
## this function automates the Scythe C++ call making book-keeping
## much easier
##    output.object:  name of posterior sample that will be placed
##                    in the parent environment (string)
##    cc.fun.name:    name of the C++ function to be called (string)
##    package:        name of package (string, "MCMCpack" by default)
##    developer:      option that determines whether the R call and
##                    C++ template are echoed or whether the Scythe
##                    call is made (logical)
##    help.file:      option that determines whether a template of a
##                    helpfile for the calling R function should be
##                    generated (logical)
##    cc.file:        the file used to store the C++ template
##                    (string, output to the screen if "")
##    R.file:         the file used to store the clean R template
##                    (string, output to the screen if "")
##                    this is just the function call indented nicely
##    ...:            list of objects passed to C++ 
##                    NOTE: this will only take integers (which have
##                    to be coerced), doubles, and matrices.  They
##                    should all be of the form "X = X," with the first
##                    part the C++ name and the second part the R name.
##                    Remember that C++ names cannot have periods in them.
##                    Matrices will be, for example, Xdata, Xrow, and
##                    Xcol.
##                    Any objects that are changed in the C++ code
##                    need to have C++ names like sample.nonconst.  All
##                    *.nonconst have the tag stripped and a pointer
##                    is used to change values.  This is used in all models
##                    for the posterior density sample (sample.nonconst),
##                    and other quantities of interest.
##       This also build a skeleton C++ template and clean R template
##       for MCMCpack if developer=TRUE.
## This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL
## PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991.  See the package LICENSE
## file for more information.
## Updated by ADM and KQ 1/25/2006 (to allow for multiple nonconsts)
## Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Andrew D. Martin and Kevin M. Quinn
## Copyright (C) 2007-present Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn,
##    and Jong Hee Park

"auto.Scythe.call" <-
  function(output.object, cc.fun.name, package="MCMCpack",
           developer=FALSE, help.file=FALSE, cc.file="", R.file="", ...) {

   # pull stuff from function call
   objects <- list(...)
   K <- length(objects)
   c.names <- names(objects)
   nonconst.indic <- rep(FALSE, K)
   test <- grep("\\.nonconst$", c.names)
      stop("something must be declared non-constant in auto.Scythe.call()\n")
   nonconst.indic[test] <- TRUE
   c.names <- sub("\\.nonconst$", "", c.names)
   if(length(unique(c.names)) != K)
      stop("non-unique nonconst names passed in auto.Scythe.call()\n")
   R.names <- strsplit(toString(match.call()), ",")[[1]]
   R.names <- R.names[(length(R.names)-K+1):length(R.names)]

   ## put default values in for burnin, mcmc, thin, and verbose
   ## if not explicitly supplied
   burnin.exist <- mcmc.exist <- thin.exist <- seed.exist <-
     verbose.exist <- FALSE
   for (k in 1:K){
     if(c.names[[k]]=="burnin" & is.integer(objects[[k]]))
       burnin.exist <- TRUE
     if(c.names[[k]]=="mcmc" & is.integer(objects[[k]]))
       mcmc.exist <- TRUE
     if(c.names[[k]]=="thin" & is.integer(objects[[k]]))
       thin.exist <- TRUE
     if(c.names[[k]]=="verbose" & is.null(dim(objects[[k]])))
       verbose.exist <- TRUE        
   if (!burnin.exist){
     objects <- c(objects, burnin=as.integer(5000))
     R.names[length(objects)] <- "as.integer(5000)"
   if (!mcmc.exist){
     objects <- c(objects, mcmc=as.integer(25000))
     R.names[length(objects)] <- "as.integer(25000)"     
   if (!thin.exist){
     objects <- c(objects, thin=as.integer(1))
     R.names[length(objects)] <- "as.integer(1)"     
   if (!verbose.exist){
     objects <- c(objects, verbose=as.integer(FALSE))
     R.names[length(objects)] <- "as.integer(FALSE)"     

   ## check parameters
   check.mcmc.parameters(objects$burnin, objects$mcmc, objects$thin)
   ## write out a template R help file
   callfun <- strsplit(toString(sys.call(which=-1)),",")[[1]][1]
   if (help.file){
      prompt.call <- paste("prompt(", callfun, ", file =\"",
         paste(callfun, ".template.Rd\"", sep=""), ")")
   ## pull together R call

   # strings for R call
   start <- paste(".C('", cc.fun.name, "',", sep="")
   end <- paste("PACKAGE='", package, "')", sep="") 
   middle <- NULL
   for(k in 1:K) {
     if(is.double(objects[[k]]) & is.null(dim(objects[[k]]))) {
       if (regexpr("as.double", R.names[[k]])==-1){
         holder <- paste(c.names[[k]], " = as.double(", R.names[[k]], "),",
         middle <- c(middle, holder)
       else {
         holder <- paste(c.names[[k]], " =", R.names[[k]], ",",
         middle <- c(middle, holder)
     else if(is.integer(objects[[k]]) & is.null(dim(objects[[k]]))) {
       if (regexpr("as.integer", R.names[[k]])==-1){
         holder <- paste(c.names[[k]], " = as.integer(", R.names[[k]], "),",
         middle <- c(middle, holder)
       else {
         holder <- paste(c.names[[k]], " =", R.names[[k]], ",",
         middle <- c(middle, holder)
     else if(is.matrix(objects[[k]])) {
       holder.data <- paste(c.names[[k]], "data", " = as.double(",
                            R.names[[k]], "),", sep="")
       holder.row <- paste(c.names[[k]], "row", " =", " nrow(",
                           R.names[[k]], "),", sep="")
       holder.col <- paste(c.names[[k]], "col", " =", " ncol(",
                           R.names[[k]], "),", sep="")
       middle <- c(middle, holder.data, holder.row, holder.col)
     else {
       stop("Integers, doubles, or matrices only to auto.Scythe.call().")
   # clean up and return R call
   middle <- paste(middle, sep=" ", collapse=" ")
   call <- paste(start, middle, end, sep=" ")
   call <- gsub('\\( ', '\\(', call)  

   ## pull together C++ call

   # strings for C++ call
   c.start <- paste("void ", cc.fun.name, "(", sep="")
   c.end <- ")"   
   c.middle <- NULL
   together.call <- NULL

   for(k in 1:K) {
      if(is.double(objects[[k]]) & is.null(dim(objects[[k]]))) {
         holder <- paste("double *", c.names[[k]], ",", sep="")
         if(!nonconst.indic[k]) holder <- paste("const ", holder, sep="")
         c.middle <- c(c.middle, holder)
      else if(is.integer(objects[[k]]) & is.null(dim(objects[[k]]))) {
         holder <- paste("int *", c.names[[k]], ",", sep="")
         if(!nonconst.indic[k]) holder <- paste("const ", holder, sep="")         
         c.middle <- c(c.middle, holder)
      else if(is.matrix(objects[[k]])) {
         holder.data <- paste("double *", c.names[[k]],
                               "data,", sep="")
         if(!nonconst.indic[k]) holder.data <-
            paste("const ", holder.data, sep="")
         scythe <- paste("     Matrix <double> ", c.names[[k]],
                         " = r2scythe(*",
                         c.names[[k]], "row, *", c.names[[k]], "col, ",
                         c.names[[k]], "data);\n", sep="")
          together.call <- paste(together.call, scythe, sep="")
      holder.row <- paste("const int *", c.names[[k]], "row,", sep="")
      holder.col <- paste("const int *", c.names[[k]], "col,", sep="")
      c.middle <- c(c.middle, holder.data, holder.row, holder.col)

   # clean up and print C++ function call
   c.middle <- paste(c.middle, sep=" ", collapse=" ")
   c.call <- paste(c.start, c.middle, c.end, sep="")
   c.call <- gsub(',)', ')', c.call)

   # if developer dump Scythe code to file, R function to screen, and evaluate
   if(developer) {
      comment.block <- paste("// ", cc.file, " DESCRIPTION HERE\n//\n// The initial version of this file was generated by the\n// auto.Scythe.call() function in the MCMCpack R package\n// written by:\n//\n// Andrew D. Martin\n// Dept. of Political Science\n// Washington University in St. Louis\n// admartin@wustl.edu\n//\n// Kevin M. Quinn\n// Dept. of Government\n// Harvard University\n// kevin_quinn@harvard.edu\n// \n// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL\n// PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991.  See the package LICENSE\n// file for more information.\n//\n// Copyright (C) ", substring(date(),21,24), " Andrew D. Martin and Kevin M. Quinn\n// \n// This file was initially generated on ", date(), "\n// REVISION HISTORY\n\n", sep="")
      includes.block <- '#include "matrix.h"\n#include "distributions.h"\n#include "stat.h"\n#include "la.h"\n#include "ide.h"\n#include "smath.h"\n#include "MCMCrng.h"\n#include "MCMCfcds.h"\n\n#include <R.h>           // needed to use Rprintf()\n#include <R_ext/Utils.h> // needed to allow user interrupts\n\nusing namespace SCYTHE;\nusing namespace std;\n\n'
      main.block <- 'extern "C" {\n\n   // BRIEF FUNCTION DESCRIPTION\n'
      function.call <- paste('   ', c.call, ' {\n', sep="")
      together.block <- "   \n     // pull together Matrix objects\n     // REMEMBER TO ACCESS PASSED ints AND doubles PROPERLY\n"

      constants.block <- "\n     // define constants\n     const int tot_iter = *burnin + *mcmc;  // total number of mcmc iterations\n     const int nstore = *mcmc / *thin;      // number of draws to store\n     const int NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS = ????; // YOU NEED TO FILL THIS IN\n"

      storage.block <-   "\n     // storage matrix or matrices\n     Matrix<double> STORAGEMATRIX(nstore, NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS);\n"      

      seed.block <- "\n     // initialize rng stream\n     rng *stream = MCMCpack_get_rng(*lecuyer, seedarray, *lecuyerstream);\n"

      startval.block <- "\n     // set starting values\n     PARAMETER_BLOCK1 = ????;\n     PARAMETER_BLOCK2 = ????;\n     ETC.;\n"
      sample.call <- paste('\n     ///// MCMC SAMPLING OCCURS IN THIS FOR LOOP\n     for(int iter = 0; iter < tot_iter; ++iter){\n\n       // sample the parameters\n       PARAMETER_BLOCK1 = ????;\n       PARAMETER_BLOCK2 = ????;\n       ETC;\n\n       // store draws in storage matrix (or matrices)\n       if(iter >= *burnin && (iter % *thin == 0)){\n        // PUT DRAWS IN STORAGEMATRIX HERE\n       }\n\n       // print output to stdout\n       if(*verbose == 1 && iter % 500 == 0){\n         Rprintf("\\n\\n', cc.fun.name, ' iteration %i of %i \\n", (iter+1), tot_iter);\n         // ADD ADDITIONAL OUTPUT HERE IF DESIRED\n       }\n\n       void R_CheckUserInterrupt(void); // allow user interrupts\n     } // end MCMC loop\n\n     delete stream; // clean up random number stream\n\n     // load draws into sample array\n', sep="")
      end.block <- paste("\n   } // end", cc.fun.name,  '\n} // end extern "C"\n')

      if (cc.file == ""){
        cat("\n\nThe C++ template file is:\n")
      cat(comment.block, includes.block, main.block, function.call,
          together.block, together.call, constants.block, storage.block,
          seed.block, startval.block, sample.call,
          end.block, sep="", file=cc.file)
      if (cc.file != "") {
        cat("\nCreated file named '", cc.file, "'.\n", sep="")
        cat("Edit the file and move it to the appropriate directory.\n")

      if (R.file == "") {
        cat("\n\nThe clean R template file is:\n")
      dump(callfun, file=R.file)
      if (R.file != "") {
        cat("\nCreated file named '", R.file, "'.\n", sep="")
        cat("Edit the file and move it to the appropriate directory.\n")
        cat("Do not forget to edit the MCMCpack NAMESPACE file if\n")
        cat("installing new functions as part of MCMCpack.\n")

      cat("\nThe call to .C is:\n")      
      draw.sample.call <- parse(text=paste(output.object, " <- ", call))
      cat("All created templated files placed in ", getwd(), ".\n", sep="")

   # if not developer evaluate call leaving output.object in
   # parent environment
   if(!developer) {
      draw.sample.call <- parse(text=paste(output.object, " <- ", call))
      eval(draw.sample.call, envir=parent.frame(1))

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