
Defines functions pvalHist

Documented in pvalHist

#' Plot histogram of log p-values in table
#' Graphical exploration of extreme p-values from quartet hypothesis tests, to aid in choosing critical values
#' for hypothesis tests. Log base 10 of p-values exceeding some minimum are plotted, to explore gaps in
#' the tail of the distribution.
#' @details
#' Since logarithms are plotted, p-values close to 0 will appear as negative numbers of large magnitude, putting the tail of the distribution
#' to the left in the histogram.
#' When exploring possible critical values for the hypothesis tests in the NANUQ algorithm, use \code{model= "T3"} to
#' choose values for \code{alpha} which distinguish treelikeness from hybridization, and \code{model= "star"} to
#' choose values for \code{beta} which distinguish polytomies from resolved trees.
#' In general, \code{alpha} should be chosen to be small and \code{beta}
#' to be large so that most quartets are interpreted as resolved trees.
#'@param pTable a quartet table with p-values, such as from \code{NANUQ}, \code{quartetTreeTestInd},
#'or \code{quartetStarTestInd}
#'@param model  one of \code{"T1"}, \code{"T3"}, or \code{"star"}, where \code{pTable}
#'contains a column \code{p_model} of p-values
#'@param pmin include only p-values above \code{pmin} in the histogram
#' data(pTableYeastRokas)
#' pvalHist(pTableYeastRokas,"T3")
#'@seealso \code{\link{NANUQ}}, \code{\link{NANUQdist}}
pvalHist = function(pTable,
                    pmin = 0) {
  if (!(model %in% c("T1","T3","star"))) {
    stop('Argument model must be one of "T1", "T3", or "star".')
  if (!(pcol %in% colnames(pTable))) {
    stop(c('Argument pTable has no column ',pcol,'.'))
  pvals = pTable[, pcol]
  vals = pvals[which(pvals >= pmin)]

  oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

  par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))# set margin
       main = bquote("Histogram of log"[10] * "(" * .(pcol) * "), " * .(pcol) >

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MSCquartets documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:38 a.m.