
Defines functions killJuliaUnix killJuliaWindows killJulia ensureJuliaConnection stopJulia getJuliaExecutablePath showUpdateTablesMsg startJulia juliaSetupOk getJuliaVersionViaCmd runJuliaServer startJuliaServer getJuliaEnv juliaConnection

Documented in juliaSetupOk startJuliaServer stopJulia

juliaConnection <- function() {

   juliaSocketAdress <- Sys.getenv("JULIACONNECTOR_SERVER")
   if (juliaSocketAdress != "") {
      host_port <- strsplit(juliaSocketAdress, split = ":", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
      juliaPort <- as.integer(host_port[2])

      if (length(host_port) != 2 || is.na(juliaPort)) {
         stop("Environment variable JULIACONNECTOR_SERVER must be of form <host>:<port>")
      message(paste("Connecting to Julia TCP server at", juliaSocketAdress, "..."))
      return(list(port = juliaPort,
                  con = socketConnection(host = host_port[1],
                                         port = juliaPort,
                                         blocking = TRUE,
                                         server = FALSE,
                                         open="r+b", timeout = 10)))

   port <- runJuliaServer(multiclient = FALSE)

   return(list(port = port,
               con = socketConnection(host = "localhost",
                                      port = port,
                                      blocking = TRUE,
                                      server = FALSE,
                                      open="r+b", timeout = 2)))

getJuliaEnv <- function() {
   jlenv <- character()
   if (Sys.getenv("JULIACONNECTOR_JULIAENV") != "") {
      if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Windows") {
         warning("Setting \"JULIACONNECTOR_JULIAENV\" not supported on Windows")
      } else {
         envdef <- Sys.getenv("JULIACONNECTOR_JULIAENV")
         evalenv <- new.env(emptyenv())
         eval(expr = parse(text = envdef), envir = evalenv)
         if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Linux" && is.null(evalenv$LD_LIBRARY_PATH)) {
            evalenv$LD_LIBRARY_PATH <- "''"
         # system2 expects a character vector of name=value strings
         jlenv <- unlist(lapply(names(evalenv),
                         function(x) { paste0(x, "=", shQuote(evalenv[[x]])) }))
   } else { # no environment variables for Julia specified by user
      if (Sys.info()['sysname'] == "Linux") {
         jlenv <- "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=''"

#' Start a Julia server that may serve multiple clients (R processes)
#' Starting a Julia server allows that different R processes may connect to the
#' the same Julia server and share a single session.
#' This can be useful for saving start-up/precompilation time when starting
#' additional processes or when sharing global variables between processes.
#' \emph{For the standard way of starting Julia, this function is not needed.
#' It is also not needed if child processes should use separate Julia sessions.}
#' The functions communicates the server address via setting the
#' \env{JULIACONNECTOR_SERVER} environment variable.
#' A possible value for the variable is "localhost:11980".
#' The \env{JULIACONNECTOR_SERVER} variable is communicated automatically via
#' the system environment to child processes that are started after this
#' function has been called.
#' The child processes will then connect to the same Julia server if the
#' variable is set.
#' The variable can also be set explicitly in child processes before connecting
#' to Julia to connect to a running server.
#' Unsetting the variable will result in a normal Julia start-up in the first
#' call to Julia, using a single-client Julia session.
#' For security reasons, the Julia server accepts only connections
#' from localhost.
#' For using Julia with multiple clients, it can be good to advise Julia to
#' use multiple threads via setting the \env{JULIA_NUM_THREADS} environment
#' variable before starting Julia.
#' @note The standard (error) output from Julia (printing and warnings)
#' can currently only be forwarded to one client.
#' This is currently the last client that has connected but this may be subject
#' to change.
#' @param port a hint for the port that is used by the server.
#'    If it is not available, a different port is used.
#'    The final port is returned (invisibly).
#' @return the port number (invisibly)
#' @seealso \link{JULIACONNECTOR_SERVER}
#' @examples
#' if (juliaSetupOk()) {
#'    Sys.setenv("JULIA_NUM_THREADS" = parallel::detectCores())
#'    startJuliaServer()
#'    library(future)
#'    plan(multisession) # use background R processes on the same machine
#'    juliaEval("global x = 1")
#'    # Child processes now use the same Julia session:
#'    f1 <- future({juliaEval("x")})
#'    value(f1)
#'    plan(sequential) # close background workers
#' }
#' \dontshow{
#' JuliaConnectoR:::stopJulia()
#' }
startJuliaServer <- function(port = 11980) {
   if (!is.null(pkgLocal$con)) {
      warning(paste0("There is already a connection to Julia established.\n",
                     "Run \"stopJulia()\" to stop this connection ",
                     "before running \"startJuliaServer()\"."))

   port <- runJuliaServer(port, multiclient = TRUE)
   Sys.setenv("JULIACONNECTOR_SERVER" = paste0("localhost:", port))

   # It is noted that Julia has been started to serve multiple clients.
   # This can later be used for knowing that the environment variable
   # JULIACONNECTOR_SERVER has become invalid and needs to be unset.
   pkgLocal$startedAsMultiClientServer <- TRUE

   # Establish and test the connection. This also sets the pkgLocal$communicator

# Starts a Julia process in the background that listens on a port.
# A port hint is given by the argument "port".
# The return value is the port where Julia is actually listening.
# This port might be different than the port hint, if the given "port"
# is e. g. already in use.
runJuliaServer <- function(port = 11980, multiclient = TRUE) {
   startupOpts <- Sys.getenv('JULIACONNECTOR_JULIAOPTS')
   optsMessage <- ifelse(startupOpts != '', paste0(' (with opts: ', startupOpts, ')'), '')

   message("Starting Julia ...", optsMessage)

   # If there is no Julia server specified, start a new one:
   mainJuliaFile <- system.file("Julia", "main.jl",
                                package = "JuliaConnectoR", mustWork = TRUE)

   portfilename <- tempfile(paste0("juliaPort", Sys.getpid()))

   # workaround for https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/issues/2446
   startupOutputFile <- tempfile('startupOutput');
   on.exit(unlink(startupOutputFile), add = TRUE)

   if (multiclient == TRUE) {
      multiclient <- "t"
   } else {
      multiclient <- "f"

   # start Julia server in background
   juliaexe <- getJuliaExecutablePath()

   if (startupOpts != '') {
      # if startup options are specified, separate them from the arguments via "--"
      startupOpts <- paste(startupOpts, '-- ')

   system2(command = juliaexe,
           args = c(startupOpts, shQuote(mainJuliaFile), port, shQuote(portfilename),
           wait = FALSE,
           stdout = startupOutputFile, stderr = startupOutputFile,
           env = getJuliaEnv())

   # get information about the real port from the temporary file
   sleepTime <- 0.2
   timeSlept <- 0
   while (file.access(portfilename, mode = 4) < 0) {
      timeSlept <- timeSlept + sleepTime
      if (timeSlept >= 50) {
         cat(c("Julia startup:\n"))
         try({cat(paste(readLines(startupOutputFile), collapse = "\n"),
                  file = stdout())})
         stop("Timeout while waiting for response from Julia server")

   portfile <- file(portfilename, open = "r")
   realJuliaPort <- as.integer(readLines(con = portfile, n = 1L, ok = FALSE, encoding = "UTF-8"))

getJuliaVersionViaCmd <- function(juliaCmd = getJuliaExecutablePath()) {
   juliaVersion <- NULL
      juliaVersion <- system2(juliaCmd, "--version", stdout = TRUE,
                              env = getJuliaEnv())
      juliaVersion <- regmatches(juliaVersion,

#' Check Julia setup
#' Checks that Julia can be started and that the Julia version is at least 1.0.
#' For more information about the setup and discovery of Julia,
#' see \link{JuliaConnectoR-package}, section "Setup".
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the Julia setup is OK; otherwise \code{FALSE}
juliaSetupOk <- function() {

   juliaCmd <- NULL
      juliaCmd <- getJuliaExecutablePath()
   if (is.null(juliaCmd)) {
      message("Julia not found")

   juliaVersion <- getJuliaVersionViaCmd(juliaCmd)
   if (is.null(juliaVersion)) {
      message("Julia could not be started")

   juliaVersion <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(juliaVersion, ".", fixed = TRUE)))
   if (juliaVersion[1] < 1) {
      message("Julia version is less than 1.0")
   } else {

startJulia <- function() {
   jlc <- juliaConnection()
   pkgLocal$con <- jlc$con
   pkgLocal$port <- jlc$port
   pkgLocal$communicator <- juliaEval("RConnector.GetCommunicatoR()")

showUpdateTablesMsg <- function() {
   message(paste0("Installation of the package \"Tables\" failed, ",
                  "probably due to unsatisfiable dependencies. \n",
                  "\"Tables\" is required to translate data frames properly.\n",
                  "Probable fix: Run juliaEval('import Pkg; Pkg.update()') to update ",
                  "all Julia packages and restart the R session."))

getJuliaExecutablePath <- function() {
   juliaBindir <- Sys.getenv("JULIA_BINDIR")
   if (juliaBindir == "") {
      if (nchar(Sys.which("julia")) == 0) {
         stop("Julia not found in path. Please check your Julia setup.")
      juliaCmd <- "julia"
   } else {
      juliaExe <- list.files(path = juliaBindir, pattern = "^julia.*")
      if (length(juliaExe) == 0) {
         stop(paste0("No Julia executable file found in supposed bin directory \"" ,
                     juliaBindir, "\""))
      juliaCmd <- file.path(juliaBindir, "julia")

#' Stop the connection to Julia
#' This ends the connection to Julia. Julia terminates if no R process is
#' connected any more.
stopJulia <- function() {
   if (!is.null(pkgLocal$startedAsMultiClientServer)) {
      pkgLocal$startedAsMultiClientServer <- NULL
   if (!is.null(pkgLocal$con)) {
      tryCatch({writeBin(BYEBYE, pkgLocal$con)}, error = function(e) {})
      tryCatch({close(pkgLocal$con)}, error = function(e) {})
      pkgLocal$con <- NULL
      pkgLocal$port <- NULL
      pkgLocal$communicator <- NULL

      # clean up references
      invisible(gc(verbose = FALSE))
      pkgLocal$finalizedRefs <- NULL

ensureJuliaConnection <- function() {
   if (is.null(pkgLocal$con)) {

      # make sure that Tables.jl is available
      if (juliaEval("isdefined(Tables, :JuliaConnectoR_DummyTables)")) {
         message("Package \"Tables.jl\" (version >= 1.0) is required. Installing ...")
         # Add Tables package and trigger precompilation:
         # For Importing/precompilation use the Temp module
         # because Tables is already defined in the Main module.
         tryCatch({juliaEval('import Pkg; Pkg.add("Tables");
            module Temp
               import Tables
            end;')}, error = function(e) {showUpdateTablesMsg()})

killJulia <- function() {
   os <- Sys.info()['sysname']
   juliaPort <- pkgLocal$port
   message("Stopping Julia ...")
   if (os == "Windows") {
      juliaPid <- killJuliaWindows(juliaPort)
   } else {
      juliaPid <- killJuliaUnix(juliaPort)

killJuliaWindows <- function(juliaPort) {
   netstatOut <- system2(command = "netstat", args = "-on", stdout = TRUE)
   juliaLineRegex <- paste0("^\\s*TCP\\s+\\S*:", juliaPort)
   juliaLine <- netstatOut[grep(juliaLineRegex, netstatOut)]
   juliaPid <- substring(juliaLine,
                         regexpr("[0-9]+$", juliaLine))
   juliaPid <- as.integer(juliaPid)
   if (length(juliaPid) == 1 && juliaPid != 0) {
      system2(command = "taskkill", args = paste("/F /PID", juliaPid),
              stdout = FALSE)

# should work on Linux, MacOS and FreeBSD
killJuliaUnix <- function(juliaPort) {
   lsofArgs <- paste0("-t -iTCP:", juliaPort, " -sTCP:LISTEN")
      # there may be a warning if Julia has already been stopped
      juliaPid <- system2(command = "lsof", args = lsofArgs, stdout = TRUE
   if (length(juliaPid) == 1) {
      system2(command = "kill", c("-9", juliaPid))

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JuliaConnectoR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:39 a.m.