
Defines functions createSiena07stores makeZsmall updateDerivativeSde derivativeFromScoresAndDeviations FiniteDifferences CalculateDerivative phase1.2 phase1.1

## * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
## *
## * Web: https://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena
## *
## * File: phase1.r
## *
## * Description: Phase 1 processing is controlled by the functions phase1.1
## * and phase1.2. phase1.1 does the first 10 iterations and checks that
## * finite differencing is going OK. If not, alters epsilon and forces a
## * restart. Phase 1.2 does the rest of the iterations and then calculates
## * the derivative estimate. Both call doPhase1or3iterations which does a block
## * of iterations, to save copying large objects around.
## ****************************************************************************/
##args: x model object (readonly), z control object
##@phase1.1 siena07 Do first 10 iters (before check if using finite differences)
phase1.1 <- function(z, x, ...)
	## initialise phase 1
	z$SomeFixed <- FALSE
	z$Phase <-  1
	f <- FRANstore()
	int <- z$int # used for multiple processes: number of processes for MoM
	z <- AnnouncePhase(z, x)
	z$phase1Its <- 0
	if (z$returnThetas)
		z$thetas <- c(0, z$theta)
	## fix up iteration numbers if using multiple processes
	if (10 %% int == 0)
		firstNit <- 10
		firstNit <- 10 + int - 10 %% int
	if ((z$n1 - firstNit) %% int == 0)
		endNit <- z$n1
		endNit <- z$n1  + int - (z$n1 - firstNit) %% int
	z$n1 <- endNit
	z <- createSiena07stores(z, z$n1, f)
	z$writefreq <- 10
	z$DerivativeProblem <- FALSE
	z$Deriv <- !z$FinDiff.method ## can do both in phase 3 but not here!
	xsmall <- NULL
	zsmall <- makeZsmall(z)

	nits <- seq(1, firstNit, int)
	if (any(nits >= 6))
		nits6 <- min(nits[nits >= 6 ])
		nits6 <- -1
	### call the subroutine to do the iterations
	z <- doPhase1or3Iterations(1, z, x, zsmall, xsmall, nits, nits6)

	if (UserInterruptFlag() || UserRestartFlag())
	if (z$FinDiff.method)
		npos <- z$npos
		if (any(npos[!z$fixed] < 5))
			j<- (1 : z$pp)[!z$fixed & npos < 5]
			for (i in 1 : length(j))
				Report(c("After ", z$n, " iterations, only ", npos[j[i]],
						" differences in coordinate ", j[i], ".\n"), sep="",
				Report(c("with epsilon = ", z$epsilon[j[i]], ".\n"), sep="", cf)
			use <- !z$fixed & npos <= 2
			z$epsilon[use] <- ifelse(z$posj[use],
				3.0 * z$epsilon[use],
				10.0 * z$epsilon[use])
			use <- !z$fixed & npos > 2 & npos < 5
			z$epsilon[use] <- ifelse(z$posj[use],
				2.0 * z$epsilon[use],
				sqrt(10.0) * z$epsilon[use])
			use <- !z$fixed & npos < 5
			z$epsilon[use] <- pmin(100.0 * z$scale[use], z$epsilon[use])
			z$epsilon[use] <- pmax(0.1 * z$scale[use], z$epsilon[use])
			Report(c("New epsilon =", paste(" ", z$epsilon[use], collapse=""),
					".\n"), sep="", cf, fill=80)
			if (z$repeatsForEpsilon <= 4)
				Report("Change value of epsilon and restart Phase 1.\n", cf)
				z$epsilonProblem <- TRUE
			if (any(npos[!z$fixed] <= 1))
				j0s <- which(!z$fixed & npos <= 1)
				for (j0 in j0s)
					Report (c("Difficulties with parameter", j0, ".\n"),
					Report(c("After ", z$n, " iterations, only", npos[j0],
							"differences in this coordinate.\n"), outf)
					Report("This parameter is fixed and not estimated.\n",
					Report(c("Fix parameter", j0, ", in phase 1.\n"), cf)
				z$newFixed[j0s] <- TRUE
				z$fixed[j0s] <- TRUE
				z$SomeFixed <- TRUE
			if (all(z$fixed))
				z$AllNowFixed <- TRUE

##@phase1.2 siena07 Do rest of phase 1 iterations
phase1.2 <- function(z, x, ...)
	##finish phase 1 iterations and do end-of-phase processing
	zsmall <- makeZsmall(z)
	xsmall <- NULL
	int <- z$int # used for multiple processes: number of processes for MoM
	if (z$n1 > z$phase1Its)
		nits <- seq((z$phase1Its+1), z$n1, int)
		z <- doPhase1or3Iterations(1, z, x, zsmall, xsmall, nits)
	if (UserInterrupt() || UserRestartFlag())
	# for dolby option: regress deviations fra on scores ssc
	z$regrCoef <- rep(0, z$pp)
	z$regrCor <- rep(0, z$pp)
	if (x$dolby && ((!is.null(z$ssc)) || (!is.null(z$scores))))
		if ((!is.null(z$ssc)) & (z$sf2.byIteration))
			scores <- apply(z$ssc, c(1,3), sum)
			scores <- z$scores
		oldwarn <- getOption("warn")
		options(warn = -1)
		for (i in 1:z$pp)
			if (is.na(var(scores[,i])))
				stop(paste('phase1.2: missing var(scores[,i]) for i =', i))
			if (is.na(var(z$sf[,i])))
				stop(paste('phase1.2: missing var(z$sf[,i]) for i =', i))
			if ((var(scores[,i]) > 0)&&(var(z$sf[,i]) > 0))
				z$regrCoef[i] <- cov(z$sf[,i], scores[,i])/var(scores[,i])
				z$regrCor[i] <- cor(z$sf[,i], scores[,i])
				#				covi <- sum(sapply(1:dim(z$sf2)[2], function(m){cov(z$sf2[,m,i], z$ssc[,m,i])}))
				#				vari.sc <- sum(sapply(1:dim(z$sf2)[2], function(m){var(z$ssc[,m,i])}))
				#				vari.fra <- sum(sapply(1:dim(z$sf2)[2], function(m){var(z$sf2[,m,i])}))
				#				z$regrCoef[i] <- covi/vari.sc
				#				z$regrCor[i] <- covi/sqrt(vari.sc * vari.fra)
			if (is.na(z$regrCor[i])){z$regrCor[i] <- 0}
			if (is.na(z$regrCoef[i])){z$regrCoef[i] <- 0}
			if (!is.finite(z$regrCor[i])){z$regrCor[i] <- 0}
			if (!is.finite(z$regrCoef[i])){z$regrCoef[i] <- 0}
		options(warn = oldwarn)
		Report('Correlations between scores and statistics:\n', cf)
		PrtOutMat(format(as.matrix(t(z$regrCor)), digits = 2, nsmall = 2), cf)
		Report('Regression coefficients:\n', cf)
		PrtOutMat(format(as.matrix(t(z$regrCoef)), digits = 2, nsmall = 2), cf)

	z$timePhase1 <- (proc.time()['elapsed'] - z$ctime) / (z$nit - 1)
	if (x$checktime  && !is.na(z$timePhase1))
		Report(c('Time per iteration in phase 1  =',
				format(z$timePhase1, digits = 4, nsmall = 4),'\n'), lf)
	z$mnfra <- colMeans(z$sf)
	Report('Average deviations NR generated statistics and targets\n', cf)
	Report('after phase 1:\n', cf)
	PrtOutMat(format(as.matrix(z$mnfra), width = 15, nsmall = 6), cf)
	z <- CalculateDerivative(z, x)
	## browser()
	if (!z$OK || z$DerivativeProblem) ##longer phase 1 or use finite differences
	z$SomeFixed <- z$SomeFixed | z$cdSomeFixed
	if (z$SomeFixed)
	  if (!z$gmm)
	    Report('(Values for fixed parameters are meaningless.)\n', cf)
	    z$dfra[outer(z$fixed, z$fixed, '|')] <- 0
	    diag(z$dfra)[z$fixed] <- 1.0
	    z$mnfra[z$fixed] <- 0.0
	    z$sf[ , z$fixed] <- 0
	    Report('(Values for fixed parameters are meaningless.)\n', cf)
	    z$dfra[outer(z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects, z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects, '|')] <- 0
	    diag(z$dfra)[z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects] <- 1.0
	    z$mnfra[z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects] <- 0.0
	    z$sf[ , z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects] <- 0
	# Manage derivative matrix
	if (any(diag(z$dfra) < 1e-8))
		sml <- (1 : z$pp)[diag(z$dfra) < 1e-8]
		diag(z$dfra)[sml] <- 1e-3
		Report(c('Diagonal elements(s)', sml,
				'of derivative matrix amended in phase 1.'), cf, fill=80)
	# Invert derivative matrix and define step fchange that will not be made.
	if (inherits(try(dinv <- solve(z$dfra), silent=TRUE), "try-error") & !z$gmm)
		Report('Error message for inversion of dfra: \n', cf)
		diag(z$dfra) <- diag(z$dfra) + 1
		Report('Intervention 1.4.1: ridge added after phase 1.\n', cf)
		if (inherits(try(dinv <- solve(z$dfra), silent=TRUE), "try-error"))
			Report(c('Error. After phase 1, derivative matrix non-invertible',
					'even with a ridge.\n'), cf)
			fchange <- 0
			stop("Cannot proceed: derivative matrix not invertible")
			fchange <- as.vector(dinv %*% z$mnfra)
			z$dinv <- dinv
	else if (z$gmm)
	  # qxq covariance matrix of the statistics
	  sigmagmm <- cov(t(apply(z$sf2, 1, function(x) colSums(x)) - z$targets))
	  W <- solve(sigmagmm) # Matrix of GMoM weights
	  gamma <- z$dfra[,-which(z$gmmEffects==TRUE)] # gammaT qxp matrix of first order derivatives
	  B0 <- t(gamma) %*% W
	  B <- solve(diag(sqrt(rowSums(B0*B0)))) %*% B0 # Row-normlized matrix B
	  D0 <- B %*% gamma # Matrix D = B * gammaT
	  if (inherits(try(dinvGmm <- solve(D0), silent=TRUE), "try-error"))
	    Report('Error message for inversion of dfra: \n', cf)
	    diag(D0) <- diag(D0) + 1
	    Report('Intervention 1.4.1: ridge added after phase 1.\n', cf)
	    if (inherits(try(dinvGmm <- solve(D0), silent=TRUE), "try-error"))
	      Report(c('Error. After phase 1, derivative matrix non-invertible',
	               'even with a ridge.\n'), cf)
	      fchange <- 0
	      stop("Cannot proceed: derivative matrix not invertible")
	      dbGmm <- dinvGmm%*%B # D_0^{-1}*B_0
	      fchangeGmm <- as.vector(dbGmm %*% z$mnfra)
	      fchange <- rep(0,z$pp)
	      fchange[!z$gmmEffects] <- fchangeGmm
	      z$W <- W
	      z$B <- B
	      z$gamma <- gamma
	      z$D0 <- D0
	      z$dinv <- dbGmm
		fchange <- as.vector(dinv %*% z$mnfra)
		z$dinv <- dinv
	# Partial diagonalization of derivative matrix
	# for use if 0 < x$diagonalize < 1.
	if (!z$gmm)
	  temp <- (1-x$diagonalize)*z$dfra +
	    x$diagonalize*diag(diag(z$dfra), nrow=dim(z$dfra)[1])
	  temp[z$fixed, ] <- 0.0
	  temp[, z$fixed] <- 0.0
	  diag(temp)[z$fixed] <- 1.0
	  # Invert this matrix
	  z$dinvv <- solve(temp)
	  temp <- (1-x$diagonalize)*dinvGmm +
	    x$diagonalize*diag(diag(dinvGmm), nrow=dim(dinvGmm)[1])
	  temp[which(z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects), ] <- 0.0
	  temp[, which(z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects)] <- 0.0
	  diag(temp)[which(z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects)] <- 1.0
	  # Invert this matrix
	  z$dinvv <- solve(temp)%*%B

	Report('dfra :\n', cf)
	##  browser()
	PrtOutMat(z$dfra, cf)
	Report('inverse of dfra :\n', cf)
	PrtOutMat(dinv, cf)
	Report('dinvv :\n', cf)
	PrtOutMat(z$dinvv, cf)
	Report('Full Quasi-Newton-Raphson step after phase 1:\n', cf)
	Report(c(paste(1:z$pp, '. ', format(-fchange, width = 12, digits = 6,
					nsmall = 6), sep = '', collapse = '\n'),
			'\n'), cf)
	Report(c('This step is multiplied by the factor ',
			format(0.5 * x$firstg, digits = 5, nsmall = 5, width = 8), '.\n'),
		cf, sep='')
	fchange <- 0.5 * x$firstg * fchange
	if (!z$gmm)
	fchange[z$fixed] <- 0.0
	  fchange[which(z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects)] <- 0.0
	##check if jump is too large
	maxrat<- max(abs(fchange / z$scale))
	if (maxrat > 10.0)
		fchange <- 10 * fchange / maxrat;
		Report(c('Intervention 1.4.2: jump after phase 1 decreased by factor',
				maxrat, '.\n'), cf)
	##check positivity
	if (z$anyposj)
		neg <- z$posj & fchange >= z$theta
		if (any(neg))
			fchange[neg] <- 0.5 * z$theta[neg]
			Report(c('Intervention 1.4.3: positivity restriction after phase 1',
					'coordinate(s)', (1 : z$pp)[neg], '.'), cf, fill=80)
			Report('\n', cf)
	## make step
	if (x$nsub >= 1)
		z$theta[!z$fixed] <- z$theta[!z$fixed] - fchange[!z$fixed]
	Report(c('Phase 1 achieved after ', z$phase1Its, ' iterations.\n'), cf)
	z$nitPhase1 <- z$phase1Its
	#	z$phase1devs <- z$sf
	#	z$phase1dfra <- z$frda
	#	z$phase1sdf <- z$sdf
	#	z$phase1sdf2 <- z$sdf2
	#	z$phase1scores <- z$ssc
	#	z$phase1accepts <- z$accepts
	#	z$phase1rejects <- z$rejects
	#	z$phase1aborts <- z$aborts

##@CalculateDerivative siena07 Calculates derivative in Phase 1
CalculateDerivative <- function(z, x)
	if (z$FinDiff.method || x$maxlike)
		dfra <- t(as.matrix(Reduce("+", z$sdf) / length(z$sdf)))
		##note that warnings is never set as this piece of code is not executed
		##if force_fin_diff_phase_1 is true so warning is zero on entry
		dfra <- derivativeFromScoresAndDeviations(z$ssc, z$sf2,
			z$dfras, z$sscs, z$sf2s, z$sf2.byIteration, z$Phase1nits)
		if (sum(z$f$types == "continuous") > 1) {
		  stop("Analytic sde derivate in phase 1 not implemented for >1 continuous behavior")
		} else if (sum(z$f$types == "continuous") == 1) {
		  dfra <- updateDerivativeSde(z, dfra)
		fromBayes <- 'fromBayes' %in% names(x)
		z$jacobianwarn1 <- rep(FALSE, z$pp)
		if ((any(diag(dfra)[!z$fixed] <= 0)) && (!fromBayes))
			for (i in 1 : z$pp)
				if ((dfra[i, i] < 0)  && (!z$fixed[i]))
					z$jacobianwarn1[i] <- TRUE
					Report(c('Warning: diagonal value', i,
							'is non-positive.\n\n'), cf)
			if (z$n1 < 200)
				z$n1 <- z$n1 * 2
				Report(c('New phase 1 of increased length because of',
						'unreliable derivative matrix\n'), cf)
				Report(c('New phase 1 of increased length because of',
						'unreliable derivative matrix\n'), lf)
				z$DerivativeProblem <- TRUE
				z$LongerPhase1 <-  TRUE
				z$FinDiff.method <- TRUE
				Report(c('New phase 1 with finite differences because of',
						'unreliable derivative matrix\n'), cf)
				Report(c('New phase 1 with finite differences because of',
						'unreliable derivative matrix\n'), lf)
				z$DerivativeProblem <- TRUE
	if (!z$gmm)
		dfra[outer(z$fixed,z$fixed,'|')] <- 0
		diag(dfra)[z$fixed] <- 1.0
    	dfra[outer(z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects, z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects,'|')] <- 0
    	diag(dfra)[z$fixed & !z$gmmEffects] <- 1.0
	Report('Diagonal values of derivative matrix :\n', cf)
	Report(format(diag(dfra), digits = 4, nsmall = 4, width = 8), cf, fill=80)
	someFixed <- FALSE
	if (any(diag(dfra) <= 0 & !z$fixed))
		fromBayes <- 'fromBayes' %in% names(x)
		if (fromBayes)
			# Use the values for diag(dfra) from startupGlobal computed in sienaBayes
			neg <- which((diag(dfra) <= 0 & !z$fixed)[!z$effects$basicRate])
			diag(dfra)[which(!z$effects$basicRate)[neg]] <- x$ddfra[neg]
			neg<- which(diag(dfra) <= 0 & !z$fixed)
			z$fixed[neg] <- TRUE
			z$newFixed[neg] <- TRUE
			someFixed <- TRUE
			Report(c('*** nonpositive diagonal value(s):', neg,
					' is/are fixed.\n'), cf)
			Report(c('Estimation problem with parameter(s)', neg,
					'this/these parameter(s) is/are fixed.\n'), outf)
	z$dfra <- dfra
	z$cdSomeFixed <- someFixed

##@FiniteDifferences siena07 Does the extra iterations for finite differences
FiniteDifferences <- function(z, x, fra, fra2)
	int <- z$int
	fras <- array(0, dim = c(int, z$pp, z$pp))
	if (z$byWave)
		fras2 <- array(0, dim = c(int, z$f$observations - 1, z$pp, z$pp))
		fras2 <- NULL
	xsmall <- NULL
	for (i in 1 : z$pp)
		zdummy <- makeZsmall(z)
		if (z$Phase == 3 || !z$fixed[i])
			zdummy$theta[i] <- z$theta[i] + z$epsilon[i]
		if (int == 1)
			zz <- x$FRAN(zdummy, xsmall, fromFiniteDiff=TRUE)
			if (!zz$OK)
				z$OK <- zz$OK
			zz <- clusterCall(z$cl, simstats0c, zdummy, xsmall,
		if (int == 1)
			fras[1, i, ] <- colSums(zz$fra) - fra
			if (z$byWave)
				fras2[1, , i, ] <- zz$fra - fra2
			for (j in 1 : int)
				fras[j, i, ] <- colSums(zz[[j]]$fra) - fra[j, ]
				if (z$byWave)
					fras2[j, , i, ] <- zz[[j]]$fra - fra2[j, , ]
	if (z$Phase == 1 && z$nit <= 10)
		for (ii in 1: min(10 - z$nit + 1, int))
			z$npos <- z$npos +
				ifelse(abs(diag(matrix(fras[ii, , ], nrow=z$pp))) > 1e-6, 1, 0)
	z$sdf0 <- fras / rep(rep(z$epsilon, each=int), z$pp)
	if (z$byWave)
		z$sdf02 <- fras2 / rep(rep(z$epsilon, each=int * dim(fras2)[2]), z$pp)
##@derivativeFromScoresAndDeviations siena07 create dfra from scores and deviations
derivativeFromScoresAndDeviations <- function(scores, deviations, sumdfra,
	sumscores, sumdeviations, byIterations, nIter)
	if (byIterations)
		## replaced nested applies by memory saving for loops after problems
		nIterations <- dim(scores)[1]
		nWaves <- dim(scores)[2]
		nParameters <- dim(scores)[3]
		dfra <- matrix(0, nrow=nParameters, ncol=nParameters)
		for (i in 1:nIterations)
			for (j in 1:nWaves)
				dfra <- dfra + outer(scores[i, j, ], deviations[i, j, ])
		tmp <- matrix(vapply(1 : nWaves, function(i){
					FUN.VALUE=matrix(0,nParameters,nParameters)), ncol=nWaves)
		dfra <- t(dfra) / nIterations
		nWaves <- dim(sumscores)[1]
		nParameters <- dim(sumscores)[2]
		dfra <- sumdfra
		tmp <- matrix(vapply(1 : nWaves,
				function(i){outer(sumdeviations[i,], sumscores[i,])},
						ncol=nWaves) / (nIter^2)
		dfra <- t(dfra) / nIter
	dfra - matrix(rowSums(tmp), nrow=nParameters)

##@updateDerivativeSde siena07 replace dfra estimates for sde parameters by analytic approx.
updateDerivativeSde <- function(z, dfra)
  wienerId <- which(vapply(z$effects$effectName, 
			function(x){grepl("wiener", x, fixed = TRUE)}, FUN.VALUE=TRUE))
  feedbackId <- which(vapply(z$effects$effectName, 
			function(x){grepl("feedback from", x, fixed = TRUE)}, FUN.VALUE=TRUE))
  interceptId <- which(vapply(z$effects$effectName, 
			function(x){grepl("intercept", x, fixed = TRUE)}, FUN.VALUE=TRUE))
  scaleId <- which(z$effects$name == "sde")
  onePeriodSde <- (length(wienerId) > 0) # option set by the user
  nPeriods <- z$observations - 1
  n <- length(z$f$Data1$nodeSets$Actors)
  g <- ifelse(onePeriodSde, z$effects$initialValue[wienerId], 1)
  a <- z$effects$initialValue[feedbackId]
  b <- z$effects$initialValue[interceptId]
  tau <- z$effects$initialValue[scaleId]
  y <- z$f$Data1$contbehavs[[1]][[1]]

  if (onePeriodSde) {
    dfra[c(wienerId, feedbackId, interceptId), c(wienerId, feedbackId, interceptId)] <- 0
  } else {
    dfra[c(feedbackId, interceptId, scaleId), c(feedbackId, interceptId, scaleId)] <- 0
  for (i in 1:nPeriods) 
    dSa_da <- sum(y[,i+1] * (tau[i] * exp(a*tau[i]) * y[,i] + 
                  (1 + a*tau[i]*exp(a*tau[i]) - exp(a*tau[i])) * b / (a^2)))
    dSa_db <- sum((exp(a*tau[i])-1)/a * y[,i+1])
    dSa_dg <- 0
    dSa_dt <- sum(exp(a*tau[i]) * (b + a * y[,i]) * y[,i+1])
    dSb_da <- sum(tau[i] * exp(a*tau[i]) * y[,i] + 
                  (1 + a*tau[i]*exp(a*tau[i]) - exp(a*tau[i])) * b / (a^2))
    dSb_db <- n * (exp(a*tau[i])-1)/a 
    dSb_dg <- 0
    dSb_dt <- sum(exp(a*tau[i]) * (b + a * y[,i]))
    dSgt_da <- sum(1/(2*a^3) * (-4*b^2 + a*g^2 - 4*a*b*y[,i] - 4*exp(a*tau[i])*(b+a*y[,i]) *
                   (b * (-2+a*tau[i]) + a^2*tau[i]*y[,i]) + exp(2*a*tau[i]) *
                   (-4*b^2 + 4*a^3*tau[i]*y[,i]^2 + 2*a^2*tau[i]*(g^2 + 4*b*y[,i]) - 
                   a * (g^2 + 4*b*(-b*tau[i] + y[,i])))))
    dSgt_db <- sum(1/(a^2) * (2*(-1+exp(a*tau[i]))^2 * (b+a*y[,i])))
    dSgt_dg <- n * (exp(2*a*tau[i])-1) * g / a
    dSgt_dt <- sum((-2*exp(a*tau[i])*(b + a*y[,i])^2 + 
                    exp(2*a*tau[i])*(2*b^2 + a*(g^2 + 2*y[,i]*(2*b + a*y[,i])))) / a)

    if (onePeriodSde) 
      dfra[wienerId, c(wienerId, feedbackId, interceptId)] <- c(dSgt_dg, dSgt_da, dSgt_db)
      dfra[feedbackId, c(wienerId, feedbackId, interceptId)] <- c(dSa_dg, dSa_da, dSa_db)
      dfra[interceptId, c(wienerId, feedbackId, interceptId)] <- c(dSb_dg, dSb_da, dSb_db)
      dfra[feedbackId, c(feedbackId, interceptId, scaleId[i])] <- 
        dfra[feedbackId, c(feedbackId, interceptId, scaleId[i])] + c(dSa_da, dSa_db, dSa_dt)
      dfra[interceptId, c(feedbackId, interceptId, scaleId[i])] <- 
        dfra[interceptId, c(feedbackId, interceptId, scaleId[i])] + c(dSb_da, dSb_db, dSb_dt)
      dfra[scaleId[i], c(feedbackId, interceptId, scaleId[i])] <- 
        dfra[scaleId[i], c(feedbackId, interceptId, scaleId[i])] + c(dSgt_da, dSgt_db, dSgt_dt)

##@makeZsmall siena07 create a minimal version of z to pass between processors.
makeZsmall <- function(z)
	zsmall <- NULL
	zsmall$theta <- z$theta
	zsmall$Deriv <- z$Deriv
	zsmall$Phase <- z$Phase
	zsmall$nit <- z$nit
	zsmall$FinDiff.method <- z$FinDiff.method
	zsmall$int2 <- z$int2
	zsmall$cl <- z$cl
	zsmall$maxlike <- z$maxlike
	zsmall$gmm <- z$gmm
	zsmall$cconditional <- z$cconditional
	zsmall$condvar <- z$condvar
	zsmall$pp <- z$pp
	zsmall$nrunMH <- z$nrunMH
	zsmall$returnDeps <- z$returnDeps
	zsmall$returnChains <- z$returnChains
	zsmall$returnDataFrame <- z$returnDataFrame
	zsmall$addChainToStore <- z$addChainToStore
	zsmall$callGrid <- z$callGrid
	zsmall$thetaMat <- z$thetaMat
	zsmall$byWave <- z$byWave

##@createSiena07Stores siena07 set up the storage areas used in phase 1 and 3
createSiena07stores <- function(z, nIterations, f)
	z$sf <- matrix(0, nrow = nIterations , ncol = z$pp)
	if (z$sf2.byIteration) # standard situation
		z$sf2 <- array(0, dim=c(nIterations, f$observations - 1, z$pp))
		if ((!z$maxlike) && (!z$FinDiff.method))
			z$ssc <- array(0, dim=c(nIterations, f$observations - 1, z$pp))
	else # store only sums over iterations
		z$sf2s <- matrix(0, nrow=(f$observations - 1), ncol=z$pp)
		if (!z$maxlike && !z$FinDiff.method)
			z$sscs <- matrix(0, nrow=(f$observations - 1), ncol=z$pp)
			z$scores <- matrix(0, nrow=nIterations, ncol=z$pp)
			z$dfras <- matrix(0, nrow=z$pp, ncol=z$pp)
	z$sdf <- vector("list", nIterations)
	z$sdf2 <- vector("list", nIterations)

	if (!z$sf2.byIteration){ z$ssc <- NULL}
	if (z$maxlike)
		## misdat steps are separated out giving 10 types
		z$accepts <- array(0, dim=c(nIterations, z$nDependentVariables, 10))
		z$rejects <- array(0, dim=c(nIterations, z$nDependentVariables, 10))
		z$aborts <- array(0, dim=c(nIterations, z$nDependentVariables, 10))
		dimnames(z$accepts) <- list(NULL, NULL,
				c("InsDiag", "CancDiag", "Permute", "InsPerm",
				"DelPerm", "InsMiss",
				"DelMiss", "InsMisdat", "DelMisdat", "Move"))
		dimnames(z$rejects) <- list(NULL, NULL,
				c("InsDiag", "CancDiag", "Permute", "InsPerm",
				"DelPerm", "InsMiss",
				"DelMiss", "InsMisdat", "DelMisdat", "Move"))
		dimnames(z$aborts) <- list(NULL, NULL,
				c("InsDiag", "CancDiag", "Permute", "InsPerm",
				"DelPerm", "InsMiss",
				"DelMiss", "InsMisdat", "DelMisdat", "Move"))
	z$npos <- rep(0, z$pp)
	if (!is.null(z$cconditional) && z$cconditional)
		z$ntim <- matrix(NA, nrow=nIterations, ncol=f$observations - 1)
	z$sims <- vector("list", nIterations)
	if (z$thetaFromFile)
		z$thetaUsed <- matrix(NA, nrow = nIterations , ncol = z$pp)

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RSiena documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:05 a.m.