
Defines functions gen.meangendepthVar gen.rec gen.pro gen.depth gen.phi gen.phiMean gen.phiOver gen.parent gen.occ gen.noind gen.nomen gen.nowomen gen.nochildren gen.mean gen.min gen.max gen.implexVar gen.implex gen.genout gen.lineages gen.genealogy gen.f gen.sibship gen.half.founder gen.founder gen.meangendepth gen.children gen.branching gen.completenessVar gen.completeness gen.gc

Documented in gen.branching gen.children gen.completeness gen.completenessVar gen.depth gen.f gen.founder gen.gc gen.genealogy gen.genout gen.half.founder gen.implex gen.implexVar gen.lineages gen.max gen.mean gen.meangendepth gen.meangendepthVar gen.min gen.nochildren gen.noind gen.nomen gen.nowomen gen.occ gen.parent gen.phi gen.phiMean gen.phiOver gen.pro gen.rec gen.sibship

# 1 - gen.gc				-> garde article
# 2 - gen.gcplus			-> garde article
# 3 - gen.completeness		-> garde article
# 4 - gen.completenessVar	-> garde article
# 5 - gen.branching			-> garde article
# 6 - gen.children			-> garde article
# 7 - gen.meangendepth		-> garde article
# 8 - gen.entropyMeanVar		-> garde article
# 9 - gen.f				-> garde article
# 11 - gen.fmean			-> garde article
# 12 - gen.founder			-> garde article
# 13 - gen.half.founder		-> garde article
# 14 - gen.sibship			-> garde article
# 16 - gen.genealogy		-> garde article
# 17 - gen.lineages			-> garde article
# 17-1 gen.genout			-> garde article
# 19 - gen.implex			-> garde article
# 20 - gen.implexVar		-> garde article
# 21 - gen.max				-> garde article
# 23 - gen.min				-> garde article
# 24 - gen.mean			-> garde article
# 25 - gen.nochildren		-> garde article
# 26 - gen.nowomen			-> garde article
# 27 - gen.nomen			-> garde article
# 28 - gen.noind			-> garde article
# 32 - gen.occ				-> garde article
# 33 - gen.parent			-> garde article
# 34 - gen.phi				-> garde article
# 35 - gen.phiOver			-> garde article
# 37 - gen.phiMean			-> garde article
# 41 - gen.depth			-> garde article
# 42 - gen.pro				-> garde article
# 43 - gen.rec				-> garde article
# 44 - gen.meangendepthVar		-> garde article

#gen.gc = function(gen, pro = 0, ancestors = 0, typeCG = "IND", named = T, check = 1)
#	if(length(check) != 1)
#		stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
#	retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, ancestors = ancestors, print.it = print.it, named = named, typeCG = typeCG,
#							    check = c(3, 5, 11, 34, 18, 10))
#	if(retour$erreur == T)	stop(retour$messageErreur)
#	gen = retour$gen
#	pro = retour$pro
#	ancestors = retour$ancestors
#	typeCG = retour$typeCG
##	print.it = retour$print.it
#	named = retour$named
#	if(typeCG == "IND") {
#		if(is(pro, "GLgroup")) {
#			CG = GLPrivCG(gen = gen, pro = as.numeric(unlist(pro)), ancestors = ancestors, print.it = FALSE, named = named)
#			return(GLPrivCGgroup(CG, grppro = pro))
#		}
#		else return(GLPrivCG(gen = gen, pro = pro, ancestors = ancestors, print.it = FALSE, named = named))
#	}
#	else {
#		if(is(pro, "GLgroup")) {
#			CG = GLPrivCG(gen = gen, pro = as.numeric(unlist(pro)), ancestors = ancestors, print.it = FALSE, named = named)
#			CG = GLPrivCGgroup(CG, grppro = pro)
#			if(typeCG == "MEAN")
#				return(GLPrivCGmoyen(CG = CG, named = named))
#			if(typeCG == "CUMUL")
#				stop("CUMUL is not available per group")
#			if(typeCG == "TOTAL")
#				return(GLPrivCGtotal(CG = CG, named = named))
#			if(typeCG == "PRODUCT")
#				return(GLPrivCGproduit(CG = CG, named = named))
#		}
#		else {
#			CG = GLPrivCG(gen = gen, pro = as.numeric(unlist(pro)), ancestors = ancestors, print.it = FALSE, named = 
#				named)
#			if(typeCG == "MEAN")
#				return(GLPrivCGmoyen(CG = CG, named = named))
#			if(typeCG == "CUMUL")
#				return(GLPrivCGcumul(CG = CG, named = named))
#			if(typeCG == "TOTAL")
#				return(GLPrivCGtotal(CG = CG, named = named))
#			if(typeCG == "PRODUCT")
#				return(GLPrivCGproduit(CG = CG, named = named))
#		}
#	}

gen.gc = function(gen, pro = 0, ancestors = 0, vctProb = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), typeCG = "IND") #, check = 1)#named = T, 
	#if(length(check) != 1)	stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")

	retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, ancestors = ancestors, print.it = FALSE, named = TRUE, typeCG = typeCG, check = c(3, 5, 11, 34, 18, 10))
	if(retour$erreur == TRUE)	stop(retour$messageErreur)
	gen = retour$gen
	pro = retour$pro
	ancestors = retour$ancestors
	typeCG = retour$typeCG
#	print.it = retour$print.it
	named = retour$named

	if(typeCG == "IND") {
		if(is(pro, "GLgroup")) {
			CG = GLPrivCGPLUS(gen = gen, pro = as.numeric(unlist(pro)), ancestors = ancestors, vctProb = vctProb, print.it = FALSE, named = named)
			return(GLPrivCGgroup(CG, grppro = pro))
		else return(GLPrivCGPLUS(gen = gen, pro = pro, ancestors = ancestors, vctProb, print.it = FALSE, named = named))
	else {
		if(is(pro, "GLgroup")) {
			CG = GLPrivCGPLUS(gen = gen, pro = as.numeric(unlist(pro)), ancestors = ancestors, vctProb = vctProb, print.it = FALSE, named = named)
			CG = GLPrivCGgroup(CG, grppro = pro)
			if(typeCG == "MEAN")
				return(GLPrivCGmoyen(CG = CG, named = named))
			if(typeCG == "CUMUL")
				stop("CUMUL is not available per group")
			if(typeCG == "TOTAL")
				return(GLPrivCGtotal(CG = CG, named = named))
			if(typeCG == "PRODUCT")
				return(GLPrivCGproduit(CG = CG, named = named))
		else {
			CG = GLPrivCGPLUS(gen = gen, pro = as.numeric(unlist(pro)), ancestors = ancestors, vctProb = vctProb, print.it = FALSE, named = named)
			if(typeCG == "MEAN")
				return(GLPrivCGmoyen(CG = CG, named = named))
			if(typeCG == "CUMUL")
				return(GLPrivCGcumul(CG = CG, named = named))
			if(typeCG == "TOTAL")
				return(GLPrivCGtotal(CG = CG, named = named))
			if(typeCG == "PRODUCT")
				return(GLPrivCGproduit(CG = CG, named = named))

gen.completeness = function(gen, pro = 0, genNo = -1, type = "MEAN", ...)#, check = 1)#named = T, 
	#Validation des parametres
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
	if( type != "IND" )# | type != "MOYSUJETS"
		if(is(gen, "vector"))
			if(length(list(...)) != 2)
				stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour <- gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, genNo = genNo, typecomp = type, named = TRUE, check = c(1, 5, 16, 171, 10))
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen <- retour$gen
		pro <- retour$pro
		genNo <- retour$genNo
		type <- retour$typecomp
		named <- retour$named
	#Calcule de la completude par sujet
	if(type == "IND"){ # | type == "MOYSUJETS") {
		tableau = sapply(pro, function(x, gen, genNo, named)
			GLPriv.completeness3V(gen$ind, gen$father, gen$mother, pro = x, genNo = genNo, named = named)
		, gen = gen, genNo = genNo, named = named)
		if(is.null(dim(tableau))) tableau <- t(as.matrix(tableau))
#		if(type == "MOYSUJETS")
#			tableau <- data.frame(apply(tableau, 1, mean))
		#Fait la moyenne 
		#if(named == T)
		  if(type == "IND")
			dimnames(tableau)[[2]] <- as.character(paste("Ind", as.character(pro)))
		dimnames(tableau)[[1]] <- as.character(genNo)
		#Rajout du numero de generation en lignes
	else if(type == "MEAN") {
		#Si c'est MEAN, calcul de la completude avec tous les sujets a la fois
		return(GLPriv.completeness3V(gen$ind, gen$father, gen$mother, pro = pro, genNo = genNo, named = named))

gen.completenessVar = function(gen, pro = 0, genNo = -1, ...) #, check = 1, ...)#named = T, 
	#Validations des parametres 
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
#	if(bcorrFactor == T)
#		if(sum(N) == 0) #Le facteur de correction doit avoir une valeur numerique N taille de la population
#			stop("Correction factor must have a numerical population size value N")
	if(is(gen, "vector"))
		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")

	retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, genNo = genNo, named = TRUE, check = c(1, 5, 16, 10))
	if(retour$erreur == TRUE)	stop(retour$messageErreur)
	gen = retour$gen
	pro = retour$pro
	genNo = retour$genNo
	named = retour$named

	#Selon le type de donnees, le facteur de correction sera modifie en consequence
#	if(typeCorpus == "ECH") corrFactor = length(pro)/(length(pro) - 1) else if(typeCorpus == "POP")
#		corrFactor = 1
#	if(corrFactor == T)
#		corrFactor = (corrFactor * (N - length(pro)))/N

	corrFactor = 1
	#Calcule la variance de l'indice de completude
	tab = sapply(pro, function(x, gen, genNo, named)
		GLPriv.completeness3V(gen$ind, gen$father, gen$mother, pro = x, genNo = genNo, named = named),
		gen = gen, genNo = genNo, named = named)
	if(is.null(dim(tab))) tab <- t(as.matrix(tab))
	tab = data.frame(apply(tab, 1, var) * corrFactor)
	dimnames(tab)[[1]] <- as.character(genNo)
	dimnames(tab)[[2]] <- "completeness.var"

gen.branching = function(gen, pro = 0, ancestors = gen.founder(gen), bflag = 0)#, check = 1)
	if(sum(as.numeric(pro)) == 0)
		pro = gen.pro(gen)
	if(bflag == 0) {
		pro.segment = gen.pro(gen)
		ancestors = gen.founder(gen.branching(gen, pro.segment, ancestors, bflag = 1))
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, ancestors = ancestors, check = c(3, 36, 37))
		gen = retour$gen
		pro = retour$pro
		ancestors = retour$ancestors
	#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
	#print(paste("taille alloue:",length(gen@.Data)))
	tmpgen <- integer(length(gen@.Data))
	tmpNelem <- integer(1)

	#print(".C(SPLUSebranche,.. commence")
	.Call("SPLUSebranche", gen@.Data, pro, length(pro), ancestors, length(ancestors), tmpgen, tmpNelem, specialsok = T)
	#print(".C(SPLUSebranche,.. fait:")
	#print(paste(length(tmpgen),tmpgen[1],tmpgen[2],tmpgen[3] ))
	length(tmpgen) <- tmpNelem
	tmpNelem <- length(tmpgen)
	ebranche = new("GLgen", .Data = tmpgen, Date = date())
	ebranche.asc = gen.genout(ebranche)
	if(length(setdiff(unique(ebranche.asc[,"sex"]), c(1,2,"H","F")))>0) 
	  diff = setdiff(unique(ebranche.asc[,"sex"]), c(1,2,"H","F"))
	  ebranche.asc=data.frame(ind=ebranche.asc$ind,father=ebranche.asc$father,mother=ebranche.asc$mother) #*****
	  #warning(paste("la colonne \"sexe\" contient des valeurs non valide:",diff,"\n  Elle ne sera pas consideree pour le reste des calculs."))
	  warning(paste("The \"sex\" column contains invalid values:",diff,
					"\nThe column won't be considered for further calculations."))
	pro.ebranche = gen.pro(ebranche)
	pro.enTrop = setdiff(pro.ebranche, pro)
	if(sum(as.numeric(pro.enTrop)) != 0) {
		ebranche.asc = ebranche.asc[(!(ebranche.asc$ind %in% pro.enTrop)),  ]
		#ebranche.asc=data.frame(ind=ebranche.asc$ind,father=ebranche.asc$father,mother=ebranche.asc$mother) #*****
		ebranche = gen.genealogy(ebranche.asc)
		pro.ebranche = gen.pro(ebranche)
	fond.ebranche = gen.founder(ebranche)
	pro.quiSontFond = pro.ebranche[pro.ebranche %in% fond.ebranche]
	#print(paste("6", dim(ebranche.asc)))
	ebranche.asc = ebranche.asc[(!(ebranche.asc$ind %in% pro.quiSontFond)),  ]
	#print(paste("7", dim(ebranche.asc)))
	if(dim(ebranche.asc)[1]==0) stop("No branching possible, all probands are founders.")
	else gen = gen.genealogy(ebranche.asc)

gen.children = function(gen, individuals, ...)#, check = 1)
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	if(is(gen, "vector"))
		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")
			#stop("Param\350tre '...' invalide : indication du nom des param\350tres 'pere' et 'mere' est obligatoire")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, individuals = individuals, check = c(1, 13), ...)
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen = retour$gen
		individuals = retour$individuals
	PositionEnfantDesMeres <- match(gen$mother, individuals)
	PositionEnfantDesPeres <- match(gen$father, individuals)
	EnfantDesMere <- gen$ind[(1:length(PositionEnfantDesMeres))[!is.na(PositionEnfantDesMeres)]]
	EnfantDesPere <- gen$ind[(1:length(PositionEnfantDesPeres))[!is.na(PositionEnfantDesPeres)]]
	Enfants <- unique(c(EnfantDesMere, EnfantDesPere))

gen.meangendepth = function(gen, pro = 0, type = "MEAN", ...)#, check = 1)#named = T, 
	#Validations des parametres
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	if(is(gen, "vector"))
		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")
			#stop("Param\350tre '...' invalide : indication du nom des param\350tres 'pere' et 'mere' est obligatoire")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour <- gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, typecomp = type, check = c(1, 5, 17))
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen <- retour$gen
		pro <- retour$pro
		type <- retour$typecomp
	if(type == "IND") {# | type == "MOYSUJETS") {
		tableau <- sapply(pro, function(x, gen)
		GLPriv.entropie3V(gen$ind, gen$father, gen$mother, pro = x), gen = gen)
		tableau <- data.frame(tableau)
#		if(type == "MOYSUJETS") {
#			tableau = data.frame(apply(tableau, 2, mean))
#			dimnames(tableau)[[1]] <- "Mean.Exp.Gen.Depth"
#		}
		#if(named == T)
			if(type == "IND")
				dimnames(tableau)[[1]] <- as.character(paste("Ind", as.character(pro)))
		dimnames(tableau)[[2]] <- "Exp.Gen.Depth"
	else if(type == "MEAN")
		return(GLPriv.entropie3V(gen$ind, gen$father, gen$mother, pro = pro))

#gen.entropyMeanVar = function(gen, pro = 0, check = 1, ...) #typeCorpus = "ECH", bfacteurCorr = F, N = NULL,
#	#Validations des parametres
#	if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
##	if(bfacteurCorr == T)
#		if(sum(N) == 0)
##			stop("Correction factor must have a numerical population size value N")
#	if(is(gen, "vector"))
#		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
#			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")
#	retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, check = c(1, 5))
#	if(retour$erreur == T)	stop(retour$messageErreur)
#	gen = retour$gen
#	pro = retour$pro
#	tableau = sapply(pro, function(x, gen)
#	GLPriv.entropie3V(gen$ind, gen$father, gen$mother, pro = x), gen = gen)
##	if(typeCorpus == "ECH")
##		facteurCorr = length(pro)/(length(pro) - 1)
##	else if(typeCorpus == "POP")
##		facteurCorr = 1
##	if(bfacteurCorr == T)
##		facteurCorr = (facteurCorr * (N - length(pro)))/N
#	facteurCorr = 1
#	tableau = data.frame(tableau)
#	tableau = data.frame(apply(tableau, 2, var) * facteurCorr)
#	dimnames(tableau)[[1]] <- "Mean.Exp.Gen.Depth.Var"
#	dimnames(tableau)[[2]] <- "Exp.Gen.Depth"
#	return(tableau)

#gen.f = function(gen, pro = 0, nbgenerations = 0, named = T, check = 1)
#	if(length(check) != 1)	stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
#	retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, nbgenerations = nbgenerations, print.it = FALSE, named = named, check = c(3, 5, 19, 18, 10))
#	if(retour$erreur == T)	stop(retour$messageErreur)
#	gen = retour$gen
#	pro = retour$pro
#	nbgenerations = retour$nbgenerations
##	print.it = retour$print.it
#	named = retour$named
#	#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
#	tmp <- double(length(pro))
#	#Call de la fonction en C
#	.Call("SPLUSF", gen@.Data, pro, length(pro), nbgenerations, tmp, FALSE, specialsok = T)
#	names(tmp) <- pro
##	if(print.it) {
##		base <- c(deparse(substitute(gen)), deparse(substitute(pro)), nbgenerations)
##		header.txt <- paste("\n\t***   Calls : gen.F (", base[1], ",", base[2], ",", base[3], ")  ***\n\n")
##		cat(header.txt)
##	}
#	return(invisible(tmp))

#gen.fmean = function(vectF, named = T, check = 1)
#	if(length(check) != 1)
#		stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
#		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
#	#if(check == 1) {
#		retour = gen.detectionErreur(vectF = vectF, named = named, check = c(33, 10))
#		if(retour$erreur == T)
#			stop(retour$messageErreur)
#		vectF = retour$vectF
#		named = retour$named
#	#}
#	#Test pour accelerer la procedure
#	return(GLapplyF(vectF, mean, named = named))

gen.founder = function(gen, ...)#, check = 1)
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	if(is(gen, "vector"))
		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")
			#stop("Param\350tre '...' invalide : indication du nom des param\350tres 'pere' et 'mere' est obligatoire")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, ..., check = 1)
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen = retour$gen
	return(gen$ind[gen$father == 0 & gen$mother == 0])

gen.half.founder = function(gen, ...)#, check = 1)
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	if(is(gen, "vector"))
		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")
			#stop("Param\350tre '...' invalide : indication du nom des param\350tres 'pere' et 'mere' est obligatoire")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, ..., check = 1)
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen = retour$gen
	return(gen$ind[(gen$father != 0 & gen$mother == 0) | (gen$father == 0 & gen$mother != 0)])

gen.sibship = function(gen, individuals, halfSibling = TRUE, ...)#, check = 1)
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	if(is(gen, "vector"))
		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")
			#stop("Param\350tre '...' invalide : indication du nom des param\350tres 'pere' et 'mere' est obligatoire")
	#if(check == 1) {
	retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, individuals = individuals, halfSibling = halfSibling, check = c(1, 13, 14), ...)
	if(retour$erreur == TRUE) stop(retour$messageErreur)
	gen = retour$gen
	individuals = retour$individuals
	halfSibling = retour$halfSibling
	if(halfSibling == TRUE) {
		PositionProband = match(individuals, gen$ind)
		#Trouve les meres et les peres des probands
		Meres <- gen$mother[PositionProband]
		Peres <- gen$father[PositionProband]
		MaskMere <- Meres != 0
		MaskPere <- Peres != 0
		Meres <- (Meres/MaskMere)[!is.na(Meres/MaskMere)]
		Peres <- (Peres/MaskPere)[!is.na(Peres/MaskPere)]
		#Trouve tous les enfants de ces individuals
		sibshipMo <- gen.children(gen, individuals = Meres)#, check = 0)
		sibshipFa <- gen.children(gen, individuals = Peres)#, check = 0)
		#Vecteur contenant tous les enfants incluant les probands
		sibshipAndProband <- unique(c(sibshipMo, sibshipFa))
		#maintenant on enleve les probands
		temp <- match(sibshipAndProband, individuals)
		sibship <- sibshipAndProband[(1:length(temp))[is.na(temp)]]
	else {
		PositionProband = match(individuals, gen$ind)
		#Trouve les meres et les peres des probands
		Meres <- gen$mother[PositionProband]
		Peres <- gen$father[PositionProband]
		MaskMere <- Meres != 0
		MaskPere <- Peres != 0
		Meres <- (Meres/MaskMere)[!is.na(Meres/MaskMere)]
		Peres <- (Peres/MaskPere)[!is.na(Peres/MaskPere)]
		temp1 <- match(gen$mother, Meres)
		temp2 <- match(gen$father, Peres)
		PositionsibshipAndProband <- temp1 * temp2
		#La sibship incluant les probands
		sibshipSameFaMoAndProband <- gen$ind[(1:length(PositionsibshipAndProband))[!is.na(PositionsibshipAndProband)]]
		#maintenant enlevons les probands
		temp <- match(sibshipSameFaMoAndProband, individuals)
		sibship <- sibshipSameFaMoAndProband[(1:length(temp))[is.na(temp)]]

gen.f = function(gen, pro, depthmin= (gen.depth(gen)-1), depthmax= (gen.depth(gen)-1)) #, check = 1)#named = T, 
	#if(length(check) != 1)	stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
	if(missing(pro))		pro = gen.pro(gen)

	retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, depthmin = depthmin, depthmax = depthmax, print.it = FALSE, named = TRUE, 
							check = c(3, 5, 20, 18, 10))
	if(retour$erreur == TRUE) stop(retour$messageErreur)
	gen = retour$gen
	pro = retour$pro
	depthmin = retour$depthmin
	depthmax = retour$depthmax
	named = retour$named

	#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
	ecart <- as.integer(depthmax) - as.integer(depthmin) + 1
	tmp <- double(length(pro) * ecart)

	#Call de la fonction en C
	.Call("SPLUSFS", gen@.Data, pro, length(pro), depthmin, depthmax, tmp, FALSE, specialsok = TRUE)
	#Construction de la matrice de retour
	dim(tmp) <- c(length(pro), ecart)
	dimnames(tmp) <- list(pro, NULL)
	tmp = drop(tmp)
	return(invisible(GLmulti(tmp, depth = as.integer(depthmin:depthmax))))

gen.genealogy = function(ped, autoComplete=FALSE, ...)#, check = 1)
	if(!(is(ped, "GLgen"))) {
	 if(dim(ped)[2]==4 && sum(colnames(ped)==c("X1","X2","X3","X4"))==4) {
	  print("No column names given. Assuming <ind>, <father>, <mother> and <sex>")
	  colnames(ped) <- c("ind", "father", "mother", "sex")
	 if(sum(c("ind","father","mother","sex") %in% colnames(ped)) < 4){
	  stop(paste(paste(c("ind","father","mother","sex")[grep(FALSE,c("ind","father","mother","sex") %in% colnames(ped))]),
	 		"not in table columns.",collapse=""))
	 if(autoComplete & !all(is.element(ped[ped[,"father"]!=0,"father"], ped[,"ind"]))) {
	 	pereManquant <- unique(ped[grep(FALSE, is.element(ped[,"father"], ped[,"ind"])),"father"])
	 	pereManquant <- pereManquant[-grep("^0$",pereManquant)]
	 	ajout <- matrix(c(pereManquant, rep(0, (2*length(pereManquant))), rep(1,length(pereManquant))), byrow=FALSE, ncol=4)
	 	colnames(ajout) <- colnames(ped)
	 	ped <- rbind(ped, ajout)
	 if(autoComplete & !all(is.element(ped[ped[,"mother"]!=0,"mother"], ped[,"ind"]))) {
	 	mereManquante <- unique(ped[grep(FALSE, is.element(ped[,"mother"], ped[,"ind"])),"mother"])
	 	mereManquante <- mereManquante[-grep("^0$",mereManquante)]
	 	ajout <- matrix(c(mereManquante, rep(0, (2*length(mereManquante))), rep(2,length(mereManquante))), byrow=FALSE, ncol=4)
	 	colnames(ajout) <- colnames(ped)
	 	ped <- rbind(ped, ajout)
	#if(length(check) != 1)	stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
	retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = ped, check = 1, ...)
	if(retour$erreur == TRUE)	stop(retour$messageErreur)
	gen = retour$gen

	tmp2 <- NULL
	if(!is.null(gen$sex)) {
		tmp <- factor(gen$sex, levels = c("H", "h", 1, "F", "f", 2))
		tmp2 <- as(tmp, "integer")
		tmp2[tmp2 == 2 | tmp2 == 3] <- 1
		tmp2[tmp2 == 4 | tmp2 == 5 | tmp2 == 6] <- 2
	n <- .Call("SPLUSCALLCreerObjetGenealogie", gen$ind, gen$father, gen$mother, tmp2)
	#Creation de l'objet Genealogie
	return(new("GLgen", .Data = n, Date = date()))

gen.lineages = function(ped, pro = 0, maternal = TRUE, ...)#, check = 1
	#Creation d'un objet GLgen avec toutes les ascendances
	gen = gen.genealogy(ped, ...) #check = check,
	#Validation des parametres gen et proband

	retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, check = c(3, 36))
	if(retour$erreur == TRUE)	stop(retour$messageErreur)
	gen = retour$gen
	pro = retour$pro

	#Si des sujets ne sont pas forces, par defaut les individuals n'ayant pas d'enfants sont selectionnes
	if(sum(pro == 0)) data.ind = gen.pro(gen) else data.ind = pro
	#Si c'est des lignees maternelles, les tous les peres sont mis a 0, sinon c'est les meres 
	if(maternal == TRUE) {
		ped$father = rep(0, length(ped$father))
#		output = "M"
	else {
		ped$mother = rep(0, length(ped$mother))
#		output = "F"
	#On cree un objet GLgen avec les meres ou les peres a 0
	genMouP = gen.genealogy(ped, ...) #, check = check
	lig.parent.lst = c(data.ind)
	#Pour toutes les depths, on prend les parents a partir des sujets
	for(i in 1:gen.depth(gen)) {
		data.ind = unlist(gen.parent(genMouP, data.ind))
		lig.parent.lst = c(lig.parent.lst, data.ind)
	#Du resultat, on extrait les individuals de la table d'ascendances qui sont presents
	gen = gen.genealogy(ped[(ped$ind %in% lig.parent.lst),  ], ...) #, check = check
	#Retourne l'objet GLgen de lignees

gen.genout = function(gen, sorted = FALSE)#, check = 1)
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, sorted = sorted, check = c(3, 4))
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE) stop(retour$messageErreur)
		gen = retour$gen
		sorted = retour$sorted
	#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll 
	#print(paste(" ? ",gen@.Data[9]))
	taille <- gen.noind(gen)
	v <- list(ind = integer(taille), father = integer(taille), mother = integer(taille), sex = integer(taille))

	#extern "C" void SPLUSOutgen
	#(long* genealogie, long* plRetIndividu,long* plRetPere,long* plRetMere,long* mustsort)
	#param <- list(Data=gen@.Data, ind=v$ind, father=v$father, mother=v$mother, sex=v$sex, sorted=sorted)
	#param = .Call("SPLUSOutgen", param, NAOK = T)
	param = .Call("SPLUSOutgen", gen@.Data, v$ind, v$father, v$mother, v$sex, sorted)
	v <- list(ind = param$ind, father = param$father, mother = param$mother, sex = param$sex)
	#Si le numero du sex (0 ou 1 )des individuals est present, on les change pour "H" ou "F"
	#if(v$sex[1] == -1) v <- v[1:3]
	#else 			v[[4]] <- factor(v[[4]], labels = c("H", "F"))

gen.implex = function(gen, pro = 0, genNo = -1, type = "MEAN", onlyNewAnc = FALSE, ...)#, check = 1 named = T, 
	#Validations des parametres 
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	if(is(gen, "vector"))
		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")
			#stop("Param\350tre '...' invalide : indication du nom des param\350tres 'pere' et 'mere' est obligatoire")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour <- gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, genNo = genNo, typecomp = type, named = TRUE, check = c(1,	5, 16, 17, 10))
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen <- retour$gen
		pro <- retour$pro
		genNo <- retour$genNo
		named <- retour$named
		type <- retour$typecomp
	#Les ancetres se repetent sur plusieurs generations
	#Si on veut les ancetres distincts par generation nouveaux ou pas la fonctionnalite utilisee sera differente
	if(onlyNewAnc == FALSE) fctApp <- GLPriv.implex3V else fctApp <- gen.implex3V
	#Les ancetres ne sont comptes qu'a leur 1ere apparition
	#Selon le type du calcul  
	#Calcule de l'implex par sujet 
	if(type == "IND" | type == "MEAN") {
		tableau = sapply(pro, function(x, gen, genNo, fctApp, named)
			fctApp(gen$ind, gen$father, gen$mother, pro = x, genNo = genNo, named = named)
		, gen = gen, genNo = genNo, fctApp = fctApp, named = named)
		if(is.null(dim(tableau))) tableau <- t(as.matrix(tableau))
		#Selon le resultat, on applique au tableau une operation de moyenne ou pas
		if(type == "MEAN")	tableau = data.frame(apply(tableau, 1, mean))
		#if(named == T)
		#dimnames(tableau)[[2]] <- "implex"
		names(tableau) <- "implex"
		if(type == "IND")	dimnames(tableau)[[2]] <- as.character(paste("Ind", as.character(pro)))
		dimnames(tableau)[[1]] <- as.character(genNo)
	else if(type == "ALL")
		return(fctApp(gen$ind, gen$father, gen$mother, pro = pro, genNo = genNo, named = named))

gen.implexVar = function(gen, pro = 0, onlyNewAnc = FALSE, genNo = -1, ...)# check = 1,named = T, 
	#Validation des parametres
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
#	if(bfacteurCorr == T)
#		if(sum(N) == 0)
#			stop("Correction factor must have a numerical population size value N")
	if(is(gen, "vector"))
		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")

	retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, genNo = genNo, named = TRUE, check = c(1, 5, 16, 10))
	if(retour$erreur == TRUE)	stop(retour$messageErreur)
	gen = retour$gen
	pro = retour$pro
	genNo = retour$genNo
	named = retour$named

	#Si on veut les ancetres distincts par generation nouveaux ou pas la fonctionnalite utilisee sera differente
	if(onlyNewAnc == FALSE) fctApp <- GLPriv.implex3V else fctApp <- gen.implex3V
	#Selon le type de donnees, le facteur de correction sera modifie en consequence
#	if(typeCorpus == "ECH") facteurCorr = length(pro)/(length(pro) - 1) else if(typeCorpus == "POP")
#		facteurCorr = 1
#	if(bfacteurCorr == T)
#		facteurCorr = (facteurCorr * (N - length(pro)))/N

	facteurCorr = 1
	tableau = sapply(pro, function(x, gen, fctApp, genNo, named) {
				fctApp(gen$ind, gen$father, gen$mother, pro = x, genNo = genNo, named = named)
			}, gen = gen, fctApp = fctApp, genNo = genNo, named = named)
	if(is.null(dim(tableau))) tableau <- t(as.matrix(tableau))
	tableau = data.frame(apply(tableau, 1, var) * facteurCorr)
	dimnames(tableau)[[1]] <- as.character(genNo)
	dimnames(tableau)[[2]] <- "implex.var"

#gen.max = function(gen, individuals, named = T, check = 1)
#	#On appel la fonction qui permet d'avoir
#	#le numero de generation de tout les individuals
#	dfData.numgen = gen.generation(gen, as.integer(individuals))
#	dfResult = as.data.frame(as.numeric(names(dfData.numgen))) #named.index.rowcol( dfData.numgen, "numeric")
#	dfResult[, 2] = dfData.numgen
#	dimnames(dfResult)[[2]] <- c("ind", "numgen")
#	return(dfResult)

gen.max = function(gen, individuals)#, check = 1) #, ancestors=0)named = T, 
	#if(length(check) != 1)	stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")

	retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, individuals = individuals, ancestors = 0, named = TRUE, check = c(3, 13, 10))
	if(retour$erreur == TRUE)	stop(retour$messageErreur)
	gen			= retour$gen
	individuals = retour$individuals
	named		= retour$named

	#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
	nPro = length(individuals)
	ret = integer(nPro)
	#extern "C"  void  SPLUSnumeroGen(long* Genealogie, long* lpProband, NProband, retour) 
	.Call("SPLUSnumeroGen", gen@.Data, as.integer(individuals), nPro, ret)
	names(ret) <- individuals

gen.min = function(gen, individuals)#, check = 1) #, ancestors=0)named = T, 
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, individuals = individuals, ancestors = 0, named = TRUE, check = c(3,13,10))
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen = retour$gen
		individuals = retour$individuals
		named = retour$named
	#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
	nPro = length(individuals)
	ret = integer(nPro)
	#extern "C"  void  SPLUSnumeroGen(long* Genealogie, long* lpProband, NProband, retour) 
	.Call("SPLUSnumGenMin", gen@.Data, as.integer(individuals), nPro, ret)
		names(ret) <- individuals

gen.mean = function(gen, individuals)#, check = 1) #, ancestors=0)named = T, 
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, individuals = individuals, ancestors = 0, named = TRUE, check = c(3,13,10))
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen = retour$gen
		individuals = retour$individuals
		named = retour$named
	#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
	nPro = length(individuals)
	ret = double(nPro)
	#extern "C"  void  SPLUSnumeroGen(long* Genealogie, long* lpProband, NProband, retour) 
	.Call("SPLUSnumGenMoy", gen@.Data, as.integer(individuals), nPro, ret)
		names(ret) <- individuals

gen.nochildren = function(gen, individuals)#, check = 1)#named = T, 
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, individuals = individuals, named = TRUE, check = c(3, 13, 10))
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen = retour$gen
		individuals = retour$individuals
		named = retour$named
	#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll		
	ret <- integer(length(individuals))
	#extern "C" void SPLUSChild(long* Genealogie, long* plProband,long* lNProband, long* retour)
	.Call("SPLUSChild", gen@.Data, individuals, length(individuals), ret, specialsok = TRUE)
		names(ret) <- individuals

gen.nowomen = function(gen)#, check = 1)
	#if(length(check) != 1)stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, check = 3)
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen = retour$gen
	if(gen@.Data[12] == -1) return(NA)
	return(gen@.Data[9] - gen@.Data[12])

gen.nomen = function(gen)#, check = 1)
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, check = 3)
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen = retour$gen
	if(gen@.Data[12] == -1) return(NA)

gen.noind = function(gen)#, check = 1)
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, check = c(3))
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen = retour$gen

gen.occ = function(gen, pro = 0, ancestors = 0, typeOcc = "IND", ...) # check = 1,
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	if(is(gen, "vector"))
		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")
			#stop("Param\350tre '...' invalide : indication du nom des param\350tres 'pere' et 'mere' est obligatoire")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen, pro = pro, ancestors = ancestors, check = c(1, 5, 11), ...)
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen = retour$gen
		pro = retour$pro
		ancestors = retour$ancestors
	#Les probands sont consideres individuellement
	#Les probands sont divises en groupe
	if(is(pro, "GLgroup")) {
		occurences <- matrix(0, nrow = length(ancestors), ncol = length(pro))
		for(i in 1:length(pro))
			occurences[, i] <- GLPrivOcc(gen, pro = pro[[i]], ancestors = ancestors)
		dimnames(occurences) <- list(ancestors, names(pro))
	else {
		occurences <- matrix(0, nrow = length(ancestors), ncol = length(pro))
		for(i in 1:length(pro))
			occurences[, i] <- GLPrivOcc(gen, pro = pro[i], ancestors = ancestors)
		dimnames(occurences) <- list(ancestors, pro)
		if(typeOcc == "IND")
		else if(typeOcc == "TOTAL") {
			dfResult.occtot = data.sum(as.data.frame(occurences))
			dimnames(dfResult.occtot)[[1]] <- dimnames(occurences)[[1]]
			dimnames(dfResult.occtot)[[2]] <- c("nb.occ")
			print("Please choose between \"IND\" and \"TOTAL\" for the variable typeOcc.")

gen.parent = function(gen, individuals, output = "FaMo", ...)#, check = 1
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	if(is(gen, "vector"))
		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")
			#stop("Param\350tre '...' invalide : indication du nom des param\350tres 'pere' et 'mere' est obligatoire")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, individuals = individuals, output = output, check = c(1, 13, 15), ...)
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen = retour$gen
		individuals = retour$individuals
		output = retour$output
	PositionProband = match(individuals, gen$ind)
	Meres <- gen$mother[PositionProband]
	Peres <- gen$father[PositionProband]
	Meres <- Meres[!is.na(Meres)]
	Peres <- Peres[!is.na(Peres)]
	Meres <- unique(Meres)
	Peres <- unique(Peres)
	if(output == "FaMo")
		return(list(Fathers=Peres[Peres > 0], Mothers=Meres[Meres > 0]))
	else if(output == "Fa")
		return(Peres[Peres > 0])
	else if(output == "Mo")
		return(Meres[Meres > 0])

#gen.phi = function(gen, pro = 0, nbgenerations = 0, print.it = F, named = T, check = 1)
#	if(length(check) != 1)
#		stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
#		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
#	#if(check == 1) {
#		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, nbgenerations = nbgenerations, print.it = print.it, named = 
#			named, check = c(3, 5, 19, 18, 10))
#		if(retour$erreur == T)
#			stop(retour$messageErreur)
#		if(length(retour$pro) < 2)
#			stop("Invalid 'pro' parameter: must be a numerical vector of at least 2 proband")
#			#stop("Param\350tre 'prop' invalide: doit \352tre un vecteur num\351rique de 2 proposants minimum")
#		gen = retour$gen
#		pro = retour$pro
#		nbgenerations = retour$nbgenerations
#		print.it = retour$print.it
#		named = retour$named
#	#}
#	#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
#	tmp <- double(length(pro) * length(pro))
#	#extern "C" void SPLUSPhiMatrix(long* Genealogie,long* proband, long *NProband,long *Niveau,double* pdRetour, long *printit)
#	#Call de la fonction en C
#	.Call("SPLUSPhiMatrix", gen@.Data, pro, length(pro), as.integer(nbgenerations), tmp, print.it, specialsok = T)
#	dim(tmp) <- c(length(pro), length(pro))
#	#if(named)
#		dimnames(tmp) <- list(pro, pro)
#	if(print.it) {
#		base <- c(deparse(substitute(gen)), deparse(substitute(pro)), nbgenerations)
#		header.txt <- paste("***   Calls : gen.phi (", base[1], ",", base[2], ",", base[3], ")  ***")
#		cat(header.txt, "\n")
#	}
#	return(invisible(tmp))

gen.phiOver = function(phiMatrix, threshold)
		return("erreur on doit avoir une matrice")
	n = dim(phiMatrix)[1]
	phiMatrix[phiMatrix >= 0.5] = 0
	phiMatrix[lower.tri(phiMatrix)] = 0
	ind = dimnames(phiMatrix)[[1]]
	indices = matrix(rep(1:n, each = n), n, n)
	ran = indices[phiMatrix >= threshold]
	col = t(indices)[phiMatrix >= threshold]
		ind = 1:n
	else ind = as.numeric(ind)
	data.frame(line = ran, column = col, pro1 = ind[ran], pro2 = ind[col], kinship = phiMatrix[phiMatrix >= threshold])

gen.phiMean = function(phiMatrix)#, check = 1)#named = T, 
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(matricephi = phiMatrix, named = TRUE, check = c(28, 10))
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		phiMatrix = retour$matricephi
		named = retour$named
	#Test pour accelerer la procedure
	if("matrix" %in% class(phiMatrix))
		mean(phiMatrix[phiMatrix < 0.5])
		GLapplyPhi(phiMatrix, function(x) mean(x[x < 0.5]), named = named)

#gen.phiMT = function(gen, pro = 0, nbgenerations = 0, print.it = F, named = T, check = 1)
#	if(length(check) != 1)
#		stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
#		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
#	#if(check == 1) {
#		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, nbgenerations = nbgenerations, print.it = print.it, named = named, check = c(3, 5, 19, 18, 10))
#		if(retour$erreur == T)
#			return(retour$messageErreur)
#		gen = retour$gen
#		pro = retour$pro
#		nbgenerations = retour$nbgenerations
#		print.it = retour$print.it
#		named = retour$named
#	#}
#	#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
#	tmp <- double(length(pro) * length(pro))
#	#extern "C" void SPLUSPhiMatrixMT(long* Genealogie,long* proband,long *NProband,long *Niveau,double* pdRetour, long *printit)
#	.Call("SPLUSPhiMatrixMT", gen@.Data, pro, length(pro), as.integer(nbgenerations), tmp, print.it, specialsok = T)
#	dim(tmp) <- c(length(pro), length(pro))
#	#if(named)
#		dimnames(tmp) <- list(pro, pro)
#	if(print.it) {
#		base <- c(deparse(substitute(gen)), deparse(substitute(pro)), nbgenerations)
#		header.txt <- paste("***   Calls : gen.phiMT (", base[1], ",", base[2], ",", base[3], ")  ***")
#		cat(header.txt, "\n")
#	}
#	return(invisible(tmp))

gen.phi = function(gen, pro, depthmin = (gen.depth(gen)-1), depthmax = (gen.depth(gen)-1), MT = FALSE)#, check = 1)#named = T, 
	#if(length(check) != 1)	stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
	if(missing(pro))		pro = gen.pro(gen)
	if( depthmin<0 | depthmin>(gen.depth(gen)-1) | depthmax<0 | depthmax>(gen.depth(gen)-1) )
		stop("depthmin and depthmax must be between 0 and (gen.depth(gen)-1)")
	retour = gen.detectionErreur( gen=gen, pro=pro, depthmin=depthmin, depthmax=depthmax, print.it=FALSE, named=TRUE, check=c(3,5,20,18,10))
	if(retour$erreur == TRUE)	stop(retour$messageErreur)

	gen		= retour$gen
	pro		= retour$pro
	depthmin	= retour$depthmin
	depthmax	= retour$depthmax
#	print.it	= retour$print.it
	named	= retour$named

	#a faire un peu plus tard
	if(MT) {
	  ecart <- as.integer(depthmax) - as.integer(depthmin) + 1
	  np <- length(pro)
	  npp <- length(pro) * length(pro)
	  #Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
	  rmatrix <- double(ecart * npp)
	  moyenne <- double(ecart)
	  .Call("SPLUSPhisMT", gen@.Data, pro, length(pro), as.integer(depthmin), as.integer(depthmax), moyenne, rmatrix, FALSE, specialsok=TRUE)
	else {
#	  depthmaxtmp = depthmax
#	  depthmintmp = depthmin
	  liste = list()
	  j = 1
	  for(i in depthmin:depthmax) {
		depthmintmp = i
		depthmaxtmp = i
		ecart <- as.integer(depthmaxtmp) - as.integer(depthmintmp) + 1
		np <- length(pro)
		#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
		npp <- length(pro) * length(pro)
		rmatrix <- double(ecart * npp)
		moyenne <- double(ecart)
		.Call("SPLUSPhis", gen@.Data, pro, length(pro), depthmintmp, depthmaxtmp, moyenne, rmatrix, print.it, specialsok = TRUE)
		dim(rmatrix) <- c(np, np, ecart)

		dimnames(rmatrix) <- list(pro, pro, NULL)
		rmatrix <- drop(rmatrix)
#		if(print.it) {
#			base <- c(deparse(substitute(gen)), deparse(substitute(pro)), depthmintmp, depthmaxtmp)
#			header.txt <- paste("***   Calls : gen.phis (", base[1], ",", base[2], ",", base[3], ",", base[4], ")  ***")
#			cat(header.txt, "\n")
#		}
		liste[[j]] = rmatrix
		j = j + 1
	  sortie.lst = c()
	  for(i in 1:length(liste))	sortie.lst = c(sortie.lst, liste[[i]])
	  ecart <- as.integer(depthmax) - as.integer(depthmin) + 1
	  np <- length(pro)
	  #Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
	  npp <- length(pro) * length(pro)
	  rmatrix <- double(ecart * npp)
	  rmatrix <- sortie.lst
	dim(rmatrix) <- c(np, np, ecart)

	dimnames(rmatrix) <- list(pro, pro, NULL)
	rmatrix <- drop(rmatrix)
	return(invisible(GLmulti(rmatrix, depth = as.integer(depthmin:depthmax))))
# print.it = F,
#gen.phis = function(gen, depthmin, depthmax, pro, named = T, check = 1)
#	if(length(check) != 1)	stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
#	if(missing(pro))		pro = gen.pro(gen)
#	retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen=gen,pro=pro,depthmin=depthmin,depthmax=depthmax,print.it=FALSE,named=named,check=c(3,5,20,18,10))
#	if(retour$erreur == T)	stop(retour$messageErreur)
#	gen		 = retour$gen
#	pro		 = retour$pro
#	depthmin = retour$depthmin
#	depthmax = retour$depthmax
##	print.it = retour$print.it
#	named	 = retour$named
#	#a faire un peu plus tard
#	depthmaxtmp = depthmax
#	depthmintmp = depthmin
#	liste = list()
#	j = 1
#	for(i in depthmintmp:depthmaxtmp) {
#		depthmin = i
#		depthmax = i
#		ecart <- as.integer(depthmax) - as.integer(depthmin) + 1
#		np <- length(pro)
#		#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
#		npp <- length(pro) * length(pro)
#		rmatrix <- double(ecart * npp)
#		moyenne <- double(ecart)
#		.Call("SPLUSPhis", gen@.Data, pro, length(pro), depthmin, depthmax, moyenne, rmatrix, print.it, specialsok = T)
#		dim(rmatrix) <- c(np, np, ecart)
#		dimnames(rmatrix) <- list(pro, pro, NULL)
#		rmatrix <- drop(rmatrix)
#		if(print.it) {
#			base <- c(deparse(substitute(gen)), deparse(substitute(pro)), depthmin, depthmax)
#			header.txt <- paste("***   Calls : gen.phis (", base[1], ",", base[2], ",", base[3], ",", base[4], ")  ***")
#			cat(header.txt, "\n")
#		}
#		liste[[j]] = rmatrix
#		j = j + 1
#	}
#	sortie.lst = c()
#	for(i in 1:length(liste))
#		sortie.lst = c(sortie.lst, liste[[i]])
#	ecart <- as.integer(depthmaxtmp) - as.integer(depthmintmp) + 1
#	np <- length(pro)
#	#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
#	npp <- length(pro) * length(pro)
#	rmatrix <- double(ecart * npp)
#	rmatrix <- sortie.lst
#	dim(rmatrix) <- c(np, np, ecart)
#	#if(named)
#		dimnames(rmatrix) <- list(pro, pro, NULL)
#	rmatrix <- drop(rmatrix)
#	return(invisible(GLmulti(rmatrix, depth = as.integer(depthmintmp:depthmaxtmp))))

#gen.phisMT = function(gen, depthmin, depthmax, pro, print.it = F, named = T, check = 1)
#	if(length(check) != 1)
#		stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
#		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
#	if(missing(pro))
#		pro = gen.pro(gen)
#	#if(check == 1) {
#		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, depthmin = depthmin, depthmax = depthmax, print.it = print.it,
#			named = named, check = c(3, 5, 20, 18, 10))
#		if(retour$erreur == T)
#			stop(retour$messageErreur)
#		gen = retour$gen
#		pro = retour$pro
#		depthmin = retour$depthmin
#		depthmax = retour$depthmax
#		print.it = retour$print.it
#		named = retour$named
#	#}
#	#a faire un peu plus tard
#	ecart <- as.integer(depthmax) - as.integer(depthmin) + 1
#	np <- length(pro)
#	npp <- length(pro) * length(pro)
#	#Structure necessaire pour emmagasiner le resultat la fonction de la dll
#	rmatrix <- double(ecart * npp)
#	moyenne <- double(ecart)
#	#extern "C" void SPLUSPhis(long* Genealogie,long* proband, long *NProband,long *NiveauMin,long *NiveauMax,double* pdRetour, double *MatrixArray, long *printit)
#	.Call("SPLUSPhisMT", gen@.Data, pro, length(pro), as.integer(depthmin), as.integer(depthmax), moyenne, rmatrix, print.it, specialsok = T)
#	dim(rmatrix) <- c(np, np, ecart)
#	#if(named)
#		dimnames(rmatrix) <- list(pro, pro, NULL)
#	rmatrix <- drop(rmatrix)
#	if(print.it) {
#		base <- c(deparse(substitute(gen)), deparse(substitute(pro)), depthmin, depthmax)
#		header.txt <- paste("***   Calls : gen.phis (", base[1], ",", base[2], ",", base[3], ",", base[4], ")  ***")
#		cat(header.txt, "\n")
#	}
#	return(invisible(GLmulti(rmatrix, depth = as.integer(depthmin:depthmax))))

gen.depth = function(gen)

gen.pro = function(gen, ...) #, check = 1
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	if(is(gen, "vector"))
		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")
			#stop("Param\350tre '...' invalide : indication du nom des param\350tres 'pere' et 'mere' est obligatoire")
	#print("genPro : 1e verifications faites")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, check = 1, ...)
		gen = retour$gen
	#print(paste("gen.pro post",length(gen$ind)))
	#print(paste("gen.pro post",length(gen$father)))
	#print(paste("gen.pro post",length(gen$mother)))
	#print(paste("gen.pro post",length(gen$sex)))
	return(sort(gen$ind[is.na(match(gen$ind, c(gen$father, gen$mother)))]))

gen.rec = function(gen, pro = 0, ancestors = 0, ...) #, check = 1
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
	if(is(gen, "vector"))
		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")
			#stop("Param\350tre '...' invalide : indication du nom des param\350tres 'pere' et 'mere' est obligatoire")
	#if(check == 1) {
		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, ancestors = ancestors, check = c(1, 5, 11), ...)
		if(retour$erreur == TRUE)
		gen = gen.genealogy(retour$gen)#, check = 0)
		pro = retour$pro
		ancestors = retour$ancestors
	if(is(pro, "GLgroup")) {
		nombreAncetre <- length(ancestors)
		nombreGroupe <- length(pro)
		rec <- matrix(0, nrow = nombreAncetre, ncol = nombreGroupe)
		for(i in 1:nombreGroupe) {
			contr <- t(gen.gc(gen, pro[[i]], ancestors))
			rec[, i] <- (contr > 0) %*% rep(1, dim(contr)[2])
		dimnames(rec) <- list(ancestors, names(pro))
	else {
		contr <- t(gen.gc(gen, pro, ancestors))
		recouv <- (contr > 0) %*% rep(1, dim(contr)[2])

gen.meangendepthVar = function(gen, pro = 0, type = "MEAN", ...)#, check = 1, named = T, 
	#Validation des parametres
	#if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
	if(is(gen, "vector"))
		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")

	retour <- gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, typecomp = type, check = c(1, 5, 17))
	if(retour$erreur == TRUE)	stop(retour$messageErreur)
	gen <- retour$gen
	pro <- retour$pro
	type <- retour$typecomp

	if(type == "IND") {# | type == "MOYSUJETS") {
		tableau <- sapply(pro, function(x, gen, pro, genNo, T)
		GLPriv.variance3V(gen$ind, gen$father, gen$mother, pro = x), gen = gen, pro = pro)
		tableau <- data.frame(tableau)
#		if(type == "MOYSUJETS") {
#			tableau <- data.frame(apply(tableau, 2, mean))
#			dimnames(tableau)[[1]] <- "Mean.Exp.Gen.Depth"
#		}
		if(type == "IND")
			dimnames(tableau)[[1]] <- as.character(paste("Ind", as.character(pro)))
		dimnames(tableau)[[2]] <- "Mean.Gen.Depth"
	else if(type == "MEAN")
		return(GLPriv.variance3V(gen$ind, gen$father, gen$mother, pro = pro))

#gen.entropyVar2 = function(gen, pro = 0, typeCorpus = "ECH", bfacteurCorr = F, N = NULL, check = 1, ...)
#	#Validation des parametres
#	if(length(check) != 1) stop("Invalid 'check' parameter: choices are 0 or 1")
#		#stop("Param\350tre 'check' invalide: les choix disponibles sont 0 et 1")
#	if(bfacteurCorr == T)
#		if(sum(N) == 0)
#			stop("Correction factor must have a numerical population size value N")
#			#stop("Le facteur de correction doit avoir une valeur num\351rique N taille de la population")
#	if(is(gen, "vector"))
#		if(length(list(...)) != 2)
#			stop("Invalid '...' parameter : 'father' and 'mother' parameter names are obligatory")
#			#stop("Param\350tre '...' invalide : indication du nom des param\350tres 'pere' et 'mere' est obligatoire")
#	#if(check == 1) {
#		retour = gen.detectionErreur(gen = gen, pro = pro, check = c(1, 5))
#		if(retour$erreur == T)
#			stop(retour$messageErreur)
#		gen = retour$gen
#		pro = retour$pro
#	#}
#	tableau = sapply(pro, function(x, gen)
#	GLPriv.variance3V(gen$ind, gen$father, gen$mother, pro = x), gen = gen)
#	if(typeCorpus == "ECH")
#		facteurCorr = length(pro)/(length(pro) - 1)
#	else if(typeCorpus == "POP")
#		facteurCorr = 1
#	if(bfacteurCorr == T)
#		facteurCorr = (facteurCorr * (N - length(pro)))/N
#	tableau = data.frame(tableau)
#	tableau = data.frame(apply(tableau, 2, var) * facteurCorr)
#	dimnames(tableau)[[1]] <- "Prof.varEntropie.var"
#	dimnames(tableau)[[2]] <- "Prof.varEntropie.var"
#	return(tableau)

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