
Defines functions nonparam.run nma.run mb.update pDcalc gen.parameters.to.save mb.jags mb.run

Documented in gen.parameters.to.save mb.run mb.update nma.run pDcalc

# Functions for running MBNMA models
# Author: Hugo Pedder
# Date created: 2018-09-10

#' Run MBNMA time-course models
#' Fits a Bayesian time-course model for model-based network meta-analysis
#' (MBNMA) that can account for repeated measures over time within studies by
#' applying a desired time-course function. Follows the methods of \insertCite{pedder2019;textual}{MBNMAtime}.
#' @param network An object of class `"mb.network"`.
#' @param parameters.to.save A character vector containing names of parameters
#'   to monitor in JAGS
#' @param fun An object of class `"timefun"` generated (see Details) using any of
#'   `tloglin()`, `tpoly()`, `titp()`, `temax()`, `tfpoly()`, `tspline()` or `tuser()`
#' @param positive.scale A boolean object that indicates whether all continuous
#'   mean responses (y) are positive and therefore whether the baseline response
#'   should be given a prior that constrains it to be positive (e.g. for scales that cannot be <0).
#' @param intercept A boolean object that indicates whether an intercept (written
#'   as `alpha` in the model) is to be included. If left as `NULL` (the default), an intercept will
#'   be included only for studies reporting absolute means, and will be excluded for
#'   studies reporting change from baseline (as indicated in `network$cfb`).
#' @param link Can take either `"identity"` (the default),
#'   `"log"` (for modelling Ratios of Means \insertCite{friedrich2011}{MBNMAtime}) or
#'   `"smd"` (for modelling Standardised Mean Differences - although this also corresponds to an identity link function).
#' @param sdscale Logical object to indicate whether to write a model that specifies a reference SD
#'  for standardising when modelling using Standardised Mean Differences. Specifying `sdscale=TRUE`
#'  will therefore only modify the model if link function is set to SMD (`link="smd"`).
#' @param rho The correlation coefficient when modelling within-study correlation between time points. The default is a string representing a
#'   prior distribution in JAGS, indicating that it be estimated from the data (e.g. `rho="dunif(0,1)"`). `rho` also be assigned a
#'   numeric value (e.g. `rho=0.7`), which fixes `rho` in the model to this value (e.g. for use in a deterministic sensitivity analysis).
#'   If set to `rho=0` (the default) then this implies modelling no correlation between time points.
#' @param covar A character specifying the covariance structure to use for modelling within-study correlation between time-points. This can
#'   be done by specifying one of the following:
#'   * `"varadj"` - a univariate likelihood with a variance adjustment to assume a constant correlation between subsequent
#'   time points \insertCite{jansen2015}{MBNMAtime}. This is the default.
#'   * `"CS"` - a multivariate normal likelihood with a
#'     \href{https://support.sas.com/resources/papers/proceedings/proceedings/sugi30/198-30.pdf}{compound symmetry} structure
#'   * `"AR1"` - a multivariate normal likelihood with an
#'     \href{https://support.sas.com/resources/papers/proceedings/proceedings/sugi30/198-30.pdf}{autoregressive AR1} structure
#' @param omega DEPRECATED IN VERSION 0.2.3 ONWARDS (~uniform(-1,1) now used for correlation between parameters
#' rather than a Wishart prior).
#' A scale matrix for the inverse-Wishart prior for the covariance matrix used
#' to model the correlation between time-course parameters (see Details for time-course functions). `omega` must
#' be a symmetric positive definite matrix with dimensions equal to the number of time-course parameters modelled using
#' relative effects (`pool="rel"`). If left as `NULL` (the default) a diagonal matrix with elements equal to 1
#' is used.
#' @param corparam A boolean object that indicates whether correlation should be modeled
#' between relative effect time-course parameters. Default is `FALSE` and this is automatically set to `FALSE` if class effects are modeled.
#' Setting it to `TRUE` models correlation between time-course parameters. This can help identify parameters
#' that are estimated poorly for some treatments by allowing sharing of information between
#' parameters for different treatments in the network, but may also cause some shrinkage.
#' @param class.effect A list of named strings that determines which time-course
#'   parameters to model with a class effect and what that effect should be
#'   (`"common"` or `"random"`). For example: `list(emax="common", et50="random")`.
#' @param UME Can take either `TRUE` or `FALSE` (for an unrelated mean effects
#'   model on all or no time-course parameters respectively) or can be a vector
#'   of parameter name strings to model as UME. For example: `c("beta.1", "beta.2")`.
#' @param pd Can take either:
#'   * `pv` only pV will be reported (as automatically outputted by R2jags).
#'   * `plugin` calculates pD by the plug-in
#'   method \insertCite{spiegelhalter2002}{MBNMAtime}. It is faster, but may output negative
#'   non-sensical values, due to skewed deviances that can arise with non-linear models.
#'   * `pd.kl` (the default) calculates pD by the Kullback–Leibler divergence \insertCite{plummer2008}{MBNMAtime}. This
#'   will require running the model for additional iterations but
#'   will always produce a sensical result.
#'   * `popt` calculates pD using an optimism adjustment which allows for calculation
#'   of the penalized expected deviance \insertCite{plummer2008}{MBNMAtime}
#' @param parallel A boolean value that indicates whether JAGS should be run in
#'   parallel (`TRUE`) or not (`FALSE`). If `TRUE` then the number of cores to
#'   use is automatically calculated. Functions that involve updating the model (e.g. `devplot()`, `fitplot()`)
#'   cannot be used with models implemented in parallel.
#' @param n.iter number of total iterations per chain (including burn in; default: 20000)
#' @param n.thin thinning rate. Must be a positive integer. Set `n.thin > 1`` to save memory
#' and computation time if `n.iter` is large. Default is
#' `max(1, floor(n.chains * (n.iter-n.burnin) / 1000))`` which will only thin if there are at least 2000
#' simulations.
#' @param n.chains number of Markov chains (default: 3)
#' @param n.burnin length of burn in, i.e. number of iterations to discard at the
#' beginning. Default is `n.iter/2``, that is, discarding the first half of the
#' simulations. If `n.burnin` is 0, jags() will run 100 iterations for adaption.
#' @param model.file The file path to a JAGS model (.jags file) that can be used
#'   to overwrite the JAGS model that is automatically written based on the
#'   specified options in `MBNMAtime`. Useful for adding further model flexibility.
#' @param jagsdata A named list of the data objects to be used in the JAGS model. Only
#'   required if users are defining their own JAGS model using `model.file`. Format
#'   should match that of standard models fitted in `MBNMAtime`
#'   (see `mbnma$model.arg$jagsdata`)
#' @param ... Arguments to be sent to R2jags.
#' @inheritParams replace.prior
#' @return An object of S3 class `c("mbnma", "rjags")`` containing parameter
#'   results from the model. Can be summarized by `print()` and can check
#'   traceplots using `R2jags::traceplot()` or various functions from the package `mcmcplots`.#'
#'   If there are errors in the JAGS model code then the object will be a list
#'   consisting of two elements - an error message from JAGS that can help with
#'   debugging and `model.arg`, a list of arguments provided to `mb.run()`
#'   which includes `jagscode`, the JAGS code for the model that can help
#'   users identify the source of the error.
#' @section Time-course parameters:
#'   Nodes that are automatically monitored (if present in the model) have the
#'   same name as in the time-course function for named time-course parameters (e.g. `emax`).
#'   However, for named only as `beta.1`, `beta.2`, `beta.3` or `beta.4` parameters
#'   may have an alternative interpretation.
#'   Details of the interpretation and model specification of different parameters can be shown by using the
#'   `summary()` method on an `"mbnma"` object generated by `mb.run()`.
#'   *Parameters modelled using relative effects*
#'   * If pooling is relative (e.g. `pool.1="rel"`) for a given parameter then the named parameter (e.g. `emax`) or a
#'   numbered `d` parameter (e.g. `d.1`) corresponds to the pooled relative effect for a given
#'   treatment compared to the network reference treatment for this time-course parameter.
#'   * `sd.` followed by a named (e.g. `emax`, `beta.1`) is the between-study SD (heterogeneity)
#'   for relative effects, reported if pooling for a time-course parameter is relative (e.g. `pool.1="rel"`) *and* the
#'   method for synthesis is random (e.g. `method.1="random`).
#'   * If class effects are modelled, parameters for classes are represented by the upper case name of the time-course
#'   parameter they correspond to. For example if `class.effect=list(emax="random")`, relative class effects will be
#'   represented by `EMAX`. The SD of the class effect (e.g. `sd.EMAX`, `sd.BETA.1`) is the SD of treatments within a class for the
#'   time-course parameter they correspond to.
#'   *Parameters modelled using absolute effects*
#'   * If pooling is absolute (e.g. `pool.1="abs"`) for a given parameter then the named parameter (e.g. `emax`) or a
#'   numbered `beta` parameter (e.g. `beta.1`) corresponds to the estimated absolute effect for this time-course parameter.
#'   * For an absolute time-course parameter if the corresponding method is common (e.g. `method.1="common"`) the parameter
#'   corresponds to a single common parameter estimated across all studies and treatments. If the corresponding method is
#'   random (e.g. `method.1="random"`) then parameter is a mean effect around which the study-level absolute effects vary
#'   with SD corresponding to `sd.` followed by the named parameter (e.g. `sd.emax`, `sd.beta.1`) .
#'   *Other model parameters*
#'   * `rho` The correlation coefficient for correlation between time-points. Its
#'   interpretation will differ depending on the covariance structure specified in `covar`
#'   * `totresdev` The residual deviance of the model
#'   * `deviance` The deviance of the model
#' @section Time-course function:
#'   Several general time-course functions with up to 4 time-course parameters are provided, but a
#'   user-defined time-course relationship can instead be used. Details can be found in the respective
#'   help files for each function.
#'   Available time-course functions are:
#'   * Log-linear: `tloglin()`
#'   * Polynomial: `tpoly()`
#'   * Integrated Two-Component Prediction (ITP): `titp()`
#'   * Emax: `temax()`
#'   * Fractional polynomial: `tfpoly()`
#'   * Splines (various spline types can be used): `tspline()`
#'   * User-defined: `tuser()`
#' @section Correlation between observations:
#'   When modelling correlation between observations using `rho`, values for `rho` must imply a
#'   positive semidefinite covariance matrix.
#' @section Advanced options:
#'   `model.file` and `jagsdata` can be used to run an edited JAGS model and dataset. This allows
#'   users considerably more modelling flexibility than is possible using the basic `MBNMAtime` syntax,
#'   though requires strong understanding of JAGS and the MBNMA modelling framework. Treatment-specific
#'   priors, meta-regression and bias-adjustment are all possible in this way, and it allows users to
#'   make use of the subsequent functions in `MBNMAtime` (plotting, prediction, ranking) whilst fitting
#'   these more complex models.
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @references
#'   \insertAllCited
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Create mb.network object
#' network <- mb.network(osteopain)
#' # Fit a linear time-course MBNMA with:
#' # random relative treatment effects on the slope
#' mb.run(network, fun=tpoly(degree=1, pool.1="rel", method.1="random"))
#' # Fit an emax time-course MBNMA with:
#' # fixed relative treatment effects on emax
#' # a common parameter estimated independently of treatment
#' # a common Hill parameter estimated independently of treatment
#' # a prior for the Hill parameter (normal with mean 0 and precision 0.1)
#' # data reported as change from baseline
#' result <- mb.run(network, fun=temax(pool.emax="rel", method.emax="common",
#'                                     pool.et50="abs", method.et50="common",
#'                                     pool.hill="abs", method.hill="common"),
#'                  priors=list(hill="dunif(0.5, 2)"),
#'                  intercept=TRUE)
#' #### commented out to prevent errors from JAGS version in github actions build ####
#' # Fit a log-linear MBNMA with:
#' # random relative treatment effects on the rate
#' # an autoregressive AR1 covariance structure
#' # modelled as standardised mean differences
#' # copdnet <- mb.network(copd)
#' # result <- mb.run(copdnet, fun=tloglin(pool.rate="rel", method.rate="random"),
#' #                covar="AR1", rho="dunif(0,1)", link="smd")
#' ####### Examine MCMC diagnostics (using mcmcplots package) #######
#' # Traceplots
#' # mcmcplots::traplot(result)
#' # Plots for assessing convergence
#' # mcmcplots::mcmcplot(result, c("rate", "sd.rate", "rho"))
#' ########## Output ###########
#' # Print R2jags output and summary
#' print(result)
#' summary(result)
#' # Plot forest plot of results
#' plot(result)
#' ###### Additional model arguments ######
#' # Use gout dataset
#' goutnet <- mb.network(goutSUA_CFBcomb)
#' # Define a user-defined time-course relationship for use in mb.run
#' timecourse <- ~ exp(beta.1 * time) + (time^beta.2)
#' # Run model with:
#' # user-defined time-course function
#' # random relative effects on beta.1
#' # default common effects on beta.2
#' # default relative pooling on beta.1 and beta.2
#' # common class effect on beta.2
#' mb.run(goutnet, fun=tuser(fun=timecourse, method.1="random"),
#'        class.effect=list(beta.1="common"))
#' # Fit a log-linear MBNMA
#' # with variance adjustment for correlation between time-points
#' result <- mb.run(network, fun=tloglin(),
#'                  rho="dunif(0,1)", covar="varadj")
#' }
#' @export
mb.run <- function(network, fun=tpoly(degree = 1), positive.scale=FALSE, intercept=NULL,
                      link="identity", sdscale=FALSE,
                      rho=0, covar="varadj",
                      omega=NULL, corparam=FALSE,
                      class.effect=list(), UME=FALSE,
                      pd="pv", parallel=FALSE,
                      n.iter=20000, n.chains=3,
                      n.burnin=floor(n.iter/2), n.thin=max(1, floor((n.iter - n.burnin) / 1000)),
                      model.file=NULL, jagsdata=NULL, ...
) {

  # Run checks
  argcheck <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assertClass(fun, classes = "timefun", add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertClass(network, "mb.network", add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertCharacter(model.file, any.missing=FALSE, null.ok=TRUE, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertChoice(pd, choices=c("pv", "pd.kl", "plugin", "popt"), null.ok=FALSE, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertLogical(parallel, len=1, null.ok=FALSE, any.missing=FALSE, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertList(priors, null.ok=TRUE, add=argcheck)

  # Reduce n.burnin by 1 to avoid JAGS error if n.burnin=n.iter
  if (n.iter==n.burnin) {
    n.burnin <- n.burnin - 1

  # Set intercept if cfb is consistent across all trials
  if (is.null(intercept)) {
    unicfb <- unique(network$cfb)
    if (length(unicfb)==1) {
      if (unicfb==TRUE) {
        intercept <- FALSE
      } else if (unicfb==FALSE) {
        intercept <- TRUE

  # Check sdscale and link
  if (sdscale==TRUE) {
    if (link!="smd") {
      sdscale <- FALSE
  if (link=="log") {
    if (any(network$data.ab$y<0)) {
      stop("link='log' cannot be used with means (y) that take negative values in network$data.ab")

  if (is.null(model.file)) {
    model <- mb.write(fun=fun, link=link,
                      positive.scale=positive.scale, intercept=intercept,
                      rho=rho, covar=covar,
                      class.effect=class.effect, UME=UME,
                      omega=omega, corparam=corparam

    if (!is.null(priors)) {
      # Check that order is correct if names in priors match network$treatments
      for (i in seq_along(priors)) {
        if (length(priors[[i]])>1) {
          if (!is.null(names(priors[[i]]))) { # If treatment-specific priors are named
            if (length(class.effect)>0) {
              warning("MBNMAtime defaults to treatment-specific priors if multiple priors are specified for a parameter")

            priornam <- names(priors[[i]])

            # If at least 2 names match those in network$treatments then sort priors to match network order
            if (sum(priornam %in% network$treatments)>=2) {
              priors[[i]] <- priors[[i]][match(network$treatments, priornam, nomatch=0)]
        prior <- priors[[i]]

      model <- replace.prior(priors=priors, model=model)

  } else {
    warning("All parameter specifications (time-course, rho, class effects, UME, priors, etc.) are being overwritten by `model.file`")
    model <- readLines(model.file)

  assigned.parameters.to.save <- parameters.to.save
  if (is.null(parameters.to.save)) {
    parameters.to.save <-
      gen.parameters.to.save(fun=fun, model=model)

  # Add nodes to monitor to calculate plugin pd
  if (pd=="plugin") {
    if (covar!="varadj") {
      stop("pD cannot be calculated via the plugin method if modelling a multivariate normal likelihood - covar!='varadj'")

    pluginvars <- c("theta", "resdev")
    for (param in seq_along(pluginvars)) {
      if (!(pluginvars[param] %in% parameters.to.save)) {
        parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, pluginvars[param])
    message("The following parameters have been monitored to allow pD plugin calculation: ",
            paste(pluginvars, collapse=", "))

  if (length(class.effect)>0) {
    class <- TRUE
  } else {class <- FALSE}

  #### Run jags model ####

  data.ab <- network[["data.ab"]]
  result.jags <- mb.jags(data.ab, model, fun=fun, link=link, cfb=network$cfb,
                       class=class, rho=rho, covar=covar, omega=omega,
                       jagsdata=jagsdata, sdscale=sdscale,
                       n.iter=n.iter, n.chains=n.chains,
                       n.burnin=n.burnin, n.thin=n.thin,
  result <- result.jags[["jagsoutput"]]
  jagsdata <- result.jags[["jagsdata"]]

  if (!("error" %in% names(result))) {
    if (pd == "pd.kl" | pd == "popt") {
      if (pd=="pd.kl") {
        temp <- rjags::dic.samples(result$model, n.iter=n.iter/10, type="pD")
      } else if (pd=="popt") {
        temp <- rjags::dic.samples(result$model, n.iter=n.iter/10, type="popt")
      result$BUGSoutput$pD <- sum(temp$penalty)

    } else if (pd == "plugin") {
      # plugin method
      warning("Plugin method only works for normal likelihood")
      result$BUGSoutput$pD <- pDcalc(obs1=jagsdata[["y"]], obs2=jagsdata[["se"]], fups=jagsdata[["fups"]], narm=jagsdata[["narm"]], NS=jagsdata[["NS"]],
                                     theta.result=result$BUGSoutput$mean$theta, resdev.result=result$BUGSoutput$mean$resdev,

    # Recalculate DIC so it is adjusted for choice of pD
    result$BUGSoutput$DIC <- result$BUGSoutput$pD + result$BUGSoutput$median$deviance

  # Add variables for other key model characteristics (for predict and plot functions)
  model.arg <- list("parameters.to.save"=assigned.parameters.to.save,
                    "jagscode"=model, "jagsdata"=jagsdata,
                    "link"=link, "sdscale"=sdscale,
                    "positive.scale"=positive.scale, "intercept"=intercept,
                    "rho"=rho, "covar"=covar,
                    "class.effect"=class.effect, "UME"=UME,
                    "omega"=omega, "corparam"=corparam,
                    "parallel"=parallel, "pd"=pd,
  result[["model.arg"]] <- model.arg
  result[["network"]] <- network
  result[["type"]] <- "time"

  if (!("error" %in% names(result))) {
    class(result) <- c("mbnma", class(result))



mb.jags <- function(data.ab, model, fun=NULL, link=NULL,
                       class=FALSE, rho=NULL, covar=NULL,
                       cfb=NULL, omega=NULL, sdscale=FALSE,
                       warn.rhat=FALSE, ...) {

  # Run checks
  argcheck <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assertDataFrame(data.ab, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertCharacter(model, any.missing=FALSE, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertLogical(class, len=1, null.ok=FALSE, any.missing=FALSE, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertCharacter(parameters.to.save, any.missing=FALSE, unique=TRUE,
                  null.ok=TRUE, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertClass(fun, "timefun", add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertLogical(cfb, null.ok=TRUE, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertList(jagsdata, null.ok=TRUE, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertLogical(sdscale, len = 1, add=argcheck)

  if (is.null(jagsdata)) {
    # For MBNMAtime
    jagsdata <- getjagsdata(data.ab, class=class,
                            rho=rho, covstruct=covar,
                            fun=fun, link=link, sdscale=sdscale,
                            cfb=cfb) # get data into jags correct format (list("fups", "NT", "NS", "narm", "y", "se", "treat", "time"))

    if (!is.null(omega)) {
      jagsdata[["omega"]] <- omega

    # Add variable for maxtime to jagsdata if required
    if (any(grepl("maxtime", model))) {
      jagsdata[["maxtime"]] <- max(data.ab$time)

  # Remove studyID from jagsdata (not used in model)
  tempjags <- jagsdata
  tempjags[["studyID"]] <- NULL

  # Drop time from tempjags in spline models
  if (fun$name %in% c("ns", "bs", "ls") & !"AR1" %in% covar) {
    tempjags[["time"]] <- NULL

  # Put data from jagsdata into separate R objects
  for (i in seq_along(tempjags)) {
    ##first extract the object value
    temp <- tempjags[[i]]
    ##now create a new variable with the original name of the list item
    eval(parse(text=paste(names(tempjags)[[i]],"<- temp")))

  # Take names of variables in tempjags for use in rjags
  jagsvars <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(names(tempjags))) {
    jagsvars[[i]] <- names(tempjags)[i]

  # Create a temporary model file
  cat(paste(model, collapse="\n"),file=tmps)

  out <- tryCatch({
    result <- R2jags::jags(data=jagsvars, model.file=tmpf,
  error=function(cond) {

  # Gives warning if any rhat values > 1.02
  if (warn.rhat==TRUE) {
    if (!("error" %in% names(out))) {

  return(list("jagsoutput"=out, "jagsdata"=jagsdata))

#' Automatically generate parameters to save for a time-course MBNMA model
#' @inheritParams mb.run
#' @param model A JAGS model written as a character object
#' @return A character vector of parameter names that should be monitored in the model
gen.parameters.to.save <- function(fun, model) {
  # model.params is a vector (numeric/character) of the names of the dose-response parameters in the model
  #e.g. c(1, 2, 3) or c("emax", "et50")
  # model is a JAGS model written as a character object

  # Run checks
  argcheck <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assertClass(fun, classes = "timefun", add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertCharacter(model, min.len = 10)

  # Set some automatic parameters based on the model code
  parameters.to.save <- vector()
  for (i in seq_along(fun$params)) {

    # For unnamed parameters
    if (any(grepl(paste0("^d\\.", i), model))==TRUE) {
      parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, paste0("d.", i))
    if (any(grepl(paste0("^D\\.", i), model))==TRUE) {
      parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, paste0("D.", i))
    if (any(grepl(paste0("^sd\\.", i), model))==TRUE) {
      parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, paste0("sd.", i))
    if (any(grepl(paste0("^sd\\.D\\.", i), model))==TRUE) {
      parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, paste0("sd.D.", i))

    # For named parameters
    if (any(grepl(fun$params[i], model))==TRUE) {
      parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, fun$params[i])
    if (any(grepl(toupper(fun$params[i]), model))==TRUE) {
      parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, toupper(fun$params[i]))
    if (any(grepl(paste0("^sd\\.", fun$params[i]), model))==TRUE) {
      parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, paste0("sd.", fun$params[i]))
    if (any(grepl(paste0("^sd\\.", toupper(fun$params[i])), model))==TRUE) {
      parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, paste0("sd.", toupper(fun$params[i])))

    # Remove if both d and beta are in for any parameter
    if (paste0("d.",i) %in% parameters.to.save & paste0("beta.",i) %in% parameters.to.save) {
      parameters.to.save <- parameters.to.save[!parameters.to.save %in% paste0("beta.",i)]

  # For MBNMAtime
  if (any(grepl("rho", model))==TRUE) {
    parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, "rho")
  if (any(grepl("rhoparam", model))==TRUE) {
    parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, "rhoparam")
  if (any(grepl("totresdev", model))==TRUE) {
    parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, c("totresdev"))


#' Calculate plugin pD from a JAGS model with univariate likelihood for studies
#' with repeated measurements
#' Uses results from MBNMA JAGS models to calculate pD via the
#' plugin method \insertCite{spiegelhalter2002}{MBNMAtime}. Can only be used for models with known
#' standard errors or covariance matrices (typically univariate).
#' @param obs1 A matrix (study x arm) or array (study x arm x time point) containing
#'   observed data for `y` (normal likelihood) or `r` (binomial or Poisson likelihood)
#'   in each arm of each study. This will be the same array
#'   used as data for the JAGS model.
#' @param obs2 A matrix (study x arm) or array (study x arm x time point) containing
#'   observed data for `se` (normal likelihood), `N` (binomial likelihood) or `E` (Poisson likelihood)
#'   in each arm of each study. This will be the same array
#'   used as data for the JAGS model.
#' @param fups A numeric vector of length equal to the number of studies,
#'   containing the number of follow-up mean responses reported in each study. Required for
#'   time-course MBNMA models (if `type="time"`)
#' @param narm A numeric vector of length equal to the number of studies,
#'   containing the number of arms in each study.
#' @param NS A single number equal to the number of studies in the dataset.
#' @param theta.result A matrix (study x arm) or array (study x arm x time point)
#'   containing the posterior mean predicted means/probabilities/rate in each arm of each
#'   study. This will be estimated by the JAGS model.
#' @param resdev.result A matrix (study x arm) or array (study x arm x time point)
#'   containing the posterior mean residual deviance contributions in each arm of each
#'   study. This will be estimated by the JAGS model.
#' @param likelihood A character object of any of the following likelihoods:
#' * `univariate`
#' * `binomial` (does not work with time-course MBNMA models)
#' * `multivar.normal` (does not work with time-course MBNMA models)
#' @param type The type of MBNMA model fitted. Can be either `"time"` or `"dose"`
#' @return A numeric value for the effective number of parameters, pD, calculated via the plugin method
#' @details Method for calculating pD via the plugin method proposed by
#'   \insertCite{spiegelhalter2002}{MBNMAtime}. Standard errors / covariance matrices must be assumed
#'   to be known. To obtain values for theta.result and resdev.result these
#'   parameters must be monitored when running the JAGS model.
#'   For non-linear time-course MBNMA models residual deviance contributions may be skewed, which
#'   can lead to non-sensical results when calculating pD via the plugin method.
#'   Alternative approaches are to use pV (`pv`) as an approximation \insertCite{plummer2008}{MBNMAtime} or
#'   pD calculated by Kullback–Leibler divergence (`pd.kl`) or using an optimism adjustment (`popt`) \insertCite{plummer2008}{MBNMAtime}.
#' @references TO ADD pV REF
#' @inherit mb.run references
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Using the alogliptin dataset
#' network <- mb.network(alog_pcfb)
#' # Run Emax model saving predicted means and residual deviance contributions
#' emax <- mb.run(network, fun=temax(),
#'   parameters.to.save=c("theta", "resdev"), intercept=FALSE)
#' # Get matrices of observed data
#' jagsdat <- getjagsdata(network$data.ab)
#' # Plugin estimation of pD is problematic with non-linear models as it often leads to
#' #negative values, hence use of pV, pd.kl and popt as other measures for the effective
#' #number of parameters
#' pDcalc(obs1=jagsdat$y, obs2=jagsdat$se,
#'   fups=jagsdat$fups, narm=jagsdat$narm, NS=jagsdat$NS,
#'   theta.result = emax$BUGSoutput$mean$theta,
#'   resdev.result = emax$BUGSoutput$mean$resdev
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
pDcalc <- function(obs1, obs2, fups=NULL, narm, NS, theta.result, resdev.result,
                   likelihood="normal", type="time") {
  # For univariate models only!!

  # likelihood could in theory be c("normal", "multivar.normal", "binomial")
  # theta.result = model$BUGSoutput$mean$theta
  # resdev.result = model$BUGSoutput$mean$totresdev

  # Run Checks
  argcheck <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assertArray(obs1, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertArray(obs2, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertArray(theta.result, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertArray(resdev.result, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(fups, null.ok=TRUE, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(narm, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(NS, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertChoice(likelihood, choices=c("normal", "binomial", "poisson"), null.ok=FALSE, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertChoice(type, choices=c("dose", "time"), null.ok=FALSE, add=argcheck)

  if (type=="time") {
    if (is.null(fups)) {
      stop("`fups` cannot be NA in pDcalc for time-course MBNMA")
    dev.post <- array(dim=c(NS,max(narm),max(fups)))
    pD <- array(dim=c(NS,max(narm),max(fups)))
  } else if (type=="dose") {
    dev.post <- matrix(nrow=NS, ncol=max(narm))
    pD <- matrix(nrow=NS, ncol=max(narm))

  for (i in 1:NS) {
    for (k in 1:narm[i]) {

      if (type=="time") {
        for (m in 1:fups[i]) {
          # Need to use formula for residual deviance as plugin
          if (likelihood=="normal") {
            dev.post[i,k,m] <- ((obs1[i,k,m] - theta.result[i,k,m])/obs2[i,k,m])^2
            pD[i,k,m] <- resdev.result[i,k,m] - dev.post[i,k,m]
          } else {
            stop("pD cannot be calculated via `plugin` method for time-course MBNMA models without data following a normal likelihood")
      } else if (type=="dose") {
        if (likelihood=="normal") {
          dev.post[i,k] <- ((obs1[i,k] - theta.result[i,k])/obs2[i,k])^2

        } else if (likelihood=="binomial") {
          rhat[i,k] <- theta.result[i,k] * obs2[i,k]
          dev.post[i,k] <- 2*(obs1[i,k] * (log(obs1[i,k])-log(rhat[i,k]))  +
                                (obs2[i,k]-obs1[i,k]) * (log(obs2[i,k]-obs1[i,k]) -
        } else if (likelihood=="poisson") {
          rhat[i,k] <- theta.result[i,k] * obs2[i,k]
          dev.post[i,k] <- 2*((rhat[i,k]-obs1[i,k]) + (obs1[i,k] * (log(obs1[i,k]/rhat[i,k]))))

        pD[i,k] <- resdev.result[i,k] - dev.post[i,k]



  pD <- sum(pD, na.rm=TRUE)


#' Update MBNMA to obtain deviance contributions or fitted values
#' @inheritParams devplot
#' @inheritParams R2jags::jags
#' @param param A character object that represents the parameter within the model to monitor when updating. Can
#' currently only be used for monitoring fitted values and deviance contributions and so can take
#' either `"dev"` (for deviance contributions), `"resdev"` (for residual deviance contributions)
#' or `"theta"` (for fitted values).
#' @return A data frame containing posterior means for the specified `param` at each observation, arm and study.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Using the alogliptin dataset
#' network <- mb.network(alog_pcfb)
#' # Run Emax model
#' emax <- mb.run(network, fun=temax())
#' # Update model for 500 iterations to monitor fitted values
#' mb.update(emax, param="theta", n.iter=500)
#' # Update model for 500 iterations to monitor residual deviance contributions
#' mb.update(emax, param="resdev", n.iter=500)
#' # Update model for 500 iterations to monitor deviance contributions
#' mb.update(emax, param="dev", n.iter=500)
#' }
#' @export
mb.update <- function(mbnma, param="theta",
                      n.iter=mbnma$BUGSoutput$n.iter, n.thin=mbnma$BUGSoutput$n.thin) {
  # Run checks
  argcheck <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assertClass(mbnma, "mbnma", add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertChoice(param, choices = c("dev", "resdev", "theta"), add=argcheck)

  # if (!(grepl(paste0("\n", param), mbnma$model.arg$jagscode)==TRUE |
  #       grepl(paste0(" ", param), mbnma$model.arg$jagscode)==TRUE)) {
  if (!(any(grepl(paste0("^", param), mbnma$model.arg$jagscode)==TRUE) |
        any(grepl(paste0(" ", param), mbnma$model.arg$jagscode)==TRUE))) {
    stop(paste0(param, " not in model code"))

  result <- rjags::jags.samples(mbnma$model, variable.names = param,
                                n.iter=n.iter, n.thin=n.thin)

  # Take means of posteriors and convert to data.frame with indices
  update.mat <- apply(result[[param]], c(1,2,3), function(x) mean(x, na.rm=TRUE))
  update.df <- reshape2::melt(update.mat)
  names(update.df) <- c("study", "arm", "fup", "mean")

  # Remove missing values
  update.df <- update.df[stats::complete.cases(update.df),]


#' Run an NMA model
#' @param treatments A vector of treatment names. If left as `NULL` it will use
#' the treatment coding given in `data.ab`
#' @inheritParams mb.network
#' @inheritParams mb.run
#' @inheritParams plot.mb.predict
#' @return Returns an object of `class("nma", "rjags")`
#' @examples
#' network <- mb.network(osteopain)
#' # Get the latest time point
#' late.time <- get.latest.time(network)
#' # Get the closest time point to a given value (t)
#' early.time <- get.closest.time(network, t=7)
#' # Run NMA on the data
#' nma.run(late.time$data.ab, treatments=late.time$treatments,
#'   method="random")
#' @export
nma.run <- function(data.ab, treatments=NULL, method="common", link="identity", sdscale=FALSE, ...) {

  # Check sdscale
  if (sdscale==TRUE) {
    if (link!="smd") {
      sdscale <- FALSE

  # Write NMA model for common/random effects
  model <- write.nma(method=method, link=link, sdscale=sdscale)

  # Get jags data
  tempjags <- getnmadata(data.ab, link=link, sdscale=sdscale)
  tempjags[["studyID"]] <- NULL

  parameters.to.save <- c("d", "totresdev")
  if (method=="random") {
    parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, "sd")

  # Put data from jagsdata into separate R objects
  for (i in seq_along(tempjags)) {
    ##first extract the object value
    temp <- tempjags[[i]]
    ##now create a new variable with the original name of the list item
    eval(parse(text=paste(names(tempjags)[[i]],"<- temp")))

  # Take names of variables in tempjags for use in rjags
  jagsvars <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(names(tempjags))) {
    jagsvars[[i]] <- names(tempjags)[i]

  # Create a temporary model file
  cat(paste(model, collapse="\n"),file=tmps)

  out <- tryCatch({
    result <- R2jags::jags(data=jagsvars, model.file=tmpf,
  error=function(cond) {

  if (!is.null(treatments)) {
    out[["treatments"]] <- treatments
  } else {
    out[["treatments"]] <- sort(unique(data.ab$treatment))

  class(out) <- c("nma", "rjags")


#' Run a non-parametric random walk model
#' Runs a non-parametric model that splits the data into different time-bins
#' and models a random walk process between them, following the method
#' of \insertCite{lu2007;textual}{MBNMAtime}.
#' @param binvals A numeric vector defining the boundaries of the time
#' bins.
#' @inheritParams mb.network
#' @inheritParams mb.run
#' @examples
#' # Using the alogliptin dataset
#' #network <- mb.network(alog_pcfb)
#' # Specify time bins to use for analysis
#' #timebins <- c(0,6,12,20,40)
#' # Run a common effects non-parametric RW model
#' #nonparam.run(network, binvals=timebins, method="common")
#' @noRd
nonparam.run <- function(network, class=FALSE, method="common", link="identity",
                         binvals=bintime(network$data.ab), ...) {

  # Run Checks
  argcheck <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assertLogical(class, add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertChoice(method, choices = c("common", "random"), add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertChoice(link, choices = c("identity", "smd", "log"), add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertClass(network, classes="mb.network", add=argcheck)
  checkmate::assertNumeric(binvals, lower=0, add=argcheck)

  data.ab <- network$data.ab

  binvals <- sort(binvals)
  if (!identical(unique(binvals), binvals)) {
    stop("binvals must only include unique values for time bins")
  if (binvals[1]!=0) {
    binvals <- c(0, binvals)
  if (max(binvals)<max(data.ab$time)) {
    binvals <- c(binvals, max(data.ab$time))

  # Write NMA model for common/random effects
  model <- write.rw(method=method, link=link)

  # Get jags data
  jagsdata <- getrwdata(data.ab, link=link, class=class, binvals=binvals)
  tempjags <- jagsdata
  tempjags[["studyID"]] <- NULL
  tempjags[["time"]] <- NULL

  parameters.to.save <- c("d", "sd.rw", "totresdev")
  if (method=="random") {
    parameters.to.save <- append(parameters.to.save, "sd")

  # Put data from jagsdata into separate R objects
  for (i in seq_along(tempjags)) {
    ##first extract the object value
    temp <- tempjags[[i]]
    ##now create a new variable with the original name of the list item
    eval(parse(text=paste(names(tempjags)[[i]],"<- temp")))

  # Take names of variables in tempjags for use in rjags
  jagsvars <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(names(tempjags))) {
    jagsvars[[i]] <- names(tempjags)[i]

  # Create a temporary model file
  cat(paste(model, collapse="\n"),file=tmps)

  out <- tryCatch({
    result <- R2jags::jags(data=jagsvars, model.file=tmpf,
  error=function(cond) {

  model.arg <- list(parameters.to.save=parameters.to.save,
  out$model.arg <- model.arg
  out$network <- network
  out$type <- "time"
  class(out) <- c("nonparam", "rjags")


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MBNMAtime documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 5:08 p.m.