#' Supervised Classification
#' Supervised classification both for classification and regression mode based on vector training data (points or polygons).
#' @param img SpatRaster. Typically remote sensing imagery, which is to be classified.
#' @param trainData sf or sp spatial vector data containing the training locations (POINTs,or POLYGONs).
#' @param valData Ssf or sp spatial vector data containing the validation locations (POINTs,or POLYGONs) (optional).
#' @param responseCol Character or integer giving the column in \code{trainData}, which contains the response variable. Can be omitted, when \code{trainData} has only one column.
#' @param nSamples Integer. Number of samples per land cover class. If \code{NULL} all pixels covered by training polygons are used (memory intensive!). Ignored if trainData consists of POINTs.
#' @param nSamplesV Integer. Number of validation samples per land cover class. If \code{NULL} all pixels covered by validation polygons are used (memory intensive!). Ignored if valData consists of POINTs.
#' @param polygonBasedCV Logical. If \code{TRUE} model tuning during cross-validation is conducted on a per-polygon basis. Use this to deal with overfitting issues. Does not affect training data supplied as SpatialPointsDataFrames.
#' @param trainPartition Numeric. Partition (polygon based) of \code{trainData} that goes into the training data set between zero and one. Ignored if \code{valData} is provided.
#' @param model Character. Which model to use. See \link[caret]{train} for options. Defaults to randomForest ('rf'). In addition to the standard caret models, a maximum likelihood classification is available via \code{model = 'mlc'}.
#' @param tuneLength Integer. Number of levels for each tuning parameter (see \link[caret]{train} for details).
#' @param kfold Integer. Number of cross-validation resamples during model tuning.
#' @param minDist Numeric. Minumum distance between training and validation data,
#' e.g. \code{minDist=1} clips validation polygons to ensure a minimal distance of one pixel (pixel size according to \code{img}) to the next training polygon.
#' Requires all data to carry valid projection information.
#' @param mode Character. Model type: 'regression' or 'classification'.
#' @param predict Logical. Produce a map (TRUE, default) or only fit and validate the model (FALSE).
#' @param predType Character. Type of the final output raster. Either "raw" for class predictions or "prob" for class probabilities. Class probabilities are not available for all classification models (\link[caret]{predict.train}).
#' @param filename Path to output file (optional). If \code{NULL}, standard raster handling will apply, i.e. storage either in memory or in the raster temp directory.
#' @param verbose Logical. prints progress and statistics during execution
#' @param overwrite logical. Overwrite spatial prediction raster if it already exists.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to \code{\link[caret]{train}}
#' @details
#' SuperClass performs the following steps:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Ensure non-overlap between training and validation data. This is neccesary to avoid biased performance estimates.
#' A minimum distance (\code{minDist}) in pixels can be provided to enforce a given distance between training and validation data.
#' \item Sample training coordinates. If \code{trainData} (and \code{valData} if present) are polygons \code{superClass} will calculate the area per polygon and sample
#' \code{nSamples} locations per class within these polygons. The number of samples per individual polygon scales with the polygon area, i.e. the bigger the polygon, the more samples.
#' \item Split training/validation
#' If \code{valData} was provided (reccomended) the samples from these polygons will be held-out and not used for model fitting but only for validation.
#' If \code{trainPartition} is provided the trainingPolygons will be divided into training polygons and validation polygons.
#' \item Extract raster data
#' The predictor values on the sample pixels are extracted from \code{img}
#' \item Fit the model. Using caret::train on the sampled training data the \code{model} will be fit,
#' including parameter tuning (\code{tuneLength}) in \code{kfold} cross-validation. \code{polygonBasedCV=TRUE} will define cross-validation folds based on polygons (reccomended)
#' otherwise it will be performed on a per-pixel basis.
#' \item Predict the classes of all pixels in \code{img} based on the final model.
#' \item Validate the model with the independent validation data.
#' }
#' @return A superClass object (effectively a list) containing:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item $model: the fitted model
#' \item $modelFit: model fit statistics
#' \item $training: indexes of samples used for training
#' \item $validation: list of
#' \enumerate{
#' \item $performance: performance estimates based on independent validation (confusion matrix etc.)
#' \item $validationSamples: actual pixel coordinates plus reference and predicted values used for validation
#' \item $validationGeometry: validation polygpns (clipped with mindist to training geometries)
#' }
#' \item $map: the predicted raster
#' \item $classMapping: a data.frame containing an integer <-> label mapping
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[caret]{train}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(RStoolbox)
#' library(caret)
#' library(randomForest)
#' library(e1071)
#' library(terra)
#' train <- readRDS(system.file("external/trainingPoints_rlogo.rds", package="RStoolbox"))
#' ## Plot training data
#' olpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # back-up par
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' colors <- c("yellow", "green", "deeppink")
#' plotRGB(rlogo)
#' plot(train, add = TRUE, col = colors[train$class], pch = 19)
#' ## Fit classifier (splitting training into 70\% training data, 30\% validation data)
#' SC <- superClass(rlogo, trainData = train, responseCol = "class",
#' model = "rf", tuneLength = 1, trainPartition = 0.7)
#' SC
#' ## Plots
#' plot(SC$map, col = colors, legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE, box = FALSE)
#' legend(1,1, legend = levels(train$class), fill = colors , title = "Classes",
#' horiz = TRUE, bty = "n")
#' par(olpar) # reset par
superClass <- function(img, trainData, valData = NULL, responseCol = NULL,
nSamples = 1000, nSamplesV = 1000, polygonBasedCV = FALSE, trainPartition = NULL,
model = "rf", tuneLength = 3, kfold = 5,
minDist = 2, mode = "classification", predict = TRUE, predType = "raw",
filename = NULL, verbose,
overwrite = TRUE, ...) {
# TODO: check for empty factor levels
# TODO: consider splitting large polygons if there are few polygons in total
if(!missing("verbose")) .initVerbose(verbose)
verbose <- getOption("RStoolbox.verbose")
if(!inherits(img, 'Raster') && !inherits(img,"SpatRaster"))
stop("img must be a raster object (RasterLayer,RasterBrick or RasterStack)", call.=FALSE)
img <- .toTerra(img)
trainData <- .toSf(trainData)
if(!missing("valData")) valData <- .toSf(valData)
## Object types
trainDataType <- st_geometry_type(trainData, by_geometry = FALSE)
if(!trainDataType %in% c("POLYGON", "POINT"))
stop("traingData must POINTs or a POLYGONs", call.=FALSE)
## Attribute column
if(is.numeric(responseCol)) responseCol <- colnames(trainData)[responseCol]
tdataCols <- setdiff(colnames(trainData), attr(trainData, "sf_column"))
if(!is.null(valData)) vDataCols <- setdiff(colnames(valData), attr(valData, "sf_column"))
## Sanitize arguments (polygonBasedCV is only relevant for polygons)
if(trainDataType == "POLYGON" & polygonBasedCV) polygonBasedCV <- FALSE
if(length(tdataCols) == 1) {
responseCol <- tdataCols
.vMessage(sprintf("You did not specify the responseCol argument. \nSince your trainData only contains one data column ('%s') it is assumed this is it", responseCol))
} else {
stop(paste("Dont't know which column in trainData contains the class attribute. \nPlease specify responseCol as one of: ", paste(tdataCols,collapse=", ")), call. = FALSE)
if(!responseCol %in% tdataCols)
stop(paste0("The column ", responseCol, " does not exist in trainData. \nAvailable columns are: ", paste0(tdataCols,collapse=", ")), call. = FALSE)
if(!is.null(valData) && !responseCol %in% vDataCols)
stop(paste0("The column ", responseCol, " does not exist in valData. \nAvailable columns are: ", paste0(vDataCols,collapse=", ")), call. = FALSE)
#if(!is.null(valData) && !all.equal(class(trainData), class(valData)))
# stop("trainData and valData must be of the same class. Either SpatialPointsDataFrame or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.")
if(any(!mode %in% c("regression", "classification")))
stop("unknown mode. must be 'regression' or 'classification'")
## Check projections
if(st_crs(img) != st_crs(trainData) | (!is.null(valData) && st_crs(img) != st_crs(valData)) )
stop("img, trainData and valData (if provided) must have the same projection")
## Check overlap of vector and raster data
trainData <- .selectIntersecting(img, trainData)
if(!is.null(valData)) {
valData <- .selectIntersecting(img, valData)
valData <- valData
trainPartition <- trainPartition
## Make sure classification is run with factors
if(mode == "classification") {
if(!is.null(valData) && (class(trainData[[responseCol]]) != class(valData[[responseCol]]))) {
stop("response columns in trainData and valData must be of the same type, i.e. both integer, character or factor")
if(!is.factor(trainData[[responseCol]])) {
trainData[[responseCol]] <- as.factor(trainData[[responseCol]])
if(!is.null(valData)) {
valData[[responseCol]] <- factor(valData[[responseCol]], levels = levels(trainData[[responseCol]]))
## Unique classes
classes <- sort(unique(trainData[[responseCol]]))
classMapping <- data.frame(classID = as.numeric(classes), class = classes, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
classMapping <- classMapping[order(classMapping$classID),]
rownames(classMapping) <- NULL
} else {
classMapping <- NULL
## Spit ellipsis into caret::trainControl and terra::writeRaster
# frmlsrain <- names(formals(terra::writeRaster))
# args <- c(list(...), method = method)
# argsrainControl <- args[names(args) %in% frmlsrain]
# args_writeRaster <- args[!names(args) %in% frmlsrain]
# args_writeRaster$filename <- if(length(classes) == 1) filename else NULL ## write raster here already during predict if only one layer is output
## Split into training and validation data (polygon basis)
if(is.null(valData) & !is.null(trainPartition)){
training <- createDataPartition(trainData[[responseCol]], p = trainPartition)[[1]] ## this works for polygons as well because every polygon has only one entry in the attribnute table
hint <- paste0("\n You could either ",
"\n * provide more (often smaller) polygons for the concerned classes instead of few large ones (recommended)",
"\n * provide pre-defined validation polygons via the valData argument",
"\n * decrease trainPartition",
"\n * run without independent validation.")
if(length(training) == nrow(trainData))
stop(paste0("There are not enough polygons/points to split into training and validation partitions. \n You could either ",
if(mode == "classification"){
valVal <- trainData[[responseCol]][-training]
valDiff <- setdiff(trainData[[responseCol]], valVal)
if(length(valDiff)) stop(paste0("The independent validation partition does not encompass all classes.",
"\n Missing classes: ", paste(valDiff, collapse = ", "), hint
valData <- trainData[-training,]
trainData <- trainData[ training,]
} else {
training <- seq_len(NROW(trainData))
if(identical(trainData, valData))
stop("trainData is the same as valData")
if( & minDist > 0) {
warning("trainData is missing projection information and thus cannot be buffered. minDist will be set to zero.", call. = FALSE)
minDist <- 0
## Clip validation data to training data + 2 pixel buffer
trainBuff <- if(minDist > 0) st_buffer(trainData, minDist*max(res(img))) else trainData
st_agr(valData) <- "constant"
valData <- st_difference(valData, st_geometry(st_union(trainBuff)))
stop(paste0("After applying a buffer of ",minDist," pixels (minDist) no validation points remained.",
"\nPossible solutions:",
"\n * split datasets yourself, i.e. provide valData instead of trainPartition",
"\n * reduce minDist (may cause optimistic bias in validation!)",
"\n * provide more trainingPoints which are well spread across the scene"
), call. = FALSE)
if(mode == "classification" && !all(classMapping$class %in% valData[[responseCol]])){
stop(paste0("After applying a buffer of ",minDist," pixels (minDist) validation not all classes are represented in the validation set.",
"\nPossible solutions:",
"\n * split datasets yourself, i.e. provide valData instead of trainPartition",
"\n * reduce minDist (may cause optimistic bias in validation!)",
"\n * provide more trainingPoints which are well spread across the scene"
), call. = FALSE)
## Create hold out indices on polygon level
if(trainDataType == "POLYGON" && polygonBasedCV){
foldCol <- "excludeFromFold"
trainData <-, lapply(classes, function(ci) {
sub <- trainData[trainData[[responseCol]] == ci,]
folds <- createFolds(sub[[responseCol]], k = kfold)
names(folds) <- NULL
folds <- melt(folds)
sub[[foldCol]] <- folds[order(folds$value),"L1"]
} else {
foldCol <- NULL
polygonBasedCV <- FALSE
## Calculate area weighted number of samples per polygon
## we'll end up with n > nSamples, but make sure to sample each polygon at least once
.vMessage("Begin sampling training data")
dataList <- .samplePixels(trainData, img, responseCol = responseCol, nSamples = nSamples, foldCol = foldCol)
dataSet <- dataList[[1]]
if(trainDataType == "POLYGON" && polygonBasedCV) {
indexOut <- dataList[[2]][[foldCol]]
## Meaningless predictors
uniqueVals <- apply(dataSet, 2, function(x){length(unique(x))}) == 1
if(uniqueVals[1]) stop("Response (responseCol in trainData) contains only one value. Classification doesn't make sense in this case.")
if(any(uniqueVals)) {
warning( "Samples from ", paste0(colnames(dataSet)[uniqueVals], collapse = ", "), " contain only one value. The variable will be omitted from model training.")
dataSet <- dataSet[, !uniqueVals, drop=FALSE]
## TRAIN #########################
.vMessage("Starting to fit model")
indexIn <- if(polygonBasedCV) lapply(1:kfold, function(x) which(x != indexOut))
if(model == "mlc")
model <- mlcCaret
caretModel <- train(response ~ ., data = dataSet, method = model, tuneLength = tuneLength,
trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", classProbs = {predType=="prob"},
number = kfold, index = indexIn, savePredictions = "final"), ...)
modelFit <- getTrainPerf(caretModel)
dataType <- NULL
if(mode == "classification") {
dataType <- "INT2S"
modelFit <- list(modelFit, confusionMatrix(caretModel, norm = "average"))
## PREDICT #########################
.vMessage("Starting spatial predict")
if(predType == "prob") {
ddd <- predict(caretModel, dataSet[1:2,-1, drop = FALSE], type="prob")
probInd <- 1:ncol(ddd)
} else {
probInd <- 1
## Use this, once terra is mature enough
# nc <- .getNCores()
# progress <- if(verbose) 2 else 1
# if(is.null(filename)) filename<-""
# wrArgs <- list(progress = progress, datatype = dataType)
# spatPred <- terra::predict(img, model=caretModel, type = predType, index = probInd, cpkgs = c("caret"),
# filename = filename , overwrite = overwrite, cores = nc, wopt = wrArgs)
progress <- if(verbose) "text" else "none"
wrArgs <- list(filename = filename, progress = progress, datatype = dataType, overwrite = overwrite)
wrArgs$filename <- filename ## remove filename from args if is.null(filename) --> standard writeRaster handling applies
spatPred <- .paraRasterFun(img, rasterFun=terra::predict, args = list(model=caretModel, type = predType, index = probInd, na.rm = T), wrArgs = wrArgs)
if(predType != "prob")
names(spatPred) <- paste0(responseCol, "_supervised")
} else {
spatPred <- "No map was produced (predict = FALSE)."
## VALIDATION ########################
.vMessage("Begin validation")
if(predict & (predType == "raw")){
## We have a predicted raster already, so we can extract predictions directly
valiSet <- .samplePixels(valData, spatPred, responseCol = responseCol, nSamples = nSamplesV,
trainCells = dataList[[2]][,"cell"], withXY = TRUE, classMapping = classMapping)
colnames(valiSet[[1]]) <- c("reference", "prediction")
valiSet <- data.frame(valiSet[[1]], valiSet[[2]])
} else {
## We don't have a predicted raster, hence we need to run predict on data samples first
val <- .samplePixels(valData, img, responseCol = responseCol, nSamples = nSamplesV,
trainCells = dataList[[2]][,"cell"], withXY = TRUE, classMapping = classMapping)
pred <- predict(caretModel, val[[1]][,-1,drop=FALSE])
valiSet <- data.frame(reference = val[[1]][,1], prediction = pred, val[[2]])
if(mode == "classification"){
if(!is.factor(valiSet$reference)) valiSet$reference <- factor(valiSet$reference, levels = levels(classes))
if(is.numeric(valiSet$prediction)) {
if(predict){ ## temporary workaround for raster grd/INT1U/NA bug
pr <- valiSet$prediction
if(!"0" %in% levels(classes)) pr[pr==0] <- NA
valiSet$prediction <- factor(levels(classes)[pr], levels = levels(classes))
validation <- confusionMatrix(data = as.factor(valiSet$prediction), reference = as.factor(valiSet$reference))
} else {
valiSet$residuals <- valiSet$reference - valiSet$prediction
validation <- data.frame(RMSE = .rmse(valiSet$prediction, valiSet$reference),
Rsquared = cor(valiSet$prediction, valiSet$reference, use = "complete.obs")^2)
valiSet <- st_as_sf(valiSet, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = st_crs(valData))
validation <- list(performance = validation,
validationSamples = valiSet, validationGeometry = valData )
} else {
validation <- "No independent validation was performed!"
## Print summary stats
message(paste0(paste0(rep("*",20), collapse = "")," Model summary " , paste0(rep("*",20), collapse = "")))
message(paste0(paste0(rep("*",20), collapse = "")," Validation summary " , paste0(rep("*",20), collapse = "")))
out <- list(model = caretModel, modelFit = modelFit, training = list(trainingPartition=training), validation = validation, map = spatPred)
if(mode == "classification") out$classMapping <- classMapping
structure(out, class = c("superClass", "RStoolbox"))
#' Check overlap between vector and raster data
#' Note CRS equality is assumed and not tested anymore (tested earlier)
#' this was introduced to avoid spurious CRS mismatches
#' @param img SpatRaster or any other geometry which returns a st_bbox
#' @param vect sf
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.selectIntersecting <- function(img,vect) {
ext <- st_as_sfc(st_bbox(ext(img)))
st_crs(ext) <- st_crs(vect)
overlap <- as.vector(st_intersects(ext, vect, sparse = FALSE))
so <- sum(!overlap)
if (so)
warning(sprintf("Some trainData (%s/%s) do not overlap with img", so, length(overlap)), call. = FALSE)
stop("img and trainData do not overlap", call. = FALSE)
.samplePixels <- function(v, r, responseCol, trainCells = NULL, nSamples = NULL, maxnpix = FALSE, withXY = FALSE, foldCol = NULL, classMapping = NULL){
isPoint <- st_geometry_type(v, by_geometry = FALSE) == "POINT"
nSamples <- NULL
## exactextractr cannot handle point data. Therefore we convert to polygons, and pick the pixel with the highest coverage.
## This is a workaround, but still faster than other extract methods.
v <- st_buffer(v,xres(r)*0.1,nQuadSegs=1)
nSampsCol <- NULL
if (!is.null(nSamples)) {
v$area <- st_area(v)
v <- v %>% group_by( group = get(responseCol)) %>%
mutate( nSamps = max(as.integer(ceiling(area/sum(area) * nSamples)),1)) %>%
nSampsCol <- "nSamps"
cols <- c(responseCol, if(nlyr(r)>1) names(r) else "value", "cell", "x"[withXY], "y"[withXY])
dataSet <- exact_extract(r,v, fun = function(vals, ...) {
## Filter
if(isPoint) vals <- vals[which.max(vals$coverage_fraction),] ## POINT extraction workaround
cc <- complete.cases(vals)
cc2 <- if(!is.null(trainCells)) !vals[,"cell"] %in% trainCells else TRUE
cc3 <- if(!isPoint) vals$coverage_fraction == 1 else TRUE
vals <- vals[cc & cc2 & cc3, ]
if (is.null(nSamples)|| nrow(vals) <= 1) {
## Random Sample
vals[sample(1:nrow(vals), min(v$nSamps[1], nrow(vals))), cols]
summarize_df = TRUE, force_df = TRUE, include_cell = TRUE,
include_cols = c(responseCol, nSampsCol), include_xy = withXY, progress = FALSE)
## Discard duplicate cells (possible from two polygons over the same pixel)
dataSet <- dataSet[!duplicated(dataSet[,"cell"]),]
s <- colnames(dataSet) %in% c( "cell","x","y", foldCol)
colnames(dataSet)[!s] <- c("response", names(r))
## Convert int to factors
if(!is.null(classMapping) && is.numeric(dataSet[[responseCol]]) ) {
m <- match(dataSet[[responseCol]], classMapping$classID)
dataSet[[responseCol]] <- classMapping[m,"class"]
list(dataSet[,!s], cells = dataSet[, s, drop=FALSE])
## DEPRACATED, since we can now conveniently buffer latlong in sf or terra. How cool is that :-)
##' Calculate buffers around trainingData regardless if they are projected or not
##' for unprojected data_ projects the data to azimuthal equidistant projection, calculates the buffer and reprojects
##' for projected data only buffers
##' @param x Polygons or Points
##' @param minDist buffer distance (in pixels)
##' @param img raster to query resolution and calculate the buffer in m
##' @noRd
##' @keywords internal
#.omniBuffer <- function(x, minDist, img){
# if(!is.projected(x)){
# crx <- projection(x)
# ## Project to azimuthal equidistant centered on training data center
# exc <- .extentCenter(extent(x))
# aeqd <- paste0("+proj=aeqd +lat_0=", exc[2], " +lon_0=", exc[1], " +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84")
# x <- spTransform(x, CRS(aeqd))
# ## Get raster resolution in projected coordinates
# rastRes <- max(res(projectRaster(img[1,,drop=FALSE], crs = aeqd)))
# ## Buffer
# x <- gBuffer(x, width = minDist * rastRes)
# ## Transform back
# return(spTransform(x, crx))
# } else {
# return(gBuffer(x, width = minDist * max(res(img))))
# }
#' Predict a raster map based on a superClass model fit.
#' useful to separate model fitting from spatial prediction, which can take some time.
#' @method predict superClass
#' @param object superClass object
#' @param img Raster object. Layernames must correspond to layernames used to train the superClass model, i.e. layernames in the original raster image.
#' @param predType Character. Type of the final output raster. Either "raw" for class predictions or "prob" for class probabilities. Class probabilities are not available for all classification models (\link[caret]{predict.train}).
#' @param filename Character or NULL. Filename for output raster file.
#' @param datatype Datatype of output raster file.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to writeRaster.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Load training data
#' train <- readRDS(system.file("external/trainingPoints_rlogo.rds", package="RStoolbox"))
#' ## Fit classifier
#' SC <- superClass(rlogo, trainData = train, responseCol = "class",
#' model = "rf", tuneLength = 1, predict = FALSE)
#' map <- predict(SC, rlogo)
predict.superClass <- function(object, img, predType = "raw", filename = NULL, datatype = "INT2U", ...){
stopifnot(inherits(object, c("RStoolbox", "superClass")))
## extract model (avoid copying entire object to SOCK clusters in .paraRasterFun - I think / not validated)
model <- object$model
img <- .toTerra(img)
if(predType == "prob") {
ddd <- predict(model, py, type="prob")
probInd <- 1:ncol(ddd)
} else {
probInd <- 1
## Still waiting for terra to mature
# wrArgs <- c(list(...), list( datatype = datatype))
# spatPred <- terra::predict(img, model=caretModel, type = predType, index = probInd, cpkgs = c("caret"),
# filename = filename , overwrite = overwrite, cores = nc, wopt = wrArgs)
wrArgs <- c(list(...), list(filename = filename, datatype = datatype))
wrArgs$filename <- filename ## remove filename from args if is.null(filename) --> standard writeRaster handling applies
.paraRasterFun(img, rasterFun=terra::predict, args = list(model=model, type = predType, index = probInd, na.rm = TRUE), wrArgs = wrArgs)
#' @method print superClass
#' @export
print.superClass <- function(x,...){
cat("superClass results\n")
cat("************ Validation **************\n")
cat("\n*************** Map ******************\n")
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