
Defines functions EvalClrule DACrossVal

Documented in DACrossVal EvalClrule

DACrossVal <- function(data,grouping,TrainAlg,EvalAlg=EvalClrule,Strfolds=TRUE,kfold=10,CVrep=20,
   fold <- function(n,kfold,fi) {
    lb <- floor((fi-1)*n/kfold) + 1
    ub <- floor(fi*n/kfold)
    if (lb>ub) return(NULL)
    lb:ub  # return(lb:ub)

#  if (!is.factor(grouping)) {    # Always converting to factor is necessary in order to ensure that the levels of grouping coincide with its unique values 
    grouping <- factor(grouping)
#  }
  codes <- levels(grouping)
  nk <- table(grouping)
  k <- nrow(nk)
  if (k<2) stop("Factor grouping should have at least two different levels\n")
  nk <- as.numeric(nk)
  n <- sum(nk)
  if (loo) {
    kfold <- n; CVrep <- 1
  } else if (Strfolds) {
    permut <- vector("list",k)
  trep <- kfold*CVrep
  EvalRes <- array(dim=c(trep,k,2),dimnames=list(NULL,codes,c("Nk","Clerr")))
  if (prior[1]=="proportions") { prior <- nk/n }
  if (k>2)   Cmat <- matrix(0,nrow=k,ncol=k,dimnames=list(codes,codes))
  else Cmat <- NULL
  for (i in 1:CVrep)
    if (!loo) {
      if (Strfolds) {
        for (grp in 1:k) permut[[grp]] <- sort.int(runif(nk[grp]),index.return=TRUE)$ix
      } else {
       permut <- sort.int(runif(n),index.return=TRUE)$ix
    for (j in 1:kfold)
      if (loo) {
        out <- j
      } else {
        if (Strfolds) {
          out <- which(grouping==codes[1])[permut[[1]]][fold(nk[1],kfold,j)]
          for (grp in 2:k) out <- c(out,which(grouping==codes[grp])[permut[[grp]]][fold(nk[grp],kfold,j)])
        } else {
          out <- permut[fold(n,kfold,j)]
      if (length(out)==0) next
      tres <- try(TrainAlg(data[-out,,drop=FALSE],grouping[-out],prior=prior,...))
#      if (is.null(tres) || class(tres)[1] == "try-error")
      if ( is.null(tres) || inherits(tres,"try-error") )
        EvalResij <- list(err=NA,Nk=as.numeric(table(grouping[-out])))
        warning("Non valid classification rule in fold ",j," of replication ",i,"\n")
      }  else {
        EvalResij <- EvalAlg(tres,data[out,,drop=FALSE],grouping[out],k=k)
        rep <- (i-1)*kfold+j
        EvalRes[rep,,"Clerr"] <- ifelse(EvalResij$Nk>0.,EvalResij$err,NA)
        EvalRes[rep,,"Nk"] <- EvalResij$Nk
        if (k>2) Cmat <- Cmat + EvalResij$Cmat

  glberr <- sum(EvalRes[,,"Nk"]*EvalRes[,,"Clerr"],na.rm=TRUE)/sum(EvalRes[,,"Nk"],na.rm=TRUE)
  errestimates <- c(colMeans(EvalRes[,,"Clerr"],na.rm=TRUE),Global=glberr)
  mcall <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
  msg <- paste("Error rate estimates of algorithm",mcall[[4]])
  ndotargs <- length(mcall$...)
  if (ndotargs>0) {
    msg <- paste(msg,"with argument")
    if(ndotargs>1) msg <- paste(msg,"s",sep="")
    for (i in 1:ndotargs) {
      msg <- paste(msg," ",names(mcall$...)[i],"=",deparse(mcall$...[[i]]),sep="")

  attr(EvalRes,"errestimates") <- errestimates
  if (k>2) {
    cat("\nConfusion matrix (original classes in rows, predicted in columns)\n\n")
    if (loo) {   
      cat("Absolute frequencies\n\n")
      cat("\nRelative frequencies\n\n")
  invisible(EvalRes)  # returns EvalRes silently

EvalClrule <- function(darule,VData,Vgrp,k)
  grpcodes <- levels(Vgrp)
  errates <- array(dim=k)
  Nk <- array(dim=k)
  clres <- predict(darule,VData)$class
  if (k>2)  Cmat <- matrix(nrow=k,ncol=k,dimnames=list(grpcodes,grpcodes))
  else Cmat <- NULL
  for (grpInd in 1:k)
    Nk[grpInd] <- length(which(Vgrp==grpcodes[grpInd]))
    thisgrpclres <- clres[Vgrp==grpcodes[grpInd]]
    levels(thisgrpclres) <- grpcodes
    thisgrperr <- thisgrpclres[grpcodes[grpInd]!=thisgrpclres]
    if (Nk[grpInd]>0) {
      errates[grpInd] <- length(thisgrperr)/Nk[grpInd]
    } else {
      errates[grpInd] <- 0
    if (k>2) for (grpInd2 in 1:k) 
      Cmat[grpInd,grpInd2] <- length(which(thisgrpclres==grpcodes[grpInd2]))
  list(err=errates,Nk=Nk,Cmat=Cmat)  #  return(list(err=errates,Nk=Nk,Cmat=Cmat))

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MAINT.Data documentation built on April 4, 2023, 9:09 a.m.