# Functions of RCircos data plot on different tracks
# 1. RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot()
# 2. RCircos.Gene.Name.Plot()
# 3. RCircos.Heatmap.Plot()
# 4. RCircos.Histogram.Plot()
# 5. RCircos.Line.Plot()
# 6. RCircos.Scatter.Plot()
# 7. RCircos.Tile.Plot()
# 8. RCircos.Link.Plot()
# 9. RCircos.Ribbon.Plot()
# 10. RCircos.Clear.Track()
# 11. RCircos.Track.Outline()
# 12. RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot()
# 13. RCircos.Point.Plot()
# 14. RCircos.Parallele.Link.Plot()
# 15. RCircos.Polygon.Plot()
# 16. RCircos.Area.Highlight()
# 17. RCircos.Customized.Shape.Plot()
# 18. RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations()
# 19. RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values()
# 20. RCircos.Area.plot()
# 21. RCircos.Customized.Connection.Plot()
# New arguments have been added for version 1.2 to allow advanced users
# 1. to define track locations directly
# 2. accept different number (2 or 3) of columns for genomic position
# 3. pre-sorting is no required for genomic data
# Old arguments will be first and in original order so new arguments
# could be ignored for use of old version
# Last modified on August 21, 2017
# ________________________________________________________________________
# <RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos>
# ==========================================================================
# 1. RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot()
# Draw connectors between chromosome ideogram and gene labels. The plot data
# (connectData) has two paired point locations on two neighbour tracks
# (chromosomes ideogram and gene label track). The first column is for outer
# points, and the second column is inner points.
# The points are sorted by relative positions on their chromosomes and are
# held in the last two columns of connectData.
# Arguments:
# Data frame with the first four columns for chromosome
# name, start and end position, and names of genes.
# track.num: Non-negative integer, number of the track from
# chromosome ideogram.
# side: Character vector, must be either "in" or "out".
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2.
# is.sorted: Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
# and start position
# Return value: None
# Example: RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot(, 1, "in")
# RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot(, 0.9, 0.85)
RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot <- function(,
track.num=NULL, side="in", inside.pos=NULL,
outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=FALSE)
stop("Genomic data missing for RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot().\n");
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos,
outside.pos, erase.area=FALSE);
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2];
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
# Construct Connector data from gene name data
# =======================================================
geneData <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(,
labelData <- RCircos.Get.Gene.Label.Locations(geneData,
genomic.columns, is.sorted);
connectData <- data.frame(labelData$Location, labelData$LabelPosition);
# Switch the columns of genomic location and label
# location for inside or outside
# =================================================
if(outerPos < RCircos.Par$chr.ideo.pos) {
genomicCol <- ncol(connectData) - 1;
labelCol <- ncol(connectData);
} else {
genomicCol <- ncol(connectData);
labelCol <- ncol(connectData) - 1;
# Heights for the two vertical lines of connectors and
# the horizontal line range
# ====================================================
vHeight <- round((outerPos-innerPos)/10, digits=4);
hRange <- outerPos - innerPos - 2*vHeight;
topLoc <- outerPos - vHeight;
botLoc <- innerPos + vHeight;
# Connector colors
# ===============================================
lineColors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(labelData, RCircos.Par$text.color);
# Plot Connectors
# ===============================================
chroms <- unique(connectData[,1]);
for(aChr in seq_along(chroms))
chrRows <- which(connectData[,1]==chroms[aChr]);
total <- length(chrRows);
for(aPoint in seq_len(total))
p1 <- connectData[chrRows[aPoint], genomicCol];
p2 <- connectData[chrRows[aPoint], labelCol];
# draw top vertical line
# ======================================
lines(c(RCircos.Pos[p1, 1]*outerPos, RCircos.Pos[p1, 1]*topLoc),
c(RCircos.Pos[p1,2]*outerPos, RCircos.Pos[p1, 2]*topLoc),
# draw bottom vertical line
# ======================================
lines(c(RCircos.Pos[p2, 1]*botLoc, RCircos.Pos[p2, 1]*innerPos),
c(RCircos.Pos[p2,2]*botLoc, RCircos.Pos[p2, 2]*innerPos),
# draw horizontal line
# ======================================
lines(c(RCircos.Pos[p1, 1]*topLoc, RCircos.Pos[p2, 1]*botLoc),
c(RCircos.Pos[p1, 2]*topLoc, RCircos.Pos[p2, 2]*botLoc),
# ==========================================================================
# 2. RCircos.Gene.Name.Plot()
# Label genes beside of track. This is only suitable for small number of
# labels. When cex=0.4, each character of the label will occupy about 5000
# units. This is the best visualization for a 8x8 inch image.
# Arguments:
# A data frame returned from the function call to
# RCircos.Get.Gene.Label.Locations(
# The has three leading columns for
# genomic positions followed by gene names.
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2.
# name.col: Non-negative integer, number of column in
# for data to be plotted (gene names)
# track.num: Non-negative integer, number of the track from
# chromosome ideogram.
# side: Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# is.sorted: Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
# and start position
# Return value: None
# Example: RCircos.Gene.Label(, name.col=4, track.num=3, "in")
# RCircos.Gene.Label(, inside.pos=0.7, outside.pos=0.8)
RCircos.Gene.Name.Plot <- function(, name.col=NULL,
track.num=NULL, side="in", inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL,
genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=FALSE)
stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Gene.Name.Plot().\n");
stop("Missing number of columns for genomic position.\n");
if( is.null(name.col) ||name.col <= genomic.columns)
stop("Data column must be ", genomic.columns+1, " or bigger.\n");
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
textColors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(, RCircos.Par$text.color);
# Convert raw data to plot data. The raw data will be validated
# first during the conversion
# =============================================================
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos,
outside.pos, FALSE); <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(,
genomic.columns); <- RCircos.Get.Gene.Label.Locations(, genomic.columns,
# Label positions
# =============================================================
rightSide <- nrow(RCircos.Pos)/2;
thePoints <- as.numeric([, ncol(]);
if(side=="in") {
labelPos <- boundary[1];
textSide <- rep(4, nrow(;
textSide[thePoints <= rightSide] <- 2;
} else {
labelPos <- boundary[2];
textSide <- rep(2, nrow(;
textSide[thePoints <= rightSide] <- 4;
# Plot labels
# =============================================================
for(aText in seq_len(nrow(
geneName <- as.character([aText, name.col]);
rotation <- RCircos.Pos$degree[thePoints[aText]];
label=geneName, pos=textSide[aText],
cex=RCircos.Par$text.size, srt=rotation,
offset=0, col=textColors[aText]);
# =========================================================================
# 3. RCircos.Heatmap.Plot()
# Draw one track of heatmap with blue and red colors. The first four columns
# of headmap data must be chromosome, chromStart, chromEnd, and gene names.
# Arguments:
# A data frame with returned from function call to
# RCircos.Get.Plot.Data(, plot.type).
# Heatmap data must have leading columns for gene
# position and gene names.
# data.col: Non-negative integer, number of column in
# for data to be plotted
# track.num: Non-negative integer, number of the track from
# chromosome ideogram.
# side: Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
# min.value: Numeric, minimum value for heatmap scale
# max.value: Numeric, maximum value for heatmap scale
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2.
# is.sorted: Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
# and start position
# Return value: None
# Example: RCircos.Heatmap.Plot(, 3, 3, "in")
# RCircos.Heatmap.Plot(, data.col=3,
# inside.pos=0.8, outside.pos=0.9)
RCircos.Heatmap.Plot <- function(, data.col=NULL,
track.num=NULL, side=c("in", "out"), min.value=NULL, max.value=NULL,
inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Heatmap.Plot().\n");
stop("Missing number of columns for genomic position.\n");
if( is.null(data.col) || data.col <= genomic.columns)
stop("Data column must be ", genomic.columns+1, " or bigger.\n");
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos,
outside.pos, FALSE);
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2];
RCircos.Cyto <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Ideogram();
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
# Colors for different data values
# ===========================================================
colorMap <- RCircos.Get.Heatmap.Color.Scale(RCircos.Par$heatmap.color);
if(is.null(min.value) || is.null(max.value))
columns <- (genomic.columns+2):ncol(;
min.value <- min(as.matrix([, columns]));
max.value <- max(as.matrix([, columns]));
colorLevel <- seq(min.value, max.value, length=length(colorMap));
# Each heatmap cell starts from data start location and span for
# heatmap.width. Make sure each one will be in the range of thire
# chromosome
# ===============================================================
# <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(,
plotLocations <- RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations(,
# outline of chromosomes. No lines inside.
# ===============================================================
chromosomes <- unique(as.character(RCircos.Cyto$Chromosome));
outlineColors <- rep("white", length(chromosomes));
RCircos.Track.Outline(outerPos, innerPos, num.layers=1,
chrom.list=chromosomes, track.colors=outlineColors);
# Plot heatmap for each gene.
# ===============================================================
heatmapValues <- as.numeric([, data.col]);
for(aPoint in 1:length(heatmapValues))
theLevel <- which(colorLevel >= heatmapValues[aPoint]);
cellColor <- colorMap[min(theLevel)];
theStart <- plotLocations[aPoint, 1];
theEnd <- plotLocations[aPoint, 2];
polygonX <- c(RCircos.Pos[theStart:theEnd,1]*outerPos,
polygonY <- c(RCircos.Pos[theStart:theEnd,2]*outerPos,
polygon(polygonX, polygonY, col=cellColor, border=NA);
# =========================================================================
# 4. RCircos.Histogram.Plot()
# Arguments:
# A data frame with returned from Circos.Get.Plot.Data().
# Histogram data has three leading columns for genomic
# positions.
# data.col: Non-negative integer, number of column in
# for data to be plotted
# track.num: Non-negative integer, number of the track from
# chromosome ideogram.
# side: Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
# min.value: Numeric, minimum value for histogram height
# max.value: Numeric, maximum value for histogram height
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2.
# is.sorted: Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
# and start position
# Return value: None
# Example: RCircos.Histogram.Plot(, 4, 2, "in")
# RCircos.Histogram.Plot(, data.col=4,
# inside.pos=0.8, outside.pos=0.9)
RCircos.Histogram.Plot <- function(, data.col=4,
track.num=NULL, side=c("in", "out"), min.value=NULL,
max.value=NULL, inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL,
genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Histogram.Plot().\n");
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos,
outside.pos, FALSE);
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2];
if(is.null(genomic.columns) || genomic.columns<2 || genomic.columns>3)
stop("Incorrect number of columns for genomic position.\n");
if( is.null(data.col) || data.col <= genomic.columns)
stop("Hist data column must be greater than", genomic.columns, ".\n");
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
RCircos.Cyto <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Ideogram();
# Convert raw data to plot data. The raw data will be validated
# first during the convertion
# ============================================================
# <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(,
locations <- RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations(,
# histgram colors and height
# =========================================================
histColors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(, RCircos.Par$hist.color);
histValues <- as.numeric([, data.col]);
if(is.null(max.value) || is.null(min.value)) {
max.value <- max(histValues);
min.value <- min(histValues);
} else {
if(min.value > max.value) stop("min.value > max.value.")
histHeight <- RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height(histValues, min.value,
max.value, plot.type="points", outerPos-innerPos);
# Draw histogram
# =============================================================
RCircos.Track.Outline(outerPos, innerPos, RCircos.Par$sub.tracks);
for(aPoint in seq_len(nrow(
height <- innerPos + histHeight[aPoint];
theStart <- locations[aPoint, 1];
theEnd <- locations[aPoint, 2];
# Plot rectangle with specific height for each data point
# =========================================================
polygonX <- c(RCircos.Pos[theStart:theEnd,1]*height,
polygonY <- c(RCircos.Pos[theStart:theEnd,2]*height,
polygon(polygonX, polygonY, col=histColors[aPoint], border=NA);
# =========================================================================
# 5. RCircos.Line.Plot()
# This will draw lines between two neibors for all points
# Arguments:
# A data frame returned from function call of
# RCircos.Get.Plot.Data( has
# three leading columns for genomic positions.
# data.col: Non-negative integer, number of column in
# for the data to be plotted
# track.num: Non-negative integer, number of the track from
# chromosome ideogram
# side: Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
# min.value: Numeric, minimum value of line data
# max.value: Numeric, maximum value of line data
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2.
# is.sorted: Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
# and start position
# Return value: None
# Example: RCircos.Line.Plot(, 4, 3, "in")
# Last revised on June 16, 2015
RCircos.Line.Plot <- function(, data.col=4, track.num=NULL,
side=c("in", "out"), min.value=NULL, max.value=NULL,
inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3,is.sorted=TRUE)
stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Line.Plot().\n");
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos,
outside.pos, FALSE);
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2];
stop("Missing number of columns for genomic position.\n");
if( is.null(data.col) || data.col <= genomic.columns)
stop("Line data column must be ", genomic.columns+1, " or bigger.\n");
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
# Convert raw data to plot data. The raw data will
# be validated first during the convertion
# ===================================================
# <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(,
pointValues <- as.numeric([, data.col]);
if(is.null(min.value) || is.null(max.value)){
min.value <- min(pointValues);
max.value <- max(pointValues);
} else {
if(min.value > max.value) stop("min.value > max.value.")
pointHeight <- RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height(pointValues, min.value,
max.value, plot.type="points", outerPos-innerPos);
pointHeight <- pointHeight + innerPos;
# Line colors
# ============================================================
line.colors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(, RCircos.Par$line.color);
# Start plotting. Line plot is connecting two neighbor points
# so no exception catch needed.
# ===========================================================
RCircos.Track.Outline(outerPos, innerPos, RCircos.Par$sub.tracks)
for(aPoint in seq_len((nrow(
# chromosome changed....
if([aPoint, 1]!=[aPoint+1, 1]) { next;} <-[aPoint, ncol(];
point.two <-[aPoint+1, ncol(];
# Draw lines
# =====================================================
lines(c(RCircos.Pos[ , 1]*pointHeight[aPoint],
RCircos.Pos[point.two , 1]*pointHeight[aPoint+1]),
c(RCircos.Pos[ , 2]*pointHeight[aPoint],
RCircos.Pos[point.two , 2]*pointHeight[aPoint+1]),
# =========================================================================
# 6. RCircos.Scatter.Plot()
# Draw one track of scatterplot.
# Arguments:
# A data frame returned from function call of
# RCircos.Get.Plot.Data(, plot.type).
# The has three leading columns for
# genomic positions.
# data.col: Non-negative integer, number of column in
# for the data to be plotted
# track.num: Non-negative integer, number of the track from
# chromosome ideogram
# side: Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
# by.fold:
# min.value: Numeric, minimum value of scatter plot data
# max.value: Numeric, maximum value of scatter plot data
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2.
# is.sorted: Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
# and start position
# Return value: None
# Example: RCircos.Scatter.Plot(, 5, 3, "in", 1)
# RCircos.Scatter.Plot(, data.col=5, by.fold=0,
# inside.pos=1.5, outside.pos=1.6)
RCircos.Scatter.Plot <- function(, data.col=4,
track.num=NULL, side=c("in", "out"), by.fold=0,
min.value=NULL, max.value=NULL, inside.pos=NULL,
outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Scatter.Plot().\n");
stop("Missing number of columns for genomic position.\n");
if( is.null(data.col) || data.col <= genomic.columns)
stop("Data column must be ", genomic.columns+1, " or bigger.\n");
if(by.fold<0) stop("Value of by.fold cannot be negative.\n")
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos,
outside.pos, FALSE);
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2];
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
# Convert raw data to plot data then adjust the data value to
# avoid overflow. The raw data will be validated first
# =============================================================
scatter.values <- as.numeric([,data.col]); <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(,
# scatter colors
# =====================================================
if(by.fold>0) {
scatter.colors <- rep("black", nrow(;
red.rows <- which(scatter.values>by.fold);
if(length(red.rows)>0) scatter.colors[red.rows] <- "red";
blue.rows <- which(scatter.values <= -by.fold);
if(length(blue.rows)>0) scatter.colors[blue.rows] <- "blue";
} else {
scatter.colors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(,
if(is.null(max.value) || is.null(min.value))
max.value <- max(scatter.values);
min.value <- min(scatter.values)
plot.values <- RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values(scatter.values,
min.value=min.value, max.value=max.value,
track.height=outerPos-innerPos, subtrack=RCircos.Par$sub.track)
plot.height <- innerPos + plot.values;
# Start plotting
# ============================================================
RCircos.Track.Outline(outerPos, innerPos, RCircos.Par$sub.tracks)
for(a.point in seq_len(nrow(
the.point <-[a.point, ncol(];
points(RCircos.Pos[the.point ,1]*plot.height[a.point],
RCircos.Pos[the.point ,2]*plot.height[a.point],
col=scatter.colors[a.point], pch=RCircos.Par$point.type,
# =========================================================================
# 7. RCircos.Tile.Plot()
# Draws one track of tiles. Note: Tile plot needs genomic position only
# and data column is not requied.
# Arguments:
# A data frame returned from the function call to
# RCircos.Get.Plot.Data(, plot.type). The
# has three columns for genomic positions only
# track.num: Non-negative integer, number of the track from
# chromosome ideogram.
# side: Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic position in each row. Must be 3.
# is.sorted: Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
# and start position
# Return value: None
# Example: RCircos.Tile.Plot(, track.num=3, side="in")
# RCircos.Tile.Plot(, inside.pos=1.2, outside.pos=1.3)
RCircos.Tile.Plot <- function(, track.num=NULL,
side=c("in", "out"), inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL,
genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Tile.Plot().\n");
if(is.null(genomic.columns) || genomic.columns < 3)
stop(paste("Genomic position must include chromosome name,",
"start and end position.\n"));
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos,
outside.pos, FALSE);
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2];
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
# Convert raw data to plot data. The raw data will be validated
# first during the conversion
# =============================================================
# <- RCircos.Get.Paired.Points.Positions(,
genomic.columns, plot.type="tile");
# Assign a layer number to each data point and find the maximum
# layer number
# ============================================================
tile.layers <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Layers(, genomic.columns);
layer.height <- RCircos.Par$track.height/RCircos.Par$max.layers;
num.layers <- max(tile.layers);
{ innerPos <- outerPos - layer.height*num.layers;
} else { outerPos <- innerPos + layer.height*num.layers; }
message(paste("Tiles plot may use more than one track.",
"Please select correct area for next track if necessary.\n"));
{ layer.height <- RCircos.Par$track.height/num.layers; }
# Tile colors
# =====================
tile.colors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(, RCircos.Par$tile.color);
# Start plotting
# =============================================================
RCircos.Track.Outline(outerPos, innerPos, num.layers);
the.loc <- ncol(;
for(a.row in seq_len(nrow(
tile.start <-$LinkStart[a.row]
tile.end <-$LinkEnd[a.row]; <- innerPos + layer.height*(tile.layers[a.row]-1); <- + layer.height*0.8;
polygon.x<- c(RCircos.Pos[tile.start:tile.end,1]*,
polygon.y<- c(RCircos.Pos[tile.start:tile.end,2]*,
polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, col=tile.colors[a.row]);
# =========================================================================
# 8. RCircos.Link.Plot()
# Draw link lines between two chromosomes. Link line is always inside
# of ideogram and data has only paired genomic positions
# Arguments:
# Data frame with paired genomic positions in each row
# track.num: Non-negative number, number of the track from
# chromosome ideogram.
# by.chromosome: Logical, if true, intra chromosome will be red,
# otherwise random color will be used
# start.pos: Non-negative number, scale factor based on chromosome
# ideogram position. Must be smaller than 1.
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic position in each row. Must be 3.
# is.sorted: Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
# and start position
# lineWidth: Non-negative numeric vector, width for each link line.
# Example: RCircos.Link.Plot(, 9, TRUE)
# RCircos.Link.Plot(, by.chromosome=FALSE, start.pos=0.6)
RCircos.Link.Plot <- function(, track.num=NULL, by.chromosome=FALSE,
start.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE,
lineWidth=rep(1, nrow(
if(is.null( stop("Link data missing in RCircos.Link.Plot().\n");
if(by.chromosome!=TRUE && by.chromosome!=FALSE)
stop("Error: by.chromosome must be either TRUE or FALSE.\n");
if(length(which(lineWidth < 0)) > 1 )
stop("Line width must be positive.");
if(length(lineWidth) > 1 && length(lineWidth) != nrow(
stop("Length of lineWidth must match rows of");
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
if(is.null(start.pos)) {
locations <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side="in",
inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, FALSE);
line.start <- locations[1];
} else {
if(start.pos>=1) stop("Link line must be inside chromosome ideogram");
line.start <- RCircos.Par$chr.ideo.pos * start.pos;
if(is.null(genomic.columns) || genomic.columns < 3)
stop("Incorrect number of columns for genomic position.\n");
# Start and end point for each link line
# ================================================
# <- RCircos.Get.Paired.Points.Positions(,
genomic.columns, plot.type="link");
# Get link line colors for each pair of locations
# ================================================
link.colors <- RCircos.Get.Link.Colors(, genomic.columns,
# Draw link lines for each pair of locations
# ==========================================
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
base.positions <- RCircos.Pos[, 1:2]*line.start;
for( in seq_len(nrow(
{ <- as.numeric($LinkStart[]);
point.two <- as.numeric($LinkEnd[]);
if( > point.two)
{ <-$LinkEnd[];
point.two <-$LinkStart[];
P0 <- as.numeric(base.positions[, ]);
P2 <- as.numeric(base.positions[point.two, ]);
links <- RCircos.Link.Line(P0, P2);
lines(links$pos.x, links$pos.y, type="l",
lwd=lineWidth[], col=link.colors[] );
# =========================================================================
# 9. RCircos.Ribbon.Plot()
# Ribbon link plot. Ribbons are wide link line between two chromosomes
# Arguments:
# Data frame with paired genomic positions in each row
# track.num: Non-negative number, number of the track from
# chromosome ideogram.
# by.chromosome: Logic, if true, intra chromosome will be red,
# otherwise random color will be used
# twist: Logic, if the ribbon is twisted
# start.pos: Non-negative number, scale factor based on chromosome
# ideogram position. Must be smaller than 1.
# Return value: None
# Example: RCircos.Ribbon.Plot(, 10, FALSE, FALSE)
# RCircos.Ribbon.Plot(, start.pos=0.75)
# Last revised on June 11, 2014
RCircos.Ribbon.Plot <- function(, track.num=NULL,
by.chromosome=FALSE, twist=FALSE, start.pos=NULL,
genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
stop("Ribbon data missing in RCircos.Ribbon.Plot().\n");
if(by.chromosome!=TRUE && by.chromosome!=FALSE)
stop("Error: by.chromosome must be either TRUE or FALSE.\n");
if(twist!=TRUE &&twist!=FALSE)
stop("Error: twist must be either TRUE or FALSE.\n");
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
if(is.null(start.pos)) {
locations <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side="in",
inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, FALSE);
ribbon.start <- locations[1];
} else {
if(start.pos>=1) stop("Link line must be inside of ideogram");
ribbon.start <- RCircos.Par$chr.ideo.pos * start.pos;
# Check chromosome names, start, and end positions
# =================================================
RCircos.Validate.Genomic.Data(, plot.type="link",
# Coordinates of the four conner of each ribbon (polygon)
# =======================================================
data.points <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(*4), ncol=4);
for( in seq_len(nrow(
data.points[, 1] <- RCircos.Data.Point([, 1],[, 2]);
data.points[, 2] <- RCircos.Data.Point([, 1],[, 3]);
data.points[, 3]<- RCircos.Data.Point([, 4],[, 5]);
data.points[, 4]<- RCircos.Data.Point([, 4],[, 6]);
if(data.points[, 1]==0 || data.points[, 2]==0 ||
data.points[, 3]==0 || data.points[, 4]==0)
stop("Error in chromosome locations ...");
# Ribbon colors
# ====================================================
ribbon.colors <- RCircos.Get.Link.Colors(, genomic.columns,
# Draw each ribbon (polygon)
# ============================
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();;
base.positions <- RCircos.Pos*ribbon.start;
for(a.ribbon in seq_len(nrow(
{ <- data.points[a.ribbon, 1]; <- data.points[a.ribbon, 2];
if(twist==FALSE) {
start.two <- data.points[a.ribbon, 3];
end.two <- data.points[a.ribbon, 4];
} else {
start.two <- data.points[a.ribbon, 4];
end.two <- data.points[a.ribbon, 3];
P0 <- as.numeric(base.positions[,]);
P2 <- as.numeric(base.positions[start.two,]); <- RCircos.Link.Line(P0, P2);
P0 <- as.numeric(base.positions[end.two,]);
P2 <- as.numeric(base.positions[,]);
line.two <- RCircos.Link.Line(P0, P2);
polygon.x<- c(base.positions[,1],$pos.x,
base.positions[start.two:end.two,1], line.two$pos.x );
polygon.y<- c(base.positions[,2],$pos.y,
base.positions[start.two:end.two,2], line.two$pos.y );
polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, border=NA, col=ribbon.colors[a.ribbon]);
# =========================================================================
# 10. RCircos.Clear.Track()
# Erase one track or center area
# Arguments:
# track.num: Non-negative number, the numbers of track to be erased
# (e.g., 2, 3, 4, even 3.5)
# side: Character vector, relative position to chromosome
# ideogram, must be either "in" or "out".
# Logical, TRUE for erase inner area including current
# track and FALSE for clear current track only
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# Returned value: None
# Example: RCircos.Clear.Track(track.num=2, side="in",;
RCircos.Clear.Track <- function(track.num=NULL, side=NULL,, inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL)
if(!=FALSE &&!=TRUE)
{ stop(" must be either TRUE or FALSE.\n"); }
# Adjust the far position relative to chromosome ideogram
# =======================================================
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num=track.num,
side=side, inside.pos=inside.pos, outside.pos=outside.pos,
if(boundary[1] <= RCircos.Par$chr.ideo.pos) {
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2] - RCircos.Par$track.padding;
} else {
outerPos <- boundary[1] + RCircos.Par$track.padding;
innerPos <- boundary[2];
# Clear all inner area including current track
# ===================================================
if( == TRUE)
polygon.x <- RCircos.Pos[,1]*outerPos;
polygon.y <- RCircos.Pos[,2]*outerPos;
# Clear current track area only
# ==============================
} else {
start <- 1; end <- nrow(RCircos.Pos);
polygon.x <- c(RCircos.Pos[start:end,1]*outerPos,
polygon.y <- c(RCircos.Pos[start:end,2]*outerPos,
polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, col="white", border="white");
# =========================================================================
# 11. RCircos.Track.Outline()
# Draw outline of one plot track.
# Arguments:
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# num.layers: Non-negative integer, number of sub-tracks to plot,
# 0 for no sub-track line
# chrom.list: Character vector of chromosome name list or NULL
# track.colors: Color names for each chromosome in chrom.list or all.
# Return value: None
# Example: RCircos.Track.Outline(0.75, 0.65, 5, NULL)
RCircos.Track.Outline <- function(inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL,
num.layers=1, chrom.list=NULL, track.colors=NULL)
if(is.null(outside.pos) || is.null(inside.pos))
stop("Missing outside.pos/inside.pos in RCircos.Track.Outline().\n")
RCircos.Cyto <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Ideogram();
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
# Sub-track height. Note: Some times there may have
# more or less subtracks than default maximum layers
# ===================================================
subtrack.height <- (outside.pos-inside.pos)/num.layers;
chromosomes <- unique(as.character(RCircos.Cyto$Chromosome));
# In case one one or more but not all chromosome outlines
# need to be drawn
# ========================================================
if(!is.null(chrom.list)) {
if(sum(chrom.list %in% chromosomes)!= length(chrom.list))
stop(paste("One or more chromosome is not",
"in chromosome ideogram data.\n"));
chromosomes <- chrom.list;
if(is.null(track.colors)) {
track.colors <- rep(RCircos.Par$track.background, length(chromosomes))
} else {
if(length(track.colors) != length(chromosomes))
track.colors <- rep(track.colors, length(chromosomes));
for(aChr in seq_len(length(chromosomes)))
chr.rows <- which(RCircos.Cyto$Chromosome == chromosomes[aChr]);
the.chr <- RCircos.Cyto[chr.rows,];
plot.start <- min(RCircos.Cyto$StartPoint[chr.rows]);
plot.end <- max(RCircos.Cyto$EndPoint[chr.rows]);
polygon.x<- c(RCircos.Pos[plot.start:plot.end, 1]*outside.pos,
RCircos.Pos[plot.end:plot.start, 1]*inside.pos);
polygon.y<- c(RCircos.Pos[plot.start:plot.end,2]*outside.pos,
polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, col=track.colors[aChr]);
if(num.layers>1) {
for(a.line in seq_len(num.layers-1))
height <- outside.pos - a.line * subtrack.height;
lines(RCircos.Pos[plot.start:plot.end,1] * height,
RCircos.Pos[plot.start:plot.end,2] * height,
# =========================================================================
# 12. RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot()
# Plot vertical lines on a track without track outlines and sub-track lines
# Arguments:
# A data frame with four columns for start and/or end
# position, height in the data track, and plot colors
# track.num: Non-negative integer, number of the track from
# chromosome ideogram.
# side: Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
# line.width: Non-negative integer, width of lines
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic position in each row. Must be 3.
# is.sorted: Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
# and start position
# Return value: None
# Example: data(RCircos.Line.Data);
# <- RCircos.Get.Track.Plot.Data(,
# plot.type="vLine");
# RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot(, 1, "in")
# RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot(, 1, inside.pos=2,
# outside.pos=2.2)
RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot <- function(, track.num=NULL,
side=c("in", "out"), line.width=1, inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL,
genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot.\n");
if(is.null(genomic.columns) || genomic.columns < 2)
stop("Missing number of columns for genomic position.\n");
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos,
outside.pos, FALSE);
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2];
if(length(line.width) == 1)
line.width <- rep(line.width, nrow(; <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(,
point.index <- as.numeric($Location);
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
line.colors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(, RCircos.Par$line.color);
for(a.point in seq_len((nrow(
lines( c(RCircos.Pos[point.index[a.point] ,1]*innerPos,
RCircos.Pos[point.index[a.point], 1]*outerPos),
c( RCircos.Pos[point.index[a.point], 2]*innerPos,
RCircos.Pos[point.index[a.point], 2]*outerPos),
col=line.colors[a.point], lwd=line.width[a.point]);
# =========================================================================
# 13. RCircos.Point.Plot()
# Plot points on a track without track outlines and sub-track lines. This
# function only use one column of data and does not consider the data
# range of whole datasets even there are more than one data columns.
# Argument:
# A data frame containing genomic position and
# plot data values such as NGS read depth
# data.col: Non-negative integer, the column number of data
# to be plotted
# track.num: Non-negative integer, the number of track to plot
# side: Character vector, either "in" or "out" for inside
# outside of chromosome ideogram
# point.type: Non-negative integer for pch, default is 16
# with.height: Logical, if the point heights vary based on data values
# with.size: Logical, if the point sizes vary based on data values
# point.scale: Non-negative numeric, more scale for point size,
# must be greater than or equal to 1.
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# Return value: None
# Example: RCircos.Point.Plot(, data.col=4,
# inside.pos=1.5, outside.pos=2)
# Last modified on: July 10, 2015
RCircos.Point.Plot <- function(, data.col=4, track.num=NULL,
side=c("in", "out"), min.value=NULL, max.value=NULL,
point.type=19, with.height=TRUE, with.size=FALSE, point.scale=1,
inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
if(is.null( || !
stop("Missing or incorrect genomic data in RCircos.Point.Plot().\n");
if( genomic.columns < 2 || genomic.columns > 3)
stop("Incorrect number of columns for genomic position.\n");
if(data.col <= genomic.columns || !is.numeric(data.col))
stop("Plot data column must be ", genomic.columns+1, " or greater.\n");
if(point.scale < 1) stop("Point scale must be greater than 1.\n")
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos,
outside.pos, FALSE);
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2];
trackHeight <- outerPos - innerPos;
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
# Point size, color, and height from inner position of the track
# ==============================================================
point.values <- as.numeric([, data.col]);
if(is.null(min.value) || is.null(max.value))
{ min.value <- min(point.values);
max.value <- max(point.values);
if(with.size == TRUE) {
point.size <- point.values/(max.value-min.value)*point.scale;
} else (point.size <- rep(point.scale, nrow(
if(with.height == TRUE) {
point.height <- RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height(point.values, min.value,
max.value, plot.type="points", track.height=trackHeight);
point.height <- point.height + innerPos;
} else { point.height <- rep(mean(boundary), nrow(; }
point.color <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(, RCircos.Par$line.color);
# Plot each point
# =================================================================
RCircos.Track.Outline(outside.pos, inside.pos, num.layers=5)
point.location <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(,
for(a.point in seq_len(length(point.values)))
index <- point.location$Location[a.point];
points(RCircos.Pos[index, 1]*point.height[a.point],
RCircos.Pos[index, 2]*point.height[a.point],
pch=point.type, col=point.color[a.point],
# =========================================================================
# 14. RCircos.Parallele.Link.Plot()
# Plot horizontal line inside a track to show data overlaps. Horizontal
# lines are link lines between two genomic positions on same chromosome
# Arguments:
# A data frame containing chromosome, start and end
# position for each line.
# track.num: Non-negative integer, the number of track to plot
# side: Character vector, either "in" or "out"
# line.width: lwd in graphic package
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of colums for
# genomic position
# is.sorted: Logical, if the data have been sorted
# Return value: None
# Example: RCircos.Parallel.Line.Plot(, 5, "in")
# RCircos.Parallel.Line.Plot(, inside.pos=2,
# outside.pos=2.5)
RCircos.Parallel.Line.Plot <- function(, track.num=NULL,
side=c("in", "out"), line.width=1, inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL,
genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
if(is.null( stop("Line data missing in RCircos.Link.Plot.\n");
if(is.null(genomic.columns) || genomic.columns < 3)
stop("Total number of columns for genomic position must be 3.\n");
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos,
outside.pos, FALSE);
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2];
track.height <- outerPos - innerPos; <- RCircos.Get.Paired.Points.Positions(,
genomic.columns, plot.type="tile");
layers <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Layers(, genomic.columns);
line.height <- layers*(track.height/max(layers)) + innerPos;
# Get link line colors for each pair of locations
# ================================================
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
line.colors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(, RCircos.Par$line.color);
# Draw link lines for each pair of genomic positions
# ==========================================
RCircos.Track.Outline(outside.pos, inside.pos, max(layers));
for(a.line in seq_len(nrow(
type="l", col=line.colors[a.line], lwd=line.width);
# =========================================================================
# 15. RCircos.polygons.Plot()
# Plot polygons with different height and different locations inside of a
# track. Polygon plot is an alternative bar plot that takes both positive
# and negative height values and genomic intervals with different lengths
# Plot data should have genomic positions(chromosome names, start and end
# positions) as well as height values. Optional column for polygon colors
# may follow.
# Arguments:
# A data frame with three columns for genomic positions,
# one or more column for polygon heights. An optional
# column for polygon colour may be in the last column.
# data.col: Non-negative integer, column number in polygon data for
# polygon height.
# track.num: Non-negative integer, which track to plot
# side: Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
# border.col: Vector of color names for border color, default null
# polygon.col: Color name for fill of polygon
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# genomic.columns: total number of columns for genomic position,
# must be 2 or 3.
# is.sorted: Logic, is the data is sorted or not
# Return value: None
# Example: RCircos.Polygon.Plot(, 2, "in")
# RCircos.Polygon.Plot(, inside.pos=5,
# outside.pos=5.2)
RCircos.Polygon.Plot <- function(, data.col=NULL,
track.num=NULL, side=c("in", "out"), border.col=NULL,
polygon.col="pink", min.value=NULL, max.value=NULL,
inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3,
if(is.null( || ncol( < 4)
stop("Polygon data with at least 4 columns must be defined.\n");
if(is.null(genomic.columns) || genomic.columns != 3)
stop("Chromosome names, start and end positions are needed.\n");
# Get track position from track number or from user defined
# =============================================================
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos,
outside.pos, FALSE);
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2];
track.height <- outerPos - innerPos;
data.heights <- as.numeric([,data.col])
if(is.null(min.value) || is.null(max.value)) {
min.value <- min(data.heights);
max.value <- max(data.heights);
polygon.heights <- RCircos.Get.Polygon.Height(data.heights,
min.value, max.value, inside.pos=innerPos, outside.pos=outerPos);
bottom <- polygon.heights[,1];
top <- polygon.heights[,2];
polygon.colors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(, polygon.col)
border.col <- rep(NA, nrow(
else border.col <- rep(border.col, nrow( <- RCircos.Get.Paired.Points.Positions(,
genomic.columns, plot.type="polygon");
the.start <-$LinkStart;
the.end <-$LinkEnd;
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
if(min.value >= 0 || max.value <= 0) {
layers <- RCircos.Par$sub.tracks;
} else { layers <- 10; }
RCircos.Track.Outline(outerPos, innerPos, layers);
for(a.row in seq_len(nrow(
a.start <- the.start[a.row];
a.end <- the.end[a.row];
polygon.x <- c(RCircos.Pos[a.start:a.end, 1]*top[a.row],
RCircos.Pos[a.end:a.start, 1]*bottom[a.row]);
polygon.y <- c(RCircos.Pos[a.start:a.end, 2]*top[a.row],
RCircos.Pos[a.end:a.start, 2]*bottom[a.row]);
polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, col=polygon.colors[a.row],
# =========================================================================
# 16. RCircos.Area.Highlight()
# Highlight a plot area with transparent color
# Argument:
# highlight.area: Vector with chromosome name, start position, and
# end position to be highlighted
# track.nums: Vector of non-negative integer, which track(s) to
# be highlighted.
# side: Character vector, either "in" or "out"
# color: An RGB color definition, alpha value must be defined
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# Return value: None
# Example: highlight.area <- c("chr1", 100000, 200000);
# RCircos.Area.Highlight(highlight.area, c(1:3), "in")
# RCircos.Area.Highlight(highlight.area, inside.pos=3,
# outside.pos=3.5)
RCircos.Area.Highlight <- function(highlight.area=NULL, track.num=NULL,
side=c("in", "out"), hightlight.color=rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.5),
inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL)
stop("Missing highlight area definition.\n");
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
if(length(track.num) == 1) {
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side,
inside.pos, outside.pos, FALSE);
} else { <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num[1], side,
inside.pos, outside.pos, FALSE);
track.two <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(max(track.num), side,
inside.pos, outside.pos, FALSE);
if(side == "in") {
boundary <- c([1], track.two[2]);
} else {boundary <- c([2], track.two[1]);}
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2];
start.pos <- RCircos.Data.Point(as.character(highlight.area[1]),
end.pos <- RCircos.Data.Point(as.character(highlight.area[1]),
polygon.x <- c(RCircos.Pos[start.pos:end.pos, 1]*outerPos,
RCircos.Pos[end.pos:start.pos, 1]*innerPos);
polygon.y <- c(RCircos.Pos[start.pos:end.pos, 2]*outerPos,
RCircos.Pos[end.pos:start.pos, 2]*innerPos);
polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, col=hightlight.color);
# =========================================================================
# 17. RCircos.Customized.Shape.Plot()
# Plot one customized shape on a track. The customized shape
# should be represented by coordinates of a polygon inside a circle
# with radius of 1 and default location of 12 o'clock. When plotting,
# the polygon center will be scaled and transformed for new size and
# location. For example, following code will plot an arrow:
# plot(c(-2, 2), c(-2, 2))
# polygonX <- c(0, -0.7, -0.2, -0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.7, 0)
# polygonY <- c(-1, 0.7, 0.4, 1, 1, 0.4, 0.7, -1)
# nodeRadius <- 2;
# polygon(polygonX*nodeRadius, polygonY*nodeRadius, col="red")
# polygon(polygonX, polygonY, col="white")
# nodeRadius <- 0.5
# polygon(polygonX*nodeRadius, polygonY*nodeRadius, col="blue")
# Arguments:
# A two dimensional numeric matrix for coordinates
# of a polygon
# track.num: Non-negative numeric vector for tracks to plot
# side: Character vector either "in" or "out"
# location: Vector with chromosome name, start position, and
# end position where the shap to be drawn
# shape.color: Character vector, color for the shape
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# Return valuse: None
# Example: RCircos.Customized.Shape.Plot()
RCircos.Customized.Shape.Plot <- function(,
track.num=NULL, side=c("in", "out"), location=NULL,
shape.color="red", inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL)
if(is.null( || is.null(location))
stop("Missing argument in RCircos.Customized.Shape.Plot().\n");
if(!is.numeric( || !is.matrix(
stop("Shape data should be in a two dimension numeric matrix.\n");
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
if(length(track.num) == 1) {
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side,
inside.pos, outside.pos, TRUE);
} else { <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num[1], side,
inside.pos, outside.pos, TRUE);
track.two <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(max(track.num), side,
inside.pos, outside.pos, TRUE);
if(side == "in") {
boundary <- c([1], track.two[2]);
} else {boundary <- c([2], track.two[1]);}
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2];
center <- mean(c(outerPos, innerPos));
scale.factor <- (outerPos - innerPos);
# Rotate shape data first
# ===========================================
point.index <- RCircos.Data.Point(as.character(location[1]),
angle <- 2*pi / nrow(RCircos.Pos) * point.index * -1;
shapeX <- as.numeric([,1]);
shapeY <- as.numeric([,2]);
newX <- shapeX*cos(angle) - shapeY*sin(angle);
newY <- shapeX*sin(angle) + shapeY*cos(angle);
# Scale and transform shape data
# ===========================================
scaledX <- newX * scale.factor;
scaledY <- newY * scale.factor;
polygonX <- scaledX + RCircos.Pos[point.index, 1] * center;
polygonY <- scaledY + RCircos.Pos[point.index, 2] * center;
# Plot the shape
# ===========================================
polygon(polygonX, polygonY, col=shape.color);
# =========================================================================
# 18. RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations()
# Generate plot start and end positions for special plot types such as
# heatmap, histogram, or rectangle-like which needs start and end positions
# along the track
# Arguments:
# Data frame returned from the function of
# RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions() and the last
# column is the plot locations
# plot.width: Non-negative integer in number of base pairs, e.g.,
# width or heatmap or histogram of each data points
# Returned values: Numeric matrix of two columns for start and end
# positions
# Example: RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters()
# plot.locations <- RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations(,
# RCircos.Par$hist.width)
RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations <- function(, plot.width)
RCircos.Cyto <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Ideogram();
dataChroms <- as.character([,1]);
chromosomes <- unique(dataChroms);
cyto.chroms <- as.character(RCircos.Cyto$Chromosome);
point.loc <- as.numeric($Location)
locations <- cbind(point.loc-plot.width, point.loc+plot.width)
for(aChr in seq_len(length(chromosomes)))
cyto.rows <- which(cyto.chroms==chromosomes[aChr]);
chr.start <- min(RCircos.Cyto$StartPoint[cyto.rows]);
chr.end <- max(RCircos.Cyto$EndPoint[cyto.rows]);
data.rows <- which(dataChroms==chromosomes[aChr]);
start.outliers <- which(locations[data.rows, 1] < chr.start)
locations[data.rows[start.outliers], 1] <- chr.start;
end.outliers <- which(locations[data.rows, 2] > chr.end)
locations[data.rows[end.outliers], 2] <- chr.end;
return (locations);
# =========================================================================
# 19. RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values()
# Adjust scatter plot values to fit the plot track. The scatter with
# lowest value will be plot on the centre of first subtrack and the one
# with highest value will be on the centre of last subtrack. After this
# adjustment, values could be added to inside position of plot track as
# final plot positions.
# Argument:
# scatter.values: Numeric vector, the data to be plotted
# max.value: Numeric, the highest value to be plotted
# min.value: Numeric, the lowest value to be plotted
# track.height: Non-negative numeric, the height of plot area
# subtrack: Non-negative nummeric, the number of sub tracks
# Returned value: Adjusted scatter values
# Example: data(RCircos.Scatter.Data)
# <- as.numeric(RCircos.Scatter.Data[, 5])
# <- RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values(,
# track.heigh=0.2)
RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values <- function(scatter.values=NULL, min.value=NULL,
max.value=NULL, track.height=NULL, subtrack=NULL)
if(is.null(scatter.values) || is.null(track.height) )
stop("Missing argument for RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values().\n");
if(is.null(max.value) || is.null(min.value))
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
if(is.null(subtrack) || subtrack < RCircos.Par$sub.tracks)
subtrack <- RCircos.Par$sub.tracks;
subtrack.height <- track.height/subtrack;
plot.range <- track.height - subtrack.height;
value.range <- max.value - min.value;
scatter.values <- (scatter.values - min.value)/value.range;
scatter.values <- scatter.values*plot.range + subtrack.height/2;
return (scatter.values);
# =========================================================================
# 20. RCircos.Area.plot()
# Highligh part area of a data track. There will be three area types
# to be plotted:
# 1. Bottom is along inside of data track and top is a continue lines
# connecting each data point with different height (mountain-type)
# 2. Reversed mountain-type plot (Bottom and top in 1 is switched)
# 3. Both bottom and top of the area are continue lines connecting each
# each data point with different height (confidence region)
# Arguments:
# A data frame with leading columns for genomic positions
# followed by data column(s). Data must be sorted first
# by chromosome names then start positions and data values
# are better in range of 0 and 1.
# data.col: Non-negative integer, number of column in
# for the data to be plotted
# track.num: Non-negative integer, number of the track from
# chromosome ideogram
# side: Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
# plot.type: Character vector, either "mountain", "curtain", or
# "region"
# min.value: Numeric, minimum value of line data
# max.value: Numeric, maximum value of line data
# area.color: Character vector of R color name
# border.col: Character vector of R color name
# inside.pos: Non-negative number, inside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# outside.pos: Non-negative number, outside position of the track
# relative to the centre of plot area
# genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for
# genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2.
# is.sorted: Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
# and start position
# Return value: None
# Example: RCircos.Line.Plot(, 4, 3, "in")
# Last updated on:
RCircos.Area.Plot <- function(, data.col=c(4,5), track.num=NULL,
side=c("in", "out"), plot.type=c("mountain", "curtain", "band"),
min.value=NULL, max.value=NULL, area.color="gray", border.col="black",
inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
if(is.null( || !
stop("Missing or incorrect genomic data in RCircos.Point.Plot().\n");
if( genomic.columns < 2 || genomic.columns > 3)
stop("Incorrect number of columns for genomic position.\n");
if(data.col <= genomic.columns || !is.numeric(data.col))
stop("Plot data column must be ", genomic.columns+1, " or greater.\n");
if(plot.type == "band" && length(data.col) != 2)
stop("Two columns of data required to plot band.\n");
if(is.sorted == FALSE) <- RCircos.Sort.Genomic.Data(;
boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos,
outside.pos, FALSE);
outerPos <- boundary[1];
innerPos <- boundary[2];
trackHeight <- outerPos - innerPos;
RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
# height of area top and area bottom inside a data track
# ==============================================================
area.values <- as.matrix([, data.col]);
if(is.null(min.value) || is.null(max.value))
{ min.value <- min(area.values);
max.value <- max(area.values);
if(plot.type != "band")
area.values <- as.numeric([, data.col]);
point.height <- RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height(area.values, min.value,
max.value, plot.type="points", track.height=trackHeight);
if(plot.type == "mountain")
{ <- rep(innerPos, length(point.height)); <- innerPos + point.height;
} else { <- rep(outerPos, length(point.height)); <- outerPos - point.height;
} else {
differ <- sum(area.values[,1] > area.values[, 2])
if(differ == 0) {
bottom <- 1; top <- 2;
} else if(differ == nrow(area.values)) {
top <- 1; bottom <- 2;
} else { stop("Band top cross area bottom.\n")} <- as.numeric(area.values[, top]); <- RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height(, min.value,
max.value, plot.type="points", track.height=trackHeight); <- + innerPos; <- as.numeric(area.values[, bottom]); <- RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height(, min.value,
max.value, plot.type="points", track.height=trackHeight); <- + innerPos;
# Location of each data point
# ==========================================================
point.location <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(,
area.color <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(, area.color);
# Plot area by chromosome
# =================================================================
RCircos.Track.Outline(outside.pos, inside.pos, num.layers=5)
chromosomes <- unique([,1])
for(a.chr in seq_along(chromosomes))
data.index <- which([,1] == chromosomes[a.chr]);
point.index <- as.numeric(point.location$Location[data.index]);
polygon.x <- c(RCircos.Pos[point.index, 1]*[data.index],
RCircos.Pos[rev(point.index), 1]*[rev(data.index)]);
polygon.y <- c(RCircos.Pos[point.index, 2]*[data.index],
RCircos.Pos[rev(point.index), 2]*[rev(data.index)]);
polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, col=area.color[data.index[1]],
# =========================================================================
#' 21. RCircos.Customized.Connection.Plot()
#' Plot connection lines (simple lines plot) between two set
#' of data points. One example of usage is to label genes at
#' modified plot position and connect the gene label to its
#' genomic position.
#' Prerequisite:
#' RCircos core components and graphic device must be
#' initialized.
#' Arguments:
#' Data frame with chromosome name and actual genomic positions
#' for the genes to be labeled.
#' Data frame with chromosome name and genomic positions that
#' was used to label gene names
#' gene.pos, label.pos:
#' float numeric, scale factors relative to the center of plot
#' area (0). These two locations represent the start and end
#' location of lines.
#' Returned value: None.
RCircos.Customized.Connection.Plot <- function(,,
gene.pos=NULL, label.pos=NULL)
gene_loc <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(, 3);
label_loc <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(,3);
Positions <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
start_pos <- Positions[gene_loc$Location, 1:2]*gene.pos;
end_pos <- Positions[label_loc$Location, 1:2]*label.pos;
for(a_loc in 1:nrow( {
lines(c(start_pos[a_loc, 1], end_pos[a_loc,1]),
c(start_pos[a_loc, 2], end_pos[a_loc,2]));
# End of RCircosPlotDataTracks.R
# ________________________________________________________________________
# <RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos>
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