
Defines functions load_timeseries timeseries

Documented in load_timeseries timeseries

# load timeseries
load_timeseries <- function( files, mdEngine = "GROMOS" )
  LIST_return <- list()
  for( i in 1:length( files ) )
    if( mdEngine == "GROMOS" || mdEngine == "AMBER" )
      TABLE_input <- read.table( files[ i ] )
      if( length( LIST_return ) == 0 )
        LIST_return <- list( TABLE_input[ , 1 ], TABLE_input[ , 2 ] )
        LIST_return[[ length( LIST_return ) + 1 ]] <- TABLE_input[ , 1 ]
        LIST_return[[ length( LIST_return ) + 1 ]] <- TABLE_input[ , 2 ]
    else if( mdEngine == "GROMACS" )
      inputData <- readLines( files[ i ],
                              warn = FALSE )
      inputData <- gsub( "^[#].*", "", inputData )
      inputData <- gsub( "^[@].*", "", inputData )
      inputData <- gsub( "^\\s+|\\s+$", "", inputData )
      inputData <- inputData[ inputData != "" ]
      numberColumns <- length( unlist( strsplit( inputData[ 1 ], "\\s+" ) ) )
      VEC_input <- as.numeric( unlist( strsplit( inputData, "\\s+" ) ) )
      TABLE_input <- matrix( VEC_input, byrow = TRUE, ncol = numberColumns )
      VEC_positions <- TABLE_input[ , 1 ]
      TABLE_input <- TABLE_input[ , -1, drop = FALSE ]
      for( i in 1:ncol( TABLE_input ) )
        if( length( LIST_return ) == 0 )
          LIST_return <- list( VEC_positions, TABLE_input[ , i ] )
          LIST_return[[ length( LIST_return ) + 1 ]] <- VEC_positions
          LIST_return[[ length( LIST_return ) + 1 ]] <- TABLE_input[ , i ]
    else { stop( paste( "The specified 'mdEngine', set to ", mdEngine, " is unknown.", sep = "" ) ) }
  return( LIST_return )

# plot timeseries
timeseries <- function( tsData,
                        printLegend = TRUE,
                        snapshotsPerTimeInt = 1000,
                        timeUnit = "ns",
                        valueName = NA,
                        valueUnit = NA,
                        colours = NA,
                        names = NA,
                        legendPosition = "bottomright",
                        barePlot = FALSE,
                        ... )
  # get boundaries
  REAL_max_value = max( unlist( lapply( tsData[ c( F, T ) ],
                                        FUN = function( x ) max( x ) ) ) )
  REAL_min_value = min( unlist( lapply( tsData[ c( F, T ) ],
                                        FUN = function( x ) min( x ) ) ) )
  VEC_rangeValues <- c()
  if( REAL_max_value < REAL_min_value )
    VEC_rangeValues <- c( REAL_min_value, REAL_max_value )
    VEC_rangeValues <- c( REAL_max_value, REAL_min_value )
  INT_max_snapshot = max( unlist( lapply( tsData[ c( T, F ) ],
                                          FUN = function( x ) max( x ) ) ) )
  INT_min_snapshot = min( unlist( lapply( tsData[ c( T, F ) ],
                                          FUN = function( x ) min( x ) ) ) )
  # set colours and names
  PALETTE_ts_colours <- colorRampPalette( rev( brewer.pal( 11, 'Spectral' ) ) )
  if( is.na( colours ) )
    colours <- PALETTE_ts_colours( length( tsData ) / 2 )
  if( all( is.na( names ) ) )
    names = 1:( length( tsData ) / 2 )

  defaultArguments <- list( xlim = c( INT_min_snapshot, INT_max_snapshot ),
                            ylim = c( VEC_rangeValues[ 1 ] * 0.95, VEC_rangeValues[ 2 ] * 1.05 ) )
  ellipsis <- list( ... )
  defaultArguments[ names( ellipsis ) ] <- ellipsis
  ellipsis[ names( defaultArguments ) ] <- defaultArguments  

  LIST_return <- list()
  # plot
  for( i in 1:length( tsData ) )
    if( i %% 2 == 1 )
      if( i == 1 ) 
        do.call( what = plot,
                 c( list( x = tsData[[ i ]],
                          y = tsData[[ ( i + 1 ) ]],
                          type = "l",
                          col = colours[ ceiling( i / 2 ) ],
                          xaxs = "i",
                          yaxs = "i",
                          xaxt = "n",
                          yaxt = ifelse( barePlot, "n", "s" ),
                          xlab = "", ylab = "" ),
                 ellipsis ) )
        ellipsis[ "main" ] <- ""
        do.call( what = plot,
                 c( list( x = tsData[[ i ]],
                          y = tsData[[ ( i + 1 ) ]],
                          type = "l",
                          col = colours[ ceiling( i / 2 ) ],
                          xaxs = "i",
                          yaxs = "i",
                          xaxt = "n",
                          yaxt = "n",
                          xlab = "",
                          ylab = "" ),
                    ellipsis ) )
      LIST_return[[ length( LIST_return ) + 1 ]] <- list( minValue = min( tsData[[ ( i + 1 ) ]] ),
                                                          maxValue = max( tsData[[ ( i + 1 ) ]] ),
                                                          meanValue = mean( tsData[[ ( i + 1 ) ]] ),
                                                          sd = sd( tsData[[ ( i + 1 ) ]] ) )
      par( new = TRUE )
  # plot the rest
  if( !barePlot )
    VEC_tickValues <- axTicks( 1 )
    axis( 1,
          at = VEC_tickValues,
          labels = VEC_tickValues / snapshotsPerTimeInt )
    mtext( side = 1, text = paste( "time [", timeUnit, "]", sep = "" ), line = 3,
           cex = 1 )
    if( !is.na( valueName ) )
      STRING_ylab <- valueName
      if( !is.na( valueUnit ) )
        STRING_ylab <- paste( STRING_ylab,
                              " [",
                              sep = "" )
      mtext( side = 2, text = STRING_ylab, line = 2.75, cex = 1 )
  if( printLegend && !barePlot )
    legend( legendPosition,
            title = "Legend",
            legend = names,
            col = colours,
            lty = 1.0, lwd = 2.0,
            cex = 1 )
  return( LIST_return )

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MDplot documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:02 a.m.