
Defines functions .simplifyContrast dfSigma anova.mlmm .anova_LRT .anova_Wald anova.lmm

Documented in anova.lmm

### anova.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: mar  5 2021 (21:38) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: aug  1 2023 (15:45) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 1346
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * anova.lmm (documentation)
##' @title Multivariate Tests For Linear Mixed Model
##' @description Simultaneous tests of linear combinations of the model paramaters using Wald tests or Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT). 
##' @param object a \code{lmm} object. Only relevant for the anova function.
##' @param effects [character or numeric matrix] Should the Wald test be computed for all variables (\code{"all"}),
##' or only variables relative to the mean (\code{"mean"} or \code{"fixed"}),
##' or only variables relative to the variance structure (\code{"variance"}),
##' or only variables relative to the correlation structure (\code{"correlation"}).
##' Can also be use to specify linear combinations of coefficients or a contrast matrix, similarly to the \code{linfct} argument of the \code{multcomp::glht} function.
##' @param robust [logical] Should robust standard errors (aka sandwich estimator) be output instead of the model-based standard errors. 
##' @param rhs [numeric vector] the right hand side of the hypothesis. Only used when the argument effects is a matrix.
##' @param df [logical] Should a F-distribution be used to model the distribution of the Wald statistic. Otherwise a chi-squared distribution is used.
##' @param ci [logical] Should an estimate, standard error, confidence interval, and p-value be output for each hypothesis?
##' @param transform.sigma,transform.k,transform.rho,transform.names are passed to the \code{vcov} method. See details section in \code{\link{coef.lmm}}.
##' @param ... Not used. For compatibility with the generic method.
##' @return A data.frame (LRT) or a list of containing the following elements (Wald):\itemize{
##' \item \code{multivariate}: data.frame containing the multivariate Wald test.
##' The column \code{df.num} refers to the degrees of freedom for the numerator (i.e. number of hypotheses)
##' wherease the column \code{df.denum} refers to the degrees of freedom for the denominator (i.e. Satterthwaite approximation).
##' \item \code{univariate}: data.frame containing each univariate Wald test.
##' \item \code{glht}: used internally to call functions from the multcomp package.
##' \item \code{object}: list containing key information about the linear mixed model.
##' \item \code{vcov}: variance-covariance matrix associated to each parameter of interest (i.e. hypothesis).
##' \item \code{iid}: matrix containing the influence function relative to each parameter of interest (i.e. hypothesis).
##' \item \code{args}: list containing argument values from the function call.
##' }
##' @details By default adjustment of confidence intervals and p-values for multiple comparisons is based on the distribution of the maximum-statistic.
##' This is refered to as a single-step Dunnett multiple testing procedures in table II of Dmitrienko et al. (2013).
##' It is performed using the multcomp package with the option \code{test = adjusted("single-step")} with equal degrees of freedom
##' or by simulation using a Student's t copula with unequal degrees of freedom (more in the note of the details section of \code{\link{confint.Wald_lmm}}).
##' @seealso
##' \code{\link{summary.Wald_lmm}} or \code{\link{confint.Wald_lmm}} for a summary of the results. \cr
##' \code{\link{autoplot.Wald_lmm}} for a graphical display of the results. \cr
##' \code{\link{rbind.Wald_lmm}} for combining result across models and adjust for multiple comparisons. \cr
##' @references Dmitrienko, A. and D'Agostino, R., Sr (2013), Traditional multiplicity adjustment methods in clinical trials. Statist. Med., 32: 5172-5218. https://doi.org/10.1002/sim.5990.
##' @keywords htest
##' @examples
##' #### simulate data in the long format ####
##' set.seed(10)
##' dL <- sampleRem(100, n.times = 3, format = "long")
##' #### fit Linear Mixed Model ####
##' eUN.lmm <- lmm(Y ~ visit + X1 + X2 + X5,
##'                repetition = ~visit|id, structure = "UN", data = dL)
##' #### Multivariate Wald test ####
##' ## F-tests
##' anova(eUN.lmm)
##' anova(eUN.lmm, effects = "all")
##' anova(eUN.lmm, robust = TRUE, df = FALSE)
##' summary(anova(eUN.lmm))
##' ## user defined F-test
##' summary(anova(eUN.lmm, effects = c("X1=0","X2+X5=10")))
##' print(anova(eUN.lmm, effects = "mean_visit"), columns = add("null"))
##' ## chi2-tests
##' anova(eUN.lmm, df = FALSE)
##' ## with standard contrast
##' if(require(multcomp)){
##' amod <- lmm(breaks ~ tension, data = warpbreaks)
##' e.amod <- anova(amod, effect = mcp(tension = "Tukey"))
##' summary(e.amod)
##' }
##' #### Likelihood ratio test ####
##' eUN0.lmm <- lmm(Y ~ X1 + X2, repetition = ~visit|id, structure = "UN", data = dL)
##' anova(eUN.lmm, eUN0.lmm) 
##' eCS.lmm <- lmm(Y ~ X1 + X2 + X5, repetition = ~visit|id, structure = "CS", data = dL)
##' anova(eUN.lmm, eCS.lmm)

## * anova.lmm (code)
##' @export
anova.lmm <- function(object, effects = NULL, robust = FALSE, rhs = NULL, df = !is.null(object$df), ci = TRUE, 
                      transform.sigma = NULL, transform.k = NULL, transform.rho = NULL, transform.names = TRUE, ...){

    call <- match.call()

    ## ** normalized user input    
    dots <- list(...)
    options <- LMMstar.options()
        stop("Unknown argument(s) \'",paste(names(dots),collapse="\' \'"),"\'. \n")
        effects <- options$effects

    if(inherits(effects,"lmm")){ ## likelihood ratio test
        out <- .anova_LRT(object1 = object, object2 = effects)
        attr(out,"call") <- call
        if(!inherits(out,"LRT_lmm")){  ## in the case of re-estimation of the model via ML no need to re-assign the class
            class(out) <- append("LRT_lmm",class(out))
    }else{ ## Wald test
        attr(robust, "call") <- "robust" %in% names(call)
        out <- .anova_Wald(object, effects = effects, robust = robust, rhs = rhs, df = df, ci = ci, 
                           transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho, transform.names = transform.names)
        attr(out,"call") <- call
        class(out) <- append("Wald_lmm",class(out))
    ## ** export

## * .anova_Wald
.anova_Wald <- function(object, effects, robust, rhs, df, ci, 
                        transform.sigma, transform.k, transform.rho, transform.names){

    options <- LMMstar.options()
    type.information <- object$args$type.information
    original.transform.sigma <- transform.sigma
    original.transform.k <- transform.k
    original.transform.rho <- transform.rho
    ## ** normalized user input
    terms.mean <- attr(stats::terms(object$formula$mean.design),"term.labels")
    subeffect <- NULL
    if(!inherits(effects,"mcp") && length(effects)==1){
            effects <- c("mean","variance","correlation")
        }else if(grepl("^mean_",effects)){
            iLabels <- attr(stats::terms(object$formula$mean.design),"term.labels")
            if(any(effects == paste0("mean_",iLabels))){
                subeffect <- iLabels[effects == paste0("mean_",iLabels)]
                effects <- "mean"
        }else if(grepl("^variance_",effects) && !is.null(object$design$vcov$var$X)){
            iLabels <- attr(stats::terms(object$formula$var.design),"term.labels")
            if(any(effects == paste0("variance_",iLabels))){
                subeffect <- iLabels[effects == paste0("variance_",iLabels)]
                effects <- "variance"
        }else if(grepl("^cor_",effects) && !is.null(object$design$vcov$cor$X)){
            iLabels <- attr(stats::terms(object$formula$cor.design),"term.labels")
            if(any(effects == paste0("correlation_",iLabels))){
                subeffect <- iLabels[effects == paste0("correlation_",iLabels)]
                effects <- "correlation"

    init <- .init_transform(transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho, 
                            x.transform.sigma = object$reparametrize$transform.sigma, x.transform.k = object$reparametrize$transform.k, x.transform.rho = object$reparametrize$transform.rho)
    transform.sigma <- init$transform.sigma
    transform.k <- init$transform.k
    transform.rho <- init$transform.rho

    name.coef <- names(stats::coef(object, effects = "all"))
    out <- list(multivariate = NULL, univariate = NULL, glht = NULL)

        out.glht <- try(multcomp::glht(object, linfct = effects), ## only used for generating contrast matrix
                        silent = TRUE)
            stop("Possible mispecification of the argument \'effects\' as running mulcomp::glht lead to the following error: \n",
        type <- "all"
            ls.nameTerms <- list(all = names(effects))
            ls.nameTerms <- list(all = NULL)
        ls.nameTerms.num <- list(all = 1)
        ls.contrast <- list(all = matrix(0, nrow = NROW(out.glht$linfct), ncol = length(name.coef), dimnames = list(rownames(out.glht$linfct),name.coef)))
        ls.contrast$all[,colnames(out.glht$linfct)] <- out.glht$linfct
        ls.null  <- list(all = out.glht$rhs)
        name.effects <- NULL
    }else if(is.matrix(effects)){
        ## try to re-size the matrix if necessary
                stop("Argument \'effect\' should have column names when a matrix. \n")
                stop("Argument \'effect\' should not have duplicated column names when a matrix. \n")
            if(any(colnames(effects) %in% name.coef == FALSE)){
                stop("Argument \'effect\' should not have column names matching the coefficient names when a matrix. \n")
            effects.save <- effects
            effects <- matrix(0, nrow = NROW(effects.save), ncol = length(name.coef), dimnames = list(rownames(effects.save),name.coef))
            effects[,colnames(effects.save)] <- effects.save
            rhs <- rep(0, NROW(effects))
        ## run glht
        out.glht <- try(multcomp::glht(object, linfct = effects, rhs = rhs,  ## only used for generating contrast matrix
                                       coef. = function(iX){coef.lmm(iX, effects = "all")},
                                       vcov. = function(iX){vcov.lmm(iX, robust = FALSE, effects = "all")}),
                        silent = TRUE)
            stop("Possible mispecification of the argument \'effects\' as running mulcomp::glht lead to the following error: \n",
        type <- "all"
        ls.nameTerms <- list(all = NULL)
        ls.nameTerms.num <- list(all = 1)
        ls.contrast <- list(all = out.glht$linfct)
        ls.null  <- list(all = out.glht$rhs)        
        name.effects <- rownames(effects)

    }else if(all(tolower(effects) %in% c("mean","fixed","variance","correlation"))){
        if(transform.k %in% c("sd","var","logsd","logvar")){
            stop("Cannot use \'transform.rho\' equal \"sd\", \"var\", \"logsd\", or \"logvar\". \n",
                 "anova does not handle tests where the null hypothesis is at a boundary of the support of a random variable. \n")
        if(transform.rho %in% c("cov")){
            stop("Cannot use \'transform.rho\' equal \"cov\". \n",
                 "anova does not handle tests where the null hypothesis is at a boundary of the support of a random variable. \n")
        effects <- match.arg(effects, c("mean","fixed","variance","correlation"), several.ok = TRUE)
        effects[effects=="fixed"] <- "mean"
        name.effects <- NULL
        type <- NULL
        ls.assign <- list()
        ls.nameTerms <- list()
        ls.contrast <- list()
        ls.null <- list()
        if("mean" %in% effects){
            type <- c(type, "mean")
            ls.assign$mean <- attr(object$design$mean,"assign")
            ls.nameTerms$mean <- attr(stats::terms(object$formula$mean.design),"term.labels")
            ls.contrast <- c(ls.contrast,list(mean = NULL))
            null.mean <- 0
            ls.null$mean <- rep(null.mean,length(ls.nameTerms$mean))            
        if("variance" %in% effects){
            type <- c(type, "variance")
            ls.assign$variance <- attr(object$design$vcov$var$X,"assign")            
            ls.nameTerms$variance <- attr(stats::terms(object$formula$var),"term.labels")
                ls.assign$variance[ls.nameTerms$variance[ls.assign$variance]==object$design$vcov$name$strata] <- 0
            ls.contrast <- c(ls.contrast,list(variance = NULL))
            null.variance <- switch(transform.k,
                                    "none" = 1,
                                    "square" = 1,
                                    "log" = 0,
                                    "logsquare" = 0)
            ls.null$variance <- rep(null.variance,length(ls.nameTerms$variance))
        if("correlation" %in% effects){
            type <- c(type, "correlation")
            ls.assign$correlation <- rep(1,sum(object$design$param$type=="rho"))
            ls.nameTerms$correlation <- if(!is.null(ls.assign$correlation)){object$time$var}else{NULL}
            ls.contrast <- c(ls.contrast,list(correlation = NULL))
            null.correlation <- switch(transform.rho,
                                       "none" = 0,
                                       "atanh" = 0,
                                       "cov" = 0)
            ls.null$correlation <- rep(null.correlation,length(ls.nameTerms$correlation))
        ls.nameTerms.num <- lapply(ls.nameTerms, function(iName){as.numeric(factor(iName, levels = iName))})
    }else if(all(grepl("=",effects)==FALSE)){
        stop("Incorrect argument \'effects\': can be \"mean\", \"variance\", \"correlation\", \"all\", \n",
             "or something compatible with the argument \'linfct\' of multcomp::glht. \n ")
    }else{ ## symbolic definition of effects using equations (characters)

        ## run glht
        out.glht <- try(multcomp::glht(object, linfct = effects,  ## only used for generating contrast matrix
                                       coef. = function(iX){coef.lmm(iX, effects = "all")},
                                       vcov. = function(iX){vcov.lmm(iX, robust = FALSE, effects = "all")}),
                        silent = TRUE)
        newname.coef <- names(stats::coef(object, effects = "all"))

            ## maybe the error is due to white space in the name of the coefficients
            if(any(grepl(" ",effects))){
                lhs <- sapply(strsplit(effects, split = "=",fixed = TRUE),"[",1)
                lhs.term <- unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(lhs, split = "+", fixed = TRUE)), split = "-", fixed = TRUE))
                lhs.variable <- trimws(lapply(strsplit(lhs.term, split = "*", fixed = TRUE), utils::tail, 1), which = "both")
                if(any(grepl(" ",lhs.variable))){
                    stop("Possible mispecification of the argument \'effects\' as running mulcomp::glht lead to the following error: \n",
                         "There seems to be whitespace(s) in the name of certain coefficients which is likely to be the cause of the error. \n",
                         "Consider using a contrast matrix to specific the argument \'effects\' \n or renaming the values of categorical variables without whitespace and refiting the lmm object. \n"
            test.reparametrize <- any(grepl("log", c(object$reparametrize$transform.sigma,object$reparametrize$transform.k))) || grep("atanh", object$reparametrize$transform.rho)
            ## restaure untransformed parametrization (glht does not handle log(k). or atanh(cor))
                object2 <- object
                index.var <- which(object$design$param$type %in% c("sigma","k","rho"))
                object2$reparametrize <- .reparametrize(p = object$param[index.var],
                                                        type = object$design$param$type[index.var], 
                                                        level = object$design$param$level[index.var], 
                                                        sigma = object$design$param$sigma[index.var], 
                                                        k.x = object$design$param$k.x[index.var], 
                                                        k.y = object$design$param$k.y[index.var], 
                                                        Jacobian = FALSE, dJacobian = FALSE, inverse = FALSE,
                                                        transform.sigma = "none",
                                                        transform.k = "none",
                                                        transform.rho = "none",
                                                        transform.names = TRUE)
                out.glht <- try(multcomp::glht(object2, linfct = effects,  ## only used for generating contrast matrix
                                               coef. = function(iX){coef.lmm(iX, effects = "all")},
                                               vcov. = function(iX){vcov.lmm(iX, robust = robust, effects = "all")}), silent = TRUE)
                    stop("Possible mispecification of the argument \'effects\' as running mulcomp::glht lead to the following error: \n",
                oldname.coef <- colnames(out.glht$linfct)
                newname.hypo <- rownames(out.glht$linfct)
                for(iSub in 1:length(oldname.coef)){
                    newname.hypo <- gsub(pattern = oldname.coef[iSub], replacement = newname.coef[iSub], x = newname.hypo, fixed = TRUE)
                dimnames(out.glht$linfct) <- list(newname.hypo,newname.coef)
                message("The coefficient names have been transformed but not the null hypotheses. \n")
                stop("Possible mispecification of the argument \'effects\' as running mulcomp::glht lead to the following error: \n",
        type <- "all"
        ls.contrast <- list(all = out.glht$linfct)
        ls.null  <- list(all = out.glht$rhs)
        name.effects <- names(effects)
            rownames(ls.contrast$all) <- name.effects            
            ls.nameTerms <- list(all = name.effects)
            ls.nameTerms <- list(all = NULL)
        ls.nameTerms.num <- list(all = 1)

    ## ** prepare
    if(robust && object$args$method.fit=="REML"){
        name.mean <- names(coef(object, effects = "mean"))
        if(all(effects %in% c("mean","variance","correlation"))){
            if(all(effects %in% c("variance","correlation"))){
                stop("Cannot test variance, covariance, or correlation parameters using robust standard errors with REML. \n")
        }else if(any(names(which(colSums(abs(do.call(rbind,ls.contrast)))>0)) %in% name.mean == FALSE)){
            stop("Cannot test variance, covariance, or correlation parameters using robust standard errors with REML. \n")
        ls.contrast <- lapply(ls.contrast, function(iC){
        effects <- "mean"        
        effects <- "all"
    type.param <- stats::setNames(object$design$param$type,object$design$param$name)
    param <- coef(object, effects = effects,
                  transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho, transform.names = FALSE)
    newparam <- coef(object, effects = effects,
                     transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho, transform.names = transform.names)
    newname <- names(newparam)
    name.param <- names(param)
    name.paramSigma <- names(type.param)[type.param=="sigma"]
    name.paramK <- names(type.param)[type.param=="k"]
    name.paramRho <- names(type.param)[type.param=="rho"]
    n.param <- length(param)
    vcov.param <- vcov(object, df = df*2, effects = effects, robust = robust,
                       transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho, transform.names = FALSE)
    dVcov.param <- attr(vcov.param,"dVcov")
    if(df>0 && object$args$method.fit=="REML" && type.information == "expected"){
        warning("when using REML with expected information, the degree of freedom of the F-statistic may depend on the parametrisation of the variance parameters. \n")
    if(any(sapply(ls.contrast, function(iC){is.null(iC) || identical(colnames(iC), names(param))}) == FALSE)){
        warning("Names of the columns of the contrast matrix do not match the names of the model coefficients. \n")

    ## ** F-tests
    out$glht <- stats::setNames(vector(mode = "list", length = length(type)), type)

    for(iType in type){ ## iType <- "variance"
        ## skip empty type
        if(length(ls.nameTerms.num[[iType]])==0 || (is.null(ls.contrast[[iType]]) && (all(ls.assign[[iType]]==0)))){ next }

        iParam <- coef(object, effects = iType,
                       transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho, transform.names = FALSE)
        name.iParam <- names(iParam)
            ls.nameTerms[[iType]] <- ls.nameTerms.num[[iType]]
        out$glht[[iType]] <- stats::setNames(vector(mode = "list", length = length(ls.nameTerms.num[[iType]])), ls.nameTerms[[iType]])

        for(iTerm in ls.nameTerms.num[[iType]]){ ## iTerm <- 1
            iNameTerm <- ls.nameTerms[[iType]][[which(iTerm == ls.nameTerms.num[[iType]])]]

            ## *** contrast matrix
                if(!is.null(subeffect) && ls.nameTerms$mean[iTerm]!=subeffect){next}
                iIndex.param <- which(ls.assign[[iType]]==iTerm)
                iN.hypo <- length(iIndex.param)
                iNull <- rep(ls.null[[iType]][iTerm],iN.hypo)
                iName.hypo <- paste(paste0(name.iParam[iIndex.param],"=",iNull), collapse = ", ")

                iC <- matrix(0, nrow = iN.hypo, ncol = n.param, dimnames = list(name.iParam[iIndex.param], name.param))
                    iC[name.iParam[iIndex.param],name.iParam[iIndex.param]] <- 1
                    diag(iC[name.iParam[iIndex.param],name.iParam[iIndex.param]]) <- 1
                iC.uni <- iC
                iC <- ls.contrast[[iType]]
                iC.uni <- iC
                iN.hypo <- NROW(iC)
                iNull <- ls.null[[iType]]
                iName.hypo  <- paste(paste0(rownames(iC),"=",iNull),collapse=", ")

            ## *** statistic
            outSimp <- .simplifyContrast(iC, iNull) ## remove extra lines
            iC.vcov.C_M1 <- try(solve(outSimp$C %*% vcov.param %*% t(outSimp$C)), silent = TRUE)
                iStat <- NA
                iDf <- c(outSimp$dim,Inf)
                attr(iStat,"error") <- "\n  Could not invert the covariance matrix for the proposed contrast."
                iStat <- as.double(t(outSimp$C %*% param - outSimp$rhs) %*% iC.vcov.C_M1 %*% (outSimp$C %*% param - outSimp$rhs))/outSimp$dim 
                iDf <- c(outSimp$dim,Inf)
                    iName.hypo <- paste(paste0(rownames(outSimp$C),"=",outSimp$rhs),collapse=", ")

            ## *** degree of freedom
            if(df>0 && !inherits(iC.vcov.C_M1,"try-error")){

                svd.tempo <- eigen(iC.vcov.C_M1)
                D.svd <- diag(svd.tempo$values, nrow = outSimp$dim, ncol = outSimp$dim)
                P.svd <- svd.tempo$vectors
                contrast.svd <- sqrt(D.svd) %*% t(P.svd) %*% outSimp$C
                colnames(contrast.svd) <- name.param

                iNu_m <- dfSigma(contrast = contrast.svd,
                                 vcov = vcov.param,
                                 dVcov = dVcov.param,
                                 keep.param = name.param)
                iEQ <- sum(iNu_m/(iNu_m - 2))
                iDf[2] <- 2 * iEQ/(iEQ - outSimp$dim)

            ## *** confidence interval
                    ci.df <-  .dfX(X.beta = iC.uni, vcov.param = vcov.param, dVcov.param = dVcov.param, return.vcov = ci>0.5)
                    ci.df <- Inf
                CI <- data.frame(estimate = as.double(iC %*% param),
                                 se = sqrt(diag(iC %*% vcov.param %*% t(iC))),
                                 df = ci.df,
                                 statistic = NA,
                                 lower = NA,
                                 upper = NA,
                                 null = iNull,
                                 p.value = NA,
                                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                CI$statistic <- (CI$estimate-iNull)/CI$se
                rownames(CI) <- rownames(iC)
                if(!is.null(names(effects)) && !inherits(effects,"mcp")){                    
                    indexName <- intersect(which(names(effects)!=""),which(!is.na(names(effects))))
                    rownames(CI)[indexName] <- names(effects)[indexName]
                CI.glht <- multcomp::glht(object, linfct = iC, rhs = iNull, df = ceiling(stats::median(ci.df)),
                                          coef. = function(iX){coef.lmm(iX, effects = effects)},
                                          vcov. = function(iX){vcov.lmm(iX, robust = robust, effects = effects)})
                CI.glht$model <- NULL
                attr(CI.glht$vcov,"robust") <- robust
                CI <- NULL
                CI.glht <- NULL

            ## *** test
            iRes <- data.frame("null" = iName.hypo,
                               "statistic" = iStat,
                               "df.num" = iDf[1],
                               "df.denom" = iDf[2],
                               "p.value" = 1 - stats::pf(iStat, df1 = iDf[1], df2 = iDf[2]),
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            ## R2 calculation from
            ## "An R2 statistic for fixed effects in the linear mixed model" by Lloyd J. Edwards et al. 2008 (Statistic in medicine)
            ## Equation 19
            ## DOI: 10.1002/sim.3429
                iType2 <- apply(iC, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(iRow){
                    iType <- unique(type.param[names(iRow)[which(abs(iRow)>0)]])
                iType2 <- switch(iType,
                out$multivariate <- rbind(out$multivariate, cbind(type = unname(iType2[1]), test = iNameTerm, iRes))
                out$multivariate <- rbind(out$multivariate, cbind(type = "all", test = iNameTerm, iRes))
                out$univariate <- rbind(out$univariate, cbind(type = iType2, test = iNameTerm, CI))
            out$glht[[iType]][[iNameTerm]] <- CI.glht

    ## ** save some of the objects for possible use of rbind.Wald_lmm
    if(ci > 0.5){
        out$object <- list(outcome = object$outcome$var,
                           method.fit = object$args$method.fit,
                           type.information = type.information,
                           cluster.var = object$cluster$var,
                           structure = c(type = object$design$vcov$type, class = object$design$vcov$class))
            out$object$cluster <- object$cluster$levels
        globalC <- do.call(rbind,lapply(unlist(out$glht, recursive=FALSE),"[[","linfct"))

        ## default: non-robust vcov and robust for iid
            out$vcov <- globalC %*% vcov.param %*% t(globalC)
            robust2 <- robust
            out$vcov <- globalC %*% vcov(object, df = FALSE, effects = "all", robust = FALSE,
                                         transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho, transform.names = FALSE) %*% t(globalC)
            robust2 <- TRUE
        if(object$args$method.fit == "ML"){
            out$iid <- iid(object, effects = effects, robust = robust2, 
                           transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho, transform.names = transform.names) %*% t(globalC)
        }else if(object$args$method.fit == "REML" && all(type.param[which(colSums(globalC!=0)>0)]=="mu")){
            globalC <- globalC[,name.param[type.param=="mu"],drop=FALSE]
            out$iid <- iid(object, effects = "mean", robust = robust2, 
                           transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho, transform.names = transform.names) %*% t(globalC)

    ## ** prepare for back-transformation
    out$args <- data.frame(type = NA, robust = robust, df = df, ci = ci,
                           transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho,
                           transform.names = transform.names)

    if(all(name.paramSigma %in% colnames(globalC) == FALSE) || all(globalC[,name.paramSigma,drop=FALSE]==0)){
        out$args$transform.sigma <- NA
    if(all(name.paramK %in% colnames(globalC) == FALSE) || all(globalC[,name.paramK,drop=FALSE]==0)){
        out$args$transform.k <- NA
    if(all(name.paramRho %in% colnames(globalC) == FALSE) || all(globalC[,name.paramRho,drop=FALSE]==0)){
        out$args$transform.rho <- NA

    test.original <- is.null(original.transform.sigma) && is.null(original.transform.k) && is.null(original.transform.rho)
    test.backtransform <- stats::na.omit(c(sigma = out$args$transform.sigma, k = out$args$transform.k, rho = out$args$transform.rho))
    ## should back transformation be performed when latter calling coef/confint?
    ## - no if no sigma/k/rho parameters in the linear hypotheses
    ## - no for the p-value, yes for the estimate, and NA for CI when evaluating a contrast on a tranformed scaled
    out$args$backtransform <- length(test.backtransform[test.backtransform != "none"])>0
    if(test.original && out$args$backtransform){ 

        ## find parameters subject to backtransformation
        param.with.backtransform <- object$design$param[object$design$param$type %in% names(test.backtransform)[test.backtransform!="none"],"name"]

        ## restrict contrast matrix to hypotheses with backtransformation
        M.allContrast <- do.call(rbind,lapply(out$glht[lengths(out$glht)>0], function(iLs){do.call(rbind,lapply(iLs,"[[","linfct"))}))
        col.with.backtransform <- intersect(colnames(M.allContrast),param.with.backtransform)
        row.with.backtransform <- rowSums(M.allContrast[,col.with.backtransform,drop=FALSE]!=0)>0
        Mback.allContrast <- M.allContrast[row.with.backtransform,,drop=FALSE]

        ## sanity check
            warning("Hypothesis with mean and variance-covariance parameter(s): possible misleading results due to transformation of the variance-covariance parameter(s). \n")

        ## evaluate un-transformed value
        paramMback.allContrast <- rowSums(Mback.allContrast!=0)
            param.untransformed <- coef(object, effects = effects, transform.sigma = "none", transform.k = "none", transform.rho = "none")
            attr(out$univariate,"backtransform") <- (Mback.allContrast[paramMback.allContrast>1,,drop=FALSE] %*% param.untransformed)[,1]

    ## nice naming
    if(transform.names && is.null(names(effects))){
        backtransform.names <- names(coef(object,
                                          effects = effects, 
                                          transform.sigma = gsub("log","",transform.sigma),
                                          transform.k = gsub("log","",transform.k),
                                          transform.rho = gsub("atanh","",transform.rho),
                                          transform.names = transform.names))
        out$args$backtransform.names <- list(stats::setNames(rownames(out$univariate),rownames(out$univariate)))
        index <- match(newname,out$args$backtransform.names[[1]])
        out$args$backtransform.names[[1]][stats::na.omit(index)] <- backtransform.names[which(!is.na(index))]
        out$args$type <- list("all")
        out$args$type <- list(c("mu"="mean", "k"="variance", "rho"="correlation")[out$multivariate$type])

    ## ** export

## * .anova_LRT
.anova_LRT <- function(object1,object2){
    tol <- 1e-10
    ## ** normalize user input
    ## *** re-order models
    logLik1 <- logLik(object1)
    logLik2 <- logLik(object2)
    if(is.na(logLik1) || is.na(logLik2)){
        stop("Cannot perform a likelihood ratio test when the log-likelihood is NA for one of the models.\n")
    }else if(logLik2>=logLik1){
        type <- "2-1"
        objectH0 <- object1
        objectH1 <- object2
    }else if(logLik1>=logLik2){
        type <- "1-2"
        objectH0 <- object2
        objectH1 <- object1

    ## *** extract coefficients
    name.paramH0 <- names(coef(objectH0, effects = "all"))   
    name.paramH1 <- names(coef(objectH1, effects = "all"))
    table.paramH0 <- objectH0$design$param
    table.paramH1 <- objectH1$design$param
    type.paramH0 <- stats::setNames(table.paramH0[match(name.paramH0, table.paramH0$name),"type"], name.paramH0)
    type.paramH1 <- stats::setNames(table.paramH1[match(name.paramH1, table.paramH1$name),"type"], name.paramH1)
    mismatchH0 <- stats::setNames(name.paramH0 %in% name.paramH1 == FALSE, name.paramH0)
    mismatchH1 <- stats::setNames(name.paramH1 %in% name.paramH0 == FALSE, name.paramH1)
    rhs <- stats::setNames(rep("0", sum(mismatchH1)), names(which(mismatchH1)))
    current.mismatchH0 <- mismatchH0
    current.mismatchH1 <- mismatchH1

    ## *** objective function
        stop("The two models should use the same type of objective function for the likelihood ratio test to be valid. \n")
    if(objectH1$args$method.fit=="REML" && (any(type.paramH1[mismatchH1]=="mu") || any(type.paramH0[mismatchH0]=="mu"))){
        objectH0$call$method.fit <- "ML"
        objectH1$call$method.fit <- "ML"
        message("Cannot use a likelihood ratio test to compare mean parameters when the objective function is REML. \n",
                "Will re-estimate the model via ML and re-run the likelihood ratio test. \n")
        out <- anova(eval(objectH0$call),eval(objectH1$call))
        attr(out,"type") <- type

    ## *** number of observations
    nobsH0 <- nobs(objectH0)
    nobsH1 <- nobs(objectH1)
    if(any(nobsH0 != nobsH1)){
            stop("Mismatch between the number of observations between the two models - could be due to missing data. \n",
                 "H0: ",paste(paste(names(nobsH0),"=",nobsH0), collapse = ", "),".\n",
                 "H1: ",paste(paste(names(nobsH1),"=",nobsH0), collapse = ", "),".\n")
            stop("Mismatch between the number of observations between the two models. \n",
                 "H0: ",paste(paste(names(nobsH0),"=",nobsH0), collapse = ", "),".\n",
                 "H1: ",paste(paste(names(nobsH1),"=",nobsH0), collapse = ", "),".\n")

    ## *** check nesting
            stop("Mismatch in outcome between the two models. \n")

    diff.strata <- setdiff(objectH0$design$vcov$name$strata,objectH0$design$vcov$name$strata)
        stop("Cannot perform a likelihood ratio test when the model are not nested. \n",
             "Variance-covariance parameters are stratified with respect to \"",diff.strata,"\" in the model with the smallest likelihood but not in the model with the largest likelihood. \n",sep="")

        ## name may not match even with nested model when using different covariance patterns
        ## e.g. CS: rho while UN gives rho(1,2), rho(1,3), ...
        response <- objectH1$design$Y
            stop("Cannot perform a likelihood ratio test when the model are not nested. \n",
                 "The two models have the same number of parameters. \n")
            stop("Cannot perform a likelihood ratio test when the model are not nested. \n",
                 "The model with the largest likelihood had less parameters than the model with the smallest likelihood. \n")
        ## mean
        if("mu" %in% type.paramH0[mismatchH0]){
            mismatchH0.mu <- names(type.paramH0[mismatchH0])[type.paramH0[mismatchH0] %in% c("mu")]
            mismatchH1.mu <- names(type.paramH1[mismatchH1])[type.paramH1[mismatchH1] %in% c("mu")]
                stop("Cannot perform a likelihood ratio test when the model are not nested. \n",
                     "The model with the largest likelihood has less mean parameters than the model with the smallest likelihood. \n")

            XH0mu <- model.matrix(objectH0, effects = "mean")
            XH1mu <- model.matrix(objectH1, effects = "mean")
            H.X0mu <- XH0mu %*% solve(crossprod(XH0mu)) %*% t(XH0mu)
            H.X1mu <- XH1mu %*% solve(crossprod(XH1mu)) %*% t(XH1mu)
            ## attempt to check whether the design matrices are equivalent
                stop("Do not understand how the two models are nested. \n",
                     "The model with the lowest likelihood had mean parameters \"",paste(mismatchH0.mu, collapse="\" \""),"\" that were not present in the model with the largest likelihood. \n",
                     "Consider reparametrizing the mean structure so the nesting is more obvious.\n")
                current.mismatchH0[mismatchH0.mu] <- FALSE
                current.mismatchH1[mismatchH1.mu] <- FALSE
                rhs <- rhs[names(current.mismatchH1)[current.mismatchH1]]

        ## variance
        if("sigma" %in% type.paramH0[mismatchH0] || "k" %in% type.paramH0[mismatchH0]){
            mismatchH0.ksigma <- names(type.paramH0[mismatchH0])[type.paramH0[mismatchH0] %in% c("sigma","k")]
            mismatchH1.ksigma <- names(type.paramH1[mismatchH1])[type.paramH1[mismatchH1] %in% c("sigma","k")]
                stop("Cannot perform a likelihood ratio test when the model are not nested. \n",
                     "The model with the largest likelihood has less variance parameters than the model with the smallest likelihood. \n")
                XH0ksigma <- model.matrix(objectH0, effects = "variance")$var$X
                XH1ksigma <- model.matrix(objectH1, effects = "variance")$var$X
                H.X0ksigma <- XH0ksigma %*% solve(crossprod(XH0ksigma)) %*% t(XH0ksigma)
                H.X1ksigma <- XH1ksigma %*% solve(crossprod(XH1ksigma)) %*% t(XH1ksigma)

                ## attempt to check whether the design matrices are equivalent
                    stop("Do not understand how the two models are nested. \n",
                         "The model with the lowest likelihood had variance parameters \"",paste(mismatchH0.ksigma, collapse="\" \""),"\" that were not present in the model with the largest likelihood. \n",
                         "Consider reparametrizing the mean structure so the nesting is more obvious.\n")
                    current.mismatchH0[mismatchH0.ksigma] <- FALSE
                    current.mismatchH1[mismatchH1.ksigma] <- FALSE
                    rhs <- rhs[names(current.mismatchH1)[current.mismatchH1]]
            }else if(all(is.na(objectH0$design$vcov$name$strata))){
                mismatchH1.ksigma2 <- sapply(strsplit(mismatchH1.ksigma,":",fixed = TRUE),"[[",1)
                if(all(mismatchH1.ksigma2 %in% mismatchH0.ksigma)){
                    current.mismatchH0[mismatchH0.ksigma] <- FALSE
                    rhs[mismatchH1.ksigma[mismatchH1.ksigma2 %in% mismatchH0.ksigma]] <- mismatchH1.ksigma2[mismatchH1.ksigma2 %in% mismatchH0.ksigma]
                    stop("Do not understand how the two models are nested. \n",
                         "The model with the lowest likelihood had variance parameters \"",paste(mismatchH0.ksigma, collapse="\" \""),"\" that were not present in the model with the largest likelihood. \n",
                         "Consider reparametrizing the mean structure so the nesting is more obvious.\n")
                stop("Do not understand how the two models are nested. \n",
                     "The model with the lowest likelihood had variance parameters \"",paste(mismatchH0.ksigma, collapse="\" \""),"\" that were not present in the model with the largest likelihood. \n",
                     "Consider reparametrizing the mean structure so the nesting is more obvious.\n")

        ## correlation
        if("rho" %in% type.paramH0[mismatchH0]){
            mismatchH0.rho <- names(type.paramH0[mismatchH0])[type.paramH0[mismatchH0] %in% c("rho")]
            mismatchH1.rho <- names(type.paramH1[mismatchH1])[type.paramH1[mismatchH1] %in% c("rho")]
                stop("Cannot perform a likelihood ratio test when the model are not nested. \n",
                     "The model with the largest likelihood has less correlation parameters than the model with the smallest likelihood. \n")

                ## no strata or same strata: effect of the type of  structure
                n.strata <- objectH1$strata$n
                test.nested1 <- objectH1$design$vcov$class=="UN" && objectH0$design$vcov$class=="CS" && is.na(objectH0$design$vcov$name$var) && is.na(objectH0$design$vcov$name$cor)
                    mismatchH0 <- setdiff(mismatchH0,mismatchH0.rho)                
                    for(iS in 1:n.strata){
                        iRhoH0 <- table.paramH0[which((table.paramH0$type=="rho")*(table.paramH0$index.strata==1)==1),"name"]
                        iRhoH1 <- table.paramH1[which((table.paramH1$type=="rho")*(table.paramH1$index.strata==1)==1),"name"]
                        rhs[iRhoH1] <- iRhoH0
                    stop("Do not understand how the two models are nested. \n",
                         "The model with the lowest likelihood had correlation parameters \"",paste(mismatchH0.rho, collapse="\" \""),"\" that were not present in the model with the largest likelihood. \n")
                ## effect of strata
                mismatchH1.rho2 <- sapply(strsplit(mismatchH1.rho,":",fixed = TRUE),"[[",1)
                if(all(mismatchH1.rho2 %in% mismatchH0.rho)){
                    current.mismatchH0[mismatchH0.rho] <- FALSE
                    rhs[mismatchH1.rho[mismatchH1.rho2 %in% mismatchH0.rho]] <- mismatchH1.rho2[mismatchH1.rho2 %in% mismatchH0.rho]
                    stop("Do not understand how the two models are nested. \n",
                         "The model with the lowest likelihood had correlation parameters \"",paste(mismatchH0.rho, collapse="\" \""),"\" that were not present in the model with the largest likelihood. \n")

    n.paramTest <- length(name.paramH1)-length(name.paramH0)

    ## ** LRT
    out <- data.frame(null = paste(paste0(names(rhs),"==",rhs), collapse = ", "),
                      logLikH1 = stats::logLik(objectH1),
                      logLikH0 = stats::logLik(objectH0),
                      statistic = NA,
                      df = n.paramTest,
                      p.value = NA,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    out$statistic <- 2*(out$logLikH1 - out$logLikH0)
    out$p.value <- 1 - stats::pchisq(out$statistic, df = out$df)

    ## ** export
    attr(out,"type") <- type

## * anova.mlmm
##' @export
anova.mlmm <- function(object, effects = NULL, rhs = NULL, ...){

    ## ** normalize argument
        class(object) <- setdiff(class(object), c("mlmm"))
    if(inherits(effects, "mcp")){
            stop("Argument \'effects\' must specify a single hypothesis test when being of class \"mcp\". \n",
                 "Something like mcp(group = \"Dunnett\") or mcp(group = \"Tukey\") \n")
        effects.save <- effects
        constraint <- effects.save[[1]]
        effects <- names(effects.save)
            effects <- paste0(effects,"=0")
        constraint <- NULL

    ## ** test linear combinations
    robust <- object$args$robust
    df <- object$args$df 
    ci <- object$args$ci

    transform.sigma <- if(is.na(object$args$transform.sigma)){NULL}else{object$args$transform.sigma}
    transform.k <- if(is.na(object$args$transform.k)){NULL}else{object$args$transform.k}
    transform.rho <- if(is.na(object$args$transform.rho)){NULL}else{object$args$transform.rho}

    ls.lmm <- object$model
    name.lmm <- names(ls.lmm)
    ls.anova <- stats::setNames(lapply(name.lmm, function(iName){ ## iName <- name.lmm[1]
        anova(ls.lmm[[iName]], effects = effects, rhs = rhs, df = df, ci = ci, robust = robust,
              transform.sigma = transform.sigma, transform.k = transform.k, transform.rho = transform.rho)
    }), name.lmm)

    ## ** regenerate a new mlmm object
    out <- do.call("rbind.Wald_lmm",
                   args = c(list(model = ls.anova[[1]], effects = constraint, rhs = rhs, name = names(object$model), sep = object$args$sep), unname(ls.anova[-1]))

## * dfSigma
##' @title Degree of Freedom for the Chi-Square Test
##' @description Computation of the degrees of freedom of the chi-squared distribution
##' relative to the model-based variance. Copied of lavaSearch2:::dfSigmaRobust.
##' @noRd
##' @param contrast [numeric vector] the linear combination of parameters to test
##' @param vcov [numeric matrix] the variance-covariance matrix of the parameters.
##' @param dVcov [numeric array] the first derivative of the variance-covariance matrix of the parameters.
##' @param keep.param [character vector] the name of the parameters with non-zero first derivative of their variance parameter.
dfSigma <- function(contrast, vcov, dVcov, keep.param){
    ## iLink <- "LogCau~eta"
    C.vcov.C <- rowSums(contrast %*% vcov * contrast) ## variance matrix of the linear combination
    ## C.vcov.C - vcov[iLink,iLink]

    C.dVcov.C <- sapply(keep.param, function(x){
        rowSums(contrast %*% dVcov[,,x] * contrast)
    ## C.dVcov.C - dVcov[iLink,iLink,]
    numerator <- 2 *(C.vcov.C)^2
    ## numerator - 2*vcov[iLink,iLink]^2
    denom <- rowSums(C.dVcov.C %*% vcov[keep.param,keep.param,drop=FALSE] * C.dVcov.C)
    ## denom - t(dVcov[iLink,iLink,]) %*% vcov[keep.param,keep.param,drop=FALSE] %*% dVcov[iLink,iLink,]
    df <- numerator/denom

## * .simplifyContrast
## remove contrasts making the contrast matrix singular
.simplifyContrast <- function(object, rhs, tol = 1e-10, trace = TRUE){
    object.eigen <- eigen(tcrossprod(object))
    n.zero <- sum(abs(object.eigen$values) < tol)
    if(length(rhs)==1 && NROW(object)>1){
        rhs <- rep(rhs, NROW(object))

    if(n.zero==0){return(list(C = object, rhs = rhs, dim = NROW(object), rm = 0))}
    keep.lines <- 1:NROW(object)
    for(iLine in NROW(object):1){ ## iLine <- 3
        iN.zero <- sum(abs(eigen(tcrossprod(object[setdiff(keep.lines,iLine),,drop=FALSE]))$values) < tol)
            keep.lines <- setdiff(keep.lines,iLine)
            n.zero <- iN.zero
                name.rm <- rownames(object)[-keep.lines]
                    message("Singular contrast matrix: contrast \"",name.rm,"\" has been removed. \n")
                    message("Singular contrast matrix: contrasts \"",paste(name.rm,collapse= "\" \""),"\" have been removed. \n")
            return(list(C = object[keep.lines,,drop=FALSE], rhs = rhs[keep.lines], dim = length(keep.lines), rm = NROW(object)-length(keep.lines)))

    ## n.zero>0 so failure

### anova.R ends here

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