
Defines functions analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement

Documented in analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement

#' @title Al2O3:C Passive Dosimeter Measurement Analysis
#' @description The function provides the analysis routines for measurements on a
#' FI lexsyg SMART reader using Al2O3:C chips according to Kreutzer et al., 2018
#' @details
#' **Working with a travel dosimeter**
#' The function allows to define particular aliquots as travel dosimeters. For example:
#' `travel_dosimeter = c(1,3,5)` sets aliquots 1, 3 and 5 as travel dosimeters. These dose values
#' of this dosimeters are combined and automatically subtracted from the obtained dose values
#' of the other dosimeters.
#' **Calculate TL dose**
#' The argument `calculate_TL_dose` provides the possibility to experimentally calculate a TL-dose,
#' i.e. an apparent dose value derived from the TL curve ratio. However, it should be noted that
#' this value is only a fall back in case something went wrong during the measurement of the optical
#' stimulation. The TL derived dose value is corrected for cross-talk and for the irradiation time,
#' but not considered if a travel dosimeter is defined.
#' Calculating the palaeodose is possible without **any TL** curve in the sequence!
#' **Test parameters**
#' `TL_peak_shift` [numeric] (default: `15`):
#' Checks whether the TL peak shift is bigger > 15 K, indicating a problem with the
#' thermal contact of the chip.
#' `stimulation_power` [numeric] (default: `0.05`):
#' So far available, information on the delivered optical stimulation are compared. Compared are
#' the information from the first curves with all others. If the ratio differs more from
#' unity than the defined by the threshold, a warning is returned.
#' @param object [RLum.Analysis-class] (**required**):  measurement input
#' @param signal_integral [numeric] (*optional*): signal integral, used for the signal
#' and the background. Example: `c(1:10)` for the first 10 channels.
#' If nothing is provided the full range is used
#' @param dose_points [numeric] (*with default*):
#' vector with dose points, if dose points are repeated, only the general
#' pattern needs to be provided. Default values follow the suggestions
#' made by Kreutzer et al., 2018
#' @param recordType [character] (*with default*): input curve selection, which is passed to
#' function [get_RLum]. To deactivate the automatic selection set the argument to `NULL`
#' @param irradiation_time_correction [numeric] or [RLum.Results-class] (*optional*):
#' information on the used irradiation time correction obtained by another experiments.
#' I a `numeric` is provided it has to be of length two: mean, standard error
#' @param calculate_TL_dose [logical] (*with default*): Enables/disables experimental dose estimation
#' based on the TL curves. Taken is the ratio of the peak sums of each curves +/- 5 channels.
#' @param cross_talk_correction [numeric] or [RLum.Results-class] (*optional*):
#' information on the used irradiation time correction obtained by another experiments.
#' If a `numeric` vector is provided it has to be of length three:
#' mean, 2.5 % quantile, 97.5 % quantile.
#' @param travel_dosimeter [numeric] (*optional*): specify the position of the travel dosimeter
#' (so far measured a the same time). The dose of travel dosimeter will be subtracted from all
#' other values.
#' @param test_parameters [list] (*with default*):
#' set test parameters. Supported parameters are: `TL_peak_shift` All input: [numeric]
#' values, `NA` and `NULL` (s. Details)
#' @param verbose [logical] (*with default*):
#' enable/disable verbose mode
#' @param plot [logical] (*with default*): enable/disable plot output, if `object` is of type [list],
#' a [numeric] vector can be provided to limit the plot output to certain aliquots
#' @param ... further arguments that can be passed to the plot output, supported are `norm`, `main`, `mtext`,
#' `title` (for self-call mode to specify, e.g., sample names)
#' @return Function returns results numerically and graphically:
#' -----------------------------------\cr
#' -----------------------------------\cr
#' **`RLum.Results`**-object
#' **slot:** **`@data`**
#' \tabular{lll}{
#'  **Element** \tab **Type** \tab **Description**\cr
#'  `$data` \tab `data.frame` \tab the estimated equivalent dose \cr
#'  `$data_table` \tab `data.frame` \tab full dose and signal table \cr
#'  `test_parameters` \tab `data.frame` \tab results with test parameters \cr
#'  `data_TDcorrected` \tab `data.frame` \tab travel dosimeter corrected results (only if TD was provided)\cr
#' }
#' *Note: If correction the irradiation time and the cross-talk correction method is used, the De
#' values in the table `data` table are already corrected, i.e. if you want to get an uncorrected value,
#' you can use the column `CT_CORRECTION` remove the correction*
#'**slot:** **`@info`**
#' The original function call
#' ------------------------\cr
#' `[ PLOT OUTPUT ]`\cr
#' ------------------------\cr
#' - OSL and TL curves, combined on two plots.
#' @section Function version: 0.2.6
#' @author Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
#' @seealso [analyse_Al2O3C_ITC]
#' @references
#' Kreutzer, S., Martin, L., Guérin, G., Tribolo, C., Selva, P., Mercier, N., 2018. Environmental Dose Rate
#' Determination Using a Passive Dosimeter: Techniques and Workflow for alpha-Al2O3:C Chips.
#' Geochronometria 45, 56-67.
#' @keywords datagen
#' @examples
#' ##load data
#' data(ExampleData.Al2O3C, envir = environment())
#' ##run analysis
#' analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement(data_CrossTalk)
#' @md
#' @export
analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement <- function(
  signal_integral = NULL,
  dose_points = c(0,4),
  recordType = c("OSL (UVVIS)", "TL (UVVIS)"),
  calculate_TL_dose = FALSE,
  irradiation_time_correction = NULL,
  cross_talk_correction = NULL,
  travel_dosimeter = NULL,
  test_parameters = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  plot = TRUE,

  # Self call -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if(is(object, "list")){
    if(!all(unlist(lapply(object, function(x){is(x, "RLum.Analysis")})))){
        stop("[analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement()] The elements in 'object' are not all of type 'RLum.Analsyis'", call. = FALSE)


    ##expand input arguments
      signal_integral <- rep(list(signal_integral), length = length(object))

    ##dose points
    if(is(dose_points, "list")){
      dose.points <- rep(dose_points, length = length(object))

      dose_points <- rep(list(dose_points), length = length(object))


    ##irradiation time correction
    if(is(irradiation_time_correction, "list")){
      irradiation_time_correction <- rep(irradiation_time_correction, length = length(object))

      irradiation_time_correction <- rep(list(irradiation_time_correction), length = length(object))


    ##cross talk correction
    if(is( cross_talk_correction, "list")){
      cross_talk_correction <- rep( cross_talk_correction, length = length(object))

      cross_talk_correction <- rep(list( cross_talk_correction), length = length(object))


    if(is(test_parameters[[1]], "list")){
      test_parameters <- rep(test_parameters, length = length(object))

      test_parameters <- rep(list(test_parameters), length = length(object))



    if(is(plot, "logical")){
      plot <- rep(x = plot, length(object))

      plot <- 1:length(object)%in%plot


    ##run analyis
    results <- lapply(1:length(object), function(x) {
      temp <- analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement(
        object = object[[x]],
        signal_integral = signal_integral[[x]],
        dose_points = dose_points[[x]],
        irradiation_time_correction = irradiation_time_correction[[x]],
        cross_talk_correction = cross_talk_correction[[x]],
        test_parameters = test_parameters[[x]],
        calculate_TL_dose = calculate_TL_dose,
        verbose = verbose,
        plot = plot[x],


     ##adjusting the terminal output, to avoid confusions
       cat(" ... (#",x, " | ALQ POS: ", temp$data$POSITION,")\n", sep = "")

     ##add running number to the plot, but only of we had a plot here...
       title(main = paste0(list(...)$title[x], " ","#", x), adj = 1, line = 3)



    ##merge results
    results <- merge_RLum(results)

    ##correct sys.call, otherwise it gets a little bit strange
    ##why this is not implemented in the merge_RLum() method ... because here it would be wrong!
    results@info[names(results@info) == "call"] <- NULL
    results@info$call <- sys.call()

    ##travel dosimeter
    ##check for travel dosimeter and subtract the values so far this is meaningful at all
      ##check data type
      if(!is(travel_dosimeter, "numeric"))
        stop("[analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement()] Input for `travel_dosimeter` is not numeric!",
             call. = FALSE)

      ##check whether everything is subtracted from everything ... you never know, users do weird stuff
      if(length(travel_dosimeter) == nrow(results$data))
        try(stop("[analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement()] You specified every position as travel dosimeter, nothing corrected!",
                 call. = FALSE))

      ##check if the position is valid
        try(stop("[analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement()] Invalid position in 'travel_dosimeter', nothing corrected!",
                 call. = FALSE))

      ##correct for the travel dosimeter calculating the weighted mean and the sd (as new error)
      ##if only one value is given just take it
      if(length(travel_dosimeter) == 1 && nrow(results$data[travel_dosimeter==results$data$POSITION,c(1,2)]) == 1){
        correction <- as.numeric(results$data[travel_dosimeter==results$data$POSITION,c(1,2)])

        temp.correction <- results$data[results$data$POSITION%in%travel_dosimeter,c(1,2)]
        correction <- c(
            x = temp.correction[[1]],
            w = if(all(temp.correction[[2]]==0)){rep(1, length(temp.correction[[2]]))} else {temp.correction[[2]]}),


      ##subtract all the values, in a new data frame, we do not touch the original data
      data_TDcorrected <- data.frame(
        DE = results@data$data[!results$data$POSITION%in%travel_dosimeter,1] - correction[1],
        DE_ERROR = sqrt(results@data$data[!results$data$POSITION%in%travel_dosimeter,2]^2 + correction[2]^2),
        POSITION = results@data$data[!results$data$POSITION%in%travel_dosimeter, "POSITION"]

      ##however, we set information on the travel dosimeter in the corresponding column
      results@data$data$TRAVEL_DOSIMETER <- results$data$POSITION%in%travel_dosimeter

      ##attach the new element to the results output
      results@data <- c(results@data,  list(data_TDcorrected = data_TDcorrected))

      ##return message
        cat("\n ...+ travel dosimeter correction applied.\n ...+ results stored in object $data_TDcorrected.\n\n")

    } ##end travel dosimeter

    ##return results


  # Integrity check  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ##TODO ... do more, push harder
  ##Add sufficient unit tests

  # Preparation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  ##select curves based on the recordType selection; if not NULL
    object_raw <- object
    object <- get_RLum(object, recordType = recordType, drop = FALSE)


  ##set signal integral
   signal_integral <- c(1:nrow(object[[1]][]))

    ##check whether the input is valid, otherwise make it valid
    if(min(signal_integral) < 1 | max(signal_integral) > nrow(object[[1]][])){
      signal_integral <- c(1:nrow(object[[1]][]))
          "[analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement()] Input for 'signal_integral' corrected to 1:", nrow(object[[1]][])
        call. = FALSE

  ## Set Irradiation Time Correction ---------------
  if (!is.null(irradiation_time_correction)) {
    if (is(irradiation_time_correction, "RLum.Results")) {
      if (irradiation_time_correction@originator == "analyse_Al2O3C_ITC") {
        irradiation_time_correction <- get_RLum(irradiation_time_correction)

        ##consider the case for more than one observation ...
          irradiation_time_correction <- c(mean(irradiation_time_correction[[1]]), sd(irradiation_time_correction[[1]]))

          irradiation_time_correction <- c(irradiation_time_correction[[1]], irradiation_time_correction[[2]])


      } else{
          "[analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement()] The object provided for the argument 'irradiation_time_correction' was created by an unsupported function!",
          call. = FALSE


  ## Set Cross Talk Correction ---------------
  ##check wehther the information on the position was stored in the input
  if(!is.null(get_RLum(object = object[[1]], info.object = "position"))){
    POSITION <- get_RLum(object = object[[1]], info.object = "position")

    message("[analyse_Al2O3_Measurement()] Aliquot position number was not found. No cross talk correction was applied!")
    cross_talk_correction <- c(0,0,0)


    cross_talk_correction <- c(0,0,0)


    ##check whether the input is of type RLum.Results and check orignator
    if (is(cross_talk_correction, "RLum.Results") &&
        cross_talk_correction@originator == "analyse_Al2O3C_CrossTalk") {

        ##grep cross talk correction and calculate values for
        ##this particular carousel position
        cross_talk_correction <-
                  newdata = data.frame(x = POSITION),
                  interval = "confidence"))

        "[analyse_Al2O3C_Measurement()] The object provided for the argument 'cross_talk_correction' was created by an unsupported function or has a wrong originator!",
        call. = FALSE



  # Calculation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ##we have two dose points, and one background curve, we do know only the 2nd dose

  ##set test parameters
  test_parameters.default <- list(
    TL_peak_shift = 15,
    stimulation_power = 0.05

  ##modify default values by given input
    test_parameters <- modifyList(test_parameters.default, test_parameters)

    ##remove NULL elements from list
    test_parameters <- test_parameters[!sapply(test_parameters, is.null)]

    test_parameters <- test_parameters.default


  ##calculate integrated light values
  NATURAL <- sum(get_RLum(object, recordType = "OSL")[[1]]@data[signal_integral, 2])
  REGENERATED <- sum(get_RLum(object, recordType = "OSL")[[2]]@data[signal_integral, 2])
  BACKGROUND <- sum(get_RLum(object, recordType = "OSL")[[3]]@data[signal_integral, 2])

  ##do the same for the TL
  if (calculate_TL_dose[1] && any(grepl("TL", names(object)))){
    NATURAL_TL <- try(sum(
        (which.max(object@records[[2]]@data[,2])-5):(which.max(object@records[[2]]@data[,2])+5),2]), silent = TRUE)
    REGENERATED_TL <- try(sum(
        (which.max(object@records[[4]]@data[,2])-5):(which.max(object@records[[4]]@data[,2])+5),2]), silent = TRUE)

    ##catch errors if the integration fails
    if(inherits(NATURAL_TL, "try-error")){
      NATURAL_TL <- NA
      warning("[analyse_Al2O3_Measurement()] Natural TL signal out of bounds, NA returned!", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)


    if(inherits(REGENERATED_TL, "try-error")){
      warning("[analyse_Al2O3_Measurement()] Regenerated TL signal out of bounds, NA returned!", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)




  ##combine into data.frame
  temp_df <- data.frame(
      DOSE = if(!is.null(irradiation_time_correction)){
        dose_points + irradiation_time_correction[1]
      DOSE_ERROR = if(!is.null(irradiation_time_correction)){
        dose_points * irradiation_time_correction[2]/irradiation_time_correction[1]
      row.names = NULL

     ##0 dose points should not be biased by the correction ..
     ##Note: it does not mean that 0 s beneath the source has a dose of 0, however, in the certain
     ##case aliquot was never moved under the source
     id_zero <- which(dose_points == 0)
     temp_df$DOSE[id_zero] <- 0
     temp_df$DOSE_ERROR[id_zero] <- 0

   ##calculate DE by using the irradiation time correction AND the cross talk correction

   ##(1) sample dose point values with irradiation time corrections (random)
    DOSE_MC <- rnorm(1000, mean = temp_df$DOSE[2], sd = temp_df$DOSE_ERROR[2])

    DOSE_MC <- temp_df$DOSE[2]


   ##(2) random sampling from cross-irradiation
   CT <- runif(1000, min = cross_talk_correction[2], max = cross_talk_correction[3])

   ##(3) signal ratio

   ##(4) calculate DE

   ##(5) substract cross-talk value from DE
   temp_DE  <- temp_DE  - CT

     ##(5.1) calculate TL based DE
     ##calculate a dose based on TL
     ##Note: we use irradiation time correction and CT correction based on GSL measurements
       temp_TL_DE <- (DOSE_MC * TL_Ratio) - CT
       TL_DE <- mean(temp_TL_DE)
       TL_DE.ERROR <- sd(temp_TL_DE)

       TL_DE <- NA
       TL_DE.ERROR <- NA


   ##(6) create final data.frame
   data <- data.frame(
     DE = mean(temp_DE),
     DE_ERROR = sd(temp_DE),
     CT_CORRECTION = cross_talk_correction[1],
     CT_CORRECTION_Q2.5 = cross_talk_correction[2],
     CT_CORRECTION_Q97.5 = cross_talk_correction[3],
     TL_DE = TL_DE,
     row.names = NULL

  ##calculate test parameters
  ##check TL peak positions, if it differers more than the threshold, return a message
  ##can be done better, but should be enough here.
  if (any("TL_peak_shift"%in%names(test_parameters)) && any(grepl("TL", names(object)))){
    ##calculate value
    TP_TL_peak_shift.value <- abs((object[[2]][which.max(object[[2]][,2]),1] -

    TP_TL_peak_shift.status <-  TP_TL_peak_shift.value > test_parameters$TL_peak_shift

    ##return warning
      warning("TL peak shift detected for aliquot position ",POSITION, "! Check curves!", call. = FALSE)

    ##set data.frame
    TP_TL_peak_shift <- data.frame(
      CRITERIA = "TL_peak_shift",
      THRESHOLD = test_parameters$TL_peak_shift,
      VALUE = TP_TL_peak_shift.value,
      STATUS = TP_TL_peak_shift.status,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    TP_TL_peak_shift <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)



     ##get curves ids holding the information on the stimulation power
     temp_curves_OSL <- get_RLum(object_raw, recordType = "OSL", curveType = "measured")
     temp_curves_OSL <- lapply(temp_curves_OSL, function(o){
         if(grepl(o@info$stimulator, pattern = "LED", fixed = TRUE)){

     ##remove NULL
     temp_curves_OSL <- temp_curves_OSL[!sapply(temp_curves_OSL, is.null)]

     ##check whether something is left
     if(length(temp_curves_OSL) < 2){
       TP_stimulation_power.value <- NA
       TP_stimulation_power.status <- FALSE

       ##calculate sum of the power
       TP_stimulation_power.value <-  vapply(temp_curves_OSL, function(x){

       }, numeric(1))

       ##estimate a theoretical value based on the first value ... it does not
       ##matter which value is correct or not
       TP_stimulation_power.value <- abs(1 -
         sum(TP_stimulation_power.value)/(TP_stimulation_power.value[1] * length(TP_stimulation_power.value)))

       TP_stimulation_power.status <- TP_stimulation_power.value > test_parameters$stimulation_power

         warning("Stimulation power was not stable for ALQ ",POSITION, "! Results are likely to be wrong!", call. = FALSE)


     ##remove object

     ##set data.frame
     TP_stimulation_power <- data.frame(
       CRITERIA = "stimulation_power",
       THRESHOLD = test_parameters$stimulation_power,
       VALUE = TP_stimulation_power.value,
       STATUS = TP_stimulation_power.status,
       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

     TP_stimulation_power <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


   ##compile all test parameter df
   df_test_parameters <- rbind(

  # Terminal output -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    cat(" [analyse_Al2O3_Measurement()] #",POSITION, " ", "DE: ",
               round(data$DE, 2), " \u00B1 ", round(data$DE_ERROR,2), "\n", sep = "")


  # Plotting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ##enable or disable plot ... we cannot put the condition higher, because we here
    ##calculate something we are going to need later
    if (plot) {
      ##get plot settings
      par.default <- par()$mfrow
      on.exit(par(mfrow = par.default))

      plot_settings <- list(
        main = c(paste("ALQ POS:", POSITION, "| OSL"), paste("ALQ POS:", POSITION, "| TL")),
        norm = TRUE,
        mtext = ""

     ##modify on request
     plot_settings <- modifyList(x = plot_settings, val = list(...),)

     ##plot curves
     if(any(grepl("TL", names(object))))
       par(mfrow = c(1,2))

       plot.single = TRUE,
       combine = TRUE,
       mtext = list(paste0("DE: ", round(data$DE,2), " \u00b1 ", round(data$DE_ERROR,2)), ""),
       xlab = list("Simulation [s]", "Temperature [\u00B0C]"),
       legend.text = list(list("#1 NAT", "#3 REG", "#5 BG"), list("#2 NAT", "#4 REG")),
       legend.pos = list("topright", "topleft"),
       main = as.list(plot_settings$main),
       norm = plot_settings$norm


  # Output --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  UID <- create_UID()

  output <- set_RLum(
    class = "RLum.Results",
    data = list(
      data = cbind(data, UID),
      data_table = cbind(temp_df, UID),
      test_parameters = cbind(df_test_parameters, UID)
    info = list(
      call = sys.call()


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