# most of these functions are implemented manually for the same reason as their C counterpart
# reason: var args, paste 'em together
gtkMessageDialogNew <-
function(parent = NULL, flags, type, buttons, ..., show = TRUE)
checkPtrType(parent, "GtkWindow", nullOk = T)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_message_dialog_new", parent, flags, type, buttons, paste(...))
# reason: same as above
gtkMessageDialogFormatSecondaryMarkup <-
function(object, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkMessageDialog")
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_markup", object, paste(...))
# reason: same as above
gtkMessageDialogFormatSecondaryText <-
function(object, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkMessageDialog")
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text", object, paste(...))
# reason: same as above
gtkMessageDialogNewWithMarkup <-
function(parent, flags, type, buttons, ..., show = TRUE)
checkPtrType(parent, "GtkWindow")
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_message_dialog_new_with_markup", parent, flags, type, buttons, paste(...))
# reason: var args, make two vectors, one for labels the other for responses
gtkDialogNewWithButtons <-
function(title = NULL, parent = NULL, flags = 0, ..., show = TRUE)
title <- as.character(title)
checkPtrType(parent, "GtkWindow", nullOk = TRUE)
args <- list(...)
args <- args[!is.null(args)]
if (length(args) %% 2 != 0)
stop("Must have one stock ID for every response type")
args_split <- split(args, rep(c(1,2), length(args) / 2))
labels <- as.character(args_split[[1]])
responses <- as.list(as.integer(args_split[[2]]))
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons", title, parent, flags, labels, responses)
gtkDialogAddButtons <-
function(object, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkDialog")
args <- list(...)
labels <- as.character(args[seq(1,length(args),by=2)])
responses <- args[seq(2,length(args),by=2)]
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_dialog_add_buttons", object, labels, responses)
# reason: var-args for the buttons, compile into vectors of labels and responses (if given)
gtkFileChooserDialogNewWithBackend <-
function(title = NULL, parent = NULL, action, backend, ..., show = TRUE)
title <- as.character(title)
checkPtrType(parent, "GtkWindow", nullOk = T)
backend <- as.character(backend)
args <- list(...)
labels <- NULL
responses <- NULL
if (length(args) > 1) {
labels <- as.character(args[seq(1,length(args),by=2)])
responses <- args[seq(2,length(args),by=2)]
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new_with_backend", title, parent, action, backend, labels, responses)
gtkFileChooserDialogNew <-
function(title = NULL, parent = NULL, action, ..., show = TRUE)
w <- gtkFileChooserDialogNewWithBackend(title, parent, action, NULL, ..., show=show)
gtkRecentChooserDialogNewForManager <-
function(title = NULL, parent = NULL, manager, ..., show = TRUE)
title <- as.character(title)
checkPtrType(parent, "GtkWindow", nullOk = T)
checkPtrType(manager, "GtkRecentManager", nullOk = T)
args <- list(...)
labels <- NULL
responses <- NULL
if (length(args) > 1) {
labels <- as.character(args[seq(1,length(args),by=2)])
responses <- args[seq(2,length(args),by=2)]
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_recent_chooser_dialog_new_for_manager", title, parent, manager, labels, responses)
gtkRecentChooserDialogNew <-
function(title = NULL, parent = NULL, ..., show = TRUE)
w <- gtkRecentChooserDialogNewForManager(title, parent, NULL, ..., show=show)
# reason: var-args - not yet ready for primetime
#gtkDialogSetAlternativeButtonOrder <-
#function(object, ...)
# checkPtrType(object, "GtkDialog")
# w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_dialog_set_alternative_button_order", object, ..., -1)
# return(invisible(w))
# reason: var-args, implemented from scratch on C side
gtkShowAboutDialog <-
function(parent, ...)
checkPtrType(parent, "GtkWindow")
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_show_about_dialog", parent, list(...))
# reason: var-args, reimplemented on C side
gtkTextBufferCreateTag <-
function(object,, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkTextBuffer") <- as.character(
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_text_buffer_create_tag", object,, list(...))
# reason: var args, just compile into an array and send to alternate function
gtkListStore <- gtkListStoreNew <-
types <- checkArrType(c(...), as.GType)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_list_store_newv", types)
# reason: var args, just compile into an array and send to alternate function
gtkTreeStoreNew <-
types <- checkArrType(c(...), as.GType)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_store_newv", types)
# reason: var args, break apart the args into cols and values vectors
gtkListStoreSet <-
function(object, iter, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkListStore")
checkPtrType(iter, "GtkTreeIter")
args <- list(...)
cols <- as.integer(unlist(args[seq(1,length(args),by=2)]))
if (length(args) == 2)
values <- args[2]
else values <- args[seq(2,length(args),by=2)]
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_list_store_set", object, iter, cols, values)
# reason: var args, let's do it completely in R
gtkTreeStoreSet <-
function(object, iter, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkTreeStore")
checkPtrType(iter, "GtkTreeIter")
args <- list(...)
cols <- as.integer(unlist(args[seq(1,length(args),by=2)]))
if (length(args) == 2)
values <- args[2]
else values <- args[seq(2,length(args),by=2)]
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_store_set", object, iter, cols, values)
# reason: var args, compile into named list and send to C
gtkCellLayoutSetAttributes <-
function(object, cell, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkCellLayout")
checkPtrType(cell, "GtkCellRenderer")
attributes <- lapply(c(...), as.integer)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes", object, cell, attributes)
# reason: just var-args, so concat them as a named vector
gtkContainerAddWithProperties <-
function(object, widget, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkContainer")
checkPtrType(widget, "GtkWidget")
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_container_add_with_properties", object, widget, c(...))
# reason: more var-args, like above
gtkContainerChildSet <-
function(object, child, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkContainer")
checkPtrType(child, "GtkWidget")
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_container_child_set", object, child, list(...))
# reason: var args, compile and coerce to strings
gtkContainerChildGet <-
function(object, child, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkContainer")
checkPtrType(child, "GtkWidget")
props <- as.character(c(...))
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_container_child_get", object, child, props)
# reason: var args, make a vector of column ids
gtkTreeModelGet <-
function(object, iter, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkTreeModel")
checkPtrType(iter, "GtkTreeIter")
cols <- as.integer(c(...))
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_model_get", object, iter, cols)
# reason: var args, make a vector of indices
gtkTreePathNewFromIndices <-
indices <- as.integer(c(...))
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices", indices)
# reason: var args, convert to named list
gtkTreeViewInsertColumnWithAttributes <-
function(object, position, title, cell, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkTreeView")
position <- as.integer(position)
title <- as.character(title)
checkPtrType(cell, "GtkCellRenderer")
attributes <- lapply(c(...), as.integer)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes", object, position, title, cell, attributes)
# reason: var-args, collect into vectors
gtkTextBufferInsertWithTags <-
function(object, iter, text, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkTextBuffer")
checkPtrType(iter, "GtkTextIter")
text <- as.character(text)
tags <- list(...)
checkArrType(tags, function(x) checkPtrType(x, "GtkTextTag"))
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags", object, iter, text, -1L,
# reason: same as above
gtkTextBufferInsertWithTagsByName <-
function(object, iter, text, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkTextBuffer")
checkPtrType(iter, "GtkTextIter")
text <- as.character(text)
tagNames <- list(...)
tagNames <- as.character(tagNames)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name", object, iter, text, tagNames)
# reason: redirect to set_with_data, GObject confuses code generator
gtkClipboardSetWithOwner <-
function(object, targets, get.func, owner = NULL)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkClipboard")
targets <- checkArrType(targets, function(x) {x <- as.GtkTargetEntry(x); x })
get.func <- as.function(get.func)
if (!is.null( owner )) checkPtrType(owner, "GObject")
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_clipboard_set_with_data", object, targets, get.func, owner)
# reason: position arg is omitted automatically, due to array
gtkListStoreInsertWithValuesv <-
function(object, position, columns, values)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkListStore")
position <- as.integer(position)
columns <- as.list(as.integer(columns))
values <- as.list(values)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_list_store_insert_with_valuesv", object, position, columns, values)
gtkTreeStoreInsertWithValuesv <-
function(object, parent, position, columns, values)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkTreeStore")
checkPtrType(parent, "GtkTreeIter")
position <- as.integer(position)
columns <- as.list(as.integer(columns))
values <- as.list(values)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_store_insert_with_valuesv", object, parent, position, columns, values, PACKAGE = "RGtk2")
# reason: here are some functions where we just leave off the text length parameter for convenience
gtkTextBufferInsertInteractive <-
function(object, iter, text, default.editable)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkTextBuffer")
checkPtrType(iter, "GtkTextIter")
text <- as.character(text)
default.editable <- as.logical(default.editable)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_text_buffer_insert_interactive", object, iter, text, -1, default.editable)
gtkTextBufferInsertInteractiveAtCursor <-
function(object, text, default.editable)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkTextBuffer")
text <- as.character(text)
default.editable <- as.logical(default.editable)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_text_buffer_insert_interactive_at_cursor", object, text, -1, default.editable)
gtkIMContextSetSurrounding <-
function(object, text, cursor.index)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkIMContext")
text <- as.character(text)
cursor.index <- as.integer(cursor.index)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_im_context_set_surrounding", object, text, -1, cursor.index)
# reason: this one leaves off dimensions that must be user specified
gtkIMContextSimpleAddTable <-
function(object, data, max.seq.len, n.seqs)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkIMContextSimple")
data <- as.list(as.integer(data))
max.seq.len <- as.integer(max.seq.len)
n.seqs <- as.integer(n.seqs)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_im_context_simple_add_table", object, data, max.seq.len, n.seqs)
# reason: for convenience give defaults for parameters
gtkSelectionDataSet <-
function(object, type = object[["target"]], format = 8L, data)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkSelectionData")
type <- as.GdkAtom(type)
format <- as.integer(format)
data <- as.list(as.raw(data)) # inefficient for large data
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_selection_data_set", object, type, format, data)
# reason: need to omit the length param here - string arrays are normally NULL-terminated
gtkIconThemeSetSearchPath <-
function(object, path)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkIconTheme")
path <- as.list(as.character(path))
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_icon_theme_set_search_path", object, path)
# reason: var-args
gtkDialogSetAlternativeButtonOrder <-
function(object, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkDialog")
new.order <- list(...)
w <- gtkDialogSetAlternativeButtonOrderFromArray(object, new.order)
# reason: more var-args
gtkListStoreInsertWithValues <-
function(object, position, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkListStore")
position <- as.integer(position)
args <- list(...)
columns <- as.integer(args[seq(1,length(args),by=2)])
values <- args[seq(2,length(args),by=2)]
w <- gtkListStoreInsertWithValuesv(object, position, columns, values)
gtkTreeStoreInsertWithValues <-
function(object, parent, position, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkListStore")
checkPtrType(parent, "GtkTreeIter")
position <- as.integer(position)
args <- list(...)
columns <- as.integer(args[seq(1,length(args),by=2)])
values <- args[seq(2,length(args),by=2)]
w <- gtkTreeStoreInsertWithValuesv(object, parent, position, columns, values)
# reason: user func has no userdata, so we can't support it... maybe in the future
gtkMenuAttachToWidget <-
function(object, attach.widget)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkMenu")
checkPtrType(attach.widget, "GtkWidget")
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_menu_attach_to_widget", object, attach.widget, PACKAGE = "RGtk2")
# reason: var-args, let's just go right to gObjectSet
gtkWidgetSet <- gObjectSet
# reason: add ... argument so that we can use this on a variety of signals
gtkWidgetDestroy <-
function(object, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkWidget")
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_widget_destroy", object, PACKAGE = "RGtk2")
# reason: these two are var-args and we're just going to tie them into gObjectNew
gtkWidgetNew <-
function(type, ..., show = TRUE)
if (!("GtkWidget" %in% gTypeGetAncestors(type)))
stop("GType must inherit from GtkWidget")
gObjectNew(type, ...)
gtkObject <- gtkObjectNew <-
function(type, ...)
if (!("GtkObject" %in% gTypeGetAncestors(type)))
stop("GType must inherit from GtkObject")
gObjectNew(type, ...)
# reason: var-args, just use _style_get_property for each
gtkWidgetStyleGet <-
function(object, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkWidget")
props <- c(...)
w <- sapply(props, function(prop) { gtkWidgetStyleGetProperty(object, prop) })
# reason: var-args, just reimplement in R
gtkTreeViewColumnNewWithAttributes <-
function(title, cell, ...)
title <- as.character(title)
checkPtrType(cell, "GtkCellRenderer")
column <- gtkTreeViewColumnNew()
column$packStart(cell, TRUE)
column$setAttributes(cell, ...)
# reason: var-args, just implement in R using _add_attribute for each
gtkTreeViewColumnSetAttributes <-
function(object, cell.renderer, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkTreeViewColumn")
checkPtrType(cell.renderer, "GtkCellRenderer")
attributes <- lapply(c(...), as.integer)
w <- sapply(names(attributes), function(attr) {
object$addAttribute(cell.renderer, attr, attributes[[attr]])
## x and y are in-out parameters
gtkTreeViewGetTooltipContext <-
function(object, x, y, keyboard.tip)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkTreeView")
x <- as.integer(x)
y <- as.integer(y)
keyboard.tip <- as.logical(keyboard.tip)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_view_get_tooltip_context", object, x, y, keyboard.tip, PACKAGE = "RGtk2")
gtkIconViewGetTooltipContext <-
function(object, x, y, keyboard.tip)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkIconView")
x <- as.integer(x)
y <- as.integer(y)
keyboard.tip <- as.logical(keyboard.tip)
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_icon_view_get_tooltip_context", object, x, y, keyboard.tip, PACKAGE = "RGtk2")
## varargs
gtkStyleGet <-
function(object, widget.type,, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkStyle")
widget.type <- as.GType(widget.type)
property.names <- as.character(c(, ...))
values <- lapply(property.names, object$getStyleProperty,
widget.type = widget.type)
lapply(values, `[[`, "value")
## varargs
gtkInfoBarNewWithButtons <-
function(first.button.text, ..., show = TRUE)
w <- gtkInfoBar(show = show)
w$addButtons(first.button.text, ...)
gtkInfoBarAddButtons <-
function(object, first.button.text, ...)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkInfoBar")
args <- c(first.button.text, list(...))
labels <- args[seq(1, length(args), 2)]
responses <- args[seq(2, length(args), 2)]
invisible(mapply(object$addButton, labels, responses))
## Create an instance of RGtkBuilder, which can find the types by name
.initClasses <- function() {
if (boundGTKVersion() >= "2.12.0") {
gClass("RGtkBuilder", "GtkBuilder",
GtkBuilder = list(
get_type_from_name = function(self, name) as.GType(name)
gtkBuilderNew <- function() gObject("RGtkBuilder")
# reason: unfortunately, the 'group' must be an exact pointer match so
# we delegate to 'gtkRadioButtonNewFromWidget' with the first element.
gtkRadioButtonNew <-
function(group = NULL, show = TRUE)
gtkRadioButtonNewFromWidget(group[[1]], show)
gtkRadioButtonNewWithLabel <-
function(group = NULL, label, show = TRUE)
gtkRadioButtonNewWithLabelFromWidget(group[[1]], label, show)
## Unlike GtkRadioButton, the GtkRadioMenuItem from_widget
## constructors do not accept a NULL value for 'widget'. Thus, we have
## to catch NULL and call the original function (where NULL becomes an
## empty list). Otherwise, we call from_widget as in the above. In the
## GTK+ source, it looks like they have written to code to be robust
## to NULL, but there is an assertion up-front that fails. Since the
## function is not documented to accept NULL, this must be the desired
## behavior.
gtkRadioMenuItemNew <- function(group = NULL, show = TRUE) {
if (is.null(group)) {
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_radio_menu_item_new", group, PACKAGE="RGtk2")
if (show)
} else gtkRadioMenuItemNewFromWidget(group[[1]], show)
gtkRadioMenuItemNewWithLabel <- function(group = NULL, label, show = TRUE) {
if (is.null(group)) {
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_label", group, label,
if (show)
} else gtkRadioMenuItemNewWithLabelFromWidget(group[[1]], label, show)
gtkRadioMenuItemNewWithMnemonic <- function(group = NULL, label, show = TRUE) {
if (is.null(group)) {
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic", group, label,
if (show)
} else gtkRadioMenuItemNewWithMnemonicFromWidget(group[[1]], label, show)
gtkRadioToolButtonNew <-
function(group = NULL, show = TRUE) {
if (is.null(group)) {
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_radio_tool_button_new", group, PACKAGE="RGtk2")
if (show)
} else gtkRadioToolButtonNewFromWidget(group[[1]], show)
gtkRadioToolButtonNewFromStock <- function(group = NULL,, show = TRUE)
if (is.null(group)) {
w <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_radio_tool_button_new_from_stock", group,,
if (show)
} else gtkRadioToolButtonNewWithStockFromWidget(group[[1]],, show)
# getting child widgets by index
"[[.GtkContainer" <-
function(x, field, where = parent.frame())
else NextMethod("[[", where = where)
# Currently deprecated in favor of custom RGtkDataFrame model
if (FALSE) {
# Loads data into the specified rows (or paths) and columns of a list store
gtkListStoreLoad <-
function(object, data, rows, cols = 0:(length(data)-1), paths = NULL, append=F)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkListStore")
w <- gtkTreeModelLoad(object, data, rows, cols, paths, append, type = "list")
# Loads data into the specified rows (or paths) and columns of a tree store
# Here, the rows should be vectors that describe path locations within the tree
gtkTreeStoreLoad <-
function(object, data, rows, cols = 0:(length(data)-1), paths = NULL, append=F)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkTreeStore")
w <- gtkTreeModelLoad(object, data, rows, cols, paths, append, type = "tree")
# The (private) main function for loading data into a tree or list store
# If the column names have not been set for the model, this function sets them
# to the column names of the data frame. If append is TRUE the data is added
# to the end of the model. Otherwise, if there are no paths and the rows are not specified,
# they are assumed to be the sequence from 0 to the number of rows in the data.
# The columns can be indices or names. Sorting is temporarily disabled for this operation.
gtkTreeModelLoad <-
function(object, data, rows, cols = 0:(length(data)-1), paths = NULL, append=F, type = c("list", "tree"))
type <- match.arg(type)
col.names <- object$getData("colnames")
if (is.null(col.names)) {
col.names <- character(object$getNColumns())
col.names[cols+1] <- names(data)
object$setData("colnames", col.names)
data <- lapply(data, as.list)
if (is.character(cols)) {
m <- match(cols, col.names)
cols[!] <- m[!]-1
cols <- as.integer(cols)
if (length(cols) != length(data))
stop("The number of specified columns (", length(cols), ")",
" does not match the number of columns (", length(data), ") in the data")
sort <- object$getSortColumnId()
sorted <- sort["sort_column_id"] %in% cols
if (sorted)
object$setSortColumnId(-2, sort[["order"]]) # -2 means unsorted
if (missing(paths) && (!append || type == "tree")) {
if (missing(rows) || is.null(rows))
rows <- 0:(length(data[[1]])-1)
if (type == "tree")
rows <- lapply(rows, as.integer)
else rows <- as.integer(rows)
w <- .RGtkCall(paste("S_gtk_", type, "_store_load", sep=""), object, data, rows, cols, append)
} else {
paths <- lapply(paths, function(path) { checkPtrType(path, "GtkTreePath"); path })
w <- .RGtkCall(paste("S_gtk_", type, "_store_load_paths", sep=""), object, data, paths, cols, append)
if (sorted)
object$setSortColumnId(sort[["sort_column_id"]], sort[["order"]])
# Unloads a tree model. If there are no paths, the rows must must be indices or
# vectors of indices if accessing multiple levels. Columns may be indices or names.
# If this model has column names, they are the column names of the returned structure.
# This structure is a data frame if 'frame' is TRUE. The attribute "paths" contains
# indices or vectors of indices (in the case of multiple levels) describing the location
# of each row of the data frame in the tree model.
gtkTreeModelUnload <-
function(object, rows = NULL, cols = 0:(object$getNColumns()-1), paths, frame = T)
checkPtrType(object, "GtkTreeModel")
col.names <- colnames(object)
if (is.character(cols)) {
if (is.null(col.names))
stop("Specifying column names is not allowed - this tree model does not have any")
m <- match(cols, col.names)
if (any(
stop("Invalid column names: ", paste(cols[], collapse=", "))
cols[!] <- m[!]-1
cols <- as.integer(cols)
if(missing(paths)) {
rows <- lapply(rows, as.integer)
data <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_model_unload", object, rows, cols)
} else {
paths <- lapply(paths, function(path) { checkPtrType(path, "GtkTreePath"); path })
data <- .RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_model_unload_paths", object, paths, cols)
if (length(rows) == 0) {
rows <- data[[2]]
data <- data[[1]]
if (frame)
data <-, unlist))
attr(data, "paths") <- rows
if (length(data) > 0 && length(col.names) > 0) {
names(data) <- col.names[cols+1]
# we can't do "GtkTreeModel" here because it's an interface, not a class
"[<-.GtkListStore" <- "[<-.GtkTreeStore" <-
function(model, rows = NULL, cols = 0:(length(data)-1), value) {
model$load(value, rows, cols)
"[.GtkListStore" <- "[.GtkTreeStore" <-
function(model, rows = NULL, cols = 0:(model$getNColumns()-1)) {
model$unload(rows, cols)
dimnames.GtkTreeStore <- dimnames.GtkListStore <- function(x, ...)
list(x$getData("rownames"), x$getData("colnames"))
# creating a GtkTreeIter from scratch (for implementing new models)
gtkTreeIter <- function(id, stamp)
.RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_iter", as.integer(id), as.integer(stamp))
# setting id's and stamps on GtkTreeIter's (for implementing new models)
gtkTreeIterGetId <- function(iter)
checkPtrType(iter, "GtkTreeIter")
.RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_iter_get_id", iter)
gtkTreeIterSetId <- function(iter, id)
checkPtrType(iter, "GtkTreeIter")
id <- as.integer(id)
.RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_iter_set_id", iter, id)
gtkTreeIterGetStamp <- function(iter)
checkPtrType(iter, "GtkTreeIter")
.RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_iter_get_stamp", iter)
gtkTreeIterSetStamp <- function(iter, stamp)
checkPtrType(iter, "GtkTreeIter")
stamp <- as.integer(stamp)
.RGtkCall("S_gtk_tree_iter_set_stamp", iter, stamp)
# aliases for error domains
GTK_ICON_THEME_ERROR <- gtkIconThemeErrorQuark
GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ERROR <- gtkFileChooserErrorQuark
gtkAccelGroupQuery <-
function(object, accel.key, accel.mods)
.notimplemented("returns an array of an undocumented structure, so you probably shouldn't use it")
gtkCListSetCompareFunc <-
function(object, cmp.func) {
.notimplemented("does not provide user-data for the comparison func, so we can't wrap an R function. Besides, it's deprecated")
gtkCTreeSetDragCompareFunc <-
function(object, cmp.func)
.notimplemented("does not provide user data for the comparison func, so we can't wrap an R function. Besides, it's deprecated")
gtkItemFactoryCreateMenuEntries <-
.notimplemented("accepts as input an array of an undocumented structure, so you probably shouldn't use it. Besides, it's deprecated")
gtkSettingsInstallPropertyParser <-
function(pspec, parser)
.notimplemented("does not have user data for the parser callback. You probably don't need to be defining new property types in GTK style files anyway.")
gtkWidgetClassInstallStylePropertyParser <-
function(klass, pspec, parser)
.notimplemented("does not have user data for the parser callback. You probably don't need to be defining new property types in GTK style files anyway.")
## version checking ##
boundGTKVersion <- function() {
as.numeric_version(paste(.RGtkCall("boundGTKVersion"), collapse="."))
checkGTK <- function(version) {
.Deprecated("boundGTKVersion() >= version")
boundGTKVersion() >= version
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