
  ### Import RAINBOWR

  ### Load example datasets
  Rice_geno_score <- Rice_Zhao_etal$genoScore
  Rice_geno_map <- Rice_Zhao_etal$genoMap
  Rice_pheno <- Rice_Zhao_etal$pheno

  ### Select one trait for example
  trait.name <- "Flowering.time.at.Arkansas"
  y <- as.matrix(Rice_pheno[1:30, trait.name, drop = FALSE])
  # use first 30 accessions

  ### Remove SNPs whose MAF <= 0.05
  x.0 <- t(Rice_geno_score)
  MAF.cut.res <- MAF.cut(x.0 = x.0, map.0 = Rice_geno_map)
  x <- MAF.cut.res$x
  map <- MAF.cut.res$map

  ### Estimate genomic relationship matrix (GRM)
  K.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = x)

  ### Modify data
  modify.data.res <- modify.data(pheno.mat = y, geno.mat = x, map = map,
                                 return.ZETA = TRUE, return.GWAS.format = TRUE)
  pheno.GWAS <- modify.data.res$pheno.GWAS
  geno.GWAS <- modify.data.res$geno.GWAS
  ZETA <- modify.data.res$ZETA

  ### Perform single-SNP GWAS with interaction
  ### by testing all effects (including SNP effects) simultaneously
  normal.res.int <-
      pheno = pheno.GWAS,
      geno = geno.GWAS,
      ZETA = ZETA,
      interaction.with.SNPs = NULL,
      interaction.mat.method = "PCA",
      n.interaction.element = 3,
      interaction.group = NULL,
      n.interaction.group = 3,
      interaction.group.method = "find.clusters",
      n.PC.dapc = 3,
      test.method.interaction = "simultaneous",
      n.PC = 3,
      P3D = TRUE,
      plot.qq = FALSE,
      plot.Manhattan = FALSE,
      verbose = FALSE,
      verbose2 = FALSE,
      count = FALSE,
      time = FALSE,
      package.MM = "gaston",
      parallel.method = "mclapply",
      skip.check = TRUE,
      n.core = 1

  ### Import RAINBOWR

  ### Load example datasets
  Rice_geno_score <- Rice_Zhao_etal$genoScore
  Rice_geno_map <- Rice_Zhao_etal$genoMap
  Rice_pheno <- Rice_Zhao_etal$pheno

  ### View each dataset

  ### Select one trait for example
  trait.name <- "Flowering.time.at.Arkansas"
  y <- as.matrix(Rice_pheno[, trait.name, drop = FALSE])

  ### Remove SNPs whose MAF <= 0.05
  x.0 <- t(Rice_geno_score)
  MAF.cut.res <- MAF.cut(x.0 = x.0, map.0 = Rice_geno_map)
  x <- MAF.cut.res$x
  map <- MAF.cut.res$map

  ### Estimate genomic relationship matrix (GRM)
  K.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = x)

  ### Modify data
  modify.data.res <-
      pheno.mat = y,
      geno.mat = x,
      map = map,
      return.ZETA = TRUE,
      return.GWAS.format = TRUE
  pheno.GWAS <- modify.data.res$pheno.GWAS
  geno.GWAS <- modify.data.res$geno.GWAS
  ZETA <- modify.data.res$ZETA

  ### View each data for RAINBOWR

  ### Perform single-SNP GWAS with interaction
  ### by testing all effects (including SNP effects) simultaneously
  normal.res.int <-
      pheno = pheno.GWAS,
      geno = geno.GWAS,
      ZETA = ZETA,
      interaction.with.SNPs = NULL,
      interaction.mat.method = "PCA",
      n.interaction.element = 3,
      interaction.group = NULL,
      n.interaction.group = 3,
      interaction.group.method = "find.clusters",
      n.PC.dapc = 3,
      test.method.interaction = "simultaneous",
      n.PC = 3,
      P3D = TRUE,
      plot.qq = TRUE,
      plot.Manhattan = TRUE,
      verbose = TRUE,
      verbose2 = FALSE,
      count = TRUE,
      time = TRUE,
      package.MM = "gaston",
      parallel.method = "mclapply",
      skip.check = TRUE,
      n.core = 2
  See(normal.res.int$D[[1]])  ### Column 4 contains -log10(p) values
                              ### for all effects (including SNP effects)

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RAINBOWR documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:11 a.m.