
context("oc2S: 2-Sample Operating Characteristics")

## test the analytical OC function via brute force simulation

prior1 <- mixnorm(c(0.3, -0.2, 2), c(0.7, 0, 50), sigma=1)
prior2 <- mixnorm(c(1.0, 0, 50), sigma=1)

N1 <- 10
N2 <- 20

## type I error fairly large to 20% to make it easier to test (less
## simulations needed for accurate results)
pcrit <- 0.80
qcrit <- 0

## theta2 set such that we have about 75% power under this truth
theta1 <- 0
theta2 <- 0.5

Nsim <- 1e4

run_on_cran <- function()
    if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) {

oc2S_normal_MC <- function(prior1, prior2, N1, N2, theta1, theta2, pcrit=0.975, qcrit=0) {
    mean_sd1 <- sigma(prior1) / sqrt(N1)
    mean_sd2 <- sigma(prior2) / sqrt(N2)

    mean_prior1 <- prior1
    sigma(mean_prior1) <- mean_sd1
    mean_prior2 <- prior2
    sigma(mean_prior2) <- mean_sd2

    mean_samp1 <- rnorm(Nsim, theta1, mean_sd1)
    mean_samp2 <- rnorm(Nsim, theta2, mean_sd2)

    dec <- rep(NA, Nsim)

    for(i in 1:Nsim) {
        post1 <- postmix(mean_prior1, m=mean_samp1[i], se=mean_sd1)
        post2 <- postmix(mean_prior2, m=mean_samp2[i], se=mean_sd2)
        dec[i] <- as.numeric(pmix(RBesT:::mixnormdiff(post1, post2), qcrit) > pcrit)


Voc2S_normal_MC <- Vectorize(oc2S_normal_MC, c("theta1", "theta2"))

## first test that the analytic difference distribution for normal
## works as expected

test_that("Analytical convolution of normal mixture matches numerical integration result", {

    pdiff <- RBesT:::mixnormdiff(prior1, prior2)
    x <- seq(-20,20,length=21)
    d1 <- dmix(pdiff, x)
    d2 <- dmixdiff(prior1, prior2, x)
    dres <- abs(d1-d2)
    expect_equal(sum(dres > 1e-5), 0)
    p1 <- pmix(pdiff, x)
    p2 <- pmixdiff(prior1, prior2, x)
    pres <- 100 * abs(p1-p2)
    expect_equal(sum(pres > 2), 0)

## test that the type I error is matching, i.e. is not off by more than 2%
test_that("Type I error is matching between MC and analytical computations in the normal mixture case", {

              x <- c(-2, 0)
              alpha <- oc2S(prior1, prior2, N1, N2, decision2S(pcrit, qcrit), sigma1=sigma(prior1), sigma2=sigma(prior2))(x,x)
              alphaMC <- Voc2S_normal_MC(prior1, prior2, N1, N2, x, x, pcrit, qcrit)
              res <- 100 * abs(alpha - alphaMC)
              expect_equal(sum(res > 2) , 0)

## test that the power is matching, i.e. is not off by more than 2%
test_that("Power is matching between MC and analytical computations in the normal mixture case", {

              power   <- oc2S(prior1, prior2, N1, N2, decision2S(pcrit, qcrit))(theta1, theta2)
              powerMC <- oc2S_normal_MC(prior1, prior2, N1, N2, theta1, theta2, pcrit, qcrit)
              res <- 100 * abs(power - powerMC)
              expect_equal(sum(res > 2) , 0)

## further test by cross-checking with Gsponer et. al, "A practical
## guide to Bayesian group sequential designs", Pharmaceut. Statist.
## (2014), 13 71-80, Table 1, Probability at interim

test_that("Gsponer et al. results match (normal end-point)", {

              ocRef <- data.frame(delta=c(0,40,50,60,70),
              sigmaFixed <- 88

              priorT <- mixnorm(c(1,   0, 0.001), sigma=sigmaFixed, param="mn")
              priorP <- mixnorm(c(1, -49, 20   ), sigma=sigmaFixed, param="mn")

              ## the success criteria is for delta which are larger than some
              ## threshold value which is why we set lower.tail=FALSE
              successCrit  <- decision2S(c(0.95, 0.5), c(0, 50), FALSE)
              ## the futility criterion acts in the opposite direction
              futilityCrit <- decision2S(c(0.90)     , c(40),    TRUE)

              nT1 <- 20
              nP1 <- 10

              oc <- data.frame(delta=c(0,40,50,60,70))

              ## Note that due to the fact that only a single mixture component is
              ## used, the decision boundary is a linear function such that only few
              ## evaluations of the boundary are needed to estimate reliably the
              ## spline function

              ## Table 1, probability for interim for success
              oc$success <- oc2S(priorP, priorT, nP1, nT1, successCrit, Ngrid=1)(-49, -49-oc$delta)

              ## Table 1, probability for interim for futility
              oc$futile <- oc2S(priorP, priorT, nP1, nT1, futilityCrit, Ngrid=1)(-49, -49-oc$delta)

              ## Table 1, first three columns, page 74
              oc[-1] <- lapply(100*oc[-1], round, 1)

              resFutility <- abs(ocRef$futile - oc$futile)
              resSuccess  <- abs(ocRef$success - oc$success)

              expect_equal(sum(resFutility > 2) , 0, info="futility")
              expect_equal(sum(resSuccess > 2) , 0, info="success")

## failure when doing repeated evaluations which came up in consulting
test_that("Ensure that repeated oc2S evaluation works for normal case", {

              samp_sigma <- 3

              n_ia <- 38
              n_final <- 2*n_ia
              n_ia_to_final <- n_final - n_ia
              sem_ia <- samp_sigma/sqrt(n_ia)

              theta_ctl <- 0
              delta <- 1.04

              obs_P <- 0.11
              obs_T <- 1.28

              prior <- mixnorm(c(1,   0, 0.001), sigma=samp_sigma, param="mn")
              postP_interim <- postmix(prior, m = obs_P, se=sem_ia)
              postT_interim <- postmix(prior, m = obs_T, se=sem_ia)

              successCrit  <- decision2S(c(0.9), c(0), FALSE)

              interim_CP   <-  oc2S(
                  postT_interim, postP_interim,
                  n_ia_to_final, n_ia_to_final,
                  successCrit, sigma1=samp_sigma, sigma2=samp_sigma)

              cpd_ia <- interim_CP(obs_T, obs_P)
              cpd_ia2 <- interim_CP(theta_ctl + delta, theta_ctl)

              expect_number(cpd_ia, lower=0, upper=1, finite=TRUE)
              expect_number(cpd_ia2, lower=0, upper=1, finite=TRUE)

              ## check that when calculating directly that the results
              ## are close enough
              interim_CPalt   <-  oc2S(
                  postT_interim, postP_interim,
                  n_ia_to_final, n_ia_to_final,
                  successCrit, sigma1=samp_sigma, sigma2=samp_sigma)
              cpd_ia2alt <- interim_CPalt(theta_ctl + delta, theta_ctl)
              expect_number(abs(cpd_ia2 - cpd_ia2alt), lower=0, upper=1E-3, finite=TRUE)

## test against Schmidli et. al, "Robust Meta-Analytic-Predictive
## Priors", Table 2, unif and beta case
test_that("Schmidli et al. results (binary end-point)", {

              ocRef_inf <- expand.grid(pc=seq(0.1,0.6, by=0.1),delta=c(0,0.3))
              ocRef_inf$ref <- c(0, 1.6, 6.1, 13.7, 26.0, 44.4 ## beta/delta=0
                                ,81.6, 87.8, 93.4, 97.9, 99.6, 100.0 ## beta/delta=0.3

              ocRef_uni <- expand.grid(pc=seq(0.1,0.6, by=0.1),delta=c(0,0.3))
              ocRef_uni$ref <- c(1.8, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 2.6 ## unif/delta=0
                                ,89.7, 82.1, 79.5, 79.5, 81.9, 89.8 ## unif/delta=0.3
              dec <- decision2S(0.975, 0, lower.tail=FALSE)

              N <- 40

              prior_inf <- mixbeta(c(1, 4, 16))
              prior_uni <- mixbeta(c(1, 1,  1))

              N_ctl_uni <- N - round(ess(prior_uni, method="morita"))
              N_ctl_inf <- N - round(ess(prior_inf, method="morita"))

              design_uni <- oc2S(prior_uni, prior_uni, N, N_ctl_uni, dec)
              design_inf <- oc2S(prior_uni, prior_inf, N, N_ctl_inf, dec)

              res_uni <- design_uni(ocRef_uni$pc + ocRef_uni$delta, ocRef_uni$pc)
              res_inf <- design_inf(ocRef_inf$pc + ocRef_inf$delta, ocRef_inf$pc)

              expect_true(all(abs(100 * (res_uni - ocRef_uni$ref)) < 2.5))
              expect_true(all(abs(100 * (res_inf - ocRef_inf$ref)) < 2.5))

## some additional, very simple type I error tests and tests for the
## discrete case of correct critical value behavior

test_scenario <- function(oc_res, ref) {
    resA <- oc_res - ref
    expect_true(all(abs(resA) < eps))

expect_equal_each <- function(test, expected) {
    for(elem in test) {
       expect_equal(elem, expected)

## design object, decision function, posterior function must return
## posterior after updatding the prior with the given value; we assume
## that the priors are the same for sample 1 and 2
test_critical_discrete <- function(design, decision, posterior, y2) {
    lower.tail <- attr(decision, "lower.tail")
    crit <- design(y2=y2)
    post2 <- posterior(y2)
    if(lower.tail) {
        expect_equal(decision(posterior(crit-1), post2), 1)
        expect_equal(decision(posterior(crit  ), post2), 1)
        expect_equal(decision(posterior(crit+1), post2), 0)
    } else {
        expect_equal(decision(posterior(crit-1), post2), 0)
        expect_equal(decision(posterior(crit  ), post2), 0)
        expect_equal(decision(posterior(crit+1), post2), 1)

## expect results to be 1% exact
eps <- 1e-2
alpha <- 0.05

dec  <- decision2S(1-alpha, 0, lower.tail=TRUE)
decB <- decision2S(1-alpha, 0, lower.tail=FALSE)

## test binary case

beta_prior <- mixbeta(c(1, 1, 1))
if(!run_on_cran()) {
    design_binary  <- oc2S(beta_prior, beta_prior, 100, 100, dec)
    design_binaryB <- oc2S(beta_prior, beta_prior, 100, 100, decB)
posterior_binary <- function(r) postmix(beta_prior, r=r, n=100)
p_test <- 1:9 / 10
test_that("Binary type I error rate", { skip_on_cran(); test_scenario(design_binary(p_test, p_test), alpha) })
test_that("Binary crticial value, lower.tail=TRUE", { skip_on_cran(); test_critical_discrete(design_binary, dec, posterior_binary, 30) })
test_that("Binary crticial value, lower.tail=FALSE", { skip_on_cran(); test_critical_discrete(design_binaryB, decB, posterior_binary, 30) })
test_that("Binary boundary case, lower.tail=TRUE",  { skip_on_cran(); expect_numeric(design_binary( 1, 1), lower=0, upper=1, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE) })
test_that("Binary boundary case, lower.tail=FALSE", { skip_on_cran(); expect_numeric(design_binaryB(0, 0), lower=0, upper=1, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE) })

## check case where decision never changes due to prior being too
## strong

beta_prior1 <- mixbeta(c(1, 0.9, 1000), param="mn")
beta_prior2 <- mixbeta(c(1, 0.1, 1000), param="mn")
design_lower <- oc2S(beta_prior1, beta_prior2, 20, 20, dec)  ## always 0
design_upper <- oc2S(beta_prior1, beta_prior2, 20, 20, decB) ## always 1

test_that("Binary case, no decision change, lower.tail=TRUE, critical value", { skip_on_cran(); expect_equal_each(design_lower(y2=0:20), -1) })
test_that("Binary case, no decision change, lower.tail=FALSE, critical value", { skip_on_cran(); expect_equal_each(design_upper(y2=0:20), 21) })
test_that("Binary case, no decision change, lower.tail=TRUE, frequency=0", { skip_on_cran(); expect_equal_each(design_lower(p_test, p_test), 0.0) })
test_that("Binary case, no decision change, lower.tail=FALSE, frequency=1",  { skip_on_cran(); expect_equal_each(design_upper(p_test, p_test), 1.0) })

if(!run_on_cran()) {
    design_lower_rev <- oc2S(beta_prior2, beta_prior1, 20, 20, dec)  ## always 1
    design_upper_rev <- oc2S(beta_prior2, beta_prior1, 20, 20, decB) ## always 0

test_that("Binary case, no decision change (reversed), lower.tail=TRUE, critical value",  { skip_on_cran(); expect_equal_each(design_lower_rev(y2=0:20), 20) })
test_that("Binary case, no decision change (reversed), lower.tail=FALSE, critical value", { skip_on_cran(); expect_equal_each(design_upper_rev(y2=0:20), -1) })
test_that("Binary case, no decision change (reversed), lower.tail=TRUE, frequency=0",  { skip_on_cran(); expect_equal_each(design_lower_rev(p_test, p_test), 1.0) })
test_that("Binary case, no decision change (reversed), lower.tail=FALSE, frequency=1",  { skip_on_cran(); expect_equal_each(design_upper_rev(p_test, p_test), 0.0) })
test_that("Binary case, log-link", {
    success <- decision2S(pc=c(0.90, 0.50), qc=c(log(1), log(0.50)), lower.tail=TRUE, link="log")
    prior_pbo <- mixbeta(inf1=c(0.60, 19, 29), inf2=c(0.30, 4, 5), rob=c(0.10, 1, 1))
    prior_trt <- mixbeta(c(1, 1/3, 1/3))
    n_trt <- 50
    n_pbo <- 20
    design_suc <- oc2S(prior_trt, prior_pbo, n_trt, n_pbo, success)
    theta <- seq(0,1,by=0.1)
    expect_numeric(design_suc(theta, theta), lower=0, upper=1, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE)
test_that("Binary case, logit-link", {
    success <- decision2S(pc=c(0.90, 0.50), qc=c(log(1), log(0.50)), lower.tail=TRUE, link="logit")
    prior_pbo <- mixbeta(inf1=c(0.60, 19, 29), inf2=c(0.30, 4, 5), rob=c(0.10, 1, 1))
    prior_trt <- mixbeta(c(1, 1/3, 1/3))
    n_trt <- 50
    n_pbo <- 20
    design_suc <- oc2S(prior_trt, prior_pbo, n_trt, n_pbo, success)
    theta <- seq(0,1,by=0.1)
    expect_numeric(design_suc(theta, theta), lower=0, upper=1, finite=TRUE, any.missing=FALSE)

## check approximate method

beta_prior <- mixbeta(c(1, 1, 1))
design_binary_eps <- oc2S(beta_prior, beta_prior, 100, 100, dec, eps=1E-3)
p_test <- seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1)
test_that("Binary type I error rate", { skip_on_cran(); test_scenario(design_binary_eps(p_test, p_test), alpha) })

## 22 Nov 2017: disabled test as we trigger always calculation of the
## boundaries as of now.
## test_that("Binary results cache expands", {
##               design_binary_eps <- oc2S(beta_prior, beta_prior, 100, 100, dec, eps=1E-3)
##               design_binary_eps(theta1=0.99, theta2=0.8)
##               ## in this case the cache boundaries do not cover the
##               ## critical value
##               expect_true(is.na(design_binary_eps(theta1=0.99, y2=80)))
##               ## while now they do as theta1 is set to 0.1 and 0.9
##               ## internally which triggers recalculation of the
##               ## internal boundaries
##               expect_true(!is.na(design_binary_eps(y2=80)))
##           })

## test poisson case

gamma_prior <- mixgamma(c(1, 2, 2))

design_poisson  <- oc2S(gamma_prior, gamma_prior, 100, 100, dec)
design_poissonB <- oc2S(gamma_prior, gamma_prior, 100, 100, decB)
posterior_poisson <- function(m) postmix(gamma_prior, m=m/100, n=100)
lambda_test <- seq(0.5, 1.3, by=0.1)
test_that("Poisson type I error rate", { skip_on_cran(); test_scenario(design_poisson(lambda_test, lambda_test), alpha) })
test_that("Poisson crticial value, lower.tail=TRUE", { skip_on_cran(); test_critical_discrete(design_poisson, dec, posterior_poisson, 90) })
test_that("Poisson crticial value, lower.tail=FALSE", { skip_on_cran(); test_critical_discrete(design_poissonB, decB, posterior_poisson, 90) })
## 22 Nov 2017: disabled test as we trigger always calculation of the
## boundaries as of now.
##test_that("Poisson results cache expands", {
##              design_poisson  <- oc2S(gamma_prior, gamma_prior, 100, 100, dec)
##              design_poisson(theta1=1, theta2=c(0.7,1))
##              expect_true(sum(is.na(design_poisson(y2=70:90)) ) == 4)
##              expect_true(sum(is.na(design_poisson(theta1=c(0.01, 1), y2=70:90)) ) == 0)
##          })

test_that("Normal OC 2-sample case works for n2=0, crohn-1", {
    crohn_sigma <- 88

    map <- mixnorm(c(0.6,-50,19), c(0.4,-50, 42), sigma=crohn_sigma)

    ## add a 20% non-informative mixture component
    map_robust <- robustify(map, weight=0.2, mean=-50, sigma=88)

    poc <- decision2S(pc=c(0.95,0.5), qc=c(0,-50), lower.tail=TRUE)

    weak_prior <- mixnorm(c(1,-50,1), sigma=crohn_sigma, param = 'mn')
    n_act <- 40
    ##n_pbo <- 20

    design_noprior_b  <- oc2S(weak_prior, map, n_act, 0, poc,
                              sigma1=crohn_sigma, sigma2=crohn_sigma)

    expect_numeric(design_noprior_b(-20, -30), lower=0, upper=1, any.missing=FALSE)

test_that("Normal OC 2-sample case works for n2=0, crohn-2", {
    crohn_sigma <- 88

    map <- mixnorm(c(1.0,-50,19), sigma=crohn_sigma)

    ## add a 20% non-informative mixture component
    map_robust <- robustify(map, weight=0.2, mean=-50, sigma=88)

    poc <- decision2S(pc=c(0.95,0.5), qc=c(0,-50), lower.tail=TRUE)

    weak_prior <- mixnorm(c(1,-50,1), sigma=crohn_sigma, param = 'mn')
    n_act <- 40
    ##n_pbo <- 20

    design_noprior_b  <- oc2S(weak_prior, map, n_act, 0, poc,
                              sigma1=crohn_sigma, sigma2=crohn_sigma)

    expect_numeric(design_noprior_b(-20, -30), lower=0, upper=1, any.missing=FALSE)

test_that("Normal OC 2-sample avoids undefined behavior, example 1", {

    sigma_ref <- 3.2
    ##map_ref <- mixnorm(c(0.51, -2.1, 0.39), c(0.42, -2.1, 0.995), c(0.06, -1.99, 2.32), sigma=sigma_ref)
    ## chagned so that weights sum to 1
    map_ref <- mixnorm(c(0.52, -2.1, 0.39), c(0.42, -2.1, 0.995), c(0.06, -1.99, 2.32), sigma=sigma_ref)
    prior_flat <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 100), sigma=sigma_ref)
    alpha <- 0.05
    dec  <- decision2S(1-alpha, 0, lower.tail=FALSE)
    n <- 58
    k <- 2
    design_map  <- oc2S(prior_flat, map_ref, n, n/k, dec)
    design_map_2  <- oc2S(prior_flat, map_ref, n, n/k, dec)

    x <- seq(-2.6, -1.6, by=0.1)
    expect_numeric(design_map(x, x), lower=0, upper=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    expect_silent(design_map(-3, -4))
    expect_numeric(design_map(-3, -4), lower=0, upper=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    expect_numeric(design_map(-3, 4), lower=0, upper=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    expect_numeric(design_map(-1.6, -1.6), lower=0, upper=1, any.missing=FALSE)

    expect_numeric(design_map_2(-3, -4), lower=0, upper=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    expect_numeric(design_map_2(-3, 4), lower=0, upper=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    expect_numeric(design_map_2(-1.6, -1.6), lower=0, upper=1, any.missing=FALSE)
    expect_numeric(design_map_2(x, x), lower=0, upper=1, any.missing=FALSE)

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