Defines functions p.MUFASA mod.zeros.FA.sig mod.zeros.FA.sig.mat pseudo.pred.norm POOLVARmeth

Documented in mod.zeros.FA.sig mod.zeros.FA.sig.mat p.MUFASA POOLVARmeth pseudo.pred.norm

#' Computes within species variance-covariance matrices on transformed scaled,
#' along with a pooled estimate.
#' @param prey.mat matrix containing transformed FA signatures of the prey.
#'                 Note that the first column indexes prey type.
#' @return Returns the variance-covariance matrix of each prey type as well as
#'         a pooled estimate of the variance-covariance matrix
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
POOLVARmeth <- function(prey.mat) {

  groups <- unique(prey.mat[,1])
 colnames(prey.mat)[1] <- "group"
 n <- tapply(prey.mat[,1], prey.mat[,1], length)
 prey.var <- vector("list", length(groups))
 Spool <- matrix(0, nrow=(ncol(prey.mat)-1), ncol=(ncol(prey.mat)-1))

   for(i in 1:length(groups)){
    prey.sub <- prey.mat %>% filter(.data$group==groups[i])
    prey.var[[i]] <- stats::var(prey.sub[,-1])
    Spool <- Spool + (n[[i]]-1)*prey.var[[i]]
 Spool <- Spool/(sum(n) - length(n))

  return(list(prey.var=prey.var, Spool=Spool))

#' Generate a pseudo predator parametrically from multivariate normal
#' distributions.
#' @param mu.mat matrix where each row represents the mean transformed FA
#'               signature of each prey type
#' @param sigma.pool pooled variance-covariance matrix of the transformed
#'                   fatty acid signatures of prey types
#' @param diet the "true" or "desired" diet of the pseudo predator with prey
#' species in the same order as the rows of mu.mat. A compositional vector of
#' proportions that sums to one with length equal to
#' the number of prey species.
#' @details Similar to \emph{pseudo.pred} but instead generates the
#' pseudo-predators parametrically by assuming ilr transformed FA signatures
#' have a multivariate normal distribution.
#' @return A simulated predator FA signature.  See \emph{pseudo.pred} for an
#' example illustrating how to generate a sample of pseudo predators.
#' @export
pseudo.pred.norm <- function(mu.mat, sigma.pool, diet){

  J <- length(diet)

  x.mat <- matrix(0, nrow=J, ncol=ncol(mu.mat))
  for (j in 1:J){
    x.mat[j,] <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, mu=mu.mat[j,], Sigma=sigma.pool)

  x.mat.o <- compositions::ilrInv(x.mat)
  x.mat.o <- as.data.frame(x.mat.o)
  x.mat.o <- as.matrix(x.mat.o)
  Y <- diet %*% x.mat.o


#' Modifies the zeros for a sample of FA signatures using the multiplicative
#' replacement method (and same delta for every zero).
#' @keywords internal
mod.zeros.FA.sig.mat <- function(y.mat,delta) {

   y.mat <- t(apply(y.mat,1,mod.zeros.FA.sig,delta=delta))


#' Modifies the zeros for a single FA signature using the multiplicative
#' replacement method (and same delta for every zero).
#' @keywords internal
mod.zeros.FA.sig <- function(y,delta) {


  no.zero <- sum(y==0)
  y[y>0] <- (1 - no.zero*delta)*y[y>0]
  y[y == 0] <- delta


#' Returns MUFASA diet estimates corresponding to a sample of predators.
#' Computes the diet estimate for each predator in \emph{pred.mat} using MLE
#' method.
#' @export
#' @param pred.mat matrix containing the FA signatures of the predators.
#' @param prey.mat matrix containing  FA signatures from each prey group
#'                 The first column must index the prey
#'                 group.  \emph{prey.mat} is the prey database.
#' @param cal.mat matrix of calibration factors where the \emph{i} th
#'     column is to be used with the \emph{i} th predator. If modelling is to be
#'     done without calibration coefficients, simply pass a vector or matrix of
#'     ones. \emph{cal.mat} must contain names of FAs.
#' @param FC vector of fat content of length equal to the number of prey groups
#'           or species.
#' @param ext.fa subset of fatty acids to be used to obtain QFASA diet estimates.
#' @import dplyr compositions
#' @return A list with components:
#' \item{Diet_Estimates}{A matrix of the diet estimates for each predator where
#' each row corresponds to a predator and the columns to prey species.
#' The estimates are expressed as proportions summing to one.}
#' \item{nll}{Negative log likelihood values.  As per \emph{solnp} documentation,
#'            \emph{nll} is "Vector of function values during optimization with
#'            last one the value at the optimal".}
#' \item{Var_Epsilon}{Optimized values of error variance.  See reference.}
#' @references Steeves, Holly (2020) Maximum likelihood approach to diet
#' estimation and inference based on fatty acid signatures. PhD thesis available
#' at https://dalspace.library.dal.ca/handle/10222/80034.
#'@seealso \emph{p.MLE()} for a simplifed version of \emph{p.MUFASA()} that is
#'         faster to run.
#'  ## This example takes some time to run.
#'  ## Please uncomment code below to run.
#'  ## Fatty Acids
#'#fa.set = as.vector(unlist(FAset))
#' ## Predators
#'#tombstone.info = predatorFAs[,1:4]
#'#predator.matrix = predatorFAs[,5:(ncol(predatorFAs))]
#'#npredators = nrow(predator.matrix)
#' ## Prey
#' ## Extracting a small number of species to speed up calculations for the example.
#'#prey.matrix = preyFAs[,-c(1,3)]
#'#spec.red <-c("capelin", "herring", "mackerel", "pilchard", "sandlance")
#'#spec.red <- sort(spec.red)
#'#prey.red <- prey.matrix %>% filter(Species %in% spec.red)
#'## Fat content
#'#FC = preyFAs[,c(2,3)]
#'#FC = FC %>%  arrange(Species)
#'#FC.vec = tapply(FC$lipid,FC$Species,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
#'#FC.red <- FC.vec[spec.red]
#'## Calibration Coefficients
#'#cal.vec = CC[,2]
#'#cal.m = replicate(npredators, cal.vec)
#'#rownames(cal.m) <- CC$FA
#'#M <- p.MUFASA(predator.matrix, prey.red, cal.m, FC.red, fa.set)
#'## Diet EStimates

p.MUFASA <- function(pred.mat,
                        ext.fa) {

  npred = nrow(pred.mat)

  colnames(prey.mat)[1] <- "Species"

  # Removing extended dietary FAs
  prey.mat= prey.mat %>% arrange(.data$Species)


  pred.mat = pred.mat[,ext.fa]

  cal.mat <- cal.mat[ext.fa,]

  ## Transforming Prey
  if(any(prey.sub==0)) {
    prey.mat.t <- mod.zeros.FA.sig.mat(prey.sub,0.00005) #analytic precision is two decimals after the percentage.
    prey.mat.t <- compositions::ilr(prey.mat.t)
  } else{
    prey.mat.t <- compositions::ilr(prey.sub)
  prey.mat.t <- data.frame(group=group,mat=prey.mat.t)

  rownames(prey.mean.t) <- prey.mean.t[,1]

  # Running original QFASA
  Q = p.QFASA(pred.mat,
              dist.meas = 1,
              start.val = rep(1,nrow(prey.mean)),

  # Preds after calibration coefficients

  if ((is.vector(cal.mat)) || (nrow(cal.mat) == 1.) || (ncol(cal.mat ) == 1.)) {

    pred.mat <- t(t(pred.mat)/as.vector(unlist(cal.mat)))
    pred.mat <- pred.mat/apply(pred.mat, 1., sum)
    pred.mat <- as.matrix(pred.mat)
  else {
    pred.mat <- pred.mat/t(cal.mat)
    pred.mat <- pred.mat/apply(pred.mat, 1., sum)
    pred.mat <- as.matrix(pred.mat)

  pred <- mod.zeros.FA.sig.mat(pred.mat,0.00005)
  pred.mat.t <- compositions::ilr(pred)

  ## Estimating start values for the error
  ers <- matrix(NA, nrow = 100*npred, ncol = (ncol(prey.mat)-1))

  # Creating 100 pseudo-predators based on  QFASA diet estimates and prey info
  for(j in 1:100){
    yest <- matrix(NA, nrow = npred, ncol = (ncol(prey.mat)-1))
    for(i in 1:nrow(yest)){
      yest[i,] <- pseudo.pred.norm(prey.mean.t, prey.var.t, Q$`Diet Estimates`[i,])

    pred.mat <- compositions::acomp(pred.mat)

    yest <- compositions::acomp(yest) #without error, untransformed
    lb <- (j-1)*npred + 1
    ub <- j*npred
    ers[lb:ub,] = -yest + pred.mat

  ers <- compositions::acomp(ers)
  V <-compositions::ilrBase(D=length(ext.fa))
  G <- V%*%t(V)
  sep.start <- diag(-1/2*t(V)%*%G%*%compositions::variation(ers)%*%G%*%V)

  # Getting the quantiles of the diagonal
  quan <- stats::quantile(sep.start)
  quan.start <- numeric(4)
  groupind <- numeric(length(sep.start))
  for(j in 1:4){
    quan.start[j] <- mean(sep.start[sep.start>=quan[j] & sep.start<=quan[j+1]])
    groupind[sep.start>=quan[j] & sep.start<=quan[j+1]] <- j

  spec <- unique(prey.mat$group)
  spec <- spec[order(spec)]
  I <- length(spec)

  # getting the number sampled from each species
  n <- tapply(prey.mat$group, prey.mat$group, length)

  parameters <- list(alpha = Q$`Diet Estimates`[,-I],
                     z  = array(rep(prey.mean.t), c(nrow(prey.mean.t), ncol(prey.mean.t), npred)),
                     sepsilon = quan.start

  #Data to send to tmb
  data <- list(y = pred.mat.t,
               mu = prey.mean.t,

  objnt <- TMB::MakeADFun(data,parameters,random="z",DLL="ErrorModelSimpleEquant")
  npars <- length(objnt$par)

  # constraining alphas to be between 0 and 1
  # Full parameter list
  lb <- rep(0,npars)
  ub <- c(rep(1,(npars-length(quan.start))), rep(Inf,length(quan.start)))

  # Full parameter set
  al.sum <- function(pars){
    npars <- length(pars)
    alpha <- matrix(pars[1:(npars-length(quan.start))], ncol=I-1)

  # Full parameter set
  optnt <- Rsolnp::solnp(pars=objnt$par, fun=objnt$fn, ineqfun=al.sum, ineqLB = rep(0,npred),
                         ineqUB = rep(1,npred), LB=lb, UB=ub)
                         #control=list(delta=0.0001, tol=0.00001))

  L <- optnt$values

  alpha <- matrix(optnt$pars[1:((I-1)*(npred))],nrow=npred)
  seps <- optnt$pars[((I-1)*(npred)+1):length(optnt$pars)]
  alpha <- cbind(alpha,1-apply(alpha,1,sum))

  if (is.matrix(FC)) {
    FC.mat <- FC
  else {
    FC.mat <- matrix(rep(FC, npred), byrow = T, nrow=npred, ncol=I)

  alpha <- alpha/FC.mat
  alpha <- alpha/rowSums(alpha)
  colnames(alpha) <- colnames(Q$`Diet Estimates`)

  return(list(Diet_Estimates = alpha, nll = L, Var_Epsilon = seps))

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