
Defines functions ReadInfo ReadSimass ReadDescription ReadSubass ReadOptpar ReadPmsf ReadUpdate ReadForcKey ReadAllsim ReadPointSourceData ReadMgmtData ReadLakeData ReadGlacierData ReadFloodData ReadDamData ReadCropData ReadBranchData ReadOutregions ReadAquiferData ReadObs ReadTimeOutput ReadMapOutput ReadGeoData ReadBasinOutput ReadGeoClass ReadClassData

Documented in ReadAllsim ReadAquiferData ReadBasinOutput ReadBranchData ReadClassData ReadCropData ReadDamData ReadDescription ReadFloodData ReadForcKey ReadGeoClass ReadGeoData ReadGlacierData ReadInfo ReadLakeData ReadMapOutput ReadMgmtData ReadObs ReadOptpar ReadOutregions ReadPmsf ReadPointSourceData ReadSimass ReadSubass ReadTimeOutput ReadUpdate

#   Collection of HYPE file import functions, herein:
#     - ReadClassData()
#     - ReadGeoClass()
#     - ReadBasinOutput()
#     - ReadXobs()
#     - ReadGeoData()
#     - ReadPar()
#     - ReadMapOutput()
#     - ReadTimeOutput()
#     - ReadPTQobs()
#     - HypeDataImport: 
#         ReadLakeData(), ReadDamData(), ReadMgmtData(), ReadAquiferData(), ReadPointSourceData(), ReadGlacierData(), 
#         ReadCropData(), ReadBranchData()
#     - ReadPmsf()
#     - ReadAllsim()
#     - ReadOptpar()
#     - ReadSubass()
#     - ReadDescription()
#     - ReadSimass()
#     - ReadInfo()

# ReadClassData

#' Read a 'ClassData.txt' File
#' This is a convenience wrapper function to import a ClassData file as data frame into R. ClassData files contain definitions
#' of SLC (\bold{S}oil and \bold{L}and use \bold{C}rop) classes in five to 15 predefined columns, see 
#' \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:classdata.txt}{ClassData.txt documentation}.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the ClassData file to import. Windows users: Note that 
#' Paths are separated by '/', not '\\'. 
#' @param encoding Character string, encoding of non-ascii characters in imported text file. Particularly relevant when 
#' importing files created under Windows (default encoding "Latin-1") in Linux (default encoding "UTF-8") and vice versa. See 
#' also argument description in \code{\link[data.table]{fread}}.
#' @param verbose Print information on number of data columns in imported file.
#' @details
#' \code{ReadClassData} is a convenience wrapper function of \code{\link[data.table]{fread}}, with treatment of leading 
#' comment rows. Column names are created on import, optional comment rows are imported as strings in \code{attribute} 'comment'. 
#' Optional inline comments (additional non-numeric columns) are automatically identified and imported along with data columns. 
#' @return
#' \code{ReadClassData} returns a data frame with added attribute 'comment'.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{ReadGeoClass}}
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadClassData(filename = system.file("demo_model", "ClassData.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom dplyr rename_with
#' @export

ReadClassData <- function(filename = "ClassData.txt", encoding = c("unknown", "UTF-8", "Latin-1"), verbose = TRUE) { 
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  # identify comment rows, lines starting with '!' at the top of the file
  gf <- file(description = filename, open = "r")
  cm <- TRUE
  skip <- 0
  while (cm) {
    te <- substr(readLines(gf, n = 1), 1, 1)
    if (te == "!") {
      skip <- skip + 1
    } else {
      cm <- FALSE
  # read in the data in the file, skipping the comments and header
  x <- fread(filename, header = TRUE, skip = skip, fill = TRUE, data.table = FALSE, encoding = encoding) %>%
  # Specify mandatory columns
  mandatory_cols <- c("CLASS", "LANDUSE", "SOILTYPE", "STREAMDEPTH", "DEPTHSL1")
  # Check that all mandatory columns are included
  if(any(!mandatory_cols %in% colnames(x))){
    warning(paste("Missing mandatory columns:", mandatory_cols[which(!mandatory_cols %in% colnames(x))]))
  # update with new attributes to hold comment rows
  attr(x, which = "comment") <- readLines(filename, n = skip, encoding = ifelse(encoding == "Latin-1", "latin1", encoding))
  # check if all data columns are numeric, with a useful warning
  if (!all(apply(x[, 1:ncol(x)], 2, is.numeric))) {
    warning("Non-numeric contents in data columns of imported file.")
  if (verbose) {
    message(paste(ncol(x), "data columns in imported file."))

# ReadGeoClass

#' Read a 'GeoClass.txt' File
#' This is a convenience wrapper function to import a GeoClass file as data frame into R. GeoClass files contain definitions
#' of SLC (\bold{S}oil and \bold{L}and use \bold{C}rop) classes in twelve to 14 predefined columns, see 
#' \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:geoclass.txt}{GeoClass.txt documentation}.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the GeoClass file to import. Windows users: Note that 
#' Paths are separated by '/', not '\\'. 
#' @param encoding Character string, encoding of non-ascii characters in imported text file. Particularly relevant when 
#' importing files created under Windows (default encoding "Latin-1") in Linux (default encoding "UTF-8") and vice versa. See 
#' also argument description in \code{\link[data.table]{fread}}.
#' @param verbose Print information on number of data columns in imported file.
#' @details
#' \code{ReadGeoClass} is a convenience wrapper function of \code{\link[data.table]{fread}}, with treatment of leading 
#' comment rows. Column names are created on import, optional comment rows are imported as strings in \code{attribute} 'comment'. 
#' Optional inline comments (additional non-numeric columns) are automatically identified and imported along with data columns. 
#' @return
#' \code{ReadGeoClass} returns a data frame with added attribute 'comment'.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{ReadClassData}}
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadGeoClass(filename = system.file("demo_model", "GeoClass.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @export

ReadGeoClass <- function(filename = "GeoClass.txt", encoding = c("unknown", "UTF-8", "Latin-1"), verbose = TRUE) { 
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  # identify comment rows, lines starting with '!' at the top of the file
  gf <- file(description = filename, open = "r")
  cm <- TRUE
  skip <- 0
  while (cm) {
    te <- substr(readLines(gf, n = 1), 1, 1)
    if (te == "!") {
      skip <- skip + 1
    } else {
      cm <- FALSE
  # read in the data in the file, skipping the comments and header
  x <- fread(filename, header = FALSE, skip = skip, fill = TRUE, data.table = FALSE, encoding = encoding)
  ## identify number of soil layers in the file
  # number of columns, data and comments
  ncl <- ncol(x)
  # conditional on number of columns: check if 13 and 14 (depth2 and depth3) are numeric
  if (ncl <= 12) {
    # only depth1, all columns should contain data
    ndcl <- ncl
    # something is amiss..
    if (ncl < 12) {
      warning(paste(ncl, "columns in imported file. GeoClass files need at least 12 columns."))
  } else {
    # at least 13 columns in file
    if (!is.numeric(x[, 13])) {
      # column 13 is a comment column, further columns are also comments
      ndcl <- 12
    } else if (ncl >= 14) {
      if (!is.numeric(x[, 14])) {
        # column 14 is a comment column, further columns are also comments
        ndcl <- 13
      } else {
        # cols 13 and 14 are data columns
        ndcl <- 14
    } else {
      # remaining case, exactly 13 columns, 13th is depth2
      ndcl <- 13
  # add data column names
  names(x)[1:ndcl] <- c("slc", "landuse", "soil", "cropid1", "cropid2", "rotation", "vegtype", "special", "tiledepth", 
                      "streamdepth", "nsoils", "depth1", "depth2", "depth3")[1:ndcl]
  # add comment column names, if any
  if (ncl > ndcl) {
    names(x)[(ndcl + 1):ncl] <- paste0("comment", 1:(ncl-ndcl))
  # update with new attributes to hold comment rows
  attr(x, which = "comment") <- readLines(filename, n = skip, encoding = ifelse(encoding == "Latin-1", "latin1", encoding))
  # check if all data columns are numeric, with a useful warning
  if (!all(apply(x[, 1:ndcl], 2, is.numeric))) {
    warning("Non-numeric contents in data columns of imported file.")
  if (verbose) {
    message(paste(ndcl, "data columns in imported file."))

# ReadBasinOutput

#' Read a Basin Output File
#' This is a convenience wrapper function to import a basin output file as data frame or matrix into R.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the basin output file to import. Windows users: Note that 
#' Paths are separated by '/', not '\\'.
#' @param dt.format Date-time \code{format} string as in \code{\link{strptime}}. Incomplete format strings for monthly 
#' and annual values allowed, e.g. '\%Y'. If set to \code{NULL}, no date-time conversion will be attempted and the column will
#' be imported as \code{character}, applicable e.g. for files containing just one row of summary values over the model period.
#' @param type Character, keyword for data type to return. \code{"df"} to return a standard data frame, \code{"dt"} to 
#' return a \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} object, or \code{"hmv"} to return a \code{\link{HypeMultiVar}} array. 
#' @param id Integer, SUBID or OUTREGID of the imported sub-basin or outregion results. If \code{NULL} (default), the function attempts to read this 
#' from the imported file's name, which only works for standard HYPE basin output file names or any where the first 7 digits 
#' give the SUBID or OUTREGID with leading zeros. See details.
#' @param warn.nan Logical, check if imported results contain any \code{NaN} values. If \code{TRUE} and \code{NaN}s are found, 
#' a warning is thrown and affected SUBIDs saved in an attribute \code{subid.nan}. Adds noticeable overhead to import time for large files.
#' @details
#' \code{ReadBasinOutput} is a convenience wrapper function of \code{\link[data.table]{fread}} from package 
#' [data.table::data.table], with conversion of date-time strings to
#' POSIX time representations. Monthly and annual time steps are returned as first day of the time step period.
#' HYPE basin output files can contain results for a single sub-basin or for a user-defined output region. \code{ReadBasinOutput} checks HYPE 
#' variable names (column headers in imported file) for an "RG"-prefix. If it is found, the ID read from either file name or argument 
#' \code{id} is saved to attribute \code{outregid}, otherwise to attribute \code{subid}.
#' @return
#' \code{ReadBasinOutput} returns a \code{data.frame}, [data.table::data.table], or a \code{\link{HypeMultiVar}} array. 
#' Data frames and data tables contain additional \code{\link{attributes}}: \code{hypeunit}, a vector of HYPE variable units, 
#' \code{subid} and \code{outregid}, the HYPE SUBID/OUTREGID to which the time series belong (both attributes always created and assigned \code{NA} 
#' if not applicable to data contents), \code{timestep} with a time step keyword attribute, and \code{comment} with contents of an optional 
#' first-row comment (\code{NA} otherwise). An additional attribute \code{subid.nan} might be returned, see argument \code{warn.nan}.

#' @note
#' For the conversion of date/time strings, time zone "UTC" is assumed. This is done to avoid potential daylight saving time 
#' side effects when working with the imported data (and possibly converting to string representations during the process).
#' HYPE results are printed to files using a user-specified accuracy. This accuracy is specified in 'info.txt' as a number of 
#' decimals to print. If large numbers are printed, this can result in a total number of digits which is too large to print. 
#' Results will then contain values of '****************'. \code{ReadBasinOutput} will convert those cases to 'NA' entries.
#' Current versions of HYPE allow for defining significant numbers of digits instead of fixed ones, which should prevent this 
#' issue from arising.
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadBasinOutput(filename = system.file("demo_model",
#' "results", "0003587.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom stats na.fail
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export

ReadBasinOutput <- function(filename, dt.format = "%Y-%m-%d", type = c("df", "dt", "hmv"), id = NULL, warn.nan = FALSE) {
  # handling output type user choice
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (type == "df") {
    d.t <- FALSE
  } else {
    d.t <- TRUE
  # check if metadata comment row exists
  te <- readLines(filename, n = 1)
  if (substr(te, 1, 1) == "!") {
    mc <- 1
    cmt <- substr(te, 3, nchar(te))
  } else {
    mc <- 0
    cmt <- ""
  # read header with variable names
  nm <- toupper(strsplit(readLines(filename, n = 1 + mc)[1 + mc],split = "\t")[[1]])
  # import data
  x <- fread(filename, 
             na.strings = c("-9999", "****************", "-1.0E+04", "-1.00E+04", "-9.999E+03", "-9.9990E+03", 
                            "-9.99900E+03", "-9.999000E+03", "-9.9990000E+03", "-9.99900000E+03", "-9.999000000E+03"), 
             skip = 2 + mc, sep = "\t", header = FALSE, data.table = d.t, colClasses = c("character", rep("numeric", length(nm) - 1)))      
  # check if results are region outputs and update header with HYPE variable names
  if (all(substr(nm[-1], 1, 2) == "RG")) {
    reg.out <- TRUE
    nm[-1] <- substr(nm[-1], 3, 100)
  } else {
    reg.out <- FALSE
  names(x) <- nm
  ## Date string handling, conditional on import format (HYPE allows for matlab or posix type, without or with hyphens),
  ## handles errors which might occur if the date string differs from the specified format, on error, strings are returned.
  # if user-requested, hop over date-time conversion
  if (!is.null(dt.format)) {
    # convert to posix string if possible, catch failed attempts with error condition and return string unchanged
    # conditional on class of imported data (different syntax for data.table)
    if (is.data.table(x)) {
      if (dt.format == "%Y-%m") {
        xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(x[["DATE"]], "-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")
        x[, .data$DATE := tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
          print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[["DATE"]])})]
      } else if (dt.format == "%Y%m") {
        xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(x[["DATE"]], "-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")
        x[, .data$DATE := tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
          print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[["DATE"]])})]
      } else if (dt.format == "%Y") {
        xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(x[["DATE"]], "-01-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")
        x[, .data$DATE := tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
          print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[["DATE"]])})]
      } else {
        xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(x[["DATE"]], format = dt.format), tz = "UTC")
        x[, .data$DATE := tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
          print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[["DATE"]])})]
    } else {
      if (dt.format == "%Y-%m") {
        xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(x[, 1], "-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")
        x[, 1] <- tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
          print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[, 1])})
      } else if (dt.format == "%Y%m") {
        xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(x[, 1], "-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")
        x[, 1] <- tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
          print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[, 1])})
      } else if (dt.format == "%Y") {
        xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(x[, 1], "-01-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")
        x[, 1] <- tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
          print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[, 1])})
      } else {
        xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(x[, 1], format = dt.format), tz = "UTC")
        x[, 1] <- tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
          print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[, 1])})
  } else {
    # dummy date vector as there is always one needed in timestep attribute derivation below
    xd <- NA
  ## extract attributes to hold hype variable units and SUBID/OUTREGID
  munit <- readLines(filename, n = 2 + mc)[2 + mc]
  munit <- strsplit(munit, split = "\t")[[1]][-1]
  # subid/outregid conditional on user argument
  if (is.null(id)) {
    sbd <- strsplit(filename, "/")[[1]]
    sbd <- as.integer(substr(sbd[length(sbd)], start = 1, stop = 7))
    #as.integer(gsub("[[:alpha:][:punct:]]", "", sbd[length(sbd)]))
  } else {
    sbd  <- id
  # conditional: timestep attribute identified by difference between first two entries
  tdff <- as.numeric(difftime(xd[2], xd[1], units = "hours"))
  if (!is.na(tdff)) {
    if (tdff == 24) {
      tstep <- "day"
    } else if (tdff == 168) {
      tstep <- "week"
    } else if (tdff %in% c(744, 720, 696, 672)) {
      tstep <- "month"
    } else if (tdff %in% c(8760, 8784)) {
      tstep <- "year"
    } else {
      tstep <- paste(tdff, "hour", sep = "")
  } else {
    # add timestep attribute with placeholder value
    tstep <- "unknown"
  # check for existence of NaN values
  if (warn.nan) {
    te <- apply(as.data.frame(x[, -1]), 2, function(x) any(is.nan(x)))
    if (any(te)) {
      warning("'NaN' values found in one or more SUBIDs. SUBIDs saved in attribute 'subid.nan'.")
      attr(x, "subid.nan") <- sbd[te]
  # conditional on user choice: output formatting
  if (type %in% c("dt", "df")) {
    # update with new attributes
    hypeunit(x) <- munit
    timestep(x) <- tstep
    comment(x) <- cmt
    variable(x) <- toupper(names(x)[-1])
    if (reg.out) {
      outregid(x) <- sbd
      subid(x) <- NA
    } else {
      outregid(x) <- NA
      subid(x) <- sbd
  } else {
    ## HypeMultiVar formatting
    hvar <- toupper(names(x)[-1])
    # remove dates
    x <- x[, !"DATE", with = FALSE]
    # convert to array (straigtht conversion to array gives error, therefore intermediate matrix)
    x <- as.array(as.matrix(x))
    # adding 'iteration' dimension
    dim(x) <- c(dim(x), 1)
    # construct HypeMultiVar array, conditional on subid/outregid contents
    if (reg.out) {
      x <- HypeMultiVar(x = x, datetime = xd, hype.var = hvar, outregid = sbd, hype.comment = cmt, hype.unit = munit)
    } else {
      x <- HypeMultiVar(x = x, datetime = xd, hype.var = hvar, subid = sbd, hype.comment = cmt, hype.unit = munit)

# ReadXobs

#' Read an 'Xobs.txt' file
#' This is a convenience wrapper function to import an Xobs file into R.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the Xobs file to import. Windows users: Note that 
#' Paths are separated by '/', not '\\'. 
#' @param dt.format Date-time \code{format} string as in \code{\link{strptime}}. 
#' @param variable Character vector, HYPE variable ID(s) to select for import. Not case-sensitive. If \code{NULL} (default), all 
#' variables are imported. See \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:xobs.txt}{Xobs.txt documentation} 
#' for a list of variable IDs.
#' @param nrows Integer, number of rows to import. A value of \code{-1} indicates all rows, a positive integer gives 
#' the number of rows to import.
#' @param verbose Logical, throw warning if class \code{HypeXobs}'s attribute \code{timestep} cannot be computed.
#' @details
#' \code{ReadXobs} is a convenience wrapper function of \code{\link[data.table]{fread}} from package  
#' [data.table::data.table], 
#' with conversion of date-time strings to POSIX time representations. Variable names, SUBIDs, comment, and timestep are returned as 
#' attributes (see \code{\link{attr}} on how to access these).
#' Duplicated variable-SUBID combinations are not allowed in HYPE Xobs files, and the function will throw a warning if any are found.
#' @return
#' If datetime import to POSIXct worked, \code{ReadXobs} returns a \code{\link{HypeXobs}} object, a data frame with four 
#' additional attributes \code{variable}, \code{subid}, \code{comment}, and \code{timestep}: \code{variable} 
#' and \code{subid} each contain a vector with column-wise HYPE IDs (first column with date/time information omitted). 
#' \code{comment} contains the content of the Xobs file comment row as single string. \code{timestep} contains a keyword string.
#' Column names of the returned data frame are composed of variable names and SUBIDs, separated by an underscore, 
#' i.e. \code{[variable]_[subid]}. If datetime conversion failed on import, the returned object is a data frame 
#' (i.e. no class \code{HypeXobs}).
#' @note
#' For the conversion of date/time strings, time zone "UTC" is assumed. This is done to avoid potential daylight saving time 
#' side effects when working with the imported data (and e.g. converting to string representations during the process).
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadXobs(filename = system.file("demo_model", "Xobs.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom stats na.fail
#' @export

ReadXobs <- function (filename = "Xobs.txt", dt.format="%Y-%m-%d", variable = NULL, nrows = -1L, verbose = if (nrows %in% 0:2) FALSE else TRUE) {
  ## import xobs file header, extract attributes
  # import (3-row header)
  xattr <- readLines(filename,n=3)
  # 1st row, comment
  # split string elements along tabs, returns list of character vectors, enc2utf to catch problems with unknown encoding 
  cmt <- strsplit(enc2utf8(xattr[1]), split = "\t")[[1]]
  # remove empty strings (excel export artefacts)
  cmt <- cmt[!(nchar(cmt) == 0)]
  # cmt <- sapply(cmt, function(x) {te <- nchar(x);te <- ifelse(te == 0, F, T);x[te]})
  # 2nd row, HYPE variable IDs
  hype.var <- toupper(strsplit(xattr[2], split = "\t")[[1]][-1])
  # 3rd row, SUBIDs
  sbd <- as.integer(strsplit(xattr[3], split = "\t")[[1]][-1])
  # save number of data columns in file for colClasses formatting below
  ncl <- length(sbd)
  # conditional on user choice: identify columns with variables to import
  if (!is.null(variable)) {
    # variables selected
    # formatting
    variable <- toupper(variable)
    # check if selected variables exist, warn if not
    te <- !(variable %in% hype.var)
    if (any(te)) {
      warning(paste0("User-requested variable(s) ", paste(variable[te], collapse = ", "), " not found in imported file."))
    # subset attributes to selection
    selbool <- hype.var %in% variable
    hype.var <- hype.var[selbool]
    sbd <- sbd[selbool]
    # create selection vector for import
    sel <- c(1, which(selbool) + 1)
  } else {
    # no variables selected
    # create selection vector for import (safe version which works with buggy data.table versions where explicit NULL selections don't work)
    sel <- 1:(length(sbd) + 1)
  # read the data, skip header and comment rows, force numeric data (automatic column classes can be integer)
  xobs <- fread(filename,  na.strings = "-9999", skip = 3, sep = "\t", header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE, nrows = nrows, 
                colClasses = list(character = 1, numeric = 2:ncl), select = sel, fill = TRUE)
  # update header, composite of variable and subid
  names(xobs) <- c("DATE", paste(hype.var, sbd, sep = "_"))
  # warn if duplicate columns found, throw useful msg
  if (length(names(xobs)) != length(unique(names(xobs)))) {
    warning(paste0("Duplicated variable-SUBID combination(s) in file: ", paste(names(xobs)[duplicated(names(xobs))], collapse = " ")))
    duplifree <- FALSE
  } else {
    duplifree <- TRUE
  # date conversion 
  xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(xobs[, 1], format = dt.format), tz = "UTC")
  xobs[, 1] <- tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
    cat("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings.\nImported as data frame, not as 'HypeXobs' object.\n"); return(xobs[, 1])})
  # if date conversion worked and time steps are HYPE-conform, make returned object class HypeXobs
  if(!is.character(xobs[, 1]) && duplifree) {
    # create HypeXobs object, can fail if multi-day time steps in imported table
    xobs <- tryCatch(HypeXobs(x = xobs, comment = cmt, variable = hype.var, subid = sbd, verbose = verbose), 
                     error = function(e) {cat("Longer-than-daily time steps not allowed in HypeXobs objects.\n"); return(xobs)})
    # update with additional attributes if HypeXobs class assignment failed
    if (!any(class(xobs) == "HypeXobs")) {
      attr(xobs, which = "comment") <- cmt
      attr(xobs, which = "variable") <- hype.var
      attr(xobs, which = "subid") <- sbd
      warning("Imported as data frame, not as 'HypeXobs' object.")
  } else {
    # update with additional attributes if not a HypeXobs object
    attr(xobs, which = "comment") <- cmt
    attr(xobs, which = "variable") <- hype.var
    attr(xobs, which = "subid") <- sbd
    warning("Imported as data frame, not as 'HypeXobs' object.")

# ReadGeoData

#' Read a 'GeoData.txt' file
#' Import a GeoData file into R.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the GeoData file to import. Windows users: Note that 
#' Paths are separated by '/', not '\\'. 
#' @param sep  character string. Field separator character as described in \code{\link{read.table}}.
#' @param encoding Character string, encoding of non-ascii characters in imported text file. Particularly relevant when 
#' importing files created under Windows (default encoding "Latin-1") in Linux (default encoding "UTF-8") and vice versa. See 
#' also argument description in \code{\link[data.table]{fread}}.
#' @param remove.na.cols Logical, remove columns which have all NA values.

#' @details
#' \code{ReadGeoData} uses \code{\link[data.table]{fread}} from the [data.table::data.table] package 
#' with type \code{numeric} type for columns \code{AREA} and \code{RIVLEN} (if they exist), and 
#' upper-case column names.
#' @return
#' If the imported file is a HYPE-conform GeoData file, \code{ReadGeoData} returns an object of S3 class \code{\link{HypeGeoData}} 
#' (see the class description there), providing its own \code{summary} method. If mandatory GeoData columns are missing, 
#' a standard dataframe is returned along with informative warning messages.
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadGeoData(filename = system.file("demo_model", "GeoData.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' summary(te)
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom dplyr select %>%
# #' @importFrom tidyselect where
#' @export

ReadGeoData <- function(filename = "GeoData.txt", sep = "\t", encoding = c("unknown", "UTF-8", "Latin-1"), remove.na.cols = TRUE) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  # find AREA and RIVLEN columns, to force type numeric (will be autodetected as integer/integer64 otherwise, which leads to 
  # problems with integer calculation in other functions)
  cnames <- strsplit(readLines(con = filename, n = 1), split = sep)[[1]]
  cnumeric <- which(toupper(cnames) %in% c("AREA", "RIVLEN"))
  res <- fread(filename, header = TRUE, sep = sep, colClasses = list("numeric" = cnumeric), data.table = FALSE, encoding = encoding, fill = TRUE)
  names(res) <- toupper(names(res))
  # remove columns with all NA
  res <- res %>% select(where(function(x){any(!is.na(x))}))
  # # force type numeric for selected columns if they exist. Otherwise there can be problem with integer calculation in other functions..
  # te <- which(names(res) == "AREA")
  # if (length(te) == 1) {
  #   res$AREA <- as.numeric(res$AREA)
  # }
  # te <- which(names(res) == "RIVLEN")
  # if (length(te) == 1) {
  #   res$RIVLEN <- as.numeric(res$RIVLEN)
  # }
  ## assign HypeGeoData class, check if requirements are met and strip class if not
  class(res) <- c("HypeGeoData", "data.frame")

  # mandatory columns except SLCs and their positions
  m <- c("AREA", "SUBID", "MAINDOWN", "RIVLEN")
  pos.m <- match(m, names(res))
  ## check if SLCs are consecutively numbered and throw warning if not
  # SLC positions and their SLC numbers
  pos.s <- which(substr(names(res), 1, 4) == "SLC_")
  # extract numbers
  if (length(pos.s) > 0) {
    suppressWarnings(n.s <- as.numeric(substr(names(res)[pos.s], 5, 99)))
    # remove comment columns which happen to look like SLC columns, e.g. "SLC_98old"
    pos.s <- pos.s[!is.na(n.s)]
    n.s <- n.s[!is.na(n.s)]
    # sort so that consecutiveness can be tested below
    n.s <- sort(n.s)
    # SLC number increase, tested below, 0 padded to check SLC_1 existence
    dn.s <- diff(c(0, n.s))
  } else {
    n.s <- integer(0)
    dn.s <- integer(0)
  if (any(is.na(pos.m))) {
    # warn if mandatory columns are missing
    warning(paste0("Mandatory 'HypeGeoData' column(s) '", paste(m[is.na(pos.m)], collapse = "', '"), "' missing. Imported as 'data.frame'."))
#    class(res) <- class(res)[-1]
    class(res) <- "data.frame"
  if (length(pos.s) == 0) {
    # warn if there are no SLC columns
    warning("Mandatory 'HypeGeoData' column(s) 'SLC_n' missing. Imported as 'data.frame'.")
    if (class(res)[1] == "HypeGeoData") {
      #    class(res) <- class(res)[-1]
      class(res) <- "data.frame"
  if (any(dn.s > 1) || any(dn.s == 0)) {
    # warn if there are SLC classes missing or duplicated
    if (any(dn.s > 1)) {
      te1 <- n.s[dn.s > 1]
      te2 <- sapply(dn.s[dn.s > 1] - 1, function(x) 1:x)
      slc.miss <- sort(unlist(sapply(1:length(te1), function(x, y, z) y[x] - z[[x]], y = te1, z = te2)))
      warning(paste0("SLC class column(s) missing in imported file: ", paste0("SLC_", slc.miss, collapse = ", ")))
    if (any(dn.s == 0)) {
      # warn if there are SLC class duplicates
      warning(paste0("SLC class column duplicate(s) in imported file: ", 
                     paste0("SLC_", n.s[dn.s == 0], " (", dn.s[dn.s == 0], ")", collapse = ", ")))
  # Create list of standard GeoData column names/prefixes
  standard_colnames <- c(
  # Check if column names start with any of the standard column names/prefixes
  check_cols <- grepl(pattern = paste0("^", toupper(standard_colnames), "*.", collapse = "|"), x = colnames(res))
  # Warning if any non-standard column names
  if(any(check_cols == FALSE)){
    warning("Non-standard GeoData column names found: ", paste(colnames(res)[which(check_cols == FALSE)], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)

# ReadPar

#' Read a 'par.txt' file
#' Import a HYPE parameter file as list into R.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the parameter file to import. Windows users: Note that 
#' Paths are separated by '/', not '\\'. 
#' @param encoding Character string, encoding of non-ascii characters in imported text file. Particularly relevant when 
#' importing files created under Windows (default encoding "Latin-1") in Linux (default encoding "UTF-8") and vice versa. See 
#' also argument description in \code{\link{scan}}.
#' @details
#' \code{ReadPar} checks for inline comments in 'par.txt' files, these are moved to separate "lines" (list elements).
#' @return
#' \code{ReadPar} returns a list of named vectors. Parameters are returned as numeric vectors with HYPE parameter names as list 
#' element names. Comments are returned in separate list elements as single character strings, former inline comments are moved 
#' to elements preceding the original comment position (i.e. to a line above in the par.txt file structure). Comment elements are 
#' named \code{`!!`}.
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadPar(filename = system.file("demo_model", "par.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te
#' @importFrom stats na.fail
#' @export

ReadPar <- function (filename = "par.txt", encoding = c("unknown", "UTF-8", "latin1")) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  ## builds on suggestion found here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6602881/text-file-to-list-in-r
  # read par file into a character vector (one string per row in file)
  x <- scan(filename, what = "", sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE, encoding = encoding)
    # insert blank after comment character, to make sure they get split for comment identification below
  x <- gsub(pattern = "!!", replacement = "!!\t", x = x)
  # split string elements along whitespaces, returns list of character vectors
  x <- strsplit(x, split = "[[:space:]]+")
  # assign first vector elements as list element names and convert to lower-case (as standardisation)
  names(x) <- sapply(x, `[[`, 1)
  names(x) <- tolower(names(x))
  # # replace comment row names
  # names(x) <- ifelse(names(x) == "!!", "comment", names(x))
  # remove first vector elements (parameter names)
  x <- lapply(x, `[`, -1)
  ## identify inline comments and move to separate list elements (preceding element)
  # list of vector indices in x with comment characters
  te <- sapply(x, function(x){grep(pattern = "!!", x)})
  # initialise result list and result list element counter
  res <- list()
  j <- 1
  for (i in 1:length(te)) {
    # comment characters identification, but omit comment rows
    if (length(te[[i]] > 0) && names(te)[i] != "!!") {
      # copy comment to new result row
      res[[j]] <- x[[i]][(te[[i]][1] + 1):length(x[[i]])]
      names(res)[j] <- "!!"
      j <- j + 1
      # copy parameter value(s) without comments to result list
      res[[j]] <- x[[i]][1:(te[[i]][1] - 1)]
      # update result name
      names(res)[j] <- names(x)[i]
      j <- j + 1
    } else {
      res[[j]] <- x[[i]]
      names(res)[j] <- names(x)[i]
      j <- j + 1
  # convert list elements to numeric, if possible, catch conversion errors and collapse non-numeric vectors to single strings
  res <- suppressWarnings(lapply(res, function(x) tryCatch(na.fail(as.numeric(x)), error = function(e) paste(x, collapse = " "))))

# ReadMapOutput

#' Read a Map Output File
#' This is a convenience wrapper function to import a 
#' \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:mapxxxx.txt}{map output file} 
#' ('map<\emph{HYPE_output_variable}>.txt') into R.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the map output file to import. Windows users: Note that 
#' Paths are separated by '/', not '\\'.
#' @param dt.format Date-time \code{format} string as in \code{\link{strptime}}, for conversion of date-time information in column 
#' headers to POSIX dates, which are returned as attribute. Incomplete format strings for monthly and annual values allowed, e.g. 
#' `"\%Y"`. *Defaults to \code{NULL}, which prevents date-time conversion*, applicable e.g. for files containing just one column of 
#' summary values over the model period.
#' @param hype.var Character string, a four-letter keyword to specify HYPE variable ID of file contents. See 
#' \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:info.txt:variables}{list of HYPE variables}.
#' If \code{NULL} (default), the variable ID is extracted from the provided file name, which only works for standard HYPE 
#' map output file names.
#' @param type Character, keyword for data type to return. \code{"df"} to return a standard data frame, \code{"dt"} to 
#' return a \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} object, or \code{"hsv"} to return a \code{\link{HypeSingleVar}} array.
#' @param warn.nan Logical, check if imported results contain any \code{NaN} values. If \code{TRUE} and \code{NaN}s are found, 
#' a warning is thrown and affected SUBIDs saved in an attribute \code{subid.nan}. Adds noticeable overhead to import time for large files.
#' @param col.prefix String, prefix added to mapoutput column names. Default is \code{X}. Set to \code{NULL} to ignore. 
#' @details
#' \code{ReadMapOutput} is a convenience wrapper function of \code{\link[data.table]{fread}} from package  
#' [data.table::data.table], 
#' with conversion of date-time strings to POSIX time representations. Monthly and annual time steps are returned as first day 
#' of the time step period.
#' @return
#' \code{ReadMapOutput} returns a \code{data.frame}, [data.table::data.table], or a \code{\link{HypeSingleVar}} array. 
#' Data frames and data tables contain additional \code{\link{attributes}}: \code{variable}, giving the HYPE variable ID, 
#' \code{date}, a vector of date-times (corresponding to columns from column 2), \code{timestep} with a time step attribute, 
#' and \code{comment} with the first line of the imported file as text string. An additional attribute \code{subid.nan} might be 
#' returned, see argument \code{warn.nan}.
#' @note
#' HYPE results are printed to files using a user-specified accuracy. This accuracy is specified in 'info.txt' as a number of 
#' decimals to print. If large numbers are printed, this can result in a total number of digits which is too large to print. 
#' Results will then contain values of '****************'. \code{ReadMapOutput} will convert those cases to 'NA' entries. 
#' Current versions of HYPE allow for defining significant instead of fixed number of digits, which should prevent this 
#' issue from arising.
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadMapOutput(filename = system.file("demo_model",
#' "results", "mapEVAP.txt", package = "HYPEtools"), dt.format = NULL)
#' te
#' @importFrom data.table fread transpose :=
#' @importFrom stats na.fail
#' @export

ReadMapOutput <- function(filename, dt.format = NULL, hype.var = NULL, type = c("df", "dt", "hsv"), warn.nan = FALSE, col.prefix = "X") {
  # input argument checks
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (type == "df") {
    d.t <- FALSE
  } else {
    d.t <- TRUE
  x <- fread(filename, 
             na.strings = c("-9999", "****************", "-1.0E+04", "-1.00E+04", "-9.999E+03", "-9.9990E+03", "-9.99900E+03", "-9.999000E+03", "-9.9990000E+03", "-9.99900000E+03", "-9.999000000E+03"), 
             skip = 2, sep = ",", header = FALSE, data.table = d.t)
  # read hype.var from filename, if not provided by user
  if (is.null(hype.var)) {
    hype.var <- strsplit(filename, "map")[[1]]
    hype.var <- substr(hype.var[length(hype.var)], start = 1, stop = 4)
  # import comment and dates, prepare date attribute vector
  xattr <- readLines(filename, n = 2)
  xd <- strsplit(xattr[2], split = ",")[[1]][-1]
  # create column names
    names(x) <- c("SUBID", paste0("X", gsub(pattern = "-", replacement = ".", x = xd)))
  } else{
    names(x) <- c("SUBID", gsub(pattern = "-", replacement = ".", x = xd))
  ## update with new attributes to hold POSIX dates and timestep keyword, create from column names
  # if user-requested, hop over date-time conversion
  if (!is.null(dt.format)) {
    # temporary copy to fall back to
    te <- xd
    # convert to posix string if possible, catch failed attempts with error condition and return string unchanged
    if (dt.format == "%Y-%m") {
      xd <- tryCatch(na.fail(as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(xd, "-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")), error = function(e) {
        print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(te)})
    } else if (dt.format == "%Y%m") {
      xd <- tryCatch(na.fail(as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(xd, "-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")), error = function(e) {
        print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(te)})
    } else if (dt.format == "%Y") {
      xd <- tryCatch(na.fail(as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(xd, "-01-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")), error = function(e) {
        print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(te)})
    } else {
      xd <- tryCatch(na.fail(as.POSIXct(strptime(xd, format = dt.format, tz = "UTC"))), error = function(e) {
        print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(te)})
  # check for existence of NaN values
  if (warn.nan) {
    te <- apply(as.data.frame(x[, -1]), 1, function(x) any(is.nan(x)))
    if (any(te)) {
      warning("'NaN' values found in one or more SUBIDs. SUBIDs saved in attribute 'subid.nan'.")
      attr(x, "subid.nan") <- x[te, 1]
  # conditional on user choice: output formatting
  if (type %in% c("dt", "df")) {
    attr(x, which = "datetime") <- xd
    attr(x, "variable") <- toupper(hype.var)
    attr(x, "comment") <- xattr[1]
    # conditional: timestep attribute identified by difference between first two entries
    tdff <- tryCatch(as.numeric(difftime(xd[2], xd[1], units = "hours")), error = function(e) {NA})
    if (!is.na(tdff)) {
      if (tdff == 24) {
        attr(x, which = "timestep") <- "day"
      } else if (tdff == 168) {
        attr(x, which = "timestep") <- "week"
      } else if (tdff %in% c(744, 720, 696, 672)) {
        attr(x, which = "timestep") <- "month"
      } else if (tdff %in% c(8760, 8784)) {
        attr(x, which = "timestep") <- "year"
      } else {
        attr(x, which = "timestep") <- paste(tdff, "hour", sep = "")
    } else {
      # add timestep attribute with placeholder value
      attr(x, which = "timestep") <- "unknown"
  } else {
    ## HypeSingleVar formatting
    # copy and remove subids
    sbd <- x[["SUBID"]]
    x <- x[, !"SUBID", with = FALSE]
    # transpose and convert to array (straigtht conversion to array gives error, therefore intermediate matrix)
    x <- transpose(x)
    x <- as.array(as.matrix(x))
    # adding 'iteration' dimension
    dim(x) <- c(dim(x), 1)
    x <- HypeSingleVar(x = x, datetime = xd, subid = sbd, hype.var = toupper(hype.var))

# ReadTimeOutput

#' Read a Time Output File
#' Import a time output file 'time<\emph{HYPE_output_variable}>.txt' or a converted time output file in netCDF format 
#' into R.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the time output file to import. Acceptable file choices are \code{*.txt} files following 
#' \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:timexxxx.txt}{HYPE time output file format} or \code{.nc} 
#' files following the \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_netcdf_standard}{HYPE netCDF formatting standard}. 
#' See also details for netCDF import. 
#' @param dt.format Date-time \code{format} string as in \code{\link{strptime}}. Incomplete format strings for monthly 
#' and annual values allowed, e.g. `"\%Y"`. If set to \code{NULL}, no date-time conversion will be attempted and the column will
#' be imported as \code{character}, applicable e.g. for files containing just one row of summary values over the model period.
#' @param hype.var Character, HYPE variable ID in \code{x}. See 
#' \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:info.txt:variables}{list of HYPE variables}.
#' If \code{NULL} (default), the variable ID is extracted from the provided file name, which only works for standard HYPE 
#' time output file names (incl. regional and class outputs).
#' @param out.reg Logical, specify if file contents are sub-basin or output region results (i.e. SUBIDs or OUTREGIDs as columns). 
#' \code{TRUE} for output regions, \code{FALSE} for sub-basins. \emph{Use only in combination with user-provided \code{hype.var} 
#' argument.} 
#' @param type Character, keyword for data type to return. \code{"df"} to return a standard data frame, \code{"dt"} to 
#' return a \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} object, or \code{"hsv"} to return a \code{\link{HypeSingleVar}} array.
#' @param select Integer vector, column numbers to import. Note: first column with dates must be imported and will be added if missing.
#' @param id Integer vector, HYPE SUBIDs/OUTREGIDs to import. Alternative to argument \code{select}, takes precedence if both are provided.
#' @param nrows Integer, number of rows to import, see documentation in \code{\link[data.table]{fread}}.
#' @param skip Integer, number of \emph{data} rows to skip on import. Time output header lines are always skipped. 
#' @param warn.nan Logical, check if imported results contain any \code{NaN} values. If \code{TRUE} and \code{NaN}s are found, 
#' a warning is thrown and affected IDs saved in an attribute \code{id.nan}. Adds noticeable overhead to import time for large files.
#' @param verbose Logical, print information during import.
#' @details
#' \code{ReadTimeOutput} imports from text or netCDF files. \emph{netCDF import is experimental and not feature-complete (e.g. attributes are 
#' not yet fully digested).} 
#' Text file import uses \code{\link[data.table]{fread}} from package  
#' [data.table::data.table], netCDF import extracts data and attributes using functions from package \code{\link[ncdf4:nc_open]{ncdf4}}. 
#' Date-time representations in data files are converted to POSIX time representations. Monthly and annual time steps are returned as 
#' first day of the time step period. 
#' Import from netCDF files requires an \code{id} dimension in the netCDF data. Gridded data with remapped HYPE results in spatial x/y 
#' dimensions as defined in the \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_netcdf_standard}{HYPE netCDF formatting standard} 
#' are currently not supported. 
#' @return
#' \code{ReadTimeOutput} returns a \code{data.frame}, [data.table::data.table], or a \code{\link{HypeSingleVar}} array. 
#' Data frames and data tables contain additional \code{\link{attributes}}: \code{variable}, giving the HYPE variable ID, 
#' \code{subid} and \code{outregid}, the HYPE SUBIDs/OUTREGIDs (corresponding to columns from column two onward) to which the time 
#' series belong (both attributes always created and assigned \code{NA} if not applicable to data contents), \code{timestep} with a 
#' time step attribute, and \code{comment} with first row comment of imported text file as character string or global attributes of imported 
#' netCDF file as character string of collated key-value pairs. An additional attribute \code{id.nan} might be returned, see argument 
#' \code{warn.nan}.
#' @note
#' For the conversion of date/time strings, time zone "UTC" is assumed. This is done to avoid potential daylight saving time 
#' side effects when working with the imported data (and possibly converting to string representations during the process).
#' HYPE results are printed to files using a user-specified accuracy. This accuracy is specified in 'info.txt' as a number of 
#' decimals to print. If large numbers are printed, this can result in a total number of digits which is too large to print. 
#' Results will then contain values of '****************'. \code{ReadTimeOutput} will convert those cases to 'NA' entries.
#' Current versions of HYPE allow for defining significant instead of fixed number of digits, which should prevent this 
#' issue from arising.
#' @examples 
#' te <- ReadTimeOutput(filename = system.file("demo_model",
#' "results", "timeCOUT.txt", package = "HYPEtools"), dt.format = "%Y-%m")
#' te
#' @importFrom data.table fread is.data.table data.table
#' @importFrom ncdf4 nc_open nc_close ncvar_get ncatt_get
#' @importFrom stats na.fail
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export

ReadTimeOutput <- function(filename, dt.format = "%Y-%m-%d", hype.var = NULL, out.reg = NULL, type = c("df", "dt", "hsv"), 
                           select = NULL, id = NULL, nrows = -1L, skip = 0L, warn.nan = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
  # check file type to import
  ftype <- tolower(substr(filename, nchar(filename) - 2, nchar(filename)))
  if (ftype == "txt") {
    nc <- FALSE
  } else if (ftype == ".nc") {
    nc <- TRUE
  } else {
    stop("Unknown file extension. Accepted file types are standard HYPE text files (*.txt), or netcdf 
         files following the HYPE standard (*.nc).")
  # argument checks
  if (!is.null(select) && !(1 %in% select)) {
    select <- c(1, select)
  # handling output type user choice
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (type == "df") {
    d.t <- FALSE
  } else {
    d.t <- TRUE
  ## data import, conditional on file type
  if (nc) {
    # import from netCDF file
    # open netCDF file connection
    ncf <- nc_open(filename = filename)
    nm.var <- names(ncf$var)
    nm.dim <- names(ncf$dim)
    # "id" %in% nm.dim
    # select and import HYPE variable, other variables (positions) discarded for now
    hype.var <- nm.var[!(nm.var %in% paste0("geo_", c("x", "y", "z")))]
    hdata <- ncvar_get(nc = ncf, hype.var)
    # import time dimension
    dim.time <- as.numeric(ncvar_get(nc = ncf, "time"))
    # import id dimension
    sbd <- as.numeric(ncvar_get(nc = ncf, "id"))
    out.reg <- FALSE
    gmdata <- ncatt_get(ncf, varid = 0)
    # ncatt_get(ncf, varid = 0, attname = "title")$value
    # ncatt_get(ncf, varid = 0, attname = "history")
    ## create POSIX time from time dimension and its attributes
    # extract and disaggregate time unit string
    tunits <- ncatt_get(ncf, varid = "time")$units
    tunits <- strsplit(x = tunits, split = " since ")[[1]]
    # convert origin string to POSIX
    torigin <- as.POSIXct(tunits[2], tz = "UTC")
    # create POSIX vector
    if (tunits[1] == "seconds") {
      tsteps <- torigin + (dim.time)
    } else if (tunits[1] == "minutes") {
      tsteps <- torigin + (dim.time * 60)
    } else if (tunits[1] == "hours") {
      tsteps <- torigin + (dim.time * 3600)
    } else if (tunits[1] == "days") {
      tsteps <- torigin + (dim.time * 86400)
    } else {
      stop(paste0("Unknown time unit ", tunits[1], " in file."))
    # create result data frame or data table
    if (d.t) {
      x <- data.table(DATE = tsteps, t(hdata))
    } else {
      x <- data.frame(DATE = tsteps, t(hdata))
    names(x)[-1] <- paste0("X", sbd)
    # close netCDF file connection
  } else {
    # import from text file
    # check file contents for metadata header and extract contents if present
    te <- readLines(con = filename, n = 1)
    if (substr(te, 1, 1) == "!") {
      metadata <- .ExtractHeader(x = te)
      mc <- 1
    } else {
      mc <- 0
    # import subids/outregids, prepare attribute vector
    xattr <- readLines(filename, n = 2)
    sbd <- as.numeric(strsplit(xattr[2], split = "\t")[[1]][-1])
    # create select vector from 'id' argument, overrides 'select' argument
    if (!is.null(id)) {
      if (!is.null(select)) {
        warning("Arguments 'select' and 'id' provided. 'id' takes precedence.")
      te <- match(id, sbd)
      # stop if unknown ids provided by user
      if (any(is.na(te))) {
        stop(paste0("Argument 'id': IDs ", paste(id[is.na(te)], collapse = ", "), " not found in imported file."))
      select <- c(1, te + 1)
      sbd <- id
    } else if (!is.null(select)) {
      # update id attribute to selected ids
      sbd <- sbd[select[-1] - 1]
    # create full select vector for fread, workaround for suspected bug in data.table (reported at https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues/2007)
    if (is.null(select) && is.null(id)) {
      select <- 1:(length(sbd) + 1)
    # read.table(filename, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999", skip = 1)      
    x <- fread(filename, 
               na.strings = c("-9999", "****************", "-1.0E+04", "-1.00E+04", "-9.999E+03", "-9.9990E+03", "-9.99900E+03", 
                              "-9.999000E+03", "-9.9990000E+03", "-9.99900000E+03", "-9.999000000E+03"), 
               skip = 2 + skip, sep = "\t", header = FALSE, data.table = d.t, select = select, nrows = nrows)
    # read hype.var from filename, if not provided by user
    if (is.null(hype.var)) {
      # extract filename from path-filename string
      te <-strsplit(filename, "/")[[1]]
      te <- strsplit(te[length(te)], "[.]")[[1]][1]
      # check if standard HYPE file name, and extract variable ID
      if (substr(te, 1, 4) == "time") {
        ## HYPE variable string should be in the eight characters after "time" prefix (max. 6 char ID + optional "RG" for regional outputs)
        # extract string to extract from, inbuilt lookup vector is uppercase
        te <- toupper(substr(te, 5, 12))
        # check against lookup vector
        if (te %in% INTERNAL.hype.vars) {
          # exists as is, normal SUBID results
          hype.var <- te
          out.reg <- FALSE
        } else if (substr(te, 1, 6) %in% INTERNAL.hype.vars) {
          # exists, normal SUBID results
          hype.var <- substr(te, 1, 6)
          out.reg <- FALSE
        else if (substr(te, 1, 4) %in% INTERNAL.hype.vars) {
          # exists, normal SUBID results
          hype.var <- substr(te, 1, 4)
          out.reg <- FALSE
        else if (substr(te, 3, 8) %in% INTERNAL.hype.vars) {
          # exists, is a regional variable
          hype.var <- substr(te, 3, 8)
          out.reg <- TRUE
        else if (substr(te, 3, 6) %in% INTERNAL.hype.vars) {
          # exists, is a regional variable
          hype.var <- substr(te, 3, 6)
          out.reg <- TRUE
        } else {
          stop("Could not extract HYPE variable ID from filename, please provide arguments 'hype.var' and 'out.reg'.")
      } else {
        stop("Could not extract HYPE variable ID from filename, please provide arguments 'hype.var' and 'out.reg'.")
    } else {
      # check that there a valid value for out.reg
      if (is.null(out.reg) || !is.logical(out.reg)) {
        stop("Please provide valid value for argument 'out.reg'.")
      # convert user-provided string to uppercase and warn if not in lookup vector
      hype.var <- toupper(hype.var)
      if (!(hype.var %in% INTERNAL.hype.vars)) {
        warning("User-provided HYPE variable ID unknown. Proceeding to import.")
    # create column names, special treatment if only dates are imported
    if (length(sbd) == 0) {
      names(x) <- c("DATE")
    } else {
      names(x) <- c("DATE", paste0("X", sbd))
    ## Date string handling, conditional on import format (HYPE allows for matlab or posix type, without or with hyphens),
    ## handles errors which might occur if the date string differs from the specified format. On error, strings are returned.
    # if user-requested, hop over date-time conversion
    if (!is.null(dt.format)) {
      # convert to posix string if possible, catch failed attempts with error condition and return string unchanged
      # conditional on class of imported data (different syntax for data.table)
      if (is.data.table(x)) {
        if (dt.format == "%Y-%m") {
          xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(x[["DATE"]], "-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")
          x[, .data$DATE := tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
            print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[["DATE"]])})]
        } else if (dt.format == "%Y%m") {
          xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(x[["DATE"]], "-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")
          x[, .data$DATE := tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
            print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[["DATE"]])})]
        } else if (dt.format == "%Y") {
          xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(x[["DATE"]], "-01-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")
          x[, .data$DATE := tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
            print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[["DATE"]])})]
        } else {
          xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(x[["DATE"]], format = dt.format), tz = "UTC")
          x[, .data$DATE := tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
            print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[["DATE"]])})]
      } else {
        if (dt.format == "%Y-%m") {
          xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(x[, 1], "-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")
          x[, 1] <- tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
            print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[, 1])})
        } else if (dt.format == "%Y%m") {
          xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(x[, 1], "-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")
          x[, 1] <- tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
            print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[, 1])})
        } else if (dt.format == "%Y") {
          xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(x[, 1], "-01-01", sep = ""), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "UTC")
          x[, 1] <- tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
            print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[, 1])})
        } else {
          xd <- as.POSIXct(strptime(x[, 1], format = dt.format), tz = "UTC")
          x[, 1] <- tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
            print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[, 1])})
    } else {
      # dummy date vector as there is always one needed in timestep attribute derivation below
      xd <- NA
  # check for existence of NaN values
  if (warn.nan) {
    te <- apply(as.data.frame(x[, -1]), 2, function(x) any(is.nan(x)))
    if (any(te)) {
      warning("'NaN' values found in one or more IDs. IDs saved in attribute 'id.nan'.")
      attr(x, "id.nan") <- sbd[te]
  # conditional on user choice: output formatting
  if (type %in% c("dt", "df")) {
    if (out.reg) {
      subid(x) <- NA
      outregid(x) <- sbd
    } else {
      subid(x) <- sbd
      outregid(x) <- NA
    variable(x) <- hype.var
    # add comment row if text file, or global attributes if netCDF file
    if (nc) {
      comment(x) <- paste(names(gmdata), "=", gmdata, collapse = ";")
    } else {
      comment(x) <- xattr[1]

    # conditional: timestep attribute identified by difference between first two entries
    tdff <- as.numeric(difftime(x[[2, 1]], x[[1, 1]], units = "hours")) # Datatable needs two brackets to extract column to vector
    if (!is.na(tdff)) {
      if (tdff == 24) {
        attr(x, which = "timestep") <- "day"
      } else if (tdff == 168) {
        attr(x, which = "timestep") <- "week"
      } else if (tdff %in% c(744, 720, 696, 672)) {
        attr(x, which = "timestep") <- "month"
      } else if (tdff %in% c(8760, 8784)) {
        attr(x, which = "timestep") <- "year"
      } else {
        attr(x, which = "timestep") <- paste(tdff, "hour", sep = "")
    } else {
      # add timestep attribute with placeholder value
      attr(x, which = "timestep") <- "unknown"
  } else {
    ## HypeSingleVar formatting
    # remove dates
    x <- x[, !"DATE", with = FALSE]
    # convert to array (straight conversion to array gives error, therefore intermediate matrix)
    x <- as.array(as.matrix(x))
    # adding 'iteration' dimension
    dim(x) <- c(dim(x), 1)
    # construct HypeSingleVar array, conditional on subid/outregid contents
    if (out.reg) {
      x <- HypeSingleVar(x = x, datetime = xd, outregid = sbd, hype.var = toupper(hype.var))
    } else {
      x <- HypeSingleVar(x = x, datetime = xd, subid = sbd, hype.var = toupper(hype.var))

# filename <- "../timeCCTN.txt"
# dt.format <- "%Y"

# ReadObs

#' Read HYPE observation data files
#' Import single-variable HYPE observation files into R.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the file to import. Windows users: Note that 
#' Paths are separated by '/', not '\\'. 
#' @param dt.format Optional date-time \code{format} string as in \code{\link{strptime}}. If \code{NULL}, then HYPEtools will try to identify
#' the format automatically. 
#' @param variable Character string, HYPE variable ID of file contents. If \code{""} (default), the ID is extracted 
#' from \code{filename}, which only works with HYPE input data file names or file names including those names 
#' (e.g. 'Pobs_old.txt', 'testSFobs.txt'). Some of the observation data files have no corresponding HYPE variable ID. 
#' In these cases, a dummy ID is used, see table in Details. If automatic extraction fails, attribute `variable` is set 
#' to `"other"`. Alternatively, any other variable name can be provided.
#' @param nrows Number of rows to import. A value of \code{-1} indicates all rows, a positive integer gives the number of rows
#' to import.
#' @param type Character, keyword for data type to return. \code{"df"} to return a standard data frame or \code{"dt"} to 
#' return a \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} object.
#' @param select Integer vector, column numbers to import. Note: first column with dates must be imported and will be added if missing.
#' @param obsid Integer vector, HYPE OBSIDs to import. Alternative to argument \code{select}, takes precedence if both are provided.
#' @details
#' \code{ReadObs} is a convenience wrapper function of \code{\link[data.table]{fread}} from package  
#' [data.table::data.table], 
#' with conversion of date-time strings to POSIX time representations. Observation IDs (SUBIDs or IDs connected to SUBIDs with a 
#' \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:forckey.txt}{ForcKey.txt file}) are returned as integer 
#' attribute \code{obsid} (directly accessible through \code{\link{obsid}}). 
#' Observation file types with automatic (dummy) `variable` attribute assignment:
#' | **File**    | **HYPE variable ID**|
#' | ----------- |:------------:|
#' |             |(*: dummy ID) |
#' | Pobs.txt    | prec         |
#' | Tobs.txt    | temp         |
#' | Qobs.txt    | rout         |
#' | TMINobs.txt | tmin*        |
#' | TMAXobs.txt | tmax*        |
#' | VWobs.txt   | vwnd*        |
#' | UWobs.txt   | uwnd*        |
#' | SFobs.txt   | snff*        |
#' | SWobs.txt   | swrd*        |
#' | RHobs.txt   | rhum*        |
#' | Uobs.txt    | wind*        |
#' @return
#' \code{ReadObs} returns a data frame or data table with additional attributes: \code{obsid} with observation IDs, \code{timestep} 
#' with a time step string, either \code{"day"} or \code{"nhour"} (only daily or n-hourly time steps supported), and \code{variable} 
#' with a HYPE variable ID string.
#' @note
#' For the conversion of date/time strings, time zone "UTC" is assumed. This is done to avoid potential daylight saving time 
#' side effects when working with the imported data (and e.g. converting to string representations during the process).
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{WriteObs}}
#' \code{\link{ReadXobs}} for multi-variable HYPE observation files
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadObs(filename = system.file("demo_model", "Tobs.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' head(te)
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom stats na.fail
#' @importFrom lubridate as_datetime
#' @export

ReadObs <- function(filename, variable = "", 
                    dt.format = NULL, nrows = -1, type = c("df", "dt"), select = NULL, obsid = NULL) {
  # input check: variable
  if (!is.character(variable)) {
    stop("Argument 'variable' must be a character string.")
  if (length(variable) > 1) {
    variable <- variable[1]
    warning("Argument 'variable': Only first element used.")
  # automatic hype variable (dummy) assignment
  if (variable == "") {
    te <- strsplit(filename, split = c("/"))[[1]]
    te <- tolower(te[length(te)])
    if (length(grep("pobs", te)) > 0) {
      variable <- "prec"
    } else if (length(grep("tobs", te)) > 0) {
      variable <- "temp"
    } else if (length(grep("qobs", te)) > 0) {
      variable <- "rout" 
    } else if (length(grep("tminobs", te)) > 0) {
      variable <- "tmin" 
    } else if (length(grep("tmaxobs", te)) > 0) {
      variable <- "tmax" 
    } else if (length(grep("vwobs", te)) > 0) {
      variable <- "vwnd"
    } else if (length(grep("uwobs", te)) > 0) {
      variable <- "uwnd"
    } else if (length(grep("sfobs", te)) > 0) {
      variable <- "snff"
    } else if (length(grep("swobs", te)) > 0) {
      variable <- "swrd"
    } else if (length(grep("rhobs", te)) > 0) {
      variable <- "rhum"
    } else if (length(grep("uobs", te)) > 0) {
      variable <- "wind"
    } else {
      variable <- "other"
  # handling output type user choice
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (type == "df") {
    d.t <- FALSE
  } else {
    d.t <- TRUE
  ## import file header, extract obsid attribute
  # import
  xattr <- readLines(filename, n = 1)
  # extract obsids
  sbd <- as.integer(strsplit(xattr, split = "\t")[[1]][-1])
  # check and if needed add date column to selection
  if (!is.null(select) && !(1 %in% select)) {
    select <- c(1, select)
  # create select vector from 'obsid' argument, overrides 'select' argument
  if (!is.null(obsid)) {
    if (!is.null(select)) {
      warning("Arguments 'select' and 'obsid' provided. 'obsid' takes precedence.")
    te <- match(obsid, sbd)
    # stop if unknown obsids provided by user
    if (any(is.na(te))) {
      stop(paste0("Argument 'obsid': OBSIDs ", paste(obsid[is.na(te)], collapse = ", "), " not found in imported file."))
    select <- c(1, te + 1)
    sbd <- obsid
  } else if (!is.null(select)) {
    # update obsid attribute to selected obsids
    sbd <- sbd[select[-1] - 1]
  ## import, date treatment depending on format
  # if (all(dt.format == "%Y%m%d")) {
  #   cC <- NULL
  # } else {
  #   cC <- list("POSIXct" = 1)
  # }
  # Do date-time conversion outside fread for now
  cC <- list("character" = 1)
  # import file
  x <- fread(filename, 
             na.strings = c("-9999", "****************", "-1.0E+04", "-1.00E+04", "-9.999E+03", "-9.9990E+03", "-9.99900E+03", "-9.999000E+03", "-9.9990000E+03", "-9.99900000E+03", "-9.999000000E+03"), 
             sep = "\t", header = TRUE, data.table = d.t, nrows = nrows, select = select, colClasses = cC, check.names = TRUE)
  # date(time) conversion
  xd <- as_datetime(x$DATE, format = dt.format)
  x[, 1] <- tryCatch(na.fail(xd), error = function(e) {
    print("Date/time conversion attempt led to introduction of NAs, date/times returned as strings"); return(x[, 1])
  # # Force timezone to UTC
  # x[,1] <- force_tz(x[,1],tzone="UTC")
  ## add attributes
  obsid(x) <- sbd
  # conditional: timestep attribute identified by difference between first two rows
  if(type == "df"){
    tdff <- as.numeric(difftime(x[2,grep("DATE",colnames(x),ignore.case = TRUE,value=TRUE)], x[1,grep("DATE",colnames(x),ignore.case = TRUE,value=TRUE)], units = "hours"))
  } else if(type == "dt"){
    tdff <- as.numeric(difftime(x[[2,grep("DATE",colnames(x),ignore.case = TRUE,value=TRUE)]], x[[1,grep("DATE",colnames(x),ignore.case = TRUE,value=TRUE)]], units = "hours"))

  if (!is.na(tdff)) {
    if (tdff == 24) {
      timestep(x) <- "day"
    } else {
      timestep(x) <- paste(tdff, "hour", sep = "")
  } else {
    # add timestep attribute with placeholder value
    timestep(x) <- "unknown"
  variable(x) <- variable

# alias, for backwards compatibility
#' @rdname ReadObs
#' @importFrom stats na.fail
#' @export
ReadPTQobs <- ReadObs

# HypeDataImport

#' Read HYPE data files
#' These are simple convenience wrapper functions to import various HYPE data files as data frame into R.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of HYPE data file file to import. Windows users: Note that 
#' Paths are separated by '/', not '\\'. 
#' @param verbose Logical, display message if columns contain \code{NA} values.
#' @param header \code{\link{read.table}} or \code{\link[data.table]{fread}} argument, with appropriate default for HYPE data file import.
#' @param na.strings See \code{header}.
#' @param sep See \code{header}.
#' @param stringsAsFactors See \code{header}.
#' @param quote See \code{header}.
#' @param encoding \code{\link{read.table}} argument. Specify character encoding when 
#' importing files created under Windows (default encoding "latin1") in Linux (default encoding "UTF-8") 
#' and vice versa.
#' @param data.table Logical, return data.table instead of data frame. \code{\link[data.table]{fread}} argument.
#' @param ... Other parameters passed to \code{\link{read.table}}. 
#' @details
#' Hype data file imports, simple \code{\link{read.table}} or \code{\link[data.table]{fread}} wrappers with 
#' formatting arguments set to match HYPE file specifications:
#' * [LakeData.txt](http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:lakedata.txt)
#' * [DamData.txt](http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:damdata.txt)
#' * [MgmtData.txt](http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:mgmtdata.txt)
#' * [AquiferData.txt](http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:aquiferdata.txt)
#' * [PointSourceData.txt](http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:pointsourcedata.txt)
#' * [GlacierData.txt](http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:glacierdata.txt)
#' * [CropData.txt](http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:cropdata.txt)
#' * [BranchData.txt](http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:branchdata.txt)
#' * [Outregions.txt](http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:outregions.txt)
#' * [allsim.txt](http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:allsim.txt)
#' * [update.txt](http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:update.txt)
#' In most files, HYPE requires \code{NA}-free input in required columns, but empty values are 
#' allowed in additional comment columns. Informative warnings will be thrown if \code{NA}s are found during import.
#' @return
#' Imported files are returned as data frames.
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadForcKey(filename = system.file("demo_model", "ForcKey.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' @name HypeDataImport


#' @rdname HypeDataImport
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
ReadAquiferData <- function(filename = "AquiferData.txt", verbose = TRUE, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999", sep = "\t", 
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding = c("unknown", "latin1", "UTF-8"), ...) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  # import
  res <- read.table(file = filename, header = header, na.strings = na.strings, sep = sep, 
                    stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, encoding = encoding, ...)
  names(res) <- toupper(names(res))
  # check for NAs
  te <- apply(res, 2, function(x) {any(is.na(x))})
  if (any(te) && verbose) message(paste("NA values in imported dataframe in column(s):", paste(names(res)[te], collapse=", ")))

#' @rdname HypeDataImport
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
ReadOutregions <- function(filename = "Outregions.txt", verbose = TRUE, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999", sep = "\t", 
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding = c("unknown", "latin1", "UTF-8"), ...) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  # import
  res <- read.table(file = filename, header = header, na.strings = na.strings, sep = sep, 
                    stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, encoding = encoding, ...)
  names(res) <- toupper(names(res))

#' @rdname HypeDataImport
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
ReadBranchData <- function(filename = "BranchData.txt", verbose = TRUE, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999", sep = "\t", 
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding = c("unknown", "latin1", "UTF-8"), ...) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  res <- read.table(file = filename, header = header, na.strings = na.strings, sep = sep, 
                    stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, encoding = encoding, ...)
  names(res) <- toupper(names(res))
  # check for NAs
  te <- apply(res, 2, function(x) {any(is.na(x))})
  if (any(te) && verbose) message(paste("NA values in imported dataframe in column(s):", paste(names(res)[te], collapse=", ")))

#' @rdname HypeDataImport
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
ReadCropData <- function(filename = "CropData.txt", verbose = TRUE, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999", sep = "\t", 
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding = c("unknown", "latin1", "UTF-8"), ...) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  res <- read.table(file = filename, header = header, na.strings = na.strings, sep = sep, 
                    stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, encoding = encoding, ...)
  names(res) <- toupper(names(res))
  # check for NAs
  te <- apply(res, 2, function(x) {any(is.na(x))})
  if (any(te) && verbose) message(paste("NA values in imported dataframe in column(s):", paste(names(res)[te], collapse=", ")))

#' @rdname HypeDataImport
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
ReadDamData <- function(filename = "DamData.txt", verbose = TRUE, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999", sep = "\t", 
                        quote = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding = c("unknown", "latin1", "UTF-8"), ...) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  res <- read.table(file = filename, header = header, na.strings = na.strings, sep = sep, 
                    stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, quote = quote, encoding = encoding, ...)
  names(res) <- toupper(names(res))
  # check for NAs
  te <- apply(res, 2, function(x) {any(is.na(x))})
  if (any(te) && verbose) message(paste("NA values in imported dataframe in column(s):", paste(names(res)[te], collapse=", ")))

#' @rdname HypeDataImport
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
ReadFloodData <- function(filename = "FloodData.txt", verbose = TRUE, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999", sep = "\t", 
                        quote = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding = c("unknown", "latin1", "UTF-8"), ...) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  res <- read.table(file = filename, header = header, na.strings = na.strings, sep = sep, 
                    stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, quote = quote, encoding = encoding, ...)
  names(res) <- toupper(names(res))
  # check for NAs
  te <- apply(res, 2, function(x) {any(is.na(x))})
  if (any(te) && verbose) message(paste("NA values in imported dataframe in column(s):", paste(names(res)[te], collapse=", ")))

#' @rdname HypeDataImport
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
ReadGlacierData <- function(filename = "GlacierData.txt", verbose = TRUE, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999", sep = "\t", 
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding = c("unknown", "latin1", "UTF-8"), ...) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  res <- read.table(file = filename, header = header, na.strings = na.strings, sep = sep, 
                    stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, encoding = encoding, ...)
  names(res) <- toupper(names(res))
  # check for NAs
  te <- apply(res, 2, function(x) {any(is.na(x))})
  if (any(te) && verbose) message(paste("NA values in imported dataframe in column(s):", paste(names(res)[te], collapse=", ")))

#' @rdname HypeDataImport
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
ReadLakeData <- function(filename = "LakeData.txt", verbose = TRUE, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999", sep = "\t", 
                         quote = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding = c("unknown", "latin1", "UTF-8"), ...) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  res <- read.table(file = filename, header = header, na.strings = na.strings, sep = sep, quote = quote, 
                    stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, encoding = encoding, ...)
  names(res) <- toupper(names(res))
  # check for NAs
  te <- apply(res, 2, function(x) {any(is.na(x))})
  if (any(te) && verbose) message(paste("NA values in imported dataframe in column(s):", paste(names(res)[te], collapse=", ")))

#' @rdname HypeDataImport
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
ReadMgmtData <- function(filename = "MgmtData.txt", verbose = TRUE, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999", sep = "\t", 
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding = c("unknown", "latin1", "UTF-8"), ...) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  # import
  res <- read.table(file = filename, header = header, na.strings = na.strings, sep = sep, 
                    stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, encoding = encoding, ...)
  names(res) <- toupper(names(res))
  # check for NAs
  te <- apply(res, 2, function(x) {any(is.na(x))})
  if (any(te) && verbose) message(paste("NA values in imported dataframe in column(s):", paste(names(res)[te], collapse=", ")))

#' @rdname HypeDataImport
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @export
ReadPointSourceData <- function(filename = "PointSourceData.txt", verbose = TRUE, header = TRUE, na.strings = "-9999", sep = "\t", 
                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding = c("unknown", "latin1", "UTF-8"), data.table = FALSE, ...) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  res <- fread(file = filename, header = header, na.strings = na.strings, sep = sep, 
               stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, encoding = if (encoding == "latin1") "Latin-1" else encoding, data.table = data.table, ...)
  names(res) <- toupper(names(res))
  # check for NAs
  if (verbose) {
    te <- apply(res, 2, function(x) {any(is.na(x))})
    if (any(te)) message(paste("NA values in imported dataframe in column(s):", paste(names(res)[te], collapse=", ")))

#' @rdname HypeDataImport
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
ReadAllsim <- function(filename = "allsim.txt", na.strings="-9999") {
  read.table(file = filename, header = TRUE, sep = ",", na.strings = na.strings)

#' @rdname HypeDataImport
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
ReadForcKey <- function(filename = "ForcKey.txt", sep = "\t", encoding = c("unknown", "latin1", "UTF-8")) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  read.table(file = filename, header = TRUE, sep = sep, encoding = encoding)

#' @rdname HypeDataImport
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @export
ReadUpdate <- function(filename = "update.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", 
                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding = c("unknown", "latin1", "UTF-8"), data.table = FALSE, ...) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  res <- fread(file = filename, header = header, sep = sep, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, encoding = if (encoding == "latin1") "Latin-1" else encoding, 
               data.table = data.table, ...)
  names(res) <- toupper(names(res))

# ReadPmsf

#' Read a 'pmsf.txt' file
#' @description
#' This is a small convenience function to import a 'partial model setup file' as integer vector into R.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the pmsf file to import. Windows users: Note that 
#' Paths are separated by '/', not '\\'. 
#' @details
#' \code{ReadPmsf} imports 'pmsf.txt' files, which contain SUBIDs and are used to run only parts of a HYPE setup's domain 
#' without having to extract a separate model setup. For details on the file format, see the
#' \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:pmsf.txt}{pmsf.txt online documentation}.
#' Pmsf.txt files imported with \code{ReadPmsf} are stripped from the first value containing the total number of subcatchments 
#' in the file. No additional attribute is added to hold this number since it can be easily obtained using \code{\link{length}}.
#' @return
#' \code{ReadPmsf} returns an integer vector.
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadGeoData(filename = system.file("demo_model", "GeoData.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export

ReadPmsf <- function(filename = "pmsf.txt") {
  x <- read.table(filename, header = TRUE)
  x <- as.integer(x[, 1])

# ReadOptpar

#' Read an 'optpar.txt' file
#' This function imports an 'optpar.txt' into a list.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the 'optpar.txt' file to import. 
#' @param encoding Character string, encoding of non-ascii characters in imported text file. Particularly relevant when 
#' importing files created under Windows (default encoding "Latin-1") in Linux (default encoding "UTF-8") and vice versa. See 
#' also argument description in \code{\link{scan}}.
#' @details 
#' \code{ReadOptpar} imports HYPE 'optpar.txt' files. Optpar files contain instructions for parameter calibration/optimization 
#' and parameter value ranges, for details on the file format, see the
#' \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:optpar.txt}{optpar.txt online documentation}. 
#' @return 
#' \code{ReadOptpar} returns a \code{\link{list}} object with three elements: \itemize{ 
#' \item \code{comment}, the file's first-row comment string.
#' \item \code{tasks}, a two-column dataframe with row-wise key-value pairs for tasks and settings.
#' \item \code{pars}, a list of dataframes, each containing values for one parameter. Three columns each, holding parameter 
#' range minima, maxima, and intervals. 
#' The number of rows in each dataframe corresponds to the number of soil or land use classes for class-specific parameters. 
#' Parameter names as list element names.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{ReadPar}}

#' @examples
#' te <- ReadOptpar(filename = system.file("demo_model", "optpar.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te
#' @export

ReadOptpar <- function(filename = "optpar.txt", encoding = c("unknown", "UTF-8", "latin1")) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  # read tasks and settings into a character vector (one string per row in file)
  tasks <- scan(filename, what = "", sep = "\n", nlines = 21, quiet = TRUE, encoding = encoding)
  # split string elements along whitespaces, returns list of character vectors
  tasks <- strsplit(tasks, split = "[[:space:]]+")
  # re-merge and separate first-row comment string
  comm <- paste(tasks[[1]], collapse = " ")
  #remove comment from tasks
  tasks <- tasks[-1]
  # convert tasks and settings to two-column dataframe (they are always combinations of single key single value)
  te <- function(x) {rbind.data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)}
  tasks <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, c(tasks, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
  names(tasks) <- c("key", "value")
  # read parameters
  x <- scan(filename, what = "", sep = "\n", skip = 21, quiet = TRUE)
  x <- strsplit(x, split = "[[:space:]]+")
  # assign first vector elements as list element names and convert to lower-case (as standardisation)
  names(x) <- sapply(x, `[[`, 1)
  names(x) <- tolower(names(x))
  # remove first vector elements
  x <- lapply(x, `[`, -1)
  # convert list elements to numeric, if possible, catch conversion errors and return non-numeric strings untouched (typically comment lines)
  x <- lapply(x, as.numeric)
  # organise into data frames containing boundaries and interval
  pars <- list()
  j <- 0
  for (i in seq(from = 1, to = length(x), by = 3)) {
    j <- j + 1
    pars[[j]] <- data.frame(min = x[[i]], max = x[[i + 1]], ival = x[[i + 2]])
    names(pars)[j] <- names(x)[i]
  return(list(comment = comm, tasks = tasks, pars = pars))

# ReadSubass

#' Read a 'subassX.txt' file
#' This is a convenience wrapper function to import an subassX.txt sub-basin assessment file as data frame into R.
#' Sub-basins assessment files contain performance criteria results, as defined in 'info.txt', for individual 
#' sub-basins with observations.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the 'subassX.txt' file to import. 
#' @param nhour Integer, time step of sub-daily model results in hours. See details. 
#' @param check.names Logical. If \code{TRUE}, then the names of the variables are check to make sure they are syntactically valid.
#' @param na.strings Vector of strings that should be read as NA.
#' @details
#' \code{ReadSubass} imports a sub-basin assessment file into R. Information on model variables evaluated in the 
#' file is imported as additional \code{\link{attributes}} \code{variables}, the evaluation time step in an attribute 
#' \code{timestep}.
#' Sub-daily time steps are reported with time step code '0' in HYPE result files. In order to preserve the time step 
#' information in the imported R object, users must provide the actual model evaluation time step in hours 
#' in argument \code{nhour} in the sub-daily case.
#' @return
#' \code{ReadSubass} returns a data frame with two additional attributes: \code{variables} contains a 2-element 
#' character vector with IDs of evaluated observed and simulated HYPE variables, \code{timestep} contains a character 
#' keyword detailing the evaluation time step.
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadSubass(filename = system.file("demo_model",
#' "results", "subass1.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export 

ReadSubass <- function(filename = "subass1.txt", nhour = NULL, check.names = FALSE, na.strings = c("****************", "-9999")) {
  x <- read.table(file = filename, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", skip = 1, na.strings = na.strings)
  te <- readLines(filename, n = 2)
  names(x) <- strsplit(te[2], split = "\t")[[1]]
  # extract additional information from first row in file and add as attributes
  attrsrc <- strsplit(te[1], split = "[[:space:][:punct:]]+")[[1]]
  tstep <- c("day", "week", "month", "year", "modelperiod")[attrsrc[9]]
  # treatment for sub-daily time step (code 0)
  if (length(tstep) == 0) {
    if (is.null(nhour)) {
      tstep <- "nhour"
      warning("Sub-daily results in imported file, but argument 'nhour' not provided. Attribute 'timestep' returned as 'nhour'")
    } else {
      tstep <- paste0(nhour, "hour") 
  # Remove symbols from column names
  if(check.names == TRUE){
    colnames(x) <- gsub("[(%)]", "", colnames(x))
  attr(x, "timestep") <- tstep
  attr(x, "variables") <- attrsrc[11:12]

# ReadDescription

#' Read a 'description.txt' file
#' Read a 'description.txt' file as \code{list} object into R. A 'description.txt' file contains land use, soil, and crop 
#' class names of a HYPE set-up, as well as model set-up name and version. 
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the 'description.txt' file to import. 
#' @param gcl dataframe, GeoClass.txt file imported with \code{\link{ReadGeoClass}} to compare class IDs with. 
#' A warning will be thrown if not all class IDs in \code{gcl} exist in the description file.
#' @param encoding Character string, encoding of non-ascii characters in imported text file. Particularly relevant when 
#' importing files created under Windows (default encoding "Latin-1") in Linux (default encoding "UTF-8") and vice versa. See 
#' also argument description in \code{\link{scan}}.
#' @details
#' \code{ReadDescription} imports a 'description.txt' into R. This file is not used by HYPE, but is convenient for 
#' e.g. plotting legend labels or examining imported GeoClass files. E.g., \code{\link{PlotBasinSummary}} requires a list 
#' as returned from \code{ReadDescription} for labeling. 
#' A 'description.txt' file consists of 22 lines, alternating names and semicolon-separated content. Lines 
#' with names are not read by the import function, they just make it easier to compose and read the actual text file.
#' File contents read by \code{ReadDescription}: 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item HYPE set-up name (line 2)
#'  \item HYPE set-up version (line 4)
#'  \item Land use class IDs (line 6)
#'  \item Land use class names (line 6)
#'  \item Land use class short names (line 8)
#'  \item Soil class IDs (line 10)
#'  \item Soil class names (line 10)
#'  \item Soil class short names (line 12)
#'  \item Crop class IDs (line 14)
#'  \item Crop class names (line 14)
#'  \item Crop class short names (line 16)
#' }
#' Note that Crop class IDs start from \code{0}, which means no crop, whereas land use and soil IDs start from \code{1} (or higher).
#' Formatting example for description.txt files: 
#' \code{# Name} \cr
#' \code{MyHYPE} \cr
#' \code{# Version} \cr
#' \code{0.1} \cr
#' \code{# Land use class IDs} \cr
#' \code{1;2} \cr
#' \code{# Land use class names} \cr
#' \code{Agriculture;Coniferous forest} \cr
#' \code{# Short land use class names} \cr
#' \code{Agric.;Conif. f.} \cr
#' \code{# Soil class IDs} \cr
#' \code{1;2} \cr
#' \code{# Soil class names} \cr
#' \code{Coarse soils;Medium to fine soils} \cr
#' \code{# Short soil class names} \cr
#' \code{Coarse;Medium} \cr
#' \code{# Crop class IDs} \cr
#' \code{0;1;2} \cr
#' \code{# Crop class names} \cr
#' \code{None;Row crops;Autumn-sown cereal} \cr
#' \code{# Short crop class names} \cr
#' \code{None;Row;Aut.-sown} \cr
#' @return
#' \code{ReadDescription} returns a named list with 11 named character elements, corresponding to the 
#' imported lines:
#' \code{Name}, \code{Version}, \code{lu.id}, \code{Landuse}, \code{lu} (short names), \code{so.id}, 
#' \code{Soil}, \code{so} (short names), \code{cr.id}, \code{Crop}, \code{cr} (short names)
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadDescription(filename = system.file("demo_model",
#' "description.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te
#' @export 

ReadDescription <- function(filename, gcl = NULL, encoding = c("unknown", "UTF-8", "latin1")) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  ## builds on suggestion found here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6602881/text-file-to-list-in-r
  # read description file into a character vector (one string per row in file)
  x <- scan(file = filename, what = "", sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE, encoding = encoding)
  # split string elements along semicolons, returns list of character vectors
  x <- strsplit(enc2utf8(x), split = ";", useBytes = FALSE)
  # remove empty strings (excel export artefacts)
  x <- sapply(x, function(x) {te <- nchar(x);te <- ifelse(te == 0, FALSE, TRUE);x[te]})
  # create result list, assign names
  res <- x[c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22)]
  names(res) <- c("Name", "Version", "lu.id", "Landuse", "lu", "so.id", "Soil", "so", "cr.id", "Crop", "cr")
  # convert IDs to numeric
  res$lu.id <- as.numeric(res$lu.id)
  res$so.id <- as.numeric(res$so.id)
  res$cr.id <- as.numeric(res$cr.id)
  # check conformity of names and short names
  if (length(res$Landuse) != length(res$lu) || length(res$Landuse) != length(res$lu.id)) {
    warning("Diffent numbers of IDs, names, or short names for land uses in imported file.")
  if (length(res$Soil) != length(res$so) || length(res$Soil) != length(res$so.id)) {
    warning("Diffent numbers of IDs, names, or short names for soils in imported file.")
  if (length(res$Crop) != length(res$cr) || length(res$Crop) != length(res$cr.id)) {
    warning("Diffent numbers of IDs, names, or short names for crops in imported file.")
  # check conformity with geoclass if provided, missing classes allowed in gcl, but not in description
  if (!is.null(gcl)) {
    te <- unique(gcl[, 2])
    if (any(!(te %in% res$lu.id))) {
      warning("Not all land use classes IDs in 'gcl' present in description file.")
    te <- unique(gcl[, 3])
    if (any(!(te %in% res$so.id))) {
      warning("Not all soil classes IDs in 'gcl' present in description file.")
    # crop classes in two columns
    te <- unique(c(gcl[, 4], gcl[, 5]))
    if (any(!(te %in% res$cr.id))) {
      warning("Not all crop classes IDs in 'gcl' present in description file.")

# ReadSimass

#' Read a 'simass.txt' file
#' Import a HYPE simass.txt simulation assessment file as data frame into R.
#' Simulation assessment files contain domain-wide aggregated performance criteria results, as defined in 'info.txt'.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the 'simass.txt' file to import. 
#' @details
#' \code{ReadSimass} imports a simulation assessment file into R. 
#' \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:simass.txt}{HYPE simass.txt files} contain 
#' domain-wide performance measures for observed-simulated variable pairs as defined in 
#' \href{http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:info.txt#performance_criteria_options}{HYPE info.txt files}. 
#' The function interprets character-coded time steps (e.g. \code{"DD"} for daily time steps), as used in some HYPE versions. 
#' \strong{Sub-daily time steps are currently not treated} and will probably result in a warning during time step evaluation within the 
#' function. Please contact the developers if you need support for sub-daily time steps!
#' @return
#' \code{ReadSubass} returns a data frame with columns for HYPE variable names (observed, simulated), aggregation periods, and 
#' performance measure values of evaluated variable pairs. Aggregation periods are coded as in info.txt files, i.e. 1 = daily, 
#' 2 = weekly, 3 = monthly, 4 = annual. Metadata is added to the data frame as additional \code{\link{attributes}}: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{names.long}, \code{character} vector with long names, corresponding to abbreviations uses as actual column names}
#' \item{\code{n.simulation}, \code{integer}, simulation number (e.g. with Monte Carlo simulations)}
#' \item{\code{crit.total}, \code{numeric}, total criteria value}
#' \item{\code{crit.conditional}, \code{numeric}, conditional criteria value}
#' \item{\code{threshold}, \code{integer}, data limit threshold}
#' }
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{ReadSubass}}
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadSimass(filename = system.file("demo_model",
#' "results", "simass.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export 

ReadSimass <- function(filename = "simass.txt") {
  # file header with simulation info
  fhead <- readLines(con = filename, n = 10)
  # determine number of header rows
  if (nchar(gsub(" ", "", fhead[5])) == 0) {
    if (substr(fhead[6], 1, 11) == " Individual") {
      n.head <- 9
    } else {
      n.head <- 5
  } else {
    n.head <- 4
  # import data content
  te <- read.table(file = filename, sep = ":", fill = TRUE, skip = n.head, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = FALSE)

  # calculate number of performance measures and variable pairs for which performance measures are present (different numbers of 
  # perf meas possible, depending on HYPE version)
  # conditional: treat case with only 1 variable pair separately (diff() does not work then)
  te.perf <- which(gsub(pattern = "[[:blank:]]", replacement = "", x = te[, 1]) == "Variables")
  if (length(te.perf) == 1) {
    n.perf <- nrow(te)
  } else {
    n.perf <- diff(te.perf)[1]
  n.var <- nrow(te) / n.perf
  # extract performance measures for each variable pair into data frame
  # transpose along the way to get column-wise performances (comparable to subass tables)
  res <- data.frame(t(matrix(unlist(tapply(te[, 2], rep(1:n.var, each = n.perf), 
                                         function(x) {te <- as.numeric(c(x[3:(n.perf - 1)])); ifelse(te == -9999, NA, te)})), 
                           nrow = n.perf - 3, byrow = FALSE)))
  # look-up table for short performance measure names used as column names
  lookup.perf <- data.frame( long = c("Regional NSE", "Regional RA", "Regional RE", "Regional MAE", "Average NSE", "Average RA", 
                                      "Average RE", "Average RSDE", "Average CC", "Average ARE", "Average KGE", "Aver scalKGE", 
                                      "Spatial NSE", "Spatial RA", "Spatial RE", "Spatial Bias", "Spatial RMSE", "Kendalls Tau", 
                                      "Median NSE", "Median RA", "Median KGE", "Median NRMSE", "Mean NSEW", 
                                      "Number of data for regional criterion", "Number of areas in mean/median criterion"), 
                             short = c("RR2", "RRA", "RRE", "RMAE", "MR2", "MRA", "MRE", "MRS", "MCC", "MAR", "AKG", "ASCKG", "SR2", 
                                       "SRA", "SRE", "SBIAS", "SRMSE", "TAU", "MD2", "MDA", "MKG", "MNR", "MNW", "NDATREG", "NSUBME"))
  # extract performance measure names in the imported file, strip from superfluous space characters along the way
  nm.perf <- gsub(pattern = "^ *|(?<= ) | *$", replacement = "", te[, 1][3:(n.perf - 1)], perl = TRUE)
  # add short performance measure names as column names, prepare long names attribute vector
  names(res) <- lookup.perf$short[match(nm.perf, lookup.perf$long)]
  nm.long <- lookup.perf$long[match(nm.perf, lookup.perf$long)]
  ## add additional columns to results and long name attribute vector
  # individual criteria
  if (n.head == 9) {
    res <- cbind(CRIT = as.numeric(na.omit(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(strsplit(fhead[8], split = " ")[[1]])))), res)
    nm.long <- c("Individual criterion", nm.long)
  # aggregation periods, with conversion of letter code to standard HYPE numeric codes (as used in info.txt)
  agg.period <- te[, 2][seq(from = 2, length.out = n.var, by = n.perf)]
  # conditional: check if periods are given as numeric, and if not, try to convert from predefined character codes, 
  #              as last option return whatever was found in file and return a warning
  if (any(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(agg.period))))) {
    # periods are coded as characters, try to convert to numeric code
    te.agg <- gsub(pattern = "^ *", replacement = "", agg.period)
    if (all(te.agg %in% c("DD", "WW", "MM", "YY"))) {
      te.agg <- factor(te.agg, levels = c("DD", "WW", "MM", "YY"))
      levels(te.agg) <- 1:4
      te.agg <- as.numeric(te.agg)
      agg.period <- te.agg
    } else {
      agg.period <- te.agg
      warning("Aggregation period code unknown. Returned as imported in column 'PERIOD'.")
  } else {
    # periods are coded numerically, just return the numbers
    agg.period <- as.numeric(agg.period)
  res <- cbind(PERIOD = agg.period, res)
  nm.long <- c("Aggregation period", nm.long)
  # simulated and observed HYPE variables
  hvar <- strsplit(gsub(pattern = "^ *", replacement = "", te[, 2][seq(from = 1, length.out = n.var, by = n.perf)]), ", ")
  hvar <- matrix(toupper(unlist(hvar)), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  res <- cbind(VAR.OBS = hvar[, 1], VAR.SIM = hvar[, 2], res)
  nm.long <- c("Observed variable", "Simulated variable", nm.long)
  ## add attributes to results
  # long names
  attr(res, "names.long") <- nm.long
  # simulation number (in case of monte carlo results)
  attr(res, "n.simulation") <- as.numeric(substr(fhead[2], 20, 100))
  # conditional on number of header rows
  if (n.head %in% c(5, 9)) {
    te.head <- as.numeric(na.omit(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(strsplit(paste(fhead[3:4], collapse = " "), split = " +|,")[[1]]))))
  } else {
    te.head <- as.numeric(na.omit(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(strsplit(fhead[3], split = " +|,")[[1]]))))
  # total criteria value
  attr(res, "crit.total") <- te.head[1]
  # conditional criteria value
  attr(res, "crit.conditional") <- te.head[2]
  # threshold
  attr(res, "threshold") <- te.head[3]

# ReadInfo

#' Read an 'info.txt' file
#' Import a HYPE model settings information file as list into R.
#' @param filename Path to and file name of the info.txt file to import.
#' @param encoding Character string, encoding of non-ascii characters in imported text file. Particularly relevant when 
#' importing files created under Windows (default encoding "Latin-1") in Linux (default encoding "UTF-8") and vice versa. See 
#' also argument description in \code{\link{scan}}.
#' @param mode Use \code{simple} to read info.txt file as a nested list to that provides easy access to key information.
#' Alternatively, use \code{exact} to read info.txt file as a list matching the exact info.txt file structure (including all comment lines).
#' @param comment.duplicates Logical, if \code{TRUE}, then duplicate codes will be commented out when reading the input file. If \code{FALSE},
#' then the input file will not not be checked for duplicate codes.
#' @details
#' Using \code{ReadInfo} with the \code{simple} mode discards all comments of the imported file (comment rows and in-line comments). The function's purpose is to quickly 
#' provide access to settings and details of a model run, not to mirror the exact info.txt file structure into an R data object. If you would like to mirror the exact file
#' structure, then use the \code{exact} mode.
#' @return
#' \code{ReadInfo} returns a named list. List names are settings codes 
#' (see [info.txt documentation](http://hype.smhi.net//wiki/doku.php?id=start:hype_file_reference:info.txt)). Settings with two 
#' codes are placed in nested lists, e.g. `myinfo$basinoutput$variable`. Multi-line subbasin definitions for basin outputs and class 
#' outputs are merged to single vectors on import. 
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{WriteInfo}}
#' \code{\link{AddInfoLine}}
#' \code{\link{RemoveInfoLine}}
#' @examples
#' te <- ReadInfo(filename = system.file("demo_model",
#' "info.txt", package = "HYPEtools"))
#' te
#' @export

ReadInfo <- function(filename = "info.txt", encoding = c("unknown", "UTF-8", "latin1"), mode = c("simple", "exact"), comment.duplicates = TRUE) {
  # argument checks
  encoding <- match.arg(encoding)
  mode <- match.arg(mode)
  # ReadInfo function to emulate structure of info.txt
  if(mode == "exact"){

    ## builds on suggestion found here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6602881/text-file-to-list-in-r
    # read par file into a character vector (one string per row in file)
    x <- scan(filename, what = "", sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE, encoding = encoding)
    # insert blank after comment character, to make sure they get split for comment identification below
    x <- gsub(pattern = "!!", replacement = "!!\t", x = x)
    # split string elements along whitespaces, returns list of character vectors
    x <- strsplit(x, split = "[[:space:]]+")
    # assign first vector elements as list element names and convert to lower-case (as standardisation)
    names(x) <- sapply(x, `[[`, 1)
    names(x) <- tolower(names(x))
    # # replace comment row names
    # names(x) <- ifelse(names(x) == "!!", "comment", names(x))
    # remove first vector elements (parameter names)
    x <- lapply(x, `[`, -1)
    ## identify inline comments and move to separate list elements (preceding element)
    # list of vector indices in x with comment characters
    te <- sapply(x, function(x){grep(pattern = "!!", x)})
    # initialise result list and result list element counter
    info <- list()
    j <- 1
    for (i in 1:length(te)) {
      # comment characters identification, but omit comment rows
      if (length(te[[i]] > 0) && names(te)[i] != "!!") {
        # copy comment to new result row
        info[[j]] <- x[[i]][(te[[i]][1] + 1):length(x[[i]])]
        names(info)[j] <- "!!"
        j <- j + 1
        # copy parameter value(s) without comments to result list
        info[[j]] <- x[[i]][1:(te[[i]][1] - 1)]
        # update result name
        names(info)[j] <- names(x)[i]
        j <- j + 1
      } else {
        info[[j]] <- x[[i]]
        names(info)[j] <- names(x)[i]
        j <- j + 1
    # convert list elements to numeric, if possible, catch conversion errors and collapse non-numeric vectors to single strings
    info <- suppressWarnings(lapply(info, function(x) tryCatch(na.fail(as.numeric(x)), error = function(e) paste(x, collapse = " "))))

    # Set names to lower
    names(info) <- tolower(names(info))
    # Adjust names for modeloptions, outputs, and crit lines
    for(i in which(names(info) %in% c("modeloption", "basinoutput", "timeoutput", "mapoutput", "crit"))){
      values <- unlist(strsplit(info[[i]], "\\s+")) # Get values
      name <- paste(names(info)[i], values[1]) # Get name
      # Rename code and remove name from code - Crit
      if(grepl("crit [0-9]", name) == TRUE){
        names(info)[i] <- paste(name, values[2]) # Rename code
        info[[i]] <- paste(values[3:length(values)], collapse = " ") # Remove name from code
        # Rename code and remove name from code - All others
      } else{
        names(info)[i] <-  name # Rename code
        info[[i]] <- paste(values[2:length(values)], collapse = " ") # Remove name from code
    # Comment out duplicate lines
    if(comment.duplicates == TRUE){
      duplicates <- names(info)[which(duplicated(names(info)))]
      duplicates <- duplicates[which(!duplicates == "!!")]
      if(length(duplicates) > 0){
        for(dup in duplicates){
          i <- max(which(names(info) == dup)) # Get position of second instance
          info[[i]] <- paste(names(info)[i], info[[i]]) # Set valuet to include name
          names(info)[i] <- "!!" # Set name to be comment character
          warning(paste("Duplicate code(s) found in input file. Commenting out duplicate instances of:",paste(duplicates, collapse = "; ")), call. = FALSE)

  # Original ReadInfo Function
  } else if(mode == "simple"){
    # Import info file as list with one vector per row in file
    ## builds on suggestion found here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6602881/text-file-to-list-in-r
    # read par file into a character vector (one string per row in file)
    x <- scan(filename, what = "", sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE, encoding = encoding)
    # insert blank after comment character, to make sure they get split for comment identification below
    x <- gsub(pattern = "!!", replacement = "!!\t", x = x)
    # split string elements along whitespaces, returns list of character vectors
    x <- strsplit(x, split = "[[:space:]]+")
    # first vector elements
    x.v1 <- sapply(x, `[[`, 1)
    ## identify inline comments and move to separate list elements (preceding element)
    # list of vector indices in x with comment characters
    te <- sapply(x, function(x){grep(pattern = "!!", x)})
    # initialise result list and result list element counter
    res <- list()
    j <- 1
    for (i in 1:length(te)) {
      # comment characters identification, but omit comment rows
      if (length(te[[i]] > 0) && x.v1[i] != "!!") {
        # copy comment to new result row
        res[[j]] <- x[[i]][(te[[i]][1]):length(x[[i]])]
        # names(res)[j] <- "!!"
        j <- j + 1
        # copy parameter value(s) without comments to result list
        res[[j]] <- x[[i]][1:(te[[i]][1] - 1)]
        # # update result name
        # names(res)[j] <- names(x)[i]
        j <- j + 1
      } else {
        res[[j]] <- x[[i]]
        # names(res)[j] <- names(x)[i]
        j <- j + 1
    # merge crit with second-element index number if it is present
    res <- lapply(res, function(x) if (x[1] == "crit" && !is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x[2])))) {x[1] <- paste(x[1], x[2]); x <- x[-2]} else x)
    # update first vector element after inline comment and crit treatment
    res.v1 <- tolower(sapply(res, function(x) x[1]))
    # discard comments
    res <- res[res.v1 != "!!"]
    res.v1 <- res.v1[res.v1 != "!!"]
    # Split off all two-code elements, these are moved into nested lists
    # two-code elements, first codes
    code1 <- c("modeloption", "basinoutput", "mapoutput", "timeoutput", "regionoutput", "classoutput", "update", unique(res.v1[grep("^crit", res.v1)]))
    # iterate through codes and move into nested lists
    for (i in 1:length(code1)) {
      # elements with current code
      te <- which(res.v1 == code1[i])
      # move on if none found
      if (length(te) == 0) next
      # split
      te.res <- res[te]
      res <- res[-te]
      res.v1 <- res.v1[-te]
      # remove code names from split list
      te.res <- lapply(te.res, `[`, -1)
      # assign first vector elements as list element names and convert to lower-case
      names(te.res) <- tolower(sapply(te.res, `[[`, 1))
      # remove first vector elements (parameter names) and convert values to numeric if possible
      te.res <- lapply(te.res, function(x) tryCatch(as.numeric(x[-1]), warning = function(y) x[-1]))
      # merge multi-line subbasin codes
      if (code1[i] %in% c("basinoutput", "classoutput")) {
        te.sbd <- which(names(te.res) == "subbasin")
        if (length(te.sbd) > 1) {
          te.res[[te.sbd[1]]] <- as.numeric(unlist(te.res[te.sbd]))
          te.res <- te.res[-(te.sbd[-1])]
      # append to full info list
      res[[length(res) + 1]] <- te.res
      names(res)[length(res)] <- gsub(" ", "_", code1[i])
    # Formatting of single-code lines
    # assign first vector elements as list element names and convert to lower-case
    te.ind <- 1:length(res.v1)
    names(res)[te.ind] <- tolower(sapply(res[te.ind], `[[`, 1))
    # remove first vector elements (parameter names) and convert values to numeric if possible
    res[te.ind] <- lapply(res[te.ind], function(x) tryCatch(as.numeric(x[-1]), warning = function(y) x[-1]))
    # format dates

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