## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## NB: currently going via dgTMatrix in all cases,
## which is not so inefficient, as levelplot()
## needs 'i' and 'j' anyway
.image.dgT <-
xlim = c(1, di[2L]),
ylim = c(di[1L], 1),
aspect = "iso",
sub = sprintf("Dimensions: %d x %d", di[1L], di[2L]),
xlab = "Column",
ylab = "Row",
cuts = 15,
useRaster = FALSE,
useAbs = NULL,
colorkey = !useAbs,
col.regions = NULL,
lwd = NULL,
border.col = NULL,
## 'at' can remain missing and be passed to levelplot
di <- x@Dim
xx <- x@x
empty.x <- length(xx) == 0L && length(x) > 0L
if(empty.x) { # workaround having "empty" matrix
xx <- 0
x@i <- x@j <- 0L
if(missing(useAbs)) ## use abs() when all values are non-neg
useAbs <- if(empty.x) FALSE else min(xx, na.rm = TRUE) >= 0
else if(useAbs)
xx <- abs(xx)
## rx <- range(xx, finite = TRUE)
## FIXME: make use of 'cuts' now
## and call levelplot() with 'at = ',
## making sure 0 is included and matching
## *exactly* - rather than approximately
if(is.null(col.regions)) {
l.col <- empty.x || diff(rx <- range(xx, finite = TRUE)) == 0
col.regions <-
if(useAbs) {
else seq(from = 0.7, to = 0, length.out = 100L))
} else if(l.col)
else { ## no abs(.), rx[1] < 0 typically
nn <- 100
n0 <- min(nn, max(0, round((0 - rx[1L])/(rx[2L]-rx[1L]) * nn)))
col.regions <-
c(colorRampPalette(c("blue3", "gray80"))(n0),
colorRampPalette(c("gray75","red3"))(nn - n0))
if(!is.null(lwd) && !(is.numeric(lwd) && all(lwd >= 0))) # allow lwd=0
stop("'lwd' must be NULL or non-negative numeric")
stopifnot(length(xlim) == 2L, length(ylim) == 2L)
## ylim: the rows count from top to bottom:
ylim <- sort(ylim, decreasing = TRUE)
if(all(xlim == round(xlim))) xlim <- xlim + c(-0.5, +0.5)
if(all(ylim == round(ylim))) ylim <- ylim + c(+0.5, -0.5) # decreasing!
panel <-
else {
function(x, y, z, subscripts, at, ..., col.regions) {
x <- as.numeric(x[subscripts])
y <- as.numeric(y[subscripts])
## FIXME: use level.colors() here and 'at' from above --
## ----- look at 'zcol' in panel.levelplot()
numcol <- length(at) - 1L
num.r <- length(col.regions)
col.regions <-
if(num.r <= numcol)
rep_len(col.regions, numcol)
else col.regions[1 + ((1:numcol-1)*(num.r-1)) %/% (numcol-1)]
zcol <-, length(z))
for(i in seq_along(col.regions))
zcol[! & ! & ! &
at[i] <= z & z < at[i+1L]] <- i
zcol <- zcol[subscripts]
if(any(subscripts)) {
## the line-width used in grid.rect() inside
## levelplot()'s panel for the *border* of the
## rectangles: levelplot()panel has lwd= 0.01:
## Here: use "smart" default !
if(is.null(lwd)) {
wh <- current.viewport()[c("width", "height")]
## wh : current viewport dimension in pixel
wh <- (par("cra") / par("cin")) *
c(convertWidth(wh$width, "inches",
valueOnly = TRUE),
convertHeight(wh$height, "inches",
valueOnly = TRUE))
pSize <- wh/di ## size of one matrix-entry in pixels
pA <- prod(pSize) # the "area"
p1 <- min(pSize)
lwd <- ## crude for now
if(p1 < 2 || pA < 6) 0.01 # effectively 0
else if(p1 >= 4) 1
else if(p1 > 3) 0.5
else 0.2
## browser()
Matrix.message("rectangle size ",
paste(round(pSize, 1L), collapse = " x "),
" [pixels]; --> lwd :", formatC(lwd))
} else stopifnot(is.numeric(lwd), all(lwd >= 0)) # allow 0
if(is.null(border.col) && lwd < 0.01) # no border
border.col <- NA
grid.rect(x = x, y = y, width = 1, height = 1,
default.units = "native",
## FIXME?: allow 'gp' to be passed via '...' !!
gp = gpar(fill = col.regions[zcol],
lwd = lwd, col = border.col))
} # panel <- if(useRaster) ...
levelplot(xx ~ (x@j + 1L) * (x@i + 1L), # no 'data'
sub = sub,
xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim,
ylim = ylim,
aspect = aspect,
colorkey = colorkey,
col.regions = col.regions,
cuts = cuts,
par.settings = list(background = list(col = "transparent")),
panel = panel,
setMethod("image", c(x = "dgTMatrix"), .image.dgT)
setMethod("image", c(x = "Matrix"),
function(x, ...) {
if(.M.kind(x) == "z")
stop(gettextf("%s(<%s>) is not yet implemented",
"image", "zMatrix"),
domain = NA)
image(.M2kind(.M2gen(.M2T(x)), "d"), ...)
setMethod("image", c(x = "CHMfactor"),
function(x, ...)
image(.M2gen(.M2T(expand1(x, "L"))), ...))
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