
context("Testing {dprw}LambertW functions\n")
cauchy.samples <- rcauchy(1000)


beta.list <- list("normal" = c(1, 2),
                  "t" = c(1, 10, 5),
                  "exp" = 10,
                  "gamma" = c(2, 3),
                  # "unif" = c(-1, 1),
                  "chisq" = 5)

dist.names <- names(beta.list)
beta.list <- lapply(names(beta.list),
                    function(nn) {
                      x <- beta.list[[nn]]
                      names(x) <- get_beta_names(nn)
names(beta.list) <- dist.names

heavy.theta.list <- lapply(beta.list,
                           function(x) {
                             return(list(beta = x, delta = 0.1))
names(heavy.theta.list) <- names(beta.list)

for (nn in names(heavy.theta.list)) {
  info.txt <- paste0("Testing '", nn, "' distribution\n")
  theta.tmp <- heavy.theta.list[[nn]]
  tau.tmp <- theta2tau(theta.tmp, distname = nn)
  theta.zero.tmp <- theta.tmp
  theta.zero.tmp[["delta"]] <- 0
  tau.zero.tmp <- theta2tau(theta.zero.tmp, distname = nn)
  auxD <- function(x) {
    dU(x, beta = theta.tmp$beta, distname = nn)
  auxP <- function(q) {
    pU(q, beta = theta.tmp$beta, distname = nn)
  auxR <- function(n) {
    rU(n = n, beta = theta.tmp$beta, distname = nn)
  auxQ <- function(x) {
    qU(x, beta = theta.tmp$beta, distname = nn)
  dist.family <- get_distname_family(nn)
  ib <- c(-Inf, Inf)
  if (nn %in% c("unif", "beta")) {
    ib <- theta.tmp$beta
  support.dist <- get_support(tau.tmp, 
                              is.non.negative = dist.family$is.non.negative,
                              input.bounds = ib)
  test_that("dLamberW is a density", {
    area.curve <- integrate(auxD, support.dist[1], support.dist[2])$value
    expect_equal(area.curve, 1,
                 info = info.txt, tol = 1e-4)
    expect_true(all(auxD(cauchy.samples) >= 0))
  test_that("pLamberW is a cdf", {
    expect_equivalent(auxP(support.dist[1]), 0,
                      info = info.txt)
    expect_equivalent(auxP(support.dist[2]), 1,
                      info = info.txt)
    expect_true(all(auxP(cauchy.samples) >= 0))
    expect_true(all(auxP(cauchy.samples) <= 1))
    # increasing function
    expect_true(all(diff(auxP(sort(cauchy.samples))) >= 0))
    # int_a^b pdf(x) dx = cdf(b) - cdf(a)
    expect_equal(integrate(auxD, 0, 1)$value,
                 auxP(1) - auxP(0), tol = 1e-4)
  test_that("qLambertW is a quantile function", {
    expect_true(auxQ(0) == support.dist[1],
                info = paste0(info.txt, ": at 0 it equals lower bound."))
    expect_true(auxQ(1) == support.dist[2],
                info = paste0(info.txt, ": at 1 it equals upper bound."))
    # qLambertW is the inverse of pLambertW
    samples.from.dist <- auxR(n = 1e2)
    expect_equivalent(auxQ(auxP(samples.from.dist)), samples.from.dist)
    # increasing function
    expect_true(all(diff(auxQ(seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))) >= 0))
    dist.family <- get_distname_family(nn)
    # 0 quantile must be zero for non-negative RVs
    if (dist.family$is.non.negative) {
      expect_equivalent(auxQ(0), 0)
  test_that("rLamberW is a random number generator", {
    expect_true(is.numeric(auxR(n = 100)),
                info = info.txt)
    expect_equal(length(auxR(n = 100)), 100,
                 info = info.txt)
    # KDE estimated is close to true density
    samples.from.dist <- auxR(n = 1e3)
    kde.est <- density(samples.from.dist)
    expect_gt(cor(kde.est$y, auxD(kde.est$x)), 0.9)

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LambertW documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:30 a.m.