
Defines functions inner.MiRKATS

# Function to calculate a single MiRKATS p-value 
inner.MiRKATS <- function(obstime, delta, covar, K, beta=NULL, perm=FALSE, nperm=999, wgt=NULL){
    # sort in order of observed times
    ord = order(obstime)
    n = length(obstime)
    U = obstime[ord]
    D = delta[ord]
    K = K[ord, ord] 
    if(!is.null(covar)){ X = as.matrix(as.matrix(covar, nrow=n)[ord,], nrow=n) } else { X = NULL }
    ftimes <- sort(U[D==1])     # failure times (i.e., event observed)
    fdups <- table(ftimes)
    fdups <- unlist(sapply(fdups, FUN=function(x)rep(x, x))) # counts at each failure time
    fdupcts <- unlist(sapply( table(ftimes), FUN=function(x) c(0:(x-1)) ))
    # if no covariates or no coefficients provided
    if(!is.null(X) & is.null(beta)){ beta <- coxph(Surv(U,D) ~ ., data=data.frame(X), weights=wgt, ties="efron")$coef }
    if(is.null(X)){ eta <- rep(0,n) } else{ eta = X %*% beta }
    V <- as.vector(exp(eta))
    # notation (sometimes) matches Lin 2011
    # Efron approximation for ties
    R.i <- sapply(ftimes, FUN=function(x) U >= x)  ## risk sets (n x # failure times)
    D.i <- sapply(ftimes, FUN=function(x) U==x & D==1)  ## events at time t_i
    num <- apply(R.i, 2, FUN=function(x) V*x) - t(apply( apply(D.i, 2, FUN=function(x) x*V), 1, FUN=function(x) x*(fdupcts/fdups) ))
    denom <- apply( apply(R.i, 2, FUN=function(x) V*x) - t(apply( apply(D.i, 2, FUN=function(x) x*V), 1, FUN=function(x) x*(fdupcts/fdups) )), 2, sum)
    dLam <- apply(num, 1, FUN=function(x) x/denom)
    Lam <- apply(dLam, 2, sum)
    M.hat <- D - Lam  ## matches Martingale residuals from coxph
      obs.stat <- as.numeric(M.hat%*%K%*%M.hat)
      stat <- c()
      count <- 0
      while(count < nperm){
        # permute
        ord <- sample(n)
        mhat <- M.hat[ord]
        this <- mhat%*%K%*%mhat
        stat <- c(stat, this)
        count <- count + 1
      pval <- mean(stat >= obs.stat)
    } else {
      # P0.star (from Han Chen)
      V.mat <- diag(Lam) - t(dLam) %*% dLam
      if(is.null(X)){ P0 <- V.mat } else { P0 <- V.mat - V.mat%*%X %*% solve(t(X)%*%V.mat%*%X) %*% t(X)%*%V.mat }
      eig.P0 <- eigen(P0)
      eig.P0.val <- eig.P0$values
      # correct computationally zero eigenvalues (complex or rational) 
      # round eigenvalues too small to take the sqrt; enforce psd
      if (any(Im(eig.P0.val) != 0)) {
        mi = which.max(abs(Im(eig.P0.val)))
        message(paste("Note: Projection matrix has complex eigenvalues. Largest complex component is ", 
                      signif(Im(eig.P0.val)[mi], digits = 3), sep = ""))
      eig.P0.val = Re(eig.P0.val)
      eig.P0.val[eig.P0.val < 1e-12] <- 0  
      sqrt.P0 <- eig.P0$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(eig.P0.val)) %*% t(eig.P0$vectors)
      # Small sample correction
      dLam.2 <- dLam^2
      Lam.2 <- apply(dLam.2, 2, sum)
      W <- Lam - Lam.2
      if(sum(which(is.na(W)))>0) { W[which(is.na(W))] <- 1e-10 }
      W[which(W<1e-12)] <- 1e-10
      W.mat <- diag(W)
      this.eig <- eigen(W.mat)
      sqrt.W <- this.eig$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(this.eig$values)) %*% t(this.eig$vectors)
      z <- eta + (1/W)*M.hat
        y.star <- sqrt.W %*% z
        X.star <- sqrt.W %*% X
        e.star <- y.star - X.star %*% beta
        P0.star <- diag(rep(1,n)) - X.star %*% solve(t(X.star) %*% X.star) %*% t(X.star)
      } else {
        P0.star <- diag(n)
      # Calculate test statistic and p-value
      obs.r <- c( M.hat %*% K %*% M.hat / (sum(M.hat^2)) )
      stat1 <- P0.star %*% (K - obs.r*diag(n)) %*% P0.star
      stat <- sqrt.P0 %*% stat1 %*% sqrt.P0
      lam <- eigen(stat)$values
      pval <- davies(0, lam)$Qq

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MiRKAT documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:55 p.m.