# file MASS/R/fitdistr.R
# copyright (C) 2002-2013 W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License
# (at your option).
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
fitdistr <- function(x, densfun, start, ...)
myfn <- function(parm, ...) -sum(log(dens(parm, ...)))
mylogfn <- function(parm, ...) -sum(dens(parm, ..., log = TRUE))
mydt <- function(x, m, s, df, log) dt((x-m)/s, df, log = TRUE) - log(s)
Call <-
if(missing(start)) start <- NULL
dots <- names(list(...))
dots <- dots[!is.element(dots, c("upper", "lower"))]
if(missing(x) || length(x) == 0L || mode(x) != "numeric")
stop("'x' must be a non-empty numeric vector")
if(any(!is.finite(x))) stop("'x' contains missing or infinite values")
if(missing(densfun) || !(is.function(densfun) || is.character(densfun)))
stop("'densfun' must be supplied as a function or name")
control <- list()
n <- length(x)
if(is.character(densfun)) {
distname <- tolower(densfun)
densfun <-
"beta" = dbeta,
"cauchy" = dcauchy,
"chi-squared" = dchisq,
"exponential" = dexp,
"f" = df,
"gamma" = dgamma,
"geometric" = dgeom,
"log-normal" = dlnorm,
"lognormal" = dlnorm,
"logistic" = dlogis,
"negative binomial" = dnbinom,
"normal" = dnorm,
"poisson" = dpois,
"t" = mydt,
"weibull" = dweibull,
if(is.null(densfun)) stop("unsupported distribution")
if(distname %in% c("lognormal", "log-normal")) {
stop(gettextf("supplying pars for the %s distribution is not supported",
"log-Normal"), domain = NA)
if(any(x <= 0))
stop("need positive values to fit a log-Normal")
lx <- log(x)
sd0 <- sqrt((n-1)/n)*sd(lx)
mx <- mean(lx)
estimate <- c(mx, sd0)
sds <- c(sd0/sqrt(n), sd0/sqrt(2*n))
names(estimate) <- names(sds) <- c("meanlog", "sdlog")
vc <- matrix(c(sds[1]^2, 0, 0, sds[2]^2), ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(names(sds), names(sds)))
names(estimate) <- names(sds) <- c("meanlog", "sdlog")
return(structure(list(estimate = estimate, sd = sds, vcov = vc, n = n,
loglik = sum(dlnorm(x, mx, sd0, log=TRUE))),
class = "fitdistr"))
if(distname == "normal") {
stop(gettextf("supplying pars for the %s distribution is not supported",
"Normal"), domain = NA)
sd0 <- sqrt((n-1)/n)*sd(x)
mx <- mean(x)
estimate <- c(mx, sd0)
sds <- c(sd0/sqrt(n), sd0/sqrt(2*n))
names(estimate) <- names(sds) <- c("mean", "sd")
vc <- matrix(c(sds[1]^2, 0, 0, sds[2]^2), ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(names(sds), names(sds)))
return(structure(list(estimate = estimate, sd = sds, vcov = vc, n = n,
loglik = sum(dnorm(x, mx, sd0, log=TRUE))),
class = "fitdistr"))
if(distname == "poisson") {
stop(gettextf("supplying pars for the %s distribution is not supported",
"Poisson"), domain = NA)
estimate <- mean(x)
sds <- sqrt(estimate/n)
names(estimate) <- names(sds) <- "lambda"
vc <- matrix(sds^2, ncol = 1, nrow = 1,
dimnames = list("lambda", "lambda"))
return(structure(list(estimate = estimate, sd = sds, vcov = vc, n = n,
loglik = sum(dpois(x, estimate, log=TRUE))),
class = "fitdistr"))
if(distname == "exponential") {
if(any(x < 0)) stop("Exponential values must be >= 0")
stop(gettextf("supplying pars for the %s distribution is not supported",
"exponential"), domain = NA)
estimate <- 1/mean(x)
sds <- estimate/sqrt(n)
vc <- matrix(sds^2, ncol = 1, nrow = 1,
dimnames = list("rate", "rate"))
names(estimate) <- names(sds) <- "rate"
return(structure(list(estimate = estimate, sd = sds, vcov = vc, n = n,
loglik = sum(dexp(x, estimate, log=TRUE))),
class = "fitdistr"))
if(distname == "geometric") {
stop(gettextf("supplying pars for the %s distribution is not supported",
"geometric"), domain = NA)
estimate <- 1/(1 + mean(x))
sds <- estimate * sqrt((1-estimate)/n)
vc <- matrix(sds^2, ncol = 1, nrow = 1,
dimnames = list("prob", "prob"))
names(estimate) <- names(sds) <- "prob"
return(structure(list(estimate = estimate, sd = sds, vcov = vc, n = n,
loglik = sum(dgeom(x, estimate, log=TRUE))),
class = "fitdistr"))
if(distname == "weibull" && is.null(start)) {
## log-Weibull is Gumbel, so start from that
## but some people think Weibull range is [0, \infty)
if(any(x <= 0)) stop("Weibull values must be > 0")
lx <- log(x)
m <- mean(lx); v <- var(lx)
shape <- 1.2/sqrt(v); scale <- exp(m + 0.572/shape)
start <- list(shape = shape, scale = scale)
start <- start[!is.element(names(start), dots)]
if(distname == "gamma" && is.null(start)) {
if(any(x < 0)) stop("gamma values must be >= 0")
m <- mean(x); v <- var(x)
start <- list(shape = m^2/v, rate = m/v)
start <- start[!is.element(names(start), dots)]
control <- list(parscale = c(1, start$rate))
if(distname == "negative binomial" && is.null(start)) {
m <- mean(x); v <- var(x)
size <- if(v > m) m^2/(v - m) else 100
start <- list(size = size, mu = m)
start <- start[!is.element(names(start), dots)]
if(is.element(distname, c("cauchy", "logistic")) && is.null(start)) {
start <- list(location = median(x), scale = IQR(x)/2)
start <- start[!is.element(names(start), dots)]
if(distname == "t" && is.null(start)) {
start <- list(m = median(x), s = IQR(x)/2, df = 10)
start <- start[!is.element(names(start), dots)]
if(is.null(start) || !is.list(start))
stop("'start' must be a named list")
nm <- names(start)
## reorder arguments to densfun
f <- formals(densfun)
args <- names(f)
m <- match(nm, args)
stop("'start' specifies names which are not arguments to 'densfun'")
formals(densfun) <- c(f[c(1, m)], f[-c(1, m)])
dens <- function(parm, x, ...) densfun(x, parm, ...)
if((l <- length(nm)) > 1L)
body(dens) <-
parse(text = paste("densfun(x,",
paste("parm[", 1L:l, "]", collapse = ", "),
", ...)"))
Call[[1L]] <- quote(stats::optim)
Call$densfun <- Call$start <- NULL
Call$x <- x # want local variable as eval in this frame
Call$par <- start
Call$fn <- if("log" %in% args) mylogfn else myfn
Call$hessian <- TRUE
if(length(control)) Call$control <- control
if(is.null(Call$method)) {
if(any(c("lower", "upper") %in% names(Call))) Call$method <- "L-BFGS-B"
else if (length(start) > 1L) Call$method <- "BFGS"
else Call$method <- "Nelder-Mead"
res <- eval.parent(Call)
if(res$convergence > 0L) stop("optimization failed")
vc <- solve(res$hessian)
sds <- sqrt(diag(vc))
structure(list(estimate = res$par, sd = sds, vcov = vc,
loglik = - res$value, n = n), class = "fitdistr")
vcov.fitdistr <- function(object, ...) object$vcov
logLik.fitdistr <- function(object, REML = FALSE, ...)
if (REML) stop("only 'REML = FALSE' is implemented")
val <- object$loglik
attr(val, "nobs") <- object$n
attr(val, "df") <- length(object$estimate)
class(val) <- "logLik"
print.fitdistr <-
function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
ans <- format(rbind(x$estimate, x$sd), digits=digits)
ans[1L, ] <- sapply(ans[1L, ], function(x) paste("", x))
ans[2L, ] <- sapply(ans[2L, ], function(x) paste("(", x, ")", sep=""))
## only used for digits
dn <- dimnames(ans)
dn[[1L]] <- rep("", 2L)
dn[[2L]] <- paste(substring(" ", 1L, (nchar(ans[2L,]) - nchar(dn[[2L]])) %/% 2), dn[[2L]])
dn[[2L]] <- paste(dn[[2L]], substring(" ", 1L, (nchar(ans[2L,]) - nchar(dn[[2L]])) %/% 2))
dimnames(ans) <- dn
print(ans, quote = FALSE)
coef.fitdistr <- function(object, ...) object$estimate
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