# -------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Author: Marius D. PASCARIU
# Last Update: Thu Jul 20 21:29:59 2023
# -------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' Fit Mortality Laws
#' Fit parametric mortality models given a set of input data which can be
#' represented by death counts and mid-interval population estimates
#' \code{(Dx, Ex)} or age-specific death rates \code{(mx)} or death
#' probabilities \code{(qx)}. Using the argument \code{law} one can specify
#' the model to be fitted. So far more than 27 parametric models have been
#' implemented; check the \code{\link{availableLaws}} function to learn
#' about the available options. The models can be fitted under
#' the maximum likelihood methodology or by selecting a loss function to be
#' optimised. See the implemented loss function by running the
#' \code{\link{availableLF}} function.
#' @usage
#' MortalityLaw(x, Dx = NULL, Ex = NULL, mx = NULL, qx = NULL,
#' law = NULL,
#' opt.method = "LF2",
#' parS = NULL,
#' fit.this.x = x,
#' = NULL,
#' show = FALSE, ...)
#' @details Depending on the complexity of the model, one of following
#' optimization strategies is employed: \enumerate{
#' \item{Nelder-Mead method:}{ approximates a local optimum of a problem with n
#' variables when the objective function varies smoothly and is unimodal.
#' For details see \code{\link{optim}}}
#' \item{PORT routines:}{ provides unconstrained optimization and optimization
#' subject to box constraints for complicated functions. For details check
#' \code{\link{nlminb}}}
#' \item{Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm:}{ damped least-squares method.
#' For details check \code{\link{nls.lm}}}
#' }
#' @inheritParams LifeTable
#' @param law The name of the mortality law/model to be used. e.g.
#' \code{gompertz}, \code{makeham}, ... To investigate all the possible options,
#' see \code{\link{availableLaws}} function.
#' @param opt.method How would you like to find the parameters? Specify the
#' function to be optimize. Available options: the Poisson likelihood function
#' \code{poissonL}; the Binomial likelihood function -\code{binomialL}; and
#' 6 other loss functions. For more details, check the \code{\link{availableLF}}
#' function.
#' @param parS Starting parameters used in the optimization process (optional).
#' @param fit.this.x Select the ages to be considered in model fitting.
#' By default \code{fit.this.x = x}. One may want to exclude from the fitting
#' procedure, say, the advanced ages where the data is sparse.
#' @param Allows you to fit a model that is not defined
#' in the package. Accepts as input a function.
#' @param show Choose whether to display a progress bar during the fitting
#' process. Logical. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to or from other methods.
#' @return The output is of the \code{"MortalityLaw"} class with the components:
#' \item{input}{List with arguments provided in input. Saved for convenience.}
#' \item{info}{Brief information about the model.}
#' \item{coefficients}{Estimated coefficients.}
#' \item{fitted.values}{Fitted values of the selected model.}
#' \item{residuals}{Deviance residuals.}
#' \item{}{List containing goodness of fit measures like
#' AIC, BIC and log-Likelihood.}
#' \item{opt.diagnosis}{Resultant optimization object useful for
#' checking the convergence etc.}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{availableLaws}}
#' \code{\link{availableLF}}
#' \code{\link{LifeTable}}
#' \code{\link{ReadHMD}}
#' @author Marius D. Pascariu
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: --------------------------
#' # Fit Makeham Model for Year of 1950.
#' x <- 45:75
#' Dx <- ahmd$Dx[paste(x), "1950"]
#' Ex <- ahmd$Ex[paste(x), "1950"]
#' M1 <- MortalityLaw(x = x, Dx = Dx, Ex = Ex, law = 'makeham')
#' M1
#' ls(M1)
#' coef(M1)
#' summary(M1)
#' fitted(M1)
#' predict(M1, x = 45:95)
#' plot(M1)
#' # Example 2: --------------------------
#' # We can fit the same model using a different data format
#' # and a different optimization method.
#' x <- 45:75
#' mx <- ahmd$mx[paste(x), ]
#' M2 <- MortalityLaw(x = x, mx = mx, law = 'makeham', opt.method = 'LF1')
#' M2
#' fitted(M2)
#' predict(M2, x = 55:90)
#' # Example 3: --------------------------
#' # Now let's fit a mortality law that is not defined
#' # in the package, say a reparameterized Gompertz in
#' # terms of modal age at death
#' # hx = b*exp(b*(x-m)) (here b and m are the parameters to be estimated)
#' # A function with 'x' and 'par' as input has to be defined, which returns
#' # at least an object called 'hx' (hazard rate).
#' my_gompertz <- function(x, par = c(b = 0.13, M = 45)){
#' hx <- with(as.list(par), b*exp(b*(x - M)) )
#' return(as.list(environment()))
#' }
#' M3 <- MortalityLaw(x = x, Dx = Dx, Ex = Ex, = my_gompertz)
#' summary(M3)
#' # predict M3 for different ages
#' predict(M3, x = 85:130)
#' # Example 4: --------------------------
#' # Fit Heligman-Pollard model for a single
#' # year in the dataset between age 0 and 100 and build a life table.
#' x <- 0:100
#' mx <- ahmd$mx[paste(x), "1950"] # select data
#' M4 <- MortalityLaw(x = x, mx = mx, law = 'HP', opt.method = 'LF2')
#' M4
#' plot(M4)
#' LifeTable(x = x, qx = fitted(M4))
#' @export
MortalityLaw <- function(x,
Dx = NULL,
Ex = NULL,
mx = NULL,
qx = NULL,
law = NULL,
opt.method = 'LF2',
parS = NULL,
fit.this.x = x, = NULL,
show = FALSE,
info <- addDetails(law,, parS)
law <- info$law
scale.x <- info$scale.x
parS <- info$parS
input <- c(as.list(environment()))
K <-, Ex, mx, qx)
# TR: if inputs are matrix, then we have class matrix, array, and this
# throws a warning. If we have a dim attribute then this won't work. Even
# if it's a 1-column matrix (class =array) or a single-dim length-attribute vector
# (also array!). Both of those cases are probably things we want to treat as
# vectors!
if (any(K$iclass == "numeric")) {
check.MortalityLaw(input) # Check input
# Set-up progress bar
if (show) {pb <- startpb(0, 4); on.exit(closepb(pb)); setpb(pb, 1)}
# Find optimal coefficients
optim.model <- choose_optim(input)
if (show) setpb(pb, 2)
fit <- optim.model$hx
dgn <- optim.model$opt #diagnosis
cf <- optim.model$C
p <- length(cf)
resid <- switch(
C1_DxEx = Dx/Ex - fit,
C2_mx = mx - fit,
C3_qx = qx - fit
dev <- sum(resid^2)
rdf <- length(x) - p
df <- c(n.param = p, df.residual = rdf)
gof <- with(
c(logLik = logLik, AIC = AIC, BIC = BIC)
info <- list( = info$model, = date())
names(fit) = names(resid) <- x
if (show) setpb(pb, 4)
} else {# if input is a matrix then iterate here
N <- K$nLT
# Set-up progress bar
if (show) {pb <- startpb(0, N + 1); on.exit(closepb(pb))}
cf = fit = gof = resid = dgn = df = dev <- NULL
for (i in 1:N) {
if (show) setpb(pb, i)
M <- suppressMessages(
x = x,
Dx = Dx[, i],
Ex = Ex[, i],
mx = mx[, i],
qx = qx[, i],
law = law,
opt.method = opt.method,
parS = parS,
fit.this.x = fit.this.x, =,
show = FALSE
fit <- cbind(fit, fitted(M))
gof <- rbind(gof, M$
dgn[[i]] <- M$dgn
cf <- rbind(cf, coef(M))
resid <- cbind(resid, resid(M))
df <- rbind(df, M$df)
dev <- c(dev, M$dev)
info <- M$info
rownames(cf) = rownames(gof) = rownames(df) = names(dev) <- K$LTnames
dimnames(fit) = dimnames(resid) <- list(x, K$LTnames)
if (show) setpb(pb, N + 1)
# Exit
output <- list(
input = input,
info = info,
coefficients = cf,
fitted.values = fit,
residuals = resid, = gof,
opt.diagnosis = dgn,
df = df,
deviance = dev
output$info$call <-
out <- structure(class = "MortalityLaw", output)
#' Depending on the chosen mortality law, additional details need to be
#' specified in order to be able to fit the models taking into account it's
#' particularities.
#' @inheritParams MortalityLaw
#' @return A list of model specifications
#' @keywords internal
addDetails <- function(law, = NULL,
parS = NULL) {
if (is.null(law) & is.null( {
stop("Which mortality law do you intend to fit?", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null( {
law <- ""
parS <-$par
MI <- "Custom Mortality Law"
sx <- TRUE
} else {
law <- law
parS <- parS
A <- availableLaws(law)[["table"]]
MI <- data.frame(A[A$CODE == law, ], row.names = "")
sx <- as.logical(MI$SCALE_X)
out <- list(
law = law,
parS = parS,
model = MI,
scale.x = sx
#' Function to be Optimize
#' @inheritParams MortalityLaw
#' @return The optimal value
#' @keywords internal
objective_fun <- function(par, x, Dx, Ex, mx, qx,
law, opt.method,{
C <-, Ex, mx, qx)$case
mu <- eval(call(law, x, par = exp(par)))$hx
mu[is.infinite(mu)] <- 1
if (is.null(Ex)) Ex = 1
if (C == "C1_DxEx") nu = Dx/Ex
if (C == "C2_mx") nu = Dx <- mx
if (C == "C3_qx") nu = Dx <- qx
# compute likelihoods or loss functions
loss <- switch(
EXPR = opt.method,
poissonL = -(Dx * log(mu) - mu*Ex),
binomialL = -(Dx * log(1 - exp(-mu)) - (Ex - Dx)*mu),
LF1 = (1 - mu/nu)^2,
LF2 = log(mu/nu)^2,
LF3 = ((nu - mu)^2)/nu,
LF4 = (nu - mu)^2,
LF5 = (nu - mu) * log(nu/mu),
LF6 = abs(nu - mu)
# Here I want to make sure that the optimisation algorithm is not returning
# NaN values when it converges (because that is possible).
loss[is.infinite(loss)] <- 10^5
if (sum( != 0) loss = loss + 10^5
out <- sum(loss, na.rm = TRUE)
# because nls.lm function requires a vector we have to do the following:
if (any(law %in% c('thiele', 'wittstein'))) out = loss
#' Scaling method for x vector
#' @inheritParams MortalityLaw
#' @return scalar
#' @keywords internal
scale_x <- function(x) {
x - min(x) + 1
#' Select an optimizing method
#' @param input list of all inputs collected from MortalityLaw function
#' @return A list of model specification corresponding to the best fitted model
#' @keywords internal
choose_optim <- function(input){
with(as.list(input), {
# Subset the data
select.x <- x %in% fit.this.x
if (scale.x) { = scale_x(fit.this.x)
d = fit.this.x[1] -[1]
new.x = x - d
} else { <- fit.this.x
new.x <- x
if (is.null(parS)) parS <- bring_parameters(law, parS)
# Optimize
foo <- function(k) {
par = k,
x =,
Dx = Dx[select.x],
Ex = Ex[select.x],
mx = mx[select.x],
qx = qx[select.x],
if (any(law %in% c('HP', 'HP2', 'HP3', 'HP4', 'kostaki'))) {
opt <- nlminb(
start = log(parS),
objective = foo,
control = list(eval.max = 5000, iter.max = 5000)
opt$fnvalue <- opt$objective
} else if (any(law %in% c('thiele', 'wittstein'))) {
opt <- nls.lm(
par = log(parS),
fn = foo,
control = nls.lm.control(maxfev = 10000, maxiter = 1024)
opt$fnvalue <- sum(opt$fvec)
} else {
opt <- optim(
par = log(parS),
fn = foo,
method = 'Nelder-Mead'
opt$fnvalue <- opt$value
C <- exp(opt$par)
if (law == 'kostaki') { #kostaki hack
if (C[5] >= 50*C[6]) C[6] <- C[5]/50
hx <-, list(x = new.x, par = C))$hx
logLik <- log(opt$fnvalue)
AIC <- 2 * length(parS) - 2 * logLik
BIC <- log(length(fit.this.x)) * length(parS) - 2 * logLik
if (!any(opt.method %in% c('poissonL', 'binomialL'))) {
logLik = AIC = BIC <- NaN
out <- as.list(environment())
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