Defines functions PPML.Tool.fakeLatentFoldout PPML.Tool.PathToMatrix PPML.Tool.EnumeratePermutations PPML.Test.Battery.LowLevel PPML.Tool.EnumerateMissingnessPatterns imxPPML.Test.Battery PPML.Test.CheckFits imxPPML.Test.Test PPML.Tool.CheckPPMLDidEqualOrBetter selectSubModelFData PPML.Split PPML.SolveOrPartialSolve PPML.Transform PPMLMissingData PPML.Post.UnfoldNHEV buildCErr PPML.Pre.FixNHEV PPML.Pre.FakeLatents PPMLClassifyLatents PPML.Pre.UpdateSolveType PPML.Check.UseOptimizer PPML.CheckApplicable PPMLTransformModel single.na imxPPML

Documented in imxPPML imxPPML.Test.Battery imxPPML.Test.Test

	# Cases: Solvable, and Optimizable

	# Solvable Case
	# I -- Name anonymous parameters in model
	# II -- Apply pretransforms to model
	# III -- Apply transform to model
	# IV --- Solve using transformed model
	# V --- Plug parameters back in to named model
	# VI --- Plug values matrix from named model back in to original model
	# return original model

	# Optimizable case - Partial Solution
	# I -- Name anonymous parameters in model
	# II -- Apply pretransforms to model
	# III --- Apply transform to model
	# IV -- Split model, solve for variance, plug back in to leftmodel
	# V -- Call optimizer on model
	# VI -- Extract parameters and reinsert to named model
	# VII -- Plug values matrix from named model back in to original model
	# return original model

	# Optimizable case - Missing Data
	# I -- Name anonymous parameters in model
	# II -- Apply pretransforms to model
	# III -- Split model for missingness patterns
	# IV -- Apply transform to each applicable submodel
	# V -- Pass overall model to optimizer
	# VI -- Extract parameters and reinsert to named model
	# VII -- Plug values matrix from named model back in to original model

	# Optimizable case - Split Model
	# I -- Name anonymous parameters in model
	# II -- Apply pretransforms to model
	# III -- Apply transform to model
	# IV -- Split model
	# V -- Call optimizer on model
	# VI -- Extract parameters and reinsert to named model
	# VII - Plug values matrix from named model back in to original model

	# SO:
	# I -- Name anonymous parameters in model
	# II -- Apply pretransforms to model
	# III --  Missing data split, transform each applicable submodel -or-
	# 				Apply transform to model
	# IV -- Solve using transformed model -or-
	#       solve for variance using transformed model, optimize -or-
	#				split model -or-
	#				nothing if missing data split already happened
	#	V -- If partial solve or split (MD or otherwise) call optimizer
	# VI -- Extract parameters and reinsert to named model
	# VII - Plug values matrix from named model back in to original model

		result = "character",
		isMultiLayer = "logical",
		isMatrixSpecified = "logical",
		hasNHEV = "logical",
		Cerr = "matrix",
		relevantConstraints = "vector",
		hasMissingness = "logical",
		hasNoLatentCovariances = "logical",
		latentCovNotSaturated = "logical",
		hasFixedExpectedLatentMean = "logical",
		manifestVars = "vector",
		latentVars = "vector",
		fakeLatents = "vector"
		isMultiLayer = FALSE,
		isMatrixSpecified = FALSE,
		hasNHEV = FALSE,
		Cerr = NULL,
		relevantConstraints = NULL,
		hasNoLatentCovariances = FALSE,
		latentCovNotSaturated = FALSE,
		hasFixedExpectedLatentMean = FALSE,
		manifestVars = character(0),
		latentVars = character(0),
		fakeLatents = character(0)

##' imxPPML
##' Potentially enable the PPML optimization for the given model.
##' @param model the MxModel to evaluate
##' @param flag whether to potentially enable PPML
imxPPML <- function(model, flag=TRUE) {
	if (!(isS4(model) && is(model, "MxModel"))) {
		stop("Argument 'model' must be MxModel object")
	if (!(length(flag) == 1 && is.logical(flag) && !is.na(flag))) {
		stop("Argument 'flag' must be TRUE or FALSE")
	# Expectation exists / must be a RAM expectation
	expectation <- model$expectation
	if(is.null(expectation) || !is(expectation, "MxExpectationRAM")) {
  if (any(expectation$isProductNode)) {
    stop("Cannot combine latent products and PPML")
	if (flag) {
		model@options$UsePPML <- "Yes"
	} else {
		model@options$UsePPML <- "No"

single.na <- function(a) {
    return((length(a) == 1) &&
        (is.list(a) || is.vector(a) || is.matrix(a)) &&
        (is.na(a) == TRUE))

PPMLTransformModel <- function(model.original) {
	# Name anonymous parameters in model
	pair <- (omxNameAnonymousParameters(model.original))
	model.named <- pair[[1]]

	solveType <- PPML.CheckApplicable(model.named)

	# PPML not applicable to model
	if (single.na(solveType))
		model.original@options$UsePPML <- "Inapplicable"

	model.pretransformed <- model.named

	# Apply pretransforms to model

	# Remove changes made to data by the mxRun function
	if (!is.null(model.pretransformed$data@means))
		model.pretransformed@data <- mxData(numObs=model.pretransformed@data@numObs, observed=model.pretransformed@data@observed, type=model.pretransformed@data@type, means=as.vector(model.pretransformed@data@means))

	# Fold in fakelatents
	if (length(solveType@fakeLatents))
		model.pretransformed <- PPML.Pre.FakeLatents(model.pretransformed, solveType)
		solveType@latentVars <- setdiff(solveType@latentVars, solveType@fakeLatents)
		# If matrix specified, specified by indices -- need to refigure manifestVars and latentVars in solveType
		if ( is.numeric(solveType@latentVars) && is.numeric(solveType@manifestVars) )
			# Iterate through F matrix to find which columns are manifests (1 present) and
			# which columns are latents (no 1 present in column)
			Fmatrix <- model.pretransformed[[model.pretransformed$expectation@F]]
			manifestVars <- numeric(0)
			latentVars <- numeric(0)
			for (i in 1:dim(Fmatrix@values)[[2]]) {
				if (any(as.logical(Fmatrix@values[,i])))
					manifestVars <- c(manifestVars, as.numeric(i))
					latentVars <- c(latentVars, as.numeric(i))
			solveType@manifestVars <- manifestVars
			solveType@latentVars <- latentVars

	model.noFakeLatents <- model.pretransformed
	# Build Cerr (with nonfakelatented model)
	# Also detects if the model is not a valid PPML NHEV model
	# Aborts PPML transform if so

	solveType <- PPML.Pre.UpdateSolveType(model.noFakeLatents, solveType)

	if (single.na(solveType))
		model.original@options$UsePPML <- "Inapplicable"

	# Fix NHEV
	if (solveType@hasNHEV)

		# Fix up the model
		model.pretransformed <- PPML.Pre.FixNHEV(model.pretransformed, solveType)

	# Apply transforms to model
	if (solveType@hasMissingness)
		# Missing Data Case
		model.transformed <- PPMLMissingData(model.pretransformed, solveType)

		# Check to make sure PPML is applicable to model (shouldn't ever happen here)
		if (single.na(model.transformed))
			model.original@options$UsePPML <- "Inapplicable"

		model.transformed@options$UsePPML <- "No"
		results <- mxRun(model.transformed)
		pair <- PPML.Transform(model.pretransformed, solveType)

		model.transformed <- pair[[1]]
		lambda <- pair[[2]]

		if (solveType@result == "PartialSolve" || solveType@result == "Solve")
			model.transformed <- PPML.SolveOrPartialSolve(model.transformed, lambda, solveType)

		if (solveType@result == "PartialSolve" )

			model.transformed@options$UsePPML <- "No"
			# Optimize partially solved
			results <- mxRun(model.transformed)

			# Restore free values
			results <- omxSetParameters(results, labels=names(omxGetParameters(model.named)), free=TRUE)
		else if (solveType@result == "Split")
			# Split the model if necessary
			model.transformed <- PPML.Split(model.transformed, solveType)
			model.transformed@options$UsePPML <- "No"

			# Optimize the split model
			results <- mxRun(model.transformed)
			results <- model.transformed

	if (solveType@hasNHEV)
		results <- PPML.Post.UnfoldNHEV(results, model.noFakeLatents, solveType)

	# Extract parameters and reinsert to named model
	params <- omxGetParameters(results)
	model.named <- omxSetParameters(model.named, names(params), values=as.vector(params))

	# Plug values matrix from named model back in to original model
	model.original[[model.original$expectation@S]]@values <- model.named[[model.original$expectation@S]]@values
	if (!single.na(model.original$expectation@M))
		model.original[[model.original$expectation@M]]@values <- model.named[[model.original$expectation@M]]@values

	# Preserve output data and indicate what type of solution was used
#	model.original@output <- results@output
	model.original@options$UsePPML <- solveType@result

	# Return original model with solution

PPML.CheckApplicable <- function(model) {
	solveType = new("PPMLSolveType")

	# Explicitly, don't use PPML -OR- no explicit instruction to use PPML and default is no
	if (model@options$UsePPML == "No" || (is.null(model@options$UsePPML) && getOption("mxOptions")$UsePPML == "No"))
		#print("PPML abort: disabled")

	#is the model a RAM model?
	# NOTE: This could be made redundant by implementing the transform call
	# from the MxExpectationRAM function
	expectation <- model$expectation
	if(is.null(expectation) || !is(expectation, "MxExpectationRAM")) {
		#print("PPML abort: Not a RAM model")

	# Extract RAM matrices
	Aname <- expectation@A
	Sname <- expectation@S
	Fname <- expectation@F
	Mname <- expectation@M
	Amatrix <- model[[Aname]]
	Smatrix <- model[[Sname]]
	Fmatrix <- model[[Fname]]
	Mmatrix <- NULL
	if (!single.na(Mname)) {
		Mmatrix <- model[[Mname]]
	constraints <- model@constraints

	# Matrices must be MxMatrices
	if(!is(Amatrix, "MxMatrix") || !is(Smatrix, "MxMatrix") || !is(Fmatrix, "MxMatrix") || (!single.na(Mname) && !is(Mmatrix, "MxMatrix"))) {
		#print("PPML abort: Matrices not MxMatrices")

	# Make sure data is present, and raw or covariance
	if( !is.null(model$data) ) {
		if ( !(model$data@type == "raw" || model$data@type == "cov") )  {
			#print("PPML abort: Need raw or covariance matrix data")
	} else {
		#print("PPML abort: Model has no data")

	# Structure matrix must be fixed
	# TODO: Optimization possible for cases where only part of the structure matrix is fixed
	if(any(Amatrix@free)) {
		#print("PPML abort: Structure matrix not fixed")

	# If the model is matrix specified, uses numeric indices instead of dimnames
	# Then for split models: splits the expectation function in the split section
	manifestVars <- NULL
	latentVars <- NULL

	solveType@isMatrixSpecified <- length(model@manifestVars) == 0 && length(model@latentVars) == 0
	if (solveType@isMatrixSpecified) {

		if (length(model$expectation@dims) == 1 && single.na(unique(model$expectation@dims)))	# no dims anywhere NOTE: is this necessary?
			#print("PPML abort: Model is missing dims")

		# Iterate through F matrix to find which columns are manifests (1 present) and
		# which columns are latents (no 1 present in column)
		for (i in 1:dim(Fmatrix@values)[[2]]) {
			if (any(as.logical(Fmatrix@values[,i])))
				manifestVars <- c(manifestVars, as.numeric(i))
				latentVars <- c(latentVars, as.numeric(i))
		manifestVars <- model@manifestVars
		latentVars <- model@latentVars

	# Put manifestVars, latentVars in to solveType
	solveType@manifestVars <- manifestVars
	solveType@latentVars <- latentVars

	### Call latent classifier function to classify latents
	classifiedLatents <- PPMLClassifyLatents(Amatrix, Smatrix, latentVars)
	if (single.na(classifiedLatents))
		#print("PPML abort: Latents of improper form")
	realLatents <- classifiedLatents[[1]]
	fakeLatents <- classifiedLatents[[2]]
	solveType@fakeLatents <- fakeLatents
	rootLatents <- classifiedLatents[[3]]
	nonRootLatents <- classifiedLatents[[4]]

	# Check if expected means vector for latents are FREE
	# If all are not free, then solution doesn't apply
	# Use solution as best guess, but don't fix them for partial solution
	# If all are not free, analytical solution becomes partial solution
	if (!single.na(Mname))
		if (!all(Mmatrix@free[,realLatents]))
			solveType@hasFixedExpectedLatentMean <- TRUE

	# DEVELOPMENT -- Some of these models should be transformable
	# TODO: Multilayered models
	if (length(nonRootLatents) > 0) {
		solveType@isMultiLayer <- TRUE

	# (I-Lambda)^-1 -- Structure matrix must be invertible
	# Check for multi-layered models
	# PROFILING: Expensive
#	if ( det( diag(dim(Amatrix@values)[[1]]) - Amatrix@values ) == 0 ) {
#		return(NA)
#	}

	# BASIC: Model must have manifestvars and latentvars and more manifests than latents
	if (length(realLatents) == 0 || length(manifestVars) == 0 ||
		length(realLatents) >= length(manifestVars)) {
		#print("PPML abort: Must have manifests, latents, and more manifests than latents")

	if (model$data@type == "raw" && any(is.na(model$data@observed))) {
		# Check missingness patterns: if none of the patterns have more manifests than latents,
		# then PPML cannot be applied at all
		if ( (length(manifestVars) - min(apply(is.na(model$data@observed),1,sum))) <= length(realLatents) ) {
			#print("PPML abort: No missingness patterns are transformable")

		# Might be solvable, but for now, split only
		solveType@hasMissingness <- TRUE
		#solveType <- "Split"

	#  Partial Solve possible when all covariances between latents are fixed to zero but all
	# variances of the latents are free
	#  Analytical solution still possible for cases with one latent
	#  All covariances are fixed, zero
	# Conditional below:
	#  More than one latent
	#  There are no free covariances between the latents
	hasNoFreeCovariances <- !any(Smatrix@free[realLatents, realLatents] & !diag(TRUE, length(realLatents), length(realLatents)) )
	#  All latent covariances are (effectively) zero
	allLatentCovsZero <- all( abs(Smatrix@values[realLatents, realLatents] - diag(diag(Smatrix@values[realLatents,realLatents]))) < .001 )

	if ( hasNoFreeCovariances && allLatentCovsZero ) {

		if ( all(as.logical(diag(Smatrix@free[realLatents, realLatents]))) ) {
			# All latent variances are free
			#if (solveType != "Split") solveType <- "PartialSolve"
			solveType@hasNoLatentCovariances <- TRUE
		} else {
				# One or more latent variance is fixed
				#print("PPML abort: One or more latent variance is fixed")
				solveType@latentCovNotSaturated <- TRUE


	} else if ( !all(Smatrix@free[realLatents, realLatents]) ) {
#		# If some less structured combination of variances and covariances of the latents
#		# is fixed, probably not applicable
#		print("PPML abort: Inapplicable variance/covariance structure (Fixedness)")
#		return(NA)
		solveType@latentCovNotSaturated <- TRUE

	# Multilayer doesn't work with missingness
	if (solveType@isMultiLayer && solveType@hasMissingness)

	# Determine solveType results
	if (!solveType@hasMissingness) {
		# No data missingness
		if ((solveType@hasNoLatentCovariances || solveType@latentCovNotSaturated) && (length(latentVars) - length(fakeLatents)) > 1) {
			solveType@result <- "Split"
		} else {
			if (solveType@hasFixedExpectedLatentMean)
				solveType@result <- "PartialSolve"
				solveType@result <- "Solve"
	} else {
		# Data missingness
		solveType@result <- "MissingData"

	# Although not explicit in the code,
	# solveType <- "Solve" happens implicitly when Smatrix@free[latentVars, latentVars] is all free
	# (saturated covariance matrix)

	# BROKEN CASE: Covariance data + means, not analytical solution
	# Covariance data
	# Means data present
	# Solvetype is not "Solve" == analytical soln
	if (model$data@type == "cov" && !single.na(model$data@means) && solveType@result != "Solve")



PPML.Check.UseOptimizer <- function(opt)
		if (is.null(opt))
		if (!(opt == "No" || opt == "Inapplicable"))

PPML.Pre.UpdateSolveType <- function(model, solveType)
	manifestVars <- solveType@manifestVars
	latentVars <- solveType@latentVars

	# Extract RAM matrices
	expectation <- model$expectation
	Aname <- expectation@A
	Sname <- expectation@S
	Fname <- expectation@F
	Mname <- expectation@M
	Amatrix <- model[[Aname]]
	Smatrix <- model[[Sname]]
	Fmatrix <- model[[Fname]]
	Mmatrix <- NULL
	if (!single.na(Mname)) {
		Mmatrix <- model[[Mname]]

	maybeNHEV <- FALSE

	# Error matrix := Smatrix[manifestVars, manifestVars]
	# With any variances in fake latents in the appropriate diagonal spots

	# TODO: In NHEV cases, constraints that aren't part of the error covariance matrix -- can PPML
	# be applied with any other constraint on the model, or will further constraints always break it?

	# Any free values off the diagonal in the manifest covariance matrix?
	hasFreeValuesOffDiagonal <- any(as.logical( Smatrix@free[manifestVars,manifestVars] & !diag(rep(TRUE, length(manifestVars))) ) )

	# If there are unlabeled params in the error matrix, not even an NHEV case
	# -- NHEV algorithm relies on constraints between labeled params
	# Can't do anything with this
	hasUnlabeledFreeParams <- !all(Smatrix@free[manifestVars,manifestVars] == !is.na(Smatrix@labels[manifestVars,manifestVars]))
	if (hasUnlabeledFreeParams) # IMPLICIT: >1 manifestVar, otherwise PPML not applicable anyways. SO the two must be constrained together somehow
#		print("PPML abort: Unlabeled free error parameters")

	# Need constraints for NHEV, but can also break model if not relevant to error matrix
	hasConstraints <- length(model@constraints) > 0

	# Figure out if there's more than one label on the diagonals of the error matrix

	hasMultipleDiagErrorLabels <- length(unique(diag(Smatrix@labels[manifestVars, manifestVars]))) > 1

	# Actual checking
	# First case, non-diagonal matrix
	if (hasFreeValuesOffDiagonal) {
		# Need constraints for the error matrix to vary as matrixC*scalarVarE
		if (!hasConstraints)
#			print("PPML abort: Unconstrained error variance")

		if (!hasMultipleDiagErrorLabels)
			# Matrix diagonals are all equal
			# Need for the free values off the diagonal to be labeled differently
			# Otherwise you get Identity + additional 1s scattered in the matrix,
			# which are not (in general?) invertible
			diagLabels <- unique(diag(Smatrix@labels[manifestVars,manifestVars]))
			allLabels <- unique(as.vector(Smatrix@labels[manifestVars,manifestVars]))

			hasDifferentLabelsOffDiag <- as.logical(length(setdiff(allLabels, c(diagLabels,NA))))
			if (!hasDifferentLabelsOffDiag)
#				print("PPML abort: Constraints make non-positive-definite error matrix")

		maybeNHEV <- TRUE # Actually, right now, just "Maybe"
		# Second half of check happens after fakeLatents are folded in to model,
		# Partway through the pretransform phase
		# TODO: Maybe make a second parameter, maybeNHEV, for clarity?
	# Second case, diagonal matrix
		if (hasMultipleDiagErrorLabels)
			# Need constraints for the error matrix to vary as matrixC*scalarVarE
			if (!hasConstraints)
#				print("PPML abort: Constraints required on error matrix for NHEV transform")
			maybeNHEV <- TRUE
		# IMPLICIT else: Diagonal matrix where all error variances are constrained
		# to equality --> standard case, not NHEV


	if (!maybeNHEV)

	hasIrrelevantConstraints <- FALSE

	# NHEV Check -- Part II
	# Generates the Cerr matrix
	# Leave this for latest possible in case the model is found to be PPML-inapplicable
	# This is possibly really slow, and should be avoided if at all possible

	constraints <- model@constraints

	# IMPORTANT: NHEV and Missingness algorithms do not seem to be compatible
	if (solveType@hasMissingness)

	# Call buildCErr to build CErr matrix
	bCERetVal <- buildCErr(model[[model$expectation@S]], solveType@manifestVars, constraints)
	if (is.null(bCERetVal))
	Cerr <- bCERetVal[[1]]
	relevantConstraints <- bCERetVal[[2]]

	hasIrrelevantConstraints <- length(relevantConstraints) < length(constraints)
	# If there are irrelevant constraints, analytical solution is probably wrong
	# Might as well try it?
	# TODO: See if this breaks any models
	if (hasIrrelevantConstraints)
		solveType@result <- "Split" # Downgrade solveType to split
	# IMPLICIT ELSE: leaves solveType as it was before (NHEV will never improve it)

	# buildCErr returns null if there's an invalid constraint
	if (is.null(Cerr))

	# Noninvertible Cerr
	# --> Not a valid PPML model, need to be able to invert Cerr
	if (det(Cerr) == 0)

	solveType@Cerr <- Cerr
	solveType@relevantConstraints <- relevantConstraints
	solveType@hasNHEV <- TRUE



PPMLClassifyLatents <- function(Amatrix, Smatrix, latentVars) {
	# Classify latents
	fakeLatents <- array(0,0)
	rootLatents <- array(0,0)
	for(latentVar in latentVars){
		# Get nonzero loadings from the asymmetric matrix
		loads <- which(Amatrix@values[,latentVar] != 0)

		# Fake latents only load on to one manifest variable
		if ( length(loads) == 1) {
			# Load must have value 1
			# Otherwise, folding fakelatent back out becomes difficult and less graceful methods are required
			if (Amatrix@values[loads[1], latentVar] == 1) {
				# All loadings from the latent must be on manifestVars
				#  NOTE: Latents that covary with other latents but have no loadings on to anything?
				#  Lambda is probably singular in these cases.
				if (length(which(Amatrix@values[latentVars, latentVar] != 0)) == 0) { # No loadings on latentVars
					# Latent must not covary with any manifests or other latents
					if ( Smatrix@free[latentVar,latentVar] && length(which(Smatrix@free[,latentVar])) == 1) {
						# All of these manifestVars must have no inherent error variances /
						# loads are all on to manifests without their own error variances
						if ( !Smatrix@free[loads, loads] && Smatrix@values[loads, loads] == 0 ) {
							fakeLatents <- append(fakeLatents,latentVar)
							next; # Root and Fake categories are mutually exclusive (explicitly, not by property; this wouldn't work without this code.)

		# Check if it's a root latent - no loadings from other latents
		inLoads = which(Amatrix@values[latentVar, latentVars] != 0)
		if (length(inLoads) == 0) {
			rootLatents <- append(rootLatents, latentVar)
	realLatents <- latentVars[is.na(pmatch(latentVars, fakeLatents))]
	nonRootLatents <- latentVars[is.na(pmatch(latentVars, c(fakeLatents, rootLatents)))]

	return(list(realLatents, fakeLatents, rootLatents, nonRootLatents))

PPML.Pre.FakeLatents <- function(model, solveType)
	Aname <- model$expectation@A
	Sname <- model$expectation@S
	Fname <- model$expectation@F
	Mname <- model$expectation@M

	Amatrix <- model[[Aname]]
	Smatrix <- model[[Sname]]
	Fmatrix <- model[[Fname]]
	Mmatrix <- NULL
	if (!single.na(Mname)) {
		Mmatrix <- model[[Mname]]

	latentVars <- solveType@latentVars
	manifestVars <- solveType@manifestVars
	fakeLatents <- solveType@fakeLatents

	# Rebuild the model, folding fakeLatents in to the S matrix
	for (fakeLatent in fakeLatents) {
		forWhich <- which(Amatrix@values[ ,fakeLatent] != 0) # Manifest to which the fakeLatent corresponds
		loadVal <- Amatrix@values[forWhich]

		Smatrix@values[forWhich, forWhich] <- Smatrix@values[fakeLatent,fakeLatent] # Move starting value
		Smatrix@free[forWhich, forWhich] <- TRUE # The manifest is now free
		Smatrix@labels[forWhich, forWhich] <- Smatrix@labels[fakeLatent,fakeLatent] # Give the manifest the fakeLatent's label


	# Remove fakeLatents from A, S, and F matrices
	remainingVars <- c(manifestVars, setdiff(latentVars, fakeLatents))

	# Get remainingVars in correct order
	if (solveType@isMatrixSpecified)
		remainingVars <- sort(remainingVars)
		sortedVars <- c()
		vars <- colnames(Fmatrix)
		for (var in vars)
			if (any(remainingVars == var))
				sortedVars <- c(sortedVars, var)
		remainingVars <- sortedVars

	Amatrix <- Amatrix[remainingVars, remainingVars]
	Smatrix <- Smatrix[remainingVars, remainingVars]
	Fmatrix <- Fmatrix[ ,remainingVars]
	if (!single.na(Mname)) {
		Mmatrix <- Mmatrix[,remainingVars]

	model[[Aname]] <- Amatrix
	model[[Sname]] <- Smatrix
	model[[Fname]] <- Fmatrix
	if (!single.na(Mname))
		model[[Mname]] <- Mmatrix

	# Fix expectation function/latent variable list
	if (!is.numeric(latentVars)) { # Path-specified
		model@latentVars <- setdiff(latentVars, fakeLatents)
	} else { # Matrix-specified
		# Repair dims
		model$expectation@dims <- model$expectation@dims[-fakeLatents]



PPML.Pre.FixNHEV <- function(model, solveType) {
	Aname <- model$expectation@A
	Sname <- model$expectation@S
	Mname <- model$expectation@M

	Amatrix <- model[[Aname]]
	Smatrix <- model[[Sname]]
	Mmatrix <- NULL
	if (!single.na(Mname)) {
		Mmatrix <- model[[Mname]]

	constraints <- model@constraints
	manifestVars <- solveType@manifestVars
	latentVars <- solveType@latentVars

	Cerr <- solveType@Cerr
	relevantConstraints <- solveType@relevantConstraints

	# Find transformation matrix R^-1
	Rinv <- (solve(chol(Cerr)))

	# Apply it to original Cerror to get transformed C'error
	# (Actually, just generate appropriately sized identity matrix)
	CerrPrime <- diag(rep(1, dim(Cerr)[1]))

	Smatrix@values[manifestVars, manifestVars] <- CerrPrime # Reinsert to Smatrix

	# Set all labels for the errors to the same label
	Smatrix@free[manifestVars, manifestVars] <- FALSE
	Smatrix@labels[manifestVars, manifestVars] <- NA
	for (manifestVar in manifestVars) {
		if (Smatrix@values[manifestVar, manifestVar] != 0) {
			Smatrix@labels[manifestVar, manifestVar] <- '_PPML_NHEV_ErrParam' #unique(clabels)
			Smatrix@free[manifestVar, manifestVar] <- TRUE # NOTE: ? maybe

	# Transform structure matrix
	Amatrix[manifestVars, latentVars]@values <- t(Rinv) %*% Amatrix[manifestVars, latentVars]@values

	# Reinsert transformed matrices to model
	model[[Aname]] <- Amatrix
	model[[Sname]] <- Smatrix

	# TODO: Is there a missing transform on the M matrix?
	if (!single.na(Mname))
		model[[Mname]] <- Mmatrix

	# Remove relevant constraints
	for (relevantConstraint in relevantConstraints) {
		constraints <- setdiff(constraints, list(model@constraints[[relevantConstraint]]))

	model@constraints <- constraints

	# Transform data
	if (model$data@type == "raw")
		# Transform raw data
		model$data@observed <- as.matrix(model$data@observed) %*% (Rinv)
		if (!is.numeric(manifestVars))
			colnames(model$data@observed) <- manifestVars
		else {
			colnames(model$data@observed) <- model$expectation@dims[manifestVars]

	else if (model$data@type == "cov")
		# Transform variance data
		model$data@observed <- t(Rinv) %*% as.matrix(model$data@observed) %*% (Rinv)

		if (!single.na(model$data@means))
			model$data@means <- as.matrix(model$data@means) %*% (Rinv)

		# Restore dimnames
		if (!(is.numeric(manifestVars) && is.numeric(latentVars))) {
			# For path-specified models:
			colnames(model$data@observed) <- manifestVars
			rownames(model$data@observed) <- manifestVars
			if (!single.na(model$data@means))
				colnames(model$data@means)    <- manifestVars
		} else {
			# For matrix-specified models
			colnames(model$data@observed) <- model$expectation@dims[manifestVars]
			rownames(model$data@observed) <- model$expectation@dims[manifestVars]
			if (!single.na(model$data@means))
				colnames(model$data@means)    <- model$expectation@dims[manifestVars]

buildCErr <- function(Smatrix, manifestVars, constraints) {

PPML.Post.UnfoldNHEV <- function(result, model.noFakeLatents, solveType)
	Sname <- model.noFakeLatents$expectation@S
	manifestVars <- solveType@manifestVars

	# Extract solved error param
	errParam <- omxGetParameters(result)[['_PPML_NHEV_ErrParam']]

	# Scale Cerr matrix appropriately
	scaledCerr <- solveType@Cerr * errParam

	# Pull out labels, free associated with Cerr matrix
	labelMatrix <- model.noFakeLatents[[Sname]]@labels[manifestVars,manifestVars]
	freeMatrix <- model.noFakeLatents[[Sname]]@free[manifestVars,manifestVars]

	# Put labels, free, scaled Cerr back in to result
	result[[Sname]]@values[manifestVars,manifestVars] <- scaledCerr
	result[[Sname]]@labels[manifestVars,manifestVars] <- labelMatrix
	result[[Sname]]@free[manifestVars,manifestVars] <- freeMatrix



PPMLMissingData <- function(model, solveType) {
	# Need to name anonymous params to constrain across the submodels
	Aname <- model$expectation@A
	Sname <- model$expectation@S
	Fname <- model$expectation@F
	Mname <- model$expectation@M

	latMeanVarNames <- character(0)
	if (!single.na(Mname))
		latMeanVarNames <- model[[Mname]]@labels[,solveType@latentVars]
		# Strip out NA (occurs when some latent means are fixed, not free anyways)
		latMeanVarNames <- latMeanVarNames[ which(!is.na(latMeanVarNames)) ]

	errVarName <- diag(model[[Sname]]@labels[solveType@manifestVars, solveType@manifestVars])[[1]]

	# Check through model$data@observed
	# Find unique missingness patterns
	patterns <- as.list(data.frame(t(unique(is.na(model$data@observed)))))
	patternLocs <- list()
	patternCounts <- list()
	for ( patt in patterns) {
		patternLocs <- append(patternLocs, list(which(apply(is.na(model$data@observed), 1, function(row) { if (all(row == patt)) TRUE else FALSE } ))))

	# Create a submodel for each missingness pattern with the appropriate
	# manifest variables removed
	bigModel <- mxModel(paste("(PPML Missing Data)", model@name))
	submodelNames <- c()
	PPMLAppliedCount <- 0
	PPMLSolvedCount <- 0

	meanVarE <- 0
	meanLatentMeans <- numeric(0)
	if (!single.na(Mname))
		meanLatentMeans <- vector(mode="numeric", length=length(latMeanVarNames))

	for (m in 1:length(patterns)) {
		newSubmodel <- mxModel(model)
		newSolveType <- solveType

		# Path specified versus matrix specified
		# Get label sets from data dimnames using LIVs
		removedMans <- (dimnames(newSubmodel$data@observed)[[2]])[patterns[[m]]]

		remainingMans <- (dimnames(newSubmodel$data@observed)[[2]])[!patterns[[m]]]
		remainingVars <- NULL # get remainingVars in scope
		remainingMansData <- remainingMans
		# NOTE: actually only need removedMans?
		if ( solveType@isMatrixSpecified ) {
			remainingVars <- c(remainingMans, model$expectation@dims[solveType@latentVars])
			# Matrix specified - Use dims from expectation to get location vector
			removedMansLoc <- c()
			for (removedMan in removedMans) {
				removedMansLoc <- c(removedMansLoc, which(model$expectation@dims == removedMan))
			if (length(removedMans)) removedMans <- sort(removedMansLoc)

			remainingMansLoc <- c()
			for (remainingMan in remainingMans) {
				remainingMansLoc <- c(remainingMansLoc, which(model$expectation@dims == remainingMan))
			remainingMans <- sort(remainingMansLoc)

			remainingVarsLoc <- c()
			for (remainingVar in remainingVars) {
				remainingVarsLoc <- c(remainingVarsLoc, which(model$expectation@dims == remainingVar))
			remainingVars <- sort(remainingVarsLoc)
		} else {

			remainingVars <- c(remainingMans, newSolveType@latentVars)

		# If any manifests are missing from the data, remove those manifests from the submodel
		if (!is.null(removedMans))
			# Fix matrices
			newSubmodel[[Aname]] <- newSubmodel[[Aname]][remainingVars, remainingVars]
			newSubmodel[[Sname]] <- newSubmodel[[Sname]][remainingVars, remainingVars]
			newSubmodel[[Fname]] <- newSubmodel[[Fname]][unlist(apply(newSubmodel[[Fname]]@values[ , remainingVars], 2, function(r) which(as.logical(r)))), remainingVars]
			if (!single.na(Mname)) {
				newSubmodel[[Mname]] <- newSubmodel[[Mname]][ , remainingVars]

			if (!single.na(newSubmodel$data@means)) {
				newSubmodel$data@means <- newSubmodel$data@means[, remainingMans]

			# Fix list of manifestVars
			if ( !solveType@isMatrixSpecified ) {
				# PATH
				newSubmodel@manifestVars <- remainingMansData
				newSolveType@manifestVars <- remainingMansData
			} else {
				# MATRIX
				dimIndices <- sort(c(remainingMans, solveType@latentVars))
				newSubmodel$expectation@dims <- newSubmodel$expectation@dims[dimIndices]
				newSolveType@manifestVars <- remainingMans
				# Need to fix up indices, as items have potentially been removed, shifting indices
				for (remVar in rev(sort(removedMans)))
					# Decrement indices > remVar by one
					newSolveType@manifestVars <- unlist(lapply(newSolveType@manifestVars, function (x) { if (x > remVar) return(x-1) else return(x) } ))
					newSolveType@latentVars <- unlist(lapply(newSolveType@latentVars, function (x) { if (x > remVar) return(x-1) else return(x) } ))


		# Remove pattern-appropriate manifests in data, including means vectors
		# NOTE: Kludgy fix for the data matrix turning in to a vector when there's only one
		# manifest remaining -- should this actually happen?
		if (length(remainingMans) == 1 ) {
			newSubmodel$data@observed <- as.matrix(newSubmodel$data@observed[patternLocs[[m]], remainingMansData])
			newSubmodel$data@numObs <- dim(newSubmodel$data@observed)[[1]]
			colnames(newSubmodel$data@observed) <- remainingMansData
		} else {
			# NORMAL CASE -- should probably be this all the time
			newSubmodel$data@observed <- newSubmodel$data@observed[patternLocs[[m]], remainingMansData]
			newSubmodel$data@numObs <- dim(newSubmodel$data@observed)[[1]]
			colnames(newSubmodel$data@observed) <- remainingMansData

		# Rename each submodel
		newSubmodel@name <- paste('PPML_MG_Submodel', m, sep="")

		# Transform each of these submodels with PPML,
		# if applicable
		if (length(newSolveType@manifestVars) > length(newSolveType@latentVars))
			pair <- PPML.Transform(newSubmodel, newSolveType)
			newSubmodel <- PPML.SolveOrPartialSolve(pair[[1]], pair[[2]], newSolveType)
			newSubmodel <- PPML.Split(newSubmodel, newSolveType)
		submodelNames <- c(submodelNames, newSubmodel@name)

		# Check if PPML was applicable on the submodel
		if (!is.null(newSubmodel@options$UsePPML) &&
			(newSubmodel@options$UsePPML == "Solved" || newSubmodel@options$UsePPML == "PartialSolved" || newSubmodel@options$UsePPML == "Split")) {
			PPMLAppliedCount <- PPMLAppliedCount + 1

			# Below should be zero, as solution should not be applied to missing data submodels
			if (newSubmodel@options$UsePPML == "Solved")
				PPMLSolvedCount <- PPMLSolvedCount + 1

			# Track mean of the solved error variances to produce best estimate for starting point
			meanVarE <- meanVarE + omxGetParameters(newSubmodel)[errVarName]
			# Track mean of the solved latent means to produce best estimate for starting point
			if (!single.na(Mname))
				latMeans <- omxGetParameters(newSubmodel)[latMeanVarNames]
				for (i in 1:length(latMeanVarNames))
					latName <- latMeanVarNames[i]
					if (!single.na(meanLatentMeans[latName]))
						meanLatentMeans[i] <- meanLatentMeans[i] + meanLatentMeans[latName]

				meanLatentMeans <- meanLatentMeans


		# Set UsePPML to "No" to allow optimization to occur
		newSubmodel@options$UsePPML <- "No"

		# Combine these submodels in to a larger model
		bigModel <- mxModel(bigModel, newSubmodel)

	# Need to check if any of the submodels were successfully transformed; if not, reject transformation
	if (PPMLAppliedCount == 0) {

	meanVarE <- meanVarE/PPMLAppliedCount
	meanLatentMeans <- meanLatentMeans/PPMLAppliedCount
	bigModel <- omxSetParameters(bigModel, c(errVarName, latMeanVarNames), values=c(meanVarE,meanLatentMeans))

	# Objective = sum
	# TODO: Combine algebra objectives from PPML-transformed models?
	#objectives <- paste(submodelNames, "objective", sep = ".")
	objectives <- paste(submodelNames, "fitfunction", sep = ".")
	objectives <- paste(objectives, collapse = " + ")
	expression <- paste("mxAlgebra(", objectives, ", name = 'SumObjective')", sep = "")
	algebra <- eval(parse(text=expression))
	objective <- mxFitFunctionAlgebra("SumObjective")
	bigModel <- mxModel(bigModel, objective, algebra)
	bigModel <- mxOption(bigModel, "UsePPML", "MissingData")


PPML.Transform <- function(model, solveType)
	Aname <- model$expectation@A
	Sname <- model$expectation@S
	Fname <- model$expectation@F
	Mname <- model$expectation@M

	Amatrix <- model[[Aname]]
	Smatrix <- model[[Sname]]
	Fmatrix <- model[[Fname]]
	Mmatrix <- NULL
	if (!single.na(Mname)) {
		Mmatrix <- model[[Mname]]

	manifestVars <- solveType@manifestVars
	latentVars <- solveType@latentVars

	#transform A to E
	E <- solve(diag(nrow(Amatrix)) - Amatrix@values)
	#select only these columns of A which are real latents
	#get loadings matrix:= The part of A which goes from the latents to the manifests
	lambda <- as.matrix(E[manifestVars, latentVars])

	qrDecom <- qr(lambda)

	#check if loadings matrix is of full rank
	k <- length(latentVars)
	#if (qrDecom$rank != dim(lambda)[2] || k != qrDecom$rank){
	#	return(model)
	#last check passed, can start modifying model

	#calculate upper triangle matrix
	Q <- t(qr.Q(qrDecom, complete = TRUE))

	#transform loadings matrix
	lambda <- Q %*% lambda
	#set all rows from k+1 to zero
	lambda[(k + 1) : nrow(lambda), ] <- 0
	#insert new loadings matrix in A
	Amatrix@values[manifestVars,latentVars] <- lambda
	Amatrix@values[latentVars,latentVars] <- 0 # For latents predicting latents

	# Reinsert transformed matrices back in to model
	model[[Aname]] <- Amatrix
	model[[Sname]] <- Smatrix
	model[[Fname]] <- Fmatrix
	if (!single.na(Mname)) {
		model[[Mname]] <- Mmatrix

	#transform data or cov
	if(model$data@type == "raw") {
		model$data@observed <- as.matrix(model$data@observed) %*% t(Q)

		# Restore dimnames
		if (!is.numeric(manifestVars))
			colnames(model$data@observed) <- manifestVars
		else {
			colnames(model$data@observed) <- model$expectation@dims[manifestVars]
	else if(model$data@type == "cov") {
		# Transform variance data
		model$data@observed <- (Q) %*% as.matrix(model$data@observed) %*% t(Q)

		# Restore dimnames
		if (!solveType@isMatrixSpecified) {
			# For path-specified models:
			colnames(model$data@observed) <- manifestVars
			rownames(model$data@observed) <- manifestVars
		} else {
			# For matrix-specified models
			colnames(model$data@observed) <- model@expectation@dims[manifestVars]
			rownames(model$data@observed) <- model@expectation@dims[manifestVars]

		# Transform means data, if it exists
		if (!single.na(model$data@means)){
			model$data@means <- as.matrix(model$data@means) %*% t(Q)
			# Restore dimnames
			if (!solveType@isMatrixSpecified)
				colnames(model$data@means) <- manifestVars	# Path-specified
				colnames(model$data@means) <- model$expectation@dims[manifestVars] # Matrix-specified


	return(list(model, lambda))


PPML.SolveOrPartialSolve <- function(model, lambda, solveType)
	# Extract matrices from model
	expectation <- model$expectation

	Aname <- expectation@A
	Sname <- expectation@S
	Fname <- expectation@F
	Mname <- expectation@M
	Amatrix <- model[[Aname]]
	Smatrix <- model[[Sname]]
	Fmatrix <- model[[Fname]]
	Mmatrix <- NULL
	if (!single.na(Mname)) {
		Mmatrix <- model[[Mname]]

	# Make option "Solve" or "PartialSolve"
	model@options$UsePPML <- solveType@result

	manifestVars <- solveType@manifestVars
	latentVars <- solveType@latentVars

	# Analytical solution for error variance
	# For raw data
	if (model$data@type == 'raw') {
		# Calculate varE
		K <- length(latentVars)
		M <- dim(model$data@observed)[[2]]
		N <- dim(model$data@observed)[[1]]
		varE <- sum(model$data@observed[ ,(K+1):M]^2 )
		varE <- varE / ( (M - K) * N )
	else if (model$data@type == 'cov')
		# Two components to the error variance in covariance data models:
		# The (post-transform) variances of the variables in the error model...
		K <- length(latentVars)
		M <- dim(model$data@observed)[[1]]
		varE <- sum(diag(as.matrix(model$data@observed[(K+1):M, (K+1):M]))) / (M-K)
		# And the sum of the square of the (post-transform) means of those variables
		if (!single.na(model$data@means))
			# Need correction of N/(N-1) -- trying to generate sample variance, not population
			# For the variances pulled out of the transformed data cov matrix, this has been accounted for
			# However, denominator of means is N, not N-1
			N <- model$data@numObs
			varE <- varE + sum(model$data@means[,(K+1):M]^2) / (M-K) * N/(N-1)

	# Calculate lambdaInv
	lambdaInv <- solve(lambda[1:length(latentVars), ])

	# Analytical solution for means of latents
	if (!is.null(Mmatrix)) {
		muLatent <- NULL
		# Extract untransformed means
		if (model$data@type == 'raw') {
			# Calculate means of the manifest vars
			muLatent <- apply(as.matrix(model$data@observed[, 1:length(latentVars)]), 2, mean)
		} else if (model$data@type == 'cov') {
			# Manifest means are already specified
			muLatent <- model$data@means[1:length(latentVars)]

		# Apply transform to means
		solvedM <- lambdaInv %*% muLatent
		if ( solveType@isMatrixSpecified ) {

			# If any of the latent means are fixed, can't just blindly put in the solved values
			# So, check:
			if (solveType@hasFixedExpectedLatentMean)
				# Don't overwrite value of fixed latent
				for (i in 1:length(solveType@latentVars))
					latentVar <- solveType@latentVars[i]
					if (Mmatrix@free[latentVar])
						Mmatrix@values[latentVar] <- solvedM[i]
				Mmatrix@values[latentVars] <- solvedM

		} else {
			# For some reason, indexing by character dimnames doesn't work here
			# fix: lapply call in the index converts dimnames for latentvars in to appropriate numerical indices
			latentIndices <- unlist(lapply(latentVars, function(x) { which(dimnames(Mmatrix)[[2]] == x) }))

			# If any of the latent means are fixed, can't just blindly put in the solved values
			# So, check:
			if (solveType@hasFixedExpectedLatentMean)
				# If some of them are fixed, iterate through, checking each one
				# If it's not fixed, insert the solved value as a best guess
				for (i in 1:length(latentIndices))
					latentIndex <- latentIndices[i]
					if (Mmatrix@free[latentIndex])
						Mmatrix@values[latentIndex] <- solvedM[i]
				Mmatrix@values[ latentIndices ] <- lambdaInv %*% muLatent


		# Analytical solution for the means:
		# Fix means values so optimizer doesn't bother with them (if partialsolved; if free, don't bother)
		# -- Don't fix these if, in the original model, any of the expected latent means are not free to vary
		# -- Don't fix in MissingData case, as each solved submodel will have a different solution
		# 	-- Just plug them in, use the average as a best guess, and optimize simultaneously
		if (solveType@result == "PartialSolve" && !solveType@hasFixedExpectedLatentMean)
			Mmatrix@free[unlist(lapply(latentVars, function(x) { which(dimnames(Mmatrix)[[2]] == x) }))] <- FALSE

		# Insert Mmatrix back in to transformed model
		model[[Mname]] <- Mmatrix

	if (solveType@result == "PartialSolve" || solveType@result == "MissingData")
		# Reinsert calculated varE in to Smatrix, fix values
		diag(Smatrix@values[manifestVars, manifestVars]) <- rep(varE, length(manifestVars))

		if (solveType@result == "PartialSolve")
		# If the model is being partially solved and then optimized, fix the error variances
			diag(Smatrix@free[manifestVars,manifestVars]) <- rep(FALSE, length(manifestVars))

		# Reinsert Smatrix in to model
		model[[Sname]] <- Smatrix

		# SO: Returns model with solution to error variances, latent means
		# This model must then be optimized

	# IMPLICIT  solveType@result == "Solve"
	# Full analytical solution is possible

	# Calculate covariance of the latentVars
	SigmaLatent <- NULL

	if (model$data@type == 'raw')
		# Using R's covariance matrix function does not work
		# SigmaLatent <- cov(as.matrix(model$data@observed[, 1:length(latentVars)]))

		# Must make covariance matrix of the manifests "by hand"
		RowxRowT <- apply(as.matrix(model$data@observed[,1:length(latentVars)]), 1, function(row) { as.matrix(row) %*% t(as.matrix(row)) })
		if (!is.matrix(RowxRowT))
			sigma <- sum(RowxRowT)
			sigma <- matrix(apply(as.matrix(RowxRowT), 1, sum), nrow=length(latentVars), ncol=length(latentVars))
		sigma <- sigma/dim(model$data@observed)[[1]]

		# Covariance matrix in SigmaLatent
		SigmaLatent <- sigma - as.matrix(muLatent) %*% t(as.matrix(muLatent))

	else if (model$data@type == 'cov')
		SigmaLatent <- as.matrix(model$data@observed[1:length(latentVars), 1:length(latentVars)])

	# Calculate latent covariance matrix and reinsert in to the S matrix
	# NOTE: Kludgy fix for symmetrization issues
	CLatent <- lambdaInv %*% (SigmaLatent - diag(x=varE, nrow=length(latentVars), ncol=length(latentVars))) %*% t(lambdaInv)
	Smatrix@values[latentVars, latentVars] <- (CLatent + t(CLatent))/2

	# Reinsert error variance in to S matrix
	Smatrix@values[manifestVars, manifestVars] <- diag(x=varE, nrow=length(manifestVars), ncol=length(manifestVars)) # Implicitly: off-diagonal values of this submatrix are zeroed

	# Reinsert Smatrix to model
	model[[Sname]] <- Smatrix

	# Returns fully solved model

PPML.Split <- function(model, solveType) {
	# Extract matrices from model
	expectation <- model$expectation

	Aname <- expectation@A
	Sname <- expectation@S
	Fname <- expectation@F
	Mname <- expectation@M
	Amatrix <- model[[Aname]]
	Smatrix <- model[[Sname]]
	Fmatrix <- model[[Fname]]
	Mmatrix <- NULL
	if (!single.na(Mname)) {
		Mmatrix <- model[[Mname]]

	manifestVars <- solveType@manifestVars
	latentVars <- solveType@latentVars

	#Flatten spaces, commas out of model name to prevent problems with expectation functions
	model@name <- gsub(" ", "_", model@name)
	model@name <- gsub(",", "", model@name)

	#calculate A realLatents indices for left model
	#first k manifest vars
	selectManifests <- manifestVars[1:length(latentVars)]
	if (solveType@isMatrixSpecified)
		selectData <- model$expectation@dims[selectManifests]
		selectData <- selectManifests

	selectLatents <- latentVars

	leftmodel <- selectSubModelFData(model, selectLatents, selectManifests)
	leftmodel <- mxRename(leftmodel, paste(leftmodel@name, "_leftmodel", sep=""))
	leftmodel@options$UsePPML <- "No"

	# DEVELOPMENT: This will cause problems for models where the left and right model are solved simultaneously
	# Will need to put in a conditional
	# In cases where the left and right model are solved simultaneously,
	# Need to wrap both in a bigModel and put the data in to that bigModel
	# TODO: Move this block to selectsubmodelfdata ?
	if (model$data@type == 'raw') { # RAW DATA
		# Extract model
		leftmodel$data <- model$data
		# Select relevant data
		leftmodel$data@observed <- as.matrix(leftmodel$data@observed[,selectData])
		if (!single.na(leftmodel$data@means))
			leftmodel$data@means <- leftmodel$data@means[selectData]

		# Restore dimnames
		colnames(leftmodel$data@observed) <- selectData
		if (!single.na(leftmodel$data@means))
			colnames(leftmodel$data@means) <- selectData

	selectLatents <- latentVars[is.na(pmatch(latentVars, selectLatents))]
	selectManifests <- manifestVars[(length(latentVars)+1):length(manifestVars)]

	if (solveType@isMatrixSpecified)
		selectData <- model$expectation@dims[selectManifests]
		selectData <- selectManifests

	if (model$data@type == 'raw') # RAW DATA
		errData <- sum(model$data@observed[ ,selectData]^2)

		numErrData <- dim(model$data@observed)[[1]] * length(selectData)
	else	# COV DATA
		N <- model$data@numObs
		errData <- sum(diag(as.matrix(model$data@observed))[selectData])

		if (!single.na(model$data@means))
			# Correction factor of N/N-1 at the end is because we're trying
			# to find a sample variance, not a population variance
			# The denominator of the mean is N, not N-1, so this must be corrected
			# to get the sample variance.
			# TRIED: No factor -- diff 9.194952e-2
			# N/(N-1) factor -- diff -8.420196e-2
			# N/(N-1) factor inside ()^2
			# (N-1)/N factor
			# sqrt(N/(N-1)) factor
			# (N+1)/N
			# (N-1)/(N-2)

			errData <- errData + sum(model$data@means[,selectData]^2)

		errData <- errData * N
		numErrData <- N * length(selectData)

	# IN DEVELOPMENT: Rightmodel represented algebraically
	# DEV: Old code, useful for left and right model solved simultaneously?
		# rightmodel <- mxRename(model, paste(model@name,'_rightmodel',sep=""))
		# rightmodel <- selectSubModelFData(rightmodel, selectLatents, selectManifests)
		# rightmodel <- mxOption(rightmodel, "UsePPML", "Split")

	### Create separate 1x1 "error matrix" to be referenced by expectation, constrain to error variance with a label
	# Find error label for Smatrix
	errorLabel <- unique(diag(Smatrix@labels[manifestVars, manifestVars])) # NOTE: Works as long as there's only one error label
	# Create mxMatrix for error parameter
	#  (Value will be first appropriately labeled parameter in the Smatrix, although all should be set the same anyways)
	varE <- mxMatrix( "Full", nrow=1, ncol=1, labels=errorLabel, values=leftmodel$S@values[[ which(leftmodel$S@labels == errorLabel)[[1]] ]], free=TRUE, name="varE" )

	### Create algebra expectation
	sumSqData <- mxMatrix("Full", nrow=1, ncol=1, values = errData, name = "sumSqData")
	numData <- mxMatrix("Full", nrow=1, ncol=1, values = numErrData, name="numData")

	# (Build this algebra:)
	# 		errorLLAlgebra <- mxAlgebra(numData * log(eval(errorLabel)) + sumSqData/eval(errorLabel), name="errorLL")
	# Build algebra string
	expression <- paste("mxAlgebra(numData[1,1] * log(varE[1,1]) + sumSqData[1,1]/varE[1,1], name='errorLL')", sep="")
	# Create algebra
	errorLLAlgebra <- eval(parse(text=expression))

	# DEV: Old code, useful for simultaneously solving left and right models?
		#reunite the two submodel
		# result <-  mxModel(paste('PPMLTransformed_', model@name,sep=""), leftmodel, rightmodel)

	# Build algebra string
	#expression <- paste(paste(model@name,'_leftmodel',sep=""), "objective", sep=".") # "model@name_leftmodel.objective"
	expression <- paste(paste(model@name,'_leftmodel',sep=""), "fitfunction", sep=".") # "model@name_leftmodel.fitfunction"
	expression <- paste(c(expression, "errorLL"), collapse = " + ") # "model@name_leftmodel.objective + errorLL"
	expression <- paste("mxAlgebra(", expression, ", name='TotObj')", sep="") # mxAlgebra(model@name_leftmodel.objective + errorLL, name='TotObj')
	# Create algebra
	objAlgebra <- eval(parse(text=expression))

	#algObjective <- mxAlgebraObjective("TotObj") # Create algebraobjective that call this algebra
	#result <- mxModel(name=model@name, submodels=leftmodel, objective=algObjective, objAlgebra, sumSqData, numData, errorLLAlgebra, varE)
	algFit <- mxFitFunctionAlgebra("TotObj") # Create algebraobjective that call this algebra
	#result <- mxModel(name=model@name, submodels=leftmodel, objective=algObjective, objAlgebra, sumSqData, numData, errorLLAlgebra, varE)

	result <- mxModel(name=model@name, submodels=leftmodel, fitfunction=algFit, objAlgebra, sumSqData, numData, errorLLAlgebra, varE)

#		DEV: Will be necessary for models where left and right model are solved simultaneously,
#		and right model cannot be represented algebraically
#		# Include data in combination model for raw data
#		if (model$data@type == 'raw') {
#			result$data <- model$data
#		}

	result <- mxOption(result, "UsePPML", "Split")

	# DEV: old code -- could be useful for true splitmodel case, where error and
	# leftmodel need to be optimized simultaneously
		# modelnames <- c(paste(model@name,'_leftmodel',sep=""), paste(model@name,'_rightmodel',sep=""))
		# objectives <- paste(modelnames, "objective", sep = ".")
		# objectives <- paste(objectives, collapse = " + ")
		# expression <- paste("mxAlgebra(", objectives, ", name = 'TotObj')", sep = "")
		# algebra <- eval(parse(text=expression))
		# objective <- mxAlgebraObjective("TotObj")
		# result <- mxModel(result, objective, algebra)


#@author:	Julian Karch
#		jk3nq@virginia.edu
#@idea>		Timo von Oertzen
#		timo@virginia.edu
selectSubModelFData <- function(model, selectLatents, selectManifests) {
	Aindices <- append(selectManifests, selectLatents)
	if (is.numeric(Aindices))
		Aindices <- sort(Aindices)

	#build the new model
	submodel <- model

	submodel$A <- model$A[Aindices,Aindices]
	submodel$S <- model$S[Aindices,Aindices]
	if (!(is.numeric(selectManifests) && is.numeric(selectLatents))) {
		submodel$F <- model$F[selectManifests, Aindices]
	} else {
		# Matrix-specified:
		# for each Aindice along the columns, find the row that contains a 1
		# keep the columns corresponding to Aindices and those rows
		Frows <- c()
		for (i in 1:dim(model$F)[[2]]) {
			if (any(Aindices == i))
				Frows <- c(Frows, which(as.logical(model$F@values[ ,i])))
		submodel$F <- model$F[Frows, Aindices]

	# Restore dimnames to new matrices
	# Only necessary for path specified models
	if (!(is.numeric(selectManifests) && is.numeric(selectLatents))) {
		submodel@manifestVars <- selectManifests
		submodel@latentVars <- selectLatents
		dimnames(submodel$A)[[1]] <- list(Aindices)[[1]]
		dimnames(submodel$A)[[2]] <- list(Aindices)[[1]]
		dimnames(submodel$S)[[1]] <- list(Aindices)[[1]]
		dimnames(submodel$S)[[2]] <- list(Aindices)[[1]]
		dimnames(submodel$F)[[1]] <- list(selectManifests)[[1]]
		dimnames(submodel$F)[[2]] <- list(Aindices)[[1]]
		submodel$expectation@dims <- submodel$expectation@dims[Aindices]

		submodel$M <- model$M[1,Aindices]
		# submodel$M@values <- t(submodel$M@values)
		# submodel$M@labels <- t(submodel$M@labels)
		# submodel$M@free <- t(submodel$M@free)
		# submodel$M@lbound <- t(submodel$M@lbound)
		# submodel$M@ubound <- t(submodel$M@ubound)

	if (is.numeric(selectManifests))
		selectData <- model$expectation@dims[selectManifests]
		selectData <- selectManifests

	if(model$data@type == "raw"){
		submodel$data <- NULL
#		submodel$data@observed <- as.matrix(submodel$data@observed[,selectManifests])
	} else if (model$data@type == "cov") {
		# Pull out the proper manifest variables from the covariance matrix
		# to create the appropriate covariance matrix for the submodel
		submodel$data@observed <- as.matrix(submodel$data@observed[selectData,selectData])

		# If means data exists, pull out the appropriate manifest variables
		if (!single.na(submodel$data@means))
			submodel$data@means <- t(as.matrix(submodel$data@means[1,selectData]))

		# Restore dimnames to the new covariance matrix
		colnames(submodel$data@observed) <- selectData
		rownames(submodel$data@observed) <- selectData
		if (!single.na(submodel$data@means))
			colnames(submodel$data@means) <- selectData



PPML.Tool.CheckPPMLDidEqualOrBetter <- function(omxRes, ppmlRes, tolerance)
	#diff <- omxRes@output$Minus2LogLikelihood - ppmlRes@output$Minus2LogLikelihood
	diff <- omxRes@output$minimum - ppmlRes@output$minimum

	if (diff < -tolerance)
		#stop("ppmlRes@output$Minus2LogLikelihood not less than or equal to omxRes@output$Minus2LogLikelihood within tolerance of ", tolerance,"\n",omxRes@output$Minus2LogLikelihood," vs ",ppmlRes@output$Minus2LogLikelihood)
		stop("ppmlRes@output$minimum not less than or equal to omxRes@output$minimum within tolerance of ", tolerance,"\n",omxRes@output$minimum," vs ",ppmlRes@output$minimum)

	if (diff > tolerance)
		print(sprintf("PPML found a lower minimum than pure numerical optimization. Diff %g", diff))

	print(sprintf("PPML equal to OpenMx minimum within tolerance. Diff %g", diff))

#		omxCheckCloseEnough(res1@output$Minus2LogLikelihood, res2@output$Minus2LogLikelihood, 0.05)

# Functions to test PPML solutions against numerically optimized solutions
# TODO: Move to imxPPMLTester.R (?)
##' imxPPML.Test.Test
##' Test that PPML solutions match non-PPML solutions.
##' @param model the MxModel to evaluate
##' @param checkLL whether to check log likelihood
##' @param checkByName check values using their names
##' @param tolerance closeness tolerance for check
##' @param testEstimates whether to test for the same parameter estimates
##' @details
##' This is an internal function used for comparing PPML and non-PPML solutions.
##' Generally, non-developers will not use this function.
imxPPML.Test.Test <- function(model, checkLL = TRUE, checkByName = FALSE, tolerance=0.5, testEstimates=TRUE) {
	# TODO: Wrap in timing functions for profiling
	model@options$UsePPML = "No"
	res1 <- mxRun(model, suppressWarnings = TRUE) # Standard fit
	model@options$UsePPML = "Yes"
	res2 <- mxRun(model, suppressWarnings = TRUE)	# PPML fit
	# /TODO

	# First model not transformed
	didNotUsePPMLon1 <- is.null(res1@options$UsePPML) || (res1@options$UsePPML == 'No')
	omxCheckTrue( didNotUsePPMLon1 )

	# Second model transformed
	usedPPMLon2 <- (!is.null(res2@options$UsePPML) &&
	 !(res2@options$UsePPML == "Inapplicable" || res2@options$UsePPML == "Yes" || res2@options$UsePPML == "No" ))
	omxCheckTrue( usedPPMLon2 )

	# NOTE: Not checking Hessians, they're never very close -- not sure that
	# a comparison is actually meaningful

	# NOTE: checkLL parameter can turn off log likelihood checking for this test,
	# useful for non-homogeneous error variance cases where the transformed log
	# likelihood is different.
	if (testEstimates)
		PPML.Test.CheckFits(res1, res2, tolerance=tolerance, checkLL = checkLL, checkByName = checkByName, checkHessians = FALSE) # Check standard fit vs PPML model
		PPML.Tool.CheckPPMLDidEqualOrBetter(res1, res2, tolerance)


PPML.Test.CheckFits <- function(res1, res2, tolerance, checkHessians = TRUE, checkLL, checkByName) {
	# Check -2logLLs versus each other
	# PPML must be <= OpenMx version, w/in tolerance
	if (checkLL)
		PPMLDidBetter <- PPML.Tool.CheckPPMLDidEqualOrBetter(res1, res2, tolerance)
		if (PPMLDidBetter)
			return() # Estimates, etc are not going to be the same if PPML found a different minimum

	if (checkByName) {

		for (label in labels(res1@output$estimate)) {
			omxCheckCloseEnough(res1@output$estimate[label], res2@output$estimate[label], tolerance)

		oneInTwo <- lapply(labels(res1@output$estimate), function(l) { which(labels(res2@output$estimate) == l) })

		omxCheckCloseEnough(res1@output$standardErrors, as.matrix(res2@output$standardErrors[unlist(oneInTwo)]), tolerance)

	} else {
		# Check parameters versus each other
		# Parameters will be in the same order, so a simple iteration should work
		for ( i in 1:length(res1@output$estimate) ) {
			omxCheckCloseEnough(res1@output$estimate[i], res2@output$estimate[i], tolerance)

		# Check standard errors versus each other
		# Should just be able to check the two vectors directly against each other
#		if (!single.na(res1@output$standardErrors) && !single.na(res2@output$standardErrors))
	#		omxCheckWithinPercentError(res1@output$standardErrors, res2@output$standardErrors, 1) # 1% difference allowed for

	# TODO: Check if @expMeans are replicated...

	# Hessians will be wrong for reversed PPML transforms
	if (checkHessians) {
		# Very loose epsilons for these
		# Check hessianCholeskys versus each other
		omxCheckCloseEnough(res1@output$hessianCholesky, res2@output$hessianCholesky, 0.3)

		# Check calculatedHessians versus each other
		omxCheckCloseEnough(res1@output$calculatedHessian, res2@output$calculatedHessian, 0.3)

		# Estimated Hessians are way, way far off from each other -- doesn't seem worth checking
		## Check estimatedHessians versus each other
		##omxCheckCloseEnough(res1@output$estimatedHessian, res2@output$estimatedHessian, 0.5)

##' imxPPML.Test.Battery
##' PPML can be applied to a number of special cases.  This function will test the given model for
##' all of these special cases.
##' Requirements for model passed to this function:
##' - Path-specified
##' - Means vector must be present
##' - Covariance data (with data means vector)
##' - (Recommended) All error variances should be specified on the
##' diagonal of the S matrix, and not as a latent with a loading only
##' on to that manifest
##' Function will test across all permutations of:
##' - Covariance vs Raw data
##' - Means vector present vs Means vector absent
##' - Path versus Matrix specification
##' - All orders of permutations of latents with manifests
##' @param model the model to test
##' @param verbose whether to print diagnostics
##' @param testMissingness try with missingness
##' @param testPermutations try with permutations
##' @param testEstimates examine estimates
##' @param testFakeLatents try with fake latents
##' @param tolerances a vector of tolerances
imxPPML.Test.Battery <- function(model, verbose=FALSE, testMissingness = TRUE, testPermutations=TRUE, testEstimates=TRUE, testFakeLatents=TRUE, tolerances=c(.001, .001, .001))
	# Cov data check
	if (!model$data@type == "cov")
	# Data means vector presence check
	if (is.null(model$data@means))
	# Means vector presence check
	if (is.na(model$expectation@M))
	# Path-specified check
	if ( is.null(dimnames(model$S)) || !is.na(model$expectation@dims) )

	if (testMissingness)
		nM <- 1
		nM <- 0

	# No missingness, missingness
	for ( missingness in 0:nM)
		if (as.logical(missingness))
			if (verbose) print("Testing with missingness: ")

		# Test with no fake latents
		if (verbose) print("Testing with no fake latents: ")
		testModel <- model
		PPML.Test.Battery.LowLevel(testModel, verbose, missingness=as.logical(missingness), tolerances=tolerances, testPermutations=testPermutations, testEstimates=testEstimates)

		# Test with varying numbers of fakeLatents
		if (testFakeLatents) {
			for (i in 1:length(model@manifestVars))
				if (verbose) print(sprintf("Testing with %d fake latents: ", i))
				testModel@options$UsePPML <- "Yes" # Needs to be enabled for fakeLatentFoldout to get solveType
				testModel <- PPML.Tool.fakeLatentFoldout(testModel, i)
				PPML.Test.Battery.LowLevel(testModel, verbose=verbose, missingness=as.logical(missingness), tolerances=tolerances, testPermutations=testPermutations, testEstimates=testEstimates	)

# This function does bitwise counting up to nMans bits
# Skips 0 == 0,0,...,0 pattern
PPML.Tool.EnumerateMissingnessPatterns <- function(nMans)
	patt <- logical(nMans)
	patt[1] <- TRUE

	M <- rbind(patt)
		for (i in 1:nMans)
			if (!patt[i])
				patt[i] <- TRUE

				if (i > 1)
					patt[1:i-1] <- FALSE

				M <- rbind(M, patt)
		if (all(patt))

PPML.Test.Battery.LowLevel <- function(model, verbose = FALSE, missingness = FALSE, tolerances, testPermutations, testEstimates) {

	# Function only called by imxPPML.Test.Battery
	# --> Guaranteed to be path-specified

	# Get tolerances
	covMTolerance <- tolerances[1]
	covTolerance <- tolerances[2]
	rawTolerance <- tolerances[3]

	# Determine flags -- NA tolerance -> Don't check
	checkCovM <- !single.na(covMTolerance)
	checkCov <- !single.na(covTolerance)
	checkRaw <- !single.na(rawTolerance)

	# Create raw data
	# Pulled this out: means=as.vector(model$data@means),
	# Don't specify means for raw data
	rawData <- mxData(type="raw", numObs = model$data@numObs, mvrnorm(n=model$data@numObs, mu = model$data@means, model$data@observed) )

	if (missingness)
		# Number of patterns = 2^num_mans - 1  (-1 because there is no data-less pattern)
		numPatts <- 2^length(model@manifestVars) - 1

		# Length of each missingness pattern in the dataset
		pattLen <- floor(model$data@numObs / numPatts)

		if (pattLen == 0)
			return(NULL) # Not enough observations to do all missingness patterns, abort

		patts <- PPML.Tool.EnumerateMissingnessPatterns(length(model@manifestVars))

		for ( i in 0:(dim(patts)[[1]]-1) )
			patt <- as.vector(patts[i+1, ])

			for ( j in 1:length(patt) )
				for ( k in 1:pattLen )
					if (!patt[j])
						rawData@observed[i*pattLen + k, j] <- NA


	#### Path
	if (verbose) print("Testing Path-specified Models:")
	testModel <- model

	### +Expected Means
	## Cov
	if (checkCovM && !missingness)
		if (verbose) print("Testing Covariance Data w/ Expected Means...")
		imxPPML.Test.Test(testModel, tolerance=covMTolerance, testEstimates=testEstimates)

	## Raw
	if (checkRaw)
		if (verbose) print("Testing Raw Data w/ Expected Means...")
		imxPPML.Test.Test(mxModel(testModel, rawData), tolerance=rawTolerance, testEstimates=testEstimates)

	### -Expected Means
	if (checkCov && !missingness)
		testModel[[testModel$expectation@M]] <- NULL
		testModel$expectation@M <- as.character(NA)
		## Cov
		if (verbose) print("Testing Covariance Data w/o Expected Means...")
		imxPPML.Test.Test(mxModel(testModel, mxData(type=testModel$data@type, numObs=testModel$data@numObs, observed=testModel$data@observed)), tolerance=covTolerance, testEstimates=testEstimates)
		## Raw: Can't test for Raw -Expected Means, as raw data requires an expected means vector

	#### Matrix
	if (verbose) print("Testing Matrix-specified Models:")

	matrixModel <- PPML.Tool.PathToMatrix(model)
	# Try each unique permutation

	# -First permutation in the array is just the unpermuted case
	# -OpenMx doesn't like having its matrices permuted, so just get the unPPMLed
	# output from the unpermuted case, and permute it accordingly to check
	# against PPMLed results

	testModel <- matrixModel
	if (verbose) print("Testing unpermuted model...")
	### +Means
	## Cov
	if (checkCovM && !missingness)
		if (verbose) print("Testing Covariance Data w/ Expected Means...")
		testModel@options$UsePPML <- "No"
		vanillaCovMRes <- mxRun(testModel)
		testModel@options$UsePPML <- "Yes"
		PPMLCovMRes <- mxRun(testModel)

		usedPPML <- (!is.null(PPMLCovMRes@options$UsePPML) &&
		 !(PPMLCovMRes@options$UsePPML == "Inapplicable" || PPMLCovMRes@options$UsePPML == "Yes" || PPMLCovMRes@options$UsePPML == "No" ))
		omxCheckTrue( usedPPML )
		didBetter <- PPML.Tool.CheckPPMLDidEqualOrBetter(vanillaCovMRes, PPMLCovMRes, tolerance=covMTolerance)
		if (!didBetter && testEstimates)
			omxCheckCloseEnough(vanillaCovMRes@output$estimate, PPMLCovMRes@output$estimate, covMTolerance)

	## Raw
	if (checkRaw)
		if (verbose) print("Testing Raw Data w/ Expected Means...")
		testModel@options$UsePPML <- "No"
		vanillaRawRes <- mxRun(mxModel(testModel, rawData) )

		testModel@options$UsePPML <- "Yes"
		PPMLRawRes <- mxRun(mxModel(testModel, rawData))
		usedPPML <- (!is.null(PPMLRawRes@options$UsePPML) &&
		 !(PPMLRawRes@options$UsePPML == "Inapplicable" || PPMLRawRes@options$UsePPML == "Yes" || PPMLRawRes@options$UsePPML == "No" ))
		omxCheckTrue( usedPPML )
		didBetter <- PPML.Tool.CheckPPMLDidEqualOrBetter(vanillaRawRes, PPMLRawRes, tolerance=rawTolerance)
		if (!didBetter && testEstimates)
			omxCheckCloseEnough(vanillaRawRes@output$estimate, PPMLRawRes@output$estimate, rawTolerance)

	### -Means
	if (checkCov && !missingness)
		testModel[[testModel$expectation@M]] <- NULL
		testModel$expectation@M <- as.character(NA)
		dataNoMeans <- mxData(type=testModel$data@type, numObs=testModel$data@numObs, observed=testModel$data@observed)
		## Cov
		if (verbose) print("Testing Covariance Data w/o Expected Means...")
		testModel@options$UsePPML <- "No"
		vanillaCovRes <- mxRun(mxModel(testModel, data=dataNoMeans))

		testModel@options$UsePPML <- "Yes"
		PPMLCovRes <- mxRun(mxModel(testModel, data=dataNoMeans))
		usedPPML <- (!is.null(PPMLCovRes@options$UsePPML) &&
		 !(PPMLCovRes@options$UsePPML == "Inapplicable" || PPMLCovRes@options$UsePPML == "Yes" || PPMLCovRes@options$UsePPML == "No" ))
		omxCheckTrue( usedPPML )
		didBetter <- PPML.Tool.CheckPPMLDidEqualOrBetter(vanillaCovRes, PPMLCovRes, tolerance=covTolerance)
		if (!didBetter && testEstimates)
			omxCheckCloseEnough(vanillaCovRes@output$estimate, PPMLCovRes@output$estimate, covTolerance)

	if (!testPermutations)

	# Want to check all relevant permutations of manifests and latents; however,
	# switching the order of any two latents or any two manifests should not pose any
	# kind of problem.  So, do only unique permutations treating all manifests as
	# the same and all latents as the same for the purposes of the permutation.
	defPerm <- 1:dim(model[[model$expectation@F]])[[2]]
	manOrLat <- apply(model[[model$expectation@F]]@values, 2, sum)
	manIndices <- which(manOrLat == 1)
	latIndices <- which(manOrLat == 0)
	# Get unique permutations
	perms <- unique(PPML.Tool.EnumeratePermutations(manOrLat))
	# Insert actual indices for mans or lats in to permutations
	perms <- t(apply(perms, 1, function(row) { row[which(row==1)] <- manIndices; row[which(row==0)] <- latIndices; return(row) } ))

	# Get a standard ordering for estimates
#	estNamesM <- names(vanillaCovMRes@output$estimate)
#	estNames <- names(vanillaCovRes@output$estimate)

	# Minima tracking
	covMEsts <- list()
	covEsts <- list()
	rawEsts <- list()

	for (i in 2:dim(perms)[[1]]) {

		if (verbose)
			print("Testing permutation: ")
		testModel <- matrixModel
		# Build permutation matrix
		#P <- matrix(nrow=length(defPerm), ncol=length(defPerm),
		#	unlist(lapply(perms[i,], function(item){ as.numeric(defPerm == item) } )) )

		# Permute matrices
		# A %*% P
		testModel[[testModel$expectation@A]] <- testModel[[testModel$expectation@A]][ , perms[i, ] ]
		# t(P) %*% (A %*% P)
		testModel[[testModel$expectation@A]] <- testModel[[testModel$expectation@A]][ perms[i, ], ]

		# For S -- Special considerations necessary, as the operating on S in this manner breaks
		# the symmetry of the matrix and changes the output
		#   So, instead of directly: Extract labels, free, values, operate on them, reinsert
		Sfree <- testModel[[testModel$expectation@S]]@free
		Slabels <- testModel[[testModel$expectation@S]]@labels
		Svalues <- testModel[[testModel$expectation@S]]@values
		# S %*% P
		Sfree <- Sfree[ , perms[i, ] ]
		Slabels <- Slabels[ , perms[i, ] ]
		Svalues <- Svalues[ , perms[i, ] ]
		# t(P) %*% (S %*% P)
		Sfree <- Sfree[ perms[i, ], ]
		Slabels <- Slabels[ perms[i, ], ]
		Svalues <- Svalues[ perms[i, ], ]
		# Reinsert
		testModel[[testModel$expectation@S]]@free <- Sfree
		testModel[[testModel$expectation@S]]@labels <- Slabels
		testModel[[testModel$expectation@S]]@values <- Svalues

		# F %*% P
		testModel[[testModel$expectation@F]] <- testModel[[testModel$expectation@F]][ , perms[i, ] ]

		# M %*% P
		testModel[[testModel$expectation@M]] <- testModel[[testModel$expectation@M]][ , perms[i, ] ]

		# Don't need to permute data because manifest variables are always
		# in the same order.
		# Permute data cov matrix, means vector
#		dcov <- testModel$data@observed
#		dcov <- dcov[ , intersect(perms[i, ], manIndices) ]
#		dcov <- dcov[ intersect(perms[i, ], manIndices) , ]
#		testModel$data@observed <- dcov
#		dmeans <- t(as.matrix(testModel$data@means[ intersect(perms[i, ], manIndices) ]))
#		dimnames(dmeans)[[2]] <- (dimnames(testModel$data@means)[[2]])[ intersect(perms[i,], manIndices) ]
#		testModel$data@means <- dmeans

		# Permute raw data
#		rawDataPerm <- rawData
#		rawDataPerm@observed <- rawDataPerm@observed[ , intersect(perms[i, ], manIndices) ]

		# Permute expectation dims
		testModel$expectation@dims <- testModel$expectation@dims[ perms[i, ] ]

		# Enable PPML for testing permuted model
		testModel@options$UsePPML <- "Yes"

		# NOTE: Estimates are not checked for the permutated models
		# Permuting the matrices in this way has a way of finding alternative, equally good minimums
		# Should probably investigate this tendency further

		### +Means
		## Cov
		if (checkCovM && !missingness)
			if (verbose) print("Testing Covariance Data w/ Expected Means...")
			PPMLCovMRes <- mxRun(testModel)
			usedPPML <- (!is.null(PPMLCovMRes@options$UsePPML) &&
			 !(PPMLCovMRes@options$UsePPML == "Inapplicable" || PPMLCovMRes@options$UsePPML == "Yes" || PPMLCovMRes@options$UsePPML == "No" ))
			omxCheckTrue( usedPPML )
			didBetter <- PPML.Tool.CheckPPMLDidEqualOrBetter(vanillaCovMRes, PPMLCovMRes, covMTolerance)
			#omxCheckCloseEnough(vanillaCovMRes@output$estimate, PPMLCovMRes@output$estimate, .05)
#			covMEsts <- append(covMEsts, list(PPMLCovMRes@output$estimate[estNamesM]))

		## Raw
		if (checkRaw)
			if (verbose) print("Testing Raw Data w/ Expected Means...")
			PPMLRawRes <- mxRun(mxModel(testModel, rawData))
			usedPPML <- (!is.null(PPMLRawRes@options$UsePPML) &&
			 !(PPMLRawRes@options$UsePPML == "Inapplicable" || PPMLRawRes@options$UsePPML == "Yes" || PPMLRawRes@options$UsePPML == "No" ))
			omxCheckTrue( usedPPML )
			didBetter <- PPML.Tool.CheckPPMLDidEqualOrBetter(vanillaRawRes, PPMLRawRes, rawTolerance)
			#omxCheckCloseEnough(vanillaRawRes@output$estimate, PPMLRawRes@output$estimate, .05)
			#rawEsts <- append(rawEsts, list(PPMLRawRes@output$estimate[estNamesM]))

		### -Means
		if (checkCov && !missingness)
			testModel[[testModel$expectation@M]] <- NULL
			testModel$expectation@M <- as.character(NA)
			## Cov
			if (verbose) print("Testing Covariance Data w/o Expected Means...")
			PPMLCovRes <- mxRun(mxModel(testModel, data=dataNoMeans))
			usedPPML <- (!is.null(PPMLCovRes@options$UsePPML) &&
			 !(PPMLCovRes@options$UsePPML == "Inapplicable" || PPMLCovRes@options$UsePPML == "Yes" || PPMLCovRes@options$UsePPML == "No" ))
			didBetter <- PPML.Tool.CheckPPMLDidEqualOrBetter(vanillaCovRes, PPMLCovRes, covTolerance)
#			covEsts <- append(covEsts, list(PPMLCovRes@output$estimate[estNames]))
			#omxCheckCloseEnough(vanillaCovRes@output$estimate, PPMLCovRes@output$estimate, .05)

PPML.Tool.EnumeratePermutations <- function(elements) {
	if (length(elements) == 1)
	pMat <- matrix(nrow=factorial(length(elements)), ncol=length(elements))
	blockSize <- factorial(length(elements) - 1)
	for (i in 0:(length(elements)-1) ) {
		pMat[ (i*blockSize+1) : ((i+1)*blockSize), 1] <- elements[i+1]
		pMat[ (i*blockSize+1) : ((i+1)*blockSize), 2:length(elements)] <- as.matrix(PPML.Tool.EnumeratePermutations(elements[-(i+1)]))

# Function to respecify a path-specified model as a matrix-specified model
PPML.Tool.PathToMatrix <- function(model) {
	### Extract expectation
	expectation <- model$expectation
	if(is.null(expectation) || !is(expectation, "MxExpectationRAM")) {

	### Safely extract ASF(M) matrices by using names from the objective
	Aname <- expectation@A
	Sname <- expectation@S
	Fname <- expectation@F
	Mname <- expectation@M

	Amatrix <- model[[Aname]]
	Smatrix <- model[[Sname]]
	Fmatrix <- model[[Fname]]

	# Extract variable names for new expectation
	varNames <- dimnames(Fmatrix)[[2]]

	### Remove dimnames from matrices
	dimnames(Amatrix) <- NULL
	dimnames(Smatrix) <- NULL
	dimnames(Fmatrix) <- NULL

	# Special: Matrix of expected means
	Mmatrix <- NULL
	if (!single.na(Mname)) {
		Mmatrix <- model[[Mname]]
		dimnames(Mmatrix) <- NULL

	# Create new expectation
	newexpectation <- mxExpectationRAM(A=Aname,S=Sname,F=Fname,M=Mname, dimnames=varNames)
	# Remove manifestvars, latentvars
	model@latentVars <- character(0)
	model@manifestVars <- character(0)

	# Return matrix-specified model
	return( mxModel(name = model@name, Amatrix, Smatrix, Fmatrix, Mmatrix, newexpectation, model$fitfunction, model$data, model@constraints ) )

# This function only accepts path-specified models
# Takes the manifest variable at manIndex, and folds its variance out in to a fake latent
# Fake latent := Manifest variance specified by a latent variable with only one loading
#  of value 1, to the manifest in question ==> Variance of the manifest is specified
#  in the fakelatent, not in the manifest variable itself
PPML.Tool.fakeLatentFoldout <- function(model, manIndex)
	# Path-specified check
	if ( is.null(dimnames(model$S)) || !single.na(model$expectation@dims) )

	Sname <- model$expectation@S
	Smatrix <- model[[Sname]]

	# Idiot check: Make sure manifest[manIndex] exists
	if ( manIndex > length(model@manifestVars) )

	man <- model@manifestVars[manIndex]

	# Save info
	FLvar <- Smatrix@values[man,man]
	FLlabel <- Smatrix@labels[man,man]
	FLfree <- Smatrix@free[man,man]

	# Remove normally defined variance from Smatrix
	Smatrix@values[man,man] <- 0
	Smatrix@free[man,man] <- FALSE
	Smatrix@labels[man,man] <- NA

	# Reinsert stripped Smatrix
	model[[Sname]] <- Smatrix

	## Add fakeLatent
	# Generate name -- man is the name of the variable in path-specified models
	FLname <- sprintf("%s_FL", man)

	# Create path from fakelatent to manifest variable
	oneHeadedPath <- mxPath(from=FLname, to=man, arrows=1, free=FALSE, values=1)

	# Create two-headed arrow on fake latent
	twoHeadedPath <- mxPath(from=FLname, arrows=2, free=FLfree, values = FLvar, labels = FLlabel)

	# Recreate model
	model <- mxModel(model, latentVars=FLname, oneHeadedPath, twoHeadedPath)

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