PairedPSCBS: The PairedPSCBS class

Description Usage Arguments Fields and Methods Author(s) See Also


Package: PSCBS
Class PairedPSCBS


Directly known subclasses:

public abstract static class PairedPSCBS
extends PSCBS

A PairedPSCBS is an object containing the results from the Paired PSCBS method.





A list structure containing the Paired PSCBS results.


Not used.

Fields and Methods


callAB Calls segments that are in allelic balance.
callCopyNeutral Calls segments that have a neutral total copy number.
callGNL Calls segments that are gained, copy neutral, or lost.
callGNLByTCNofAB -
callGainNeutralLoss -
callLOH Calls segments that are in LOH.
callNTCN -
callROH Calls segments that are in ROH.
estimateDeltaAB Estimate a threshold for calling allelic balance from DH.
estimateDeltaLOH Estimate a threshold for calling LOH from DH.
estimateKappa Estimate global background in segmented copy numbers.
extractCNs -
hasBootstrapSummaries -
plotTracks Plots parental specific copy numbers along the genome.
segmentByNonPairedPSCBS -
segmentByPairedPSCBS -
seqOfSegmentsByDP -

Methods inherited from PSCBS:, c, drawChangePoints, extractChromosomes, extractWIG, getLocusData, getLocusSignalNames, getSegmentTrackPrefixes, isLocallyPhased, isSegmentSplitter, normalizeTotalCNs, writeSegments

Methods inherited from AbstractCBS:
adjustPloidyScale, all.equal, append,, clearCalls, drawChangePoints, drawKnownSegments, dropChangePoint, dropChangePoints, dropRegion, dropRegions, extractCNs, extractChromosome, extractChromosomes, extractRegions, extractSegments, extractWIG, getChangePoints, getChromosomeOffsets, getChromosomeRanges, getChromosomes, getLocusData, getLocusSignalNames, getMeanEstimators, getSampleName, getSegmentSizes, getSegmentTrackPrefixes, getSegments, load, mergeThreeSegments, mergeTwoSegments, nbrOfChangePoints, nbrOfChromosomes, nbrOfLoci, nbrOfSegments, normalizeTotalCNs, ploidy, ploidy<-, plotTracks, print, pruneByDP, pruneByHClust, renameChromosomes, report, resegment, resetSegments, sampleCNs, sampleName, sampleName<-, save, seqOfSegmentsByDP, setLocusData, setMeanEstimators, setPloidy, setSampleName, setSegments, shiftTCN, tileChromosomes, updateMeans, writeWIG

Methods inherited from list:
Ops,nonStructure,vector-method, Ops,structure,vector-method, Ops,vector,nonStructure-method, Ops,vector,structure-method, all.equal,, attachLocally, averageQuantile, callHooks, coerce,ANY,list-method, coerce,Matrix,vector-method, coerce,abIndex,vector-method, coerce,dgCMatrix,vector-method, coerce,dsCMatrix,vector-method, coerce,list,indMatrix-method, coerce,sparseVector,vector-method, contents, ggplot_add, latex, normalizeAverage, normalizeDifferencesToAverage, normalizeQuantileRank, normalizeQuantileSpline, plotDensity, relist, scale_type, type.convert, within


Henrik Bengtsson

See Also

The segmentByPairedPSCBS() method returns an object of this class.

PSCBS documentation built on Oct. 23, 2021, 9:09 a.m.