15) - t$nb.clust +
1)), rep(0.1, max(max, 15)), space = 0.9)
plot(x = 1, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "", col = "white", axes = FALSE)
text(1, 1, "Hierarchical Clustering", cex = 2)
plot(x = 1, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "", col = "white", axes = FALSE)
legend("top", "inertia gain ", box.lty = NULL, cex = 1)
else {
if (nb.clust == 0 | nb.clust == 1) nb.clust <- -1
if ((nb.clust == 0) | (nb.clust == 1)) {
print("Click on the graph to cut the tree")
# if (!nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_USER_IDENTITY"))){
plot(t$tree, hang = -1, main = "Click to cut the tree", xlab = "", sub = "")
abline(h = auto.haut, col = "black", lwd = 3)
coupe <- locator(n = 1)
while (coupe$y < min(t$tree$height)) {
cat("No class \n")
coupe <- locator(n = 1)
y <- coupe$y
# } else {
# plot(t$tree, hang = -1, main = "Tree and suggested number of clusters", xlab = "", sub = "")
# abline(h = auto.haut, col = "black", lwd = 3)
# y <- auto.haut
# }
} else {
if (graph)
plot(t$tree, hang = -1, main = "Hierarchical Classification", xlab = "", sub = "")
if (nb.clust < 0) y <- auto.haut
else y <- (t$tree$height[length(t$tree$height) - nb.clust + 2] + t$tree$height[length(t$tree$height) - nb.clust + 1])/2
else stop("The tree should be from 'hclust' or 'agnes' class.")
clust <- cutree(as.hclust(t$tree), h = y)
nb.clust <- max(clust)
X <-$res$ind$coord)
ordColo <- unique(clust[t$tree$order])
if (graph) {
# if ((graph)&!nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_USER_IDENTITY"))) {
# rect <- rect.hclust(t$tree, h = y, border = seq(1, nb.clust, 1))
rect <- rect.hclust(t$tree, h = y, border = ordColo)
clust <- NULL
for (j in 1:nb.clust) clust <- c(clust, rep(j, length(rect[[j]])))
clust <- as.factor(clust)
belong <-$tree$order, clust)
belong <- belong["order", belong), ]
clust <- as.factor(belong$clust)
if (nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_USER_IDENTITY"))) layout(matrix(nrow=1,ncol=1,1),respect=TRUE)
if (consol) {
res.consol <- consolidation(X, clust = clust, iter.max = iter.max, ...)
clust <- res.consol$cluster
## ajout pour trier les classes
aux <- names(clust)
ord <- order(res.consol$centers[,1,drop=FALSE])
res.consol$centers <- res.consol$centers[ord,,drop=FALSE]
clust <- (order(ord))[clust]
## Add 2014-07-08
# if (kk<Inf){
# rr <- as.factor(cla$cluster)
# levels(rr)[as.integer(names(clust))]=clust
##levels(rr) <- 1:nlevels(rr)
# names(rr) <- aux
# cla$cluster <- rr
# }
names(clust) <- aux
if (kk<Inf){
clust <- clust[order(as.integer(names(clust)))]
rr <- clust[cla$cluster]
names(rr) <- names(cla$cluster)
cla$cluster <- as.factor(rr)
## fin ajout
centers <- res.consol$centers
if (!consol) {
list.centers <- by(X, clust, colMeans)
centers <- matrix(unlist(list.centers), ncol = ncol(X),byrow = TRUE)
colnames(centers) <- colnames(X)
## ajout pour trier les classes
aux <- names(clust) <- rownames(X)
ord <- order(centers[,1,drop=FALSE])
centers <- centers[ord,,drop=FALSE]
clust <- (order(ord))[clust]
names(clust) <- aux
## Add 2014-07-08
if (kk<Inf){
clust <- clust[order(as.integer(names(clust)))]
rr <- clust[cla$cluster]
names(rr) <- names(cla$cluster)
cla$cluster <- as.factor(rr)
## fin ajout
clust <- as.factor(clust)
## Add 2014-07-08
X <-,clust)
if (kk<Inf){
if (inherits(res.sauv, "PCA") | inherits(res.sauv, "MCA") | inherits(res.sauv,"MFA") | inherits(res.sauv, "HMFA") | inherits(res.sauv, "FAMD")){
if (is.null(res.sauv$call$ind.sup)) data.clust <-$call$X, clust=cla$cluster)
else data.clust <-$call$X[-res.sauv$call$ind.sup, ], clust=cla$cluster)
} else {
if (inherits(res.sauv, "CA")){
if (cluster.CA=="columns") {
if (!is.null(res.sauv$call$col.sup)) data.clust <-$call$Xtot[,-res.sauv$call$col.sup]), clust=cla$cluster)
else data.clust <-$call$Xtot), clust=cla$cluster)
if (cluster.CA=="rows") {
if (!is.null(res.sauv$call$row.sup)) data.clust <-$call$Xtot[-res.sauv$call$row.sup,], clust=cla$cluster)
else data.clust <-$call$Xtot, clust=cla$cluster)
} else {
data.clust <-, clust=cla$cluster)
} else {
if (inherits(res.sauv, "PCA") | inherits(res.sauv, "MCA") | inherits(res.sauv,"MFA") | inherits(res.sauv, "HMFA") | inherits(res.sauv, "FAMD")) data.clust <-$call$X[rownames(t$res$call$X),], clust)
if (inherits(res.sauv, "data.frame")) data.clust <-[rownames(X),], clust)
# if (inherits(res.sauv, "data.frame")) data.clust <- X$call$X[rownames(t$res$call$X),], clust)
if (inherits(res.sauv, "numeric")) data.clust <- X
if (inherits(res.sauv, "CA")) {
if (cluster.CA=="rows") data.clust <-$call$Xtot[rownames(t$res$call$X),],clust)
if (cluster.CA=="columns") data.clust <-$call$Xtot[,rownames(t$res$call$X)]),clust)
if (inherits(res.sauv, "PCA") | inherits(res.sauv, "MCA") | inherits(res.sauv,"MFA") | inherits(res.sauv, "HMFA") | inherits(res.sauv, "FAMD")) data.clust <- data.clust[rownames(res.sauv$ind$coord),]
if (inherits(res.sauv, "CA")&(cluster.CA=="row")) data.clust <- data.clust[rownames(res.sauv$row$coord),]
if (inherits(res.sauv, "CA")&(cluster.CA=="columns")) data.clust <- data.clust[rownames(res.sauv$col$coord),]
if (inherits(res.sauv, "data.frame")) data.clust <- data.clust[rownames(res.sauv),]
if (vec) data.clust <-[, -2])
if (description){
if (!inherits(res.sauv, "CA")&!(vec)){
if (!is.null(res.sauv$call$row.w.init)) desc.var <- catdes(data.clust, ncol(data.clust), proba = proba, row.w = res.sauv$call$row.w.init)
else desc.var <- catdes(data.clust, ncol(data.clust), proba = proba, row.w = res.sauv$call$row.w)
else {
if ((vec) | (is.null(res.sauv$call$quanti.sup)& is.null(res.sauv$call$quali.sup))) desc.var <- descfreq(data.clust[,-which(sapply(data.clust,is.factor))], data.clust[,ncol(data.clust)], proba = proba)
else {
desc.var <- catdes(data.clust[,c(res.sauv$call$quanti.sup,res.sauv$call$quali.sup,ncol(data.clust))], length(c(res.sauv$call$quanti.sup,res.sauv$call$quali.sup,ncol(data.clust))), proba = proba,row.w=apply(data.clust[,-c(res.sauv$call$quanti.sup,res.sauv$call$quali.sup,ncol(data.clust))],1,sum))
desc.var$frequency <- descfreq(data.clust[,-c(res.sauv$call$quanti.sup,res.sauv$call$quali.sup,ncol(data.clust))], data.clust[,ncol(data.clust)], proba = proba)
desc.var <- desc.var[c(length(desc.var),1:(length(desc.var)-1))] # frequency will appear first
if (kk==Inf) desc.axe <- catdes(X, ncol(X), proba = proba, row.w = res$call$row.w.init)
if (inherits(res.sauv, "data.frame")) tabInd <-,data.clust[,ncol(data.clust)])
if (inherits(res.sauv, "PCA") | inherits(res.sauv, "MCA") | inherits(res.sauv,"MFA") | inherits(res.sauv, "HMFA") | inherits(res.sauv, "FAMD")) tabInd <-$ind$coord,data.clust[rownames(res.sauv$ind$coord),ncol(data.clust)])
# if (inherits(res.sauv, "CA")&(cluster.CA=="rows")) tabInd <-$row$coord,data.clust[,ncol(data.clust)])
# if (inherits(res.sauv, "CA")&(cluster.CA=="columns")) tabInd <-$col$coord,data.clust[,ncol(data.clust)])
if (inherits(res.sauv, "CA")&(cluster.CA=="rows")) tabInd <-$row$coord,data.clust[rownames(res.sauv$row$coord),ncol(data.clust)])
if (inherits(res.sauv, "CA")&(cluster.CA=="columns")) tabInd <-$col$coord,data.clust[rownames(res.sauv$col$coord),ncol(data.clust)])
colnames(tabInd)[ncol(tabInd)] <- "Cluster"
if (description){
list.centers <- by(tabInd[,-ncol(tabInd),drop=FALSE], tabInd[,ncol(tabInd)], colMeans)
centers <- matrix(unlist(list.centers), ncol = ncol(tabInd)-1,byrow = TRUE)
colnames(centers) <- colnames(tabInd)[-ncol(tabInd)]
cluster <- tabInd[,ncol(tabInd),drop=FALSE]
para <- by(tabInd, cluster, simplify = FALSE, select, default.size = nb.par, method = metric, coord.centers = centers)
dist <- by(tabInd, cluster, simplify = FALSE, distinctivness, default.size = nb.par, method = metric, coord.centers = centers)
desc.ind <- list(para = para, dist = dist)
if (consol) call <- list(t = t, min = min, max = max, X = X, bw.before.consol=sum(rev(t$tree$height)[1:(nb.clust-1)]),bw.after.consol=res.consol$betweenss/nrow(data.clust),vec = vec,
else call <- list(t = t, min = min, max = max, X = X, bw.before.consol=sum(rev(t$tree$height)[1:(nb.clust-1)]),vec = vec,
if (description){
if (kk!=Inf) res.HCPC <- list(data.clust = data.clust, desc.var = desc.var, desc.ind = desc.ind, call = call)
else res.HCPC <- list(data.clust = data.clust, desc.var = desc.var, desc.axes = desc.axe, desc.ind = desc.ind, call = call)
} else {
res.HCPC <- list(data.clust = data.clust, call = call)
if ((kk==Inf)&(graph)) {
# plot.HCPC(res.HCPC,choice="tree",new.plot=FALSE)
if (vec || (ncol(tabInd)==2))
plot.HCPC(res.HCPC, choice = "", t.level = "all", angle = 0, ind.names = FALSE,new.plot=TRUE)
else {
plot.HCPC(res.HCPC, choice = "", t.level = "all", ind.names = TRUE,new.plot=TRUE)
plot.HCPC(res.HCPC, choice = "map", draw.tree = FALSE, label = "ind",new.plot=TRUE)
if ((kk!=Inf)&(graph)) {
if (inherits(res.sauv, "PCA")) plot(res.sauv, col.ind=as.numeric(data.clust$clust),new.plot=TRUE,cex=0.8)
if (inherits(res.sauv, "MCA")) plot(res.sauv, col.ind=as.numeric(data.clust$clust),invisible=c("var","quali.sup"),new.plot=TRUE,cex=0.8)
if (inherits(res.sauv, "MFA")) plot(res.sauv, col.ind=as.numeric(data.clust$clust),invisible=c("quali","quali.sup"),new.plot=TRUE,cex=0.8)
if (inherits(res.sauv, "CA")&(cluster.CA=="rows")) plot(res.sauv, col.row=as.numeric(data.clust$clust),invisible=c("col","col.sup"),new.plot=TRUE,cex=0.8)
if (inherits(res.sauv, "CA")&(cluster.CA=="columns")) plot(res.sauv, col.col=as.numeric(data.clust$clust),invisible=c("row","row.sup"),new.plot=TRUE,cex=0.8)
legend("topleft",legend = paste("Cluster",1:nlevels(data.clust$clust)),text.col=1:nlevels(data.clust$clust),cex=0.8)
if (graph) par(mar = old.mar)
class(res.HCPC) <- "HCPC"
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