
Defines functions RYB2RGB RGB2RYB rotatePolys rotateEvents placeHoles calcGCdist addCompass addBubbles

Documented in addBubbles addCompass calcGCdist placeHoles RGB2RYB rotateEvents rotatePolys RYB2RGB

## Copyright (C) 2003-2021  Fisheries & Oceans Canada
## Nanaimo, British Columbia
## This file is part of PBS Mapping.

## Extra functionality added by RH & DC after 
## NB & JTS moved on to bigger and better things.
## Functions:
## =========
##  addBubbles...........Draw bubbles of radius proportional to the z variable
##  addCompass...........Add a compass rose to a map
##  calcGCdist...........Calculate great-circle distance
##  makeTopography.......Make topography data suitable for contourLines()
##  placeHoles...........Place holes under correct solids
##  rotateEvents.........Rotate EventData clockwise around a central point
##  rotatePolys..........Rotate PolySet clockwise around a central point
##  RGB2RYB..............Convert RGB colours to RYB colours
##  RYB2RGB..............Convert RYB colours to RGB colours

## addBubbles---------------------------2021-01-11
##  Use EventData and optional arguments to draw
##  bubbles of radius proportional to the z-variable.
##  Modified from (and for the legend, strongly inspired by):
##    S. Tanimura, C. Kuroiwa, and T. Mizota. Proportional symbol
##    mapping in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 15(5):1-7,
##    Jan. 2006. [http://www.jstatsoft.org]
##  Modifications by Denis Chabot allow it to work with PBSmapping,
##  add one type of bubble (z proportional to volume of bubble)
##  and make it possible to draw several maps with bubbles that all
##  have the same radii (instead of each bubble plot having radii
##  that depend on the max z value for each plot). Can add a
##  legend in one of 4 corners or at a specific x-y positiion.

##  Small modifications by Rowan Haigh (Jan 2011) to allow
##  bubbles with negative values.
## ------------------------------------------DC|RH
addBubbles <- function(events, type=c("perceptual","surface","volume"),
   z.max=NULL, min.size=0, max.size=0.8, symbol.zero="+",
   symbol.fg=rgb(0,0,0,0.60), symbol.bg=rgb(0,0,0,0.30),
   legend.pos="bottomleft", legend.breaks=NULL,
   show.actual=FALSE, legend.type=c("nested","horiz","vert"),
   legend.title="Abundance", legend.cex=.8, neg.col="RYB", ...)
	## validate events
	events <- .validateEventData(events)
	if (is.character(events))
		stop(paste("Invalid EventData 'events'.\n", events, sep=""));
	if (!is.element("Z", names(events)))
		stop ("EventData is missing required column 'Z'.\n");

	## check arguments before we get too far
	type <- match.arg(type)
	if (!is.null(legend.pos))
		legend.type <- match.arg(legend.type)

	## addBubbles was not initially designed to deal with negative values; attempt to fix (RH 201006)
	z.min = min(0,min(events$Z, na.rm=TRUE))
	events$sign = sign(events$Z)

	## set z.max if necessary
	if (is.null(z.max) || all(is.na(z.max)))
		z.max <- max(abs(events$Z), na.rm=TRUE) ## RH 201006

	## adjust legend breaks if necessary
	if (is.null(legend.breaks) || all(is.na(legend.breaks)))
		legend.breaks <- pretty(range(abs(events$Z)), 3)[-1]
	else if (is.vector(legend.breaks) && length(legend.breaks) == 1)
		legend.breaks <- pretty(range(abs(events$Z)), legend.breaks)[-1]

	if (show.actual)
		legend.breaks <- signif(legend.breaks / max(abs(legend.breaks)) * max(abs(events$Z), na.rm=TRUE), 3)

	## determine x/y range of plotting region
	usr.xdiff <- par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1]
	usr.ydiff <- par("usr")[4] - par("usr")[3]

	## for sizing in inches, it's important to use the X rather than Y axis
	## max.size is diameter (inches); /2 for radius; /par()$pin[1] (inches)
	##   for fraction of width (inches); *usr.xdiff to convert to width to user coordinates
	## min.size is diameter (inches)
	stand.rad <- (max.size / 2) / par("pin")[1] * usr.xdiff
	stand.rad.min <- (min.size / 2) / par("pin")[1] * usr.xdiff
	## sorting from large to small ensures that small bubbles will not be hidden behind large bubbles
	events <- events[order(events$Z, decreasing=TRUE), ]

	## determine the size of each circle/legend circle based on the selected type
	type <- match.arg(type)
		volume = {
			radii     <- stand.rad.min + ((abs(events$Z)      / z.max)^(1/3)) * (stand.rad - stand.rad.min)
			radii.leg <- stand.rad.min + ((abs(legend.breaks) / z.max)^(1/3)) * (stand.rad - stand.rad.min)
		surface = {
			radii     <- stand.rad.min + sqrt(abs(events$Z)      / z.max) * (stand.rad - stand.rad.min)
			radii.leg <- stand.rad.min + sqrt(abs(legend.breaks) / z.max) * (stand.rad - stand.rad.min)
		perceptual = {
			# default (if type unspecified)
			radii     <- stand.rad.min + ((abs(events$Z)      / z.max)^0.57) * (stand.rad - stand.rad.min)
			radii.leg <- stand.rad.min + ((legend.breaks / z.max)^0.57) * (stand.rad - stand.rad.min)
	## handle multiple colours
	if (is.vector (symbol.bg) && length(symbol.bg) > 1)
		getColour <- colorRamp (symbol.bg)
		## ensure that the function returns X colours when called with X values
		getColour <- function(x) { t(col2rgb(symbol.bg, alpha=TRUE))[rep(1,length(x)), ] }

	## obtain colours for the background (as a matrix)
	bgs <- getColour((events$Z - min(legend.breaks)) / (max(legend.breaks) - min(legend.breaks)))
	if (ncol(bgs) == 3)
		bgs <- cbind(bgs, 255) # add the alpha channel if necessary

	## ... now deal with Z values outside of the range
	if (is.vector (symbol.bg) && length(symbol.bg) > 1) {
		outside <- events$Z < min(legend.breaks) | events$Z > max(legend.breaks)
		if (sum(outside) > 0) {
			bgs[outside,] <- matrix(c(255,255,255,0), ncol=4)[rep(1,sum(outside)), ]
			" events outside the legend range and plotted with transparent interiors.\n\t",
			"Consider using addBubbles arguments:\n\t'legend.breaks', 'min.size', and 'symbol.zero' to improve output.")
	## ... now deal with negative Z values
	if (any(events$sign<0)) {
		isNeg <- is.element(events$sign, -1)
		if (sum(isNeg) > 0) {
			if (neg.col %in% c("RGB","RYB")) {
				RGB = bgs[isNeg,1:3,drop=FALSE]
				if (neg.col=="RYB") {
					RYB  = RGB2RYB(RGB)
					iRGB = RYB2RGB(1-RYB) * 255
				} else if (neg.col=="RGB") {
					iRGB = (1 - RGB/255) * 255
				bgs[isNeg,] = cbind(iRGB,bgs[isNeg,4,drop=FALSE])
			} else {
				bgs[isNeg,] = matrix(col2rgb(neg.col,alpha=TRUE), nrow=sum(isNeg), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
			" events were negative and plotted with alternate colour.\n\t",
			ifelse(neg.col %in% c("RGB","RYB"), "Complementary colours to those specified by 'symbol.bg' were automatically calculated.",""))
	} else {
		isNeg = FALSE
	## obtain colours for the legend (as a matrix)
	bgs.leg <- getColour((legend.breaks - min(legend.breaks)) / (max(legend.breaks) - min(legend.breaks)))
	if (ncol(bgs.leg) == 3)
		bgs.leg <- cbind(bgs.leg, 255) # add the alpha channel if necessary
	## Adjust for negative values
		negleg = legend.breaks < 0
		bgs.leg[negleg,] = cbind(abs(bgs.leg[negleg,1:3,drop=FALSE]-255),bgs.leg[negleg,4,drop=FALSE])
		radii.leg[negleg] = -radii.leg[negleg]
	## convert the matrices to hex values (#RRGGBBAA)
	bgs <- rgb(bgs[,1], bgs[,2], bgs[,3], bgs[,4], maxColorValue=255)
	bgs.leg <- rgb(bgs.leg[,1], bgs.leg[,2], bgs.leg[,3], bgs.leg[,4], maxColorValue=255)

	## compare events$Z to 0; cannot simply use "== 0" given floating-point type
	isZero <- unlist(lapply(events$Z, all.equal, current = 0)) == "TRUE"

	## plot the circles (data with non-zero radii)
	symbols(events$X[!isZero], events$Y[!isZero], circles = radii[!isZero],
		inches = FALSE, bg = bgs[!isZero], fg = symbol.fg, add = TRUE)

	## plot the zero symbol for points (where necessary)
	if (any(isZero) && (!is.logical(symbol.zero) || symbol.zero)) {
		if (is.logical(symbol.zero))
			symbol.zero <- "+" # set to default
		dots <- list(...);
		if (!is.null(dots$pch))
			stop("Specify 'pch' through 'symbol.zero'")
		col.zero = dots$col.zero
		if (is.null(col.zero))
			col.zero = "black"
		#points(events$X[isZero], events$Y[isZero], pch=symbol.zero, col=col.zero, ...)
		dots.ok = dots[!(names(dots) %in% c("pch","col","col.zero"))]
		do.call(points, args=c(list(x=events$X[isZero], y=events$Y[isZero], pch=symbol.zero, col=col.zero), dots.ok))
	## plot the legend if there's a position specified for it
	if (!is.null(legend.pos)) {
		# only plot zero symbol if used
		if (!any(isZero))
			symbol.zero <- FALSE;
		leg.out = .addBubblesLegend (radii.leg, usr.xdiff, usr.ydiff, symbol.zero, symbol.fg, bgs.leg, legend.pos, legend.breaks, legend.type, legend.title, legend.cex, ...)
		if (any(isNeg)) {
			neg.col = unique(bgs[isNeg])
			neg.xy = leg.out$zlab
			neg.xy[2] = neg.xy[2] - 0.015*diff(par()$usr[3:4])
			legend(neg.xy[1], neg.xy[2], legend="negative", pch=21, col="black", pt.bg=neg.col, text.col=neg.col, bty="n", cex=0.8, xjust=0, yjust=1, x.intersp=0.5)

## addCompass---------------------------2021-01-04
##  Add a compass rose to a map.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
addCompass <- function(X, Y, rot="magN", useWest=TRUE, year,
   cex=1, col.compass=c("gainsboro","blue","yellow","black"), ...)
	## Geomagnetic vs. magnetic poles (http://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/poles/polesexp.html)
	## Note: south pole shenaningans not considered yet.
	Mpoles = data.frame(
		EID = c(1900, 1905, 1910, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025),
		X.magN = c(-68.8, -68.7, -68.7, -68.6, -68.4, -68.3, -68.3, -68.4, -68.5, -68.5, -68.8, -69.2, -69.5, -69.9, -70.2, -70.5, -70.8, -70.9, -71.1, -71.4, -71.6, -71.8, -72.2, -72.6, -72.6, -72.6, -72.7, -72.7, -72.7, -72.7, -72.7, -72.7, -72.6, -72.6),
		Y.magN = c(78.7, 78.7, 78.7, 78.6, 78.6, 78.6, 78.6, 78.6, 78.5, 78.5, 78.5, 78.5, 78.6, 78.6, 78.7, 78.8, 78.9, 79, 79.2, 79.4, 79.6, 79.8, 80.1, 80.4, 80.4, 80.5, 80.5, 80.6, 80.7, 80.7, 80.7, 80.8, 80.8, 80.9),
		X.magS = c(111.2, 111.3, 111.3, 111.4, 111.6, 111.7, 111.7, 111.6, 111.5, 111.5, 111.2, 110.8, 110.5, 110.1, 109.8, 109.5, 109.2, 109.1, 108.9, 108.6, 108.4, 108.2, 107.8, 107.4, 107.4, 107.4, 107.3, 107.3, 107.3, 107.3, 107.3, 107.3, 107.4, 107.4),
		Y.magS = c(78.7, 78.7, 78.7, 78.6, 78.6, 78.6, 78.6, 78.6, 78.5, 78.5, 78.5, 78.5, 78.6, 78.6, 78.7, 78.8, 78.9, 79, 79.2, 79.4, 79.6, 79.8, 80.1, 80.4, 80.4, 80.5, 80.5, 80.6, 80.7, 80.7, 80.7, 80.8, 80.8, 80.9),
		X.gmagN = c(-96.2, -96.5, -96.7, -97, -97.4, -98, -98.7, -99.3, -99.9, -100.2, -100.9, -101.4, -101, -101.3, -101, -100.6, -101.7, -102.6, -103.7, -105.3, -109.6, -118.2, -132.8, -160, -167.8, -175.5, -176.9, -169.6, -162.9, -156.8, -151.3, -146.4, -142, -138.1),
		Y.gmagN = c(70.5, 70.7, 70.8, 71, 71.3, 71.8, 72.3, 72.8, 73.3, 73.9, 74.6, 75.2, 75.3, 75.6, 75.9, 76.2, 76.9, 77.4, 78.1, 79, 81, 83.2, 85, 86.3, 86.5, 86.6, 86.6, 86.6, 86.5, 86.4, 86.3, 86.1, 86, 85.8),
		X.gmagS = c(148.3, 148.5, 148.6, 148.5, 148.2, 147.6, 146.8, 145.8, 144.6, 144.4, 143.5, 141.5, 140.2, 139.5, 139.4, 139.5, 139.3, 139.2, 138.9, 138.7, 138.3, 137.8, 137.3, 136.6, 136.4, 136.3, 136.2, 136, 135.9, 135.7, 135.5, 135.4, 135.2, 135.1),
		Y.gmagS = c(71.7, 71.5, 71.2, 70.8, 70.4, 70, 69.5, 69.1, 68.6, 68.2, 67.9, 67.2, 66.7, 66.3, 66, 65.7, 65.4, 65.1, 64.9, 64.8, 64.7, 64.5, 64.4, 64.3, 64.2, 64.2, 64.2, 64.1, 64.1, 64, 64, 63.9, 63.9, 63.9)
	## Borrow PBStools function 'findPV'
	findPV = function (p, v) {
		sapply(p, function(x, v) {
		which(abs(v - x) == min(abs(v - x)))[1] }, v=v)
	if (!useWest){
		Mpoles$X.magN = Mpoles$X.magN + 360
		Mpoles$X.gmagN = Mpoles$X.magN + 360
	if (missing(year) || length(year)>1)
		year = as.numeric(substring(Sys.Date(),1,4))

	if (!is.numeric(rot)) {
		if (rot=="trueN") {
			rot = 0
		} else {
			.rot = paste0("\\.",rot)
			if (sum(grepl(.rot,colnames(Mpoles))) != 2)
				stop (paste0("Choose 'rot' from one of:\n\t'", paste0(unique(gsub("[XY]\\.","",colnames(Mpoles)[-1])),collapse="', '"), "'"))
			Nmag = Mpoles[findPV(year,Mpoles$EID), c("EID",grep(.rot,colnames(Mpoles),value=TRUE))]
			if (nrow(Nmag)==0)
				stop ("Subsetting 'Mpoles' went awry")
			colnames(Nmag) = c("EID","X","Y")
			Nmag = as.EventData(Nmag, projection="LL")
			rot  = -calcGCdist(X,Y,Nmag$X,Nmag$Y)$theta

	oldcex  = par(cex=cex, no.readonly=TRUE); on.exit(par(oldcex))
	mheight = strheight("M")
	xylim   = par("usr")
	plotdim = par("pin")
	xmult   = (xylim[2]-xylim[1])/(xylim[4]-xylim[3])*plotdim[2]/plotdim[1]

	## Add circles
	clrs = rep(col.compass,4)[1:4]
	col.cir=clrs[1]; col.rot=clrs[2]; col.but=clrs[3]; col.pch=clrs[4]
	circles = list(); rads=c(3.5,3)
	for (r in rads) {
		rr = as.character(r)
		circle.angles = seq(0,2*pi,len=1440)
		cspans  = rep(mheight*r,length(circle.angles))
		xcircle = cos(circle.angles) * cspans * xmult + X
		ycircle = sin(circle.angles) * cspans + Y
		circles[[rr]] = data.frame(X=xcircle,Y=ycircle)
	subcircs = lapply(circles,function(x,z){x[seq(1,nrow(x),z),]},z=40)
	bearings = cbind(subcircs[[1]],subcircs[[2]])

	## Add cross
	cross.angles = pi*c(0,.5,1,1.5)
	xspans  = rep(mheight*rads[1],length(cross.angles))
	xcross  = cos(cross.angles) * xspans * xmult + X
	ycross  = sin(cross.angles) * xspans + Y

	## Add user's rotation
	rotate.angles = cross.angles + pi*rot/180
	rspans  = rep(mheight*rads[1],length(rotate.angles))
	xrotate = cos(rotate.angles) * rspans * xmult + X
	yrotate = sin(rotate.angles) * rspans + Y

	## Add NEWS labels
	txtxpoints = cos(rotate.angles) * 1.25 * rspans[1] * xmult + X
	txtypoints = sin(rotate.angles) * 1.25 * rspans[1] + Y

## calcGCdist---------------------------2016-04-01
##  Calculate great-circle distance.
##  source: http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
## Haversine formula:
## ------------------
##  a = sin^2((phi2-phi1)/2) + cos(phi1)cos(phi2)sin^2((lam2-lam1)/2)
##  c = 2*atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a))
##  d = R * c 
##  where
##   phi = latitude (in radians)
##   lam = longitude (in radians)
##   R   = radius of the Earth
##   a   = square of half the chord length between the points
##   c   = angular distance in radians
##   d   = great-circle distance between two points
## Spherical Law of Cosines
## ------------------------
##  d = acos( sin(phi1)sin(phi2) + cos(phi1)cos(phi2)cos(lam2-lam1) ) * R
## Initial bearing (aka forward azimuth)
## ---------------
##  theta = atan2( sin(lam2-lam1)cos(ph12), cos(ph1)sin(ph2) - sin(phi1)cos(ph2)cos(lam2-lam1) )
## ---------------------------------------------RH
calcGCdist = function(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, R=6371.2)
	#if (length(lon1)>1 || length(lat1)>1)
	#	stop("Start coordinate must be a single point (multiple end points allowed)")

	## Transform degree coordinates to radians
	lam1 = lon1 * pi/180
	lam2 = lon2 * pi/180
	phi1 = lat1 * pi/180
	phi2 = lat2 * pi/180
	dellam = (lon2 - lon1) * pi/180
	delphi = (lat2 - lat1) * pi/180

	## Haversine formula
	a = sin(delphi/2) * sin(delphi/2) +
			cos(phi1) * cos(phi2) * sin(dellam/2) * sin(dellam/2)
	c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a))
	d = R * c
	## Spherical Law of Cosines
	d2 = acos(sin(phi1)*sin(phi2) + cos(phi1)*cos(phi2)*cos(dellam) ) * R
	## Initial bearing (aka forward azimuth)
	theta = atan2( sin(dellam)*cos(phi2), cos(phi1)*sin(phi2) - sin(phi1)*cos(phi2)*cos(dellam) )


## makeTopography-----------------------2009-07-30
## Make topography data suitable for contourLines().
## ---------------------------------------------RH
makeTopography <- function (dat, digits=2, func=NULL) {
	if (!is.data.frame(dat) || length(dat) < 3) {
		stop("'dat' must be a data frame with at least three columns.\n") }
	N   = nrow(dat)
	X   = round(dat[[1]],digits); Y  = round(dat[[2]],digits)
	ID  = complex(length.out=N,real=X,imaginary=Y)
	tmp = split(dat[[3]], ID)
	if (is.null(func)) func = function(x){mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)} # mean value
	z1  = unlist(sapply(tmp,func,simplify=FALSE))
	id  = as.complex(names(z1))
	x1  = Re(id); y1 = Im(id)
	x   = sort(unique(x1)); y = sort(unique(y1))
	nr  = length(x); nc = length(y); nz=nr*nc
	z   = matrix(NA,nrow=nr,ncol=nc,dimnames=list(x,y))
	for (i in x) { # populate matrix row by row
		xx=as.character(i); zx=is.element(x1,i)
		zz=z1[zx]; z[xx,yy]=zz  }
	result = list()
	result$x = x; result$y = y; result$z = z

## placeHoles---------------------------2018-09-10
##  Place holes under correct solids.
##  Store orphaned holes as an attribute.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
placeHoles = function(polyset, minVerts=3, 
   orient=FALSE, show.progress=FALSE, unique.pid=FALSE)
	## initialization
	newpoly = oddpoly = NULL

	## Re-create PBStools' function (2011-09-30) -- flush the cat down the console
	.flush.cat = function(...) { cat(...); flush.console(); invisible() }

	## Remove small polygons before starting
	ipoly = polyset
	ipoly$idxo = .createIDs(ipoly, cols=c("PID", "SID"))
	nvert = table(ipoly$idxo)
	keep  = names(nvert)[nvert >= minVerts]
	ipoly = ipoly[is.element(ipoly$idxo,keep),]
	ipoly$idx = .createIDs(ipoly, cols=c("PID", "SID"));
	## May need to calculate orientation if object comes from shapefile
	if (orient) {
		orien = .calcOrientation (ipoly)
		orien$idx = .createIDs(orien, cols=c("PID", "SID"));
		holes = is.element(orien$orientation,-1)
		names(holes) = orien$idx
	} else {
		## Use code in '.validateData'
		idxFirst = which(!duplicated(ipoly$idx));
		idxLast  = c((idxFirst-1)[-1], length(ipoly$idx));
		holes    = (ipoly$POS[idxFirst] > ipoly$POS[idxLast])
		names(holes) = unique(ipoly$idx)
		idxOuter = rep(!holes, times=((idxLast-idxFirst)+1))
		idxInner = !idxOuter;
		sidx = unique(ipoly$idx[idxOuter])
		hidx = unique(ipoly$idx[idxInner])
	hidx = as.numeric(names(holes)[holes])
	sidx = as.numeric(names(holes)[!holes])
	## Basically re-make the PIDs to avoid duplication later
	if(unique.pid) {
		uPID = 1:length(sidx); names(uPID) = sidx

	if (show.progress){
		.flush.cat("There are ", sum(!holes), " outer contours with ", sum(holes), " holes after removing polygons with <", minVerts, " vertices.\n",
			"   Function 'placeHoles' will be slow if the number of holes|contours is high...\n\n", sep="")
		if (sum(holes)>0)
			.flush.cat("Number of holes left to place:\n")
		ndump = 0

	for (s in sidx) { ## solids (outer contours)
		ss        = as.character(s)
		if (unique.pid) {
			sPID   = uPID[ss]
			spoly$PID = sPID  ## assign new PID
		orphans   = adopted = NULL
		spoly     = ipoly[is.element(ipoly$idx,s),]
		newpoly   = rbind(newpoly, spoly)
		if (length(hidx)==0) next
		sxr = range(spoly$X)
		syr = range(spoly$Y)

		for (h in hidx) { ## holes (inner contours)
			hpoly = ipoly[is.element(ipoly$idx,h),]
			hxr = range(hpoly$X)
			hyr = range(hpoly$Y)
			## Save time by skipping holes that fall ouside the solid:
			if (all(hxr<sxr) | all(hxr>sxr) | all(hyr<syr) | all(hyr>syr) ){
				orphans = c(orphans,h)
			} else{
				io = .is.in(hpoly,spoly)
#if(h=="3.043") {browser();return()}
				if (io$all.in && !io$all.bdry) adopted = c(adopted, h)
				else orphans = c(orphans,h)
		} ## end h (hidx) loop
		if (show.progress){
			ndump = ndump + 1
			.flush.cat(length(orphans),ifelse(ndump%%10==0 || length(orphans)==0 || s==rev(sidx)[1],"\n",", "),sep="")
		if (!is.null(adopted)) {
			apoly     = ipoly[is.element(ipoly$idx,adopted),]
			if (unique.pid) aPID = sPID
			else            aPID = unique(spoly$PID)
			apoly$PID = aPID ## re-assign holes to new solids if necessary
			maxSID    = max(newpoly$SID[is.element(newpoly$PID,aPID)])
			nSID      = rle(apoly$SID)$lengths
			apoly$SID = rep((1:length(nSID)) + maxSID, nSID)  ## re-number sequentially from largest SID in PID
			newpoly   = rbind(newpoly, apoly)
		if (!is.null(orphans) && s==rev(sidx)[1])
			oddpoly = rbind(oddpoly, ipoly[is.element(ipoly$idx,orphans),])
		hidx = orphans
	} ## end s (sidx) loop

	Natts = names(attributes(polyset))
	natts = names(attributes(newpoly))
	Datts = setdiff(Natts,natts)
	if (length(Datts)>0){
		Aatts = attributes(polyset)[Datts]
		attributes(newpoly) = c(attributes(newpoly),Aatts)
	if (!is.null(oddpoly)) {
		attr(newpoly,"orphans") = oddpoly
		if (show.progress){
			.flush.cat("Orphaned hole polygons PID.SID:\n--> ", paste0(sort(unique(oddpoly$idx)),collapse=", "), "\n\n", sep="")

## rotateEvents--------------------------2018-11-15
## Rotate EventData clockwise around a central point.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
rotateEvents = function(data, angle=40, centroid=c(500,5700),
   proj.out, zone, plot=FALSE, keep.extra=FALSE, ...)
	data = .validateEventData(data)
	if (is.null(angle)||is.na(angle)||!is.numeric(angle))
		stop("Supply a numeric angle for rotation (clockwise)")
	proj = attributes(data)$projection
	if (missing(proj.out))
		proj.out = proj
	if (!missing(zone) && is.numeric(zone))
		attr(data, "zone") = zone

	keep = data[,c("X","Y")]
	names(keep)[names(keep) %in% c("X","Y")] = c("X0","Y0")
	if (proj=="LL") {
		data = convUL(data)
		keep = cbind(keep, data[,c("X","Y")])
		names(keep)[names(keep) %in% c("X","Y")] = c("uX0","uY0")
	zone = attributes(data)$zone
	if (is.null(zone)||is.na(zone))
		zone = 9
	if (is.null(centroid)||is.na(centroid))
		centroid = c(mean(range(data$X,na.rm=TRUE)), mean(range(data$Y,na.rm=TRUE)))

	radian =  pi * (-angle)/180   ## rotate clockwise
	R      = matrix(c(cos(radian),-sin(radian),sin(radian),cos(radian)), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)

	data$X = data$X - centroid[1]
	data$Y = data$Y - centroid[2]
	keep   = cbind(keep, data[,c("X","Y")])
	names(keep)[names(keep) %in% c("X","Y")] = c("aX","aY") ## adjusted

	XYrot  = t(R %*% t(data[,c("X","Y")]))
	colnames(XYrot) = c("X","Y")
	keep   = cbind(keep, XYrot)
	names(keep)[names(keep) %in% c("X","Y")] = c("tX","tY") ## transformed

	data$X = XYrot[,"X"] + centroid[1]
	data$Y = XYrot[,"Y"] + centroid[2]
	keep   = cbind(keep, data[,c("X","Y")])
	names(keep)[names(keep) %in% c("X","Y")] = c("rX","rY") ## rotated

	if (proj=="LL" & proj.out=="LL"){
		data = convUL(data)
	projection = attributes(data)$projection ## collecting proj and zone for rotation redundant but just in case

	if (keep.extra) {
		atts = attributes(data)
		atts.keep = atts[setdiff(names(atts),c("names","row.names"))]
		data = cbind(data,keep)
		atts.poly = attributes(data)
		attributes(data) = c(atts.poly[setdiff(names(atts.poly),names(atts.keep))], atts.keep)
	if (plot){
		xlim = extendrange(data$X,f=0.5); ylim = extendrange(data$Y,f=0.1)
		plotPoints(data, pch=20, col="red", projection=projection, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ...) ## just for testing
	rotation = list()
	collect  = c("angle","radian","centroid","R","projection","zone")
	for (i in collect)
		rotation[[i]] = get(i)
	attr(data, "rotation") = rotation

## rotatePolys--------------------------2018-11-15
## Rotate PolySet clockwise around a central point.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
rotatePolys = function(polys, angle=40, centroid=c(500,5700),
   proj.out, zone, xlim=c(-135,-121.5), ylim=c(47,56), plot=FALSE, keep.extra=FALSE, ...)
	polys  = .validatePolySet(polys)
	if (is.null(angle)||is.na(angle)||!is.numeric(angle))
		stop("Supply a numeric angle for rotation (clockwise)")
	proj   = attributes(polys)$projection
	if (missing(proj.out))
		proj.out = proj
	if (!missing(zone) && is.numeric(zone))
		attr(polys, "zone") = zone

	xylim = list()
	if (is.null(xlim)||is.na(xlim))
		xlim = quantile(seq(min(polys$X),max(polys$X),len=1000),c(0.25,0.75))
	if (is.null(ylim)||is.na(ylim))
		ylim = quantile(seq(min(polys$Y),max(polys$Y),len=1000),c(0.25,0.75))
	xybox   = as.PolySet(data.frame(
		PID  = rep(1,4), POS=1:4, X = xlim[c(1,1,2,2)], Y = ylim[c(1,2,2,1)] ), projection=proj)
	xylim[[proj]] = list(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xybox=xybox)

	keep    = polys[,c("X","Y")]
	names(keep)[names(keep) %in% c("X","Y")] = c("X0","Y0")
	if (proj=="LL") {
		polys = convUL(polys)
		keep  = cbind(keep, polys[,c("X","Y")])
		names(keep)[names(keep) %in% c("X","Y")] = c("uX0","uY0")
		attr(xybox, "zone") = attributes(polys)$zone
		xybox = convUL(xybox)
		xylim[[attributes(xybox)$projection]] = list(xlim=range(xybox$X), ylim=range(xybox$Y), xybox=xybox)
	zone = attributes(polys)$zone
	if (is.null(zone)||is.na(zone))
		zone = 9
	if (is.null(centroid)||is.na(centroid))
		centroid = c(mean(range(polys$X,na.rm=TRUE)), mean(range(polys$Y,na.rm=TRUE)))

	radian  =  pi * (-angle)/180   ## rotate clockwise
	R       = matrix(c(cos(radian),-sin(radian),sin(radian),cos(radian)), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)

	polys$X = polys$X - centroid[1]
	polys$Y = polys$Y - centroid[2]
	keep    = cbind(keep, polys[,c("X","Y")])
	names(keep)[names(keep) %in% c("X","Y")] = c("aX","aY") ## adjusted

	XYrot   = t(R %*% t(polys[,c("X","Y")]))
	colnames(XYrot) = c("X","Y")
	keep    = cbind(keep, XYrot)
	names(keep)[names(keep) %in% c("X","Y")] = c("tX","tY") ## transformed

	polys$X = XYrot[,"X"] + centroid[1]
	polys$Y = XYrot[,"Y"] + centroid[2]
	keep    = cbind(keep, polys[,c("X","Y")])
	names(keep)[names(keep) %in% c("X","Y")] = c("rX","rY") ## rotated

	xybox$X = xybox$X - centroid[1]
	xybox$Y = xybox$Y - centroid[2]
	boxrot  = t(R %*% t(xybox[,c("X","Y")]))
	colnames(boxrot) = c("X","Y")
	xybox$X = boxrot[,"X"] + centroid[1]
	xybox$Y = boxrot[,"Y"] + centroid[2]
	xylim[["rot"]] = list(xlim=range(xybox$X), ylim=range(xybox$Y), xybox=xybox)
	xylim[["out"]] = xylim[["rot"]]

	if (proj=="LL" & proj.out=="LL"){
		polys = convUL(polys)
		attr(xybox, "zone") = attributes(polys)$zone
		xybox = convUL(xybox)
		xylim[["out"]] = list(xlim=range(xybox$X), ylim=range(xybox$Y), xybox=xybox)
	if (keep.extra) {
		atts  = attributes(polys)
		atts.keep = atts[setdiff(names(atts),c("names","row.names"))]
		polys = cbind(polys,keep)
		atts.poly = attributes(polys)
		attributes(polys) = c(atts.poly[setdiff(names(atts.poly),names(atts.keep))], atts.keep)
	if (plot){
		plotMap(polys, col="green", xlim=xylim$out$xlim, ylim=xylim$out$ylim, ...) ## just for testing
		addPolys(xybox, border="red", lwd=2)
	projection = attributes(polys)$projection ## collecting proj and zone for rotation redundant but just in case

	if (!keep.extra)
		xylim = xylim[c(1, length(xylim))]
	rotation = list()
	collect  = c("angle","radian","centroid","R","xylim","projection","zone")
	for (i in collect)
		rotation[[i]] = get(i)
	attr(polys, "rotation") = rotation

## RGB2RYB------------------------------2021-01-06
##  Convert RGB colours to RYB colours.
##  Algorithm based on Sugita and Takahashi (2015,2017)
## [http://nishitalab.org/user/UEI/publication/Sugita_IWAIT2015.pdf]
## [https://danielhaim.com/research/downloads/Computational%20RYB%20Color%20Model%20and%20its%20Applications.pdf]
## ---------------------------------------------RH
RGB2RYB = function(RGBmat)
	if (is.null(dim(RGBmat))) if (length(RGBmat)>2) RGBmat<-matrix(RGBmat, ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
	if (nrow(RGBmat)==3 && ncol(RGBmat)!=3) RGBmat = t(RGBmat)
	## Re-scale to 1
	if (any(RGBmat>1)) RGBmat = RGBmat/255
	## Deconstruct to vectors
	R.rgb = RGBmat[,1]
	G.rgb = RGBmat[,2]
	B.rgb = RGBmat[,3]
	## Remove whiteness
	#I.w  = apply(RGBmat,1,min)
	I.w   = pmin(R.rgb,G.rgb,B.rgb)
	r.rgb = R.rgb - I.w
	g.rgb = G.rgb - I.w
	b.rgb = B.rgb - I.w
	## Calculate ryb values
	r.ryb = r.rgb - pmin(r.rgb,g.rgb)
	y.ryb = 0.5 * (g.rgb + pmin(r.rgb,g.rgb))
	b.ryb = 0.5 * (b.rgb + g.rgb - pmin(r.rgb,g.rgb))
	## Normalise (p=prime symbol)
	n = pmax(r.ryb,y.ryb,b.ryb) / pmax(r.rgb,g.rgb,b.rgb)
	n[n==0] = 1 ## for cases when n=0
	rp.ryb = r.ryb / n
	yp.ryb = y.ryb / n
	bp.ryb = b.ryb / n
	## Add black component for subtractive color mixing
	I.b   = pmin(1-R.rgb,1-G.rgb,1-B.rgb)
	R.ryb = rp.ryb + I.b
	Y.ryb = yp.ryb + I.b
	B.ryb = bp.ryb + I.b
	RYB   = cbind(red=R.ryb, yellow=Y.ryb, blue=B.ryb)

## RYB2RGB------------------------------2021-01-06
##  Convert RYB colours to RGB colours.
##  Algorithm based on Sugita and Takahashi (2015,2017)
## [http://nishitalab.org/user/UEI/publication/Sugita_IWAIT2015.pdf]
## [https://danielhaim.com/research/downloads/Computational%20RYB%20Color%20Model%20and%20its%20Applications.pdf]
## ---------------------------------------------RH
RYB2RGB = function(RYBmat)
	if (is.null(dim(RYBmat))) if (length(RYBmat)>2) RYBmat<-matrix(RYBmat, ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
	if (nrow(RYBmat)==3 && ncol(RYBmat)!=3) RYBmat = t(RYBmat)
	## Re-scale to 1
	if (any(RYBmat>1)) RYBmat = RYBmat/255
	## Deconstruct to vectors
	R.ryb = RYBmat[,1]
	Y.ryb = RYBmat[,2]
	B.ryb = RYBmat[,3]
	## Remove black 
	I.b   = pmin(R.ryb,Y.ryb,B.ryb)
	r.ryb = R.ryb - I.b
	y.ryb = Y.ryb - I.b
	b.ryb = B.ryb - I.b
	## Calculate rgb values
	r.rgb = r.ryb + y.ryb - pmin(y.ryb,b.ryb)
	g.rgb = y.ryb + pmin(y.ryb,b.ryb)
	b.rgb = 2 * (b.ryb - pmin(y.ryb,b.ryb))
	## Normalise (p=prime symbol)
	n = pmax(r.rgb,g.rgb,b.rgb) / pmax(r.ryb,y.ryb,b.ryb)
	n[n==0] = 1 ## for cases when n=0
	rp.rgb = r.rgb / n
	gp.rgb = g.rgb / n
	bp.rgb = b.rgb / n
	## Add white component
	I.w   = pmin(1-R.ryb,1-Y.ryb,1-B.ryb)
	R.rgb = rp.rgb + I.w
	G.rgb = gp.rgb + I.w
	B.rgb = bp.rgb + I.w
	RGB   = cbind(red=R.rgb, green=G.rgb, blue=B.rgb)

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