
Defines functions LinearLMS_R

Documented in LinearLMS_R

#Class implementing a Regression Algorithm
  #Implements the LinearLMS KEEL regression algorithm

LinearLMS_R <- function(train, test, seed=-1){
  alg <- RKEEL::R6_LinearLMS_R$new()
  alg$setParameters(train, test, seed)
  return (alg)

R6_LinearLMS_R <- R6::R6Class("R6_LinearLMS_R",

  inherit = RegressionAlgorithm,

  public = list(

    #Public properties

    seed = -1,

    #Public functions

    #Initialize function
    setParameters = function(train, test, seed=-1){

      super$setParameters(train, test)

      if(seed == -1) {
        self$seed <- sample(1:1000000, 1)
      else {
        self$seed <- seed



  private = list(

    #Private properties

    #jar Filename
    jarName = "ModelLinearLMS.jar",

    #algorithm name
    algorithmName = "LinearLMS-R",

    #String with algorithm name
    algorithmString = "LMS Linear Regression",

    #Private functions

    #Get the text with the parameters for the config file
    getParametersText = function(){

      text <- ""
      text <- paste0(text, "seed = ", self$seed, "\n")
      text <- paste0(text, "subAlgorithm = ModelLinearLMS", "\n")
      text <- paste0(text, "dataformat = keel", "\n")
      text <- paste0(text, "outlabel = MLLMS", "\n")




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RKEEL documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 1:08 a.m.