
HWExactPrevious <- function (X, alternative = "two.sided", pvaluetype = "selome", x.linked = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
  if(!x.linked) {
    if (length(X) != 3 | any(X < 0))
      stop("HWExact: X is not a 3 by 1 non-negative count vector")
    if (any(!is.wholenumber(X))) {
      warning("Genotype counts are not integers, counts will be rounded.")
      X <- round(X, digits = 0)
    n <- sum(X)
    Xhom <- X[homozyg(X)]
    Xhet <- X[heterozyg(X)]
    nA <- 2 * Xhom[1] + Xhet
    nB <- 2 * n - nA
    MaxHet <- min(nA, nB)
    if (MaxHet < 2) {
      pval <- 1
      prob <- 1
      pofthesample <- 1
      ind <- 1
    else {
      ind <- match(Xhet, seq(MaxHet%%2, MaxHet, 2))
      enAB <- nA * nB/(2 * n - 1)
      enAB <- round(enAB, digits = 0)
      if ((enAB%%2) != (MaxHet%%2))
        enAB <- enAB + 1
      nAA <- (nA - enAB)/2
      nBB <- (nB - enAB)/2
      initialprob <- 1
      AboveExp <- NULL
      BelowExp <- NULL
      if (enAB < MaxHet)
        AboveExp <- CompProbUp(nAA, nBB, enAB, initialprob,
      BelowExp <- CompProbDown(nAA, nBB, enAB, initialprob)
      prob <- c(rev(BelowExp), initialprob, AboveExp)
      prob <- prob/sum(prob)
    if (MaxHet%%2 == 0)
      names(prob) <- seq(0, MaxHet, 2)
    if (MaxHet%%2 == 1)
      names(prob) <- seq(1, MaxHet, 2)
    Plow <- cumsum(prob)
    Phigh <- 1 - c(0, Plow)
    Phigh <- Phigh[-length(Phigh)]
    Phwe <- pmin(1, 2 * Phigh, 2 * Plow)
    pofthesample <- prob[ind]
    pval <- switch(alternative,
                   greater = switch(pvaluetype, selome = Phigh[ind], midp = Phigh[ind] - 0.5 * pofthesample,
                                    stop("invalid value for parameter pvaluetype")),
                   less = switch(pvaluetype, selome = Plow[ind], midp = Plow[ind] - 0.5 * pofthesample,
                                 stop("invalid value for parameter pvaluetype")),
                   two.sided = switch(pvaluetype, dost = Phwe[ind], selome = sum(prob[prob <=
                                                                                        pofthesample]), midp = sum(prob[prob < pofthesample]) +
                                        0.5 * pofthesample, stop("invalid value for parameter pvaluetype")),
                   stop("invalid value for parameter alternative"))
    if (verbose) {
      D <- 0.5 * (Xhet - nA * nB/(2 * n))
      cat("Haldane's Exact test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium\n")
      stringpvalue <- switch(pvaluetype, dost = "using DOST p-value\n",
                             selome = "using SELOME p-value\n", midp = "using MID p-value\n",
                             stop("invalid value for parameter pvaluetype"))
      cat(paste("sample counts: n", names(Xhom[1]), " = ",
                sep = ""), Xhom[1], paste("n", names(Xhet), " = ",
                                          sep = ""), Xhet, paste("n", names(Xhom[2]), " = ",
                                                                 sep = ""), Xhom[2], "\n")
      stringtwosided <- paste("H0: HWE (D==0), H1: D <> 0 \nD = ",
                              format(D, scientific = FALSE), "p = ", format(pval,
                                                                            scientific = FALSE), "\n")
      stringgreater <- paste("H0: HWE (D==0), H1: D > 0 \nD = ",
                             format(D, scientific = FALSE), "p = ", format(pval,
                                                                           scientific = FALSE), "\n")
      stringless <- paste("H0: HWE (D==0), H1: D < 0 \nD = ",
                          format(D, scientific = FALSE), "p = ", format(pval,
                                                                        scientific = FALSE), "\n")
      toprint <- switch(alternative, two.sided = stringtwosided,
                        greater = stringgreater, less = stringless)
  } else { # x.linked marker.
    if (length(X) != 5 | any(X < 0)) 
      stop("HWExact: X is not a 5 by 1 non-negative count vector for an x-linked marker")
    if (any(!is.wholenumber(X))) {
      warning("Genotype counts are not integers, counts will be rounded.")
      X <- round(X, digits = 0)
    lab <- names(X)
    if(!all(lab %in% c("A","AA","AB","B","BB")))
      stop("Unknown genotypes occurred. Supply counts as a named vector c(A,AA,AB,B,BB)")
    n <- sum(X)         
    nfAA <- X[lab=="AA"]
    nfAB <- X[lab=="AB"]
    nfBB <- X[lab=="BB"]
    nmA <- X[lab=="A"]
    nmB <- X[lab=="B"]
    nAf <- 2*nfAA + nfAB
    nBf <- 2*nfBB + nfAB
    nm <- nmA+nmB
    nf <- n - nm
    X <- c(nmA,nmB,nfAA,nfAB,nfBB)
    nA <- nmA + 2*nfAA + nfAB
    nB <- nmB + 2*nfBB + nfAB
    nt <- nA+nB
    pA <- nA/nt
    # immediately arrange according to minor allele
    if(nA < nB) {
      X <- c(nmA,nmB,nfAA,nfAB,nfBB)
    } else {
      X <- c(nmB,nmA,nfBB,nfAB,nfAA)
    ### recompute all genotype and allele counts considering A the minor allele
    nfAA <- X[3]
    nfAB <- X[4]
    nfBB <- X[5]
    nmA <- X[1]
    nmB <- X[2]
    nAf <- 2*nfAA + nfAB
    nBf <- 2*nfBB + nfAB
    nA <- nmA + 2*nfAA + nfAB
    nB <- nmB + 2*nfBB + nfAB
    pA <- nA/nt    
    #    if(verbose) {
    #       mcat(nm,nf)
    #       mcat(nmA,nmB)
    #       mcat(nA,nB,nt)
    #       mcat(nfAA,nfAB,nfBB)
    #       print(x)
    #   }
    X.out <- generate.outcomes(X,FALSE) # minor allele goes first!
    #    print(X.out)
    # in order n,nm,mA,nA,fAB)
    prob <- numeric(nrow(X.out))
    for(i in 1:nrow(X.out)) {
      prob[i] <- sample.prob(n,nm,X.out[i,1],nA,X.out[i,4])
    spvec <- sum(prob)
    #    mcat(spvec)
    #     if(spvec!=1) warning("Probabilities do not sum 1")
    Xo <- cbind(X.out,prob)
    colnames(Xo) <- c("mA","mB","fAA","fAB","fBB","Prob")  
    pofthesample <- sample.prob(n,nm,nmA,nA,nfAB)
    ind <- Xo[,6] <= pofthesample
    if(pvaluetype=="selome") pval <- sum(Xo[ind,6])
    if(pvaluetype=="midp") {
      pval <- sum(Xo[ind,6])-0.5*pofthesample
    if(verbose) {
      cat("Graffelman-Weir exact test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium on the X-chromosome\n")
      stringpvalue <- switch(pvaluetype, 
                             selome = "using SELOME p-value\n", midp = "using MID p-value\n",
                             stop("invalid value for parameter pvaluetype"))
      cat("Sample probability",pofthesample,"p = ",pval,"\n")
  out <- list(pval = pval, prob = prob, pofthesample = pofthesample)

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HardyWeinberg documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:17 a.m.