
Defines functions expand.grid.df vec_to_list repcol construct_kernel construct_Q find_Qo construct_M construct_grid simIDE constant_basis show_kernel coef.IDE predict.IDE fit.IDE IDE

Documented in coef.IDE constant_basis fit.IDE IDE predict.IDE show_kernel simIDE

# IDE: An R Software package for implementing integro-difference
# equation models
# Copyright (c) 2018 Andrew Zammit-Mangion
# Author: Andrew Zammit-Mangion, azm (at) uow.edu.au
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

#' @name IDE
#' @title Construct IDE object, fit and predict
#' @description The integro-difference equation (IDE) model is constructed using the function \code{IDE}, fitted using the function \code{IDE.fit} and used for prediction using the function \code{predict}.
#' @param f \code{R} formula relating the dependent variable (or transformations thereof) to covariates
#' @param data data object of class \code{STIDF}
#' @param dt object of class \code{difftime} identifying the temporal discretisation used in the model
#' @param process_basis object of class \code{Basis} as defined in the package \code{FRK}
#' @param kernel_basis a list of four objects of class \code{Basis} as defined in the package \code{FRK}. The first corresponds to the spatial decomposition of the kernel amplitude, the second to the kernel aperture, the third to the kernel horizontal offset, and the fourth to the kernel vertical offset. If left \code{NULL}, a spatially-invariant kernel is assumed
#' @param grid_size an integer identifying the number of grid points to use (in one dimension) for numerical integrations
#' @param forecast an integer indicating the number of steps to forecast (where each step corresponds to one \code{difftime})
#' @param hindcast an integer indicating the number of steps to hindcast (where each step corresponds to one \code{difftime})
#' @param object object of class \code{IDE} to for fitting or predicting
#' @param method method used to estimate the parameters. Currently only \code{"DEoptim"} is allowed, which calls an evolution algorithm from the package \code{DEoptim}
#' @param fix list of parameters which are fixed and not estimated (e.g., \code{list(sigma2_eps = 0.01)}). Currently only the measurement-error variance (\code{sigma2_eps}) can be fixed
#' @param newdata data frame or object of class \code{STIDF} containing the spatial and temporal points at which to predict
#' @param covariances a flag indicating whether prediction covariances should be returned or not when predicting
#' @param ... other parameters passed to \code{DEoptim} or \code{predict}
#' @details The first-order spatio-temporal IDE process model used in the package \code{IDE} is given by \deqn{Y_t(s) = \int_{D_s} m(s,x;\theta_p) Y_{t-1}(x) \; dx  + \eta_t(s); \;\;\; s,x \in D_s,} for \eqn{t=1,2,\ldots}, where \eqn{m(s,x;\theta_p)} is a transition kernel, depending on parameters \eqn{\theta_p} that specify ``redistribution weights'' for the process at the previous time over the spatial domain, \eqn{D_s}, and \eqn{\eta_t(s)} is a time-varying (but statistically independent in time) continuous mean-zero Gaussian spatial process.  It is assumed that the parameter vector \eqn{\theta_p} does not vary with time.  In general, \eqn{\int_{D_s} m(s,x;\theta_p) d x < 1} for the process to be stable (non-explosive) in time.
#' The redistribution kernel \eqn{m(s,x;\theta_p)} used by the package \code{IDE} is given by \deqn{m(s,x;\theta_p) = {\theta_{p,1}(s)} \exp\left(-\frac{1}{\theta_{p,2}(s)}\left[(x_1 - \theta_{p,3}(s) - s_1)^2 + (x_2 - \theta_{p,4}(s) - s_2)^2 \right] \right),}
#' where the spatially-varying kernel amplitude is given by \eqn{\theta_{p,1}(s)} and controls the temporal stationarity, the spatially-varying length-scale (variance) parameter \eqn{\theta_{p,2}(s)} corresponds to a kernel scale (aperture) parameter (i.e., the kernel width increases as \eqn{\theta_{p,2}} increases), and the mean (shift) parameters \eqn{\theta_{p,3}(s)} and \eqn{\theta_{p,4}(s)} correspond to a spatially-varying shift of the kernel relative to location \eqn{s}. Spatially-invariant kernels (i.e., where the elements of \eqn{\theta_p} are not functions of space) are assumed by default. The spatial dependence, if present, is modelled using a basis-function decomposition.
#'\code{IDE.fit()} takes an object of class \code{IDE} and estimates all unknown parameters, namely the parameters \eqn{\theta_p} and the measurement-error variance, using maximum likelihood. The only method currently used is the genetic algorithm in the package \code{DEoptim}. This has been seen to work well on several simulation and real-application studies on multi-core machines.
#'Once the parameters are fitted, the \code{IDE} object is passed onto the function \code{predict()} in order to carry out optimal predictions over some prediction spatio-temporal locations. If no locations are specified, the spatial grid used for discretising the integral at every time point in the data horizon are used. The function \code{predict} returns a data frame in long format. Change-of-support is currently not supported.
#' @return Object of class \code{IDE} that contains \code{get} and \code{set} functions for retrieving and setting internal parameters, the function \code{update_alpha} which predicts the latent states, \code{update_beta} which estimates the regression coefficients based on the current predictions for \code{alpha}, and \code{negloglik}, which computes the negative log-likelihood.
#' @seealso \code{\link{show_kernel}} for plotting the kernel
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SIM1 <- simIDE(T = 5, nobs = 100, k_spat_invariant = 1)
#' IDEmodel <- IDE(f = z ~ s1 + s2,
#'                 data = SIM1$z_STIDF,
#'                 dt = as.difftime(1, units = "days"),
#'                 grid_size = 41)
#' \donttest{
#' #fit_results_sim1 <- fit.IDE(IDEmodel,
#' #                            parallelType = 1)
#' #ST_grid_df <- predict(fit_results_sim1$IDEmodel)
#' }
IDE <- function(f, data, dt, process_basis = NULL, kernel_basis = NULL, grid_size = 41, forecast = 0, hindcast = 0) {

    stop("f needs to be of class formula")

  if(!is(data, "ST"))
    stop("data needs to be of class ST")

  if(!is(dt, "difftime"))
    stop("dt needs to be of class difftime")

  if(is.null(process_basis)) {
    process_basis <- auto_basis(manifold = plane(),
                                data = data,
                                regular = 1,
                                nres = 2)

  ## Initialize
  alphahat <- M <- Q <- Q_eps <- Q_eta <- k <- betahat <-
    Qpost <- Qpostchol <- sigma2_eps <- sigma2_eta <- NULL
  G_const <- new("Basis",
                 manifold = plane(),
                 fn = list(function(s) rep(1, nrow(s))),
                 pars = list(),
                 df = data.frame(),
                 n = 1)

  if(is.null(kernel_basis)) {
    kernel_basis <- list(G_const, G_const, G_const, G_const)

  nk <- sapply(kernel_basis, nbasis)

  ## Set functions
  set <- function(k = NULL, sigma2_eps = NULL, sigma2_eta = NULL) {
    if(!is.null(sigma2_eps)) {
      sigma2_eps <<- sigma2_eps
      Q_eps <<- 1/(sigma2_eps) * Diagonal(m)

    if(!is.null(sigma2_eta)) {
      sigma2_eta <<- sigma2_eta
      Q_eta <<- 1/(sigma2_eta) * Diagonal(r)

    if(!is.null(k)) {
      if(!(length(k) == length(kernel_basis)))
        stop("Need to supply as many parameters as kernel basis functions")
      k <<- k
      M <<- Mfun(kernel_basis, k)

    if(!is.null(M) & !is.null(Q_eta))
      if(!is.null(sigma2_eta) | !is.null(k)) {
        Q <<- construct_Q(Q_eta, M, T)
        if(max(abs(eigen(M)$values)) < 2) { # safegaurd against blow-up
          Qpost <<- crossprod(chol(Q_eps) %*% PHI_obs) + Q
          Qpostchol <<- cholPermute(Qpost)


  get <- function(obj) {
    switch(obj, "sigma2_eps" = sigma2_eps,
           "sigma2_eta" = sigma2_eta,
           "Q_eps" = Q_eps,
           "Q_eta" = Q_eta,
           "alphahat" = alphahat,
           "betahat" = betahat,
           "coordnames" = coordnames,
           "data" = data,
           "PHI_obs" = PHI_obs,
           "plausible_ranges" = plausible_ranges,
           "process_basis" = process_basis,
           "kernel_basis" = kernel_basis,
           "Qpost" = Qpost,
           "time_points" = time_points,
           "X_obs" = X_obs,
           "Q" = Q,
           "M" = M,
           "k" = k,
           "f" = f,
           "nk"= nk,
           "r" = r,
           "s" = s,
           "m" = m,
           "T" = T,
           "Z" = Z)

  update_alpha <- function() {
    alphahat <<-  cholsolve(Q = Qpost,
                            y = t(PHI_obs) %*% Q_eps %*% (Z - X_obs %*% betahat),
                            perm = TRUE,
                            cholQp = Qpostchol$Qpermchol,
                            P = Qpostchol$P)

  #update_beta <- function(X_obs, PHI_obs, Q_eps, Qpost_cholsolve, Z) {
  update_betahat <- function() {
    Qpost_cholsolve <- function(y) {
      cholsolve(Q = Qpost,
                y = y,
                perm = TRUE,
                cholQp = Qpostchol$Qpermchol,
                P = Qpostchol$P)

    tPHIQepsZ <- t(PHI_obs) %*% Q_eps %*% Z
    tXQeps <- (t(X_obs) %*% Q_eps)
    tXQepsPHI <- tXQeps %*% PHI_obs
    Part1 <- solve(tXQeps %*% X_obs - tXQepsPHI %*% Qpost_cholsolve(t(tXQepsPHI)))
    Part2 <- tXQeps %*% Z - tXQepsPHI %*% Qpost_cholsolve(y = tPHIQepsZ)
    betahat <<- Part1 %*% Part2

  ## Log likelihood
  negloglik <- function() {
    if(max(abs(eigen(M)$values)) < 1 &
       all(sapply(3:length(k), function(i) all(abs(k[[i]]) < axis_ranges[i-2])))) {
      Ztilde <- Z - X_obs %*% betahat

      Qchol <- cholPermute(Q)
      -((0.5*logdet(Qchol$Qpermchol) +
           0.5*logdet(chol(Q_eps)) -
           0.5*logdet(Qpostchol$Qpermchol) -
           0.5*t(Ztilde) %*% (Q_eps %*% Ztilde) +
           0.5*t(Ztilde) %*% Q_eps %*% PHI_obs %*% alphahat) %>% as.numeric())
    } else {

  # Cast to STIDF
  if(is(data, "STFDF"))
    data <- as(data, "STIDF")

  # Remove NAs
  data <- subset(data, !is.na(data@data[,all.vars(f)[1]]))

  r <- nbasis(process_basis)
  m <- length(data)
  bbox <- data@sp@bbox
  coordnames <- colnames(coordinates(data))
  s <- construct_grid(bbox, grid_size,
                      coordnames = coordnames)
  axis_ranges <- apply(bbox, 1, diff)
  time_points <- seq(min(time(data)) - dt*hindcast,
                     max(time(data)) + dt*forecast,
                     by = dt)

  if(!all(time(data) %in% time_points))
    stop("Data time points need to be equidistant on chose time interval")
  T <- length(time_points)

  depvar_name <- all.vars(f)[1]
  Z <- data[[depvar_name]]
  PHI_obs_list <- lapply(1:T, function(i) {
    if(any(time(data) %in% time_points[i])) {
      eval_basis(process_basis, coordinates(data[,time_points[i]]))
    } else { Zeromat(0,r)}})
  PHI_obs <- do.call("bdiag", PHI_obs_list)
  X_obs <-  model.matrix(f, data)
  betahat <- solve(crossprod(X_obs,X_obs)) %*% t(X_obs) %*% Z # OLS

  Ztilde <- Z - X_obs %*% betahat
  set(sigma2_eps = var(Ztilde)/2,
      sigma2_eta = var(Ztilde)/2)

  plausible_ranges <- data.frame(k1 = 150 / (s$area*grid_size^2) * c(0.01,10),
                                 k2 = max((axis_ranges / 2)^2)*c(0.001,1),
                                 k3 = max(axis_ranges)*c(-0.5,0.5),
                                 k4 = max(axis_ranges)*c(-0.5,0.5),
                                 sigma2_eps =  c(var(Ztilde)) * c(0.01, 2),
                                 sigma2_eta =  c(var(Ztilde)/100, var(Ztilde)*2))

  Mfun <- construct_M(process_basis, s)
  kinit <- c(150 / (s$area*grid_size^2),
             0.002 * (s$area*grid_size^2),
             0, 0)
  k <- lapply(1:length(kernel_basis),
              function(i) rep(kinit[i], nbasis(kernel_basis[[i]])))
  # 150, 0.002, -0.1, 0.1
  set(k = k)

  update_alpha()        # Initial guess
  update_betahat()      # GLS

  IDEobj <- list(set = set,
                 get = get,
                 update_alpha = update_alpha,
                 update_betahat = update_betahat,
                 negloglik = negloglik)
  class(IDEobj) <- "IDE"

#' @export
#' @rdname IDE
fit.IDE <- function(object, method = "DEoptim", fix = list(), ...) {

  ## Optimise log likelihood
  optimfun <- function(theta, IDEmodel, fix = list()) {
    nk <- IDEmodel$get("nk")
    p <- length(theta)
    if(!is.null(fix$sigma2_eps)) {
      sigma2_eps <- fix$sigma2_eps
      nsigma2 <- 1
    } else {
      sigma2_eps <- exp(theta[p-1])
      nsigma2 <- 2
    sigma2_eta <- exp(theta[p])
    ki <- theta[1:(p-nsigma2)]
    ki <- vec_to_list(ki, nk)
    ki[[1]] <- ki[[1]]*1000
    ki[[2]] <- exp(ki[[2]]*10)
    IDEmodel$set(k =  ki,
                 sigma2_eps = sigma2_eps,
                 sigma2_eta = sigma2_eta)

  P <- object$get("plausible_ranges")

  if(method == "DEoptim") {
    nk <- object$get("nk")
    lower = c(rep(P$k1[1]/1000, nk[1]),
              rep(log(P$k2[1])/10, nk[2]),
              rep(P$k3[1], nk[3]),
              rep(P$k4[1], nk[4]),
    upper = c(rep(P$k1[2]/1000, nk[1]),
              rep(log(P$k2[2])/10, nk[2]),
              rep(P$k3[2], nk[3]),
              rep(P$k4[2], nk[4]),

    if(!is.null(fix$sigma2_eps)) {
      lower <- lower[-(length(lower) - 1)]
      upper <- upper[-(length(upper) - 1)]

    ## Bring functions into local environment for DEoptim
    O <- DEoptim(fn = optimfun,
                 lower = lower,
                 upper = upper,
                 control = c(list(packages = c("Matrix","FRK",
                                               "sp", "dplyr", "IDE")),...),
                 IDEmodel = object,
                 fix = fix)
    theta <- O$optim$bestmem
  } else {
    stop("Only DEoptim implemented for now")

  nk <- object$get("nk")
  p <- length(theta)
  if(!is.null(fix$sigma2_eps)) {
    sigma2_eps <- fix$sigma2_eps
    nsigma2 <- 1
  } else {
    sigma2_eps <- exp(theta[p-1])
    nsigma2 <- 2
  sigma2_eta <- exp(theta[p])
  ki <- theta[1:(p - nsigma2)]
  ki <- vec_to_list(ki, nk)
  ki[[1]] <- ki[[1]]*1000
  ki[[2]] <- exp(ki[[2]]*10)
  object$set(k =  ki,
             sigma2_eps = sigma2_eps,
             sigma2_eta = sigma2_eta)

  list(optim_results = O,
       IDEmodel = object)

#' @export
#' @rdname IDE
predict.IDE <- function(object, newdata = NULL, covariances = FALSE, ...) {
  alphahat <- object$get("alphahat")
  betahat <- object$get("betahat")
  coordnames <- object$get("coordnames")
  process_basis <- object$get("process_basis")
  data <- object$get("data")
  Qpost <- object$get("Qpost")
  time_points <- object$get("time_points")
  f <- object$get("f")
  s <- object$get("s")
  T <- object$get("T")
  r <- object$get("r")

  if(is.null(newdata)) {
    time_points <- object$get("time_points")
    PHI_pred_1 <- eval_basis(process_basis, s$s_grid_mat)
    PHI_pred <- do.call("bdiag", lapply(1:T, function(x) PHI_pred_1))
    newdata <- s$s_grid_df[, coordnames] %>%
      expand.grid.df(data.frame(t = time_points))

  } else {
    newtimes <- unique(time(newdata))
    if(!all(newtimes %in% time_points))
      stop("Prediction times not a subset of modelled predictions. Please use
           forecast and hindcast arguments in IDE if you wish to predict outside
           the time horizon of the data")

    PHI_pred_1 <- list()
    for(i in seq_along(time_points)) {
      newdata_1 <- subset(newdata, time(newdata) == time_points[i])
      if(length(newdata_1) == 0){
        PHI_pred_1[[i]] <- Zeromat(0,r)
      } else {
        PHI_pred_1[[i]] <- eval_basis(process_basis, newdata_1)
    PHI_pred <- do.call("bdiag", PHI_pred_1)
  if(is(newdata, "ST")) {
    newdata[[all.vars(f)[1]]] <- 0            # dummy data
  } else {
    newdata[all.vars(f)[1]] <- 0            # dummy data
  X_pred <- model.matrix(f, newdata)
  newdata$Ypred <- (X_pred %*% betahat + PHI_pred %*% alphahat) %>% as.numeric()
  Qpost_dense <- densify(Qpost,t(PHI_pred) %*% PHI_pred)
  Qpostchol <- cholPermute(Qpost_dense)
  Ssparseinv <- Takahashi_Davis(Q = Qpost_dense,
                                cholQp = Qpostchol$Qpermchol,
                                P = Qpostchol$P)
  newdata$Ypredse <- rowSums(PHI_pred * (PHI_pred %*% Ssparseinv)) %>%
    as.numeric() %>% sqrt()
  if(covariances == TRUE) {
    if(nrow(PHI_pred) > 4000)
      stop("Cannot generate covariances for more than 4000 locations")
    S <- cholsolveAQinvAT(A = PHI_pred,
                          Lp = Qpostchol$Qpermchol,
                          P = Qpostchol$P)
    newdata <- list(newdata = newdata,
                    Cov = S)

#' @title Retrieve estimated regression coefficients
#' @description Takes a an object of class \code{IDE} and returns a numeric vector with the estimated regression coefficients.
#' @param object object of class \code{IDE}
#' @param ... currently unused
#' @export
#' @method coef IDE
#' @seealso \code{\link{IDE}} for more information on how to construct and fit an IDE model.
#' @examples
#' SIM1 <- simIDE(T = 5, nobs = 100, k_spat_invariant = 1)
#' coef(SIM1$IDEmodel)
coef.IDE <- function(object, ...) {
  coeff <- as.numeric(object$get("betahat"))
  varnames <- all.vars(object$get("f"))[-1]
  nms <- "Intercept"
  if(length(varnames) > 0) {
    nms <- c(nms, varnames)
  names(coeff) <- nms

#' @title Show IDE kernel
#' @description Plotting function for visualising the IDE kernel.
#' @param IDEmodel object of class \code{IDE}
#' @param scale factor by which to scale the arrows when visualising a spatially-varying kernel
#' @details The function \code{show_kernel} adapts its behaviour to the type of kernel. If the kernel is spatially-invariant, then the kernel with \eqn{s} evaluated at the origin is plotted. If spatially-variant, then arrows on a regular grid over the domain are plotted. The direction of the arrow is indicative of the transport direction at a specific location, while the length of the arrow is indicative of the transport intensity.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{IDE}} for details on the IDE model.
#' @examples
#' SIM1 <- simIDE(T = 5, nobs = 100, k_spat_invariant = 0)
#' \donttest{show_kernel(SIM1$IDEmodel)}
#' @export
show_kernel <- function(IDEmodel, scale = 1) {
  ## Suppress bindings warning
  m <- s1 <- s2 <- hor <- ver <- NULL

  kernel_basis <- IDEmodel$get("kernel_basis")
  k <- IDEmodel$get("k")
  s <- IDEmodel$get("s")
  nk <- IDEmodel$get("nk")
  ndim <- dimensions(kernel_basis[[1]])
  K <- construct_kernel(kernel_basis, k)
  if(all(nk == 1)) {
    cat("Kernel is spatially invariant, plotting it centred on the origin.")
    centred_grid <- scale(s$s_grid_mat, scale = FALSE)
    Kmat <- K(matrix(rep(0,ndim),1,ndim),
    s$s_grid_df$m <- as.numeric(Kmat)
    if(ndim == 2) {
      ggplot(s$s_grid_df) + geom_tile(aes(centred_grid[,1],centred_grid[,2],fill=m)) +
        theme_bw() + geom_vline(xintercept = 0) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
        scale_fill_continuous(low = "white", high = "black") +
        xlab("x1 - s1") + ylab("x2 - s2")
    } else {
      stop("Plotting only implemented for 2D spatial fields")
  } else {
    cat("Kernel is spatially variant, plotting displacements")
    if(ndim == 2) {
      s$s_grid_df$hor <-  eval_basis(kernel_basis[[3]],s$s_grid_mat) %*% k[[3]] %>% as.numeric()
      s$s_grid_df$ver <-  eval_basis(kernel_basis[[4]],s$s_grid_mat) %*% k[[4]] %>% as.numeric()
      s$s_grid_df$s1 <- s$s_grid_df[,1]
      s$s_grid_df$s2 <- s$s_grid_df[,2]
      ggplot(data=s$s_grid_df, aes(x=s1, y=s2)) +
        geom_segment(aes(xend=s1-hor*scale, yend=s2-ver*scale),
                     colour = "black", size = 0.2,
                     arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1,"cm"))) +
        xlab(names(s$s_grid_df)[1]) + ylab(names(s$s_grid_df)[2]) +
    } else {
      stop("Plotting only implemented for 2D spatial fields")

#' @title Create a single, constant basis function
#' @description Constructs an object of class \code{Basis} as defined in \code{FRK} that is constant over the entire spatial domain.
#' @return Object of class \code{Basis}
#' @seealso \code{\link{IDE}} for how to use basis functions to construct the IDE kernel
#' @export
#' @examples
#' basis1 <- constant_basis()
constant_basis <- function() {
      manifold = plane(),
      fn = list(function(s) rep(1, nrow(s))),
      pars = list(),
      df = data.frame(),
      n = 1)

#' @title Simulate datasets from the IDE model
#' @description Generates simulations that are then used to evaluate the fitting and prediction of an IDE model.
#' @param T number of time points to simulate
#' @param nobs number of observations randomly scattered in the domain and fixed for all time intervals
#' @param k_spat_invariant flag indicating whether to simulate using a spatially-invariant kernel or a spatially-variant one
#' @param IDEmodel object of class IDE to simulate form (optional)
#' @details The domain considered is [0,1] x [0,1], and an IDE is simulated on top of a fixed effect comprising of an intercept, a linear horizontal effect, and a linear vertical effect (all with coefficients 0.2). The measurement-error variance and the variance of the additive disturbance are both 0.0001. When a spatially-invariant kernel is used, the following parameters are fixed: \eqn{\theta_{p,1} = 150}, \eqn{\theta_{p,2} = 0.002}, \eqn{\theta_{p,3} = -0.1}, and \eqn{\theta_{p,4} = 0.1}. See \code{\link{IDE}} for details on these parameters. When a spatially-varying kernel is used, \eqn{\theta_{p,1} = 200}, \eqn{\theta_{p,2} = 0.002}, and \eqn{\theta_{p,3}(s), \theta_{p,4}(s)} are smooth spatial functions simulated on the domain.
#' @return A list containing the simulated process in \code{s_df}, the simulated data in \code{z_df}, the data as \code{STIDF} in \code{z_STIDF}, plots of the process and the observations in \code{g_truth} and \code{g_obs}, and the IDE model used to simulate the process and data in \code{IDEmodel}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{show_kernel}} for plotting the kernel and \code{\link{IDE}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SIM1 <- simIDE(T = 5, nobs = 100, k_spat_invariant = 1)
#' SIM2 <- simIDE(T = 5, nobs = 100, k_spat_invariant = 0)

simIDE <- function(T = 9, nobs = 100, k_spat_invariant = 1, IDEmodel = NULL) {
  ## Suppress bindings warning
  timeind <- val <- s1 <- s2 <- z <- NULL

  if(is.null(IDEmodel)) {

    zlocs <- data.frame(s1 = runif(100),
                        s2 = runif(100))

    ## Spatial decomposition
    Y_basis <- auto_basis(manifold = plane(),
                          data = SpatialPoints(zlocs),
                          regular = 1,
                          nres = 2)
    r <- nbasis(Y_basis)

    ## Kernel decomposition
    G_const <- constant_basis()

    ## Regression coeffocients
    beta <- c(0.2,0.2,0.2)

    ## Other parameters
    sigma2_eta <- 0.01^2
    sigma2_eps <- 0.01^2

    ## Spatial domain
    bbox <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1),2,2)
    s <- construct_grid(bbox, 41)
    alpha <- matrix(0,r,T)

    ## Kernel
    if(k_spat_invariant) {
      K_basis <- list(G_const, G_const, G_const, G_const)
      k <- list(150, 0.002, -0.1, 0.1)
      alpha[65,1] <- 1
    } else {
      G <- auto_basis(plane(), data = SpatialPoints(s$s_grid_df),nres = 1)
      nbk <- nbasis(G)
      K_basis <- list(G_const, G_const, G, G)
      k <- list(200, 0.002, 0.1*rnorm(nbk), 0.1*rnorm(nbk))
      alpha[sample(1:r,10),1] <- 1
    time_map <- data.frame(timeind = paste0("Y",0:(T-1)),
                           time = as.Date(0:(T-1), origin = "2017-12-01"),
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    Y_basis <- IDEmodel$get("process_basis")
    r <- nbasis(Y_basis)
    beta <- coef(IDEmodel)
    sigma2_eta <- c(IDEmodel$get("sigma2_eta"))
    sigma2_eps <- c(IDEmodel$get("sigma2_eps"))
    s <- IDEmodel$get("s")
    T <- IDEmodel$get("T")
    nobs <- nrow(IDEmodel$get("data"))
    K_basis <- IDEmodel$get("kernel_basis")
    k <- IDEmodel$get("k")
    alpha <- matrix(0,r,T)
    alpha[,1] <- sqrt(sigma2_eta) * rnorm(r)
    time_map <- data.frame(timeind = paste0("Y",0:(T-1)),
                           time = IDEmodel$get("time_points"),
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  ## Construct matrices
  Sigma_eta <- sigma2_eta * Diagonal(r)
  Sigma_eps <- sigma2_eps * Diagonal(nobs * T)
  Q_eta <- Sigma_eta %>% solve()
  Q_eps <- Sigma_eps %>% solve()

  Mfun <- construct_M(Y_basis, s)
  M <- Mfun(K_basis, k)
  PHI <- eval_basis(Y_basis, s$s_grid_mat)
  s$s_grid_df$Y0 <- (PHI %*% alpha[,1]) %>% as.numeric()
  for(i in 1:(T-1)) {
    alpha[,i+1] <- (M %*% alpha[,i]) %>% as.numeric() +
    s$s_grid_df[paste0("Y",i)] <- (PHI %*% alpha[,i+1]) %>% as.numeric()

  s_long <- gather(s$s_grid_df, timeind, val, -s1, -s2) %>%
    left_join(time_map, by = "timeind") %>%
  if(is.null(IDEmodel)) X_proc <-  cbind(1, s_long[,c("s1","s2")]) %>% as.matrix()

  if(is.null(IDEmodel)) {
    fixed_effects <- (X_proc %*% beta) %>% as.numeric()
    s_long$val <- s_long$val + fixed_effects## Observe process
    zlocs <- data.frame(s1 = runif(nobs),
                        s2 = runif(nobs))
    PHI_obs_1 <- eval_basis(Y_basis, zlocs[,1:2] %>% as.matrix())
    PHI_obs <- do.call("bdiag", lapply(1:T, function(x) PHI_obs_1))
    X_obs <-  cbind(1, do.call("rbind", lapply(1:T, function(x) zlocs))) %>% as.matrix()
    Z <- X_obs %*% beta + PHI_obs %*% c(alpha) +
      sqrt(sigma2_eps) * rnorm(nrow(PHI_obs))
    z_df <- data.frame(expand.grid.df(zlocs, data.frame(time = time_map$time)))
    z_df$z <- Z %>% as.numeric()
  } else {
    fixed_effects <- 0
    s_long$val <- s_long$val + fixed_effects
    PHI_obs <- IDEmodel$get("PHI_obs")
    X_obs <- IDEmodel$get("X_obs")
    Z <- X_obs %*% beta + PHI_obs %*% c(alpha) +
      sqrt(sigma2_eps) * rnorm(nrow(PHI_obs))
    z_df <- as.data.frame(IDEmodel$get("data"))
    z_df[[all.vars(IDEmodel$get("f"))[1]]] <- Z %>% as.numeric()

  g_obs <- ggplot(z_df) + geom_point(aes(s1, s2, colour = z)) +
    facet_wrap(~time) +
    scale_colour_distiller(palette = "Spectral")
  if(is.null(IDEmodel)) g_obs <- g_obs + coord_fixed(xlim=c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1))

  g_truth <- ggplot(s_long) + geom_tile(aes(s1,s2,fill=val)) +
    facet_wrap(~time) +
                         limits = c(min(c(z_df$z,s_long$val)),
  if(is.null(IDEmodel)) g_truth <- g_truth + coord_fixed(xlim=c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1))

  ## Data as STIDF
  if(is.null(IDEmodel)) {
    cnames <- c("s1","s2")
    z_STIDF <- STIDF(sp = SpatialPoints(z_df[,cnames]),
                     time = z_df$time,
                     data = select(z_df, -time, -s1, -s2))
  } else {
    z_STIDF <- IDEmodel$get("data")
    z_STIDF$z <- as.numeric(Z)

  ## IDEmode used to generate data
  if(is.null(IDEmodel)) {
    IDEmodel <- IDE(f = z ~ s1 + s2 + 1,
                    data = z_STIDF,
                    dt = as.difftime(1, units = "days"),
                    grid_size = 41,
                    kernel_basis = K_basis)
    IDEmodel$set(sigma2_eps = sigma2_eps,
                 sigma2_eta = sigma2_eta,
                 k = k)

  list(s_df = s_long,
       z_df = z_df,
       z_STIDF = z_STIDF,
       g_truth = g_truth,
       g_obs = g_obs,
       IDEmodel = IDEmodel)

construct_grid <- function(bbox, ngrid, coordnames = NULL) {
  ndim <- nrow(bbox)
  if(length(ngrid) == 1)
    ngrid <- rep(ngrid, ndim)
  if(!(length(ngrid) == ndim) | !is.numeric(ngrid))
    stop("ngrid needs to be a numeric (which will be rounded if not an integer)
         with length one or equal to the number of columns in bbox")
  ngrid <- round(ngrid)

  s <- lapply(1:nrow(bbox), function(i)
    seq(bbox[i,1], bbox[i,2], length.out = ngrid[i]))
  s_grid <- do.call("expand.grid", s)
  if(is.null(coordnames)) {
    names(s_grid) <- paste0("s",1:ndim)
  } else {
    names(s_grid) <- coordnames
  list(s_grid_df = s_grid,
       s_grid_mat = s_grid %>% as.matrix(),
       ds = (bbox[,2] - bbox[,1])/ngrid,
       area = prod((bbox[,2] - bbox[,1])/ngrid))

construct_M <- function(Y_basis, s) {
  PHI <- eval_basis(Y_basis, s$s_grid_mat)
  GRAM <- crossprod(PHI)*s$area
  GRAM_inv <- solve(GRAM)
  ndim <- dimensions(Y_basis)
  function(K_basis, ki) {
    K <- construct_kernel(K_basis, ki)
    Kmat <- K(s$s_grid_mat, s$s_grid_mat)
    M <- GRAM_inv %*% crossprod(t(Kmat) %*% PHI, PHI)*s$area^2

find_Qo <- function(Q_eta, M, niter = 100) {
  Sigma_eta <- Sigma <- chol2inv(chol(Q_eta))
  if(max(abs(eigen(M)$values)) < 1) {
    this_norm <- Inf
    for(i in 1:niter) {
      R <- chol(Sigma)
      Sigma <- crossprod(R %*% M) + Sigma_eta
      if((abs(norm(Sigma) - this_norm)/abs(norm(Sigma))) < 0.01)
      this_norm <- norm(Sigma)

construct_Q <- function(Q_eta, M, T)
  n <- nrow(Q_eta)
  QM <- Q_eta %*% M
  MtQM <- crossprod(chol(Q_eta) %*% M) + Q_eta
  MtQ <- t(QM)
  #Qo <- find_Qo(Q_eta, M) + crossprod(chol(Q_eta) %*% M, niter = 1000)
  Qo <- Q_eta + crossprod(chol(Q_eta) %*% M)

  for (i in 0:(T - 3)) {
    if (i == 0) {
      Q <- cbind(-QM, MtQM, -MtQ, Zeromat(n, ((T - 3) - i) *
    else if (i == (T - 3)) {
      Q <- rbind(Q, cbind(Zeromat(n, n * i), -QM, MtQM,
    else {
      Q <- rbind(Q, cbind(Zeromat(n, n * i), -QM, MtQM,
                          -MtQ, Zeromat(n, ((T - 3) - i) * n)))
  Q <- rbind(cbind(Qo, -MtQ, Zeromat(n, (T - 2) * n)),
             cbind(Zeromat(n, n *(T - 2)), -QM, Q_eta))
  #tryCatch({ chol(Q)},error=function(e) {browser()})
  Q <- as(Q, "dgCMatrix")

construct_kernel <- function(Basis, ki) {
  if(!is.list(Basis)) stop("Basis needs to be of class list")
  if(!all(sapply(Basis, function(x) is(x,"Basis"))))
    stop("All Basis functions need to be of class Basis")
  ndim <- dimensions(Basis[[1]])

  function(s, r) {
    if(1) { ## Actual basis
      theta_s <- list()
      for(i in 1:(2 + ndim)) {
        theta_s[[i]] <- (eval_basis(Basis[[i]], s) %*% ki[[i]]) %>%
          as.numeric() %>%
      theta_s_1 <- lapply(theta_s, function(x) x[,1])
      D <- FRK::distR(s + do.call("cbind", theta_s_1[3:(2 + ndim)]), r)
      theta_s[[1]] * exp(-D^2/theta_s[[2]])
    } else {
      D <- FRK::distR(t(t(s) + c(ki[[3]], ki[[4]])), r)
      ki[[1]] * exp(-D^2/ki[[2]])

Zeromat <- function (ni, nj = NULL)
  if (is.null(nj))
    nj <- ni
  return(as(sparseMatrix(i = {
  }, j = {
  }, dims = c(ni, nj)), "dgCMatrix"))

repcol <- function(x,n){
  l <- lapply(1:n, function(i) x)
  y <- do.call("c", l)
  matrix(y, ncol = n, byrow = FALSE)

logdet <- function (L)
  diagL <- diag(L)
  return(2 * sum(log(diagL)))

vec_to_list <- function(x, k) {
  y <- list()
  count <- 1
  for(i in 1:length(k)) {
    y[[i]] <- x[count: (count+ k[i] - 1)]
    count <- count + k[i]

expand.grid.df <- function(...) Reduce(function(...) merge(..., by=NULL), list(...))

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IDE documentation built on May 30, 2022, 5:07 p.m.