MMEst <-
function(Y , Cofactor=NULL , X=NULL , formula = NULL , VarList , ZList=NULL , Method="Reml" , Henderson = NULL , Init=NULL , CritVar=1e-3 , CritLogLik = 1e-3 , MaxIter=100 , NbCores=1 , Verbose=TRUE){
if ([['sysname']]=="Windows"){
if (NbCores!=1){
NbCores <- 1
if (Verbose) message("NbCores > 1 is not supported on Windows (mclapply), NbCores is set to 1")
#### Check on dimension
## Comparison Y and Cofactor
Nind <- length(Y)
if (is.null(Cofactor)){
Cofactor <- matrix(rep(1,Nind),ncol=1)
if (is.vector(Cofactor)) Cofactor <- matrix(Cofactor,ncol=1)
if ((length(Cofactor)!=0)*(Nind != nrow(Cofactor))){
stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and Cofactor")
## Comparison Y and X
if ((length(X)!=0)){
if (is.matrix(X)){
if (nrow(X)!=Nind){
stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and X")
if (is.list(X)){
invisible(mclapply(X , function(x) {
if (nrow(x)!=Nind){
stop("Incompatible dimension between Y and a matrix in the list X")
stop("X should be a matrix or a list")
## Comparison Y and Var
#First check for list length
NbVar <- length(VarList)
NbZ <- length(ZList)
if ((NbVar != NbZ)*(NbZ>0)){ stop("Lists ZList and VarList should have the same number of elements")}
#### Work on fixed effect quanti/quali:
if (!{
if (!is.matrix(Cofactor)){
stop('Cofactor should be either a matrix or a data.frame')
} else {
Cofactor <-
names(Cofactor) <- colnames(Cofactor)
Names <- names(Cofactor)
if (is.null(Names)){
names(Cofactor) <- paste0("Cof",1:ncol(Cofactor))
} else {
names(Cofactor) <- gsub('([[:punct:]])|\\s+','',Names)
CofName <- names(Cofactor)
if (!is.null(X)){
if (is.matrix(X)){
if (is.null(colnames(X))) colnames(X) <- paste0("X",1:ncol(X))
Xname <- "Xeffect"
if (is.list(X)){
if (is.null(colnames(X[[1]]))){
Xname <- paste0("X",1:ncol(X[[1]]))
Xname <- colnames(X[[1]])
stop("X should be either a matrix or a list.")
Xname <- NULL
if (is.null(formula)){
formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~",paste0(CofName,collapse="+")))
formulaComp <- as.formula(paste0("~",paste0(c(CofName,Xname),collapse="+")))
Factors <- c(CofName,Xname)
SplitForm <- strsplit(as.character(formula)," \\+ ")
Factors <- SplitForm[[length(SplitForm)]]
#if (!("1" %in% Factors)) Factors <- c("1",Factors)
WhatInX <- unique(unlist(sapply(Xname,function(n) grep(n,Factors))))
if (length(WhatInX)!=0){
if (length(Factors[-WhatInX])!=0){
formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~",Factors[-WhatInX],collapse="+"))
formulaCof <- as.formula("~ 1")
formulaCof <- as.formula(paste0("~",Factors,collapse="+"))
formulaComp <- as.formula(paste0("~",Factors,collapse="+"))
## Comparaison Init and Var
if ((length(Init)!=0)*(length(Init)!=NbVar)){
stop("The length of Init and the number of variance are not compatible")
## Choose of the MM program
if (NbVar==1){
if (NbZ > 0){
Rdiag <- isDiagonal(ZList[[NbZ]])&&isDiagonal(VarList[[NbZ]])
if (Rdiag){
Tmp <- diag(ZList[[1]])^2*diag(VarList[[1]])
VarInv <- diag(1/Tmp)
logdetVar <- sum(log(Tmp))
Tmp <- .sym_inverseRcpp(tcrossprod( tcrossprod(ZList[[1]] , VarList[[1]]) ,ZList[[1]]))
VarInv <- Tmp$inverse
logdetVar <- Tmp$log_det
Tmp <- .sym_inverseRcpp(VarList[[1]])
VarInv <- Tmp$inverse
logdetVar <- Tmp$log_det
NamesSigma <- names(VarList)
Res <- .MM_Reml1Mat(Y=Y , Cofactor = Cofactor , X = X , formula = formulaComp , Factors=Factors , VarInv=VarInv , logdetVar=logdetVar , NamesSigma = NamesSigma , NbCores=NbCores)
## Choose of algorithm
DimVar <- sapply(1:(length(VarList)-1) , function(x) ncol(VarList[[x]]) )
if (is.null(Henderson)){
if (Method=="ML"){
Henderson <- FALSE
Henderson <- FALSE
if ((length(Y) > sum(DimVar) + ncol(Cofactor))) Henderson <- TRUE
if ( (NbVar==2) || (!Henderson) || (Method=="ML") ){
## If NbZ>0 create VarList
if (NbZ>0){
NamesVar <- names(VarList)
VarList <- mclapply(1:NbZ , function(x) {
Z <- ZList[[x]]
Var <- VarList[[x]]
if (ncol(Z)==nrow(Var)){
return( tcrossprod(Z,tcrossprod(Z,Var)) )
} else {
stop("Incompatible dimensions between Y and ZList")
} else {
stop("Incompatible dimensions between Zlist and VarList")
names(VarList) <- NamesVar
invisible(lapply(1:length(VarList) , function(x) {
if (nrow(VarList[[x]])!=Nind){
stop(paste0("Incompatible dimensions between Y and VarList"))
if (Method=="Reml"){
if (NbVar==2){
PosDef <- (is.positive.definite(VarList[[1]]) & is.positive.definite(VarList[[2]]))
if ((!PosDef)&(Verbose)) message("Matrices are not positive definite. Results can be wrong or NaN can be produced.")
if ((Henderson)&(Verbose)) message("Henderson's trick is not implemented for 2 variance components, joint diagonalization trick is used")
InfMethod <- .MM_Reml2Mat
InfMethod <- .MM_Reml
if ((Henderson)&(Verbose)) message("Henderson's trick is not available for ML inference, classical MM is used")
if (NbVar==2){
InfMethod <- .MM_ML2Mat
InfMethod <- .MM_ML
## Creation Init
if (length(Init)==0){
Init <- rep(var(Y)/NbVar,NbVar)
if (!is.null(X)){
Res <- InfMethod(Y=Y , Cofactor=Cofactor , X=NULL , formula = formulaCof , Factors=Factors , VarList = VarList , Init = Init , CritVar=CritVar , CritLogLik = CritLogLik , MaxIter=MaxIter , NbCores=1)
Init <- Res[[1]]$Sigma
#### Launch of the MM program
Res <- InfMethod(Y=Y , Cofactor=Cofactor , X=X , formula = formulaComp , Factors=Factors , VarList = VarList , Init = Init , CritVar=CritVar , CritLogLik = CritLogLik , MaxIter=MaxIter , NbCores=NbCores)
# if (!is.null(X)){
# names(Res) <- names(ListFixed)
# }
invisible(sapply(1:NbZ , function(x) {
if (ncol(ZList[[x]])!=nrow(VarList[[x]])) stop("Incompatible dimensions between Zlist and VarList")
if (nrow(ZList[[x]])!=length(Y)) stop("Incompatible dimensions between Y and ZList")
Rdiag <- isDiagonal(ZList[[NbZ]])&&isDiagonal(VarList[[NbZ]])
if (Rdiag){
VarList[[NbZ]] <- diag(ZList[[NbZ]])^2*diag(VarList[[NbZ]])
Rinv <- 1/VarList[[NbZ]]
Tmp <- mclapply(1:(NbZ-1) , function(x) .sym_inverseRcpp(VarList[[x]]),mc.cores=NbCores)
GinvList <- lapply(Tmp,function(x) x$inverse)
logdetV <- c(sapply(Tmp,function(x) x$log_det),sum(log(VarList[[NbZ]])))
GList <- VarList
NamesVar <- names(VarList)
logdetV <- c(logdetV,sum(log(VarList[[NbZ]])))
InfMethod <- .MM_RemlHenDiag
VarList[[NbZ]] <- tcrossprod( tcrossprod(ZList[[NbZ]] , VarList[[NbZ]]) ,ZList[[NbZ]])
Tmp <- mclapply(VarList , function(x) .sym_inverseRcpp(x) , mc.cores=NbCores)
Varinv <- lapply(Tmp , function(x) x$inverse)
logdetV <- sapply(Tmp , function(x) x$log_det)
Rinv <- Varinv[[length(Varinv)]]
GinvList <- lapply(1:(length(Varinv)-1) , function(x) Varinv[[x]])
GList <- VarList
NamesVar <- names(VarList)
InfMethod <- .MM_RemlHen
Zg = Reduce(cbind,lapply(1:(length(ZList)-1) , function(x) ZList[[x]]))
## Creation Init
if (length(Init)==0){
Init <- rep(var(Y)/NbVar,NbVar)
if (!is.null(X)){
Res <- InfMethod(Y=Y , Cofactor = Cofactor , X=NULL , formula = formulaCof , Factors=Factors , Z = Zg , GList=GList , GinvList = GinvList , Rinv = Rinv , logdetV = logdetV , NameVar = NamesVar , Init = Init , CritVar=CritVar , CritLogLik = CritLogLik , MaxIter=MaxIter , NbCores=1)
Init <- Res[[1]]$Sigma2
#### Launch of the MM program
Res <- InfMethod(Y=Y , Cofactor = Cofactor , X=X , formula = formulaComp , Factors=Factors , Z = Zg , GList=GList , GinvList = GinvList , Rinv = Rinv , logdetV = logdetV , NameVar = NamesVar , Init = Init , CritVar=CritVar , CritLogLik = CritLogLik , MaxIter=MaxIter , NbCores=NbCores)
# if (!is.null(X)){
# names(Res) <- names(ListFixed)
# }
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