concat: Concat Concatenates separated time series

concatR Documentation

Concat Concatenates separated time series


The aim of this code is to provide, from a set of multiple time series, a single concatenated time series for applying the global modeling technique to all the time time series in association.


concat(svrlTS, winL = 9)



All separated time series.


Total number of points used for computing the derivatives of the input time series. This parameter will be used as an input in function drvSucc to compute the derivatives.


concaTS The concatenated time series.


Sylvain Mangiarotti, Mireille Huc


S. Mangiarotti, F. Le Jean, M. Huc & C. Letellier, 2016. Global modeling of aggregated and associated chaotic dynamics, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 83, 82-96.


# load data
# Concatenate the data set into a single time series
winL = 55
concaTS <- concat(svrlTS, winL = winL)
# Plot the concatenated time series
plot(concaTS$sglTS$TS[,1], concaTS$sglTS$TS[,2],
     main = 'Concatenated time series',
     xlab = 'Time (concatenated)', ylab = 'y(t)',
     type = 'l', col = 'gray')
lines(concaTS$sglTS$TS[concaTS$sglTS$W == 1,1],
      concaTS$sglTS$TS[concaTS$sglTS$W == 1,2], type = 'p', col = 'green', cex = 0.5)
lines(concaTS$sglTS$TS[concaTS$sglTS$W == 0,1],
      concaTS$sglTS$TS[concaTS$sglTS$W == 0,2], type = 'p', col = 'red', cex = 0.5)
lines(concaTS$sglTS$TS[,1], concaTS$sglTS$W, type = 'l')

# The concatenated data set can be used for global modelling:
GPout1 <- gPoMo(data = concaTS$sglTS$TS[,2], tin = concaTS$sglTS$TS[,1],
                dMax = 2, nS = 3, winL = winL, weight = concaTS$sglTS$W, show = 1,
                IstepMin = 10, IstepMax = 6000, nPmin = 11, nPmax = 11, method = 'rk4')

GPoM documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:23 p.m.