FindMaxRepeatIns: Return the number of repeat units in which an insertion is...

View source: R/ID_functions.R

FindMaxRepeatInsR Documentation

Return the number of repeat units in which an insertion is embedded.


Return the number of repeat units in which an insertion is embedded.


FindMaxRepeatIns(context, rep.unit.seq, pos)



A string into which rep.unit.seq was inserted at position pos.


The inserted sequence and candidate repeat unit sequence.


rep.unit.seq is understood to be inserted between positions pos and pos + 1.


For example

rep.unit.seq = ac
pos = 2
context = xyaczt
return 1

rep.unit.seq = ac
pos = 4
context = xyaczt
return 1

rep.unit.seq = cgct
pos = 2
rep.unit.seq = at
return 0

context = gacacacacg
rep.unit.seq = ac
pos = any of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
return 4

If substr(context, pos, pos + nchar(rep.unit.seq) - 1) != rep.unit.seq, then stop.


If same sequence as rep.unit.seq occurs ending at pos or starting at pos + 1 then the number of repeat units before the insertion, otherwise 0.

ICAMS documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:47 p.m.