
Defines functions joinAnnotationResults chains findMS2precursor checkIntRules coelutionScore filtrateAdducts crossAdducts findPrecursor diffcb joinfrags frags filtermsms cbs mzMatch sumChains

Documented in cbs chains checkIntRules coelutionScore crossAdducts diffcb filtermsms filtrateAdducts findMS2precursor findPrecursor frags joinAnnotationResults joinfrags mzMatch sumChains

# sumChains
#' Calculate total number of carbons and double bounds of lipid chains
#' Given the structure of a lipid specie, it sums up the chains.
#' @param chains character value with the configuration of the chains separated
#' by a white space
#' @param n number of chains
#' @return Character value indicating the total number of carbons and double
#' bounds
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
sumChains <- function(chains, n){
  cb <- unlist(strsplit(chains, "[: ]"))
  if (n == 1){
    sum_c <- as.numeric(cb[1])
    sum_b <- as.numeric(cb[2])
  if (n == 2){
    sum_c <- as.numeric(cb[1])+as.numeric(cb[3])
    sum_b <- as.numeric(cb[2])+as.numeric(cb[4])
  } else if (n == 3){
    sum_c <- as.numeric(cb[1])+as.numeric(cb[3])+as.numeric(cb[5])
    sum_b <- as.numeric(cb[2])+as.numeric(cb[4])+as.numeric(cb[6])
  } else if (n == 4){
    sum_c <- as.numeric(cb[1])+as.numeric(cb[3])+as.numeric(cb[5])+as.numeric(cb[7])
    sum_b <- as.numeric(cb[2])+as.numeric(cb[4])+as.numeric(cb[6])+as.numeric(cb[8])
  total <- paste(c(sum_c, sum_b), collapse=":")

# mzMatch
#' mz match withing a vector of mz values
#' This function searches marches between a given mz and a vector of mz values
#' with certain mass  tolerance and returns the index of the matched values. It
#' is used by identification functions to find candidates of each class of lipid
#' based on full MS information.
#' @param mz mz value to be matched
#' @param mzvector vector of mz values
#' @param ppm mass error tolerance
#' @return Numeric vector indicating the index of matched mz values and ppms for
#' each one of those matches (match1, ppm1, match2, ppm2, etc.)
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
mzMatch <- function(mz, mzvector, ppm){
  matches_ppm <- vector()
  for (i in 1:length(mzvector)){
    ppm_observed <- abs(((mz-mzvector[i])/mz)*1000000)
    if (ppm_observed <= ppm){
      matches_ppm <- append(matches_ppm, c(i, ppm_observed))

# cbs
#' Total number of carbons and double bounds
#' This function matches mz values with neutral masses from a dataframe which
#' links masses and structures (carbons and double bounds) and extracts the
#' structural information. It is used by identification functions to look for
#' the structure of the previously chosen candidates.
#' @param mz mz value to be matched
#' @param ppm mass error tolerance
#' @param db database
#' @param charge numeric value indicating the charge of the ion
#' @return Character value or vector indicating structural information
#' (carbons:bounds)
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
cbs <- function(mz, ppm, db, charge=0){
  cb <- as.vector(db[abs(db["Mass"]+charge-mz) <
      ppm*(db["Mass"]+charge)/1000000, "total"])
  if (length(cb) > 1){
    cb <- cb[1]
  if (length(cb) == 0){
    cb <- ""

# filtermsms
#' Presence or absence of an mz value within a vector of mz values
#' This function indicates the presence or absence of a fragment within a set
#' of mz values with certain tolerance. It is used by identification functions
#' to look for the generic fragments of each class of lipid.
#' @param fragments vector of mz values
#' @param frag mz to be matched
#' @param ppm mass tolerance
#' @return Logical value
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
filtermsms <- function(fragments, frag, ppm){
  sel <- fragments[which(abs((fragments$mz - frag)/frag)*1000000 < ppm),]
  sel <- sel[which.max(sel$coelScore),]

# frags
#' Search for fragments of interest withing a list of coeluting fragments
#' Given a set of coeluting fragments, this function searches for matches within
#' a database. It is used by identification functions to extract fragments of
#' interest based on the fragmentation patterns of each class of lipid.
#' @param df data frame containing coeluting fragments
#' @param ppm mass tolerance
#' @param db database (data frame with two columns) where to look into
#' @param charge mdiff
#' @return Data frame containing matched ions information
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
frags <- function(df, ppm, db,  mdiff, charge, n){
  if (nrow(df) > 0){
    cb <- data.frame(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    colnames(cb) <- c("cb", "mz", "RT", "int", "peakID", "coelScore")
    found <- FALSE
    if (nrow(df) > 0){
      for (x in 1:nrow(df)){
        y <- abs((abs((n*db$Mass+mdiff)/charge)-df[x,"mz"])*1000000/
                   abs((n*db$Mass+mdiff)/charge)) < ppm
        if (sum(y) > 0){
          cb <- rbind(cb, data.frame(c(cb = db[which(y == TRUE), "total"],
                                       df[x,]), stringsAsFactors = F))
          found <- TRUE
      if (found == FALSE){
        cb <- data.frame()
      } else {
        cb <- cb[2:nrow(cb),]
        if (sum(duplicated(cb$cb)) > 0){
          cb <- joinfrags(cb)
  } else {
    cb <- data.frame()

# joinfrags
#' Join fragments information when several peaks of the same fragment are
#' coeluting with a unique candidate
#' Function employed by \link{frags}.
#' @param df data frame containing coeluting fragments
#' @return Data frame
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
joinfrags <- function(df){
  new <- vector()
  for (f in unique(df$cb)){
    subset <- df[df$cb == f,]
    subset$int <- rep(sum(subset$int), nrow(subset))
    new <- rbind(new, subset[which.max(subset$coelScore),])

# diffcb
#' Difference between two carbon:bounds structures
#' This function calculates the number of carbon and double bounds that differ
#' between two structures.
#' @param total character value indicating the precursor structure
#' @param frag character value indicating the fragment structure
#' @param db db of chains to be considered
#' @return Character value
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
diffcb <- function(total, frag, db){
  fas <- db$total
  total <- unlist(strsplit(total, ":"))
  fr <- unlist(sapply(frag, strsplit, ":"))
  x <- as.numeric(total) - as.numeric(fr)
  frags <- paste(x[seq(1, length(x), 2)], x[seq(2, length(x), 2)], sep=":")
  del <- setdiff(frags, fas)
  frags[frags %in% del] <- ""
  if (length(frags) > 0){
  } else {

# select
#' Check matches between chains composition and precursor structures
#' This function checks if the sum up of the chains structure match the
#' precursor structure. It is used by \link{combineChains}.
#' @param chains character value containing chains structure separated by a
#' white space.
#' @param parent precursor ion structure
#' @param n number of chains
#' @return Logical value
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
select <- function (chains, parent, n){
  chains <- unlist(strsplit(chains, "[: ]"))
  if (n == 3) {
    sum_c <- as.numeric(chains[1]) + as.numeric(chains[3]) +
    sum_e <- as.numeric(chains[2]) + as.numeric(chains[4]) +
  } else if (n == 2) {
    sum_c <- as.numeric(chains[1]) + as.numeric(chains[3])
    sum_e <- as.numeric(chains[2]) + as.numeric(chains[4])
  } else if (n == 4){
    sum_c <- as.numeric(chains[1])+as.numeric(chains[3])+as.numeric(chains[5])+
    sum_e <- as.numeric(chains[2])+as.numeric(chains[4])+as.numeric(chains[6])+
  equal <- paste(c(sum_c, sum_e), collapse = ":") == parent

# findPrecursor
#' Find candidate precursor from fullMS function
#' This function is employed by all identification function in this package to
#' find possible precursors in the fullMS function.
#' @param MS1 data frame containing m/z, RT and intensity of ions from the first
#' function
#' @param db database to be searched for matches
#' @param massdif mass difference between neutral mass and the adduct expected
#' @param rt rt window
#' @param n numeric value indicating whether to look for monomers (1), dimers
#' (2), etc.
#' @param charge numeric value indicating the expected charge of the ions
#' @return Subset of the original data frame without adducts
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
findPrecursor <- function(MS1, db, ppm, massdif, rt, n=1, charge=1){
  precursors <- unlist(lapply(abs(n*db$Mass+massdif)/abs(charge), mzMatch,
                              MS1$mz, ppm))
  if (length(precursors) > 0){
    matches <- precursors[seq(1, length(precursors), 2)]
    ppms <- precursors[seq(2, length(precursors), 2)]
    prec <- MS1[matches,]
    if (is.numeric(prec)){
      prec <- as.data.frame(t(prec))
    ppms <- ppms[prec$RT >= rt[1] & prec$RT <= rt[2]]
    prec <- prec[prec$RT >= rt[1] & prec$RT <= rt[2],]
    if (nrow(prec) > 0){
      if (n == 1){
        cb <- sapply(prec$mz*abs(charge), cbs, ppm, db, massdif)
      } else if (n == 2){
        cb <- vector()
        for (i in 1:nrow(prec)){
          cb <- append(cb, cbs((prec$mz[i]*abs(charge)-massdif)/2, ppm, db))
      # joining info
      allprec <- cbind(prec, ppms, as.data.frame(cb, stringsAsFactors = F))
    } else {
  } else {

# crossAdducts
#' Cross different candidates tables to remove false positives.
#' This function crosses tables of precursor candidates identified using different
#' adducts.
#' @param df1 data frame containing identification results using the main adduct
#' @param df2 data frame containing identification results using a secondary
#' adduct
#' @param rttol retention time tolerance in seconds
#' @param rawData raw scans data. Output of \link{dataProcessing} function
#' (MS1$rawData).
#' @param coelCutoff coelution score threshold between parent and fragment ions.
#' Only applied if rawData info is supplied.
#' @return Subset of the original data frame without adducts
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
crossAdducts <- function(df1, df2, rttol, rawData, coelCutoff){
  if (nrow(df2) > 0 & nrow(df1) == 0){
    df <- df2
    df2 <- data.frame()
  if (nrow(df1) > 0 & nrow(df2) > 0){
    toremove <- vector()
    tokeep2 <- rep(TRUE, nrow(df2))
    for (m in 1:nrow(df1)){
      if (df1$peakID[m] %in% df2$peakID){
        sel <- df2[df2$peakID == df1$peakID[m],]
        matched <- which(abs(sel$RT - df1$RT) < rttol & sel$cb == df1$cb)
        if (length(matched) > 0){
          scores <- vector()
          for (s in 1:length(matched)){
            score <- coelutionScore(df1$peakID[matched[s]],
                                    peak2 = sel$peakID, rawData = rawData)
            scores <- append(scores, score)
          if (any(scores >= coelCutoff)){
            toremove <- append(toremove, TRUE)
          } else {
            toremove <- append(toremove, FALSE)
        } else {
          tokeep2[which(df2$peakID == df1$peakID[m])] <- FALSE
          toremove <- append(toremove, FALSE)
      } else {
        toremove <- append(toremove, FALSE)
    df1 <- df1[!toremove,]
    df2 <- df2[tokeep2,]
    if (nrow(df1) > 0 & nrow(df2) > 0){
      df1$adducts <- as.vector(df1$adducts)
      ad1 <- df1$adducts
      df2$adducts <- as.vector(df2$adducts)
      ad2 <- df2$adducts[1]
      for (c in 1:nrow(df1)){
        common  <- which(df2$cb == df1$cb[c] & abs(df2$RT - df1$RT[c]) < rttol)
        if (length(common) > 0){
          df1$adducts[c] <- paste(c(ad1[c], ad2), collapse = ";")
          for (i in 1:length(common)){
            df2$adducts[common[i]] <- paste(c(ad2, ad1[c]), collapse = ";")

    df <- rbind(df1, df2)
    df <- filtrateAdducts(df)

# filtrateAdducts
#' Remove low adduct supported candidates to avoid false positives.
#' In case some feature has been annotated to different candidate species,
#' this function removes the one with less adducts assigned.
#' @param df data frame containing candidates
#' @return Subset of the original data frame
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
filtrateAdducts <- function(df){
  if (nrow(df) > 0){
    toremove <- c()
    for (c in 1:(nrow(df)-1)){
      same <- which(df[,"mz"] == df[c, "mz"] &
                      df[,"RT"] == df[c, "RT"])
      same <- same[same != c]
      if (length(same) > 0){
        same <- c(c, same)
        nadducts <- sapply(same, function(x){
          length(unlist(strsplit(df[x,"adducts"], ";")))-1
        if (any(same[1] < same[2:length(same)])){
          toremove <- append(c, toremove)
    if (length(toremove) > 0){
      df <- df[-toremove,]

# coelutionScore
#' calculate coelution score between two peaks
#' Calculate coelution score between two peaks.
#' @param peak1 character vector specifying the peakID of the first peak.
#' @param peak2 character vector specifying the peakID of the second peak.
#' @param rawData data frame with raw data for each scan. it need to have at
#' least 5 columns: mz, RT, int, Scan (ordinal number for a given MS function)
#' and peakID (peakID to which it has been assigned).
#' #' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
coelutionScore <- function(peak1, peak2, rawData){
  if (nrow(rawData) > 0){
    chrom1 <- rawData[rawData$peakID == peak1, c("int", "Scan")]
    chrom1 <- chrom1[order(chrom1$Scan),]
    pred1 <- tryCatch({stats::predict(stats::smooth.spline(chrom1$Scan, chrom1$int, spar = 0.4),
                               x = chrom1$Scan)},
                      error = function(e) {return(list(x = chrom1$Scan, y = chrom1$int))})
    if(length(pred1) > 0){
      chrom1 <- data.frame(int = pred1$y, Scan = floor(chrom1$Scan))
    scores <- sapply(peak2, function(x) {
      chrom2 <- rawData[rawData$peakID == x, c("int", "Scan")]
      chrom2 <- chrom2[order(chrom2$Scan),]
      pred2 <- tryCatch({stats::predict(stats::smooth.spline(chrom2$Scan, chrom2$int, spar = 0.4),
                                 x = chrom2$Scan)},
                        error = function(e) {return(list(x = chrom2$Scan,
                                                         y = chrom2$int))})
      if (length(pred2) > 0 & length(pred1) > 0){
        chrom2 <- data.frame(int = pred2$y, Scan = floor(chrom2$Scan))
        merged <- merge(chrom1, chrom2, by="Scan")
      } else {
        merged <- data.frame()
      if(nrow(merged) > 0){
        score <- cor(merged[,"int.x"], merged[,"int.y"])
        if (is.na(score)){
          score <- 0
      } else {
        score <- 0
  } else {
    scores <- rep(0, length(peak2))

# checkIntRules
#' Check intensity rules
#' Check intensity rules to confirm chains structure.
#' @param intrules character vector specifying the fragments to compare. See
#' details.
#' @param rates character vector with the expected rates given as a string
#' (i.e. "3/1"). See details.
#' @param intrequired logical vector indicating if any of the rules is required.
#' If not, at least one must be verified to confirm the structure.
#' @param nchains number of chains of the targeted lipid class.
#' @param combinations output of \link{combineChains}
#' @param sn list of chain fragments identified. Object fragments of the
#' \link{combineChains} output.
#' @details This function will be employed when the targeted lipid class has
#' more than one chain.
#' Taking PG subclass as an example, intensities of lysoPG fragments
#' (informative for sn1) can be employed to confirm the chains structure
#' (intrules = c("lysopg_sn1/lysopg_sn1")).
#' In this case, the intensity of lysoPG resulting from the loss of the FA chain
#' in sn2 is at least 3 times higher (rates = c("3/1")) than the lysoPG
#' resulting from the loss of the FA chain in sn1.
#' For the intrules argument, "/" will be use to separate the fragments to
#' compare, and "_" will be use to indicate in which list of fragments we
#' need to look for their intensities. This will depend on the chain fragments
#' rules defined previiously.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
checkIntRules <- function(intrules, rates, intrequired, nchains, combinations,
  if (nchains == 1){
    passed <- FALSE
  } else if (length(intrules) == 0 | "Unknown" %in% intrules){
    if (nrow(combinations) > 0){
      passed <- rep(FALSE, nrow(combinations))
      for (c in 1:nrow(combinations)){
        if (nchains == 2){
          if (combinations[c,1] == combinations[c,2]){
            passed[c] <- TRUE
        } else if (nchains == 3){
          if (combinations[c,1] == combinations[c,2] &
              combinations[c,1] == combinations[c,3]){
            passed[c] <- TRUE
        } else if (nchains == 4){
          if (combinations[c,1] == combinations[c,2] &
              combinations[c,1] == combinations[c,3] &
              combinations[c,1] == combinations[c,4]){
            passed[c] <- TRUE
    } else {
  } else if (nchains == 2){
    if (nrow(combinations) == 0){
    } else {
      verified <- matrix(NA,  ncol=length(intrules), nrow=nrow(combinations))
      for (c in 1:nrow(combinations)){
        if (combinations[c,1] == combinations[c,2]){
          verified[c,] <-T
        } else {
          for (i in 1:length(intrules)){
            comp <- unlist(strsplit(intrules[i], "[_/]"))
            list <- sn[[c]]
            if (comp[2] == "sn1"){
              f1 <- 1
            } else {
              f1 <- 2
            if (comp[4] == "sn1"){
              f2 <- 1
            } else {
              f2 <- 2
            int1 <- sum(as.numeric(list$int[list$cb == combinations[c,f1] &
                                           list$db == comp[1]]))
            if (length(int1) == 0){int1 <- 0} else {
              int1 <- int1/sum(combinations[c,] == combinations[c,f1])
            int2 <- sum(as.numeric(list$int[list$cb == combinations[c,f2] &
                                          list$db == comp[3]]))
            if (length(int2) == 0){int2 <- 0} else {
              int2 <- int2/sum(combinations[c,] == combinations[c,f2])
            if (length(int1) == 1 & length(int2) == 1){
              if (int1 == 0 & int2 == 0){
                verified[c,i] <- F
              } else {
                if (eval(parse(text=rates[i])) >= 1){
                  check <- int1/int2 >= eval(parse(text=rates[i]))
                } else {
                  check <- int1/int2 <= eval(parse(text=rates[i]))
                verified[c,i] <- check
            } else {
              if (eval(parse(text=rates[i])) >= 1){
                check <- any(int1[1]/int2 >= eval(parse(text=rates[i])))
              } else {
                check <- any(int1[1]/int2 < eval(parse(text=rates[i])))
              verified[c,i] <- check
      if (any(intrequired)){ # when there are required fragments, we check those
        passed <- unlist((apply(verified, 1, function(x){
        }))) >= sum(intrequired)
      } else { # if there isnt any required fragment, any of them will be enough
        passed <- apply(verified, 1, sum) > 0
  } else if (nchains == 3){
    if (nrow(combinations) == 0){
    } else {
      verified <- matrix(NA,  ncol=length(intrules), nrow=nrow(combinations))
      for (c in 1:nrow(combinations)){
        if (combinations[c,1] == combinations[c,2] &
            combinations[c,1] == combinations[c,3]){
          verified[c,] <- T
        } else {
          for (i in 1:length(intrules)){
            comp <- unlist(strsplit(intrules[i], "[_/]"))
            list <- sn[[c]]
            if (comp[2] == "sn1"){
              f1 <- 1
            } else if (comp[2] == "sn2"){
              f1 <- 2
            } else {
              f1 <- 3
            if (comp[4] == "sn1"){
              f2 <- 1
            } else if (comp[4] == "sn2"){
              f2 <- 2
            } else {
              f2 <- 3
            int1 <- sum(as.numeric(list$int[list$cb == combinations[c,f1] &
                                              list$db == comp[1]]))
            if (length(int1) == 0){int1 <- 0} else {
              int1 <- int1/sum(combinations[c,] == combinations[c, f1])
            int2 <- sum(as.numeric(list$int[list$cb == combinations[c,f2] &
                                              list$db == comp[3]]))
            if (length(int2) == 0){int2 <- 0} else {
              int2 <- int2/sum(combinations[c,] == combinations[c, f2])
            if (length(int1) == 1 & length(int2) == 1){
              if (int1 == 0 & int2 == 0){
                verified[c,i] <- F
              } else {
                if (eval(parse(text=rates[i])) >= 1){
                  check <- int1/int2 >= eval(parse(text=rates[i]))
                } else {
                  check <- int1/int2 <= eval(parse(text=rates[i]))
                verified[c,i] <- check
            } else {
              if (eval(parse(text=rates[i])) >= 1){
                check <- any(int1[1]/int2 >= eval(parse(text=rates[i])))
              } else {
                check <- any(int1[1]/int2 < eval(parse(text=rates[i])))
              verified[c,i] <- check
      if (any(intrequired)){ # when there are required fragments, we check those
        passed <- unlist((apply(verified, 1, function(x){
        }))) >= sum(intrequired)
      } else { # if there isnt any required fragment, any of them will be enough
        passed <- apply(verified, 1, sum) > 0

# findMS2precursor
#' find lisnks between MS1 peaks and precursors selected for MS2 in DDA
#' Find lisnks between MS1 peaks and precursors selected for MS2 in DDA.
#' @param mz mz
#' @param minrt minimum intensity
#' @param maxrt maximum intensity
#' @param precursors data frame with all precursors
#' @param ppm mass tolerance
#' @returns peak-pick based on previous EIC clusters generated by \link{clustering}
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
findMS2precursor <- function(mz, minrt, maxrt, precursors, ppm){
  fprec <- precursors[which(precursors$RT >= minrt &
                              precursors$RT <= maxrt),]
  if (nrow(fprec) > 0){
    matches <- mzMatch(mz, fprec$precursor, ppm)
    if (length(matches) > 0){
      scans <- fprec$Scan[matches[seq(1, length(matches), 2)]]
    } else {
      scans <- c()
  } else {
    scans <- c()

# chains
#' extract chains composition from a lipid name
#' extract chains composition from a lipid name
#' @param id lipid name
#' @returns vector with lipid class, FA position known (TRUE) or unknown (FALSE) 
#' and FA chains.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maialba@alumni.uv.es>
chains <- function(id){
  if(grepl("[\\_]", id)){
    position <- FALSE
  } else {
    position <- TRUE
  ch <- unlist(strsplit(id, "[\\(\\)\\/\\_-]"))
  ch <- gsub("d", "", ch)
  return(c(class = ch[1], position = position, chains = ch[2:length(ch)]))

# joinAnnotationResults
#' Summarize annotation results from an msbatch into the features table
#' Summarize annotation results from an msbatch into the features table
#' @param msbatch msbatch
#' @param simplifyAnnotations logical. If TRUE, only the most frequent id will be 
#' kept (recommended when only pool samples have been acquired in DIA or DDA). If 
#' FALSE, all annotations will be shown.
#' @return msbatch
#' @keywords internal
#' @author M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
joinAnnotationResults <- function(msbatch, simplifyAnnotations = TRUE){
  annotated <- which(msbatch$metaData$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA"))
  confLevels <- LipidMS::confLevels
  # Extract features from msbatch
  features <- msbatch$features[,!colnames(msbatch$features) %in% 
  fmatrix <- msbatch$features[,colnames(msbatch$features) %in% 
  peaks <- msbatch$grouping$peaks
  # Init vectors to save annotations
  lipids <- rep("", nrow(features))
  adducts <- rep("", nrow(features))
  levels <- rep("", nrow(features))
  scores <- rep("", nrow(features))
  scoresInt <- rep("", nrow(features))
  nsamples <- rep(0, nrow(features))
  # Search annotations
  # for each sample
  for (s in annotated){
    # for each feature
    for(g in features$group){
      peakid <- peaks$peakID[peaks$sample == s & peaks$groupID == g]
      id <- msbatch$msobjects[[s]]$annotation$annotatedPeaklist[
        msbatch$msobjects[[s]]$annotation$annotatedPeaklist$peakID == peakid,, drop = FALSE]
      lipids[g] <- paste(lipids[g], id$LipidMSid, sep = ";")
      adducts[g] <- paste(adducts[g], id$Adduct, sep = ";")
      levels[g] <- paste(levels[g], id$confidenceLevel, sep = ";")
      scores[g] <- paste(scores[g], id$Score, sep = ";")
      scoresInt[g] <- paste(scoresInt[g], id$ScoreInt, sep = ";")
      if (is.null(id)){id <-  msbatch$msobjects[[s]]$annotation$annotatedPeaklist[c(),,drop=FALSE]}
      if (nrow(id) > 0){
        if (id$LipidMSid != ""){
          nsamples[g] <- nsamples[g]
  # Clean annotations
  lipids <- gsub("^;", "", lipids)
  adducts <- gsub("^;", "", adducts)
  levels <- gsub("^;", "", levels)
  scores <- gsub("^;", "", scores)
  scoresInt <- gsub("^;", "", scoresInt)
  n <- length(annotated)-1
  remove <- which(unlist(sapply(lipids, function(x) 
    grepl(paste("^", paste(rep(";", n), sep="", collapse=""), 
                "$", sep="", collapse=""), x))))
  lipids[remove] <- ""
  adducts[remove] <- ""
  levels[remove] <- ""
  scores[remove] <- ""
  scoresInt[remove] <- ""
  # If simplifyAnnotations is TRUE, keep only the most frequent id, 
  # else summarize results
  for (m in 1:length(lipids)){
    if (lipids[m] != ""){
      ids <- unlist(strsplit(lipids[m], "[;\\|]"))
      ids <- ids[ids != ""]
      ads <- unlist(strsplit(adducts[m], "[;\\|]"))
      ads <- ads[ads != ""]
      levs <- unlist(strsplit(levels[m], "[;\\|]"))
      levs <- levs[levs != ""]
      conf <- confLevels$order[unlist(sapply(levs, match, confLevels$level))]
      scs <- unlist(strsplit(scores[m], "[;\\|]"))
      scs <- scs[scs != ""]
      scsInt <- unlist(strsplit(scoresInt[m], "[;\\|]"))
      scsInt <- scsInt[scsInt != ""]
      tableids <- sort(table(ids)[unique(ids)], decreasing = TRUE)
      # namesids <- names(tableids)
      # ord <- sapply(namesids, function(x) which(ids == x), simplify = FALSE)
      # from here until line 836, it is an update
      nrep <- tableids[ids] 
      ord <- order(nrep, conf, scsInt, scs, decreasing = TRUE) 
      ids <- ids[ord]
      ads <- ads[ord]
      levs <- levs[ord]
      scs <- scs[ord]
      scsInt <- scsInt[ord]
      tableids <- sort(table(ids)[unique(ids)], decreasing = TRUE)
      namesids <- names(tableids)
      ord <- sapply(namesids, function(x) which(ids == x), simplify = FALSE)
      if (length(ord) > 0){
        if (length(ord[[1]]) > 0 & simplifyAnnotations){
          lipids[m] <- unique(ids[ord[[1]]])[1]
          adducts[m] <- unique(ads[ord[[1]]])[1]
          maxlevels <- confLevels$level[confLevels$order == 
          levels[m] <- unique(maxlevels[maxlevels %in% levs[ord[[1]]]])
          scores[m] <- round(max(as.numeric(scs[ord[[1]]])), 3)
          scoresInt[m] <- round(max(as.numeric(scsInt[ord[[1]]])), 3)
          nsamples[m] <- length(ord[[1]])
        } else if (!simplifyAnnotations & length(ids) > 0) {
          lipids[m] <- paste(unlist(sapply(ord, function(x) unique(ids[x]))), 
          adducts[m] <- paste(unlist(sapply(ord, function(x) unique(ads[x]))), 
          levels[m] <- paste(unlist(sapply(ord, function(x){
            maxlevels <- confLevels$level[confLevels$order == 
            unique(maxlevels[maxlevels %in% levs[x]])
            })), collapse=";")
          scores[m] <- paste(unlist(sapply(ord, function(x) round(max(as.numeric(scs[x])), 3))), 
          scoresInt[m] <- paste(unlist(sapply(ord, function(x) round(max(as.numeric(scsInt[x])), 3))), 
          nsamples[m] <- paste(unlist(sapply(ord, function(x) length(x))), 
  # Join info
  msbatch$features <- data.frame(features, LipidMSid = lipids, Adduct = adducts, 
                                 confidenceLevel = levels, Score = scores,
                                 ScoreInt = scoresInt, nsamples = nsamples, 

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LipidMS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:24 a.m.