
Defines functions RCircos.Customized.Connection.Plot RCircos.Area.Plot RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations RCircos.Customized.Shape.Plot RCircos.Area.Highlight RCircos.Polygon.Plot RCircos.Parallel.Line.Plot RCircos.Point.Plot RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot RCircos.Track.Outline RCircos.Clear.Track RCircos.Ribbon.Plot RCircos.Link.Plot RCircos.Tile.Plot RCircos.Scatter.Plot RCircos.Line.Plot RCircos.Histogram.Plot RCircos.Heatmap.Plot RCircos.Gene.Name.Plot RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot

Documented in RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values RCircos.Area.Highlight RCircos.Area.Plot RCircos.Clear.Track RCircos.Customized.Connection.Plot RCircos.Customized.Shape.Plot RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot RCircos.Gene.Name.Plot RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations RCircos.Heatmap.Plot RCircos.Histogram.Plot RCircos.Line.Plot RCircos.Link.Plot RCircos.Parallel.Line.Plot RCircos.Point.Plot RCircos.Polygon.Plot RCircos.Ribbon.Plot RCircos.Scatter.Plot RCircos.Tile.Plot RCircos.Track.Outline RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot

#    Functions of RCircos data plot on different tracks
#		 1.		RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot()
#		 2.		RCircos.Gene.Name.Plot()
#		 3.		RCircos.Heatmap.Plot()
#		 4.		RCircos.Histogram.Plot()
#		 5.		RCircos.Line.Plot()
#		 6.		RCircos.Scatter.Plot()
#		 7.		RCircos.Tile.Plot()
#		 8.		RCircos.Link.Plot()
#		 9.		RCircos.Ribbon.Plot()
#		10.		RCircos.Clear.Track()
#		11.		RCircos.Track.Outline()
#		12.		RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot()
#		13.		RCircos.Point.Plot()
#		14.		RCircos.Parallele.Link.Plot()
#		15.		RCircos.Polygon.Plot()
#		16.		RCircos.Area.Highlight()
#		17.		RCircos.Customized.Shape.Plot()
#		18.		RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations()
#		19.		RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values()
#		20.		RCircos.Area.plot()
#		21.		RCircos.Customized.Connection.Plot()
#   New arguments have been added for version 1.2 to allow advanced users
#   1.  to define track locations directly
#   2.  accept different number (2 or 3) of columns for genomic position
#   3.  pre-sorting is no required for genomic data
#   Old arguments will be first and in original order so new arguments
#   could be ignored for use of old version
#    Last modified on August 21, 2017
#    ________________________________________________________________________
#    <RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos>

#     ==========================================================================
#   1.  RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot()
#   Draw connectors between chromosome ideogram and gene labels. The plot data 
#   (connectData) has two paired point locations on two neighbour tracks 
#   (chromosomes ideogram and gene label track). The first column is for outer
#   points, and the second column is inner points. 
#   The points are sorted by relative positions on their chromosomes and are 
#   held in the last two columns of connectData.
#   Arguments:
#       genomic.data:   Data frame with the first four columns for chromosome
#                       name, start and end position, and names of genes.
#       track.num:      Non-negative integer, number of the track from 
#                       chromosome ideogram.
#       side:           Character vector, must be either "in" or "out".
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for 
#                       genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2. 
#       is.sorted:      Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
#                       and start position
#   Return value:    None
#   Example:    RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot(genomic.data, 1, "in")
#               RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot(genomic.data, 0.9, 0.85)

RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot <- function(genomic.data=NULL, 
            track.num=NULL, side="in", inside.pos=NULL, 
            outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=FALSE)
        stop("Genomic data missing for RCircos.Gene.Connector.Plot().\n");
    boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos, 
                                outside.pos, erase.area=FALSE);
    outerPos <- boundary[1];
    innerPos  <- boundary[2];

    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();

    #    Construct Connector data from gene name data
    #    =======================================================
    geneData    <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(genomic.data, 
    labelData   <- RCircos.Get.Gene.Label.Locations(geneData, 
                            genomic.columns, is.sorted);
    connectData <- data.frame(labelData$Location, labelData$LabelPosition);

    #    Switch the columns of genomic location and label 
    #    location for inside or outside
    #    =================================================
    if(outerPos < RCircos.Par$chr.ideo.pos) {
        genomicCol <- ncol(connectData) - 1;
        labelCol <- ncol(connectData);
    } else {
        genomicCol <- ncol(connectData);
        labelCol <- ncol(connectData) - 1;

    #    Heights for the two vertical lines of connectors and
    #    the horizontal line range
    #    ====================================================
    vHeight <- round((outerPos-innerPos)/10, digits=4);
    hRange <- outerPos - innerPos - 2*vHeight;

    topLoc <- outerPos - vHeight;
    botLoc <- innerPos + vHeight;

    #    Connector colors
    #    ===============================================
    lineColors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(labelData, RCircos.Par$text.color);

    #    Plot Connectors
    #    ===============================================
    chroms <- unique(connectData[,1]);
    for(aChr in seq_along(chroms))
        chrRows <- which(connectData[,1]==chroms[aChr]);
        total <- length(chrRows);

        for(aPoint in seq_len(total))
            p1 <- connectData[chrRows[aPoint], genomicCol];
            p2 <- connectData[chrRows[aPoint], labelCol];

            #    draw top vertical line
            #    ======================================
            lines(c(RCircos.Pos[p1, 1]*outerPos, RCircos.Pos[p1,  1]*topLoc),
                    c(RCircos.Pos[p1,2]*outerPos, RCircos.Pos[p1, 2]*topLoc),

            #    draw bottom vertical line
            #    ======================================
            lines(c(RCircos.Pos[p2, 1]*botLoc, RCircos.Pos[p2, 1]*innerPos),
                    c(RCircos.Pos[p2,2]*botLoc, RCircos.Pos[p2, 2]*innerPos),

            #    draw horizontal line
            #    ======================================
            lines(c(RCircos.Pos[p1,  1]*topLoc, RCircos.Pos[p2, 1]*botLoc),
                    c(RCircos.Pos[p1, 2]*topLoc, RCircos.Pos[p2, 2]*botLoc),

#     ==========================================================================
#   2.  RCircos.Gene.Name.Plot()
#    Label genes beside of track. This is only suitable for small number of 
#    labels. When cex=0.4, each character of the label will occupy about 5000 
#    units. This is the best visualization for a 8x8 inch image.
#    Arguments:
#       gene.data:      A data frame returned from the function call to
#                       RCircos.Get.Gene.Label.Locations(genomic.data). 
#                       The genomic.data has three leading columns for  
#                       genomic positions followed by gene names.
#       genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for 
#                       genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2. 
#       name.col:       Non-negative integer, number of column in gene.data 
#                       for data to be plotted (gene names)
#       track.num:      Non-negative integer, number of the track from  
#                       chromosome ideogram.
#       side:           Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       is.sorted:      Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
#                       and start position
#    Return value:    None
#    Example:   RCircos.Gene.Label(gene.data, name.col=4, track.num=3, "in")
#               RCircos.Gene.Label(gene.data, inside.pos=0.7, outside.pos=0.8) 

RCircos.Gene.Name.Plot <- function(gene.data=NULL, name.col=NULL, 
            track.num=NULL, side="in", inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL,
            genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=FALSE)
        stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Gene.Name.Plot().\n");
        stop("Missing number of columns for genomic position.\n");
     if( is.null(name.col) ||name.col <= genomic.columns)
        stop("Data column must be ", genomic.columns+1, " or bigger.\n"); 

    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
    textColors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(gene.data, RCircos.Par$text.color);

    #    Convert raw data to plot data. The raw data will be validated
    #    first during the conversion
    #    =============================================================
    boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos, 
                                outside.pos, FALSE);   
    gene.data <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(gene.data, 
    gene.data <- RCircos.Get.Gene.Label.Locations(gene.data,  genomic.columns,
    #    Label positions
    #    =============================================================
    rightSide <- nrow(RCircos.Pos)/2;
    thePoints <- as.numeric(gene.data[, ncol(gene.data)]);

    if(side=="in") {
        labelPos <- boundary[1]; 
        textSide <- rep(4, nrow(gene.data));
        textSide[thePoints <= rightSide] <- 2;    
    } else {
        labelPos  <- boundary[2];
        textSide <- rep(2, nrow(gene.data));
        textSide[thePoints <= rightSide] <- 4; 

    #    Plot labels
    #    =============================================================
    for(aText in seq_len(nrow(gene.data)))
        geneName <- as.character(gene.data[aText, name.col]);
        rotation <- RCircos.Pos$degree[thePoints[aText]];

            label=geneName, pos=textSide[aText], 
            cex=RCircos.Par$text.size, srt=rotation, 
            offset=0, col=textColors[aText]);

#   =========================================================================
#   3.  RCircos.Heatmap.Plot()
#   Draw one track of heatmap with blue and red colors. The first four columns 
#   of headmap data must be chromosome, chromStart, chromEnd, and gene names.
#   Arguments:
#       heatmap.data:   A data frame with returned from function call to
#                       RCircos.Get.Plot.Data(genomic.data, plot.type). 
#                       Heatmap data must have leading columns for gene 
#                       position and gene names.
#       data.col:       Non-negative integer, number of column in heatmap.data 
#                       for data to be plotted
#       track.num:      Non-negative integer, number of the track from  
#                       chromosome ideogram.
#       side:           Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
#       min.value:      Numeric, minimum value for heatmap scale
#       max.value:      Numeric, maximum value for heatmap scale
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for 
#                       genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2.   
#       is.sorted:      Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
#                       and start position
#    Return value:    None
#    Example:   RCircos.Heatmap.Plot(heatmap.data, 3, 3, "in")
#               RCircos.Heatmap.Plot(heatmap.data, data.col=3, 
#                               inside.pos=0.8, outside.pos=0.9)

RCircos.Heatmap.Plot <- function(heatmap.data=NULL, data.col=NULL, 
    track.num=NULL, side=c("in", "out"), min.value=NULL, max.value=NULL, 
    inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
        stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Heatmap.Plot().\n");
        stop("Missing number of columns for genomic position.\n");
     if( is.null(data.col) || data.col <= genomic.columns)  
        stop("Data column must be ", genomic.columns+1, " or bigger.\n"); 

    boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos, 
                                outside.pos, FALSE);
    outerPos <- boundary[1];
    innerPos <- boundary[2];

    RCircos.Cyto <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Ideogram();
    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();

    #   Colors for different data values
    #   ===========================================================
    colorMap <- RCircos.Get.Heatmap.Color.Scale(RCircos.Par$heatmap.color);

    if(is.null(min.value) || is.null(max.value)) 
        columns <- (genomic.columns+2):ncol(heatmap.data);
        min.value <- min(as.matrix(heatmap.data[, columns]));
        max.value <- max(as.matrix(heatmap.data[, columns]));
    colorLevel  <- seq(min.value, max.value, length=length(colorMap));

    #   Each heatmap cell starts from data start location and span for
    #   heatmap.width. Make sure each one will be in the range of thire 
    #   chromosome
    #   ===============================================================
    heatmap.data <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(heatmap.data, 
    plotLocations <- RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations(heatmap.data, 

    #   outline of chromosomes. No lines inside.
    #   ===============================================================
    chromosomes <- unique(as.character(RCircos.Cyto$Chromosome));
    outlineColors <- rep("white", length(chromosomes));
    RCircos.Track.Outline(outerPos, innerPos, num.layers=1, 
                chrom.list=chromosomes, track.colors=outlineColors);

    #   Plot heatmap for each gene.
    #   ===============================================================
    heatmapValues <- as.numeric(heatmap.data[, data.col]);
    for(aPoint in 1:length(heatmapValues))
        theLevel <- which(colorLevel >= heatmapValues[aPoint]);
        cellColor <- colorMap[min(theLevel)];
        theStart <- plotLocations[aPoint, 1];
        theEnd   <- plotLocations[aPoint, 2];

        polygonX <- c(RCircos.Pos[theStart:theEnd,1]*outerPos, 
        polygonY <- c(RCircos.Pos[theStart:theEnd,2]*outerPos, 
        polygon(polygonX, polygonY, col=cellColor, border=NA);

#     =========================================================================
#   4.  RCircos.Histogram.Plot()
#    Arguments:
#       hist.data:      A data frame with returned from Circos.Get.Plot.Data(). 
#                       Histogram data has three leading columns for genomic 
#                       positions.
#       data.col:       Non-negative integer, number of column in heatmap.data 
#                       for data to be plotted
#       track.num:      Non-negative integer, number of the track from  
#                       chromosome ideogram.
#       side:           Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
#       min.value:      Numeric, minimum value for histogram height
#       max.value:      Numeric, maximum value for histogram height
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for 
#                       genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2.   
#       is.sorted:      Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
#                       and start position
#    Return value:    None
#    Example:   RCircos.Histogram.Plot(hist.data, 4, 2, "in")
#               RCircos.Histogram.Plot(hist.data, data.col=4, 
#                               inside.pos=0.8, outside.pos=0.9)

RCircos.Histogram.Plot <- function(hist.data=NULL, data.col=4, 
    track.num=NULL, side=c("in", "out"), min.value=NULL, 
    max.value=NULL, inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL,
    genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
        stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Histogram.Plot().\n");

    boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos, 
                                outside.pos, FALSE);
    outerPos <- boundary[1];
    innerPos  <- boundary[2];

    if(is.null(genomic.columns) || genomic.columns<2 || genomic.columns>3) 
        stop("Incorrect number of columns for genomic position.\n");
     if( is.null(data.col) || data.col <= genomic.columns)  
        stop("Hist data column must be greater than", genomic.columns, ".\n"); 

    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
    RCircos.Cyto <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Ideogram();

    #    Convert raw data to plot data. The raw data will be validated
    #    first during the convertion
    #    ============================================================
    hist.data <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(hist.data,
    locations <- RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations(hist.data, 

    #    histgram colors and height
    #    =========================================================
    histColors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(hist.data, RCircos.Par$hist.color); 

    histValues <- as.numeric(hist.data[, data.col]);
    if(is.null(max.value) || is.null(min.value)) {
        max.value <- max(histValues);
        min.value <- min(histValues);
    } else {
        if(min.value > max.value) stop("min.value > max.value.")
    histHeight <- RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height(histValues, min.value, 
            max.value, plot.type="points", outerPos-innerPos);
    #    Draw histogram
    #    =============================================================
    RCircos.Track.Outline(outerPos, innerPos, RCircos.Par$sub.tracks);

    for(aPoint in seq_len(nrow(hist.data)))
        height <- innerPos + histHeight[aPoint];
        theStart <- locations[aPoint, 1];
        theEnd <- locations[aPoint, 2];

        #    Plot rectangle with specific height for each data point
        #    =========================================================
        polygonX <- c(RCircos.Pos[theStart:theEnd,1]*height, 
        polygonY <- c(RCircos.Pos[theStart:theEnd,2]*height, 
        polygon(polygonX, polygonY, col=histColors[aPoint], border=NA);

#     =========================================================================
#   5.  RCircos.Line.Plot()
#       This will draw lines between two neibors for all points
#    Arguments:
#       line.data:      A data frame returned from function call of 
#                       RCircos.Get.Plot.Data(genomic.data). line.data has  
#                       three leading columns for genomic positions.
#       data.col:       Non-negative integer, number of column in heatmap.data 
#                       for the data to be plotted
#       track.num:      Non-negative integer, number of the track from  
#                       chromosome ideogram
#       side:           Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
#       min.value:      Numeric, minimum value of line data
#       max.value:      Numeric, maximum value of line data
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for 
#                       genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2.   
#       is.sorted:      Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
#                       and start position
#    Return value:    None
#    Example:    RCircos.Line.Plot(line.data, 4, 3, "in")
#    Last revised on June 16, 2015

RCircos.Line.Plot <- function(line.data=NULL, data.col=4, track.num=NULL, 
        side=c("in", "out"), min.value=NULL, max.value=NULL, 
        inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3,is.sorted=TRUE)
        stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Line.Plot().\n");

    boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos, 
                                outside.pos, FALSE);
    outerPos <- boundary[1];
    innerPos  <- boundary[2];

        stop("Missing number of columns for genomic position.\n");
     if( is.null(data.col) || data.col <= genomic.columns)  
        stop("Line data column must be ", genomic.columns+1, " or bigger.\n"); 

    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();

    #    Convert raw data to plot data. The raw data will 
    #    be validated first during the convertion
    #    ===================================================
    line.data <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(line.data,

    pointValues <- as.numeric(line.data[, data.col]);
    if(is.null(min.value) || is.null(max.value)){
        min.value <- min(pointValues);
        max.value <- max(pointValues);
    } else {
        if(min.value > max.value) stop("min.value > max.value.")
    pointHeight <- RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height(pointValues, min.value, 
            max.value, plot.type="points", outerPos-innerPos);
    pointHeight <- pointHeight + innerPos;

    #     Line colors
    #    ============================================================
    line.colors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(line.data, RCircos.Par$line.color); 

    #    Start plotting. Line plot is connecting two neighbor points
    #    so no exception catch needed.
    #    ===========================================================
    RCircos.Track.Outline(outerPos, innerPos, RCircos.Par$sub.tracks)

    for(aPoint in seq_len((nrow(line.data)-1)))
        #   chromosome changed....
        if(line.data[aPoint, 1]!= line.data[aPoint+1, 1]) { next;}

        point.one <- line.data[aPoint, ncol(line.data)];
        point.two <- line.data[aPoint+1, ncol(line.data)];

        #    Draw lines
        #    =====================================================
        lines(c(RCircos.Pos[point.one , 1]*pointHeight[aPoint],
                RCircos.Pos[point.two , 1]*pointHeight[aPoint+1]),
              c(RCircos.Pos[point.one , 2]*pointHeight[aPoint],
                RCircos.Pos[point.two , 2]*pointHeight[aPoint+1]),

#   =========================================================================
#   6.  RCircos.Scatter.Plot()
#   Draw one track of scatterplot. 
#   Arguments:
#       scatter.data:   A data frame returned from function call of
#                       RCircos.Get.Plot.Data(genomic.data, plot.type). 
#                       The scatter.data has three leading columns for 
#                       genomic positions.
#       data.col:       Non-negative integer, number of column in heatmap.data 
#                       for the data to be plotted
#       track.num:      Non-negative integer, number of the track from  
#                       chromosome ideogram
#       side:           Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
#       by.fold:
#       min.value:      Numeric, minimum value of scatter plot data
#       max.value:      Numeric, maximum value of scatter plot data
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for 
#                       genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2.   
#       is.sorted:      Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
#                       and start position
#   Return value:   None
#   Example:    RCircos.Scatter.Plot(scatter.data, 5, 3, "in", 1)
#               RCircos.Scatter.Plot(scatter.data, data.col=5, by.fold=0, 
#                               inside.pos=1.5, outside.pos=1.6)

RCircos.Scatter.Plot <- function(scatter.data=NULL, data.col=4, 
        track.num=NULL, side=c("in", "out"), by.fold=0, 
        min.value=NULL, max.value=NULL, inside.pos=NULL, 
        outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
        stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Scatter.Plot().\n");

        stop("Missing number of columns for genomic position.\n");
    if( is.null(data.col) || data.col <= genomic.columns)  
        stop("Data column must be ", genomic.columns+1, " or bigger.\n"); 
    if(by.fold<0) stop("Value of by.fold cannot be negative.\n")
    boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos, 
                                outside.pos, FALSE);
    outerPos <- boundary[1];
    innerPos  <- boundary[2];
    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();

    #    Convert raw data to plot data then adjust the data value to 
    #    avoid overflow. The raw data will be validated first 
    #    =============================================================
    scatter.values <- as.numeric(scatter.data[,data.col]);
    scatter.data <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(scatter.data,

    #   scatter colors 
    #   =====================================================
    if(by.fold>0) {
        scatter.colors <- rep("black", nrow(scatter.data));
        red.rows <- which(scatter.values>by.fold);
        if(length(red.rows)>0) scatter.colors[red.rows] <- "red"; 
        blue.rows <- which(scatter.values <= -by.fold);
        if(length(blue.rows)>0) scatter.colors[blue.rows] <- "blue"; 
    } else {    
        scatter.colors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(scatter.data, 
    if(is.null(max.value) || is.null(min.value))
        max.value <- max(scatter.values); 
        min.value <- min(scatter.values) 
    plot.values <- RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values(scatter.values, 
        min.value=min.value, max.value=max.value, 
        track.height=outerPos-innerPos, subtrack=RCircos.Par$sub.track)
    plot.height <- innerPos + plot.values;

    #    Start plotting
    #    ============================================================
    RCircos.Track.Outline(outerPos, innerPos, RCircos.Par$sub.tracks)

    for(a.point in seq_len(nrow(scatter.data)))
        the.point <- scatter.data[a.point, ncol(scatter.data)];
        points(RCircos.Pos[the.point ,1]*plot.height[a.point], 
                RCircos.Pos[the.point ,2]*plot.height[a.point],
                col=scatter.colors[a.point], pch=RCircos.Par$point.type, 

#   =========================================================================
#   7.  RCircos.Tile.Plot()
#   Draws one track of tiles. Note: Tile plot needs genomic position only
#   and data column is not requied.
#   Arguments:
#       tile.data:      A data frame returned from the function call to 
#                       RCircos.Get.Plot.Data(genomic.data, plot.type). The
#                       tile.data has three columns for genomic positions only
#       track.num:      Non-negative integer, number of the track from  
#                       chromosome ideogram.
#       side:           Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for 
#                       genomic position in each row. Must be 3.   
#       is.sorted:      Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
#                       and start position
#   Return value:  None
#   Example:    RCircos.Tile.Plot(tile.data, track.num=3, side="in")
#               RCircos.Tile.Plot(tile.data, inside.pos=1.2, outside.pos=1.3)

RCircos.Tile.Plot <- function(tile.data=NULL, track.num=NULL, 
                side=c("in", "out"), inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL,
                genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
        stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Tile.Plot().\n");

    if(is.null(genomic.columns) || genomic.columns < 3) 
        stop(paste("Genomic position must include chromosome name,",
            "start and end position.\n")); 

    boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos, 
                                outside.pos, FALSE);
    outerPos <- boundary[1];
    innerPos  <- boundary[2];

    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();

    #   Convert raw data to plot data. The raw data will be validated
    #   first during the conversion
    #   =============================================================
    tile.data <- RCircos.Get.Paired.Points.Positions(tile.data,
                genomic.columns, plot.type="tile");

    #   Assign a layer number to each data point and find the maximum
    #   layer number
    #   ============================================================
    tile.layers <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Layers(tile.data, genomic.columns);
    layer.height <- RCircos.Par$track.height/RCircos.Par$max.layers;
    num.layers <- max(tile.layers);

        {  innerPos <- outerPos - layer.height*num.layers;        
        } else { outerPos <- innerPos + layer.height*num.layers; }

        message(paste("Tiles plot may use more than one track.",
            "Please select correct area for next track if necessary.\n"));

    { layer.height <- RCircos.Par$track.height/num.layers; }

    #   Tile colors
    #   =====================
    tile.colors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(tile.data, RCircos.Par$tile.color); 

    #   Start plotting
    #   =============================================================
    RCircos.Track.Outline(outerPos, innerPos, num.layers);

    the.loc <- ncol(tile.data);
    for(a.row in seq_len(nrow(tile.data)))
        tile.start <- tile.data$LinkStart[a.row]
        tile.end   <- tile.data$LinkEnd[a.row];

        layer.bot <- innerPos + layer.height*(tile.layers[a.row]-1);
        layer.top <- layer.bot + layer.height*0.8;

        polygon.x<- c(RCircos.Pos[tile.start:tile.end,1]*layer.top, 
        polygon.y<- c(RCircos.Pos[tile.start:tile.end,2]*layer.top, 
        polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, col=tile.colors[a.row]);

#   =========================================================================
#   8.  RCircos.Link.Plot()
#   Draw link lines between two chromosomes. Link line is always inside 
#   of ideogram and data has only paired genomic positions
#   Arguments:
#       link.data:      Data frame with paired genomic positions in each row
#       track.num:      Non-negative number, number of the track from 
#                       chromosome ideogram.
#       by.chromosome:  Logical, if true, intra chromosome will be red, 
#                       otherwise random color will be used
#       start.pos:      Non-negative number, scale factor based on chromosome
#                       ideogram position. Must be smaller than 1.
#       genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for 
#                       genomic position in each row. Must be 3.   
#       is.sorted:      Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
#                       and start position
#       lineWidth:      Non-negative numeric vector, width for each link line.
#   Example:    RCircos.Link.Plot(link.data, 9, TRUE)
#               RCircos.Link.Plot(link.data, by.chromosome=FALSE, start.pos=0.6)

RCircos.Link.Plot <- function(link.data=NULL, track.num=NULL, by.chromosome=FALSE, 
                start.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE, 
                lineWidth=rep(1, nrow(link.data)))
    if(is.null(link.data)) stop("Link data missing in RCircos.Link.Plot().\n");
    if(by.chromosome!=TRUE && by.chromosome!=FALSE)
        stop("Error: by.chromosome must be either TRUE or FALSE.\n");
    if(length(which(lineWidth < 0)) > 1 ) 
		stop("Line width must be positive.");
	if(length(lineWidth) > 1 && length(lineWidth) != nrow(link.data))
		stop("Length of lineWidth must match rows of link.data");

    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
    if(is.null(start.pos)) {
        locations <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side="in", 
                        inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, FALSE);
        line.start <- locations[1];
    } else {
        if(start.pos>=1) stop("Link line must be inside chromosome ideogram");
        line.start <- RCircos.Par$chr.ideo.pos * start.pos;

     if(is.null(genomic.columns) || genomic.columns < 3) 
        stop("Incorrect number of columns for genomic position.\n");
    #   Start and  end point for each link line
    #   ================================================
    link.data <- RCircos.Get.Paired.Points.Positions(link.data, 
                    genomic.columns, plot.type="link");

    #   Get link line colors for each pair of locations
    #   ================================================
    link.colors <- RCircos.Get.Link.Colors(link.data, genomic.columns, 

    #   Draw link lines for each pair of locations
    #   ==========================================
    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    base.positions <- RCircos.Pos[, 1:2]*line.start;
    for(a.link in seq_len(nrow(link.data)))
        point.one <- as.numeric(link.data$LinkStart[a.link]);
        point.two <- as.numeric(link.data$LinkEnd[a.link]);
        if(point.one > point.two)
            point.one <- link.data$LinkEnd[a.link];
            point.two <- link.data$LinkStart[a.link];

        P0 <- as.numeric(base.positions[point.one, ]);
        P2 <- as.numeric(base.positions[point.two, ]);
        links <- RCircos.Link.Line(P0, P2); 
        lines(links$pos.x, links$pos.y, type="l", 
            lwd=lineWidth[a.link], col=link.colors[a.link] ); 

#   =========================================================================
#   9.  RCircos.Ribbon.Plot()
#   Ribbon link plot. Ribbons are wide link line between two chromosomes
#   Arguments:
#       link.data:      Data frame with paired genomic positions in each row
#       track.num:      Non-negative number,  number of the track from  
#                       chromosome ideogram.
#       by.chromosome:  Logic, if true, intra chromosome will be red, 
#                       otherwise random color will be used
#       twist:          Logic, if the ribbon is twisted
#       start.pos:      Non-negative number, scale factor based on chromosome
#                       ideogram position. Must be smaller than 1.
#   Return value:    None
#   Example:    RCircos.Ribbon.Plot(ribbon.data, 10, FALSE, FALSE)
#               RCircos.Ribbon.Plot(ribbon.data, start.pos=0.75)
#    Last revised on June 11, 2014

RCircos.Ribbon.Plot <- function(ribbon.data=NULL, track.num=NULL, 
            by.chromosome=FALSE, twist=FALSE, start.pos=NULL, 
            genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
        stop("Ribbon data missing in RCircos.Ribbon.Plot().\n");
    if(by.chromosome!=TRUE && by.chromosome!=FALSE)
        stop("Error: by.chromosome must be either TRUE or FALSE.\n");   
    if(twist!=TRUE &&twist!=FALSE) 
        stop("Error: twist must be either TRUE or FALSE.\n"); 
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
    if(is.null(start.pos)) {
        locations <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side="in", 
                        inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, FALSE);
        ribbon.start <- locations[1];
    } else {
        if(start.pos>=1) stop("Link line must be inside of ideogram");
        ribbon.start <- RCircos.Par$chr.ideo.pos * start.pos;

    #   Check chromosome names, start, and end positions
    #   =================================================
    RCircos.Validate.Genomic.Data(ribbon.data, plot.type="link", 

    #   Coordinates of the four conner of each ribbon (polygon)
    #   =======================================================
    data.points <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(ribbon.data)*4), ncol=4);
    for(a.link in seq_len(nrow(ribbon.data)))
        data.points[a.link, 1] <- RCircos.Data.Point(
            ribbon.data[a.link, 1], ribbon.data[a.link, 2]);
        data.points[a.link, 2] <- RCircos.Data.Point(
            ribbon.data[a.link, 1], ribbon.data[a.link, 3]);
        data.points[a.link, 3]<- RCircos.Data.Point(
            ribbon.data[a.link, 4], ribbon.data[a.link, 5]);
        data.points[a.link, 4]<- RCircos.Data.Point(
            ribbon.data[a.link, 4], ribbon.data[a.link, 6]);

        if(data.points[a.link, 1]==0 || data.points[a.link, 2]==0 ||
            data.points[a.link, 3]==0 || data.points[a.link, 4]==0)
            stop("Error in chromosome locations ..."); 

    #   Ribbon colors
    #   ====================================================
    ribbon.colors <- RCircos.Get.Link.Colors(ribbon.data, genomic.columns,

    #   Draw each ribbon (polygon)
    #   ============================
    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();;
    base.positions <- RCircos.Pos*ribbon.start;

    for(a.ribbon in seq_len(nrow(ribbon.data)))
        start.one <- data.points[a.ribbon, 1];
        end.one <- data.points[a.ribbon, 2];

        if(twist==FALSE) {
            start.two <- data.points[a.ribbon, 3];
            end.two <- data.points[a.ribbon, 4];
        } else {
            start.two <- data.points[a.ribbon, 4];
            end.two <- data.points[a.ribbon, 3];

        P0 <- as.numeric(base.positions[end.one,]);
        P2 <- as.numeric(base.positions[start.two,]);
        line.one <- RCircos.Link.Line(P0, P2);

        P0 <- as.numeric(base.positions[end.two,]);
        P2 <- as.numeric(base.positions[start.one,]);
        line.two <- RCircos.Link.Line(P0, P2);

        polygon.x<- c(base.positions[start.one:end.one,1], line.one$pos.x,
                    base.positions[start.two:end.two,1], line.two$pos.x );
        polygon.y<- c(base.positions[start.one:end.one,2], line.one$pos.y,
                    base.positions[start.two:end.two,2], line.two$pos.y );
        polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, border=NA, col=ribbon.colors[a.ribbon]);

#   =========================================================================
#   10. RCircos.Clear.Track()
#   Erase one track or center area
#   Arguments:
#       track.num:      Non-negative number, the numbers of track to be erased 
#                       (e.g., 2, 3, 4, even 3.5)
#       side:           Character vector, relative position to chromosome 
#                       ideogram, must be either "in" or "out".
#       to.center:      Logical, TRUE for erase inner area including current 
#                       track and FALSE for clear current track only
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#   Returned value: None
#   Example:    RCircos.Clear.Track(track.num=2, side="in", to.center=FALSE);

RCircos.Clear.Track <- function(track.num=NULL, side=NULL, 
                to.center=FALSE, inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL)
    if(to.center!=FALSE && to.center!=TRUE)
    {  stop("to.center must be either TRUE or FALSE.\n"); }

    #   Adjust the far position relative to chromosome ideogram
    #   =======================================================
    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();

    boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num=track.num, 
        side=side, inside.pos=inside.pos, outside.pos=outside.pos, 
    if(boundary[1] <= RCircos.Par$chr.ideo.pos) {
        outerPos <- boundary[1];
        innerPos  <- boundary[2] - RCircos.Par$track.padding;
    } else {
        outerPos <- boundary[1] + RCircos.Par$track.padding;
        innerPos  <- boundary[2];

    #   Clear all inner area including current track 
    #   ===================================================
    if(to.center == TRUE)
        polygon.x <- RCircos.Pos[,1]*outerPos;
        polygon.y <- RCircos.Pos[,2]*outerPos;

    #   Clear current track area only
    #   ==============================
    } else {
        start <- 1;  end <- nrow(RCircos.Pos);
        polygon.x <- c(RCircos.Pos[start:end,1]*outerPos, 
        polygon.y <- c(RCircos.Pos[start:end,2]*outerPos, 

    polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, col="white", border="white");

#   =========================================================================
#    11.    RCircos.Track.Outline()
#   Draw outline of one plot track. 
#    Arguments:
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       num.layers:     Non-negative integer, number of sub-tracks to plot, 
#                       0 for no sub-track line
#       chrom.list:     Character vector of chromosome name list or NULL
#       track.colors:   Color names for each chromosome in chrom.list or all.
#    Return value:    None
#    Example:    RCircos.Track.Outline(0.75, 0.65, 5, NULL)

RCircos.Track.Outline <- function(inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, 
                    num.layers=1, chrom.list=NULL, track.colors=NULL)
    if(is.null(outside.pos) || is.null(inside.pos)) 
        stop("Missing outside.pos/inside.pos in RCircos.Track.Outline().\n")

    RCircos.Cyto <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Ideogram();
    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();

    #   Sub-track height. Note: Some times there may have 
    #   more or less subtracks than default maximum layers
    #   ===================================================
    subtrack.height <- (outside.pos-inside.pos)/num.layers;
    chromosomes <- unique(as.character(RCircos.Cyto$Chromosome));

    #   In case one one or more but not all chromosome outlines
    #   need to be drawn
    #   ========================================================
    if(!is.null(chrom.list)) { 
        if(sum(chrom.list %in% chromosomes)!= length(chrom.list))
            stop(paste("One or more chromosome is not",
                "in chromosome ideogram data.\n"));  
        chromosomes <- chrom.list;

    if(is.null(track.colors)) {
        track.colors <- rep(RCircos.Par$track.background, length(chromosomes))
    } else {
        if(length(track.colors) != length(chromosomes))
            track.colors <- rep(track.colors, length(chromosomes));

    for(aChr in seq_len(length(chromosomes)))
        chr.rows <- which(RCircos.Cyto$Chromosome == chromosomes[aChr]);
        the.chr  <- RCircos.Cyto[chr.rows,];
        plot.start <- min(RCircos.Cyto$StartPoint[chr.rows]);
        plot.end   <- max(RCircos.Cyto$EndPoint[chr.rows]);

        polygon.x<- c(RCircos.Pos[plot.start:plot.end, 1]*outside.pos, 
                        RCircos.Pos[plot.end:plot.start, 1]*inside.pos);
        polygon.y<- c(RCircos.Pos[plot.start:plot.end,2]*outside.pos, 
        polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, col=track.colors[aChr]);

        if(num.layers>1) {
            for(a.line in seq_len(num.layers-1))
                height <- outside.pos - a.line * subtrack.height;
                lines(RCircos.Pos[plot.start:plot.end,1] * height, 
                        RCircos.Pos[plot.start:plot.end,2] * height,

#   =========================================================================
#   12. RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot()
#   Plot vertical lines on a track without track outlines and sub-track lines
#   Arguments:
#       line.data:      A data frame with four columns for start and/or end 
#                       position, height in the data track, and plot colors
#       track.num:      Non-negative integer, number of the track from  
#                       chromosome ideogram.
#       side:           Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
#       line.width:     Non-negative integer, width of lines
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for 
#                       genomic position in each row. Must be 3.   
#       is.sorted:      Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
#                       and start position
#   Return value:   None
#   Example:        data(RCircos.Line.Data);
#                   line.data <- RCircos.Get.Track.Plot.Data(line.data,
#                               plot.type="vLine");
#                   RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot(line.data, 1, "in")
#                   RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot(line.data, 1, inside.pos=2, 
#                               outside.pos=2.2)

RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot <- function(line.data=NULL, track.num=NULL, 
        side=c("in", "out"), line.width=1, inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL,
        genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
        stop("Genomic data missing in RCircos.Vertical.Line.Plot.\n");
    if(is.null(genomic.columns) || genomic.columns < 2) 
        stop("Missing number of columns for genomic position.\n");

    boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos, 
                                outside.pos, FALSE);
    outerPos <- boundary[1];
    innerPos  <- boundary[2];

    if(length(line.width) == 1)
        line.width <- rep(line.width, nrow(line.data));

    line.data <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(line.data, 
    point.index <- as.numeric(line.data$Location);
    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
    line.colors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(line.data, RCircos.Par$line.color);

    for(a.point in seq_len((nrow(line.data))))
        lines(  c(RCircos.Pos[point.index[a.point] ,1]*innerPos,
                    RCircos.Pos[point.index[a.point], 1]*outerPos),
                c(  RCircos.Pos[point.index[a.point], 2]*innerPos,
                    RCircos.Pos[point.index[a.point], 2]*outerPos),
                col=line.colors[a.point], lwd=line.width[a.point]);

#   =========================================================================
#   13. RCircos.Point.Plot()
#   Plot points on a track without track outlines and sub-track lines. This 
#   function only use one column of data and does not consider the data 
#   range of whole datasets even there are more than one data columns.
#   Argument:
#       point.data:     A data frame containing genomic position and
#                       plot data values such as NGS read depth 
#       data.col:       Non-negative integer, the column number of data
#                       to be plotted 
#       track.num:      Non-negative integer, the number of track to plot
#       side:           Character vector, either "in" or "out" for inside
#                       outside of chromosome ideogram

#       point.type:     Non-negative integer for pch, default is 16
#       with.height:    Logical, if the point heights vary based on data values
#       with.size:      Logical, if the point sizes vary based on data values
#       point.scale:    Non-negative numeric, more scale for point size,
#                       must be greater than or equal to 1.
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area

#       Return value:   None
#       Example:        RCircos.Point.Plot(point.data=readDepth, data.col=4, 
#                               inside.pos=1.5, outside.pos=2)
#       Last modified on: July 10, 2015

RCircos.Point.Plot <- function(point.data=NULL, data.col=4, track.num=NULL, 
        side=c("in", "out"), min.value=NULL, max.value=NULL, 
        point.type=19, with.height=TRUE, with.size=FALSE, point.scale=1,
        inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
    if(is.null(point.data) || !is.data.frame(point.data))
        stop("Missing or incorrect genomic data in RCircos.Point.Plot().\n");
    if( genomic.columns < 2 || genomic.columns > 3) 
        stop("Incorrect number of columns for genomic position.\n");
    if(data.col <= genomic.columns || !is.numeric(data.col))  
        stop("Plot data column must be ", genomic.columns+1, " or greater.\n");
    if(point.scale < 1) stop("Point scale must be greater than 1.\n")

    boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos, 
                                outside.pos, FALSE);
    outerPos <- boundary[1];
    innerPos  <- boundary[2];
    trackHeight <- outerPos - innerPos;

    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();

    #   Point size, color, and height from inner position of the track
    #   ==============================================================
    point.values <- as.numeric(point.data[, data.col]);
    if(is.null(min.value) || is.null(max.value))
    {   min.value <- min(point.values);
        max.value <- max(point.values);
    if(with.size == TRUE) {
        point.size <- point.values/(max.value-min.value)*point.scale;
    } else (point.size <- rep(point.scale, nrow(point.data)))

    if(with.height == TRUE) {
        point.height <- RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height(point.values, min.value, 
            max.value, plot.type="points", track.height=trackHeight);
        point.height <- point.height + innerPos;
    } else { point.height <- rep(mean(boundary), nrow(point.data)); }
    point.color <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(point.data, RCircos.Par$line.color);

    #   Plot each point
    #   =================================================================
    RCircos.Track.Outline(outside.pos, inside.pos, num.layers=5)
    point.location <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(point.data, 
    for(a.point in seq_len(length(point.values)))
        index <- point.location$Location[a.point];
        points(RCircos.Pos[index, 1]*point.height[a.point],
                RCircos.Pos[index, 2]*point.height[a.point],
                pch=point.type, col=point.color[a.point], 

#   =========================================================================
#   14. RCircos.Parallele.Link.Plot()
#   Plot horizontal line inside a track to show data overlaps. Horizontal 
#   lines are link lines between two genomic positions on same chromosome 
#   Arguments:
#       line.data:      A data frame containing chromosome, start and end 
#                       position for each line.
#       track.num:      Non-negative integer, the number of track to plot
#       side:           Character vector, either "in" or "out"
#       line.width:     lwd in graphic package
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       genomic.columns:   Non-negative integer, total number of colums for
#                           genomic position
#       is.sorted:      Logical, if the data have been sorted
#   Return value:   None
#   Example:        RCircos.Parallel.Line.Plot(line.data, 5, "in")
#                   RCircos.Parallel.Line.Plot(line.data, inside.pos=2,
#                        outside.pos=2.5)

RCircos.Parallel.Line.Plot <- function(line.data=NULL, track.num=NULL, 
         side=c("in", "out"), line.width=1, inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, 
         genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
    if(is.null(line.data)) stop("Line data missing in RCircos.Link.Plot.\n");
    if(is.null(genomic.columns) || genomic.columns < 3) 
        stop("Total number of columns for genomic position must be 3.\n");

    boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos, 
                                outside.pos, FALSE);
    outerPos <- boundary[1];
    innerPos  <- boundary[2];
    track.height <- outerPos - innerPos;

    line.data <- RCircos.Get.Paired.Points.Positions(line.data, 
                    genomic.columns, plot.type="tile");

    layers <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Layers(line.data, genomic.columns);
    line.height <- layers*(track.height/max(layers)) + innerPos;

    #   Get link line colors for each pair of locations
    #   ================================================
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    line.colors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(line.data, RCircos.Par$line.color);

    #   Draw link lines for each pair of genomic positions
    #   ==========================================
    RCircos.Track.Outline(outside.pos, inside.pos, max(layers));
    for(a.line in seq_len(nrow(line.data)))
            type="l", col=line.colors[a.line], lwd=line.width); 

#   =========================================================================
#   15. RCircos.polygons.Plot()
#   Plot polygons with different height and different locations inside of a 
#   track. Polygon plot is an alternative bar plot that takes both positive 
#   and negative height values and genomic intervals with different lengths   
#   Plot data should have genomic positions(chromosome names, start and end
#   positions) as well as height values. Optional column for polygon colors 
#   may follow.
#   Arguments:
#       polygon.data:   A data frame with three columns for genomic positions,
#                       one or more column for polygon heights. An optional 
#                       column for polygon colour may be in the last column.
#       data.col:       Non-negative integer, column number in polygon data for  
#                       polygon height. 
#       track.num:      Non-negative integer, which track to plot
#       side:           Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
#       border.col:     Vector of color names for border color, default null
#       polygon.col:    Color name for fill of polygon
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area

#       genomic.columns:   total number of columns for genomic position, 
#                           must be 2 or 3.
#       is.sorted:      Logic, is the data is sorted or not
#   Return value:       None
#   Example:    RCircos.Polygon.Plot(polygon.data, 2, "in")
#               RCircos.Polygon.Plot(polygon.data, inside.pos=5, 
#                                       outside.pos=5.2)

RCircos.Polygon.Plot <- function(polygon.data=NULL, data.col=NULL,
        track.num=NULL, side=c("in", "out"), border.col=NULL, 
        polygon.col="pink", min.value=NULL, max.value=NULL,
        inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3,  
    if(is.null(polygon.data) || ncol(polygon.data) < 4) 
        stop("Polygon data with at least 4 columns must be defined.\n");
    if(is.null(genomic.columns) || genomic.columns != 3) 
        stop("Chromosome names, start and end positions are needed.\n");

    #   Get track position from track number or from user defined
    #   =============================================================
    boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos, 
                                outside.pos, FALSE);
    outerPos <- boundary[1];
    innerPos  <- boundary[2];
    track.height <- outerPos - innerPos;

    data.heights <- as.numeric(polygon.data[,data.col])
    if(is.null(min.value) || is.null(max.value)) {
        min.value <- min(data.heights);
        max.value <- max(data.heights);
    polygon.heights <- RCircos.Get.Polygon.Height(data.heights,
        min.value, max.value, inside.pos=innerPos, outside.pos=outerPos);
    bottom <- polygon.heights[,1];
    top    <- polygon.heights[,2];

    polygon.colors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(polygon.data, polygon.col)
        border.col <- rep(NA, nrow(polygon.data))
    else border.col <- rep(border.col, nrow(polygon.data))

    polygon.data <- RCircos.Get.Paired.Points.Positions(polygon.data, 
            genomic.columns, plot.type="polygon");
    the.start <- polygon.data$LinkStart;
    the.end <- polygon.data$LinkEnd;

    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
    if(min.value >= 0 || max.value <= 0) {
        layers <- RCircos.Par$sub.tracks;
    } else { layers <- 10; }
    RCircos.Track.Outline(outerPos, innerPos, layers);
    for(a.row in seq_len(nrow(polygon.data)))
        a.start <- the.start[a.row];
        a.end   <-  the.end[a.row];
        polygon.x <- c(RCircos.Pos[a.start:a.end, 1]*top[a.row], 
                        RCircos.Pos[a.end:a.start, 1]*bottom[a.row]);
        polygon.y <- c(RCircos.Pos[a.start:a.end, 2]*top[a.row], 
                        RCircos.Pos[a.end:a.start, 2]*bottom[a.row]);

        polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, col=polygon.colors[a.row], 

#   =========================================================================
#   16. RCircos.Area.Highlight()
#   Highlight a plot area with transparent color
#   Argument:   
#       highlight.area: Vector with chromosome name, start position, and
#                       end position to be highlighted
#       track.nums:     Vector of non-negative integer, which track(s) to
#                       be highlighted.
#       side:           Character vector, either "in" or "out"
#       color:          An RGB color definition, alpha value must be defined
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#   Return value:   None
#   Example:    highlight.area <- c("chr1", 100000, 200000);
#               RCircos.Area.Highlight(highlight.area, c(1:3), "in")
#               RCircos.Area.Highlight(highlight.area, inside.pos=3, 
#                                       outside.pos=3.5)

RCircos.Area.Highlight <- function(highlight.area=NULL, track.num=NULL, 
                side=c("in", "out"), hightlight.color=rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.5), 
                inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL)
        stop("Missing highlight area definition.\n");

    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    if(length(track.num) == 1) {
        boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, 
                    inside.pos, outside.pos, FALSE);
    } else {
        track.one <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num[1], side, 
                                inside.pos, outside.pos, FALSE);
        track.two <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(max(track.num), side, 
                                inside.pos, outside.pos, FALSE);
        if(side == "in") {
            boundary <- c(track.one[1], track.two[2]);
        } else {boundary <- c(track.one[2], track.two[1]);}
    outerPos <- boundary[1];
    innerPos  <- boundary[2];

    start.pos <- RCircos.Data.Point(as.character(highlight.area[1]), 
    end.pos <- RCircos.Data.Point(as.character(highlight.area[1]), 

    polygon.x <- c(RCircos.Pos[start.pos:end.pos, 1]*outerPos, 
                        RCircos.Pos[end.pos:start.pos, 1]*innerPos);
    polygon.y <- c(RCircos.Pos[start.pos:end.pos, 2]*outerPos, 
                        RCircos.Pos[end.pos:start.pos, 2]*innerPos);

    polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, col=hightlight.color);    

#   =========================================================================
#   17. RCircos.Customized.Shape.Plot()
#   Plot one customized shape on a track. The customized shape 
#   should be represented by coordinates of a polygon inside a circle 
#   with radius of 1 and default location of 12 o'clock. When plotting, 
#   the polygon center will be scaled and transformed for new size and 
#   location. For example, following code will plot an arrow:
#       plot(c(-2, 2), c(-2, 2))
#       polygonX <- c(0, -0.7, -0.2, -0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.7, 0)
#       polygonY <- c(-1, 0.7,  0.4,  1,   1,   0.4, 0.7, -1)   
#       nodeRadius <- 2;
#       polygon(polygonX*nodeRadius, polygonY*nodeRadius, col="red")
#       polygon(polygonX, polygonY, col="white")
#       nodeRadius <- 0.5
#       polygon(polygonX*nodeRadius, polygonY*nodeRadius, col="blue")
#   Arguments:
#       shape.data:     A two dimensional numeric matrix for coordinates 
#                       of a polygon
#       track.num:     Non-negative numeric vector for tracks to plot
#       side:           Character vector either "in" or "out"
#       location:       Vector with chromosome name, start position, and
#                       end position where the shap to be drawn
#       shape.color:    Character vector, color for the shape
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#   Return valuse:  None
#   Example:    RCircos.Customized.Shape.Plot()

RCircos.Customized.Shape.Plot <- function(shape.data=NULL,  
        track.num=NULL, side=c("in", "out"), location=NULL, 
        shape.color="red", inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL)
    if(is.null(shape.data) || is.null(location))
        stop("Missing argument in RCircos.Customized.Shape.Plot().\n");
    if(!is.numeric(shape.data) || !is.matrix(shape.data))
        stop("Shape data should be in a two dimension numeric matrix.\n");

    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    if(length(track.num) == 1) {
        boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, 
                    inside.pos, outside.pos, TRUE);
    } else {
        track.one <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num[1], side, 
                                inside.pos, outside.pos, TRUE);
        track.two <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(max(track.num), side, 
                                inside.pos, outside.pos, TRUE);
        if(side == "in") {
            boundary <- c(track.one[1], track.two[2]);
        } else {boundary <- c(track.one[2], track.two[1]);}
    outerPos <- boundary[1];
    innerPos  <- boundary[2];
    center <- mean(c(outerPos, innerPos));
    scale.factor <- (outerPos - innerPos);

    #   Rotate shape data first
    #   ===========================================
    point.index <- RCircos.Data.Point(as.character(location[1]), 
    angle <- 2*pi / nrow(RCircos.Pos) * point.index * -1;

    shapeX <- as.numeric(shape.data[,1]);
    shapeY <- as.numeric(shape.data[,2]);

    newX <- shapeX*cos(angle) -  shapeY*sin(angle);
    newY <- shapeX*sin(angle) +  shapeY*cos(angle);

    #   Scale and transform shape data 
    #   ===========================================
    scaledX <- newX * scale.factor;
    scaledY <- newY * scale.factor;

    polygonX <- scaledX + RCircos.Pos[point.index, 1] * center;
    polygonY <- scaledY + RCircos.Pos[point.index, 2] * center;

    #   Plot the shape 
    #   ===========================================
    polygon(polygonX, polygonY, col=shape.color);

#   =========================================================================
#   18. RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations()
#   Generate plot start and end positions for special plot types such as
#   heatmap, histogram, or rectangle-like which needs start and end positions
#   along the track
#   Arguments:
#       plot.data:  Data frame returned from the function of 
#                   RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions() and the last
#                   column is the plot locations
#       plot.width: Non-negative integer in number of base pairs, e.g.,
#                   width or heatmap or histogram of each data points
#   Returned values:    Numeric matrix of two columns for start and end
#                       positions
#   Example:    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters()
#               plot.locations <- RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations(plot.data,
#                                   RCircos.Par$hist.width)

RCircos.Get.Start.End.Locations <- function(plot.data, plot.width)
    RCircos.Cyto <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Ideogram();

    dataChroms <- as.character(plot.data[,1]);
    chromosomes <- unique(dataChroms);
    cyto.chroms <- as.character(RCircos.Cyto$Chromosome);

    point.loc <- as.numeric(plot.data$Location)
    locations <- cbind(point.loc-plot.width, point.loc+plot.width)

    for(aChr in seq_len(length(chromosomes)))
        cyto.rows <- which(cyto.chroms==chromosomes[aChr]);
        chr.start <- min(RCircos.Cyto$StartPoint[cyto.rows]);
        chr.end   <- max(RCircos.Cyto$EndPoint[cyto.rows]);

        data.rows <- which(dataChroms==chromosomes[aChr]);

        start.outliers <- which(locations[data.rows, 1] < chr.start)
            locations[data.rows[start.outliers], 1] <- chr.start;

        end.outliers <- which(locations[data.rows, 2] > chr.end)
            locations[data.rows[end.outliers], 2] <- chr.end;

    return (locations);

#   =========================================================================
#   19. RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values()
#   Adjust scatter plot values to fit the plot track. The scatter with
#   lowest value will be plot on the centre of first subtrack and the one
#   with highest value will be on the centre of last subtrack. After this
#   adjustment, values could be added to inside position of plot track as
#   final plot positions.
#   Argument:
#       scatter.values: Numeric vector, the data to be plotted
#       max.value:      Numeric, the highest value to be plotted
#       min.value:      Numeric, the lowest value to be plotted
#       track.height:   Non-negative numeric, the height of plot area
#       subtrack:       Non-negative nummeric, the number of sub tracks
#   Returned value:     Adjusted scatter values
#   Example:    data(RCircos.Scatter.Data)
#               scatter.data <- as.numeric(RCircos.Scatter.Data[, 5])
#               plot.data <- RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values(scatter.data,
#                               track.heigh=0.2)
RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values <- function(scatter.values=NULL, min.value=NULL, 
             max.value=NULL, track.height=NULL, subtrack=NULL)
    if(is.null(scatter.values) || is.null(track.height) )
        stop("Missing argument for RCircos.Adjust.Scatter.Values().\n");
    if(is.null(max.value) || is.null(min.value))
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
    if(is.null(subtrack) || subtrack < RCircos.Par$sub.tracks)
        subtrack <- RCircos.Par$sub.tracks;

    subtrack.height <- track.height/subtrack;
    plot.range <- track.height - subtrack.height;
    value.range <- max.value - min.value; 

    scatter.values <- (scatter.values - min.value)/value.range;
    scatter.values <- scatter.values*plot.range + subtrack.height/2;
    return (scatter.values);

#   =========================================================================
#   20.     RCircos.Area.plot()
#   Highligh part area of a data track. There will be three area types
#   to be plotted:
#   1.  Bottom is along inside of data track and top is a continue lines
#       connecting each data point with different height (mountain-type)
#   2.  Reversed mountain-type plot (Bottom and top in 1 is switched)
#   3.  Both bottom and top of the area are continue lines connecting each
#       each data point with different height (confidence region)
#		Arguments:
#       area.data:      A data frame with leading columns for genomic positions
#                       followed by data column(s). Data must be sorted first  
#                       by chromosome names then start positions and data values
#                       are better in range of 0 and 1.
#       data.col:       Non-negative integer, number of column in heatmap.data 
#                       for the data to be plotted
#       track.num:      Non-negative integer, number of the track from  
#                       chromosome ideogram
#       side:           Character vector, must be either "in" or "out"
#       plot.type:      Character vector, either "mountain", "curtain", or 
#                       "region"
#       min.value:      Numeric, minimum value of line data
#       max.value:      Numeric, maximum value of line data
#       area.color:     Character vector of R color name
#       border.col:     Character vector of R color name
#       inside.pos:     Non-negative number, inside position of the track 
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       outside.pos:    Non-negative number, outside position of the track  
#                       relative to the centre of plot area
#       genomic.columns: Non-negative integer, total number of columns for 
#                       genomic position in each row. Must be either 3 or 2.   
#       is.sorted:      Logic, whether the data is sorted by chromosome names
#                       and start position
#    Return value:    None
#    Example:    RCircos.Line.Plot(line.data, 4, 3, "in")
#   Last updated on:

RCircos.Area.Plot <- function(area.data=NULL, data.col=c(4,5), track.num=NULL, 
        side=c("in", "out"), plot.type=c("mountain", "curtain", "band"),
        min.value=NULL, max.value=NULL, area.color="gray", border.col="black",
        inside.pos=NULL, outside.pos=NULL, genomic.columns=3, is.sorted=TRUE)
    if(is.null(area.data) || !is.data.frame(area.data))
        stop("Missing or incorrect genomic data in RCircos.Point.Plot().\n");
    if( genomic.columns < 2 || genomic.columns > 3) 
        stop("Incorrect number of columns for genomic position.\n");
    if(data.col <= genomic.columns || !is.numeric(data.col))  
        stop("Plot data column must be ", genomic.columns+1, " or greater.\n");
    if(plot.type == "band" && length(data.col) != 2)
            stop("Two columns of data required to plot band.\n");
    if(is.sorted == FALSE) area.data <- RCircos.Sort.Genomic.Data(area.data);
    boundary <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Boundary(track.num, side, inside.pos, 
                                outside.pos, FALSE);
    outerPos <- boundary[1];
    innerPos  <- boundary[2];
    trackHeight <- outerPos - innerPos;

    RCircos.Pos <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();

    #   height of area top and area bottom inside a data track
    #   ==============================================================
    area.values <- as.matrix(area.data[, data.col]);
    if(is.null(min.value) || is.null(max.value))
    {   min.value <- min(area.values);
        max.value <- max(area.values);
    if(plot.type != "band")
        area.values <- as.numeric(area.data[, data.col]);
        point.height <- RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height(area.values, min.value, 
            max.value, plot.type="points", track.height=trackHeight);
        if(plot.type == "mountain")
            area.bot <- rep(innerPos, length(point.height));
            area.top <- innerPos + point.height;
        } else {
            area.top <- rep(outerPos, length(point.height));
            area.bot <- outerPos - point.height;
    } else {
        differ <- sum(area.values[,1] > area.values[, 2])
        if(differ == 0) {
            bottom <- 1; top <- 2; 
        } else if(differ == nrow(area.values)) {
            top <- 1; bottom <- 2;
        } else { stop("Band top cross area bottom.\n")}

        band.top <- as.numeric(area.values[, top]);
        area.top <- RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height(band.top, min.value, 
            max.value, plot.type="points", track.height=trackHeight);
        area.top <- area.top + innerPos;
        band.bot <- as.numeric(area.values[, bottom]);
        area.bot <- RCircos.Get.Data.Point.Height(band.bot, min.value, 
            max.value, plot.type="points", track.height=trackHeight);
        area.bot <- area.bot + innerPos;

    #   Location of each data point
    #   ==========================================================
    point.location <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(area.data, 
    area.color <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(area.data, area.color);
    #   Plot area by chromosome
    #   =================================================================
    RCircos.Track.Outline(outside.pos, inside.pos, num.layers=5)
    chromosomes <- unique(area.data[,1])
    for(a.chr in seq_along(chromosomes))
        data.index <- which(area.data[,1] == chromosomes[a.chr]);
        point.index <- as.numeric(point.location$Location[data.index]);

        polygon.x <- c(RCircos.Pos[point.index, 1]*area.top[data.index], 
            RCircos.Pos[rev(point.index), 1]*area.bot[rev(data.index)]);
        polygon.y <- c(RCircos.Pos[point.index, 2]*area.top[data.index], 
            RCircos.Pos[rev(point.index), 2]*area.bot[rev(data.index)]);

        polygon(polygon.x, polygon.y, col=area.color[data.index[1]], 

#   =========================================================================
#'		21.		RCircos.Customized.Connection.Plot()
#'		Plot connection lines (simple lines plot) between two set 
#'		of data points. One example of usage is to label genes at
#'		modified plot position and connect the gene label to its
#'		genomic position.
#'		Prerequisite:		
#'		RCircos core components and graphic device must be 
#'		initialized.
#'		Arguments:
#'		gene.data:
#'		Data frame with chromosome name and actual genomic positions 
#'		for the genes to be labeled.
#'		label.data: 
#'		Data frame with chromosome name and genomic positions that
#'		was used to label gene names
#'		gene.pos, label.pos:
#'		float numeric, scale factors relative to the center of plot   
#'		area (0). These two locations represent the start and end 
#'		location of lines.
#'		Returned value:	None.

RCircos.Customized.Connection.Plot <- function(gene.data, label.data, 
			gene.pos=NULL, label.pos=NULL)
	gene_loc  <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(gene.data, 3);
	label_loc <- RCircos.Get.Single.Point.Positions(label.data,3);
	Positions <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions(); 
	start_pos <- Positions[gene_loc$Location, 1:2]*gene.pos;
	  end_pos <- Positions[label_loc$Location, 1:2]*label.pos;

	for(a_loc in 1:nrow(gene.data)) {
		lines(c(start_pos[a_loc, 1], end_pos[a_loc,1]),
				c(start_pos[a_loc, 2], end_pos[a_loc,2]));

#   End of RCircosPlotDataTracks.R
#   ________________________________________________________________________
#   <RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos>

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RCircos documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:59 p.m.