
Defines functions updateTheta fixUpEffectNames unpackCompositionChange unpackData unpackVDyad unpackCDyad convertToStructuralZeros unpackBehavior unpackBipartite unpackOneMode createCovarEdgeList createEdgeLists initializeFRAN

Documented in initializeFRAN updateTheta

# * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
# *
# * Web: https://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena
# *
# * File: initializeFRAN.r
# *
# * Description: This module contains the code for setting up the data in C++
# * and for ML making the initial chain.
# *****************************************************************************/

##@initializeFRAN siena07 reformat data and send to C. get targets.
initializeFRAN <- function(z, x, data, effects, prevAns=NULL, initC,
	profileData=FALSE, returnDeps=FALSE,
	returnChains=FALSE, byGroup=FALSE,
	returnDataFrame=FALSE, byWave=FALSE,
	returnLoglik=FALSE, onlyLoglik=FALSE)
	##@checkNames used in initializeFRAN for siena07
	checkNames <- function(xx, types) {
		# checks whether names of named vectors are in names of dependent variables.
		# returns xx; if is.null(xx), returns named vector
		# with variable names and all values 1.
		if (('oneMode' %in% types) || ('bipartite' %in% types))
			thetype <- 'network'
			thetype <- 'behavior'
		if (inherits(data, "sienaGroup"))
			theVars <- sapply(data[[1]]$depvars, function(x){attr(x,'type') %in% types})
			theVarNames <- names(data[[1]]$depvars)[theVars]
			theVars <- sapply(data$depvars, function(x){attr(x,'type') %in% types})
			theVarNames <- names(data$depvars)[theVars]
		if ((length(xx) >= 1) && (!(length(xx) == sum(theVars))))
			cat(deparse(substitute(xx)), ' =  (',
					paste(names(xx), xx, sep=" = ", collapse="; ") ,') ,\n')
			if (sum(theVars)==1)
				cat('but there is only one dependent variable.\n')
				cat('but there are ', sum(theVars), ' dependent variables.\n')
			cat('Length of',deparse(substitute(xx)),
				'should be equal to number of', thetype,'variables.\n')
			stop('Invalid algorithm-data combination.')
		# For this check:
		# if there are no names, then (names(xx) %in% names(data$depvars))
		# will be logical(0), and all(logical(0)) is TRUE.
		if (is.null(xx))
			wrongName <- FALSE
			xx <- rep(1, sum(theVars))
			names(xx) <- theVarNames
			wrongName <- (!all(names(xx) == theVarNames))
			if (is.null(names(xx)))
				wrongName <- TRUE
				if (any(is.na(names(xx))))
					wrongName <- TRUE
			if (wrongName)
					'in the algorithm object x should be a named vector with\n')
				cat(' the names of dependent', thetype, 'variables')
				cat(' in the data set, in the same order.\n')
				cat(' Names in algorithm object: ', names(xx), '\n')
				cat(' Names in data set: ', theVarNames, '\n')
				stop('Invalid algorithm-data combination.')

	# start of initializeFRAN proper
	z$effectsName <- deparse(substitute(effects))
	## fix up the interface so can call from outside robmon framework
	if (is.null(z$FinDiff.method))
		z$FinDiff.method <- FALSE
	if (is.null(z$int))
		z$int <- 1
	if (is.null(z$int2))
		z$int2 <- 1
	if (!initC) ## ie first time round
		if (!inherits(data,"siena"))
			stop("not valid siena data object")
		## check the effects object
		if (!is.null(attr(effects, "onePeriodSde")))
			oPS <- attr(effects, "onePeriodSde")
			oPS <- FALSE
		defaultEffects <- getEffects(data, onePeriodSde=oPS)
		if (is.null(effects))
			cat("You specified no effects. The default effects are used.\n")
			effects <- defaultEffects
			## check that the effects match the data dependent variables
			userlist <- apply(effects[effects$include,], 1, function(x)
				paste(x[c("name", "shortName",
						"type", "groupName")],
			deflist <- apply(defaultEffects, 1, function(x)
				paste(x[c("name", "shortName",
						"type", "groupName")],
			if (!all(userlist %in% deflist))
				bad <- which(!(userlist %in% deflist))
				cat("invalid effect requested: see above; \n")
				cat("there seems to be a mismatch between data set and effects object.\n")
				cat("This may have been caused by the use of different versions of RSiena")
				cat("for creating the effects object and now running siena07.\n")
				stop("Try creating the effects object with the current version of RSiena.")
		if (!inherits(effects, "data.frame"))
			stop("effects is not a data.frame")
		effectsVersion <- attr(effects, "version")
		if (is.null(effectsVersion))
			differentVersions <- TRUE
			differentVersions <- (effectsVersion != attr(defaultEffects, "version"))
		if ((differentVersions) & 
			(any((effects$shortName %in% c("unspInt","behUnspInt"))&effects$include)))
			warning("Your effects object contains interaction effects and was made
			  using a different RSiena version. 
			  Make sure the interaction effects are the same.")
		if (x$useStdInits)
		# The restriction to effects with shortname not unspInt or behUnspInt
		# is because of the possibility to call getEffects with
		# non-default values of nintn and behNintn.
			effectsr <- (!(effects$shortName %in% c("unspInt","behUnspInt")))
			defEffectsr <- (!(defaultEffects$shortName %in% c("unspInt","behUnspInt")))
			if (any(effects$shortName[effectsr] != defaultEffects$shortName[defEffectsr]))
				cat("There seems to be a mismatch between data set and effects object.\n")
				cat("This may have been caused by the use of different versions of RSiena")
				cat("for creating the effects object and now running siena07.\n")
				cat("Try creating the effects object with the current version of RSiena.")
				stop("Cannot use standard initialisation with a ",
					"different effect list")
			effects$initialValue[effectsr] <- defaultEffects$initialValue[defEffectsr]
		if ((sum(!effects$fix[effects$include]) == 0) & (!x$simOnly))
			stop('All parameters are fixed, none are estimated, but simOnly is FALSE.')
		# Check that the following attributes have correct names
		# and change NULL to default values for x$modelType and x$behModelType
		# For symmetric networks, default is changed below from 1 to 2.
		checkNames(x$MaxDegree, c('oneMode','bipartite'))
		checkNames(x$UniversalOffset, c('oneMode','bipartite'))
		x$modelType <- checkNames(x$modelType, c('oneMode','bipartite'))
		x$behModelType <- checkNames(x$behModelType, 'behavior')
		# The following error will occur if ML estimation is requested
		# and there are any impossible changes from structural values
		# to different observed values.
		if (x$maxlike)
			if (inherits(data, "sienaGroup"))
				impossible <- FALSE
				zerochange <- FALSE
				imp.change <- lapply(data, checkImpossibleChanges)
				if (sum(unlist(imp.change)) > 0)
					cat('For some groups, there are impossible changes;\n')
					cat('This occurs for groups\n', which(sapply(imp.change,
								function(ic){(sum(ic) > 0)})),'\n')
					impossible <- TRUE
				z.changes <- sapply(data, checkZeroChanges)
				if (sum(z.changes >= 1))
					cat(' For some groups and some period, there is no change.\n')
					cat('This occurs for groups ', which(sapply(z.changes,
								function(zc){(zc > 0)})),'\n')
					zerochange <- TRUE
				imp.change <- checkImpossibleChanges(data)
				if (imp.change %in% c(1,3))
					cat('There are some changes from structural zero to observed 1.\n')
				if (imp.change %in% c(2,3))
					cat('There are some changes from structural one to observed 0.\n')
				if (imp.change >= 4)
					cat('There are some impossible changes between structural and observed values,\n')
					cat('some through intermediary NA.\n')
				impossible <- (imp.change > 0)
				zerochange <- FALSE
				z.changes <- checkZeroChanges(data)
				if (sum(z.changes >= 1))
					cat(' For some period, there is no change.\n')
					zerochange <- TRUE
			if (impossible || zerochange)
				cat('This is not allowed for likelihood-based estimation.\n')
				if (impossible)
					cat('Possible remedies are: represent periods by multiple groups,\n')
					cat('or change the offending values.\n')
				stop('Impossible changes')

		## get data object into group format to save coping with two
		## different formats
		if (inherits(data, "sienaGroup"))
			nGroup <- length(data)
			nGroup <- 1
			data <- sienaGroupCreate(list(data), singleOK=TRUE)
		## add any effects needed for time dummies
		tmp <- sienaTimeFix(effects, data)
		data <- tmp$data
		effects <- tmp$effects
		if (!x$useStdInits)
			if (!is.null(prevAns) && inherits(prevAns, "sienaFit"))
				effects <- updateTheta(effects, prevAns)
		## add any effects needed for settings model
		# this now is replaced by adding the settings in getEffects,
		# which is the more logical place.
		# If all works, this can be deleted,
		# and also the function addSettingsEffects can be deleted.
		# I used this function as a template for the change to getEffects.
		# I wonder why the next 8 lines cannot be dropped;
		# gives error message "cannot find setting col".
		#	if (!is.null(x$settings))
		#	{
		#		effects <- addSettingsEffects(effects, x)
		#	}
		#	else
		#	{
		#		effects$setting <- rep("", nrow(effects))
		#	}
		## find any effects not included which are needed for interactions
		tmpEffects <- effects[effects$include, ]
		interactionNos <- unique(c(tmpEffects$effect1, tmpEffects$effect2,
		interactionNos <- interactionNos[interactionNos > 0]
		interactions <- effects$effectNumber %in%
		effects$requested <- effects$include
		requestedEffects <- effects[effects$include, ]

		effects$include[interactions] <- TRUE
		effects <- effects[effects$include, ]

		## split and rejoin both versions before continuing
		depvarnames <- names(data[[1]]$depvars)

		if (x$maxlike & (length(depvarnames) > 1))
			if(x$pridg + x$prcdg + x$prper + x$pripr + x$prdpr + x$prirms +
				x$prdrms < 1)
				cat("Likelihood estimation with more than one dependent variable\n")
				cat("is impossible with prML=2. Try prML=1.\n")
				stop("Impossible algorithm-data combination.")

		effects1 <- split(requestedEffects, requestedEffects$name)
		effects1order <- match(c(depvarnames, "sde"), names(effects1))
		requestedEffects <- do.call(rbind, effects1[effects1order])
		row.names(requestedEffects) <- 1:nrow(requestedEffects)

		effects1 <- split(effects, effects$name)
		effects1order <- match(c(depvarnames, "sde"), names(effects1))
		effects <- do.call(rbind, effects1[effects1order])
		row.names(effects) <- 1:nrow(effects)

		## now set up z provisionally
		z$theta <- requestedEffects$initialValue
		z$fixed <- requestedEffects$fix
		z$test <- requestedEffects$test
		z$pp <- length(z$test)
		z$posj <- rep(FALSE, z$pp)
		z$posj[requestedEffects$basicRate] <- TRUE
		z$BasicRateFunction <- z$posj
		z$gmmEffects <- (requestedEffects$type=="gmm")

		## sort out names of user specified interaction effects
		effects <- fixUpEffectNames(effects)
		## copy interaction names to the requested effects
		requestedEffects$effectName <- effects[effects$requested,
		requestedEffects$functionName <- effects[effects$requested,

		if (attr(data, "compositionChange"))
			if (x$maxlike)
				stop("Not possible to use maximum likelihood estimation ",
					"with composition change")

		## if not specified whether conditional or nor, set to conditional
		## iff there is only one dependent variable (therefore number 1)
		## and not maxlike
		if (is.na(x$cconditional))
			x$cconditional <- !x$maxlike && (length(depvarnames) == 1)
			if (x$cconditional)
				x$condvarno <- 1

		if (any(hasSettings(data)))
			if (x$cconditional)
				stop("Estimation for a settings model requires ",
						"conditional estimation")
		types <- sapply(data[[1]]$depvars, function(x) attr(x, "type"))
		## now check if conditional estimation is OK and copy to z if so
		z$cconditional <- FALSE
		if ((x$cconditional) & (!(attr(data, "compositionChange"))))
			if (x$maxlike)
				stop("Conditional estimation is not possible with",
					"maximum likelihood method")
			##  if (nets == 1) not sure if this is necessary
			##  {
			z$cconditional <- TRUE
			## find the conditioning variable
			observations <- attr(data, "observations")
			## this is actual number of waves to process
			if (x$condname != "")
				z$condvarno <- match(x$condname, attr(data, "netnames"))
				if (is.na(z$condvarno))
					cat("\nNo match between variable name in algorithm object\n")
					cat("and those in data set.\n")
					cat("Algorithm object: ", x$condname, "\n")
					cat("Data set: ", attr(data, "netnames"), "\n")
					stop("Incorrect variable name.\n")
				z$condname <- x$condname
				z$condvarno <- x$condvarno
				z$condname <- attr(data, "netnames")[x$condvarno]
			z$condtype <- attr(data, "types")[z$condvarno]
			if (z$condtype == "oneMode")
				z$symmetric  <-  attr(data, "symmetric")[[z$condvarno]]
				z$symmetric <- FALSE
			## find the positions of basic rate effects for this network
			z$condvar <-
			z$theta<- z$theta[-z$condvar]
			z$fixed<- z$fixed[-z$condvar]
			z$gmmEffects <- z$gmmEffects[-z$condvar]
			z$test<- z$test[-z$condvar]
			z$pp<- z$pp - length(z$condvar)
			z$scale<- z$scale[-z$condvar]
			z$BasicRateFunction <- z$posj[-z$condvar]
			z$posj <- z$posj[-z$condvar]
			z$theta[z$posj] <-
				z$theta[z$posj] / requestedEffects$initialValue[z$condvar]
		z$qq <- z$pp

		## unpack data and put onto f anything we may need next time round.
		f <- lapply(data, function(xx, x) unpackData(xx, x), x=x)
		attr(f, "netnames") <- attr(data, "netnames")
		attr(f, "symmetric") <- attr(data, "symmetric")
		attr(f, "allUpOnly") <- attr(data, "allUpOnly")
		attr(f, "allDownOnly") <- attr(data, "allDownOnly")
		attr(f, "allHigher") <- attr(data, "allHigher")
		attr(f, "allDisjoint") <- attr(data, "allDisjoint")
		attr(f, "allAtLeastOne") <- attr(data, "allAtLeastOne")
		attr(f, "anyUpOnly") <- attr(data, "anyUpOnly")
		attr(f, "anyDownOnly") <- attr(data, "anyDownOnly")
		attr(f, "anyHigher") <- attr(data, "anyHigher")
		attr(f, "anyDisjoint") <- attr(data, "anyDisjoint")
		attr(f, "anyAtLeastOne") <- attr(data, "anyAtLeastOne")
		attr(f, "types") <- attr(data, "types")
		attr(f, "observations") <- attr(data, "observations")
		attr(f, "compositionChange") <- attr(data, "compositionChange")
		attr(f, "exooptions") <- attr(data, "exooptions")
		attr(f, "groupPeriods") <- attr(data, "groupPeriods")
		attr(f, "periodNos") <- attr(data, "periodNos")
		attr(f, "numberNonMissingNetwork") <-
			attr(data, "numberNonMissingNetwork")
		attr(f, "numberMissingNetwork") <- attr(data, "numberMissingNetwork")
		attr(f, "numberNonMissingBehavior") <-
			attr(data, "numberNonMissingBehavior")
		attr(f, "numberMissingBehavior") <- attr(data, "numberMissingBehavior")

		##  attr(f, "totalMissings") <- attr(data, "totalMissings")

		if (x$maxlike && x$FinDiff.method)
			stop("Finite difference method for derivatives not available",
				"with Maximum likelihood method")
		## maxlike not available for symmetric networks; or is it?.
		## check model type: default for symmetric is type 2 (forcing model).
		## maxlike only for some model types? ABCD
		syms <- attr(data,"symmetric")[ attr(data,"types") %in% c("oneMode","bipartite")]
		z$FinDiffBecauseSymmetric <- FALSE
		z$modelType <- x$modelType
		z$behModelType <- x$behModelType
		if (any(!is.na(syms) & syms))
			##     z$FinDiff.method <- TRUE
			##     z$FinDiffBecauseSymmetric <- TRUE
			if (x$maxlike)
				#                stop("Maximum likelihood method not implemented",
				#                     "for symmetric networks")
			symms <- syms
			symms[is.na(symms)] <- FALSE
			z$modelType[(z$modelType == 1) & symms] <- 2
		if (z$cconditional)
			attr(f, "change") <-
				sapply(f, function(xx)as.integer(attr(xx$depvars[[z$condname]],
			attr(f,"condEffects") <- requestedEffects[z$condvar,]
			effcondvar <-
			effects <- effects[-effcondvar, ]
			requestedEffects <- requestedEffects[-z$condvar,]
		## use previous dfra only if everything matches including method
		if (!is.null(prevAns) && inherits(prevAns, "sienaFit") &&
			prevAns$maxlike == z$maxlike)
			if (!is.null(prevAns$dfra) &&
				nrow(prevAns$dfra) == nrow(requestedEffects) &&
				all(rownames(prevAns$dfra) == requestedEffects$shortName) &&
				all(prevAns$fix == requestedEffects$fix) &&
				z$haveDfra <- TRUE
				z$dfra <- prevAns$dfra
				z$dinv <- prevAns$dinv
				# z$dinvv must not be taken from prevAns,
				# because the value of diagonalize
				# is defined in x and may have changed.
				# Therefore here we copy the corresponding lines
				# from phase1.r.
				# Partial diagonalization of derivative matrix
				# for use if 0 < x$diagonalize < 1.
				if (!z$gmm)
				  temp <- (1-x$diagonalize)*z$dfra +
				    x$diagonalize*diag(diag(z$dfra), nrow=dim(z$dfra)[1])
				  temp[z$fixed, ] <- 0.0
				  temp[, z$fixed] <- 0.0
				  diag(temp)[z$fixed] <- 1.0
				  # Invert this matrix
				  z$dinvv <- solve(temp)
				  z$B <- prevAns$B
				  z$D0 <- prevAns$D0
				  z$gamma <- prevAns$gamma
				  temp <- (1-x$diagonalize)*z$D0 +
				    x$diagonalize*diag(diag(z$D0), nrow=dim(z$D0)[1])
				  temp[which(z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects), ] <- 0.0
				  temp[, which(z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects)] <- 0.0
				  diag(temp)[which(z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects)] <- 1.0
				  # Invert this matrix
				  z$dinvv <- solve(temp)%*%z$B

				z$sf <- prevAns$sf
				# check for backward compatibility with pre-1.1-220 versions:
				if (is.null(prevAns$regrCoef))
					z$regrCoef <- rep(0, z$pp)
					z$regrCor <- rep(0, z$pp)
					z$regrCoef <- prevAns$regrCoef
					z$regrCor <- prevAns$regrCor
		z$effects <- effects
		z$requestedEffects <- requestedEffects
	else ## initC, i.e just send already set up data into new processes
		f <- FRANstore()
		## Would like f to be just the data objects plus the attributes
		## but need the effects later. Also a few other things,
		## which probably could be attributes but are not!
		## They will be automatically removed: if needed they must be readded
		ff <- f
		nGroup <- f$nGroup
		f[(nGroup + 1): length(f)] <- NULL
	pData <- .Call(C_setupData, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		lapply(f, function(x)(as.integer(x$observations))),
		lapply(f, function(x)(x$nodeSets)))
	ans <- .Call(C_OneMode, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$nets))
	ans <- .Call(C_Bipartite, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$bipartites))
	ans <- .Call(C_Behavior, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$behavs))
	ans <- .Call(C_Continuous, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$contbehavs))
	ans <-.Call(C_ConstantCovariates, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$cCovars))
	ans <-.Call(C_ChangingCovariates, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$vCovars))
	ans <-.Call(C_DyadicCovariates, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$dycCovars))
	ans <-.Call(C_ChangingDyadicCovariates, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$dyvCovars))
	ans <-.Call(C_ExogEvent, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, lapply(f, function(x)x$exog))
	## split the names of the constraints
	higher <- attr(f, "allHigher")
	disjoint <- attr(f, "allDisjoint")
	atLeastOne <- attr(f, "allAtLeastOne")
	froms <- sapply(strsplit(names(higher), ","), function(x)x[1])
	tos <- sapply(strsplit(names(higher), ","), function(x)x[2])
	ans <- .Call(C_Constraints, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pData, froms[higher], tos[higher],
		froms[disjoint], tos[disjoint],
		froms[atLeastOne], tos[atLeastOne])

	##store the address
	f$pData <- pData
	## register a finalizer
	ans <- reg.finalizer(f$pData, clearData, onexit = FALSE)

	if (!initC)
		storage.mode(effects$parm) <- "integer"
		storage.mode(effects$group) <- "integer"
		storage.mode(effects$period) <- "integer"
		effects$effectPtr <- rep(NA, nrow(effects))

		if (any(attr(f,"types") == "continuous"))
			splitFactor <- factor(effects$name, levels=c(attr(f, "netnames"), "sde"))
		splitFactor <- factor(effects$name, levels=attr(f, "netnames"))
		if (!all(attr(f,"netnames") %in% effects$name))
			stop("Must have at least one effect for each dependent variable")
		myeffects <- split(effects, splitFactor)
		myCompleteEffects <- myeffects
		## remove interaction effects and save till later
		basicEffects <-
			lapply(myeffects, function(x)
					x[!x$shortName %in% c("unspInt", "behUnspInt"), ]
		basicEffectsl <-
			lapply(myeffects, function(x)
					!x$shortName %in% c("unspInt", "behUnspInt")

		interactionEffects <-
			lapply(myeffects, function(x)
					x[x$shortName %in% c("unspInt", "behUnspInt"), ]
		interactionEffectsl <-
			lapply(myeffects, function(x)
					x$shortName %in% c("unspInt", "behUnspInt")
		## store effects objects as we may need to recreate them
		f$interactionEffects <- interactionEffects
		f$basicEffects <- basicEffects
		f$interactionEffectsl <- interactionEffectsl
		f$basicEffectsl <- basicEffectsl
		myCompleteEffects <- ff$myCompleteEffects
		basicEffects <- ff$basicEffects
		interactionEffects <- ff$interactionEffects
		basicEffectsl <- ff$basicEffectsl
		interactionEffectsl <- ff$interactionEffectsl
		types <- ff$types
	ans <- .Call(C_effects, PACKAGE=pkgname, pData, basicEffects)
	pModel <- ans[[1]][[1]]
	for (i in seq(along=(ans[[2]]))) ## ans[[2]] is a list of lists of
		## pointers to effects. Each list, here i, corresponds to one
		## dependent variable
		## The first are NULL, for rate effects, which are not used for interactions.
		effectPtr <- ans[[2]][[i]]
		basicEffects[[i]]$effectPtr <- effectPtr
		interactionEffects[[i]]$effect1 <-
		interactionEffects[[i]]$effect2 <-
		interactionEffects[[i]]$effect3 <-
	ans <- .Call(C_interactionEffects, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		pModel, interactionEffects)
	## copy these pointers to the interaction effects and then insert in
	## effects object in the same rows for later use
	for (i in 1:length(ans[[1]])) ## ans is a list of lists of
		## pointers to effects. Each list corresponds to one
		## dependent variable
		if (nrow(interactionEffects[[i]]) > 0)
			effectPtr <- ans[[1]][[i]]
			interactionEffects[[i]]$effectPtr <- effectPtr
		myCompleteEffects[[i]][basicEffectsl[[i]], ] <- basicEffects[[i]]
		myCompleteEffects[[i]][interactionEffectsl[[i]],] <-
		##myeffects[[i]] <- myeffects[[i]][order(myeffects[[i]]$effectNumber),]
	## remove the effects only created as underlying effects
	## for interaction effects. first store the original for use next time
	myeffects <- lapply(myCompleteEffects, function(x)
			x[x$requested, ]

	##store address of model
	f$pModel <- pModel
	ans <- reg.finalizer(f$pModel, clearModel, onexit = FALSE)
	if (all(x$MaxDegree == 0) || is.null(x$MaxDegree))
		MAXDEGREE <- x$MaxDegree
		storage.mode(MAXDEGREE) <- "integer"
	if (all(x$UniversalOffset == 0) || is.null(x$UniversalOffset))
		UNIVERSALOFFSET <- x$UniversalOffset
		storage.mode(UNIVERSALOFFSET) <- "double"
	if ((length(x$modelType) == 0)|| (all(x$modelType == 0)) || is.null(x$modelType))
		MODELTYPE <- x$modelType
		storage.mode(MODELTYPE) <- "integer"
	if ((length(x$behModelType) == 0)|| (all(x$behModelType == 0)) || is.null(x$behModelType))
		BEHMODELTYPE <- x$behModelType
		storage.mode(BEHMODELTYPE) <- "integer"
	if (z$cconditional)
		CONDVAR <- z$condname
		CONDTARGET <- attr(f, "change")
		##   cat(CONDTARGET, "\n")

	simpleRates <- TRUE
	if (any(!z$effects$basicRate & z$effects$type =="rate"))
		simpleRates <- FALSE
	z$simpleRates <- simpleRates
	ans <- .Call(C_setupModelOptions, PACKAGE=pkgname,
		profileData, z$parallelTesting, MODELTYPE, BEHMODELTYPE,
		z$simpleRates, x$normSetRates)
	if (!initC)
		ans <- .Call(C_getTargets, PACKAGE=pkgname, pData, pModel, myeffects,
			z$parallelTesting, returnActorStatistics=FALSE,
		## create a grid of periods with group names in case want to
		## parallelize using this or to access chains easily
		groupPeriods <- attr(f, "groupPeriods")
		z$callGrid <- cbind(rep(1:nGroup, groupPeriods - 1),
			as.vector(unlist(sapply(groupPeriods - 1,
						function(x) 1:x))))
		if (!x$maxlike)
			z$targets <- rowSums(ans)
			z$targets2 <- ans
# For the moment, the following is an undocumented and hidden option.
# This replaces the targets calculated from the data
# by user-defined targets.
			if ((!is.null(x$targets[1])) & (nGroup == 1) & (groupPeriods[1] == 2))
				if (length(z$targets) == length(x$targets))
					z$targets <- x$targets
					z$targets2 <- matrix(x$targets, length(x$targets), 1)
					message('Note: targets taken from algorithm object.')
			z$targets <- rep(0, z$pp)
			z$targets2 <- ans
			z$targets2[] <- 0
			z$maxlikeTargets <- rowSums(ans)
			z$maxlikeTargets2 <- ans
			z$mult <- x$mult
			length.nrunMH <- length(colSums(z$maxlikeTargets2[z$requestedEffects$basicRate,
					, drop=FALSE ]))
			if ((length(z$mult) >= 2) &&
				(length(z$mult) != length.nrunMH))
				stop(paste('Length of parameter mult in the algorithm object is incorrect',
				'(should be 1 or', length.nrunMH, ').'))
			z$nrunMH <- floor(z$mult *
					, drop=FALSE ]))
			## make the number pretty
			z$nrunMH <- ifelse (z$nrunMH > 100,
				round(z$nrunMH / 100) * 100, z$nrunMH)
			##thetaMat is to allow different thetas for each group in Bayes
			z$thetaMat <- matrix(z$theta, nrow=nGroup, ncol=z$pp, byrow=TRUE)
	if (x$maxlike)
		if (!initC)
			## set up chains and do initial steps

			types <- attr(f, "types")
			nbrNonMissNet <- attr(f, "numberNonMissingNetwork")
			nbrMissNet <- attr(f, "numberMissingNetwork")
			nbrNonMissBeh <- attr(f, "numberNonMissingBehavior")
			nbrMissBeh <- attr(f, "numberMissingBehavior")

			if (sum(nbrMissNet + nbrNonMissNet) > 0)
				z$prmin <- nbrMissNet/ (nbrMissNet + nbrNonMissNet)
				z$prmin <- rep(0, length(nbrMissNet))
			if (sum(nbrMissBeh + nbrNonMissBeh) > 0)
				z$prmib <-   nbrMissBeh/ (nbrMissBeh + nbrNonMissBeh)
				z$prmib <- rep(0, length(nbrMissBeh))

			## localML

			if (is.null(x$localML))
				z$localML <- FALSE
			} else {
				z$localML <- x$localML

			local <- ifelse(is.na(effects$local[effects$include]),
				FALSE, effects$local[effects$include])

			if (z$localML & any(!local))
				stop("Non-local effect chosen.")

			z$probs <- c(x$pridg, x$prcdg, x$prper, x$pripr, x$prdpr, x$prirms,
			ans <- .Call(C_mlMakeChains, PACKAGE=pkgname, pData, pModel,
				z$probs, z$prmin, z$prmib,
			f$minimalChain <- ans[[1]]
			f$chain <- ans[[2]]
		else ## set up the initial chains in the sub processes
			ans <- .Call(C_mlInitializeSubProcesses,
				PACKAGE=pkgname, pData, pModel,
				z$probs, z$prmin, z$prmib,
				x$initialPermutationLength, ff$chain,
			f$chain <- ff$chain

	f$simpleRates <- simpleRates
	f$myeffects <- myeffects
	f$myCompleteEffects <- myCompleteEffects
	if (!initC)
		if (is.null(z$print) || z$print)
			DataReport(z, x, f)
		f$randomseed2 <- z$randomseed2
		f$randomseed2 <- ff$randomseed2
	f$observations <- attr(f, "observations") + 1
	f$depNames <- names(f[[1]]$depvars)
	f$groupNames <- names(f)[1:nGroup]
	f$nGroup <- nGroup
	f$types <- types
	if (!initC)
		z$f <- f
		##z <- initForAlgorithms(z)
		z$periodNos <- attr(data, "periodNos")
		z$f$myeffects <- NULL
		z$f$myCompleteEffects <- NULL
		if (!returnDeps && !any(z$f$types == "continuous"))
			z$f[1:nGroup] <- NULL
	if (initC || (z$int == 1 && z$int2 == 1 &&
			(is.null(z$nbrNodes) || z$nbrNodes == 1)))
		f[1:nGroup] <- NULL
	FRANstore(f) ## store f in FRANstore
	z$returnDeps <- returnDeps
	z$returnDepsStored <- returnDeps
	z$observations <- f$observations
	z$returnChains <- returnChains
	z$byGroup <- byGroup
	z$byWave <- byWave
	z$returnDataFrame <- returnDataFrame
	z$nDependentVariables <- length(z$f$depNames)
	z$x <- x # some elements -- named vectors -- may have changed
	if (initC)

##@createEdgeLists siena07 Reformat data for C++
createEdgeLists<- function(mat, matorig, bipartite)
	## mat1 is basic values, with missings and structurals replaced
	tmp <- lapply(1 : nrow(mat), function(x, y)
			mymat <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(y[x, ] > 0), ncol = 3)
			mymat[, 1] <- x
			mymat[, 2] <- which(y[x, ] != 0)
			mymat[, 3] <- y[x, mymat[, 2]]
		}, y = mat)
	mat1 <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
	## mat2 reverts to matorig to get the missing values
	tmp <- lapply(1 : nrow(matorig), function(x, y)
			mymat <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(is.na(y[x, ])), ncol = 3)
			mymat[, 1] <- x
			mymat[, 2] <- which(is.na(y[x, ]))
			mymat[, 3] <- 1
		}, y = matorig)
	mat2 <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
	## remove the diagonal if not bipartite
	if (!bipartite)
		mat2 <- mat2[mat2[, 1] != mat2[, 2], , drop=FALSE]
	## mat3 structurals
	struct <- mat1[,3] %in% c(10, 11)
	mat1[struct, 3] <- mat1[struct,3] - 10
	mat3 <- mat1[struct, , drop=FALSE]
	mat3[, 3] <- 1
	mat1 <- mat1[!mat1[,3] == 0, , drop=FALSE] ##remove any zeros just created
	##fix up storage mode to be integer
	storage.mode(mat1) <- "integer"
	storage.mode(mat2) <- "integer"
	storage.mode(mat3) <- "integer"
	## add attribute of size
	if (bipartite)
		attr(mat1, "nActors") <- c(nrow(mat), ncol(mat))
		attr(mat2, "nActors") <- c(nrow(mat), ncol(mat))
		attr(mat3, "nActors") <- c(nrow(mat), ncol(mat))
		attr(mat1, "nActors") <- nrow(mat)
		attr(mat2, "nActors") <- nrow(mat)
		attr(mat3, "nActors") <- nrow(mat)

	list(mat1 = t(mat1), mat2 = t(mat2), mat3 = t(mat3))

##@createCovarEdgeLists siena07 Reformat data for C++
createCovarEdgeList<- function(mat, matorig)
	tmp <- lapply(1 : nrow(mat), function(x, y)
			mymat <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(y[x, ] != 0), ncol = 3)
			mymat[, 1] <- x
			mymat[, 2] <- which(y[x, ] != 0)
			mymat[, 3] <- y[x, mymat[, 2]]
		}, y = mat)
	mat1 <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
	##mat2 reverts to matorig to get the missing values
	tmp <- lapply(1 : nrow(matorig), function(x, y)
			mymat <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(is.na(y[x, ])), ncol = 3)
			mymat[, 1] <- x
			mymat[, 2] <- which(is.na(y[x, ]))
			mymat[, 3] <- 1
		}, y = matorig)
	mat2 <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
	## add attribute of size
	attr(mat1, "nActors1") <- nrow(mat)
	attr(mat1, "nActors2") <- ncol(mat)
	list(mat1=t(mat1), mat2=t(mat2))

##@unpackOneMode siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackOneMode <- function(depvar, observations, compositionChange)
	edgeLists <- vector("list", observations)
	networks <- vector("list", observations)
	actorSet <- attr(depvar, "nodeSet")
	compActorSets <- sapply(compositionChange, function(x)attr(x, "nodeSet"))
	thisComp <- match(actorSet, compActorSets)
	compChange <- !is.na(thisComp)
	if (compChange)
		action <- attr(compositionChange[[thisComp]], "action")
		ccOption <- attr(compositionChange[[thisComp]], "ccOption")
		ccOption <- 0
		action <- matrix(0, nrow=attr(depvar, "netdims")[1], ncol=observations)
	## sort out composition change
	##      convertToStructuralZeros()?
	sparse <- attr(depvar, "sparse")
	allowOnly <- attr(depvar, "allowOnly")
	if (sparse)
		## require(Matrix)
		## have a list of sparse matrices in triplet format
		## with missings and structurals embedded and 0 based indices!
		netmiss <- vector("list", observations)
		for (i in 1:observations)
			## extract this matrix
			networks[[i]] <- depvar[[i]]
			nActors <- nrow(depvar[[i]])
			## stop if any duplicates
			netmat <- cbind(networks[[i]]@i+1, networks[[i]]@j+1,
			if (any(duplicated(netmat[, 1:2])))
				stop("duplicate entries in sparse matrix")
			## extract missing entries
			netmiss[[i]] <- netmat[is.na(netmat[,3]), , drop = FALSE]
			netmiss[[i]] <-
				netmiss[[i]][netmiss[[i]][, 1] != netmiss[[i]][, 2], ,
			## carry forward missing values if any
			if (i == 1)
				netmat <- netmat[!is.na(netmat[,3]), ]
				networks[[i]] <- spMatrix(nActors, nActors, netmat[, 1],
					netmat[, 2], netmat[,3])
				netmiss1 <- netmiss[[i]][, 1:2]
				storage.mode(netmiss1) <- "integer"
				networks[[i]][netmiss1[, 1:2]] <-
					networks[[i-1]][netmiss1[, 1:2]]
		for (i in 1:observations)
			mat1 <- networks[[i]]
			## drop the diagonal, if present
			diag(mat1) <- 0
			mat1 <- cbind(mat1@i + 1, mat1@j + 1, mat1@x)
			##missing edgelist
			mat2 <- netmiss[[i]]
			mat2[, 3] <- 1
			## rows of mat1 with structural values
			struct <- mat1[, 3] %in% c(10, 11)
			## reset real data
			mat1[struct, 3] <- mat1[struct, 3] - 10
			## copy reset data to structural edgelist
			mat3 <- mat1[struct, , drop = FALSE]
			mat3[, 3] <- 1
			## now remove the zeros from reset data
			mat1 <- mat1[!mat1[, 3] == 0, ]
			## do comp change
			if (compChange)
				## revert to sparse matrices temporarily
				mat1 <- spMatrix(nrow=nActors, ncol=nActors, i = mat1[, 1],
					j=mat1[, 2], x=mat1[, 3])
				mat2 <- spMatrix(nrow=nActors, ncol=nActors, i = mat2[, 1],
					j=mat2[, 2], x=mat2[, 3])
				mat3 <- spMatrix(nrow=nActors, ncol=nActors, i = mat3[, 1],
					j=mat3[, 2], x=mat3[, 3])
				ones <- which(action[, i] == 1)
				twos <- which(action[, i] == 2)
				threes <- which(action[, i] == 3)
				for (j in ones) ## False data is not preceded by anything real
					if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
						## find missing values for this actor
						use <- mat2[j, ] > 0
						## remove from real data (i.e. zero)
						mat1[j, use] <- 0
						mat1[use, j] <- 0
						## remove from missing data
						mat2[j, use] <- 0
						mat2[use, j] <- 0
						## remove from raw data for distances later
						depvar[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ## zero
						depvar[[i]][use, j] <- 0
						depvar[[i]][j, j] <- NA
					else if (ccOption == 3)
						## add the row and column to the missing data
						mat2[j, ] <- 1
						mat2[, j] <- 1
						mat2[j, j] <- 0
						## set to missing in raw data for distances later
						depvar[[i]][j, ] <- NA
						depvar[[i]][, j] <- NA
				for (j in threes) ## False data is preceded and followed by real
					if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
						## find missing values for this actor
						use <- mat2[j, ] > 0
						## remove these from mat2, the missing data
						mat2[j, use] <- 0
						mat2[use, j] <- 0
						## carry forward
						if (i == 1)
							## 0 any matches from mat1, the real data
							mat1[j, use] <- 0
							mat1[use, j] <- 0
							mat1[j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j, use]
							mat1[use, j] <- networks[[i-1]][use, j]
						depvar[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ##  not missing
						depvar[[i]][use, j] <- 0
						depvar[[i]][j, j] <- NA
					else if (ccOption == 3)
						## add the row and column to the missing data
						mat2[j, ] <- 1
						mat2[, j] <- 1
						mat2[j, j] <- 0
						depvar[[i]][j, ] <- NA
						depvar[[i]][, j] <- NA
				for (j in twos) ## False data is not followed by anything real
					if (ccOption == 1)
						## find missing values for this actor
						use <- mat2[j, ] > 0
						## remove these from mat2, the missing data
						mat2[j, use] <- 0
						mat2[use, j] <- 0
						depvar[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ##  not missing
						depvar[[i]][use, j] <- 0
						depvar[[i]][j, j] <- NA
						## carry forward
						if (i == 1)
							## 0 any matches from mat1, the real data
							mat1[j, use] <- 0
							mat1[use, j] <- 0
							mat1[j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j , use]
							mat1[use, j] <- networks[[i-1]][use, j]
					else if (ccOption %in% c(2, 3))
						## add the row and column to the missing data
						mat2[j, ] <- 1
						mat2[, j] <- 1
						mat2[j, j] <- 0
						depvar[[i]][j, ] <- NA
						depvar[[i]][, j] <- NA
				## now revert to triplet matrices, after updating networks
				networks[[i]] <- mat1
				mat1 <- cbind(mat1@i + 1, mat1@j + 1, mat1@x)
				mat2 <- cbind(mat2@i + 1, mat2@j + 1, mat2@x)
				mat3 <- cbind(mat3@i + 1, mat3@j + 1, mat3@x)
				if (any (mat1[, 3] == 0) || any (mat2[, 3] == 0) ||
					any (mat3[, 3] == 0))
					stop("zero values in sparse matrices")
				if (any (duplicated(mat1[, -3])) ||
					any (duplicated(mat2[, -3])) ||
					any (duplicated(mat3[, -3])))
					stop("duplicate values in sparse matrices")
				if (any (mat1[, 1] == mat1[, 2]) ||
					any (mat2[, 1] == mat2[, 2]) ||
					any (mat3[, 1] == mat3[, 2]))
					stop("loop values in sparse matrices")
			##fix up storage mode to be integer
			storage.mode(mat1) <- "integer"
			storage.mode(mat2) <- "integer"
			storage.mode(mat3) <- "integer"
			## add attribute of size
			attr(mat1,"nActors") <- nActors
			attr(mat2,"nActors") <- nActors
			attr(mat3,"nActors") <- nActors
			if (i < observations)
				## recreate the distance etc
				mymat1 <- depvar[[i]]
				mymat2 <- depvar[[i + 1]]
				##remove structural values
				x1 <- mymat1@x
				x2 <- mymat2@x
				x1[x1 %in% c(10, 11)] <- NA
				x2[x2 %in% c(10, 11)] <- NA
				mymat1@x <- x1
				mymat2@x <- x2
				diag(mymat1) <- 0
				diag(mymat2) <- 0
				mydiff <- mymat2 - mymat1
				attr(depvar, "distance")[i] <- sum(mydiff != 0,
					na.rm = TRUE)
				if (allowOnly)
					if (all(mydiff@x >= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "uponly")[i] <- TRUE
					if (all(mydiff@x <= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "downonly")[i] <- TRUE
			edgeLists[[i]] <- list(mat1 = t(mat1), mat2 = t(mat2),
				mat3 = t(mat3))
		for (i in 1:observations) ## carry missings forward  if exist
			networks[[i]] <- depvar[, , i]
			if (i == 1)
				networks[[i]][is.na(depvar[, , i])] <-0
			else ##carry missing forward!
				networks[[i]][is.na(depvar[, , i])] <-
					networks[[i-1]][is.na(depvar[, , i])]
		for (i in 1:observations)
			ones <- which(action[, i] == 1)
			twos <- which(action[, i] == 2)
			threes <- which(action[, i] == 3)
			for (j in ones) ## False data is not preceded by anything real
				if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
					use <- is.na(depvar[j, , i])
					depvar[j, use, i] <- 0 ## not missing
					depvar[use, j, i] <- 0
					depvar[j, j, i] <- NA
					networks[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ## zero
					networks[[i]][use, j] <- 0
				else if (ccOption == 3)
					depvar[j, , i] <- NA ## missing
					depvar[, j, i] <- NA
			for (j in threes) ## False data is preceded and followed by real

				if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
					use <- is.na(depvar[j, , i])
					depvar[j, use, i] <- 0 ##  not missing
					depvar[use, j, i] <- 0
					depvar[j, j, i] <- NA
					## carry forward already done
					if (i == 1)
						networks[[i]][j, use] <- 0
						networks[[i]][use, j] <- 0
						networks[[i]][j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j, use]
						networks[[i]][use, j] <- networks[[i-1]][use, j]
				else if (ccOption == 3)
					depvar[j, , i] <- NA ## missing
					depvar[, j, i] <- NA
			for (j in twos) ## False data is not followed by anything real
				if (ccOption == 1)
					use <- is.na(depvar[j, , i])
					depvar[j, use, i] <- 0 ##  not missing
					depvar[use, j, i] <- 0
					depvar[j, j, i] <- NA
					## carry forward already done
					if (i == 1)
						networks[[i]][j, use] <- 0
						networks[[i]][use, j] <- 0
						networks[[i]][j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j, use]
						networks[[i]][use, j] <- networks[[i-1]][use, j]

				else if (ccOption %in% c(2, 3))
					depvar[j, , i] <- NA ## missing
					depvar[, j, i] <- NA
		for (i in 1:observations)
			if (i < observations)
				## recreate distances, as we have none in c++. (no longer true)
				mymat1 <- depvar[, ,i, drop=FALSE]
				mymat2 <- depvar[, ,i + 1, drop=FALSE]
				##remove structural values
				mymat1[mymat1 %in% c(10, 11)] <- NA
				mymat2[mymat2 %in% c(10, 11)] <- NA
				## and the diagonal
				diag(mymat1[, ,1]) <- 0
				diag(mymat2[, ,1]) <- 0
				mydiff <- mymat2 - mymat1
				attr(depvar, "distance")[i] <- sum(mydiff != 0,
					na.rm = TRUE)
				if (allowOnly)
					if (all(mydiff >= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "uponly")[i] <- TRUE
					if (all(mydiff <= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "downonly")[i] <- TRUE
			diag(networks[[i]]) <- 0
			edgeLists[[i]] <- createEdgeLists(networks[[i]], depvar[, , i],
	## add attribute of nodeset
	attr(edgeLists, "nodeSet") <- attr(depvar, "nodeSet")
	## add attribute of name
	attr(edgeLists, "name") <- attr(depvar, "name")
	## add attribute of distance
	attr(edgeLists, "distance") <- attr(depvar, "distance")
	## attr uponly and downonly
	attr(edgeLists, "uponly") <- attr(depvar, "uponly")
	attr(edgeLists, "downonly") <- attr(depvar, "downonly")
	## attr symmetric
	attr(edgeLists, "symmetric") <- attr(depvar, "symmetric")
	## attr balmean
	attr(edgeLists, "balmean") <- attr(depvar, "balmean")
	attr(edgeLists, "structmean") <- attr(depvar, "structmean")
	attr(edgeLists, "averageInDegree") <- attr(depvar, "averageInDegree")
	attr(edgeLists, "averageOutDegree") <- attr(depvar, "averageOutDegree")
	attr(edgeLists, "settingsinfo") <- attr(depvar, "settingsinfo")
	return(edgeLists = edgeLists)
##@unpackBipartite siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackBipartite <- function(depvar, observations, compositionChange)
    edgeLists <- vector("list", observations)
    networks <- vector("list", observations)
    actorSet <- attr(depvar, "nodeSet")
    compActorSets <- sapply(compositionChange, function(x)attr(x, "nodeSet"))
    thisComp <- match(actorSet, compActorSets)
    compChange <- any(!is.na(thisComp))
    if (compChange)
      #  stop("Composition change is not yet implemented for bipartite",
      #       "networks")
        action <- attr(compositionChange[[thisComp]], "action")
        ccOption <- attr(compositionChange[[thisComp]], "ccOption")
        ccOption <- 0
        action <- matrix(0, nrow=attr(depvar, "netdims")[1], ncol=observations)
    sparse <- attr(depvar, "sparse")
	allowOnly <- attr(depvar, "allowOnly")
    if (sparse)
        ## require(Matrix)
        ## have a list of sparse matrices in triplet format
        ## with missings and structurals embedded and 0 based indices!
        netmiss <- vector("list", observations)
        for (i in 1:observations)
            ## extract this matrix
            networks[[i]] <- depvar[[i]]
            nActors <- nrow(depvar[[i]])
            nReceivers <- ncol(depvar[[i]])
            ## stop if any duplicates
            netmat <- cbind(networks[[i]]@i+1, networks[[i]]@j+1,
            if (any(duplicated(netmat[, 1:2])))
                stop("duplicate entries in sparse matrix")
            ## extract missing entries
            netmiss[[i]] <- netmat[is.na(netmat[, 3]), , drop = FALSE]
            ## carry forward missing values if any
            if (i == 1) # set missings to zero
                netmat <- netmat[!is.na(netmat[,3]), ]
                networks[[i]] <- spMatrix(nActors, nReceivers, netmat[, 1],
                                          netmat[, 2], netmat[,3])
                netmiss1 <- netmiss[[i]][, 1:2]
                storage.mode(netmiss1) <- "integer"
                networks[[i]][netmiss1[, 1:2]] <-
                    networks[[i-1]][netmiss1[, 1:2]]
        for (i in 1:observations)
            mat1 <- networks[[i]]
            mat1 <- cbind(mat1@i + 1, mat1@j + 1, mat1@x)
            ##missing edgelist
            mat2 <- netmiss[[i]]
            mat2[, 3] <- 1
            ## rows of mat1 with structural values
            struct <- mat1[, 3] %in% c(10, 11)
            ## reset real data
            mat1[struct, 3] <- mat1[struct, 3] - 10
            ## copy reset data to structural edgelist
            mat3 <- mat1[struct, , drop = FALSE]
            ## now remove the zeros from reset data
            mat1 <- mat1[!mat1[, 3] == 0, ]
            ## do comp change
            if (compChange)
                ## revert to sparse matrices temporarily
                mat1 <- spMatrix(nrow=nActors, ncol=nReceivers, i = mat1[, 1],
                                 j=mat1[, 2], x=mat1[, 3])
                mat2 <- spMatrix(nrow=nActors, ncol=nReceivers, i = mat2[, 1],
                                 j=mat2[, 2], x=mat2[, 3])
                mat3 <- spMatrix(nrow=nActors, ncol=nReceivers, i = mat3[, 1],
                                 j=mat3[, 2], x=mat3[, 3])
                ones <- which(action[, i] == 1)
                twos <- which(action[, i] == 2)
                threes <- which(action[, i] == 3)
                for (j in ones) ## False data is not preceded by anything real
                    if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
                        ## find missing values for this actor
                        use <- mat2[j, ] > 0
                        ## remove from real data (i.e. zero)
                        mat1[j, use] <- 0
                        ## remove from missing data
                        mat2[j, use] <- 0
                        ## remove from raw data for distances later
                        depvar[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ## zero
                    else if (ccOption == 3)
                        ## add the row  to the missing data
                        mat2[j, ] <- 1
                        ## set to missing in raw data for distances later
                        depvar[[i]][j, ] <- NA
                for (j in threes) ## False data is preceded and followed by real
                    if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
                        ## find missing values for this actor
                        use <- mat2[j, ] > 0
                        ## remove these from mat2, the missing data
                        mat2[j, use] <- 0
                        ## carry forward
                        if (i == 1)
                            ## 0 any matches from mat1, the real data
                            mat1[j, use] <- 0
                            mat1[j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j, use]
                        depvar[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ##  not missing
                    else if (ccOption == 3)
                        ## add the row to the missing data
                        mat2[j, ] <- 1
                        depvar[[i]][j, ] <- NA
                for (j in twos) ## False data is not followed by anything real
                    if (ccOption == 1)
                        ## find missing values for this actor
                        use <- mat2[j, ] > 0
                        ## remove these from mat2, the missing data
                        mat2[j, use] <- 0
                        depvar[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ##  not missing
                        ## carry forward
                        if (i == 1)
                            ## 0 any matches from mat1, the real data
                            mat1[j, use] <- 0
                            mat1[j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j , use]
                    else if (ccOption %in% c(2, 3))
                        ## add the row  to the missing data
                        mat2[j, ] <- 1
                        depvar[[i]][j, ] <- NA

                ## now revert to triplet matrices, after updating networks
                networks[[i]] <- mat1
                mat1 <- cbind(mat1@i + 1, mat1@j + 1, mat1@x)
                mat2 <- cbind(mat2@i + 1, mat2@j + 1, mat2@x)
                mat3 <- cbind(mat3@i + 1, mat3@j + 1, mat3@x)
                if (any (mat1[, 3] == 0) || any (mat2[, 3] == 0) ||
                    any (mat3[, 3] == 0))
                    stop("zero values in sparse matrices")
                if (any (duplicated(mat1[, -3])) ||
                    any (duplicated(mat2[, -3])) ||
                    any (duplicated(mat3[, -3])))
                    stop("duplicate values in sparse matrices")
            ##fix up storage mode to be integer
            storage.mode(mat1) <- "integer"
            storage.mode(mat2) <- "integer"
            storage.mode(mat3) <- "integer"
            ## add attribute of size
            attr(mat1,"nActors") <- c(nActors, nReceivers)
            attr(mat2,"nActors") <- c(nActors, nReceivers)
            attr(mat3,"nActors") <- c(nActors, nReceivers)
            if (i < observations)
                ## recreate the distance etc
                mymat1 <- depvar[[i]]
                mymat2 <- depvar[[i + 1]]
                ##remove structural values
                x1 <- mymat1@x
                x2 <- mymat2@x
                x1[x1 %in% c(10, 11)] <- NA
                x2[x2 %in% c(10, 11)] <- NA
                mymat1@x <- x1
                mymat2@x <- x2
                mydiff <- mymat2 - mymat1
                attr(depvar, "distance")[i] <- sum(mydiff != 0,
                                                   na.rm = TRUE)
				if (allowOnly)
					if (all(mydiff@x >= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "uponly")[i] <- TRUE
					if (all(mydiff@x <= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "downonly")[i] <- TRUE
            edgeLists[[i]] <- list(mat1 = t(mat1), mat2 = t(mat2),
                                   mat3 = t(mat3))
        for (i in 1:observations) ## carry missings forward  if exist
            networks[[i]] <- depvar[, , i]
            if (i == 1)
                networks[[i]][is.na(depvar[, , i])] <-0
            else ##carry missing forward!
                networks[[i]][is.na(depvar[, , i])] <-
                    networks[[i-1]][is.na(depvar[, , i])]
        for (i in 1:observations)
            ones <- which(action[, i] == 1)
            twos <- which(action[, i] == 2)
            threes <- which(action[, i] == 3)
            for (j in ones) ## False data is not preceded by anything real
                if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
                    use <- is.na(depvar[j, , i])
                    depvar[j, use, i] <- 0 ## not missing
                    networks[[i]][j, use] <- 0 ## zero
                else if (ccOption == 3)
                    depvar[j, , i] <- NA ## missing
            for (j in threes) ## False data is preceded and followed by real

                if (ccOption %in% c(1, 2))
                    use <- is.na(depvar[j, , i])
                    depvar[j, use, i] <- 0 ##  not missing
                    ## carry forward already done
                    if (i == 1)
                        networks[[i]][j, use] <- 0
                        networks[[i]][j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j, use]
                else if (ccOption == 3)
                    depvar[j, , i] <- NA ## missing
            for (j in twos) ## False data is not followed by anything real
                if (ccOption == 1)
                    use <- is.na(depvar[j, , i])
                    depvar[j, use, i] <- 0 ##  not missing
                    ## carry forward already done
                    if (i == 1)
                        networks[[i]][j, use] <- 0
                        networks[[i]][j, use] <- networks[[i-1]][j, use]

                else if (ccOption %in% c(2, 3))
                    depvar[j, , i] <- NA ## missing
        for (i in 1:observations)
            if (i < observations)
                ## recreate distances, as we have none in c++. (no longer true)
                mymat1 <- depvar[,,i, drop=FALSE]
                mymat2 <- depvar[,,i + 1,drop=FALSE]
                ##remove structural values
                mymat1[mymat1 %in% c(10,11)] <- NA
                mymat2[mymat2 %in% c(10,11)] <- NA
                mydiff <- mymat2 - mymat1
                attr(depvar, "distance")[i] <- sum(mydiff != 0,
                                                         na.rm = TRUE)
				if (allowOnly)
					if (all(mydiff >= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "uponly")[i] <- TRUE
					if (all(mydiff <= 0, na.rm=TRUE))
						attr(depvar, "downonly")[i] <- TRUE

            edgeLists[[i]] <- createEdgeLists(networks[[i]], depvar[, , i], TRUE)
    ## add attribute of nodeset
    attr(edgeLists, "nodeSet") <- attr(depvar, "nodeSet")
    ## add attribute of name
    attr(edgeLists, "name") <- attr(depvar, "name")
    ## add attribute of distance
    attr(edgeLists, "distance") <- attr(depvar, "distance")
    ## attr uponly and downonly
    attr(edgeLists, "uponly") <- attr(depvar, "uponly")
    attr(edgeLists, "downonly") <- attr(depvar, "downonly")
    ## attr symmetric
    attr(edgeLists, "symmetric") <- attr(depvar, "symmetric")
    ## attr balmean
    attr(edgeLists, "balmean") <- attr(depvar, "balmean")
    ## attr structmean
    attr(edgeLists, "structmean") <- attr(depvar, "structmean")
    attr(edgeLists, "averageOutDegree") <- attr(depvar, "averageOutDegree")
    return(edgeLists = edgeLists)
##@unpackBehavior siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackBehavior<- function(depvar, observations)
    beh <- depvar[, 1, ]
    behmiss <- is.na(beh)
    allna <- apply(beh, 1, function(x)all(is.na(x)))
    modes <- attr(depvar, "modes")

    ## in case of missing data, use imputation values, provided by user
    ## else carry forward missings (otherwise use the mode / median)
    ## allNAs: use modes, in case of continuous behavior depvar$modes
	##         contains medians
    if (!is.null(attr(depvar, "imputationValues")) )
        beh[behmiss] <- attr(depvar, "imputationValues")[behmiss]
    beh[allna, ] <- rep(modes, each=sum(allna))
    for (i in 2:observations)
            beh[is.na(beh[, i]), i] <-  beh[is.na(beh[, i]), i - 1]
    for (i in (observations-1):1)
            beh[is.na(beh[, i]), i] <-  beh[is.na(beh[, i]), i +1]
    ## need a better definition of structural for behavior variables
    ## struct <- beh %in% c(10, 11)
    ## beh[struct] <- beh[struct] - 10
    ## behstruct <- beh
    ## behstruct[!struct] <- 0

    ## add attribute of nodeset
    attr(beh, "nodeSet") <- attr(depvar, "nodeSet")
    ## add attribute of name
    attr(beh, "name") <- attr(depvar, "name")
    ## attr uponly and downonly
    attr(beh, "uponly") <- attr(depvar, "uponly")
    attr(beh, "downonly") <- attr(depvar, "downonly")
    ## attr symmetric
    attr(beh, "symmetric") <- attr(depvar, "symmetric")
    ## attr distance
    attr(beh, "distance") <- attr(depvar, "distance")
    ## attr simMean
    attr(beh, "simMean") <- attr(depvar, "simMean")
    ## attr simMeans
    attr(beh, "simMeans") <- attr(depvar, "simMeans")
    if (attr(depvar, "type") == "behavior")
        beh <- round(beh)
    storage.mode(beh) <- "integer"
    else # type == "continuous"
        storage.mode(beh) <- "double"
    list(beh=beh, behmiss=behmiss)
##@convertToStructuralZeros Miscellaneous To be implemented
convertToStructuralZeros <- function()

##@unpackCDyad siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackCDyad<- function(dycCovar)
    sparse <- attr(dycCovar, "sparse")
	bipartite <- attr(dycCovar, "type") == "bipartite"
    if (sparse)
        ## have a list containing 1 sparse matrix in triplet format
        ## with missings embedded
        ## with 0 based indices!
        varmat <- cbind(dycCovar[[1]]@i+1, dycCovar[[1]]@j+1, dycCovar[[1]]@x)
        if (any(duplicated(varmat[, 1:2])))
            stop("duplicate entries in sparse matrix dyadic covariate")
        ##drop the diagonal, if present - not for bipartite
        if (!bipartite)
            varmat <- varmat[varmat[,1] != varmat[, 2],]
        mat1 <- varmat
        mat1[is.na(varmat[, 3]), 3] <- attr(dycCovar, "mean")
        mat1 <- mat1[!mat1[, 3] == 0, ]
        ## add attribute of dim
        attr(mat1, "nActors1") <- nrow(dycCovar[[1]])
        attr(mat1, "nActors2") <- ncol(dycCovar[[1]])
        mat2 <- varmat[is.na(varmat[, 3]), , drop=FALSE]
        mat2[, 3] <- 1
        ## add attribute of dim
        attr(mat2,"nActors1") <- nrow(dycCovar[[1]])
        attr(mat2,"nActors2") <- ncol(dycCovar[[1]])
        edgeLists <-  list(t(mat1), t(mat2))
        if (!bipartite)
            diag(dycCovar) <- 0
        dycCovar1 <- dycCovar
        dycCovar1[is.na(dycCovar1)] <- attr(dycCovar, "mean")
        edgeLists <- createCovarEdgeList(dycCovar1, dycCovar)
    ## add attribute of nodesets
    attr(edgeLists, "nodeSet") <- attr(dycCovar, "nodeSet")
    ## add attribute of type
    attr(edgeLists, "type") <- attr(dycCovar, "type")
    ## add attribute of name
    attr(edgeLists, "name") <- attr(dycCovar, "name")
    ## add attribute of mean
    attr(edgeLists, "mean") <- attr(dycCovar, "mean")
    return(edgeLists = edgeLists)

##@unpackVDyad siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackVDyad<- function(dyvCovar, observations)
    edgeLists <- vector("list", observations)
    sparse <- attr(dyvCovar, "sparse")
    means <- attr(dyvCovar, "meanp")
	bipartite <- attr(dyvCovar, "type") == "bipartite"
    if (sparse)
        ## have a list of sparse matrices in triplet format
        ## with 0 based indices!
        for (i in 1:(observations - 1))
            thisvar <- dyvCovar[[i]]
            varmat <- cbind(thisvar@i+1, thisvar@j+1, thisvar@x)
            ## drop the diagonal, if present no - bipartite?
            if (!bipartite)
                varmat <- varmat[varmat[,1] != varmat[, 2],]
            mat1 <- varmat
            mat1[is.na(varmat[, 3]), 3] <- means[i]
            mat1 <- mat1[!mat1[, 3] == 0, ]
            mat2 <- varmat[is.na(varmat[, 3]),, drop=FALSE ]
            mat2[, 3] <- 1
            ## add attribute of size
            attr(mat1, "nActors1") <- nrow(dyvCovar[[i]])
            attr(mat1, "nActors2") <- ncol(dyvCovar[[i]])
            attr(mat2, "nActors1") <- nrow(dyvCovar[[i]])
            attr(mat2, "nActors2") <- ncol(dyvCovar[[i]])
            edgeLists[[i]] <- list(t(mat1), t(mat2))
        for (i in 1:(observations - 1))
            if (!bipartite)
                diag(dyvCovar[, , i]) <- 0
            thisvar <- dyvCovar[, , i]
            thisvar[is.na(thisvar) ] <- means[i]
            edgeLists[[i]] <- createCovarEdgeList(thisvar, dyvCovar[, , i])
    ## add attribute of nodeset
    attr(edgeLists, "nodeSet") <- attr(dyvCovar, "nodeSet")
    ## add attribute of type
    attr(edgeLists, "type") <- attr(dyvCovar, "type")
    ## add attribute of name
    attr(edgeLists, "name") <- attr(dyvCovar, "name")
    ## add attribute of mean
    attr(edgeLists, "mean") <- attr(dyvCovar, "mean")
    return(edgeLists = edgeLists)

##@unpackData siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackData <- function(data, x)
    f <- NULL
    observations<- data$observations
    types <- sapply(data$depvars, function(x) attr(x, "type"))
    f$nDepvars <- length(data$depvars)
    oneModes <- data$depvars[types == "oneMode"]
    Behaviors <- data$depvars[types == "behavior"]
    continuousBehaviors <- data$depvars[types == "continuous"]
    bipartites <- data$depvars[types == "bipartite"]
	## add the settings
    # oneModes <- lapply(oneModes, function(depvar) {
    #                    name <- attr(depvar, "name")
    #                    if (name %in% names(x$settings)) {
    #                      # attr(depvar, "settings") <- c("universal", "primary", x$settings[[name]])
    #                      attr(depvar, "settings") <- c(x$settings[[name]])
    #                    }
    #                    depvar
    #                    })
    f$nets <- lapply(oneModes, function(x, n, comp)
					 unpackOneMode(x, n, comp),
                     n = observations, comp=data$compositionChange)
    names(f$nets) <- names(oneModes)
    f$bipartites <- lapply(bipartites, function(x, n, comp)
                           unpackBipartite(x, n, comp),
                     n = observations, comp=data$compositionChange)
    names(f$bipartites) <- names(bipartites)
    f$behavs <-  lapply(Behaviors, function(x, n) unpackBehavior(x, n),
                        n = observations)
    names(f$behavs) <- names(Behaviors)
    f$contbehavs <- lapply(continuousBehaviors, function(x, n)
			unpackBehavior(x, n), n = observations)
    names(f$contbehavs) <- names(continuousBehaviors)
    f$observations <- observations
    f$seed<- vector("list", observations - 1)
    f$depvars <- data$depvars
    f$nodeSets <- data$nodeSets
    f$oneModes <- oneModes
    f$Behaviors <- Behaviors
    f$continuousBehaviors <- continuousBehaviors
    f$oneModeUpOnly <- sapply(oneModes, function(x) attr(x, "uponly"))
    f$oneModeDownOnly <- sapply(oneModes, function(x) attr(x, "downonly"))
    f$behaviorUpOnly <- sapply(Behaviors, function(x) attr(x, "uponly"))
    f$behaviorDownOnly <- sapply(Behaviors, function(x) attr(x,
    f$distances <- sapply(data$depvars, function(x) attr(x, "distance"))
    f$cCovars <- data$cCovars
    f$vCovars <- data$vCovars
    ## dyadic covars need to be edgelists
    f$dycCovars <- lapply(data$dycCovars, function(x) unpackCDyad(x))
    f$dyvCovars <- lapply(data$dyvCovars, function(x,n) unpackVDyad(x,n),
    ## create the composition change event lists
    f$exog <- lapply(data$compositionChange, function(x)

##@unpackCompositionChange siena07 Reformat data for C++
unpackCompositionChange <- function(compositionChange)
    atts <- attributes(compositionChange)
    events <- atts$events
    activeStart <- atts$activeStart
    observations <- ncol(activeStart)
    ## check that there is someone there always
    for (i in 1:(observations - 1))
        activeAll <- sum(activeStart[, i] & activeStart[, i + 1])
        if (activeAll < 2)
            active <- sum(activeStart[, i])
            if (active == 1)
                stop("Only one active actor at start of period", i)
            else if (active == 0)
                stop("No active actors at start of period", i)
            perEvents <- events[events$period == i,]
            perEvents <- perEvents[order(perEvents$time),]
            changes <- c(1, -1)[as.numeric(as.character(perEvents$event))]
            active <- active + cumsum(changes)
            if (any(active < 2))
                stop("No/only one active actor(s) left.")
    events <- events[events$time > 1e-10,]
    exog <- list(events=events, activeStart=activeStart)
    attr(exog, "nodeSet") <- attr(compositionChange, "nodeSet")

##@fixUpEffectNames siena07 Replace # and construct interaction names
fixUpEffectNames <- function(effects)
    ## replace # by the parm value in function and effect names
    effects$effectName <-
        sapply(1:nrow(effects), function(x, y)
               y <- y[x, ]
               gsub("#", y$parm, y$effectName)
           }, effects)
    effects$functionName <-
        sapply(1:nrow(effects), function(x, y)
               y <- y[x, ]
               gsub("#", y$parm, y$functionName)
           }, y=effects)

    ##validate user-specified network interactions
    interactions <- effects[effects$shortName == "unspInt" & effects$include &
                            effects$effect1 > 0, ]
    if (nrow(interactions) > 0)
        unspIntNames <-
            sapply(1:nrow(interactions), function(x, y, z)
                   y <- y[x, ] ## get the interaction effect
                   twoway <- y$effect3 == 0
                   ## now get the rows which are to interact
                   inter1 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect1, ]
                   if (nrow(inter1) != 1 )
                       stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                            "effect number 1")
                   inter2 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect2, ]
                   if (nrow(inter2) != 1 )
                       stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                            "effect number 2")
                   if (!twoway)
                       inter3 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect3, ]
                       if (nrow(inter3) != 1)
                           stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                                "effect number 3")
                       inter3 <- z[is.na(z$effectNumber), ]
                       ## should be empty row
                   if (twoway)
                       if (inter1$name != inter2$name)
                           stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same network")
                       if (inter1$type != inter2$type)
                           stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same type: ",
                                "evaluation, endowment or creation")
                       if (inter1$name != inter2$name ||
                           inter1$name != inter3$name)
                           stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same network")
                       if (inter1$type != inter2$type ||
                           inter1$type != inter3$type)
                           stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be ",
                                "same type: evaluation, endowment or creation ")
                   ## check types
                   inters <- rbind(inter1, inter2, inter3)
                   egos <- which(inters$interactionType == "ego")
                   egoCount <- length(egos)
                   dyads <- which(inters$interactionType == "dyadic")
                   dyadCount <- length(dyads)
                   if (twoway)
                       if (egoCount < 1 && dyadCount != 2)
                           stop("invalid network interaction specification: ",
                                "must be at least one ego or both dyadic ",
                       if (egoCount < 2 && (egoCount + dyadCount < 3))
                      stop("invalid network 3-way interaction specification: ",
									"must be at least two ego effects ",
									"or all ego or dyadic effects")
                   ## construct a name
                   ## make sure the egos are at the front of inters
                   if (egoCount > 0)
                       inters <- rbind(inters[egos, ], inters[-egos, ])
 				   tmpnames <- inters$effectName
				   tmpnames[-1] <- sub(paste(inters$name[1], ": ",
											 sep=""), "", tmpnames[-1])
				   tmpname <- paste(tmpnames, collapse = " x ")
# following lines dropped, might be restored if desired
#                   if (twoway && nchar(tmpname) < 38)
#                   {
#                       tmpname <- paste("int. ", tmpname)
#                   }
#                   if (!twoway)
#                  {
#                      tmpname <- paste("i3.", tmpname)
#                  }
               }, y=interactions, z=effects)
        effects[effects$shortName == "unspInt" & effects$include &
                !is.na(effects$effect1), c("effectName", "functionName")] <-
    ##validate user-specified behavior interactions
    interactions <- effects[effects$shortName == "behUnspInt" &
                            effects$include &
                            effects$effect1 > 0, ]
    if (nrow(interactions) > 0)
        unspIntNames <-
            sapply(1:nrow(interactions), function(x, y, z)
                   y <- y[x, ] ## get the interaction effect
                   twoway <- y$effect3 == 0
                   ## now get the rows which are to interact
                   inter1 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect1, ]
                   if (nrow(inter1) != 1 )
                       stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                            "effect number 1")
                   inter2 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect2, ]
                   if (nrow(inter2) != 1 )
                       stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                            "effect number 2")
                   if (!twoway)
                       inter3 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect3, ]
                       if (nrow(inter3) != 1)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "effect number 3")
                       inter3 <- z[is.na(z$effectNumber), ]
                       ## should be empty row
                   if (twoway)
                       if (inter1$name != inter2$name)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same behavior variable")
                       if (inter1$type != inter2$type)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must be same type: evaluation, endowment ",
                                "or creation")
                       if (inter1$name != inter2$name ||
                           inter1$name != inter3$name)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same behavior variable")
                       if (inter1$type != inter2$type ||
                           inter1$type != inter3$type)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be ",
                                "same type: evaluation, endowment or creation")
                   ## check types - at most one should be not OK here
                   inters <- rbind(inter1, inter2, inter3)
                   if (length(which(inters$interactionType != "OK")) > 1)
				   	   stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
				   			"at most one effect with interactionType ",
				   			"not OK is allowed")
                   ##if (any(inters$interactionType != "OK"))
                   ##    stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                   ##         "only effects with interactionType OK are allowed")
                   ## construct a name
				   tmpnames <- inters$effectName
				   tmpnames[-1] <- sub(paste("behavior ", inters$name[1], " ",
											 sep=""), "", tmpnames[-1])
				   tmpname <- paste(tmpnames, collapse = " x ")
                   if (twoway && nchar(tmpname) < 38)
                       tmpname <- paste("int. ", tmpname)
                   if (!twoway)
                       tmpname <- paste("i3.", tmpname)
               }, y=interactions, z=effects)
        effects[effects$shortName == "behUnspInt" & effects$include &
                !is.na(effects$effect1), c("effectName", "functionName")] <-
    ##validate user-specified continuous interactions
    interactions <- effects[effects$shortName == "contUnspInt" &
                            effects$include &
                            effects$effect1 > 0, ]
    if (nrow(interactions) > 0)
        unspIntNames <-
            sapply(1:nrow(interactions), function(x, y, z)
				   y <- y[x, ] ## get the interaction effect
                   twoway <- y$effect3 == 0
                   ## now get the rows which are to interact
                   inter1 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect1, ]
                   if (nrow(inter1) != 1 )
                       stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                            "effect number 1")
                   inter2 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect2, ]
                   if (nrow(inter2) != 1 )
                       stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                            "effect number 2")
                   if (!twoway)
                       inter3 <- z[z$effectNumber == y$effect3, ]
                       if (nrow(inter3) != 1)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "effect number 3")
                       inter3 <- z[is.na(z$effectNumber), ]
                       ## should be empty row
                   if (twoway)
                       if (inter1$name != inter2$name)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same behavior variable")
                       if (inter1$type != inter2$type)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must be same type: evaluation")
                       if (inter1$name != inter2$name ||
                           inter1$name != inter3$name)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same behavior variable")
                       if (inter1$type != inter2$type ||
                           inter1$type != inter3$type)
                           stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                                "must all be same type: evaluation")
                   ## check types - at most one should be not OK here
                   inters <- rbind(inter1, inter2, inter3)
                   if (length(which(inters$interactionType != "OK")) > 1)
				   	   stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
				   			"at most one effect with interactionType ",
				   			"not OK is allowed")
                   ##if (any(inters$interactionType != "OK"))
                   ##    stop("invalid behavior interaction specification: ",
                   ##         "only effects with interactionType OK are allowed")
                   ## construct a name
				   tmpnames <- inters$effectName
				   tmpnames[-1] <- sub(paste("behavior ", inters$name[1], " ",
											 sep=""), "", tmpnames[-1])
				   tmpname <- paste(tmpnames, collapse = " x ")
                   if (twoway && nchar(tmpname) < 38)
                       tmpname <- paste("int. ", tmpname)
                   if (!twoway)
                       tmpname <- paste("i3.", tmpname)
               }, y=interactions, z=effects)
        effects[effects$shortName == "contUnspInt" & effects$include &
                !is.na(effects$effect1), c("effectName", "functionName")] <-

##@updateTheta siena07 Copy theta values from previous fit
updateTheta <- function(effects, prevAns, varName=NULL)
	if (!inherits(effects, "data.frame"))
		stop("effects is not a data.frame")
	if ((!inherits(prevAns, "sienaFit")) && (!inherits(prevAns, "sienaBayesFit")))
		stop("prevAns is not an RSiena fit object")
  	if (!prevAns$gmm)
		prevEffects <- prevAns$requestedEffects[which(prevAns$requestedEffects$type != 'gmm'),]
		prevEffects$initialValue <- prevAns$theta
	else if (prevAns$gmm)
		prevEffects <- prevAns$requestedEffects
    	prevEffects$initialValue <- prevAns$theta
	if (prevAns$cconditional)
		condEffects <- attr(prevAns$f, "condEffects")
		condEffects$initialValue <- prevAns$rate
		prevEffects <- rbind(prevEffects, condEffects)
	if (!is.null(varName))
		prevEffects$name[!( prevEffects$name %in% varName)] <- ' '
	oldlist <- apply(prevEffects, 1, function(x)
					 paste(x[c("name", "shortName",
							   "type", "groupName",
							   "interaction1", "interaction2",
							   "period", "effect1", "effect2", "effect3")],
	efflist <- apply(effects, 1, function(x)
					 paste(x[c("name", "shortName",
							   "type", "groupName",
							   "interaction1", "interaction2",
							   "period", "effect1", "effect2", "effect3")],
	use <- efflist %in% oldlist
	effects$initialValue[use] <-
		prevEffects$initialValue[match(efflist, oldlist)][use]

##@addSettingseffects siena07 add extra rate effects for settings model
# addSettingsEffects <- function(effects, x)
# {
# 	## need a list of settings (constant dyadic covariate name) for some or all
# 	## dependent networks. If symmetric this is equivalent to a forcing model.
# 	## The covariate actor sets should match the network actor sets.
# 	## ?? would it ever make sense for bipartites? Allow it here for now and see!
# 	## maybe better to add the settings pars to the data object but for now
# 	## they are on the model with maxdegree. TODO write some validation
# 	varNames <- names(x$settings)
# 	nbrSettings <- sapply(x$settings, length)
# 	tmp <-
# 		lapply(1:length(x$settings), function(i)
# 		   {
# 			   ## find effects for this variable
# 			   varEffects <- effects[effects$name == varNames[i], ]
# 			   ## find relevant rate effects
# 			   dupl <- varEffects[varEffects$basicRate, ]
# 			   ## make extra copies
# 			   newEffects <- dupl[rep(1:nrow(dupl),
# 									  each = nbrSettings[i] + 2), ]
# 			   newEffects <- split(newEffects, list(newEffects$group,
# 								   newEffects$period))
# 			   newEffects <- lapply(newEffects, function(dd)
# 				  {
# 					  dd$setting <- c("universal", "primary",
# 											  x$settings[[i]])
# 					  i1 <- regexpr("rate", dd$effectName)
# 					  dd$effectName <-
# 						  paste(substr(dd$effectName, 1, i1 - 2),
# 											 dd$setting,
# 								substring(dd$effectName, i1))
# 					  dd
# 				  }
# 					  )
# 			   newEffects <- do.call(rbind, newEffects)
# 			   ## add extra column to non basic rate effects
# 			   varEffects$setting <- rep("", nrow(varEffects))
# 			   ## combine them
# 			   rbind(newEffects, varEffects[!varEffects$basicRate, ])
# 		   })
# 	## join them together again
# 	do.call(rbind, tmp)
# }

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RSiena documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:19 p.m.