
Defines functions GaussSuppressionFromData

Documented in GaussSuppressionFromData

#' Cell suppression from input data containing inner cells
#' Aggregates are generated followed by 
#' primary suppression followed by 
#' secondary suppression by Gaussian elimination by \code{\link[SSBtools]{GaussSuppression}} 
#' The supplied functions for generating \code{\link[SSBtools]{GaussSuppression}} input takes the following arguments: 
#' `crossTable`,  `x`, `freq`, `num`, `weight`, `maxN`, `protectZeros`, `secondaryZeros`, `data`, `freqVar`, `numVar`, `weightVar`, `charVar`, `dimVar` 
#' `aggregatePackage`, `aggregateNA`, `aggregateBaseOrder`, `rowGroupsPackage`, and `...`. 
#' where the two first are  \code{\link[SSBtools]{ModelMatrix}} outputs (`modelMatrix` renamed to `x`).
#' The vector, `freq`, is aggregated counts (`t(x) %*% data[[freqVar]]`).
#' In addition, the supplied `singleton` function also takes `nUniqueVar` and (output from) `primary` as input.
#' Similarly, `num`, is a data frame of aggregated numerical variables.   
#' It is possible to supply several primary functions joined by `c`, e.g. (`c(FunPrim1, FunPrim2)`). 
#' All `NA`s returned from any of the functions force the corresponding cells not to be primary suppressed.
#' The effect of `maxN` , `protectZeros` and `secondaryZeros` depends on the supplied functions where these parameters are used. 
#' Their default values are inherited from the default values of the first `primary` function (several possible) or, 
#' in the case of `secondaryZeros`, the `candidates` function.   
#' When defaults cannot be inherited, they are set to `NULL`.   
#' In practice the function `formals` are still used to generate the defaults when `primary` and/or `candidates` are not functions. 
#' Then `NULL` is correctly returned, but `suppressWarnings` are needed.
#' Singleton handling can be turned off by `singleton = NULL` or `singletonMethod = "none"`. 
#' Both of these choices are identical in the sense that `singletonMethod` is set to `"none"` whenever `singleton` is `NULL` and vice versa.
#' Information about uncertain primary suppressions due to forced cells can be found 
#' as described by parameters `unsafeInOutput` and `output`  (`= "all"`). 
#' When forced cells affect singleton problems, this is not implemented. 
#' Some information can be seen from warnings. 
#' This can also be seen by choosing `output = "secondary"` together 
#' with `unsafeInOutput = "ifany"` or `unsafeInOutput = "always"`. 
#' Then, negative indices from \code{\link[SSBtools]{GaussSuppression}} using 
#' `unsafeAsNegative = TRUE` will be included in the output. 
#' Singleton problems may, however, be present even if it cannot be seen as warning/output. 
#' In some cases, the problems can be detected by \code{\link{GaussSuppressDec}}. 
#' In some cases, cells that are forced, hidden, or primary suppressed can overlap.
#' For these situations, forced has precedence over hidden and primary. 
#' That is, if a cell is both forced and hidden, it will be treated as a forced cell and thus published.
#' Similarly, any primary suppression of a forced cell will be ignored 
#' (see parameter `whenPrimaryForced` to \code{\link[SSBtools]{GaussSuppression}}).
#' It is, however, meaningful to combine primary and hidden. 
#' Such cells will be protected while also being assigned the `NA` value in the `suppressed` output variable.
#' @param data 	  Input data as a data frame
#' @param dimVar The main dimensional variables and additional aggregating variables. This parameter can be  useful when hierarchies and formula are unspecified. 
#' @param freqVar A single variable holding counts (name or number).
#' @param numVar  Other numerical variables to be aggregated 
#' @param weightVar weightVar Weights (costs) to be used to order candidates for secondary suppression
#' @param charVar Other variables possibly to be used within the supplied functions
#' @param hierarchies List of hierarchies, which can be converted by \code{\link[SSBtools]{AutoHierarchies}}.
#'        Thus, the variables can also be coded by `"rowFactor"` or `""`, which correspond to using the categories in the data.
#' @param formula A model formula
#' @param maxN Suppression parameter. Cells with frequency `<= maxN` are set as primary suppressed.   
#'        Using the default `primary` function, `maxN` is by default set to `3`. See details.
#' @param protectZeros Suppression parameter. 
#'        When `TRUE`, cells with zero frequency or value are set as primary suppressed. 
#'        Using the default `primary` function, `protectZeros` is by default set to `TRUE`. See details.
#' @param secondaryZeros Suppression parameter. 
#'        When `TRUE`, cells with zero frequency or value are prioritized to be published so that they are not secondary suppressed.
#'        Using the default `candidates` function, `secondaryZeros` is by default set to `FALSE`. 
#'        See details.
#' @param candidates GaussSuppression input or a function generating it (see details) Default: \code{\link{CandidatesDefault}}
#' @param primary    GaussSuppression input or a function generating it (see details) Default: \code{\link{PrimaryDefault}}
#' @param forced     GaussSuppression input or a function generating it (see details)
#' @param hidden     GaussSuppression input or a function generating it (see details)
#' @param singleton  GaussSuppression input or a function generating it (see details) Default: \code{\link{SingletonDefault}}
#' @param singletonMethod \code{\link[SSBtools]{GaussSuppression}} input. The default value depends on parameter `secondaryZeros` which depends on `candidates` (see details).   
#' @param printInc        \code{\link[SSBtools]{GaussSuppression}} input
#' @param output One of `"publish"` (default), `"inner"`, `"publish_inner"`, `"publish_inner_x"`, `"publish_x"`, 
#'                      `"inner_x"`, `"input2functions"` (input to supplied functions),
#'                      `"inputGaussSuppression"`, `"inputGaussSuppression_x"`, 
#'                      `"outputGaussSuppression"`  `"outputGaussSuppression_x"`,
#'                      `"primary"`,  `"secondary"` and `"all"`.
#'               Here "inner" means input data (possibly pre-aggregated) and 
#'               "x" means dummy matrix (as input parameter x).   
#'               All input to and output from \code{\link[SSBtools]{GaussSuppression}}, except `...`, are returned when `"outputGaussSuppression_x"`. 
#'               Excluding x and only input are also possible.
#'               The code `"all"` means all relevant output after all the calculations.
#'               Currently, this means the same as `"publish_inner_x"` extended with the matrices (or NULL) `xExtraPrimary`  and `unsafe`. 
#'               The former matrix is usually made by \code{\link{KDisclosurePrimary}}.
#'               This latter matrix contains the columns representing unsafe primary suppressions. 
#'               In addition to `x` columns corresponding to unsafe in ordinary output (see parameter `unsafeInOutput` below), 
#'               possible columns from  `xExtraPrimary` may also be included in the unsafe matrix (see details). 
#' @param x `x` (`modelMatrix`) and `crossTable` can be supplied as input instead of generating it from  \code{\link[SSBtools]{ModelMatrix}}
#' @param crossTable See above.  
#' @param preAggregate When `TRUE`, the data will be aggregated within the function to an appropriate level. 
#'        This is defined by the dimensional variables according to `dimVar`, `hierarchies` or `formula` and in addition `charVar`.
#' @param extraAggregate When `TRUE`, the data will be aggregated by the dimensional variables according to `dimVar`, `hierarchies` or `formula`.
#'                       The aggregated data and the corresponding x-matrix will only be used as input to the singleton 
#'                       function and \code{\link[SSBtools]{GaussSuppression}}. 
#'                       This extra aggregation is useful when parameter `charVar` is used.
#'                       Supply `"publish_inner"`, `"publish_inner_x"`, `"publish_x"` or `"inner_x"` as `output` to obtain extra aggregated results.
#'                       Supply `"inner"` or `"input2functions"` to obtain other results. 
#' @param structuralEmpty  When `TRUE`, output cells with no contributing inner cells (only zeros in column of `x`) 
#'                         are forced to be not primary suppressed. 
#'                         Thus, these cells are considered as structural zeros. 
#'                         When `structuralEmpty` is `TRUE`, the following error message is avoided: 
#'                         `Suppressed` `cells` `with` `empty` `input` `will` `not` `be` `protected.` 
#'                         `Extend` `input` `data` `with` `zeros?`.    
#'                         When `removeEmpty` is `TRUE` (see "`...`" below), `structuralEmpty` is superfluous    
#' @param extend0  Data is automatically extended by `Extend0` when `TRUE`.
#'                 Can also be set to `"all"` which means that input codes in hierarchies are considered in addition to those in data.   
#'                 Parameter `extend0` can also be specified as a list meaning parameter `varGroups` to `Extend0`. 
#' @param spec `NULL` or a named list of arguments that will act as default values.
#' @param specLock When `TRUE`, arguments in `spec` cannot be changed.       
#' @param freqVarNew Name of new frequency variable generated when input `freqVar` is NULL and `preAggregate` is TRUE.  
#'                   Default is `"freq"` provided this is not found in `names(data)`.    
#' @param nUniqueVar Name of variable holding the number of unique contributors.
#'                   This variable will be generated in the `extraAggregate` step.
#'                   Default is `"nUnique"` provided this is not found in `names(data)`.
#'                   If an existing variable is passed as input, 
#'                   this variable will apply only when `preAggregate`/`extraAggregate` is not done.
#' @param  forcedInOutput Whether to include `forced` as an output column.      
#'               One of `"ifNonNULL"` (default), `"always"`, `"ifany"` and `"no"`. 
#'               In addition, `TRUE` and `FALSE` are allowed as alternatives to  `"always"` and `"no"`.   
#' @param  unsafeInOutput Whether to include `usafe` as an output column.
#'               One of `"ifForcedInOutput"` (default), `"always"`, `"ifany"` and `"no"`. 
#'               In addition, `TRUE` and `FALSE` are allowed as alternatives to  `"always"` and `"no"`.
#'               see details. 
#' @param  lpPackage 
#'  * **`lpPackage`:**
#'                   When non-NULL, intervals by \code{\link{ComputeIntervals}} 
#'                   will be included in the output.
#'                   See its documentation for valid parameter values for 'lpPackage'.
#'                   If, additionally, at least one of the two \code{\link{RangeLimitsDefault}} parameters below is specified, 
#'                   further suppression will be performed to satisfy the interval width requirements.
#'        Then, the values in the output variable `suppressed_integer` means: 
#'                   no suppression (0), 
#'                   primary suppression (1), 
#'                   secondary suppression (2), 
#'                   additional suppression applied by an interval algorithm limited to linearly independent cells (3), 
#'                   and further suppression according to the final gauss algorithm (4).
#'        Intervals, `[lo_1, up_1]`, are intervals calculated prior to additional suppression.         
#'    * **`rangePercent`:** Required interval width expressed as a percentage
#'    * **`rangeMin`:** Minimum required width of the interval
#'                   Please note that interval calculations may have a 
#'                   different interface in future versions.
#' @param aggregatePackage Package used to preAggregate/extraAggregate. 
#'                         Parameter `pkg` to \code{\link[SSBtools]{aggregate_by_pkg}}.
#' @param aggregateNA Whether to include NAs in the grouping variables while preAggregate/extraAggregate. 
#'                    Parameter `include_na` to \code{\link[SSBtools]{aggregate_by_pkg}}.
#' @param aggregateBaseOrder Parameter `base_order` to \code{\link[SSBtools]{aggregate_by_pkg}},
#'                           used when preAggregate/extraAggregate. 
#'                           The parameter does not affect the ordering of ordinary output. 
#'                           Therefore, the default is set to `FALSE` to avoid unnecessary sorting operations.  
#'                           The parameter will have impact when, e.g `output = "inner"`.
#' @param rowGroupsPackage Parameter `pkg` to \code{\link[SSBtools]{RowGroups}}.
#'               The parameter is input to \code{\link[SSBtools]{Formula2ModelMatrix}} 
#'               via \code{\link[SSBtools]{ModelMatrix}}. 
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to the supplied functions and to \code{\link[SSBtools]{ModelMatrix}} (such as `inputInOutput` and `removeEmpty`).
#' @return Aggregated data with suppression information
#' @export
#' @importFrom SSBtools GaussSuppression ModelMatrix Extend0 NamesFromModelMatrixInput SeqInc aggregate_by_pkg
#' @importFrom Matrix crossprod as.matrix
#' @importFrom stats aggregate as.formula delete.response terms
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
#' @importFrom methods hasArg
#' @author Øyvind Langsrud and Daniel Lupp
#' @examples
#' z1 <- SSBtoolsData("z1")
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(z1, 1:2, 3)
#' z2 <- SSBtoolsData("z2")
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(z2, 1:4, 5, protectZeros = FALSE)
#' # Data as in GaussSuppression examples
#' df <- data.frame(values = c(1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 0, 0, 0, 7, 7), 
#'                  var1 = rep(1:3, each = 5), var2 = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"))
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(df, c("var1", "var2"), "values")
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(df, c("var1", "var2"), "values", formula = ~var1 + var2, maxN = 10)
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(df, c("var1", "var2"), "values", formula = ~var1 + var2, maxN = 10,
#'       protectZeros = TRUE, # Parameter needed by SingletonDefault and default not in primary  
#'       primary = function(freq, crossTable, maxN, ...) 
#'                    which(freq <= maxN & crossTable[[2]] != "A" & crossTable[, 2] != "C"))
#' # Combining several primary functions 
#' # Note that NA & c(TRUE, FALSE) equals c(NA, FALSE)                      
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(df, c("var1", "var2"), "values", formula = ~var1 + var2, maxN = 10, 
#'        primary = c(function(freq, maxN, protectZeros = TRUE, ...) freq >= 45,
#'                    function(freq, maxN, ...) freq <= maxN,
#'                    function(crossTable, ...) NA & crossTable[[2]] == "C",  
#'                    function(crossTable, ...) NA & crossTable[[1]]== "Total" 
#'                                                 & crossTable[[2]]== "Total"))                    
#' # Similar to GaussSuppression examples
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(df, c("var1", "var2"), "values", formula = ~var1 * var2, 
#'        candidates = NULL, singleton = NULL, protectZeros = FALSE, secondaryZeros = TRUE)
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(df, c("var1", "var2"), "values", formula = ~var1 * var2, 
#'        singleton = NULL, protectZeros = FALSE, secondaryZeros = FALSE)
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(df, c("var1", "var2"), "values", formula = ~var1 * var2, 
#'        protectZeros = FALSE, secondaryZeros = FALSE)
#' # Examples with zeros as singletons
#' z <- data.frame(row = rep(1:3, each = 3), col = 1:3, freq = c(0, 2, 5, 0, 0, 6:9))
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(z, 1:2, 3, singleton = NULL) 
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(z, 1:2, 3, singletonMethod = "none") # as above 
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(z, 1:2, 3)
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(z, 1:2, 3, protectZeros = FALSE, secondaryZeros = TRUE, singleton = NULL)
#' GaussSuppressionFromData(z, 1:2, 3, protectZeros = FALSE, secondaryZeros = TRUE)      
GaussSuppressionFromData = function(data, dimVar = NULL, freqVar=NULL, 
                                    numVar = NULL, 
                                    weightVar = NULL, charVar = NULL, #  freqVar=NULL, numVar = NULL, name
                                    hierarchies = NULL, formula = NULL,
                           maxN = suppressWarnings(formals(c(primary)[[1]])$maxN), 
                           protectZeros = suppressWarnings(formals(c(primary)[[1]])$protectZeros), 
                           secondaryZeros = suppressWarnings(formals(candidates)$secondaryZeros),
                           candidates = CandidatesDefault,
                           primary = PrimaryDefault,
                           forced = NULL,
                           hidden = NULL,
                           singleton = SingletonDefault,
                           singletonMethod = ifelse(secondaryZeros, "anySumNOTprimary", "anySum"),
                           printInc = TRUE,
                           output = "publish", x = NULL, crossTable = NULL,
                           preAggregate = is.null(freqVar),
                           extraAggregate = preAggregate & !is.null(charVar), 
                           structuralEmpty = FALSE, 
                           extend0 = FALSE,
                           spec = NULL,
                           specLock = FALSE, 
                           freqVarNew = rev(make.unique(c(names(data), "freq")))[1],
                           nUniqueVar = rev(make.unique(c(names(data), "nUnique")))[1],
                           forcedInOutput = "ifNonNULL",
                           unsafeInOutput = "ifForcedInOutput",
                           lpPackage = NULL, 
                           aggregatePackage = "base",
                           aggregateNA = TRUE,
                           aggregateBaseOrder = FALSE,
                           rowGroupsPackage = aggregatePackage 
  if (!is.null(spec)) {
    if (is.call(spec)) {
      spec <- eval(spec)
    if (is.list(spec)) {
      if (length(names(spec)[!(names(spec) %in% c("", NA))]) == length(spec)) {
        sysCall <- match.call()  #  sys.call() is similar to match.call, but does not expand the argument name (needed here)
        sysCall[["spec"]] <- NULL
        names_spec <- names(spec)
        names_spec_in_names_sysCall <- names_spec %in% names(sysCall)
        specLock <- any(c(specLock, spec[["specLock"]]))
        if (specLock) {
          if (any(names_spec_in_names_sysCall)) {
            stop(paste("Non-allowed argument(s) due to specLock:", paste(names_spec[names_spec_in_names_sysCall], collapse = ", ")))
        } else {
          names_spec <- names_spec[!names_spec_in_names_sysCall]
        sysCall[names_spec] <- spec[names_spec]
        parentFrame <- parent.frame()
        return(eval(sysCall, envir = parentFrame))
    stop("spec must be a properly named list")
  # Possible development function as input
  # Special temporary feature 
  if (is.function(output)) {
    OutputFunction <- output
    output <- "publish"
  } else {
    if (!is.null(lpPackage)) {
      if (!require(lpPackage, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop(paste0("Package '", lpPackage, "' is not available."))
      if (hasArg(rangePercent) | hasArg(rangeMin)) {
        # if (!(hasArg(rangePercent) & hasArg(rangeMin))) {
        #   stop("Both rangePercent and rangeMin must be specified, not just one of them.")
        # }
        OutputFunction <- OutputFixRiskyIntervals
      } else {
        OutputFunction <- OutputIntervals
    } else {
      OutputFunction <- NULL
  if(!(output %in% c("publish", "inner", "publish_inner", "publish_inner_x", "publish_x", "inner_x", "input2functions", 
                     "inputGaussSuppression", "inputGaussSuppression_x", "outputGaussSuppression", "outputGaussSuppression_x",
                     "primary", "secondary", "all")))
    stop('Allowed values of parameter output are "publish", "inner", "publish_inner", "publish_inner_x", "publish_x", "inner_x", "input2functions",
         "inputGaussSuppression", "inputGaussSuppression_x", "outputGaussSuppression", "outputGaussSuppression_x",
                     "primary", "secondary", "all")')
  innerReturn <- output %in% c("inner", "publish_inner", "publish_inner_x", "inner_x", "all")

  if (length(singletonMethod)) { # Default is logical(0) when secondaryZeros is NULL
    if (all(singletonMethod == "none")) {
      singleton <- NULL
  if (is.null(singleton)) {
    singletonMethod <- "none"
  if (!length(singletonMethod)) {
    stop("A value of singletonMethod is required.")
  if (is.logical(forcedInOutput)) {
    if (forcedInOutput) {
      forcedInOutput <- "always"
    } else {
      forcedInOutput <- "no"
  if (is.logical(unsafeInOutput)) {
    if (unsafeInOutput) {
      unsafeInOutput <- "always"
    } else {
      unsafeInOutput <- "no"
  # Trick to ensure missing defaults transferred to NULL. Here is.name a replacement for rlang::is_missing.
  if (is.name(maxN)) maxN <- NULL
  if (is.name(protectZeros)) protectZeros <- NULL
  if (is.name(secondaryZeros)) secondaryZeros <- NULL
  if (structuralEmpty) {
    if (!is.function(c(primary)[[1]])) {  # Also handle non-function input 
      primary_values <- primary
      primary <- function(...) primary_values
    primary <- c(primary, function(x, ...) NA & colSums(x) == 0)
  extend0all <- FALSE
  if (is.list(extend0)) {
    varGroups <- extend0
    extend0 <- TRUE
  } else {
    varGroups <- NULL
    if (is.character(extend0)) {
      if (extend0 == "all") {
        extend0all <- TRUE
        extend0 <- TRUE
      } else {
        stop('extend0 must be "all" when supplied as character') 
  dimVar <- names(data[1, dimVar, drop = FALSE])
  freqVar <- names(data[1, freqVar, drop = FALSE])
  numVar <- names(data[1, numVar, drop = FALSE])
  weightVar <- names(data[1, weightVar, drop = FALSE])
  charVar <- names(data[1, charVar, drop = FALSE])
  if (preAggregate | extraAggregate){
    if(nUniqueVar %in% names(data)){
      warning("nUniqueVar in input data ignored when preAggregate/extraAggregate")
  if (extend0 | preAggregate | extraAggregate | innerReturn | (is.null(hierarchies) & is.null(formula) & !length(dimVar))) {
    if (printInc & preAggregate) {
      cat("[preAggregate ", dim(data)[1], "*", dim(data)[2], "->", sep = "")
    dVar <- NamesFromModelMatrixInput(hierarchies = hierarchies, formula = formula, dimVar = dimVar)
    if (!length(dVar)) {
      freqPlusVarName <- c(freqVar, numVar, weightVar, charVar)
      if (!length(freqPlusVarName)) {
        dVar <- names(data)
      } else {
        dVar <- names(data[1, !(names(data) %in% freqPlusVarName), drop = FALSE])
    dVar <- unique(dVar)
    if (!length(dimVar)){
      dimVar <- dVar
    if (preAggregate) {
      if (!length(freqVar)) {
        freqVar <- freqVarNew
        data[[freqVar]] <- 1L # entire data.frame is copied into memory when adding 1s. Improve?  
      # data <- aggregate(data[unique(c(freqVar, numVar, weightVar))], data[unique(c(dVar, charVar))], sum)
      data <- aggregate_by_pkg(
        data = data,
        by = unique(c(dVar, charVar)),
        var = unique(c(freqVar, numVar, weightVar)),
        pkg =  aggregatePackage,
        include_na = aggregateNA,
        fun = sum,
        base_order = aggregateBaseOrder)
      if (printInc) {
        cat(dim(data)[1], "*", dim(data)[2], "]\n", sep = "")
    } else {
      ### START ### preliminary hack to include sWeightVar in SuppressDominantCells
      MoreVars = function(sWeightVar = character(0), ...){
      data <- data[unique(c(dVar, charVar, freqVar, numVar, weightVar, MoreVars(...)))]
      ### END ###  preliminary hack
      # data <- data[unique(c(dVar, charVar, freqVar, numVar, weightVar))]
  if (extend0) {
    if (printInc) {
      cat("[extend0 ", dim(data)[1], "*", dim(data)[2], "->", sep = "")
    # Capture possible avoidHierarchical argument to Formula2ModelMatrix
    if (!is.null(formula) & is.null(hierarchies)) {
      AH <- function(avoidHierarchical = FALSE, ...){avoidHierarchical}
      avoidHierarchical <- AH(...)
    } else {
      avoidHierarchical <- FALSE
    # To keep hierarchical = FALSE in Extend0 when !is.null(hierarchies):  AutoHierarchies needed first  when unnamed elements in hierarchies  
    # AutoHierarchies needed also when extend0all
    if (!is.null(hierarchies)) {
      if (is.null(names(hierarchies))) names(hierarchies) <- rep(NA, length(hierarchies))
      toFindDimLists <- (names(hierarchies) %in% c(NA, "")) & (sapply(hierarchies, is.character))  # toFindDimLists created exactly as in AutoHierarchies
    } else {
      toFindDimLists <- FALSE # sum is 0 below
    if (!is.null(hierarchies) & is.null(varGroups) & (sum(toFindDimLists) | extend0all)) {
      data = Extend0fromHierarchies(data, freqName = freqVar, hierarchies = hierarchies, 
                                    dimVar = dVar, extend0all = extend0all, ...)
      hierarchies <- data$hierarchies
      data <- data$data 
    } else {
      data <- Extend0(data, freqName = freqVar, dimVar = dVar,  varGroups = varGroups, extraVar = TRUE, 
                      hierarchical = !avoidHierarchical & is.null(hierarchies))
    if (printInc) {
      cat(dim(data)[1], "*", dim(data)[2], "]\n", sep = "")
    attr(data, "freqVar") <- freqVar
    attr(data, "weightVar") <- weightVar
    attr(data, "numVar") <- numVar

  if (output == "inner") {
  if (is.null(x)) {
    if (is.null(formula) & is.null(hierarchies)) {
      x <- SSBtools::ModelMatrix(data[, dimVar, drop = FALSE], crossTable = TRUE, rowGroupsPackage = rowGroupsPackage, ...)
    } else {
      x <- SSBtools::ModelMatrix(data, hierarchies = hierarchies, formula = formula, crossTable = TRUE, rowGroupsPackage = rowGroupsPackage, ...)
    crossTable <- as.data.frame(x$crossTable)  # fix i ModelMatrix 
    x <- x$modelMatrix
  if (output == "inner_x") {
    return(list(inner = data, x = x))
  if (!length(freqVar)) {
    freq <- NULL
  } else {
    freq <- as.vector(as.matrix(crossprod(x, as.matrix(data[, freqVar, drop = FALSE]))))
  if (!length(numVar)) {
    num <- NULL
  } else {
    num <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(crossprod(x, as.matrix(data[, numVar, drop = FALSE]))))
  if (!length(weightVar)) {
    weight <- NULL
  } else {
    weight <- as.vector(as.matrix(crossprod(x, as.matrix(data[, weightVar, drop = FALSE]))))
  if (output == "input2functions")           return(list(crossTable = crossTable, x = x, freq = freq, num = num, weight = weight, maxN = maxN, protectZeros = protectZeros, secondaryZeros = secondaryZeros, data = data, freqVar = freqVar, numVar = numVar, weightVar = weightVar, charVar = charVar, dimVar = dimVar, aggregatePackage = aggregatePackage, aggregateNA = aggregateNA, aggregateBaseOrder = aggregateBaseOrder, rowGroupsPackage = rowGroupsPackage, ...))
  if (is.function(candidates)) candidates <-  candidates(crossTable = crossTable, x = x, freq = freq, num = num, weight = weight, maxN = maxN, protectZeros = protectZeros, secondaryZeros = secondaryZeros, data = data, freqVar = freqVar, numVar = numVar, weightVar = weightVar, charVar = charVar, dimVar = dimVar, aggregatePackage = aggregatePackage, aggregateNA = aggregateNA, aggregateBaseOrder = aggregateBaseOrder, rowGroupsPackage = rowGroupsPackage, ...)
  if (is.function(primary) | is.list(primary))  
               primary <-     Primary(primary = primary, crossTable = crossTable, x = x, freq = freq, num = num, weight = weight, maxN = maxN, protectZeros = protectZeros, secondaryZeros = secondaryZeros, data = data, freqVar = freqVar, numVar = numVar, weightVar = weightVar, charVar = charVar, dimVar = dimVar, aggregatePackage = aggregatePackage, aggregateNA = aggregateNA, aggregateBaseOrder = aggregateBaseOrder, rowGroupsPackage = rowGroupsPackage, ...)
               if (output == "primary") return(primary)
  if (is.function(forced))         forced <-      forced(crossTable = crossTable, x = x, freq = freq, num = num, weight = weight, maxN = maxN, protectZeros = protectZeros, secondaryZeros = secondaryZeros, data = data, freqVar = freqVar, numVar = numVar, weightVar = weightVar, charVar = charVar, dimVar = dimVar, aggregatePackage = aggregatePackage, aggregateNA = aggregateNA, aggregateBaseOrder = aggregateBaseOrder, rowGroupsPackage = rowGroupsPackage, ...)
  if (is.function(hidden))         hidden <-      hidden(crossTable = crossTable, x = x, freq = freq, num = num, weight = weight, maxN = maxN, protectZeros = protectZeros, secondaryZeros = secondaryZeros, data = data, freqVar = freqVar, numVar = numVar, weightVar = weightVar, charVar = charVar, dimVar = dimVar, aggregatePackage = aggregatePackage, aggregateNA = aggregateNA, aggregateBaseOrder = aggregateBaseOrder, rowGroupsPackage = rowGroupsPackage, ...)

    if (printInc) {
      cat("[extraAggregate ", dim(data)[1], "*", dim(data)[2], "->", sep = "")
    uniqueCharVar <- charVar[!(charVar %in% dVar)]
    if (length(uniqueCharVar)) {
      if (length(uniqueCharVar) == 1) {
        funA <- function(x) x[1]
      } else {
        funA <- function(x) {
          if (all(x == x[1])) {
      charData <- aggregate_by_pkg(
        data = data,
        by = unique(dVar),
        var = uniqueCharVar,
        pkg =  aggregatePackage,
        include_na = aggregateNA,
        fun = funA,
        base_order = aggregateBaseOrder) 
    data[[nUniqueVar]] <- 1L
    #data <- aggregate(data[unique(c(freqVar, numVar, weightVar, nUniqueVar))], data[unique(dVar)], sum) 
    data <- aggregate_by_pkg(
      data = data,
      by = unique(dVar),
      var = unique(c(freqVar, numVar, weightVar, nUniqueVar)),
      pkg =  aggregatePackage,
      include_na = aggregateNA,
      fun = sum,
      base_order = aggregateBaseOrder) 
    if (printInc) {
      cat(dim(data)[1], "*", dim(data)[2], "] ", sep = "")
      attr(data, "freqVar") <- freqVar
      attr(data, "weightVar") <- weightVar
      attr(data, "numVar") <- numVar
    if (is.null(formula) & is.null(hierarchies)) {
      xExtra <- SSBtools::ModelMatrix(data[, dimVar, drop = FALSE], crossTable = TRUE, rowGroupsPackage = rowGroupsPackage, ...)
    } else {
      xExtra <- SSBtools::ModelMatrix(data, hierarchies = hierarchies, formula = formula, crossTable = TRUE, rowGroupsPackage = rowGroupsPackage, ...)
    if (printInc) {
      cat("Checking .")
    if (length(uniqueCharVar)) {
      if (printInc) {
      if (!isTRUE(all.equal(data[unique(dVar)], charData[unique(dVar)]))) {
        stop("dim variables not equal")
      data[uniqueCharVar] <- charData[uniqueCharVar]
      if (length(uniqueCharVar) == 1) {    # already NA when length(uniqueCharVar) > 1
        data[uniqueCharVar][data[[nUniqueVar]] > 1, ] <- NA  # uniqueCharVar created as the first row is ok when the first row is the only row
    if (printInc) {
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(crossTable, as.data.frame(xExtra$crossTable)))){
      stop("crossTables not equal")
    x <- xExtra$modelMatrix
  #if (is.function(singleton))   singleton <-   singleton(crossTable = crossTable, x = x, freq = freq, num = num, weight = weight, maxN = maxN, protectZeros = protectZeros, secondaryZeros = secondaryZeros, data = data, freqVar = freqVar, numVar = numVar, weightVar = weightVar, charVar = charVar, dimVar = dimVar, primary = primary, ...)
  m <- ncol(x)
  if (is.null(candidates)) candidates <- 1:m
  freq_ <- freq
  num_ <- num
  weight_ <- weight 
  if (is.null(freq)) freq <- matrix(0, m, 0)
  if (is.null(num)) num <- matrix(0, m, 0)
  if (is.null(weight)) weight <- matrix(0, m, 0)
    if (printInc) {
      as.matrix(crossprod(x, as.matrix(data[, c(freqVar, numVar, weightVar), drop = FALSE]))), 
      as.matrix(cbind(freq, num, weight)),
      check.attributes = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)))
      warning("(freq, num, weight) all not equal when checked by all.equal")
    if (printInc) {
  # hack
    if (!is.null(primary$numExtra)) {
      num <- cbind(num, primary$numExtra)
    xExtraPrimary <- primary$xExtraPrimary
    primary <- primary[[1]]
  } else {
    xExtraPrimary <- NULL
  if (!is.null(xExtraPrimary) & extraAggregate) {
    stop("Combination of xExtraPrimary and extraAggregate is not implemented")
  if (is.function(singleton)){   
    singleton <-   singleton(crossTable = crossTable, x = x, 
                             freq = freq_, num = num_, weight = weight_, 
                             maxN = maxN, protectZeros = protectZeros, secondaryZeros = secondaryZeros, 
                             data = data, freqVar = freqVar, numVar = numVar, weightVar = weightVar, 
                             charVar = charVar, dimVar = dimVar, 
                             nUniqueVar = nUniqueVar, primary = primary, 
                             aggregatePackage = aggregatePackage, 
                             aggregateNA = aggregateNA, 
                             aggregateBaseOrder = aggregateBaseOrder, 
                             rowGroupsPackage = rowGroupsPackage, ...)
    if (!is.logical(forced)) {   # logical allowed in  SSBtools::GaussSuppression
      if (length(forced)) {
        if (min(forced) < 0 | max(forced) > m) {
          stop("forced input outside range")
      forcedA <- rep(FALSE, m)
      forcedA[forced] <- TRUE
      forced <- forcedA
    } else {
      if(length(forced) != m){
        stop("wrong length of forced")

    return(list(candidates = candidates, primary = primary, forced = forced, hidden = hidden, singleton = singleton, singletonMethod = singletonMethod, printInc = printInc, xExtraPrimary = xExtraPrimary, x = x))
    return(list(candidates = candidates, primary = primary, forced = forced, hidden = hidden, singleton = singleton, singletonMethod = singletonMethod, printInc = printInc, xExtraPrimary = xExtraPrimary))
  if( output %in% c("outputGaussSuppression", "outputGaussSuppression_x", "secondary")){
  # To calls to avoid possible error:  argument "whenEmptyUnsuppressed" matched by multiple actual arguments 
  if(hasArg("whenEmptyUnsuppressed") | !structuralEmpty){
    secondary <- GaussSuppression(x = x, candidates = candidates, primary = primary, forced = forced, hidden = hidden, singleton = singleton, singletonMethod = singletonMethod, printInc = printInc, xExtraPrimary = xExtraPrimary, 
                                  unsafeAsNegative = TRUE, ...)
  } else {
    secondary <- GaussSuppression(x = x, candidates = candidates, primary = primary, forced = forced, hidden = hidden, singleton = singleton, singletonMethod = singletonMethod, printInc = printInc, whenEmptyUnsuppressed = NULL, xExtraPrimary = xExtraPrimary, 
                                  unsafeAsNegative = TRUE, ...)
  # Use of special temporary feature
  if (!is.null(OutputFunction)) {
    environment(OutputFunction) <- environment()
  if (output == "secondary") {
    if (unsafeInOutput %in% c("ifany", "always")) {
    } else {
      return(secondary[secondary > 0])
  unsafePrimary <- -secondary[secondary < 0]
  secondary <- secondary[secondary > 0]
    return(list(secondary = secondary, candidates = candidates, primary = primary, forced = forced, hidden = hidden, singleton = singleton, singletonMethod = singletonMethod, printInc = printInc, xExtraPrimary = xExtraPrimary, x = x))
    return(list(secondary = secondary, candidates = candidates, primary = primary, forced = forced, hidden = hidden, singleton = singleton, singletonMethod = singletonMethod, printInc = printInc, xExtraPrimary = xExtraPrimary))
  suppressed <- rep(FALSE, m)
  suppressed[primary] <- TRUE
  primary <- suppressed
  suppressed[secondary] <- TRUE
  suppressed[hidden] <- NA
  suppressed[forced] <- FALSE
  if (length(freq)) {
    freq <- matrix(freq)
    colnames(freq) <- freqVar
  if (length(weight)) {
    weight <- matrix(weight)
    colnames(weight) <- weightVar
  if (ncol(num)) {
    colnames_num_in_fw <- colnames(num) %in% c(freqVar, weightVar)
    if (any(colnames_num_in_fw)) {
      num <- num[, !colnames_num_in_fw, drop = FALSE]
  forcedInOut <- NA
  if (is.null(forced)) {
    if (forcedInOutput == "always") {
      forced <- rep(FALSE, m)
      forcedInOut <- TRUE
    } else {
      forcedInOut <- FALSE
  } else {
    if (forcedInOutput == "always") {
      forcedInOut <- TRUE
    if (forcedInOutput == "ifNonNULL") {
      forcedInOut <- TRUE
    if (forcedInOutput == "ifany") {
      forcedInOut <- any(forced)
    if (forcedInOutput == "no") {
      forcedInOut <- FALSE
  if (is.na(forcedInOut)) {
    warning('Wrong forcedInOutput input treated as "ifNonNULL"')
    forcedInOut <- TRUE
  unsafeInOut <- NA
  if (unsafeInOutput == "ifForcedInOutput") {
    unsafeInOut <- forcedInOut
  if (unsafeInOutput == "always") {
    unsafeInOut <- TRUE
  if (unsafeInOutput == "ifany") {
    unsafeInOut <- length(unsafePrimary) > 0
  if (unsafeInOutput == "no") {
    unsafeInOut <- FALSE
  if (is.na(unsafeInOut)) {
    warning('Wrong unsafeInOutput input treated as "ifForcedInOutput"')
    unsafeInOut <- forcedInOut
  if (unsafeInOut) {
    unsafe <- rep(FALSE, m)
    unsafe[unsafePrimary[unsafePrimary <= m]] <- TRUE
    if (any(unsafe & !primary)) {
      warning("Calculation of unsafe failed. Non-primary found.")
    unsafe <- matrix(unsafe)
    colnames(unsafe) <- "unsafe"
  } else {
    unsafe <- matrix(0, m, 0)
  if (forcedInOut) {
    forced <- matrix(forced)
    colnames(forced) <- "forced"
  } else {
    forced <- matrix(0, m, 0)
  publish <- cbind(as.data.frame(crossTable), freq, num, weight, primary = primary, forced, unsafe, suppressed = suppressed)
  rownames(publish) <- NULL
  startCol <- attr(x, "startCol", exact = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(startCol)) {
    attr(publish, "startRow") <- startCol
  attr(publish, "totCode") <- FindTotCode2(x, crossTable)
  if(output == "all"){
    if( length(unsafePrimary) > 0){
      unsafe = x[, unsafePrimary[unsafePrimary <= m], drop = FALSE] # reuse object name unsafe here
      if(any(unsafePrimary > m) & !is.null(xExtraPrimary)){
        unsafePxEx = unsafePrimary[unsafePrimary > m] - m
        unsafePxEx = unsafePxEx[unsafePxEx <= ncol(xExtraPrimary)]
        unsafe = cbind(unsafe, xExtraPrimary[, unsafePxEx, drop = FALSE])
    } else {
      unsafe = NULL
    return(list(publish = publish, inner = data, x = x, xExtraPrimary = xExtraPrimary, unsafe = unsafe))
  if (output == "publish_inner_x") {
    return(list(publish = publish, inner = data, x = x))
  if (output == "publish_inner") {
    return(list(publish = publish, inner = data))
  if (output == "publish_x") {
    return(list(publish = publish, x = x))

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GaussSuppression documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.