
Defines functions ICLeastSquaresClassifier

Documented in ICLeastSquaresClassifier

#' @include LeastSquaresClassifier.R
         representation(theta="matrix", optimization="ANY", responsibilities="ANY"), 

#' Implicitly Constrained Least Squares Classifier
#' Implementation of the Implicitly Constrained Least Squares Classifier (ICLS) of Krijthe & Loog (2015) and the projected estimator of Krijthe & Loog (2016).
#' In Implicitly Constrained semi-supervised Least Squares (ICLS) of Krijthe & Loog (2015), we minimize the quadratic loss on the labeled objects, while enforcing that the solution has to be a solution that minimizes the quadratic loss for all objects for some (fractional) labeling of the data (the implicit constraints). The goal of this classifier is to use the unlabeled data to update the classifier, while making sure it still works well on the labeled data.
#' The Projected estimator of Krijthe & Loog (2016) builds on this by finding a classifier within the space of classifiers that minimize the quadratic loss on all objects for some labeling (the implicit constrained), that minimizes the distance to the supervised solution for some appropriately chosen distance measure. Using the projection="semisupervised", we get certain guarantees that this solution is always better than the supervised solution (see Krijthe & Loog (2016)), while setting projection="supervised" is equivalent to ICLS.
#' Both methods (ICLS and the projection) can be formulated as a quadratic programming problem and solved using either a quadratic programming solver (method="QP") or using a gradient descent approach that takes into account certain bounds on the labelings (method="LBFGS"). The latter is the preferred method.
#' @references Krijthe, J.H. & Loog, M., 2015. Implicitly Constrained Semi-Supervised Least Squares Classification. In E. Fromont, T. De Bie, & M. van Leeuwen, eds. 14th International Symposium on Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XIV (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 9385). Saint Etienne. France, pp. 158-169.
#' @references Krijthe, J.H. & Loog, M., 2016. Projected Estimators for Robust Semi-supervised Classification. arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.07865.
#' @family RSSL classifiers
#' @param X Design matrix, intercept term is added within the function
#' @param y Vector or factor with class assignments
#' @param X_u Design matrix of the unlabeled data, intercept term is added within the function
#' @param lambda1 Regularization parameter in the unlabeled+labeled data regularized least squares
#' @param lambda2 Regularization parameter in the labeled data only regularized least squares
#' @param intercept TRUE if an intercept should be added to the model
#' @param x_center logical; Whether the feature vectors should be centered
#' @param scale logical; If TRUE, apply a z-transform to all observations in X and X_u before running the regression
#' @param method Either "LBFGS" for solving using L-BFGS-B gradient descent or "QP" for a quadratic programming based solution
#' @param projection One of "supervised", "semisupervised" or "euclidean"
#' @param lambda_prior numeric; prior on the deviation from the supervised mean y
#' @param trueprob numeric; true mean y for all data
#' @inheritParams BaseClassifier
#' @return S4 object of class ICLeastSquaresClassifier with the following slots:
#' \item{theta}{weight vector}
#' \item{classnames}{the names of the classes}
#' \item{modelform}{formula object of the model used in regression}
#' \item{scaling}{a scaling object containing the parameters of the z-transforms applied to the data}
#' \item{optimization}{the object returned by the optim function}
#' \item{unlabels}{the labels assigned to the unlabeled objects}
#' @examples
#' data(testdata)
#' w1 <- LeastSquaresClassifier(testdata$X, testdata$y, 
#'                              intercept = TRUE,x_center = FALSE, scale=FALSE)
#' w2 <- ICLeastSquaresClassifier(testdata$X, testdata$y, 
#'                                testdata$X_u, intercept = TRUE, x_center = FALSE, scale=FALSE)
#' plot(testdata$X[,1],testdata$X[,2],col=factor(testdata$y),asp=1)
#' points(testdata$X_u[,1],testdata$X_u[,2],col="darkgrey",pch=16,cex=0.5)
#' abline(line_coefficients(w1)$intercept,
#'        line_coefficients(w1)$slope,lty=2)
#' abline(line_coefficients(w2)$intercept,
#'        line_coefficients(w2)$slope,lty=1)
#' @export
ICLeastSquaresClassifier<-function(X, y, X_u=NULL, lambda1=0, lambda2=0, intercept=TRUE,x_center=FALSE,scale=FALSE,method="LBFGS",projection="supervised",lambda_prior=0,trueprob=NULL,eps=10e-10,y_scale=FALSE,use_Xu_for_scaling=TRUE) {
  #   if (!is.factor(y)) { stop("Input labels should be a factor!")}
  #if (length(levels(y))!=2) { stop("We need a two class problem.")}
  ## Preprocessing to correct datastructures and scaling  
  if (ncol(ModelVariables$Y)==2) {
    y <- ModelVariables$Y[,1,drop=FALSE]
  } else {
    y <- ModelVariables$Y
  Y <- y
  if (!(nrow(X)==nrow(y))) { stop("Length of y and number of rows in X should be the same.")}
  if (y_scale) {
    y_scale <- colMeans(Y)
  } else {
    y_scale <- rep(0,ncol(Y))
  y <- sweep(y,2,y_scale) # Possibly center the numeric Y labels
  if ((nrow(X)+nrow(X_u))<ncol(X)) inv <- function(M) { ginv(M) }
  else inv <- function(M) { ginv(M) } #Another possibility: chol2inv(chol(M))
  if (nrow(X_u)==0) Xe <- X
  else Xe <- rbind(X,X_u)
  if (!is.null(trueprob)) {
    mean_y <- trueprob
  } else {
    mean_y <- mean(y)
  m <- ncol(Xe)

  C <- inv(t(Xe) %*% Xe + nrow(Xe)*lambda1*diag(c(0,rep(1,(m-1)))))
  C2 <- inv(t(X) %*% X)
  F <- X %*% C 
  G <- X_u %*% t(F) %*% F
  ## Quadratic Programming implementation
  if (method=="QP") {
    if (projection=="supervised") {
      dvec <- X_u %*% C %*% t(X) %*% y - G %*% t(X) %*% y
      Dmat <- G %*% t(X_u)
      Dmat <- Dmat + eps*diag(nrow(Dmat))
    } else if (projection=="semisupervised")  {
      dvec <- - X_u %*% C %*% t(X) %*% y + X_u %*% C2 %*% t(X) %*% y
      Dmat <- X_u %*% C %*% t(X_u)
      Dmat <- Dmat + eps*diag(nrow(Dmat))
    } else if (projection=="euclidean")  {
      dvec <- - X_u %*% C %*% C %*% t(X) %*% y + X_u %*% C %*% C2 %*% t(X) %*% y
      Dmat <- X_u %*% C %*% C %*% t(X_u)
      Dmat <- Dmat + eps*diag(nrow(Dmat))
    } else {
      stop("There is no QP implementation of this projection. Check the spelling of the projection argument.")
    # Box constraints
    Amat <- t(rbind(diag(nrow(X_u)), -diag(nrow(X_u))))
    bvec <- c(rep(0,nrow(X_u)), rep(-1,nrow(X_u)))
    meq <- 0
    # Hard constraint on the posterior of the weight being equal to the prior of the labels
    if (lambda_prior!=0) {
      if (ncol(y)>1) stop("Mean constraint not implemented for multi-class")
      Amat <- cbind(1,Amat)
      bvec <- c(mean_y*nrow(X_u),bvec)
      meq <- 1
    # Multiclass
    if (ncol(y)>1) {
      Dmat <- Matrix::bdiag(rep(list(Dmat),ncol(y)))
      bvec <- rep(bvec,ncol(y))
      Amat <- Matrix::bdiag(rep(list(Amat),ncol(y)))
      Amat <- cbind(kronecker(matrix(1,ncol(y),1),diag(nrow(X_u))), as.matrix(Amat))
      bvec <-  c(rep(1,nrow(X_u)),bvec)
      meq <- nrow(X_u)
    unlabels<-solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, Amat, bvec, meq=meq, factorized=FALSE)$solution
    #unlabels<-ipop(-dvec, Dmat, l=rep(0,nrow(X_u)), u=rep(1,nrow(X_u)),A=diag(nrow(X_u)),b=rep(0,nrow(X_u)),r=rep(1,nrow(X_u)))@primal # Works better in some cases TODO: check which is faster
  ## LBFGS implementation
  else if (method=="LBFGS") {
    if (projection=="supervised") {
      opt_func <- function(theta) {
        theta <- matrix(theta)
        labels <- theta
        theta <- C %*% t(Xe) %*% rbind(matrix(y),theta)
        if (lambda2>0) { 
          if (intercept) { return(mean((X %*% theta - y)^2) + lambda2 * sum(theta[2:nrow(theta),1]^2) + lambda_prior*(mean(labels)-mean_y)^2)}
          else  { return(mean((X %*% theta - y)^2) + lambda2 * sum(theta^2) + lambda_prior*(mean(labels)-mean_y)^2) }
        else { return(mean((X %*% theta - y)^2) + lambda_prior*(mean(labels)-mean_y)^2) }
      O1 <- 2/nrow(X) * G %*% t(X) %*% y
      O2 <- 2/nrow(X) * G %*% t(X_u)
      O3 <- 2/nrow(X) * X_u %*% t(F) %*% y
      if (lambda2>0) {
        O4 <- 2 * lambda2 * X_u %*% C %*% diag(c(0,rep(1,(m-1)))) %*% t(F) %*% y
        O5 <- 2 * lambda2 * X_u %*% C %*% diag(c(0,rep(1,(m-1)))) %*% C %*% t(X_u)
      opt_grad <- function(theta) {
        theta <- matrix(theta)
        reg3 <- lambda_prior*2*(mean(theta)-mean_y)/nrow(theta)
        if (lambda2>0) return(O1 + O2 %*% theta - O3 + O4 + O5 %*% theta + reg3)
        else return(O1 + O2 %*% theta - O3 + reg3  ) 
      theta <- rep(0.5,nrow(X_u))
#       browser()
#       library("numDeriv")
#       lambda_prior<- 1
#       grad(opt_func,c(0.1,0.9),method="simple")
#       opt_grad(c(0.1,0.9))
        # Bounded optimization
      opt_result <- optim(theta, opt_func, gr=opt_grad, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=0.0-y_scale, upper=1.0-y_scale, control=list(fnscale=1))
    } else if (projection=="semisupervised") {
      if (intercept) {
        w_sup<- matrix(inv(t(X)%*%X+nrow(X)*lambda2*diag(c(0,rep(1,(m-1))))) %*% t(X) %*% y,ncol=1)
      } else {
        w_sup<- matrix(inv(t(X)%*%X+nrow(X)*lambda2*diag(m)) %*% t(X) %*% y,ncol=1)
      C <- inv(t(Xe) %*% Xe + nrow(Xe)*lambda1*diag(c(0,rep(1,(m-1))))) # Check this
      F <- Xe %*% C 
      G <- X_u %*% t(F) %*% F
      O1 <- X_u %*% C %*% t(X_u)
      O2 <- X_u %*% C %*% t(X) %*% y
      O3 <- X_u %*% w_sup 
      opt_func_projection <- function(theta) {
          # Return a Mahanalobis type distance between the semi-supervised and supervised coefficients
          theta <- matrix(theta)
          #w_semi <- matrix(C %*% t(Xe) %*% rbind(matrix(y),theta),ncol=1)

          t(theta) %*% O1 %*% theta + 2 * t(theta) %*% O2 - 2 * t(theta) %*% O3 + lambda_prior*(mean(theta)-mean_y)^2
        opt_grad_projection <- function(theta) {
          # Check gradient
          #        2 * O1 %*% theta + 2 * O2 - 2 * O3)
          reg3 <- lambda_prior*2*(mean(theta)-mean_y)/nrow(theta)
          2 * O1 %*% theta + 2 * O2 - 2 * O3 + reg3

      theta <- rep(0.5,nrow(X_u))

      # Bounded optimization
      opt_result <- optim(theta, opt_func_projection, gr=opt_grad_projection, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=0.0-y_scale, upper=1.0-y_scale, control=list(fnscale=1))
    } else if (projection=="semisupervisedold") {
      C <- inv(t(Xe) %*% Xe) 
      F<- Xe %*% C 
      G <- X_u %*% t(F) %*% F
      w_sup<- matrix(inv(t(X)%*%X) %*% t(X) %*% y,ncol=1)
            opt_func_projection <- function(theta) {
              # Return a Mahanalobis type distance between the semi-supervised and supervised coefficients
              w_semi <- matrix(C %*% t(Xe) %*% rbind(matrix(y),theta),ncol=1)
              if (lambda1>0) {
                return((1/nrow(Xe))*(t(w_semi-w_sup) %*% (t(Xe) %*% Xe + nrow(Xe)*lambda1*diag(c(0,rep(1,(m-1)))))  %*% (w_semi-w_sup))) 
              else { 
                return((1/nrow(Xe))*(t(w_semi-w_sup) %*% t(Xe) %*% Xe %*% (w_semi-w_sup)))   
            O1 <- 2/nrow(Xe) * G %*% t(X) %*% y
            O2 <- 2/nrow(Xe) * G %*% t(X_u)
            O3 <- 2/nrow(Xe) * X_u %*% w_sup
            if (lambda2>0) {
              O4<- 2 * lambda2 * X_u %*% C %*% diag(c(0,rep(1,(m-1)))) %*% t(F) %*% y
              O5<- 2 * lambda2 * X_u %*% C %*% diag(c(0,rep(1,(m-1)))) %*% C %*% t(X_u)
            opt_grad_projection <- function(theta) {
              # Check gradient
              # browser()
              #cbind(matrix(grad(opt_func_projection,theta),ncol=1), O1 + O2 %*% theta - O3)
              if (lambda2>0) return(O1 + O2 %*% theta - O3 + O4 + O5 %*% theta + reg3)
              else return(O1 + O2 %*% theta - O3 + reg3  ) 
      theta <- rep(0.5,nrow(X_u))
      # Bounded optimization
      opt_result <- optim(theta, opt_func_projection, gr=opt_grad_projection, 
                          method="L-BFGS-B", lower=0.0, upper=1.0, 
    } else if (projection=="euclidean") {
      w_sup<- matrix(inv(t(X)%*%X) %*% t(X) %*% y,ncol=1)
      opt_func <- function(theta) {
        theta <- C %*% t(Xe) %*% rbind(matrix(y),theta)
      O1 <- 2 * t(y) %*% X %*% C %*%  C %*% t(X_u)
      O2 <- 2 * X_u %*% C %*%  C %*% t(X_u)
      O3 <- 2 * t(w_sup) %*% C %*% t(X_u)
      opt_grad <- function(theta) {
        # For debugging purposes:
        # grad(opt_func,theta)
        # O1 + t(t(O2) %*% theta) - O3
        return(O1 + t(t(O2) %*% theta) - O3 ) 
      theta <- rep(0.5,nrow(X_u))
      # Bounded optimization
      opt_result <- optim(theta, opt_func, gr=opt_grad, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=0.0-y_scale, upper=1.0-y_scale, control=list(fnscale=1))
    } else {
      stop("There is no LBFGS implementation of this projection.")
  } else if (method=="exhaustive") {
    if (nrow(X_u)!=2 | ncol(X_u)!=3) {
      warning("Too many objects to do exhausitively. We are going to sample.")
      searchgrid <- matrix(rbeta(10000*n_u,shape1=0.5,shape2=0.5),10000,n_u)
      #searchgrid <- 1+matrix(runif(100000*n_u),100000,n_u)
    } else {
    C <- inv(t(Xe) %*% Xe + nrow(Xe)*lambda1*diag(c(0,rep(1,(m-1))))) 
    F<- Xe %*% C 
    G <- X_u %*% t(F) %*% F
    w_sup<- matrix(inv(t(X)%*%X) %*% t(X) %*% y,ncol=1)
    opt_func_projection <- function(theta) {
      # Return a Mahanalobis type distance between the semi-supervised and supervised coefficients
      w_semi <- matrix(C %*% t(Xe) %*% rbind(matrix(y),theta),ncol=1)
      if (lambda2>0) { 
        stop("Not implemented") #todo
      else { 
        return((1/nrow(Xe))*(t(w_semi-w_sup) %*% t(Xe) %*% Xe %*% (w_semi-w_sup)))   
    ws<-matrix(NA,nrow(searchgrid), ncol(X))
    for (i in 1:nrow(searchgrid)) {
      ws[i,] <- matrix(C %*% t(Xe) %*% rbind(matrix(y),theta),ncol=1)
      objectiveval[i]<-opt_func_projection(theta) # Save objective values
  }  else {
    stop("Optimization method is unknown.")
  unlabels <- matrix(unlabels,nrow(X_u))
  theta <- inv(t(Xe) %*% Xe + nrow(Xe)*lambda1*diag(c(0,rep(1,(m-1)))) ) %*% (t(Xe) %*% rbind(y,unlabels))


#       O1 <-  G %*% t(X) %*% y
#       O2 <-  G %*% t(X_u)
#       O3 <-  X_u %*% t(F) %*% y
#       opt_grad <- function(theta) {
#         theta<-matrix(theta)
#         browser()
#         cbind(grad(function(theta) { 0.5 * (t(theta) %*% Dmat %*% theta) - t(theta) %*% dvec}, (theta)), O1 + O2 %*% theta - O3,theta)
#         return(O1 + O2 %*% theta - O3) 
#       }
#       sol<-optim(rep(0,nrow(X_u)), fn=function(theta) { 0.5 * theta %*% Dmat %*% theta - theta %*% dvec}, gr=opt_grad, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=0, upper=1, control=list(fnscale=1))
#       sol<-optim(rep(0,nrow(X_u)), fn=opt_func, gr=opt_grad, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=0, upper=1, control=list(fnscale=1))

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